& la p u rely « n e rv o u s d is o rd e r and u te of u e iv v i:s origin. M at y w em en ultl-.elsd »HU h y ste ria . co n tin u e to su ftu r b - .a u r a th ey t h i c k ¡ , e ,'n. H y steria can be p erfectly u.iù p»r- m anoiitly ti(< n ia it'tr how far a d v a n c e d it n.^y p i l liver, and cure Rouse tho to r H U I) y A S h e a d a c h e , jsunfficc. \,111 c u rt’ h y att r. u biliousness, side IIL’DYAN w!»l r e ­ tlon. etc. They are In­ nausea, indlges liev e you o f ev ery valuable to prevent a cold or break up a t»vmploni. T h e ie - Jief la n o t on ly fever. Mild, P title, certain, they are worthy ; te m p o ra ry - I t is jo o r conUdence. Purely r e p tablr. they pet m u iieut. It«. YAaS will r t . t o r c can be tal.cn by children or delicate, women. th o w g a k • u e d Price 25c. at all medicine dealers or by malt - n erv e« to a h e a l­ or C. I. lltaiD k Co., Lowell, Uae3. th y condì Hon an d th è sy m p to m s wl»» d isa p p e a r. H U P - Y A N I* th e r « n - LO G S WANTED- ci'y y ou w a n t. UUDYwAN la for intuì utuT w om an. P arlies desiring to contract w ith the it m DENTISTS cut worm, A ditch has been dug a - ! Oiegon. rouud tb e potato patch , nnd w ater kept ■ J . W. H A M B LE, Prop, in it, which has prevented the peste 'r,ie largest Belgian H are establish- front encroaching. m en t in the state. 17 differen t strain s represented. H eaded by Faaliodft Roy­ PERSO N A LS. al, son of C ham pion Fashoda and Bo­ nanza Queen II. AH pedigreed. Y oung­ Jo h n Stecar is a t E ugene. sters $8 to $11) per pair. Satisfaction G C C um pton w ent to the U m pqna I guaranteed. C orrespondence solicited. Sunday. i Reference. 1st N ational B ank, Eugene 6 S M iller of C hickahom lny was in ! Oregon. _________ Spring and Summer Goods. HYSTERIA N il T be Florence Lum ber Go’s mil! m in - rnenced sawing again Monday m o rn in g .' CI irh H olt a 15 year old boy was l killed at W endling M onday by falling under a sled on which be bad been hanliug w ater. Dr C U C hapm an former!»- preeident At the of tb e stale univerniiy at Eugene has been elected p resident of th e norm al school a t D anville, Indiana. Coos Bay News : G ins Selander, w ho i ------------------------—------------------------------ is ranching on C atching slough, has EUGENE RA3B1TRY. eight ncres of potatoes, which, fortu-! natoly, have not been attacked by th j Cor. 11th an d High S ts., E ugene, Call anil Z Siuslaw ..ml San Francisco L um ber Co for logs to be delivereil th e coming sum ­ m er and fall will please apply a t once to I. B. C ushm an, Acme, Oregon. your friends of Cotton Goods All fine w ash fabrics. Dotted Muslin, white and tan Deo Dimities Covert Cloth FoultH’d's, satin finish Grass Linen Seersuckers Scotch Lawns l ’crcalo “Iron Brand” Ginghams Sash Ribbons, latest colors. Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. w b a t It h a s done fo r yuu. H?:ßB see our line Soutache Braid andAss’t Feather Stitched Braids. A8Ü WUI SYSäPföRSs 11 ITI UTTI-.JU N O OK T H E E Y E L ID S d i p A TIN G 1A N O S E N S A T IO N ABO VB T H E E Y E S . h l'H Y A N soil! relieve tills a lm o st im n .eillatcly . .r ... 2-1 'rtlK M I.l-.1N f» OK T H E L I P S - T h l s A N ew L ine of M en ’s H a ts . ta 'u u e to th e aiu -clio n o f th e SEW IN G M ACHINE FO R SALE. l i t ID YAN will r e s to r e th e nftrvcn io n h e a lth y e ru d itio n , e n d th e treuiol.UK w ... A HARD FIGHT We have ju s t received from th e facto­ “T ' l Ì jm ' p IN T H E T H R O A T - T h l. ry a new seven draw er, oak finished, f v m p tc w vrfuaily precedes» a c ry in g spella la n s th o u g h th e re w as a bull T h e A lli«« Eos© 1300 M en. C ham pion sewing m achine, m u le by T In he th f.-cllnP e th r c u l. T in s a lso Is - n e rv o u s sy m p to m w h ich 11UDYAN will caca o to the New H om e Sowing M achine Co. strong force of ^ r ’ v A L P IT A T IO Ii O F T H E H K .A R T - 10.033 allies m et a Call a t th e W est office nnd exam ine .. ■ - - - . _ I •ri.» lie a rt becom e« w eak e n ed ah tb e C hinese last Sunday six miles from th e ................ m achine before pncliastng elsew here, j ner> n e r v e , a r e a n d b e a ts ir r i g , ilarly an d " 'o l i l i . H U D V A H will B trcn g llien Hie Tien T sin. T he C hinese were forced to h e a rF m u scle an d c a u s e th e b r a t s to be- retreat with heavy loss h u t th e allies DAIRY FARM FO R SA LE . coinc nt toil* a n d re g u la r. 8. S ----- lN TÖNÖ K l.N O F E E i . l N z a IN T H E T IT lust 1203 in killed and wounded. OK T I I E S'l OM AVI I - T h i s o ccu r« 0IU11 en d 1» v ery «annoying. d n e to ta e A fine dairy farm on M aple creek six So ton of th e w iiH iene.l I t n is e rv e s ..I i. H O W S T H IS ? io m atli. H U D Y /J*. will a tre m rth e n th# _____ miles from Florence is now offered for S n erv e» , a n d th e biUKln# feeling vUU ». - reen r. We offer one hundred dollars rew ard o( W om en, th ia ts fo r you. R e n e rn b e i a t U H D Y A N c u re s r -e n a n d w om en. Il for any case of catarrh th a t cannot he plouetl# t w h ill relievo you of oil th e above s i rap 1 A - e at vou can tie c u re d . D o cto rs h av e cured by H a lls C atarrh C ure. ClU1 eu t 36 tons of hay. A good two fo rd ed vou to m e re lie f, b u t th ey h av e not i J C iiknky & Co., P rops., Too , • (l()u(iC 2(. by S3 fevt; a bal.n 44 by cu red . IIH D Y A N will efleu t a p .a n ian en i cu re. T ail# H L D Y A N now . You eno got We, th e undersigned have know n 1 # gQat ,10U8e J W D Y A N u f yo u i d ru g g is t fo r .;0 e e n ls p e r a c k a g e 01 H pnekaK es fo r $2.60. If your J Cheney for th e last 15 years, a" '1 , 1U bv 40 fe„t . „„ oiclmwl of about 500 p d ru g g ist docs not k eep tt. »end d ire c t to th e H t ’ DYAN HEMIODY COMPANY believe him perfectly honorable in alt J trees ol different kin d s of fruit has been tian Eva Cisco or law A ngeles, t a lilo rn a business tran sactio n s, and finaucially You ca n co n su lt th e d o cto r» or to o H l H- I bearing - - „ for a year or two. i Y A ----------- N ~ n W 1 E £ D D ¥ Y ------- C O M - PA N Y E K E B . Call able to carry out any obligalioua m ade A w ater wheel of about 8 horse power , on, tfc. ^ « - t o r « . Bed Spreads in W hite, Blue and Red. I town S aturday. -s is building a new barn, M rs Marv E Fox has retu rn ed from n, nausea are cu red by I her trip to Coos bay. V. i I! B arn ett arrived S aturday from a Heaves la k e p t very b u sy re ­ i trip to San Franscisco. ibe«. C G Wilson and wife returned Tuea- for sale at -rvlsora Ms.* j day from a trip to E ugene. IIV ™a L G Johnson and fam ily arrived yes­ h ard t ia preparing to build a terday from Bullard \\ ashiugton. i cream ery. Mrs L T ripp has moved to F lorence ;ople have subscribed $1475 and is occupying th e Rogers house. isd to Blue River. J U Sutherland was tran sactin g Bella sailed for Ban Francis- business in Florence a few days ago. witli a cargo of lum ber, A Mr Olsen came up from Coos hay i m aking an effort to have a islied for free mail delivery. a few days ago in search of em ploym ent. D r P atterson of G ardiner was in F lo r­ Francisco E s a n jp e i-a n d tbe ,ie year $2.50 ^ a i.l in ad- ence Saturday on professional husiuess. Mr Weiss of Blac'.iley is th e new engi­ .arty of young p e o p le Iroin neer on tbe M ink having assum ed th a t tended the picnic a t B la c h ly d uty W ed n esd ay ...ay wr I c D Thom as came in Tuesday to greet by th eir firm. furnishes motive power at the barn for 1 Aatrreiw , voice of Spring Beds of d i f - ; his old friends and enjoy the cool ocean W est & T buax , W holesale D ruggists, cu ttin g feed, saw ing wood, eje. Toledo, O. WAi.nixg, K i >':. an & as ju st arrived a t M eyer 4 m ile Iron) school aud H a v e Q lw a y s on I ’land a P in e t^ to c l^ o f O G arrison and D M cK ureher of M arvin , W holesalo Druggists, Loledo, $4 mile from a county road. No. 2 1 6 S o u th B -o a d w a y , me papers contain abvertise- G rand R apids, W isconsin, spent a few O. P rice $1000. Los A n g e lo s, C al. H a ll’s C atarrh C ure is taken internally, len w anted a t th e je tty and days In Florence thia week. A bargain for anybody w anting a Cor. S to ;« to n , Mnrk«t »n« Kills S ts., acting directly upon tbe blood and » Milton Nicolle w ent to G ardiner W ed­ farm . ta n fronciss«, C.it F- - ,>e- mucous surfaces of tb e sysleni, Price, For fu rth er inform ation inquire nt the nesday m orning to have liis injured foot llllit'W H am m ond of A - U b 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. W est office. G ^ O e E ^ IE g , L. 'in te d to W est P oint by atten d ed to by Dr P atterson. T estim onials free. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ¿Bride. D r Piitlerson was in town again Tues­ H a ll’s F am ilv P ills are th e beet. NOTICE TO CLEDITORS. The est for th e office of county day on professional business, -------- The W est R eal E state office has bar- W ert acknowledges a pleasant call. set for hearing W .- i I n y D RESSM A K IN G . Notiee is hereby given th a t the nuderslgned j j-aiu» to ofler in the following property. ge H aiiiiljon. Mrs .C em en ts departed Monday for D r y ( J OO d s j ★ ★ 0 refes (¿foods* I has bceii appoiuted A diuiuistm to^ A good dw elling house, and bhtrk- b aits aiTty9*> fro m Portland h er home in N ebraska after a visit with » . . • a v.,ci»vsOU « Fashionable D ressm aking or plain of Anna Mathildo Funkc by th e Couut> t r n u l of Lane County, Oregon. All person« having I P in itb s h o p doll»K a g o o d b u s in e s s in a fening w ith A Cargo of mer- I h er p arents, Mr nnd Mrs I N Rogers. sewing dune nt jo u r hom e, a t reason­ ! claim s against said estate are hereby required ¡lh l’iViilg town. I ’ilG ow ner desires to nd fishing gear. O B Morgan. Chas Cox, and A F able prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. to p rw cu t them , w ith the proper vopoWbra to - c ,lftng e | t {g location. A tine opportunity ngi., horses recehtly p u rc h a s e ! fln rd and wife sta rt to Roseburg this In q u ire a t Mrs E A M organ’s for the undersigned at ills olLce in Florence, lire- (h e m a n _ p | .fe(j *850> ngs a n d J o h n - S te w a rt were afternoon to prove up on tim ber claims. g.in, w ithin six m onths from the d ate of this K M iss C lara S parling . uotiev. I 160 acre? of unim proved land 011 N ortn om Eugene Saturday night, ; W T E Iw a n g e r of P o rtlan d , a repre­ Dated at Florence, Oregon, August, 2 id, P M , ; „.1. - l - - j ten m iles from F 'orence is I MARRIED. te Berry an employe of the sentative of B radstreets was in Florence .. r ,A’,'v - .“,'i'min 'offered for ssled. N ear to county ro a d . mile asylum died suddenly ¡11 Tuesday, collecting inform ation for bis A dm inistrator of to e estate of Anna .vatlnldo PrL«c F u n Ke, deceased. | \\ ill m ake a good stock ran ch . I rice •¡day inoruingof blood polson- firm. In Portlacd, Or. Ju ly 31st 1900, M r i $450. , T, .niM/cri T?r\T> TYTTTTI l / ’ \ rnHkl\r I B C ashm an is home from a business C asper T y lJcn of P o in t Terrace, Or., NOTICE TOE rUBLlCATIOiT. 150 acres m ostly tim bei land lying in deton base h a ll te rm crossed trip to San Francisco, w here he pnr- and Miss C aroline Ellinaon of P o rtlan d . | H ats & Caps, section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 the Blachly team at the la tte i clmscd a new engine for th e Acme saw M r and Mrs Tyldcn arrived a t P oint L Land Oittcc a t P.nsebnrs, O-exnn. west. A b o u t th ree nctes cleared. • A ttrdny. T he - M a p le to n te a m mill. Terrace Tuesday and will m ake th eir 1 Ju n e 20, nun. creek large enongh to float logs runs nelors the score standing 15 Nolle» Is I, erefiy given th s t llm following i r>. tr.xn W T B.iilev was shaking bands w ith hom e on the river. nam ed settler li.u (Ted unties of his iuteiiltuu I through the land. 1 . ice »55( . Ids Florence friends S atu rd ay . Mr Io make Hunt pv mf in support of tits claim «lid I good store building and lot in Acme, » from Astoria B b . v tbe agitatio n Bailey has moved hack to his ranch on BEST FO R T H E BOW ELS th a t sHht proof will tm mndo b e fo ro f. II. n °H I C onveniently located for business. Tho li traps and w h eels is assu m - th e river. ------------- I den D. 8. Com m issioner a t Florence, Uregou, | .J . , . . . . 0.1 , i . . - i n.o..ia« - i -,..., ,« i f . su-bert part is finished tip for a dw elling. »roportions an d ltliat it is p ro b - No m atter w hat ails yon, headache t o | 1 - August sth l w , viz. soubeit,, upper f P. Messrs K ayser nnd H am m ond of •gi8lature will pa s 1 m Jun ctio n arrived bore Tuesday on th eir a cancer, you will never get welt ulltil ¡ SWj4 9 l!t N K '.tt«!. 1« u . 1., K U 49 acres on M'¡Ident creek, 12 to 16 way Io ll-.e cape. They were accom­ your bowels ia re p u t rig h t. CASCA- u acres Lottum mid low bench; a good nge aiinoam.-Js 101 i.i- .. panied by th e ir families and th e Misses R ETS help n atu re, cure you w ithout a h » iiuhiih tbe loltowinv witnesses to prove ence, as prom i- i. i d h - S lavter of Blachley. gripe or pain, produce easy natu ral ' Ills continuous reudenc» upon mid euhlvu.t.011 building place ; lino cedar a m t iir lim ­ ber ; county m ad epened a, toss th e land ; p a lie n tl on th e S iu s la w r iv e r W W Brown, Darwin Yornn and M r m ovem ents, cost you juBt It) cents to of, said Land, viz: 8. 8») nm'-.r, „I Am:». Cingoli, t . . 11 t,lconi b 1 n o,,0li stock ran g e; Q mile from post th eir den tal w a i -i i ..... s ta rt getting your h ealth back. CAS- Nicklin of Eugene were am ong tin) a r­ Acmi-, 01. -011, (1. Ilol.-onib, of Acni», Oregon ,, . , _ , ..... , olltcn; tnlles fr.un school house, r he i« eS perien.-ed and rivals on the Mink yelerday. They are CARETS Candy C ath artic, tho genuine, of C. Cox, of Acni«-, Oregon. w here school is ta n g h i 0 io 8 m onths in J. f. llHiixm», out on a bicycle trip and propose to visit p u t up in metal boxes, every tab let b ag ltcgislcr. a year. Price $250. Shelly n ig h t clerk in tbe H otel G ardiner, MarshUeld, Bandon and o th er C. C. U. stam ped on it. Beware of A tract of about 50 acres fronting on as held up and 1-1.1.1 -1 - 1 places on the coast before returning. im itations. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION C lear lake three rnl'es s o u ’ ll of Florence. eet in E ugene Inst Saturday ly two m en .-J $20 was afli-r- A fair lioufo and »lauti live acres c'.earpd. HERMANN NOTES- N O TICE T O TAX PAY ERS. Lsii-t OtTn-e, Itosebunr, Oreimn. A good w agon road from th e place to «1 in an envelope which had , Ju ly 19, 1300. Notice is hereby given th at the followin«- tbe ¡Siusiuw liver a t G lenaiia. A flue n from him . B y J ay . The 1899 tax roll will he closed.August ! iuu - j c I »eltlcr lias ltl«.l nolli-c of his intunllou place- for a sum m er residence. l ’Tn-o — tiling and healing properties o f , 15 1900. 1 to make .’’.n il pr >of io support of h is claim , a n d | .r fv j a in ’s C o o g h p ie m e d y , its W W WtTIIKIlS, 1 tlial Mht Pniof will 1») 01a 1» lief u-o Joel Wary, '■ * A ugust 3 1900. n . 8. fom oiissloner, at Koa»»e, Ori.-son, 0 " Hep- j A tract of a little over two acres of « ate and prom pt nnd perm a Sheriff and Tax Collector, Mr Ackerly of N orth Fork made liis ! n-uiiier l.'.th. lwsi, vis: Juliu« Koepp on H. K. : („ptont land betw een Florence and , », have m ade it a g re a t fa v o rite L ane Co, O re . first trip to In d ian Creek last W ednes­ NO. 777», fo rtli» 8 ,'4 N )Y .„ A ,N S 8 W !i. * « • tkl, I tidew ater lieaT Rose p eo p le e v e r y w h e r c ^ R ^ a i c Tp. 16 S. It. 13 West. I,,.., ’ J . r • k «» I .. 1 day. „1 H ill cannerv. A iitir bon«« on the hind. u w iV » » .v '■ HIS F O O T CRU SH ED . He iiftine* thc f’»ilov/iu‘? witnesses to prove • ill -1 at th e C o -! M r R obert ^ e 8c,*k3 *nd fam ily nre Ida conlinnona rubidencaupw i » n J cu ltiv atio n A un e place for g:ir*ienji»g or rtlieir.,, L K apble • , 4 • visiting relatives at Florence thia week, of Sfthl bind, viz: ' sm all fruit. Price $200. August i to U,row off! Our Sunday school is progressing M ilton Nicolle bad his foot ernsbed Andrew Feradeur. of H erm ann, I n n . C o ., l c 0 S(:re8 o n O h ie k a h o m in y creek, 10 ich Ip w "jnacbincry. H e! nicely with Mrs Milledge as sn p e n n ten - w hile w orking in a logging cam p at Oregon; Robert i’aeRchke, o( H erm ann, Lnne , . 7 , i •topping Co., Oregon; Hj»©ncer Lyons, of Eugene, Iuuie acres cleared, a good bearing orcharo, ft M apleton last F riday. Id had worked lle n t- Co., Oregon; August Koepp, of b ern ian ii, Lane , bouse and ta r n , one m illion feet ol. badly. },J’. I | seen H ood’s ««cn going going up up tno tho creen creek ■»» last Monday . an o th er and c ru s h c l it badiy. H e was NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. | 160 acres of land n ear C lear l»kc lying , ,o I t seen,a as though th ere is some special 'r hro.igl.t to h lore,we and mail« as rom - R lo p e o c e , O ^ e ^ n . I in section 11, tow nship 19 south, range Ila puts the wheels on ' atiractlo n up the creek. Perhaps M u ia ; fortable as poseible wl.tle a m essenger Land Offlce, Ruecbiirx, Oregorf. i 12 west. Vtie« {250. th e troubles. Ju ly 19, 1900. m ight tell i.s som ething aliout his was sen t to G ard in er after Dr Psfterson. ! Notice ia hereby give» th a t th« follc.whisf- 112-acres unim proved land lying on A surveying Upon exam ination th e doctor tound ' limned eeltler hae 111«, nfttlta »1 hie Intention S p d e r direction of coming. two hone, dislocated and an o th er fract­ n> niakufln.il proof t.ieiipport of lilauliitm , mid i th e no rth sidu of C lear lake 2,'a m lie«| The dance given at Mr K irb y 's last of th e Corvallis ured. ' th at «aid proof will tie made before Joel Wan?, south of Florence. A good wagon road , B eft A lbany Inst AVeilnesday evening pioved to be a } tl. 8. Ciui-.ntiioioTcr nt I’.ugcne, Oregon, on from it to the fiiuslaw river. Price $603. i JOHN C. BECK. W. H. WEATHERSÓN. W. NICHOLS. D o w A r c Y o c r K t d u ' pa 1 1 Sdpteniliui- 15, WOO. viz: Abrirew Fera le u r on b th s in sn r.ev in g grand success. Hr. Hobiie- «paraan« Pit’- cure all kldocy Ulx Sari. II. E. No. 7S7S, for the SWJi 8E;.,, Sec. 22, N’i ; 169 acres on u p p er N orth F o rk , a _____ Iw’f Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elmira, Or. ................... Miss Bessie Jeans sp en t Tuesday and j piufree. Add Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or W. Y. th e proposed cast- | large part of it bottom land. W ill m ake NE%, H E 'i NE'4, See. 27, Tp. tJB . K. ift Weal. W ednesday visiting with friends on Ç. & E. road, lie nam e, th e follou-inx w ltuesjes to p ro v . a good home. Price $850. SUNDAY SE R V IC E S. [east as M alheur i N orth Fork. his continuous residence upon au d c.iiti-.fttton 60 acres tim lior land with creek large Miss E va F rasieo r whiln while ont ' of sr.ld land, vi«: enough to float logs running through the J helping her father had th e m isfortune of i T here will be preaching by M r w hen von buy i Thom pson on Sunday A u g u st 12, in the n a ta l« raew lik e, »f H. r a . . . . , , Lane co ., Orc- Inn. 1 and into tule w afer. Price |529. Coll K c h o le r a and Diar- i g etting her foot maslwd. 138 acre» of land a t ElmirH, Oregon, j church a t Floren»*» a t 11 a. m. and at wel eom phti’ •NOTICE l-'O.'i PUBLICATION slashed ; b-vlence, b riu h nnd tim b er P o rter who mistook him for a d eer. | For Infants and Children. never (ails. It is p'easan t safe land. Price $29 per acre, $1093 dow n. The two men wore o u t h u n tin g and ! Ci.iu*drtMica L ande were a sh o rt distance a p a rt « hen P orter F or further inform ation in q u ire a t w a s « etrange miTian in Fior- saw a deer. H e saw it several lim os Uf Mtntft. Greto; T he W est office, Florence, Oregon or July 10,1900. tesday wires» actions aroused sr. i th en fired a t som ething m oving in B e a rs th e tba“ '>t,."»onJ^ihnice Jo h n C « « * , P o in t T errace. O regon, or Not I' •c la hereby frtTcii rioM ty, 8tv ta th e hushes near w here he had last S ig n a tu ra o art o< t;«..io travelling up the atten d an ce. the rt'i of Heclk>J» No 22, in Towoabip No Cnpe Yotk will fieiU from ftentfle, M iy i N otice I« hereby elven that Hm lollowlng |t o hiiild a fire aiel CENTRAL NEW S wil1 bv > b ip v “ ’ "I ,i«m».t settler ho» fllcl TKrtlre of hi« Intention to m .ke float proof |u support of his claim, and tim ber or »tune th an f ir aviculture! purpo«)«. | freight capacity nf IQW tons fiii.l paB- i as well a« in nor bo Mid Und leefore H'nu^r BccotHBiodniiwiB ................... ‘ for 20d. 20t). For R eports ««y th a t d ’ .TW allied troops that saht prxif will be ma4e bìfore C. If. Hol­ n««l to eaUblhh bH den V. a. C.«r>iulsi, «W. 32, Tp. l ì 8. K. II He hame« a« wlt ieaaew; serions th ro hont »1 West." Ix s'.in e ch n u iic and Clara Ilinkson of Alma, Ore, W. H. bailee of A g en t N o rth ern Paeifl»*, E nirene. t tlisir po-s)» b u ff e r from it. Mr Foreign coni H i ns-rws the following w II msm « I o prove Aiwa, Ore, Nelson rflnkson of Alma, Ora, Hr*. receive pm - : the for points «1 I,i. continuous rest-lrne. upon and eulHvntton A. V. Harbour uf (tlentenn. Ore. nd R idge, Groen» loar teet ion. Auy «nd all peraona eläiminä adwr»ely tho of mid land, via: JOHN C. SECK these. H e uses To quit t< liaeco easily and foicrcr, to w««' Itole-rt Bay. of Linneus, Ore«.»n: James Bey, above *fore Mdd 21 day of B ae.th e wonder worker, t h .t makes o .a k men ,ÌÌ< IT-5 IB MERICA’S »V» he ne fer found Sapteisilw» l JtW. stiong. All r by All Druggists. ila Ka n o F A T F t S T Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. late,1 MEYER & ZY LE fth ç HliuYAN REMEDY GOKFASY, Boots & Shoes. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. H a r iu r a r E , Paints, 18. Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest. ■SOK P FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. a n d ^ o ld o n c o m m i n i o n . CASTOR IA hie. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Parties having Real Estate to sell will do well to place it on our list. Anybody desiring to pur­ chase Real Estate is in­ vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. fail l»M't TtAvrs XpU »»<1 h»sk. Be A"î IM i»«T.