W ilful Waste yeai in the sale of all kinds of liquor { The experience of C A Snow A Co in Makes W o'ful W ir t. ' stain,«, in distilled liquors 9,701,089 obtaining more than 20,000 patents for gallons, and in fermented liquors 2,7-19,- i u‘ It is at w a ste fu l m t to secure nv/iat ,S ) barrels, Many find ‘consolation, I ‘ n v 8 n l o r 8 has «tabled them to helpfully you need ¿ltd might h a w -s it is to squan­ Washington, D. C., July 30, 1900. answer many questions relating to the der Uccide what this little daughter biuch suffering.—Yonrs Mr Joseph Luts is the happy father > UI" per month to be taken out of their truly, Mrs Geo F Burdick, Liberty, of an 8 pound bey who arrived Sunday wages tor medical attendance, enough 'through the president’s inability to semi fiov®rnment will do. liardt ' * morning Mother and infant are doing could be raised in this way to induce a i crea '[inin isn’t the first country to be R. I. For sale by All Druggists. men When he has none to send, the well. ■ople I physician to locate here to practice- country will know where to Idy the Rreu,b’ bene fit ted by a terrible thrash F red Weatherly of Long Prairie and , iad tu ing, but there is no doubt of its having i ,T ue numerous accidents which have . I th e n instead of having to send away for blame.—Register. Judge Lyons wore on onr streets a few fj ■ lienefitted largely by its American lick- occurred in this vicinity during the sum­ days ago a surgeon in case of accidents, liis assist- A fter a very bitterly contested cam | ing. Testimony to that effect is given mer, by which quite a number of people Quite a number of campers are on the ance could be had at once and often i mnk paign the people of North Carolina have ; bY alt w!|o have visited Spain recently, have suffered from broken or broiled south beach. Among them we find ex- m u c h suffering saved and perhaps life ¡shed ) ¡[geif 'adopted a constitution which disfran- For instance, Air, C. It. Slater, a Color- limbs or dislocated members, havo Judge Stearns and family. Franc Miss Gussie H utchins has sufficiently j chives a large part of the negroes of that ' ndo businessman, who has just returned served to arouse our people to the neces- is yi f l o w A r e Y o n r K id n e y « 9 state who liaya been voting for years from a trip through Spain said: “ The rity there is for a skillful physicirn and recovered from her recent illness as to Dr. Ho'ob»’ Sparagna P ills co re a ll kiduey Ills. Aam* ir«**- Ada. AtiArli tu Hu tue«tr Co.. C alcalo u iL t arty past. The constitution was (rained with Spanish people are entering on a new surgeon here—one who is in the vigor bo again out of bed and enjoying the Bombine. tendi ■this end in .view nnd permits a white •’hi 9f prosperity. Spain’s hum iliating of manhood and able to travel to attend Mrs 0 E Ricker continues to improve THE GOOD IN MISSIONS. defeat in her war with the U. S., Las professional c.JIs at spy time. There u n t i l who cannot read to vote if his and contemplates a trip to California ivoice father was a voter before the negroes worked a complete revolution in the arc several physicians ou tho river who to visit her father and mother in the as jui Philadelphia Times, were given the suffrage, while that test aspirations of her people. The loss of Dave practiced for years hut who came vicinity of San Raphael. T hat undue importance has been given will shut out the majority of tho negroes. her colonies, which at tho time was re- hoie 10 engage in other business, in- Chas Mead, the genial postmaster at sne pt to the representations of travelers who 'There is nothing fair about such a doe- gardeil as a severe calamity, has proved lending to retire from active practice, Sulphur Springs cauie down last Satur ien w 'tom.nt and is not strange th a t'in a stale ) her greatest blessing. It has served to '»ut who when called on for medical aid ! dav «>«* «» nieet with his Mn-j have made disparaging representations and retoruin » . , . . . • I ,ii__ . _,i j. ,________ , , . ! i . , i „ „ „ ...I..., ,i............. i , ._ _ | ; sonic brethren iutd returning home on respecting the evil worked by the Cln Chris is- wliere such a constitution could he divert attention to the hom eland and ' have ilono what they could lo relieve 1 Munday. All Shades and of best quality, including Velvet trinnnii"’ 1111 tian missionaries in China, can scarcely inted adopted there should he frequent trouble ■ *'s possibilities of development. So long ¡ suffering hum anity; though they Mrs \V f Jewett arrived home front |)u doubted The value of such testimo­ cBridt as Spain was a colonial power, her young vwered the summons often against their San Francisco on the evening of the 2nd between tho difieren t races. est fc ny depends not only upon the character, I [ men looked to the colonies as their pos- will. Until recently there has not been inst. with her infant daughter. IJer set f but the spirit of the witnesses, and just A TOUH of the creameries of Oregon is leíble sonreo of w ealth, and those of them praclice enough to support a good phy- I husband and master Willie' met her at | geH * at this tim e there appears something to begin this week by Prof. K ent of the who were progressive left tber homes to sician, but now with the large number i Drain, Acedilipanying her to Gardiner.' baittr 'flto work of beautifying the grounds less thah fairness in the current publi­ agricultural departm ent of O. A. C. All [ seek fortune in the islands, there belt) °f logging camps in the vicinity in zenuip . . , . , about ttie house to be occupied by Mr nd fi öl of the creamery establishments in the no industrial development in Spain, wlucli accidents arc of frequent o ccur-; SeaLproceeds and indications are that cations. Travellers who take no interest in the k « atato will be visited, and notes wi ll be ! such of the population as were compelled rence, in addition to the ordinary ills | we will suun have another very pretta ibfigious operations of the churches at « Is ZV.. . . f I I ■ I I I H ■ . k < k I 1 ■ X~k . 1 I a kk k , ■ M Zk V. kw a Vk I a ■ k . . — • . ' 1 ' - ngs a taken of their methods, environm ents to remain ’at home grew poorer and incident to a community equal in hum- ' phice in town om Er home are not likely to furnish impartial and work. The results of the investiga- I yoorer as the years went by. All thia is ! her to this, Florence offers a fine field in Both can neries are being rapidly ren­ and trustworthy accounts of the Christ- iö Bet >ion wi|l be made the subject of a bulle- ; changed now. Mon of wealth, who i which a jiiiysician would do well to ovated for tbe fall run and fish traps are i ien work done by the missionaries in the tane a tin to be issued next winter by the , formerly bad all of their interests in ibe locate. There is no physician in active being built at different points on the foreign countries they visit. People see •iday i liver. Some old fishermen predict a | what they go to see. Those who are not experim ent station. The agricultural | Insular possessions, are now looking; practice within twenty miles on th e 1 good seaeou. | in intelligent sympathy with missions to rleton departm ent nt the college is firmly im- about for investments at home, and i south, eighty miles on the east, nnd Mr Mi.t Sherret met with an accident Lfeathen people are not likely lo give the the BI pressed with tl^u importance of dairying ( there is promise of such devejopnmnt us j forty miles on tho north. One who de- 1 it lit I ’. ' i m n n i l ‘ l i n i l l i l.ia f V . I I m L T .f ¿ n r " ,ÍÍ1\ r.Í,'h.r í“8.1 í ™ ’* i«'®“ ; n 1 unprejudiced attention to the urday. a future factor in the wolfitru, and will make tho Spaniards a great people sires to locate near tho coast where he is ttnd Tears were Tor a while en tertain ed ' resuW of missionary labor which svould riel ora iterial progress of the Willamette val- again.” ' I ]ikciy to havo a g00li pra,.tice wou|d w, tUat l' “ s t “ 11 was fraclured by the limb mai 0" t fiei'r 'e 8,'i ¡mate of it valunbte. This - - - - ’ ............. , . L : of a tree. He suflhrsd from concussion hears closely on the affairs in China, and A., treasurer! believe, hud Hurence a favorable place. of the brain for a few hours sufficiently public attention id likely to bo misled by vitti all its resources and influence.- of Cuba, who was in Washington a day to justify a probable trepniuing of the carelesr talk about the responsibility of Corvallis Tim es. or two ago, talked very plainly about tho skull on the night following the injury. ARE YOU AN the missions in producing tlie present 4 • r-ti ■ 'Cubans, considering tris official position. At present he appears to be out of unhappy conditions. ■ d o r a t e Y o u r U n w e i t W i l l i r im r n r e tn . danger. Cnnrtj ( ’ntbfirt lc, cu re c o n t i i p u t ion fo tev a r. H e said : "Tho Cobans are a harmless W ithout claitning infallible prudence 10c. 25c. If C. C. G . fa ll, ilrvi¿gi.4is refu u ú u.ciU tf. people, in no way fit for sell-govern­ for all foreign missionaries there are im- TH E GENTLE-WOMAN is A month If so yon should take and read I , z - i I i portant fv»« w«»*av aawvba facts which «V a n v il ¿jvz go axil far in in opposing I t is curiouq what a hold the doctrine ¡ ment, and the announcement of the , ly magazine devoted to subjects of inter-1 the frequent charges of injudicious zeal early departure of the U. 8. troops PACIFIC ODD FELLOW “ th rift” lia» got upon theimaginntion ! est to the ladies. The regular eut scrip-! made against them by unfriendly critics, which, among tiro better element, had of the jteople. , t sdems to' be the one , . , . , , , A monthly magazine published in tion price is one dollar but we have made ' •*'ne missionaries sent forth by the chut- ; not te en expected for the next ten years p , , , . , . virtue not distinctly connected with , , _ | Portland, and exclusively devoted to arrangem ent by which we offer' it for a j Cites are not' ignorant fanatics. They tnorals which all unite in urging other lt IcHNt’ ll-ls a,oua®d a strong the interests of Odd Fellowship both are earnest, intelligent and thoughtful short time for fifty cento a year. Call and ¡men and women who have been selected folk to practice And yet if oil people ! U,° pr°pu8ed Sl $t.OJ per year, but we will ; cycle, the tide coining in. He sank of civilization and the progress of the about 009,000. Tho commercial con­ stopp ning.—Albany 1 ferali!-Disseminator. send both to subscribers who pay a year down to hie neck and dropped his wheel; world in science, ait, literature, coui- ditions arc better and the sanitary con- 40 yt ' the next wave was more poweaful and uiervfe ami philanthropy. - i n .i r . , , , . . . ¡ strictly in advance tor $2.00, ill for S ouk tilings are plainer Ihsn others, ■ dltlon8 *“r n‘'ead oi u h a t they have! (j.j| at our office and see a sample he was completely submerged Hiid It is in tins clear light that we V, must * choked by t he salt water and he also consider the missionaries’ labors, and ira Ci b u t there is nothing plainer than the *I,u a "y been.’’ cony of “ Pacific OJd Fellow.” diedt, | found th at he wus in quicksand. By the conclusion thus reached is that’a de- lae.t that the favorable trade balances of ' be adage about going away from bad ¡herculean work ha reeoveiéd the wheel. plorable error is made by those who United States havo been an import- ' l°i»8 for news was agyin verified when ! The wild waves continued dashing over sweepingly eond:’• lna missions and mis- THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. an t factor In knocking the bottom out o f ' d wa8 uab'od from Madrid, th at the U . 1 ! b in i. Ila pt rinatly ho placed the bicycle n sionanes as factcri working always fdr j . W . C A R M A N silver question in this country. > bad offered Spain $100,000 for the two an upright position and rested upon it. evil results to the people to whom they Doubtless the greatly enlarged produc- ‘8' n,1ds °f tho Philippine group loented Frç.idential Campaign Year. After a time lie began to make a little headway toward the shore, but only by minister and to the nation that sends tion ol gold cuts a big figuro, but favor­ onlside cl the geographical boundaries them on their sacred errand. riie Toledo Weekly blade has an enor- inches. When within a few L et of the able balances »mourning to $280,263,144 named by the treaty which transferred bank ho gank in about three feet of the • ¡ In:i897, $715,432,878 in 1898, $529.87J,- the Philippines lo this government, nnd mous circulation nt nil times. The year treacherous sand again,but lie bad suffi- T h o u s a n d s H a v e K id n e y T ro u b le bl3 ill 1899 nnd $544,764,88 ) in 1900 havo the news was correct, too. It was a "f a presidential camp.iign however, it is eieut strength to reach a limb of an old a n d D on’t K n o w It. i put us on “ Easy street” ar.J out of the little surprising In Ui ashui^Um, outside regularly read by near two million peo- drill sticking trj>. By resting on his H o w T o F i n d O n t. whecl lie wrote n few words to his wife kcrsmble for gold. Tho attentive ob- of olhcial circles, ns it was officially an- pie. jS'ot only republicans, Imf pe'ople ,/!!! !-a°,-!e ,or con';mon glass With youi of ¿he sayi"g lds body would be found in the Mrver will now note th a t it Is the other noune*d when Spain first claimed the all classes, in every section water and let It stand twenty-four hours; , bed of the strrain. After this he gave sediment or set* fellows who want the yellow m etal; we t'ttb l >o retain sovereignty over thoso United Stales read it for jvoliticnl infor- but com plexly and thought lie was lost tiing indicates an b aro plenty to apira nud some to loan inlands Hint tliis government had p e r-, mati n. F ir thirty years it has ticen a Ho reclined over against his I ¡cycle and unhealthy condi- / tion of the kid­ to peopleB4who uro short on gold.—S. F. einptorily denied that right. It is now regular visitor in every part of tho Union passed into unCunseiousuOss. When he neys; if it stains' Vhroniele. explained that tins government is bound ' and ’8 well known in almost every one awoke it was 11 o’clock at night and he your linen it is ! i had been washed to the hank, and he evidence of kifir i 1 to abide by the lamudarles named in tito °f t bo 70,000 postòffices iu tho country. got ont in a hurry. Hu thinks the who. I j bay trouble: too Ptvoac K has been possible in France treaty, and its offer to purebate Ibe two It is ed iiel with reference to a national saved his life. Ke was in U>e creek frequent desire to pass It or pain in only sinco 1881, but tho courts have islands, winch are unim portant, was to circulation nnd people of all polities take from 6 p."iii. I t was a ttiiilling ad convincing .roof that the ku»,J’*'* Is . also lcarne«l to grind out there eases with provent either of them .being obtained * because of its lu.nesty and fairness in tu ie . der are out ot order d"8yS blad- order. such neatness and dispatch that they , by a European power which wishes to the discussion of all public questions. Tk . Wh“‘ Do- T o C o r e C o n s t i p e M on V’ o re v o r* almoet equal the American record and I establish a naval stat on in those It is tho favorite family paper, with T a k e C iu fv a rtts C andy t » t h a n .? , loo K if V. C. C. fall ta cur«udru(tf utts refund axaor.' far surpnks that of any other nation ¡ waters. somethir:; for every memtier of the unless it be of somo such country us Complaints of arm y officers ol a short- j household. Serial «toii.es, poetry, wit tack, kidney f t ver b ¡ X P*‘n ln ,he COURT HOUSE NEWS. Persia or Morocco, where legal formal- ago ol modem field guns, have resulted and humor; tho llo u u h o id departm ent c „ Of the uriruuy #n£ ev">’ Tsrt I’rudeñ ce Salley vs Thomas F- to hold water’ « Æ ij ,’’ inab '“'/ hies áre unnecessary and statistics are in an order for 200 three iueh field guns (beet in the world.) Young Folks Sun- stilt for diverse. I’srties I U m it were It or bad efiecl, f c d l Ä ^ ä 1 unavailable. A divorce in France docs ol the latest type. These guus will c o st' Sc,u ol I n, the Farmstead, the married February 25, 1866, 6, at Warrens- overccme'o t h a ? ^ . ^ Artliur Taylor, local Agent, ct>m»*Üeä V Ä h o i coet the petitioner a cent. Tho gov- aboiit’$IOlX) each, nnd about the same Question Bureau (which answers que«- hurg, Tenneesee . 1’l.iu l.ff claims ¿es- rrn m e n t supplies the whole machinery, amount will he spent for ammunition li >ns to subscribers), the news of the ?.7">n.* / W HFsbruM y » , 1 * 7 . ^ r,n g tim e , Florence, Oregon. Ltalnlitl prays for decree of divorce and ordinary effect of S a - a m p l D o o T ^ - lawyers and all. Unless wo also adopt for them . The new type of gun has week ir, complete form, am) other other fciuitaUs relief. I,. Bilyeu apjie.rs realized, , . . ' ‘ ^ n d s th e h ^ T r i. ¿oon Lhis iihproveiqent, it is probable th a t been thoroughly tested, and is declared special features. S|>eviniea copies glad- as attorney for plaintiff. it» wm- •srtul cjres ©f th/» j I r K for sale or exchange . Lhs French will soon beat our record. by our ordnance experts io be the best ly sent òn i.ppltcation, and if you will County Treasurer A. g. Tatlsraon baa TO OUR r»ION3. of its kind. send us a list of addresses, »« will ,uail received from State Treasurer Chas In 1897, however, the French had only sample bottle cf thü A bouse and lot ,n in te r-i— , There isn’t much consolation for pro- a copy to each. Only $1 a year. If you Moxrs ttm turn of $11,515.92, the amount wonderfvl ¿is every 1<Æ „ . . n a d a . TI ip leached tits num ber of ono divorce for bave m ade witao^emenls house is 16 by 24 feet t and a bock that te'ls appropriated to Lana county from tlie Our record is ; hibitiouists in the annual re[>ort of the wish to raise a club, writs for terms. * «ach 6800 of population we wiR furnish the WeckW more »bout it. bothxentl in (ivitftit e L ' Alsln J ° n® common school interest fund by order of absolutely free bvr ,£:| Ä half **«II IQ i *tory a "?n ;t..— .- . . . I . • Ian ? i . egg), jn aj-.ance. LACES AND E M B R O ID E R Y . Organdies, in Fancy Shades. CHEFFRON, LADIES STOCK COLLARS, and Fancy ¡shape Ties, the very latef^u SHIRT WAISTS, don’t forget them , w arm weathç is com ing. RIBBONS, CORSETS and HOSIERY. Collar Canvass and Dress Linings, 0 . W. I i ü ß l ) . ODD FELLOW? of CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, Groceries FLORENCE MEAT ........... J u s t ★ and * Notions.Ita MARKET. O oened. y3, Goods as Hooresented.* w ihe the PROPRIETÀ» :iiHag i BEST ON M e MARKET. = $40. PA a