PERSO NALS. H o o d 's P iK s UFART weakness . Is rou r h eart wer.kT Do you h ave tho syr.iptoir.s of h e a r t w r«knri»s? If you h av e, you sh o u ld bo ca re fu l. The heart 1 m th o m o»t v ita l o rg a n of th * body. It Is th e ciiglna th a t p ro p els th e r ’cse le s an d se n d s su s te n a n c e to th e n e rv e s m id b rain an d to all th e o rg a n s o f th o body. A flow In It« m e c h an ism is c e rta in to jrlvo rise to se rio u s W e a k n e ss d er.ctca th e p resen c e of a flaw . Ft Is a fo :e - tu n n e r o( Some­ th in g m ore se rio u s t h a t is to occu r, t ae th a t It is e re» ffther.ed an d do not allow tlie w e a k n e ss to co n ­ tin u e. You arc the e n g in e e r. Look to \ o u r engine. Bee t h a t no accid en t Praparewe is visiting at H er­ zac. mann this week. The echooper Sacramento finished A 0 Funka and daughter Alina went loading at Aume vcttordHy. The. erv* at the jetty have been d riv­ to Eugene this week. C ounty , O regon .— R B Mills has been learning sonie- ing piles several days thi« week. . . . by • - - B or N—Monday July 10th, 1909, to Mr ' thing of Odd Fellowship. Cure Sick Headache, Bil­ . W E A T I I E R S O N and Mrs Marlin XuiTeiiiger a daughter. John Lloyd and Len Bultorfield Dee Dimities Dotted Muslin, white and tan iousness, Sour. Stomach, The Odd Fellows and Bebekha held a 1 started yesterday for Siletz. tor and Proprietor. Mls?e« Beesie and Emma Bryml have and Constipation. Sold joint Installment at Mapiuton last even­ Fou lard'a, satin finish Covert Cloth ; been visiting in town several days this everywhere, 25c. per box. ia : »1.50 a year in advance.----- ing. Seersuckers Grass Linen The cheapest place in the county i week. Chas Hartley and family leave Sun- Percale “Iron Brand” Ecotch Lawns d at tlie post-office at Florence, to buy good hardware of any kind at day for Grays Harbor. They will travel deic ripinty, Oregon, as second-class F L Chambers Eugene. Rash Ribbons, latest colors Ginghams ter. The schooner Danielson sailed fur San I by wagon. A Mis« Huston arrived liere Saturday Francisco lust Friday with a cargo of ¡for a visit with her sister Mrs James Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. iINQ BATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ lumber. PLICATION. E d u cate Your lJow ot, W ith CaHcarets. i Furnish. ces 8 cent« per lin e, each insertion Candy C athartic, cure constipation forever. J Sell l end ra and son Peter are now l0c.25e. If C. C. C. fail, drujuiMt* refund inoncx. Soutache Braid and Ass’t Feather Stitched Braids. A big fight is on in prices of wall paper night watching in tlie Florence Lumber senger accommodations for 200. For J j jneii nee, Ore. July 20, 1900 O B A S 2 TtiE SYSPT3SS: in Eugene but F L Chamber gives the Co’s mill. iHtes and further information tail on or Bed Spreads in White, Blue and Red. 1-2 T U H O F R IK O IN T H E T K V P I.liF latest designs at equal prices. J C Phelps and family arc spending address. W H E N LYTNO D O W N H U D Y A i/ will cau se th e th ro b b in g to d isa p p e a r. W ESTIÆ NG S. R M c M v b piiiy , E B Tongue, of Hillsboro, son of Con- a few days rusticating at their ranch on 3 C. R IN G IN G IN T H E E A R S —duo to an A New Line of Men’s lin ts. Agent N orthern Pacific, Eugene. giessmnn Tims H Tongue, bus been ap­ Indian ereek. ex cessiv e air. on n t oi* blood in th e liead en d b rain . H U D Y A N s to p s th e i-Ingina George Craven was seen on tlie streets furd’s cannery building Is near- pointed deputy district attorney for an d buxxinrr in a s h o rt tim e. LOG S W A N T E D . 4-5. A L T E R N A T E F? EEN ESS AND Washington county. of Florence this week after an absence closed. F L U S H IN G Ob’ T H E C H E E K S . H U D - V AN w ill ’ «»-»Pure tlie c irc u la tio n of th e of about two years. Tlie schooner Sacremento artived from • windmill is being erected at to Its; lv in n a l co n d itio n a n d keep a Parties desiring to contract with tho Mood San Pedro last Thursday. Captain c o n s ta n t, h e a lth y co lo r in th e c h e e k ’’. Miss Bertha Jeans returned home tern bouse. Siuslaw and S ail Francisco Lumber Co 7. P A L P IT A T IO N O F T H E H E A R T jars iri quart ami two quart Gruggel brought her in over tlie bar and Saturday to Indian creek after spending N D JR R K f.V i.A R B E A T IN G . O w ing to for logs to be delivered the coming sum ­ A the w eak n cJ; , th e re is o fte n a flu tte rin g up to Florence under sail. five mouths ¡1 1 Florence. Meyer & Kyle’s. is . uf a b tu t o ccasio n ally . mer and fall wiil please apply a t once a H n U d D Y th A e N , m by Wo acknowledge ¡receiving from A W s tr e n g th e n in g th e h e a r t Miss Dollie Beers who lias been work­ m per visors receipts for sale at o usel?* and th e n e rv e s t h a t su p p ly it. to 1 Beadle & Co, of San Francisco, pictures ing at the M orris Hotel left a few days will s te p th e p a lp ita tio n an d fla tte rin g it office. I. B. Cushman, a n d c a u s e th e h e a r t to b e a t re g u la rly . i of two of their fine sleamers, tlie Santa ago for her homo on Indian creek. 8. T H R O B B IN G IN T 1 IE 8T O 5IA C H Acme, Oregon. Eugene merchants now close Ana and tlie Cleone. Mr Beadle will R E G IO N . T h is I k d u e to th e n o riu , th e Register: Miss Mabie Claire Craw i res at 6 o’clock. la rg e vessel w h ich c a rrie s tlie blood front | please accept our thanks. the h e a r t, b eco m in g d iste n d e d . T h is 1 will leave for Mapleton Thursday m o rn -' S E W IN G M A C H IN E FOR 3A LE. ¡in Francisco Exam iner and the th ro b b in g an d p u lsa tin g d is a p p e a r sh o rtly I Food and sleep are necessary to life ing on a visit to Miss Esteila Bean of al te r the u se of H U D Y A N . ir oue year $2.60 paid in ad- and health. If you can’t eat and sleep, ed y is a t h an d . It is th e w o n d er­ that city. We have just received Irom tlie facto­ ful T h o H rem U H Y A N . T h o u sa n d s h a v e been take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I t creates a red of H e a r t W e a k n e ss by its use. You Georgo Norris and John W liattain of ry a new seven drawer, oak finished, cu s nuld be cu red , too. You ca n be cured. Crescent bicycle the strongest good appetite, cures indigestion and Eugene arrived liere yesterday tor a Champion sewing machine, made by I.U D Y A N will c u ie you. j ro c u ro HL’D- uilt $26 and $35 usual sizes F L dyspepsia, overcomes nervousnees and Y AN froru y o u r d ru g g ist. I t is sold in all short outing. They came to Mapleton the New Home Sewing Machine Co. d ru g s to re s lo r 50c p er p a c k a g e , o r 6 :rs. > gives sweet, restful, refreshing sleep. a g e s fo r $2 SO. If y o u r d r u g g is t does on bicycles. Call at tlie West office and examine p n o a c t k keep It, send d ire c t to th e H U D Y A N new boilers which arrived re- “ As naturally as a duck takes to E M E D Y CO M PA N Y , Han l^ran o isco o r Mrs Cowan and daughter Agnes of i tlie machine before puchasing elstwhere. R b o s A n ro les. Cal. C o n su lt th e HUDYAN for the Acme mill are being water” is an old expression but we DOCTORS PRICE. You m a y call an d see the Umpqua life saving station mail* a | F R O M P E K IN . th em an d h a v e a fre e c o n s u lta tio n . If hardly thought II Bultmau is so much short visit to Florence Saturday, return- i week. you c a n n o t call on th e d o c to rs, w rite to th em for advlo?. I t will lie given fro« cliooner Berwick which left here of a dock that it would be necessary for ing home Sunday. fo r th e asking« A d d ress ik made the trip to San Fran- him to take three baths in tlie liver in John Steear hud several toes cut near-1 There sceins scarcely room to doubt one night but th a t is what the mil! boys 108 hours. HU&YAK REMEDY COMPANY, ly off yesterday with an ax. He was ! th at tlie worst reports from Pekin are .orks and Hay carriers that never say he did. brought to Florence and tlie wound 1 ■ true. Reports from Shanghai show that H o S I 3 South Bi-op.dway, Have 0 1 w a y s on Hand a Pine ijBtoc!^ of Sun: The schooner on the stocks in dressed by Dr Evans. , fighting was going on at Pekin tlie 7th .lie genuine diamond see them Los A ngeles, Cal. the Marshfield shipyard will be launched ¡ l i s t , and a lse tlie 12tli. Chambers Eugene. Miss Jane’Taylor who lias been work­ C or. S to rfcten , M arket and Hills Sts.» cnator H W Corbelt of Portland about tlie 20lli, —tlie exact date as yet ing for Mrs D E Severy, left Monday 1 The latest reports say th a t tlie foreign b o n Frcnou w ant a mower th a t will cut towed to Portland by the tug Robarts 160 acres of unimproved land on Nortii and tlie killing of Col Lisunui and other ng and never break extras get | G uard: A gentleman from Eastern miles, in one day. Fork about ten milea from P'orence is eriug. F L Chambers,Kugeue, lias I Oregon tells us the Burlington railroad A C Barbour and daughter of Glen- American?. offered for Baled. Near io county road. One dispatch states tiiat Admiral Will make a g xid stock ranch. Trice j lias a crew of men surveying through tenu were renewing old acquaintances Ready of Florence lots been ap- ! Harney valley and they are bound to on tide water this week. Mr Barbour Seymqnr during tlie recent disastrous $450. d a special deputy ^byK H erliV • cross tlie Cascades via tlie McKeuzio informs us tiiat tiie settlers of tiiat part retrsa t of. th e Pekin relief expedition, ............ ____________________ valley are very anxious to have i was compelled to shoot his wounded to , 150 acres mostly timbe. land lying in the appointment to cease at ’ route. This is a fine pass and we believe 1 of llie bridges built across Wildcat and Wolf I keep tlie o from falling into the h an d s' section l.i, township, io south, range 10 [ that before many months a railroad will re. ' west. About three acre« cleared. A West at OW lime proprietor of ' use it. We hope it may lio tlie Burling­ creeks and iliat tlie people nre willing to of tho Chinese. Tho men wore given creek laige enmigh to float logs runs contribute if tlie county will assist in thm r choice und preferred death rather rlfman HonseS saloon in Eugene, ton. through tiro laud. Price $550. th an tlie risk of tori m e. iited suicide I in Seattle last . You assume no risk when you buy th e ir construction. A good si ore building and iotin Acme. I Chamberlain,« Colic, Cholera and Diar- lay. D A IR Y F A R M FOR S A LE. Conveniently located for huaincss. The A L P H A CLIPPIN G S- grocery store in Eugene which I rhoea Remedy. Ail Druggists will re- upper part is finished up for a dwelling. / zed to tlie lute I K Peters has been i ( „ „ j yOnr money if you are not satisfied A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six Price $700. Bv E vxn CiiANoa. a Bitter A Inner who will continue fl(ter using it. It is everywhere adm it­ miles from Florence is now offered for 40 ncres on Wildcat creek, 12 to 15 ted to ho tlie most successful remedy in usiness. sale. acre« bottom und low heucli; n good use for bowel complaint« and tlie only crintendent Miller announces tiiat Alpha, Or, July 15, 1900. I t contains 160 ncres, 35 of it bottom building place ; line cedar ami fir tim ­ e a rlie r’« a n n u a l m a r ly i "-t itiite one tiiat never fails. Ii is pleasant safe Howard Pope is building a new house. laud and 30 aeies have been plowed. ber; county road n p o iu il across tlie land; ommence Monday, July 30, and and reliable. The liny crop is very heavy. Some Can cut 35 tons of liay. A good two a good stock range; ,h> mile from po«t Perhaps it is rather late in the season me five days. .) story house 20 by 33 feet; a barn 44 by office; mile« from auhool house. predict a bard w inter to follow. 70 leet, with heavy frame; a goat house » liere school is tn u g h l 0 to 8 nionllis in ' arty was given Friday afternoon for fine strawberries Imt C M Severy Mr Win Whaelor of Nelson creek 10 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 a year. Price $250. ' ’ ¡seen Eva »nd Grai-e Evans in brought us a box of beauties tliis week. came over after a load of iron laHt week. trees of different kinds of fruit has been - of Miss Laura Daldin who was Tlisy were Brandywine« and were raised A tract «if about 50 acre« fronting on Mr J C Farm er has l«,en suffering from bearing for a year or two. The About a dozen l,y Mr Severy on Clear lake. ig with them, Clear lake three miles soltthnf Florence. i largest measured 5J-« inches in circuin- sore eyes but is getting along very nicely A water vvluel of about 8 liuree power were present. A fair house and about livu acres cleared. furnishes motive power nt tlie Barn for lOtiOHIparty of campers from Cottage (erence, and several were over 5 inches now. / A good wagon road from the place to while there were lew if any tiiat were Mra Houser, mother of Mrs Win Aus­ cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. ) arrived liere Tuesday on their I the Siuslaw river nt Glenada. A fine tin died in Sacramento about a month Tlie farm is \ mile from school and .o Heceta. Tlieie were 34 persons less than 3 inches around. i place for n suinmur residence. Price While returning from a trip to Maple­ ago. mile from a county road, a company and tl.ev navel wiihli I $500. ton a few nights ago the steamer ' Pottcrf Bros have lieen left a legacy l ’rice $1000. s and 2 wagons. I A tract of a little over two ncres of Marguerite had tlie misfortune to break A bargain for Hiiybody wanting a by their grandmother who died in Ohio M «i^^e Florence Lumber Co have their bottom land between Florence mid one of her propeller gliafts. The craft about a year ago. farm. fab^Ut filleil With lumber so the Acme, lying on tidewater near Roan was tied up to a wharf and the crew re­ For further informal ion ¡nquire ut the will probably Shutdown in a day Frank Potterf says lie wishes to dis­ Hill cannery. A fair bonne on the land. turned to Florence in a row to o t. She pose of his engine and mill and pur­ W est office. o till the arrival of a vessel. A fine place for gardening or raising was afterward brought to town under chase property on tlie bay. > Cleave» who ret......... to i l.ird in e r small fruit. Price $200. T H E M A R G U E R IT E - command of John I Butterfield tlius new stock of je w e lle rs su p p lie s, presenting the unusual spectacle of a Miss Renshaw of Eugene lias been en­ 100 acres on Oliu-kahoininy creek, 16 1 ns last week that lie would be crippled boat run by a crippled captain. gaged to teai ii ilie rert of the Deadwood acres cleared, a good bearing orchard, a The engines in tlie steamer Marguerite .ed to postpone his return to school. Clayton now wears n broad house and barn, one million feet old City marshal Curunton lost one of his nre to be taken ont beiure lung and tlie smile. f * A /] 'n c e for a few days only, growth timber lying on both sides of fc W i g flu),, WHgon and Iiacine buggy work horses Tuesday forenoon. Tlie ' Mr Ed H aight will leave, for tlie boat fitted up with a single engine and I guod sized creek. Tlie place lies within animals were over in Glenada and at 11 one propeller. lonselioid words—there is nothing the time were, running Io get away from Mohawk and Eugene on ft prospecting >a few rods of the Eugene-Mapleton FOR PUBLIC ATI ON st'g e ro a il. Price $050. ,r made. See F L Cambers (or them. a dog that wa^ cimsing them , when oue, tour. It is a laat eummei’a attraction. 20 second hand buggies and j a fine bay mare, attempted to jump over Ed ia single yet. 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying .ns usually on hand. I juk I Office, at ltosehurtf Oregon. Try the Mttgoon strawberries wliicli in section II, township 19 soulli, rung* F lo re n c e , O pe^°n . i a fence but came down on top of a June za, 19U0. RIFT'*, M »|uile»ler: Hon L D Tue eno of the stick penetrated blossom as early as any. and bear later. 12 west. Price $250. Notice in licrelw given that tho follnwtng- ford lias succeeded Capt Mathers as jjl0 anjn)#p g body about a foot. Tlie C A Potterf is ab'e to serve Ids table namcil vettlcr ha» Alert notice ,,i hie lutoiithm 112 ncres unimproved land lying on - al agent of the genera I land office 1 mare was ahot to put an end to lier today witli ns flue large berries as any I to make Huai proof hi support of 1,1«, claim, «ml tlie nortii side of Clear lake 2j^ miles that wirt proof will be made before C. II. Holden aoutli of Florence. A good wagon road be southern half of the state, Capt Buffering. one wishes. U . rt. G u a i a i - o > l e i at Fl ireuco, Oregpn, rera b tiu j .' transfeired to New Mr Fred Austin v.lio lives nt the foot ' I on JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WKATHERSON. August 17, 1S0U viz: Overton Powell, o n 1 f K from it to tiie Siuslaw river. Price $600. W . NICHOLS. ¡co. of Kicking Horse MoniiLiin lias filed on [ No 73H7, for the BW NB H, NW >4 BE 4 , NE AN. EPIDEMIC OF DIARRHOEA. 160 acres on upper Nortii Fork, a Point Terrace, Or. Fiorence, Or. Elmira, Or. su prisa party was given Wednesday a homestead and we understand will tie ’ 4 8W 4 - «ad lot ¡f, Bee 811, Tp 17, B R 11 W. large part of it bottom land. Will make ing at the residence of A O Funke in married to a Brownsville belle in th e ' He names the witnesses to provo 1 a glK>l |10ule. Price $850. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa- ! his continuous residence upon and cultivation >r of Miss Edna Knotts, before her 15014933 nut Grove, Fla., says there lias lieen near future. 80 acres limiter land with creek large of, sula laic!, viz: irture from Florence. About 20 girls j . . , . . diarrhoea these, We bear that Marion Wheeler who ................... . ! quite an epidemic of William Morria, of Florence, Lane Co, Ore­ enough to float logs running through the i and nil enjoyed themselves I ; attack and was cured carried tlie Mapieton-Alpha mail two gon, James Morris, of Florence, l.nnc Co I land and into tide wuter. Price $525. * 1 He had a severe attac , by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, ; years in now a resident of North Fork Oregon, O W Button, of Florence, Lane Co, J 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. boya »1 Bprnce Point mill say i cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He 1 and ia about getting a contract to con- Oregon, Maiian Rotb, of Florence, Lane , A liox house, good barn, and plenty of ar?sl Co. Otegon. Jake Benner thought the other day gaJ,s ,|B a)i0 reconnncnded it to other« struct two miles of dike. outbuilding« on prem ises; 6 aciea J. T. IIaiDfir.s, Jefferies ha-1 struck him but as ha HJ)j eay ¡j j, the best medicine they i Mr Win Austin and family who went Register. j orchard, 10 acres in cultivation, 10 a r d <£ol< o r a c o m m i s i o n . du’t find a'.lyhodv nronnd tlie mill ever used. For aale l>y A II Druggists. to Sacramento, Cal, about a year ago, acres more cleared lnn ( z ia 'a ,, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS- Tlie cointuisaionera’ court has ap­ n. Mrs Knott« Tuesday evening before timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, rath’ N L i " i t is p e ife c tl. sale « m l j pointed Wm M. ‘ilierman janitor of tc.e and to establish hi« < I rim Io mid land before tie relu-.t I p , n ail i uses of c o u g i.s, their departm e for a new field of labor. Tlie 1899 tax roll wiil be closed August the Register and receiver of thia office at A shoit impromptu program of Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 11 day of court liouso, to succeed Dojle, removed. a or liaMkmcse. Sold by all D r u g - . 15, 1900. , C M Dorily Inta leaigned an overfeer inuric, recitation« and rcartirga was Heptrmber, 191». W W WlltlEBS, ■ of the ris k crusher ami M C Ooolcuow given after which refreshments were lie nnrnei os wltneMts: Sheriff and Tax Collector, ' Clara Ifinkson of Alma, Ore, W. H. Bslloe of , has lieen appointed to tlie vacancy. served. Lana Go, Ore. Alms, Ore, Xelaon rf Ink son of Alma, Ora, I l a L H Johnson mid L It l’olter have enh w Tim companv separated «hunt 11 1 A. C. Barbour of Olenteoa, Ore. o’clock after a very pleasant evening. c.ts and Children. Any and all persons claiming adversely the been nppoinind to expert the books of t e a t Tckoeee Spit « »d NreWe tr e e HA iwaff. JO H N C. BECK above dexrllied land« are requca'ed to flle their ‘ the county offices To quit tobacco eaailjr and forever, be mag­ claims In this office on or before said 11