*W"ZE j S T E N K Ü u r E T O THE PARIS EX PO ­ I shall take the train for Paris tomor­ WHAT GENERAL OTIS SAYS. SITION. FPr Outside Is row and my next letter will tackle the exposition. The subject has already Chicago, June 8.—Major-General E S In order Io reach the Paris Expo­ — PU BLISH ED KVKHV FRIDAY MORXINO.— : a Poor Substitute been much be-written and I would Otis arrived at 7 :2Q this morning from sition, we Americans must embark. despair of adding anything worth print­ — at — i San Francisaoand left at 10:30 for Wash­ There is no dry road thither. Embark- For Imvard Worth.' ing were It not lor the fact that it is a ington. F loiienci , L ank C ounty , O eegox ation on a great liner is an act on a physical impossibi'iity (cientifficallv ‘•I left the Philippine situation in the Good health, inwardly, of great stage with comic, melodramrtiu - - - BY - - - The olllcers proven th at no two eyes ever see the the kidneys, liver and boivels, best of hands,” he said. and even tragic scenes. The huge vessel 'same opject. /f this' is true of the is sure to corjie if Hood's Sar- nreu!l abl« " |en. and well qualified to loonies alongside the pier. The I'our physical sight how profoundly true it is I for sailing is 11, but three hours earlier saparilla is promptly used eopu with tbe d,,feicn' rushed down the plank lest t hey be an-Oifizen's party or parties combined, to order by J I, Atkinson. igniti any personalities wliatever. The officers to piddle it .-.nt, while n o w it finds a J taken to Uurope unprepared; but the in our great and good cause, as one, to Minutes of organization meeting and sad news of our ____ ______ in charge are all capable men. Stories ready sale nt good prices and the people more experienced await tho final signal, break to you the sad, r, — iE defeat at tho polls tbe 4th of this 1 ° °ar^ ° f directora wero rea in every 8«®ti°n of the g tools answer many questions relating to the sight of tlie Goddess of Liberty in New Washington Aguinaldo lia3 been m ur­ Crenshaw, J L Atkinson and W H ' ' niteil f’tatea read it for political infor- protection of intellui Inal property, York H arbor before come of tlie pas­ dered by tlie plutocrats and tiint Presi­ Sallee were elected directois and J L i inatinn. For thirty years it lias been a .Thia they have done in a pam phlet trea­ sengers weru reclining on steamer chairs dent Kruger has been driven-tlie Lord Atkinson, president; Geo Prescott, vice regular visitor in every part of the Union ting briefly of United States and foreign knows wiieae; and tiiat peace will president; A M Hichurdson, secietarv ; ¡ " nd ¡S " e11 known iu “'">ost every one and sucking lemons. patents, with cost of same, and how i Alter having crossed tho Atlantic six soon be restored in South Africa. Dear of the 70,009 postolfices in the country. and W II Sallee, treasurer. lo procura them ; trade marks, designs, , times, I confess to a preference for comrades, this is a terrible blow on our It is edited with reference to a national caveats, infringements, decisions in German manned boats. Tlie service on party. I t will knock out two props or W O U L D N O T S U F F E r? S O A G A IN circulation nnd people of all politics tako lending patent cases, etc. w it; If deck, in cabin and at the table is the planks of our platform to F O R F IF T Y T IM E S IT S P R IC E - it, because of its honesty and fairness in This pamphlet will be sent freo to Aguinaldo is killed we have no one to best I bft/e found. I t is prompt, intel­ tlie discussion of all public questions anyone writing to U A Snow A Co., I awoke last night will, severe pains ! It is the favorite family paper, with ligent end cheerful without obsequious­ give the Phillipino Islands too; and if W ashington, 1) U. Y «lomauli. I never leit so had in r,.. ness, mid without the perpetual sugges­ Kruger surrenders we will be short an- I a in ll ‘“ m v lit. .............. I ........... iu r every member of tlie ' de'. W " l . . . . . T eKal® down to work tion of tips or oxtra pay, although no other one. As an honest representative i this In' morning felt so I Ivlclis weak I could ll0Usell0,lk Serial Blories, poetry, wit • e • • * ----- ■ -. V.. A I 1V . I V avr MR HOLDEN’S LECTURE. ‘b h an.wers quea- the Mammoth Cave to a good hor.fi/> last enough without losing any props > houael Uinly is tlie finest thing I ever used for 1,01,8 t0 8llb8cribers), the news of tlie evening. It was listened to with great | ' ol perfect order and rigid discipline. In stays. the crows which niHn tlio gront passen­ stomach tronhles. 1 shall not be with­ week in Cúmplete form, and other satisfaction and delight. It was certain »’ . * Comrades I have written W J Bryan out it in my bouse hereafter, (or 1 special features. Specimen eopies glad- Jy a more comfortable way of taking in ger ships of tlie German Liners tlie the Cave, to sit and liear its wonders ' ,ierm an E,npire l,a8 a race of neanion th at is second numerically •II.-- uufoldei| by one who has himself Been ■ich fon them will, a poet's eye,ami who is gifted ‘° U ,,t ° f E n«l8nd 8>°n®. ®"d perhaps etbod ls with power of vivid portraiture, than to | not 8eco” d in th ® »W». ™"™g® »»d r in k lin . U 'lYPl llllllloo /xf ♦ the Iv.t individual • n.l i na.l I sailor. Ti cate with Eugene V D ebts, nnd see if worthiness of It Address T he B lade , stagger through ils mazy laharynths, we cannot get the social democrats to ALASKA BOUNDARY. and squeese through its contracted pas must bu reinem tiered that these trained Tolado, Ohio. sages, after the manner of tbe fat wo. | O» “ ?« merchant m arine belong to splice wi'.li ns. 2nd; Could he not ARE Y O U AN m an of whom we heard. Mr. Holden “ '® rCBVrV° to-'C0 ° f tl,e Ger,u«n navy furnish us more speakers nnd money in ; The survey of the Alaska boundary shed '( gives us more of the Cave in two I,ours b° C’ l,ed at any moment to Oregon. 3rd: Wquld splicing or fus­ ; line at Lynn canal will begin about Ju n e ing with tlie social democrats endanger than can be liad by groping iu it two mail tlie war ships tliat tlie German ■ loth. The distance to ho surveyed is us in any way or cause us to become Kaiser Is so industriously building. It days, and at less expense of wardrobe. ■ about25miles. The line will he maiked If so you should take and read should po remembered by our country­ corrupt 7 j by the usual monuments, stakes, etc. Tlie answer I will cominunicato PACIFIC ODD FELLOW men and Statesmen th at within the CAN KILL CHICKENS. The surveying party will consist of to you ns soon ns I hear from head­ last year the United States has sent an A monthly magazine published in Messrs Tihnnn an.I French from the U. quarters. Portland, and exclusively devoted to An exchange says: The supreme army ol seventy thousand men over a S. and Messrs King and McArthur court of the United States has rendiré.! 8ea r° Ut ° ' 7,00Q milea aniJ tb ?‘ En8>8"d ! With a trembling band and a sad from Canada, with 12 other men to the interest! of Odd Fellowship, both heart I sign my name. • a decision in a chicken case carried up has traversed the same distance with assist iu field work. The expenses of local and general. It is the only O ld more than 200,000 nnd 50,000 horses. 1 A Bryan Supporter. from Newton, Iowa. One neighbor was tlie survey are to be shared equally by Fellow publication in Oregon and is " now in its eighth year. tlie two countries. greatly jiaalered by tlie chickens of We are no longer the isolated people sea i tobacco cn„ „ BR(, forcvcr bomM. We have made arrangements with anotlie.- who thought it was nothing to girt an by fire we once were and wa have To "W e aro simply to ascertain tlie loea- nut nil over ivliel,lining navy like that, of n?tlc- Al11 ol ’‘te, nerro amt viaor, take No-To- get angry about, to have a few dozen Mae, the wnnilcr-worker. tliat liiaUex wcak men lion nnd mark out for the guillame of 1,10 Publisher by which we cun club in the Stales e f California,' Orvwni, certainly will if our sea |>ower keejis Nevada and Wsshtnetou Territory," Charier work w ill beneecessry tin finical nnd not m an tins a right to rid liis premises ol t all at oqr o fico and see a sample pace witli our wonderful m aterial de- F Cnx of Acme. Comity of Lane, Slate of On*on diplomatic, although wo are operating peatf furl, as chickens, when lie doer 1 * to u r of '•Pacific Odd Fellow.” , . < tins this .tsy ille.1 in th i, „(flee hie eerom .Isle under the directions, in thia instance of not want them there, anil elasses nil M-Iopuient and our widening iutrests lnent No liso, for th« pnreha«« of the NK abroad. I SW N I , SK I„ Sri-1» Jt N6 ; i, SW \ of See tho depnnm ent cf state, at Washington T he WiLLAMBm Val'ey Ohanfauqna such fowls as wild game, liable to be . .. I , , . . . — I t'o'i N oiJ. In T osh -h lp No 1SS linage No 9 W n t! are now in sight of Cherbourg and win otr.r proof to ehow th«t the Is ml I A ^ mbly » ¡a be bei,, nt GlmJ|,one killed by whoever wants to d > so. This Arthur Taylor, local A^ent, with its great walled artificial harbor nought I« more valuable f.»r In timber or «buie If tro u b M Miti» rheumatism, eiyj» Park, Oregon City. This is the seventh decision should bo road carefully by all Ihun for ««rkulhirul pnrpoxvt, aud to ««txMixh and colossal statua of the Great Napol­ hla claim to UrttJ before the Hcytittef an«t Ohauiherlain’a Pain Balm a tiial. ' It evasion nnd «ill l ^ , , , j,.,,. , h h Florence, Oregon. o u r readers » ho arc Interested in either orni1 will not cost yon a vent if it d»es no close July 2J,f, eon , astride a big bionze stallion, bis Rcccivrr of thi« oifii •et i.* — intorexiúíg flr«d , on Tuxadat the U dxjr of AiiguM l!MW. side of the chicken question—either the good. One applies ¡..mn will r e u , , , the instructive progrsm has 1-ccn arm extemhsl pointing to the magnifi­ 11c name« x< wltliCMnr pirjiarod. aggressive or defonnivo side. bain. Il also cures sprains and biaises cent wall stretching far out in the sea A F lln n l of Florence. Ore won. Iiottie ¡Inrd of THE GF.NTLF-WOMAN 1, « montb. Florence, Ornmu. C It Mergeu oi Poiut Terrace, in one third the time required by other T O O U * PATRONS- ................ . are a, work making mid Insoribed below in excellent French, C I) ThonuM of Rucene, Oregon. Ire itiuent. Cuts, burns, fi'.eti'i.-ts pJUiflOM t F luì blì 'J magazine devoted to snbject. of inter- Any and all perwon« claiming xdrcrsely tbe qoiiuey, pains in the side and ehest', arrange menta for the coming of Iudv- ru ill th t« Ftxt» W n o i »t.i n m u tlh iw though he spoke an Italian patois, "I above deacrP*