PMS® D ahlin left for th e valcy W eduee- I Jim lll.j, . .e x ten d in g then» nut in 'o t b e l i t e r pr«- I pam tory to hauling th e steam er R ohan* jo e Morris jr went to E ugene th e first a .-» v-trppp’r d from turc s mud laxativ while penile are rcluble end eiheient. They of th is week. L E Milledge got his eye badly I out ior repair*. Monday aftornu.'u tl e vessol was run jnred reten ti)'. ! on th e w ay. and b) Tuesday evening Miss Dolile Beer* is w orking a t tue * lu ll heun hanled a # a y Ironi th e river far i t w .< r a d . «> * . I » “" » h “ “ ~ to r a n d I it.riv tn r. Dr Paine ot Eugene was In Florence T h e w o ik was done under th e snper- W ednesday on professional business. , visioif of H arry A ndresen w ith a crew of ■ : (1.50 » y ear in E W Cobl. went to Eugene Tuesday com petent w orkm en. Ho an d ids men w ith the election retu rn s from H cceta , 1 a t th e poet-office at Florence, are now busy repairing th e v e.sel. precinct. n ty , O regon, as second-class , |ft iwar. Miss K ate B rand leaves for G ardiner i te r. . Tq u , obEeco easily and forever, bo mM- netlc, full of lilo, nerve and vigor, ta k e b t r l a ’ today to assist Miss Nieolle w ith her j Ck OÎ .WEATHERSON Curs Sick Headache, Bil­ iousness, Sour. Stomach, and Constipation. bo!cl everywhere, 25c. par b»x. fc-ioptrstiby C.l.Hood Si Co.JJWviS.Mass. ALASKA GOLD FIELD- CAT ASH CF T»S STOSACS nse. T h rtft 1» 1 • »lv a Chronic dlst Is e»F< luaüon in n er co atin g of ot the i'?.;» au intUtv s form * ch. A lh»< U. i in. i e m u p cu n o u n ced I vuUMeil thv g y m p to w ro x I t re- ; m ain* in th e t,t« r a«h an.4 a*Z c.tnip'TSue. T h en of co u rse d ig estio n van n e t be lv iK iioru> rd. r n e liv er also becom e* involved and hi n w ell m ark p d caac th e sy iu p to m s a r e motet suvere. n*e d lV C T arvvr falls Spring and Summer Goods. Call anti see our line of Cotten Gool» All dine wash fabrics. Dotted Muslin, white and tan Covert Cloth feet a cure. YAN can n t>« b *d ; druggists ; G r a s s LlU Cll fu r 4 c p er pack- . f Dee Dimities Foulard’s, satin finish Seersuckers Percale “ Iron Brand” hS5‘. u'edr"ndc>- Scotch Lawns van tell your frien d * n h c u t It* •K ccU . T h ey also Ginghams Sash Ribbons, latest color» F irst steam ship for Cape K oine and Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. (’afl r"1 Capo York will sail from Seattlo, May J i r i V A N anP i h e i w l l M h r a ■pear. P e n ’* dressm aking. of la c aO-mac'v 10. T his will he a largo ship w ith a w a it any lo n se r. C ancer Soutache Braid andA ss’t Feather Stitched Braid». F red Bean m ade a trip to E ugene Was its tic itim ln in u »ever® < wüo oi f 1000 tons am i pas­ c oft,-I, a t a r r h of tire u to iu ach . Tuesday to deliver th e M apleton vote fret* ' « N Y senger accom m odations for 200. T or; F O U R T H O F JU L Y S T A N D . B ed S p reads in W h i t e , B lu e a n d Red. D a t th e county seat. rates and fu rth e r inform ation call on or | THE SYSPT0I3 ARE: íce, Oi'c| June 8, 1300. Mr Fredenburg came up from G ardi address. 1 n n J ° ’,T n V h V m o * ? " » « ' K h ’ u” We Khali have a stand on tlio picnic tier Tuesday to see about constructing a R M c M vkpuby , FJ°c'reureï-rV St 'f r e q u e n t t u .'a r v .i l f t h n ,u sti A New Line of Men’s Hats. grounds nt Florence Ju ly 4th w ith a fish tra p on the riv er. Ure'Àuy. H U D Y A N will reliev o th o h e a d - Agent N o rth ern Pacific, E ugene. J n e n , e(W B 8TLTh“ 0 fi-ro M A C li_T h is Is doe to InitlsestioB . one y ear Li2-50 Paid in its , C onsiderable excitem ent was created cam p to th e m outh of Lake creek to to I. B. Cush m an. Wedtres- commence operations tor the sum m er. t o m b s , coil and exam ine those fine ¡n Florence, about m idnight Acme, Oregon. C G Wilson and wife retu rn ed S a tu r­ dress patterns a t Meyer A ' ,i„y by C C C ushm an lu sh in g into town a n d ■ W E IG llT -n t'D Y A N will lcsretr th e A „ ? r - il o n cE tahtlslr a fre e nod p o r t e d 1 for rope to catch a runaw ay raft, which day after spending several weoks in G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . flcw" o"f btio H’’d red u ce tire er.iar gcd llvor bad broken the snub lines a t Acino and E ugene. M rs Wilson appears much im ­ am Diggers have been m aking * li'u iiY A N w*il reliev e y ou ° i , lho, , a b " g , proved in h e a lth • continued on its way to eea. ided im provem ents in th e ir hall sy m p to m * a n d m a k a you w ell. D o n o t Bv a W est CoaaKseoNnENT. Lines were finally obtained and th e Rev B uckner will hold services Sun­ d You will h a d fu ll an d ex p licit dlrceU ona ids week. th e raft, w hich cam e from B ranton s day evening, at th e usual hour in the w rap p ed w ith each p a c k a g e o t t U DYAN. I a t 6 i crilltion V“Per ¡sbeing circulated logging cam p and contained about •o to y o u r druyglH a t once an d p r o o u r . Ju n o 4, 1900. y Odd Fellow ’s hall. : n ,cl-aco of liC D Y A N for Wc. or C for funds to erect a M ethodist 240,000 feet of lum ber, was tied up Seth S im m on’s health is im proving A rth u r Taylor was taken sick yester­ »2 K y “ it Florence. opposite th e Spruce P o in t m ill. The day hut is in hopes to be a t work as vary slowly. Ho is able to go about a fen d d irect 1 tO n , V r a n c V « o N- R’K Los An- CO M PA N Y . F an Lillian towod th e rati to Acme T hursday considerable ge'.ua. C al., an d th ey ...... - -- •«>,' wlll »end - ' • ‘-‘ Ô/XS little hut not to do any - I n Florence, Oregon, Monday usual in a few days. *?, u can c o n su lt th e g ro a t H U r t R t E E K E . D e n o t fo rg e « t that T v iip -------- n 'n n s F i->® io r« { Ju n e 4th, 1800, to Mr and Mrs m orning. Mrs J S G raham camo up tho beach work, f f i S d s V t h c m if y ou w ish. Y ou mar cull an d see th e m o r w rite , uo y o u d e« lr< Viison, a tw elve pound boy. Jo h n Pope raised tom ato plants in a yesterday to join her husband who is ADVERTISED LETTERS- A ddrcps hotbed and has supplied tho whole engineer on tire M ink. U P n fh iJ o “n>»l: T here will he a meet- neighl-orlrood with plants already in V V < * L I , '’huberm en at G lentena, Ju n e 9th, W hile w orking on th e ball grounds KUDYAH REMEDY The following letters rem ained un­ ocl^ o f c, business m eeting, and general H ave 0 1 ways on H and a Pine claimed in th e F lorence postoffice tor Tuesday Jo h n n ie fa n n e r had tire mis­ bloom, free of charge. Ho. 8 1 3 S o u th B ro a d w a y , The road past D rugg’s and A dkins' line. fortune to get struck on tho arm by the the week ending Ju n o 4, 1000. Los An golcs, t'oL R obarts brought down a large C rane E corner of an ax . Jo h n will have to places above T riangle lake is to lie Soiu J P changed and tomorrow the county su r­ C or. S tO ih to n , M ark et ""<> UUis S ta ., log* last Friday evening for th e Seifke Fred abstain from work for a few days. Seifke Will h n n F m n c ’RCO. Cat ce L um ber Co. Tito raft scaled W m K yle , postm aster. In hauling Home of the logs from th e veyor and th e viewers and tire axmetr G F ^ O e E ^ IE g , and the chain carriers will go over the 208,000 feet. boll ground Tuesday afternoon a tug REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. will conduct a stand on th e 4th of broke letting one end of a single-tree fly ’ new route in state, P ostm aster C arlyle a t Inlow has noti- i - f p i m m i J t th e picnic grounds and will back against Ford strik in g Idin on . j 1411111111? re jre, i lln, n ts, candies, cigars, th e side. The injury was quite painful : Qed tire dep artm en t th a t he is prepared ! Tlie W est Roni E state office has b a r­ For Infants and Children. and will keep him from work for several to surren d er th e p arap h ern alia of the gains to oiler in the following property. es and lem ons. T ^ re s s G fo o d s *E)ry Gfoock office w henever it ¡ b called for, as the F F isk A F H ewitt . A good dw elling house, and black­ days, Y7" $ CbiUetn Peelers and Clam Diggers T he latest reports say th a t six of M r people of th a t valley do no care to entry sm ith shop doing a goo,! business in a th e mail free of charge any longer. B e a rs th e X JL • play a niatctied game of base ball a t thriving town. 'J he ow ner desires to L an d erk in g ’s fam ily are confined to tho Mr F uller of Eugene has bought from change his location. A fine opportunity ail ground n ex t Sunday afternoon, S ig n a tu re of bed, help im possible to g et, and tlie l ight m an. Pi ice $850. neighbors about worn out w ith th e j George M M iller th e so n th o ait q u artei jor there is n«jj person owning land in LARGE S T R A W B E R R IE S. largo am o u n t of sickness in tlie neighbor­ of the northw est qu arter of the section I IfiO acres of unim proved land on N orth vicinity th a t be wishes to trade .for of school land on Nelson creek, n ear ' Emk about ten m iles from Florence is hood during tlie last (etv m ouths. L in in g i1**1 farn* in :io"ll,u rn C alifornia, he Lake creek and says he will build a ¡offered for Baled. N ear to county road.. R egister Ju n e 2nd. IV II II M iller, learn of a xhanco by calling a t this HAY FOR S A L E . residence there this tall aud move in. ' Will m ake a good slock ranch. Price who lives th ree miles northw est of town, placed on exhibition in th e show win­ T he neighbors tu rn ed o u t last , |4o0. lav ish to Ul J M iner’s ranch on anrvi Iu q u an tities to suit th e purchaser. W ednesday and helped Jam es Johnstone 3 st creek a lew days ago, we were dows of J V K auffm an a p late of m am ­ I 150 acres mO’ tly tlm hei land lying in L H a ts J H P ratt , m oth straw berries, th e largest of which c u t and hew tim b er for tlie frame of a & C aps, of which *u a boll tljitstlo, l| c stalk section 13, townsli,ip, 18 south, range 10 Acme, O regon. inches in d iam eter. new building to be used tem porarily as diam eter a raensured exastly sured eight inches west. A bout three aero« cleared. A Tlie display was secured by M r F ran k a residence and eventually as the wood­ above the ground. creek large enough to float logs run* B anner, representing “ M errick’s th read , shed to a new dw elling which will take A CARD O F T H A N K S. «turns front G ardiner show th a t th e through th e land. Price $550. tho excep- 1 Mr B anner lots preserved th e fru it and the place of the one recenlly burned. ithlican«l»didiiius, with A good store building and lot iu Acme. and nut- j will send it to Chicago as ocular proof of I wish to say th a t I (cel under lasting ob­ Mrs J A B u rn ett, when recovering i of School S uperintendent C onveniently located for humnesa. The ligations for w hat C h am b erlain ’* Cough from the grip, had a siege of som ething ort reesiveAl m ajorities in th a t pre- O regon’s productive excellence. rem edy lias done for our fam ily. 'Ve like dropsy, bloating to double her usual upper part is finished up for a dw elling. ranging Irom 2 to 23 votes. F L O R E N C E W IL L C E L E 3R A T E . have used it in bo many cast* of, size, The disease yielded to treat mt n t. j Price $700. Straw berry supper and dance lung troubles and whooping cough, aud 'a m i sho was ttoadily recovering till j 40 acres on W ildcat creek, 12 to IB _ ______ Be en a t M apleton last Friday evening Arcparnilonn fo r » G r a n d Timo. good , _ given th e m ost perfect sat . _ atn rd ay , when she was swollen a* bad acres bottom and low it ________ lias alw ays A ............................. s a m ost enjoyable even t. A large isfaction, we (tel greatly indebted to tho : ag eyel. ’ n able t0 tr;lve| 8be intends to building place ; lino cedar ami fir tlm - wd was in a tten d an ce and diincliig , After th e public speaking in tlie Odd m anufacturers of th is rem edy and wish , o a liij v u.jg w.^ k for medical advise. h e r ; comity road opened ncioes tho land ; tilt tho “ wee, etna” hour*. I Fellows building was concluded S a tu r­ them to please accept our liearty Uiauke. g ilnllloIll1> |,o m .s com­ a good stock ra n g e ; mile from post , , to Respectfully, Mrs S Doty. DesMoines, m itted suicide two or three weeks ago. office; l.Sj m iles from school house, ta n k and Jo h n Taylor, day afternoon a m eeting was held ........* „ „ti w here eeiionl is tau g h t 0 to 8 m ouths in ibvs, were arrested in th a t take steps tow ard celebrating Inde- _ Iow a. For sale . by ail ririwoiata. druggists The anim al, which was addicted to the charged with burglarising pendenco day in Florence. h abit of pulling, was tied by a neck-ropu a year. P rice $253. On motion it was voted to hold a i ’ll E B o lln ian a t E lm ira, 1(13 acres about seven miles above to a post w hich I.eld pegs used for a len goods were found in celebration here on th at day. A LPHA C LIPPIN G 3- ladder. H e caught tho iope on ono of F lorence, lying % m il’- on m ain Sins- On m otion of C H Holden th e ch aii- U. these und th en took a notion to pull. law tite r , 23 acres of it bottom land. A give .way to dilligence," mau was directed to ap p o in t com ­ Tlie peg was high enough lo calise the lmuse and barn on th e place, and a good B y E ven C iianoz . rope to ehut off the horse’s wind und lie ! logging road leading to 300,000 feet, of hum ors disappear wlton m ittees on finance, grounds and o rato r braced against it and strangled him self I tim b er in one body. A creek whicli rilla is ta k e n . I l pnri- and program and tim e to be given him Ju n e 5, 1900. and vitalizes tlie blood, for selecting com m ittes. ilotionu, when by standing up he would have wou)d furnish a convenient w ater pow er O W H urd was chosen p resident ol T his precinct had th ree jadges ««d j 7 f ropu I flows through tlie land. Price |950, on teeling, and tones up tlie ires that tlie day aud Joliu L F u rn ish m arshal. one clerk all of one political faith . i Take It now. A man was going down the road i reasonable term s. The m eeting then adjourned. Mr and M rs H arrison tw o children through tlie Nelson creek clearing M on-j A tract of-about 50 acres fronting on T h e non-iffritniing cath artic—H ood’s Tlie following are tho com m ittees and Miss H nberlin, all of B row nsville day m orning with a ride in his hands Clear lake th ree m iles Bonihof Florence. ills. p--- ap p o in ted . F in an ce; W L Fisk, A rth u r It is pebhely announced th a t Gov Taylor and E tr i B utterfield. G ro u n d s; are visiting Mrs H arriso n ’* p arents. w lien he saw-a fine buck grazing in the A fair house and about five acres cleared. Len Tabor w ent to E ugene this week field. R esting gun on th e fence lie A good wagon road from th e place to e sr *IU bo n ig r r ie d to Miss T rullitiger 1 G C C um pton, M arion M orris and Ray th e m iddle of litis ¡ A s to ^ ^ ^ Jo h n so n . O rator and program ; Rev I to m eet his bro th er E rn est, and bring longingly sighed "U n , if it ware only the Sinaia.v liv er a t G lenoda. A fino G K u otts, 8 A B u iril and C C B ehnke. in a load o( supplies. H e will go by tlie open season, w hat it fino stm t! J u s t place for a sum m er residence. P rice way of th e O hickahom iny school house. ' t |,ell j,, „ „ Iie nia„ „ e|. the gun wits dis $500. C o n s tip a tio n F orever* _.3 C andy Cathartic, loc or £50. Straw berries bave no t .dor.e well charged and ttie deer lan a lew tod* and A tra c t of n little over tw o acre« of tone ” l0St of t,ie ” ,u " ,,e r- ! acres cleared, a good bearing orchard, FOR F ir I Y T lM E L iT S PR IC E- 26th Sam Moon A few of o a r neighbor* have th e q u i t e I w hirlpools but be failed to heed th e th e c u rre n t was ' house aud b arn , one m illion feet old was a good lie 1 ' w arning as lie claim ed M issouri fever. ! grow th tim b er lying on both sides o f : IPRSF was a good sw iinm er an I I awoke last night w ith severe pains old H e was aliont 28 years Mr Hares* and family niso M r Sw an­ wood progress tow ards »bore ; sw im m er. I good sized creek. The place lies w ithin j in my stom ach. I never lelt so bad in ’* w tii..pool and went dow .,. ? ' » ' »''« following paper was found W. NICHOLS. W . H. W EATH ERSO N. son left Monday for E ugene. JOHN C. BECK. all my life. W hen I cam e down to work a few rods of tho E ngene-M apletou was recovered th e n ex t ; h1’ po< k,eU_______ dated Feb 10, 1900, Elmira, Or. Florence, Or. till* m orning I felt so weak 1 could st .vge ro ad . Price $050, Hie P o in t T errace, Or. "D ischarge paper L ast fall I sprained my left hip w hile • hard ley work. I w ent to M iller & Mc­ 160 acres of land near C lear lake lying tran sp o rt “ M eade,’’ discharging J Mc­ Ine 4th : A W G ilbert started N ulty, F irem an, bv liis own request, handling some lie « 'y boxes. The doc-j C urdy’s drug store and they recom m end- jn gecli(, n n , tow nship 19 so u th , range |tvn :6iuslaw river with “ conduct very good,” proficiency very tor I called on said " t first it was bu t a ed C in u u lx rln iu 's Colic, Ctiolora and Di- j2 west. Price $250, ; engine aud cables which lie good.” Tim e of service from N ovember slight strain mid would soon he we'l> ; R1 r|l0ea { ¿ „ „ „ jy . i t worked like magic | 112 acres unim proved land lying on oll0 doH(J ,ixe(1 me all all ri)il,t Cer | t) æ logging his tim b er on th a t 14, '99, to F eb ru ary 7, 1900. F o rt of i hut it grew worse and th e doctor then i and ono dose fixed rig h t. . n I t cer- )o p( 'C |(;ftr |llk„ 2% mile* _ . . I II IU 1 G .ib ert is th e first one in | en try New Y ork, port of discharge San . said I had rh eu m atism . I t continued i tainly is tue finest thing I e«ei used for ; (b o( F ,oreticc> A ROOa „„«011 road to grow worse and I could hardly get stom ach troitnle*. I shall not he w ith- f(-oin to t ,|e f; i()8| aw r¡vcr. p r¡ce <000. F a r » m £ a ra d $ , N im b e r» and § > o v /o I tho state to ad ap t steam for Francisco.” ee. H e claim s th at g reat ecun- ; He liad toll) th e boys th a t M urphy was around to work. I w ent io a drug store out it in my house heruaftor, fur I N orth Fork, a mid th e diugpist recom m ended me to Should not care to endure Die sufferings ' i found in its use. Ids real nam e so it would seem th a t be : W ill m ake try C ham berlain's Pain Balm. I tried ktner M arguerite is a very nice tiad enlisled under an assum ed nam e. “ ome. Price Î850. it and one-half of a 60-cent b ottle cured Î i i œ . - U H * w X u , E v e ry m a n , Burg- a The body was b erried in .h e I O O F u ,„ y :,ia» a very nice captain b u t he 89 seres tim l er land with creek large ettatow n, W ashington Co., P a. T his Biially in a great h u rry . H e cem etry at Lugone a fter being prepared enough to float logs running through th e friend«.—F A Brtbcocfc, E ric, Fa» I t is rem edy is for sale l*y ulldroggists, hurry the olle-r m orning while bo it can be ehippe«! if claim ed. land and Into tide w ater. Price (525. ior gale by all druggists. Parties having Iteal Estate to sell w ill do w ell rn the river and a t one place 133 acres of land nt E ln d ra, Oregon. REAL E S T A T E T R A N S F E R S . gio boat lam ltd th e cap ta in HAMMOTH CAVE. A box house, good barn, «ml plenty ol to place it oil onr list. ' so quick th a t th e deck h an d , ontbuildii-g* on prem ise«', 0 acre« J b u rc tim e to unhitch the stern J H Dxhlin to Ellen F ry, lot 21, blk 3 THE FO U R T H OF JU L Y orchard, 10 acres lit cn h iv atio ii, 10 (left it fastened to m e w harf. | M iller’* ad.lition to I'l Hence ; »75. Hiuslaw :u're* mo" ’ c,e,’re', l" n'1’ nni* "er** Hon E G B Holden will deliver —DANCE— L ottie H .idsell, legati« 0, to [ I le n n tr le Ittocil D eep. his popular lecture; Entitled W ill iie H ei .» is I O O F H a il Boom Ox, riparian rights to lot 8, sec ilxshod; balance, brush and tim ber blood means a clean skip. No »ud. Price per acre, <1000 down 35, lot » see 35 and loi* 3 and 4, rare 2, : Bithout it. Cnacareta,Candy ( athcr- “ F IF T Y M IL E S U N D E R T H E SOD.” , WsmxaanAY avrxiNo J uly 4 th . : For further liiform atiou in q u ire at «n your blood and ke«-p ,t c.•»?:». by tp 17 «, r 10 » ; $HW. [o') the l.'rv liver and a m our «1 in- Descriptive cf the unnumbered i Tho W est office, F lorence, Oregon or from the body. Begin te d s y to ■ I Jo h n C Beck, P oint T errace, O regon, er -M U S I C BY— pimples, boils, blotcbca. blscl l es •», wonders of Mammoth Cave K y. If troubled w ith rlieum atiam , g' p J W N ithols, E lm ira, Oregon. I sickly bilious conultxi >u by taking at the Presbyterian Church, Hatnr- G ao. T hchmam a M h * M ili . bb . C h am h eriain ’s Pain Balm a tris Its J f o r t ..cents. A n d J- goti. ti-jfacltoQ guaranteed. 10c.25e-afl—1 day evening Jur.e lOlli, ItbX). will not coat you a cen t if it does no E ltpex at W cstf - kx H o m « . giaid. One application will relieve tlio j S V A S T E n -A M V flR 'l., BRIGHT AND HON The Acme quartette have kind­ SUNDAY E ER V IC E3. l.r u is e C ’ ’ hAf p;n.y «um ilia., «alary »taw « T icxstb $1 50. venr su d .xsxmMC. rttr.lg h t, '.■uia-flde, no in one th ird the tim e required by other In n d sy rehool, c? t l p C hildren s , i .ri n o II - .i-larr, .ltlu n p an n an e..I. Our n a if net proceed« for the benefit M axaobrs : J W T ansek * T E F v ax ian . treat men t. Cut*, b a rn s, frostbiet», i, P-renea-t. any bank In P o any town. Il l-> m ainly » .r c .e s w ill take Ice place of V3- ' ofli.-a work «¡onduatod s t how«. Kcfere».-« of the Church. quinsey, pains in th e side and chest, Eia tore •a-H rddrew ed .tam JOHN C. BECK ped envelope. T ub A GOOD T IM E A SSU R ED . ' aclKM«! and pi« a hing, largiiitiin* Doors open at i-30 P M | glandular and o th er sw ellings are quick­ DoMIXIun c n x r a s y , Di-id ». Cidi *zo. A M. T ie Acme choir will W . H. W EATHERSON, ly cured by applying it. E very bottle 1 “Trouble” be; jin s at 8 o’clock. tlie program . at Rond eupvrriaor» receipts for iule W . NICHOLS w arranted. Price, 25 a n J «0 cl*. Al. rite ; to these ecrvii Admission 25 eta, Children | ■ (L a W est office. druggists. 1 G K x o rrs, H U M P ill, cu re a ll »Kfner 111. 6,x3r T>r He A 23 « ¡ »(«rl.L i tinder fourte eu , 15 et». ra Co . CbiCMK» « F sste r. descriptor Y 1 Hue, the wonder worker, th a t m akes weak men ino b a m & K ™ known on ap - ! strong. All «ruggists, 50o or »1. C ure guaran- PLIC A TIO N '. lit oklet and sam ple free. Ac,dres3 cents Ber line, eaeh insertion teed, S te rlic s iiom tdg Co . Chicago o r New Y ork Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. es. MEYER & KYLE * * * * COMPANY, C A S T O R IA ★ ★ The Kind You Hava Always Bought BD. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H H a r r iu ia r E , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Cotj a n d $ o ld o n c o m m i s i o n . Anybody desiring to pur­ chase Real Estate is in* vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. '-s. now Ar. ».«•» ntl.lnrr.» B. *