k t o . v i . - - l «~T» • T H E W E S T . ■v—PUBI.18IIKD EVERY FRIDAY WASHINGTON LETTER. MOKNIXQ.— F rom F lo r e n c e , L ane C o unty , Q heçon our recular C orrespondent . Hico, for quarters, horses, vehicles, elo. Secretary Root has just sent to tl e senate an official rejsjrt made by Gen Davis, which is a reply to the resolution so far as l ’orto Rico is concerned. MB HOLDt.'.'J LECTURE. “ Example is Better clk a n Precept. It is not w h a t w e say, but w h a t H ood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Thousands o f testimonials are examples o f •what H ood's has done for others, and w h a t it w ill do for you. ED Daily Times Grand kep t Is, Mich. Mr E G D Holden's Cue lecturej The G r e a t W hite Store’ Has just received a new stock of ! “ Under the Sod, or Fifty Miles Under : Ground Through Mammoth Cave,” was delivered at Luce’s Ifall, last evening, to what, the unpropltious weather con- j sidered, waa a very fair audionce, It also proved a very appreciative one, i ToHowing Hie eloquent speaker through all his mazy, marvellous wanderings, with utmost attention, and greeting the close of almost every period with ap­ S ilk Braid and dress trim m ing s of plause. The lecture is itself a very fine ene, filled with thrilling passages and beautiful descriptions, and gradually . . . . , . . . I increasing m interest from beginning to end till everything is carried before it. We trust that “ Under the Sod" will be re-delivered at an early day, and under W h ite G oods, in N a in so o k , P iq u e , more favorable circumstances. Washington, I). C., May 28, 1909. E d u c a i» Y our Itowe«« W ith C hica ret«. Ciw»««y C athartic, cur« .toriHtipation forever. Senator Platt, of Conn, is chairman of lÇc.Côc. U C. C. C. fail, drujtf ibis ref uudmuue* the committee on relations with Cuba, THE ELECTION, which is directed by the Bacon resolu­ ■ : Í tion, adopted by the Senate without a Editor and Proprietor. The election Inst Monday passed off dissenting vote, to investigate all re- 1 st nty reipls and expenditures in the ¡aland of '’cry quietly in Florence though a much S o .o fu ’a — “ R u n n in g scrofula sore« ter. larger vote was polled than for several m ade m e sh u nned by neighbors. Medical Cuba, by, through and under tho of­ F lo re n c e , O re. J u n o 8, 1900. all d e s c rip to r— tre a tm e n t filled . A relativ e urged me to ficials and representatives of the U S, years past. The friends of the various tr y H ood's Sui « sp arlila. P iJ so and in few INO M rs . tnonthu tile sores com pletely healed." both civil nnd military forces to April candidates had been at work trying to J . M. H atch , E:;;a, N. II. O ne trial of the registration law of 30, 1900. No man in the senate is bet­ persuade the voters to cast their ballots Inflam m atory H h su m a tism - • Two this elate I1113 proven to the satisfaction ter fitted to conduct such an investiga­ for their men, hut most of them had a tta c k s of th e g rip left m e w ith iiiHanin.a- to ry rheumatism. Am E9 years old, b u t ice of a large majority of our citizens, that H ood's S a rsa p a rilla cured m e and I can tion thoroughly than Senator Platt. previously determined who would re clim b s ta irs an d w alk any w h ere." J . L ove ­ it has caused a great deal of trouble mid Although a strong partisan, he never teive their support at tho polls. With la n d , 373 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. taken much time for some of them to allows partisanship to make him unfair the exception of road supervisor the re­ In d . L in e n , et have their names enrolled as legal or to prejudice his judgement, and Ids publican candidates for state, district, e a voters. We hold that this is needless Integrity is of the old-fashioned, middle- county amUprecinct officers all received iO because a registration law could be of-the-road sort, which never copfuses good majorities, most of them having lined ’« P ills cure liver ilia; the non irrltnttnv and enacted which would be quite ns effec­ right and wrong, and never condones two, three or even four times as many only cathm ttc totak ew lV hR oou a,SA rxap fcriU .v M E R IC A ’S Greatest Medicine is tive in preventing fraud in the elections dishonesty in any form. In addition to votes as their competitors on the H ood’s Sarsaparilla,because It pos­ nl pnd which would not put each voter to those qualifications, Mr Platt has the citizen’s ticket. sesses unequalled curative powers und on its record of cures is G R E A T E S T . the trouble of appearing with witnesses judicial temperament and is a tireless ELECTION REEURNS. The total number who had previously before a registering olllcer in order to bo worker. The investigation will he made registered their names as residents of CP REPUBLICAN MEETING. allowed to exercise the elective fran­ during the congressional recess and the the precinct is 191 nnd when the polls The following is the result of tho elec­ d were closed at six o’clock, though nine tion in Hie precincts given. chisa- committee has thu authority to sit A meeting was held in the Odd Fel­ votes had been sworn in during the CONGRESSMAN— am where it pleases, either as a full com­ low’s building last Saturday at which ■dei day, the clerk’s records showed that hut Florence Mapleton Heceta m ittee or to divide into suh-committe.es, the political questions of the day were A gain it has been demonstrated that his 175 ballots had been cast, Daly 33 20 8 and to send for persons and papers. discussed from a republican standpoint. l a t e & i the form of ballot used in Oregon is Of those names in the register two are Elmore 3 1 Senators are, if possible, more anxious fn W II Weatherson was called on to ¿umhersome and is not clear to many dead and some havo moved away, but Sears 2 8 for congress to adjourn, than members A F preside mid announced as the first tho people, Take almost any pre­ making due allowance for these tho Tongue 118 18 of the house are, hut thero is much speaker Henry Bultman of Gardiner, cinct for ail example. It seldom —i» result of ti._ election shows that an SUPREME JUDGE— work yet to bo done upon regular ap­ Mr Bultman spoke for about half an ; Ju happens that pie total number of votes nvorage of one man of every eight in the Bright 1 propriation bills, which m ust all be dis­ Vils hour giving a very good address in sup­ received by the candidates for any of- precinct does not take enough intrust in Greene 37 26 10 puted ol before adjournm ent. Conse­ Jou port of the republican candidates, flee is as largo ns the wholo number public affair* to care to exercise the Wolverton 125 13 0 mb quently, it is almost certain th at the Hon E G D Holden then took the persons voting in that election. This highest privilege of a free citizen, the FOOD COMMISSIONER— B, bi date set by tho house resolution, June floor and gave an interesting talk. He variation increases in proportion as the right to be heard in choosing the otiicers Bailey 105 16 6th, for adjournment, will have to be devoted some time to the constitutional number of voters increases. There is to administer the affair of the country. Rot Kenady 3 2 pushed a little further along by the amendment in favor of equal suffrage no way to account fur this discrepancy log« Schulmeriek 29 23 senate; but thero is no doubt that ad­ Didn't Keep I ’p the flccord, and urged his hearers to vote to give ceL except on the supposition of errors and “ Bill writes from Texas, " s a id the PROSECUTING A TTO R N EY - journm ent will take place ubout tho 208,0 women the ballot. emissions in making out thu tickets. parent, “ thnt he’s in jail ng’in, an ho Brown 15 middle of June, which is unusually ’pears to be hopeless over it. I wonder willi There was a fairly good attendance We hope the legislature nt its next ses­ Hazard 34 19 early for tho long Ecusiop, even in ef the example of his family ain ’t in ­ present but probably not so many as All Shades and of best quality, in clu d in g Velvet tr im m il “ sion will amend the law on this subject Jackson 9 6 reti spirili to him ? His g ran ’father broko presidential years. would have come out earlier ip the and provide for a moro simple form of jail six tim es; his undo dng out three STATE SENATOR— e» au Delegations from the Creek nnd times, an thoy ain ’t a jail in tho settle­ campaign. ballot. Booth 110 JO 17 Cherokee Indians are in Washington ment th a t kin hold any cf tho rost of j Chi' Veatch 42 29 9 the family. I t ’s my opinion that Bill protesting against tho proposed allot­ has fulled from grace I” —A tlanta Con­ play i REPRESENTATIVES— ail gi ment of their lands in Indian territory, stitution. N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N , RATIFICATION M E E T IN G AND H arris 120 22 JO there which they claim will he a violation of NOTICE TO COMMON CARRIERS. Hcmonway 106 10 13 LO VE FEAST. vicini viol U nited States Land Office, old treaties. Their protests have been 113 16 McQueen Notice is hereby given tliot in corapliun.ce fi JO submitted to the Indian Committees of Coo« Pay New». with the provisions of the net of Congress of ° lea' rn Geer 39 28 8 I-nke Precinct, Douglas Co, Ore, June 3, 1878, entitled “An net for the sale of tim ­ congress, hut there is no probability of Deputy collector D F Fox, of this dis­ s. Skipworth 31 40 8 Ed W e s t :— ber lands in the States of California, Oregon,, interference by congress with the allot­ trict, desires to call tho attention of all Nevada, and Washington T errito ry /’ Charles vii S S o a r s Harwood 53 Wo mol at an early hour Juno 4th nt - 27 8 F Cox of Acme, County of Lane, State of Oregorç ment program. at erw •tage nnd steamboat companies and Bam ford 1 h as this day Hied in this office his swora state­ our regular voting place. Messrs H ar­ vu a k Lying upon the tnble of tho senate are freighters in his district to the war reve­ ment No 1060, for the purchase of the NE H anna 2 wood, Miller and Colvin were judges. J aured BW >4 N % BE >4, See 28 à NE ;»4 SW % o f Sec­ tlio credentials of Mr .Clark, and of Mr nue act of Jnne 15, 1898, which provides McCord «bovi tion No 27, in Towliship No 18 S Fango No 9 W, Our men came up in solid column vot­ ? Maginnia for the same vacancy, and and will offer proof to show that the land ' COUNTY JUDGE— ing eurly and late but ut high twelve sought is more valuable for its tim beror stoujj although they may bo called up this tho shipper or person from whom any hikes Bushnell 3 than for agricultural .purposes, and to establish Railed off for an hour's refreshment goods arc accepted for transportation, a week, no ono looks for any definite l oí SC his claim to said land before tho Register aud 44 Kincaid 34 JO which was prepared by Mi's Schrum. Receiver of this office at, or, re* way hill, receipt or manifest, and to action at this session. Knox 120 13 8 on Tuesday the 14 day of August |900. At one o'clock sharp we resumed busi­ rt r»ni He names ns witnesses: So much opposition to the Spooner such evidence of receipt there shall be COUNTY CLPRK— ness again. Votes came pouring in n 'na at A F Hurd of Florence, Oregon, Lottie Hurd of duly attached nnd cancelled a stamp of T hill, authorizing the president to govern Leo 122 22 10 Florence, Oregon. C 1» Morgan of Point Terrace, steady run til a late hour in tho even­ an at C D Thomas of Eugene, Oregon. thu Philippines in his discretion, until the value of one cent for each and every Milliorn 40 a a mi 9 ing, when it was announced th at the Any and n’l persons claim ing adversely the further legislation by congress, bus de­ shipm ent. Penalty for lion compliance Morsa 1 1 above-described lands are requested to flic their , polls were closed. Immediately there­ $53 for each offense. claims in this office on .or before said 14 day of veloped that thero is little probability SHERIFF— after tho counting of votes commenced August 1900. th at the bill will reach a vote nt this Hawley 97 11 8 J. T. B ridges , byt whs not finished till a late hour »Jon« session. As a m atter of fact, the presi­ Register. Withers 70 37 10 th a t night. COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. dent is now exercising all thu authority COMMISSIONER— There was great rejoicing and enthu­ that tho Spooner hill would confer on Hill 39 17 8 A corres|>ondent to the Fishing FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. siasm shown. Shouts of joy and ’rails him, and will continue to do so until Lea 3 Gazette under date of Slay 13, writes (or Win J Bryan could he heard all over congress legislates for the government Taylor 119 30 10 from Portland as follows: A bouse ami lot ia Glenada. The fho woods. We .became to enthusiastic of the Philippines. Tho only apparent COUNTY TREASUKEK- Spring salmon fishing on the Colum­ bouse is 16 by 24 feet and one story and th a t wo decided to hold a ratification object of the Spooner bill is to show that Gilstrap 117 14 9 bia River is fairly under way, with meeting and love feast. Arrangements a half in height. Also a good woodshed congress endorses the exercise of that Patterson 36 30 9 prospects ol a good season. Fishermen on premises. For further particulars were at once made and cornu.ittecs ap­ power by the president, Tattison 1 1 me getting 7 cents a pound from tho inquire at this office. pointed etc. This meeting will be huld Senator Morgan’s sensational speech, cold storage houses, and tlie canneries COUNTY ASSESSOR— a t the head ol Schrum 's canyon, Lake Burton 121 in which he charged that the continental are obliged to pay almost as much. 22 10 GENERAL NEWS. ilia. precinct. It will commence at an early Gn8smnn 6 1 railroad combine and the half dozen Operators who are posted, however, pre­ 1 hour next Saturday evening. All are News from Pretoria says that Pretoria Parker 35 canal syndicates organized under New dict that there will be strong opposition 25 8 cordially invited to come and rejoice and is now invested by the British. No Jersey laws, to control canal routes on in the salmon canning business on all SUPERINTENDENT— outin ratify with us. Nothing will bo spared resistance will be offered and the city Bond 114 22 the Isthm us of Darien, were engaged in the Oregon fall rivers, such as llie 10 in iiinking this one of tho best and most ' will be surrendered by the Burgomaster Handsaker holding up thu Nicaragua canal hill, has Nehalem, Tillamook, Siletz, Alsea, 1 J enjoyable meetings ever held at that ttW as soon as a formal demand is made. Miller 46 caused much talk in Washington, not so Siuslaw, Umpqua, Coos and Coquille. 23 8 place. There will be good speaking, President Kruger is somewhere east of , much because thu chnrgu is new' as be- They say that owing to tho high price SURVEYOR- lnusic, dancing and games of all kinds* Pretoria hut in constant wire communi­ Collior 130 25 10 cause it was made by such a conserva­ of salmon ou the Columbia it is to be nnd room enough for all. We would he cation. Martin 33 23 tivo Senator us Morgan. He hit the supposed th a t the fall fish will aleo 9 pleased to see yo Editoi and family I News from Manila dated Juno 3, says i bull’s-eye when he said th at in Presi­ reach a high figure, as everybody is CORONER— there as ono of us, ulso us many republi­ that Major Marchwith his detatehment Cheshire 45 dential years the politicians were always crazy to get in. I t is reperted th at a 8 ?4 can plutocrats as may wish to come and overtook what is belived to have been Dale 3 2 afraid of corporations th at had or pre­ very strong company has been formed 2 J. W . C A R M A N PROPR1F1 rejoice with us. Aguinaldo's party on May 19th Lagat. Griffin 114 20 tended to have great power. Mr Mor- to erect and operate canneries at the 0 Editor W nsr:—1 nm requested from Tho Americans fired and the officer fell gan mid in his speech; "Tho senate is 1 different points, but th at the packs will In Florence pPecinct C II Holden H eadquarters to tender you a vote of from his horse. IIis followers fled ■« iiuiiiij up in« Innin uni, miu | ue u n w ed so small peace; Q CCum p-j carrying the body. The Americans thanks for your kindness in helping out hore> e[np(y J Rm tryjng ,Q Jo #ny ton, constable and O W Sutton, super caught the horso which was richly