¿ft í f t ¿ft ¿ W Á Í ¿ ft¿ ft¿ ft ¿ ft ¿ ft ¿ft * o d d s I ¿ft ¿ft •'. y ¿ft ¿ft y v j^ rD ■ W W — •- — " ■■ W .»• ^W„ » i W > * U .O»> V. . -. '. w 11.111 U IT-.' .w- fivtf«'»» t S u 1 14a cueerfuily reonir.tncnd teem . £»**• *•#«• tr.. i-iml for *b»ut inr..* years with • »■ i *,< « . hl'** is ntra >t «com ing on roodarly sv. w • wack. U’aa lo . 1 by dttferocit ph’-g ions ILM It w us uoqj *,<1 Ly bud to v tl. o f w hich 4 bad several. I bad the Math e x t r - c t e i, but t i e a t­ tacks continued. I bad seen atfvertle menta o f lUpnns Tsbules In a ll the papers but had no faith In tl>*m, but about aix week* «inc-5 a friend in dtsood me to try them , flave taken but tw o o f the ■mail ft rent b>>X">i o f the Tabi.ies and have had no remit raf.ee <,f the attack«. Have never Riven a testim onial lor atiytbbitc lx tore, fcut the great am ount o f good w hich I baliava hae been don« me by fUpau* I a unto* In d u ed m e to add m ine to Lha many t«atiinon?au you oou b tlo u have la your ptesesrloa now. X T. Pb WlYT. I w ant to lnfr»m you. In «rord» o f highe»* pHR e, n t t t « Lvntflt I fiuv« derived from I*.lp«n» Tabu!««. 1 a n a profcxalonal uur«« and In thl* prcfM d jn »clear be.Hd la alw ays i eedvd. iUliAHA TttbU-v , d JOS It. ▲ fur one o f iuy uases I ¿ o u n d m /M if oom i’lctely rundow n. Ac'.! ng on tho advice o f Ur. Goo. Bow­ er. Ph. u ., &dg Newark Ave., Jersey C ity, I took fclpan« Tabuleo w ith f.'and roautta. UU» blSJIE W ixdmam . â for over 11» e y-ora. -ivtulag g a s s m e any relief. My feet and 1- j *:« « * 4 ibdow eu war« bloated so I could not w eai «hoc« on ¿cy font and only n looaa i * a * n t, t m Txt Jaa advdVttaad In our dally paper botjubt uftus odd I xximumojvw •<1. Ilava taken them about three weeks au 1 there la ruch a ch an ge! 1 am not coa^upattHl any m ot• and I ow e It all to Hlpan« Tabular la m thirty- «even year« old, have no occupation, only m y houMshold Cutie« and BUrslng tny alck husband, n e lias had the dropsy and I am trying Klpana Tabulet for him. He feel» »ome tetter but It w ill take «ow e tune, ba ha« been nick aoloug. Tod may use iuy U tter and name as you Ilka Airs. ¿U mt Ooaaua C taax«. / a - v s * a 1 ¿PVIAPj ¡ 'P F & G T I ( A t 9 Ù R P .S S IV B SET I -hare been enfftrfoff from headache« ever «luce 1 w as a littlo glrL I oould never ride In a cur or go Into a crowded place w ithout getting a headache and sick at my stomach, f heard about Rlpau* TaLules from an auut o f mlno who wag taking them for eatarrh o f the stomach. She hud found suyh rellof front their use «headvised ma to U k o them too. and I Lave been doing so since lust Oetobor, and w ill say they huv« complete­ ly cured m y headaches. I am tw enty nine year« old. You are w elcom e to use this testim onial, Mrs. J. DaooRMYaa »».»««tm»**» R ’l ’P ’A ’N ’S I .fhey brought hint into town, and all A T o o t h , T o o g h F la k . i they conic? get out o ’ him was a string Fish seem to have no sense of feel­ Ul ' o' tho d----- dost, foolinhost words yon ing, and many people believe that the H o t tminmi-Jf» ,elt w«« cv« r h a lf bo fatr T he modern stand­ A a th ia w h it e w in t e r w ra p p e d in er m in e ever ueard o f He didn't say much else lugry and energetic movements of a flojen, for a good many years afterward— Osh when It Is caught are due rather to A ro y a l f-ilenco b r o o d in g e v e r y w h e r e ard Family Medi­ A n d a ll th e w o rld a W ilceleM d ream o f p eace. yonster sit around the town here and annoyance at losing Its liberty than to get it off to himself. Went somethin any sense of pain. I can confirm this, cine : the A m b e r a n d o p a l, f u ln t u e t p e a r l an d rose, like this: because I have over and over again O ran ge n nd ijjr p lo tn « l e H nnw t ,k y : “ 'Changed all the trees in the Rat- taken an undersized pike that has been common every-day In fie ry h u e , th e w hjij w en t flam es a n il g lo w ,, N o r fa d e s t il 11 l s siar. t a ^ , lif e s h in in g o u t o n h igh . tlosnako—moved ’em and mixed ’em all once or twice caught and put back Into up. Might 'a' boen a dream, but 1 don’t ’ the water. Mother w as troubled O 'er s t e e l bint) o ill of humanity. A io rtieen Is b r ig h t Ilka w it.i h e a r t b u r n und think so. Ask Bill—he knows. Put a Upon one occasion three of us—boys m o il, gloeplesanc«», c.tuved by My seven-year old boy T h e t r e e s In y:ak>d b ea u ty li f t th e fr lim b s, zhot in her. Seen rock in my time, but I ef the Old brigade—were fishing In a Indigestion, for a good suffered w ith pains la T oo w in d is h i/a h e d th a t e r st d id so b a n d w a il— ir.au/ »oar«. One day hl* head, constipation no rock like that. Bill, d------dold fool, trnall pool In a narrow, sluggish river. ■hn «aw a testim onial and complained o f bis S o f t e r it s torjoa t h a n m o th e r 's c r a d le h y m n s. gits soared, and wo kivered her np to Junes caught a small pike, and as It In the papor Indorsing stom ach. He could not ,/ b 1 p a n • Tubules. She eat like ehildron c f his U tr a n g e , a il f j it w in te r , fa ir b ey o n d b e lie f, oomo back to. Didn’t blaze no treo, but was undersized, being barely four determ ined to g! »e them age d o and w h a t ba W h iter. to ro t/e il a n d fa ir an d d rea m y a s th e n ig h t, m y o i d knife’s Stickin on the moss side pounds, he cut the hooks out of Its gul­ • trial, w as g r e a t l y did eut did not agree Forgi Ming, p a in an d ca r e a n d jo y and g r ie f. ,' M i o h r 'a ' b e e n a d r e a m HV- relieved by their u«o w ith him. He w as th ia > p a /» lo m iU y ep a eo a n d sh rou d s th o lig h t. 0 t h a t tree. Might a been a dream. let and threw the fish in uguln. Inside Creeps a n d n o w t a k e s th o and o f a saffron oolor. »1___» 1 _____ A olr rjtll ’ Ask Bill. —H a r p e r's B azar. of 30 seconds Jones caught the same Tabulee regularly. She keeps a few cartons Rlpcnf Reading som e o f th e testim onials In favor o f “ Coarse yon can bet your life that i llsh again. Once more he cut out tho Tabules In the house and *uys aho w ill uot ba w Hn- Rlpans Tahulos, I tried them. Rlpans Tubules not o u t them. The heartburn and sleeplessness bavo on»y relieved but actually cured m y youngster, old canyon was prospected pretty well hooks, and this time he had to maul it the headaches have disappeared, bowel» are la disappeared w ith the Indigestion whioh was fN C G G E T S ’ L U C K . after that, but nothin was found. The rery much. Once more It was kicked good condition and he never com plains o f his form erly so great a burden for her. Our w hole stomach. He is now a red, chubby-faced boy. This fam ily tak e th o 'tabules regularly, especially after specimen was sold and tho money divid­ In. wonderful change I attribute to Rlpans Tabules. a hearty meal. My m other is fifty years of age I am sutlslled that they w ill benefit auy on e (from and Is enjoying the b ceto f health and spirits ; also Then I caught It. still bleeding. 1 got How the spruce looking stranger got ed between Bill Wilkins and Nuggets’ the cradle to old age) U taken according to direc­ eats hearty m eals, a n tm possibaity before sho duughter, who had to take caro o’ him. the hooks out with difficulty, and be­ into the lUtlo, old, dilapidated town np tions. B- W. F&1C& took Tabu le a A ntob IL B xu . uiusm . Wilkins went over into Calaveras soon fore I could throw the fish In again a in the Sierras none of its inhabitants after that nnd fell down a shaft about terrier dog bit It half through. Then I ■appeurod to know, hut most of them 500 feet deep. A new style packet cont&laln,? raw mipaxs T xtrixs pocked In a paper carton (without glass) is now for sals . kicked the fish In, und Brown caught at some drug stores -rou n vacxN i«. Tau low-pricel sor- is intruded for the poor and the economical. One wero extremely anxious to ascertain. “ Well, time went by, and the law ' It. At last we got so tired of cntchlng dozen o f the fivo-oont oartons (130 tabules) enn tu had by mail by sending forty-eight cents to the R itans Boldom It wna-tlmt any one went to the stopped hydrauleeking, and purty much | this fish that I threw It away In dls- CnxMlCAl, O oms - xxt . Ho. 10 Spruce Street, how York—or a slnglo carton ( tew tabvub ) will be sent for live cer.ta. R ipams T xbulws may also »x» had of somo groecre, general »torekespsrs, nows agents and at some liquor s tosvri. Apparedny tlmto wrts no particu­ every one left tho town that conld git i gust. It eaught In the fork of a willow and harbor shopa. They hauuh pain, lnduoe sleep and prolong life. Oue gives relief. lar reason v.iky any one should. The out o’ It, and it ain't been worth a d—n tree nnd staid there for half an hour, surrounding scenery was grand, it is senco. when a crow attacked It, dislodging It “ Nuggets' daughter she married Bob from the tree, but not before It hud re­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i true, but the town could make no claim to being nil essential part of tbo gran­ Hittel, who was a teamster and didn’t moved one of the eyes. The selfsame deur. Its one stroet straggled up tlio iiavo much o’ it to do oitlier. They was fish was caught next day by the keep­ L an d O ffice, at R osebu rg. O regon. mountainside for a short distance nnd nore, but they managed to make a liv- er.—Fishing Gazette. M ay 9, 1903. lost its way in tho forest. A long, ram­ in and keep old Nuggets besides. N o tic e is h ere b y g iv e n th a t th e f o llo w in g - shackle “ hotel,” several despondent Course you know the old man couldn’t P r id e o f th e P o o r. n a m ed s e ttle r h a s filed n o tic e o f h is in te n t io n j OF looking stores and a number of saloons do nothin but sit around and talk those Mrs. Clarence Burns, who Is so well to m a k e fin a l proof in su p p o rt o f b is c la im , a u d J made up what it was pleased to call tho words I told yon of. th a t sa id p roof w ill be m a d e b efore R eg. Kec. | known for her philanthropic work, “ Every ono was kind to him, except, says that In all her experience In visit­ nt R osebu rg, O regon, o n A u g u st 4, 1900, v iz : ! business i*»rtion of tho town. On all sides and asifar ns tho eye could see, perhaps, Jake Openheimer, who kept ing the tenements of the poor of tho H u g h C a ssid y on h is H. E. N. T8C3 fo r th e SW | And T h e « * NW SW >4 S ec. 10 T 21 S, R 11 W. however, were tho Imperishable evi­ tho principal store then. He youster rile city she has never been asked for aims. NW l i e n a m es th e fo llo w in g w itn e s se s to prove dences of what th'is little town once had him a good (leal and josh him and ask Mrs. Burns lias made a business of vis­ been—tho center of a natural wealth al­ him when ho was goin to open her np, iting the poor with the hope of helping h is c o n tin u o u s r e sid e n c e u p o n a n d c u ltiv a tio n most Inconciivabio. Vast areas of white but 1 reckon ho didn’t mean a great I them whenever she saw the need, but o f sa id la n d , v iz : C a th e rin e A. C a ssid y , o f G ardiner, O regon, nnd yellow and reddish clay, mountains deal o’ harm. finds It almost Impossible to make the J o h n J o y c e , o f G a rd in er, O regon, J o h n H e n d e r ­ "Every now and then Nuggets ’nd really deserving poor acknowledge that so n , o f G ardiner, O regon , W ilbert P e ck , o f ■earned and gashed and cut in twuiu, 8old With miles of rusty nml disjointed gigantic wander over into Rattlesnake canyon they are In need of anything. G ardiner, O regon. T H E D A IL Y ¿ron pipes, told of the days when tho nnd spend nigh on to a day there. When One day sife visited a family who J. T. B tìtdgxs , B y M a .lL , P o . t a g e P a i d , miners with hydrnulio guns “ hold np” he'd come back, he’d bo worso tult than were all huddled together In one bare, R eg ister. nature and forced It to deliver its troas- ever and go moonin around and sayiu cold room, nnd their faces were so - thoso words: ‘Changed all tho trees in pinched sho knew they were starving. $ 6 ? 7 0 But all that was |ong ego and Is only tho Rattlesnake—moved ’em and mixod But In response to her offer to help NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION a pleasant memory with the littlo town ’em all up. Might a-been a droam, but them the mother said: new, and to the stranger's not unnatu­ I don’t think so. ’ “No, thank yon. The children have L an d O ffice, a t R osebu rg O regon. “ 'Bout this timo his littlo gran'son had something today. 1 am sure to get ral inquiry us to how the poople support­ May 8, 1900. ed themselves eamo tho cheerful and was growiu np, and Nuggets began for work soon.’’ N o tic e 1 b h ereb y g iv e n th a t th e fo llo w in g - to take him along with him in his trips cannibalistic reply that they ''lived on After questioning as to just exactly n am ed s e ttle r h a s filed n o tic e o f h is I n te n tio n Greatest Weekly in the Country, to the canyon. Mrs. Hittel, she objocted what the children had bad to eat Mrs. to m ak e fin a l p ro o f in su p p o rt o f h is c la im , and one another. ” Tho stranger sat on a box outside one ' at first, but when sho seen tbo boy liked Burns found that they had subsisted th a t sa id proof w ill be m a d e before C. II. H o ld e n of the Btores beside one of the citizens to go and her father was dead set on for three days on a few dried scraps of U. 8. C o m m lssiu u ez a t F lo r e u e j, O regon, and soon found himself listouing to a bavin him with him sho didn’t make uo stale bread. This experience, she says, o n J u n e 29,1900, v iz : J a m es Ii. F. D o d g e , on h is (Including to an y p art o i the U nited 8 H « « H Sec. xnonologno offered for his entertain- j more objections. Tho boy used to say Is repeated frequently.—New Tork H . K. N o. 8419 for th e 8 S 8W State«, Canada and M exico. 11, T. 15 8 ., R. 12 W. Id have I.'i n a dialogue be- that while they was in tho canyon Nug­ Tribune. T H E WEEUCL.Y CHRONICL.B. th e brtghteat monk It H e n a m es th o fo llo w in g w itu e sso s to prove an.l moat eoroplaU W eekly N ew sp ap er la tha tween fl» I but tho eatertaiuer* would gets spent most o’ his time huntin for world, prints regularly 111 Column*, or six teen h is c o n tin u o u s re sid e n c e u pon a n d c u lt iv a t io n ■ h e H a d n 't D r o p p e d OH. None who are engaged in any of the mechanical wot have l| [ thitrV’ay. An old man, with something.he oonldn't find paxes, of N ew s. Literature and General Infor- o f, sa id la n d , v iz : •* Dollar’ »’Ouo oveuin in the summer time, •grizzled |ird undjjenther beaten face, u’a t Ion: al«o a m agn ificen t A gricultural and I v a B rcey, o f M in n ie , O regon, B. C. S m ith , o f pursuits can succeed without reading and “Yls, ma'am.” (Inrtleuitural D epartm ent. T h is Is one o f the •was ho. nfifsirnnger notioed, with 'bout ten years ago—I was hero then “I am very tired, nnd I am going to M in n ie , O regon , A II O u y n n , o f M in n ie , Oregon grea test d epartm ents In a n y paper cm thia ■omo surprise, that, although stained myself— Nuggets and tho boy kem into H O u y n n , o f M in n ie , O regon. studying this standard Magazine of Sciences Coant. E v ery th in g w ritten Is based on ax* and rusty, his long frock coat anil the town and gavo it a surprise that it ain’t lie down for an hour.” pertenre in the C oast Btaten, not on E astern J. T. B r id g e s , “Yls, ma’am.” tronrers stuck into his boots wero of got over senco. You can believe it or men’s know ledge o t their ow n 1 ecall Itos R egister* and mechanical Arts. I t is illustrated^with “If I should happen to drop off, call .good broadcloth. A very conspicuous ; nof as you want to, hut he'd got back SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE -watch ohuli^n jf^tu — . diamond pin in u ; his mind all right and talkod as sensibly me nt B o'clock.” all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions in all W A N T E D S E V E R A L PERSONS F O R D I8 - ’’Yls, ma’am.” netting of inbaoco ■ stained shirt front as I’m talktn now. Dou’t believe he »» tr ic t O ffice M anagers in th is sta te to So my lady lies down, folds her the branches of mechanism, and its fund ¡of ever was crazy myself—just think he’d r e p r ese n t m e in t h e ir o w n a n d su r ro u n d in g and the etiHru absence of a collar made s . W illin g t o p ay yea rly |iWi0, p ayable -np« soniowlmt Incongruous ajrpearnnco. got his mind set on ono thing and hands, closes her eyes and I, soon in c w o e u e n k tie ly . D esira b le e m p lo y m e n t w ith u n u su a l knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ the land of dreams. She is awakened o p p o r tu n itiea . R efere n c es e x c h a n g e d . E n ­ "Yes, you’re right, ” began the ontcr-'-l oouldu't get it off. lo se s e lf ad dressed sta m p e d en v e lo p e . 8 A tatner, starting the monologue with "But ho was purty near crazy with by the clock striking 0 and cries Indig­ c Park 3 2 0 C a x to n B u ild in g , C h ica g o . ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u b considerable energy, "this Mown ain’t happinoss. He’d nn old runty knife In nantly: “Della r worth a whoop In hell today, bnt yon his bund, nnd ho kept «tyin to ns all W est at clubbing rates. “Yls, ma’am.” oughter seen itonct. Ain'ta'Tib'ty-n'iner ; tho time, * ’Twarn’t no dream aftor all, “Why didn’t you call mo at 5 o’clock, (her own ---- selection)*) every subscriber. Deautlfkl col­ _ ---i-r____ myself, and you got to make a good (leal 'twarn't uo dream. ’ Seems when they ------------- ored lithograph piste« and ------- lii'dAtration«, Original, xlslto and strictly up-todata dc*igns. I*tost, »rtlstlo. exquisito of allowance for whnt some o’ those old was in tho canyon the boy got to playin as I told you to do?" “Shure, ma’am, ye tould me to call ye has boons tell yon. but they all do say around and crawled undor a big tree it was a humtnor before they stopped , that 'ad boen blowu down and found If ye had dropped off. I looked In on ye tho knifo stickin in it nndoracath. at B, and ye hadn’t dropped off at all! hydrauleokiu. Ye was lyln on the bed in tho same “ You oughter get.old Nuggets to tell Oonrsb yon know whnt that meant "Well, Nuggets is all right now. So place, sound asleep!" yon soinothlu about ft. Ain’t yon met Nuggets yot? Well, you should, for he’s wns his cluiiu. Ho sold it for a purty i»kln* «oooomlssu faner work, household hint«. M n tn a llr A r t « a b l e . • - S h o rt ■ to rie s , c u r r e n t 1 topics, — 9 - - - sto- ------¿— Subtcrlba - . - * i - -- ’* — - - to - day. about tho only sight we got in town— nico sum to a conplc o’ big mining mon T b o C h r s n k l e U n lld ls s g . for terraa. One day last summer a sour visaged, Only too. yearly- Lady a««uto w uiU d. TTTE CHROKXCXB ranks w ith the g r s a ts st down below. See thore smokestacks in only thing the town brags nbout and mlddlo aged, fussy woman got on ono new «iap«rs In the United S tates. p'lnts out to strangers. Nuggets was the trees over in tho canyon? Well, of the smoking seats In an open car T H E C HRONICLE h*s no equal on the P a d flo hero—or som’ers nbout hero—before I there's a 14 stump mill on the spot in the subway. Next to her sat a man Coast. It leads all In a b ility , sn tsrp rlss and they ever did nuy hydrauleokiu—when where that knifo was found. nwn. who was smoking a cigar. Moro than T H E CIIRONICLF*fl Telegm pM o R eports a rs “ Boh Hittel runs this store w e’re that, the woman, sniffing, easily made everything w as placer nnd slnioo minin. the la test and m ost reliable. Its I j O co I N ew s the Ilo’ll tell yqu Ids i(rry. He’ll tell it u-«ittin in trout of, and Bob's wife owns out that the man had been eating on­ roll yto fuiletit and sp iciest, and its E d itorials from the This monthly magazine is one ol the without bi'in ast. V»« he»«-d it so often her own house. Nuggets has a mort- ions. Still more than that, she had ablest pen* In the country. T H E C H RONICLE has a lw a y s been, and a l- that I kno\^It iuy6olf. Uo likes to hoar gago on almnt everything Jake Opeu- the strongest kind of suspicion that he best printed in this country, and ii way* w in be, the friend and cham pion of the heimer's got left, and tho boy—the hnd been drinking beer. The woman ^himself talk. pecplc, a* a g a in st com btnatIons, cliques, eor- ’’He was one o’ the first to come gran'son, yon know—he’s down below fussed and wriggled and grew angrier For lodlM. tplsxwi Flrl« That < to all subscribers a t rates withi potaUons, or oppressions aJ any kind. It w ill be ncrost tho plains—leastways that's w bat in business for himself. Ihdependcnt In everythin g, neutral In nothing. and looked at the man scornfully. “ That’s about tho story old Nuggets Presently she could endure It no lon­ he Buys—and when he got hero ho just ability ol all to pay. I t is .finely nschvrally staid. He kem nround by the 'll toll you when yon meet him. Some ger. She looked squarely at him aud DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE trated and presents the names of ft old omigriuit trail book o’ Lake Tahix) o' it's true 1 know myself fora fact, aud said: I reckon, mubbo, soinoo* it’s—well, you and Into ILiugtowu. “If you were ray husband, sir. I’d authors as contributors. T he “ llnugtown—you know, that’s w li,t kuow, Nuggets Is a Missourian aud a give you a dose of poison!” they called Plaoervllle In them days— purty good liar himself.” The man looked at her. “If I were and the Cosmopolitan are sold The st ranger arose, stretched himself, your husband,” said he, "I’d take It!” w im a great plane then. Meals was «3, rtjr pat Only IS and it cents «ach-noa» ■Mlv . * i toasthsr - ?h-,wlig the Unl'el S tale,. Domialoa and ho was bqiJsi whisky was four hits nnd, striding up tho street, encountered —Boston Transcript. and town, — or *•--------" by nuüh - - l i l B o oo»rty . . . « «»cry --------- elty ------- * ------- duced rates at this office. Aj&h(ur n>en/"Ak.olu'tel, t up * - ‘ um 1 ä 6. rtyl» AUoluti ‘ very iidM ------- “ st Casada and Northorn Mtxlso ■uid two bits a drink, nccordln as how the ono legged druggist standing in tho T i l , M cCALL, C O M PA N Y , o rr o K k h i d e , you wanted it, and Hour wan «10 for a doorway of his store. F o n n d I lia A u d ito r . ■M-it« P m > •««» it ,« .............. ’—I ray. »• “ Great story I Just hoard,” said the uuwll ntek. tJnurse, yon know, most all Professor Charles D. It. Roberts, the M a p ■upplietkctn arnnnd tho Horn to Frisoo, stranger. poet, reads the modern languages very O X n ’l l l i O T W K R 8 I D K L “ Been talking to the old pioneer?” , wmi boated up to Bacramento and team- easily, hut speaks them Imperfectly. At HIS TALKING M ACHINE. S n l *n«1 4>ot the .TUtp and » » r .'k 'y C l i r o n i c l a f o r O n e Yassr* “ Piouoor? Why he’s not a forty- a reception held In New York Just «d out to tlm lelnos (nan thore. p o n ta g e p r e p a id o n m a p a n d > A > ar. P h o n o frrn p h b y A u y M rana, K o« ■'lluBioesH wim good In California In niner. ” prior to bis leaving for Europe Rob­ but T hen— ▲DDKttM “ No, but he's a forty-clglitcr. “ erts was Introduced to a distinguished them (lays. Most ov(* v uue bad money, M. H . de TrOTJOCO. Bitting in the sr.ng back parlor of the “ Who is he, anyhow?” French artist, who was here on a visit und it wasn't uo trick to got it. The Proprietor R F. Chronlsl®, ’’Him? Oh, that's Nuggets.”— W il­ cricks and river bottoms won full o' The artist asked In his own tongue, hotel was a select, convivial, merry HA N FKANClM Ca CU. party. The landlord, besides supplying gold, and auy ouo could take a shovel, liam A. Tuaffo in Argonaut, “You «peak French T ' the frequent, necessary refreshment, pick aud rocker nrtd wash out as vine!» “No,” answered the poet “I nm W — tM t. uh ho liked. Course that *nrt o’ tiling sorry I do uot, hut I understand It well had laid on a new diversion fur his We do not take possession of our Ideas bnt are possessed by then v i s i t D R . J O R D A N ’S q r ï a t I special cronies. A lad in one of tho London hoard when It Is spoken to me.” spoilt tho Argonaut«, as they call ’em, A phonograph stood on tha table, nnd They master ns and force us into the arena, a goo<\ inquiy of ’em anyhow—would schools was found guilty of a serious in­ “1 aui so glad.” replied the French­ MUSEUM OF ANATOMY* fraction of diRcipline and was directed man. “You are the audience 1 hnve It was emitting sounds of revelry by n.Ai ilt »acst J»ny one. t o o l MARKET ST., SAN FRANCESCO, CAL Where like gladiators, we must fight for them.” {Uetvcsa S ir h and S« r»uthJ iRcr r uned to them that the by his teacher to tell his mother when long wanted. I can talk to you all 1 night. All the latest new and popular “ k 111, Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the eomic songs of the day were on tap. or, ThM irgftst A natom ical Museum j I lie got home what misdemeanor he had plcaac, and yon cannot talk back.”— sui’ply would Ins, forever, aud they in lito W orld. ,0 speak more by the book, came up to Colorado Springs Gazette. didn’t w ’■rry much and wasn't iwrticn- committed. C ir o f e s f a ffe c tio n v •like, aud a ' h* “ ,cllow biul " are upon a piano and in keeping;with its tliO Oulent SjMsMnlht on the I «cihe "Young m a i l . ” asked the proprietor ed. Hu had seen nothing like it in his purty hard fa ’ 1‘'"1 «>««"«1 "P » lowing dialoguo ensued: Coagfe. RsUUHl&hed 36 y eaix. “ Well, Master Johnnie, did yon in­ of the store, who wns making tlie life. get to thlukUi he needed motto. The Arena’s gallery of .^eminent little idle he’d t OR. JORDAN—PRIVATE O IS lA J iJ "What might I be able to get one cf form ynnr mother whnt refraction ef rounds of the vnrloua departments, KdsMtiou. a n d \ in" 1 h0'd «° to V ooms m . n .n J r e lr f d ie discipline yon were guilty of yesterday “bow can yon afford to dress ao elabo­ them things for?" be asked a melan­ O isril n . r n w ho arc snffcrlri! thinkers is a group oi interesting men and ■and blow in his pL fr.jia :ua i i f t c a c f youthful Indl»- nml ¿lie reprimand aud punishment yon rately aud expensively on tha salary choly personage, n stranger to him. CTStions or ex i esee<, In maturer "Then he’d striks the trail for tho received?" y eirs. Keryn <« *nd ph venal IH *M U ty, | m . “ About a fiver." women, and their thoughts are worthy the we pay you?" I n tv .* c y L 'ir .i X u .a ' t o o d lii nil Itseompll- goldfields for (uiotiia ■ stack o' blue •• 'Tain', dear nt that. Very extraor­ '•Yes'm," was tho sententious reply. cn.’lo 's; » p < > r i,i.» i« i i L tr a , F r « » * ta la r - "1 enu’t,” gloomily answered the r,««ra Q n u o t r h 'r : » . O l o « t , F . v « a e n , ▼ ’’h'P* ■ partner in consideration ot ad people. The Arena is "Wall, and what did year mother salesman. ”1 ought to have more sal­ dinary things I Kind of talking ma­ •■r I 'r ! ■ » .« -> ., a w . Iiy a c-v r s ' m I o ” ¿ i "Cours» ail) hart rcine b« s . , ( groat carn tlm p,,,, er, the Doctor chines, ain't they?" say?" ary C'hleego Tribune. ’uggets bad UH so Ms troaicnent th-U ! i will tr i them days, , ana and tlii< here N sold with T h f W est . “ Talking machines? That's what “ She told «lio'd like to wring your o«i!y 3 Tu.’i.itJaU* n i’ef, but permanent . One day cure, ih a l\>ctor "Maybo yon understands them?" No more discipline reports were sen, ’ year lu tols-pcqClty-Olaowtoa of l ie n . that was a corker Was ns big a ^ . nl "I ought to. I'vo got one nt hem«." home to that mother. — Pearson's emy will be entitled “Driven to Drink.” W T P1JIL IM t.'.ormtghly e-a d lc« tci ,’rom hat— red cinnabar, v.itl* chunks of t ” th e M/stent w ithout th e u i e t A s r e m * y . Ills Friend—Ah. some powerful por- "Got a whatt" Weekly. r,*n«aea fitted by an F x r e r t h a a a fu n l gold stickin ont of itjtll snoond. . traynl of baffled passion. 1 suppose? "A talking machine. ” b n p lw r w . A qolrV. f l ’ Vila (.'l«sr. "The jeweler effered ’em $1,600 ft, Artist—Oh, no: It's a horse approach- "Have yon, now I Whst did it cost ’ Pec’nl painlsna m etb i’da Burlmnk—Yon say'thak yon never lug a water trough! it, but they wouldn't sell it. Nuj- yon. if so be as it iii;i I u rnde qe— 1 arp lrin g to u iw iu receive ' hl*roniplainL w that iqan betod, and yet yon thiuk gets said there was lni'hu o’ It where it tian?" Ms u H G.^n\rntss a t V S l T / r i C T B T to fk h:v been luarmxl about 15 montha s t e i n from, but uo one believed him. ? • *a rase »cc an< fc*r.7*r. The bank cheeks passing through “ A mint of money - hundreds 1 f I 1 c h j J F j H F.F and strlet’y prfvatfe like mighty well to know what the clearing houses In txmdon and New pounds. ’’ “ Everybody thought that Nuggets ho rxr d a u d o x a i i i I’d l’reatruentpera'naJL or by letter. atsmt him to make yon arriyo York In one month exceed the value of and Wilkins had found a small pocltot, M AKE YO UR SELECTSOH. ■Hnndrtxls of pound» t>r n talking ! • * fhadr. h n n^aorH T of a conclusion? tuid that was all there was to it, but there nil the gold and silver coin In tire machine?" U H 1 U A G E . XfkiLKD T ax a i g valuable bo 1 f M m en.) Call or write at sunk •k ItolniM, Jr.—Watch him world. ■ome o ’ these pockets are gexxl enough “ Sir." returned the other, "that wo» OS. IOROAK h CO . I M l Market F. Sherlix I you will notice that he /or a poro rnuu anyhow. what 1 said. I have a wife!” Give a youth resolution and the al­ v sound n« if ho were afraid "That night there was nn awful ( lonely, a Then everybody knew why ho was ao 'io the baby. —Cleveland phabet. and trh« shall place limita to melancholy.—Ally Slopcr. wimbib'iiu. and two days aftorwurd starts nt r' •• M ow ( r . V n « r U p „ r , , It would WK bla career 1 J Nuggi ts was found oomln out o' Rattle- . HJQ.Ï in. a .tw Leai'.or. »-.trw. R*owa,c«-.(.'aio^o¡Jxí fstnki) eauyuu over there plum crazy. A W IN T ftV LA ND SCA PE. Cures Three Stars in APIMC PAPERI JL F IT S a n d Oniy i S O IZ E U S T O E S ^ * a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 A YEAH S cien tific A m erican. A FREEÍPATTERN MAGAZINE THE EnSM UFIILITAN/ R e v e r s ib le M a p ? of th e World THE ARENA. dpix L O O K O V E R T H IS G R O THE WEST. FLORENCE. A