W E S T See notice of Mass Meeting elswhere. ladie’s shirt waists — j Fine usaorlment of BD BVKBY f JUDA Y MOUSING— at Meyer A Kyle's. PERSONALS. ToniSjhi AN.4EHU Spring and Summer Goods. young Cspt Hurd and wife returned ou Tues­ II your liver ia out of order, causing i el”?n principally, 'll'11}» amonff t'J ry cumino a WATED—To either buy er trade a 38 day’s stage. “ÁT- Biliou-uesa, Sick Headache, Hen.t- is" I ^ » ‘i ' h ' ^ b ^ J ^ T h umptlon. ere > n ly it Thwre Iu caliber Winchestef rifle fora sadJ'e. C l, L a n i C oü S ty , O kkoon .— burn, or Constipation, take a dose of J t L T S W H Weatherson is assessing around Eddie Walker, Mapleton Or. rap- — B ! torn* .a .u » B>rop« Mapleton tliis week. tom s ni* o f fh« the S d i isea se are quíte _ 1 nu rattroufi. - - - BY - - - 2 « l ¥ «rr?Krca.‘?ll>' dl*c «r'“ a. If the prog­ A P Knowles has been suffering with ress of the d isea se is not checked Gt with A IV Gillicrt of Eugene was on the « lo rn c o n s u m p tio n nr som e yih er disease [. W E A T I I E R S O N a lame shoulder and hack for several river again last week. In Inevitable H U D Y A N will check III On retiring, and tomorrow your di- p»ug let« . H L D i A N will enrich the blood days, but is somo better now. |to r and Proprietor. J Schreudere has been on the lick list and a u u « the gestive organs will be regulated and ti«nt strong. H ito - Warren Andrens shot a good sized for some three weeks. you will be bright, active and ready J AN is for wom en cougar a few days ago. The animal it 11.50 a year in art/ance.- SitvJ?'*11 for any kind of work. This ha. Copt Hurd and wife left on Saturday’s HUDYAN ie men. a Dotted Muslin, white and tan Dee Dimities witli its mate were prowling around Mr stagn for a visit to tlio valley. been the experience of others; it vegetab le r^roody, and it la ha»micas Covert Cloth W,. i ce >'ours- HOOD’S FILLS are In its effect. It I at the poet-office at Florence, Andrews’ premises when his three Roy Lowe did not work this week on Foulard’s, satin finish 6oid by ail medicine dealers. 25 cts con tains no iron to »ty, Oregon, an gucond-ciass months old pup chanced upon it and the account of a strained shoulder. <«u*e the teeth to Grass Linen descrlph cat pursuing the dog camo face to face decay. If you are Seersuckers s u f f e r i n g you Capt Steear has charge of the Mink ALASKA GOLD FIELD. witli Warren a few feet distunt. The Should take H UD- Sootch Lawns during the absence of Capt Hurd. Percale “Iron Brand" YAN now and » 0 BATKg MAIJK KNOWN ON AP­ cougar then took to tiie brush the dog th e n note the Ginghams Master Silas Knowles was visiting PLICATION. following, and coming out on a log War­ ch an ge In your First steam ship for Capo Nome and Sash Ribbons, latest colon condition. Study I 8 cen ti per line, e»cli Insertion ren gave the animal a dose of leAd which relatives in Florence Wednesday. > o u r aym piom e Cape York will sail from Seattle, May carefu lly. Thfe» ended its career. Mrs E A Morgan spent the week visit­ 10. Tills will be a large ship witli a Ladles 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. are your syn«p« to»f^ Take H U D ­ | If troubled witli rheumatism, give ing tier son aud family at the jetty freight capacity of 1600 tons and pas­ Y AN now and .in e n , d they w ill d isap­ Olitimberlaiu’s Pain Balm a trial. It Ralph Knotts is spending a few days senger accoiiimodatious for 200. For pear. Soutache Braid and Ass’t Feather Stitched Braids. will not cost you a cent if it does no witti Mr Leuvngo’s folks at Mercer lake. rales and further information call on or S W E S T L IN G S . Y3ÜÍ V2AS PO IN TS ASE: good. One application will relieve the S L Long, a hardware man of Eugene, address. 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE—THK feel- in g ib mb though Ute huua w ere ffotiiu to pain. It also cures sprains and bruises visited this valley last week iu eearcli of B ed S p rea d s in W h ite , B lu e a n d Red. R McMvsniEV, Jnne'lOth is Children's dav. buret from too m uch pressure. H UDYAN. ill one third the time required by ottier timber land. Agent Northern Pacific, Eugene. by lte action on the blood, will «quails« Beal • little more plentiful now. will d'biu1111110’1 o i blood aud th * heaaaehe A New Line of M en’s Hats. treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbiets ilmer and Elmer Lowe went to All liter ills are cured by Hood’s quinsoy, pains in the side and cheat, LOGS WANTED. K TN B A LL S a n d dark Axtell the first of tlio w eek for a visit v V i O S bluN E A 1 *■} T’BiS d y e s , h u d - m u .. glandular and other swellings are quick­ witli their sisler. * Ar% will cau s« the rlnuu to disappear and mul’e the t»y$s bright. A Sunday school was organized nt ly cured by applying it. Every hottie Parties desiring to contract witli the , RALE C H E E K S , irom the pen? qual- T J Hudson who recently returned thu blood, it being alm o st devoid warranted. Price, 25 anj 60 cts. All Hermann the 13th. Siuslaw and San Francieco Lumber Co Of / °C ed «olorl»‘K m atter. H U D Y A N will from tlie east is (eliding brake ou the druggists. enrich tnu biuuU ¿¿nd cause the ch eek s tu for logs to be delivered the coming sum­ becom e bright Ledies, see those flue underskirts at fftul rosy. rock curs at the jetty. mer and fall will please apply at once i . 4’. i V EA K “ E 8S IN 'i H B H E A R T . This fgOFunke's. la the m ust pronounced sym ptom . The ALPHA CLIPPINGS- Mr Persons returned from Eugene to henrt b ew ii-es w eak and there is a con­ A O F neke drove a well for B F Wil­ where he went for medical advice. He i'? m »¡nalng feelin g around it. H UD- I. B. Cushman, ton the first of the week. o ' 1 m ako the heart stron g and suys his thumb is much better. B y E ven C hangs ca u se it to bent regularly, and the sin k ­ Acme, Oregon. ing feelin g will disappear. Bert Benedict has joined the list of H H Fisk and father A II Fisk of Eu­ 5. K EE LIN G OF W EIG H T IN TH E STOMACH A N D IN D IG EST IO N . This*/« b,"Mel **“ ’ J°he’a comforters. CONTEST NOTICE. gene were in town Wednesday. duo to the fa ct that the food In the stom ­ Mur 22, 1900. The tug Roberts came in from Ya- ach Is not acted upon by healthy blood: Maggie Brund lias sufficiently re­ Leonard Tabor has the contract for 1, a " f 1 Properly digested. This |uina last Thursday with a load of flour. leads to habitual constipation. H U D Y A N covered from her sprained ankle to be United State« Land Office. carrying tlie Alpha—Mapleton mail for will cau se the food to he properly d ig est­ O W Hurd began driving piles Mon- two years. able to work at Mrs Bingham's. ed, im prove the unpetite anti relieve the Roseburg, Oregon, «enetlpatlon. H U D Y A N will relieve «1* May 16, 1900. preparatory to erecting Lie cannery. t n i i ? v CaVM n«o.m» and m ake you w«H. I rank \ ader and wife w ho have been Mr Mortin Oieson purchased 40 acres A sufficient contest affidavit having been flloil £ i> A ANA»! for you- 11 15 for «“ « ’ an« The San Francisco Examiner and the of school land for the chittem which is visiiing friends aud relatives Imre left hi thia office by Charted It Bailey, contestant, w w ontwn. A fter you are cured toll other wom en w l.at H U D Y A N has done for y S ? t W arrior one year $2.50 paid in ad- growing on it. Sunday for their home at Axtell. against the homestead entry No 8178, made ,a i? ,rai!ny o th Adkins, Contestée, in which it is or six p ackages for »2 M. I ffir c e t.to tSs Iho home of Rohort Paesclie on Indian than get around. with her grand-parents at Mapleton. alleged that the said eutrymau, Adkins, has Co., San F rancisco week. Frank Rogers’ sister Mrs Clem mens wholly aba,idoned the tracts embmeed in the, V a n dT tor’i C^ n .m " t’a t t^ ° h i frSe H ¥ u Mr Clayton Pope one of our good entry as above, and changed his residence I "’»V eall upon the doctors or w rite is you New stock of wall paper, window looking young bachelors paid his respects of Nebraska ’ * . . . arrived on Tuesday’s ------ w — boat,1 — r therofrom for a period exceeding six months. | ueBlre. Audrosg —■ iliades curtain poles and fixtures at O W I to friends on Bear creek Sunday. lor a visit with her parents ami brother, j an'1 has not »»M ed upon and cultivated tho H UDYAN REM EDY CO M PANY, Surd’s. Wige Plielph» and family camo d ow n ' '*nd “ b y ‘aw «■•mired, and that tho abondon- C A Potter! who lias the largest prune J , , ‘ cam o low n , m en tis not caused by rcasou of his service in No. 81fl South Broadway, Strawberries have been seen in the Have Q l H a n d f Vr ' rt ek fca,l,rd*y 10 Visit eithertl.. army or navy of the United States, »arkut occasionally for the last two orciiard on Deadwood, will have au w ays Los Augoies, Cat on With relatives IU r loience for a few ilaye, I suid l’“rties lire hereby notified to upper, re- immense crop and will build a dryer ine <ßtocl^ o f tnmniFMka. — - spond nnd offer evidence touching said allega- C c s. S t o c k te n , M ark .» a n d E P'g S t a , 20x40 tunnel process. Thomas Long who ling been living tlon at Id o’clock a.iu on June 30, 1200 before Tiie ‘Ätoialson—Capt Brown-railed _________ ö j n P r a n c ’pco, C ik near Point .Terraco gince liirt fall loit Joel Ware, U 8 Commissioner at Eugene, Lane The people of Five Rivers are con­ rom 8an Francisco, for thia port the structing a wagon road to connect with this week with hia family for Jackson county, Oregon, and that final hearing will be U tb . held at 2 o'clock p iu on'July 10,1900 before the REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. the Deadwood road which will give them county. Register and Receiver nt the United States P E Jackson was hauling lumber the a much nearer eoute to Eugene. Then Henry Miller of Eugene who it one of Land Ohice in Koneburg, Oregon. in t of the week for Geo B Cuinp’a new there will be a road to the ocean from our recently returned soldier boys, enrne The said contestant ¿having, in a proper af­ The Went Real Estate office ban bar­ 3oase at Mapleton. Alpha. in Tuesday to look for work. He is fidavit, filed May 15, 1900, set forth facts which gains to ofler in the following property. show that after due diligence personal service A ci*e* of wen from the Florence snw at the Spruce Point mill now. of this notice etui not be made A good dwelling house, and black­ Iho assessment for road purposes last employed 0 r y G^oods T o ' I ------- — — »«V.W arenas xxxz. UX3 U lH U b , i t 1« h c i ’c h v w*rM riviQK piling at the end of year was 4 days. Cue of our leading G ^ooda Janita Bay of North Fork who spent I ordc n d and directed that such notice be given smith shop doing a good business in a ' • , * * , e*ha waya the last of last week. ress thriving town. The owner desires to citizens declared that lie was 60 there­ some limo in Eugeno this spring caring bydueaud MW«1’ Publication, . FOR SALE.— At a bargain, all my fore exempt. Now comes the registra­ for his little eon during a severe medical J. T. B ripcrs , change his location. A fine opportunity ’ •■sehoM goods. Will sell cheap rather tion law and he gives his age at 49. upci ltegiHter. for the right man. Price $850. operation, is nursing little Eddie Kyie. J. If. B ooth , than ah ip. O F C allsion . Our supervisor is wide awake and wili 160 acres of nnimproved land on North moa Haring of North Fork who Bevel ver. Daring the last few days there have call ou him to come again Fork about ten miles from Florence ted for Cape Nome, went to Victoria *9*® fifteen claims taken on Knowles offered for saled. Near to county road. CONTEST NOTICE. The residence of Mr Jae Johnson who (^ t was to late to secure passage as he They are mostly timber claims livus about on« aud a half miles above • exp« Will make a good stock ranch. Prica xP°ct#d *° B«ve up thu trip and i *450. turned home. Frank Vnder and wife were gi ven a Deadwood P O was burned while Mr turn United state« Land Office, arewall dance by their friends Saturday and Mrs Johnson were at Eugene last 150 acres mostly limb«, land lying in Ray Vanderhurg of Fiddle creek spent Roseburg, Oregon, light at the I O O F I,all. A pleasant week. A couple of Mr VVillcute little three weeks with hia grandmother, Mrs lection 13, township, 18 south, range 10 , _ , May », moo. ima la reported. girls and Mr Egglealiain a feeble old Karnoweky on Duncan slough aud ou A sufficient contest ««d avit having been filed west. About three acre« cleared. A H a ts & C aps, in this office by Johu Joycu, euniestaiil, against gentleman could not save any tiling of his wav home made hie aunt Mrs Thomas B. llabrlel wntry No. 8695, made Juno creek large enough te float loga ru N Y O U are feeling tired and value. Tiie loss will be about $700. Liudsly a short visit. 15, 1896, for NW % Nl£ .4 A Lot 7 8eclton 17, through the land. Prife $650. sorts you w ill find Hood’s Township »1 8., Rango 11 w , by Thomas B. Mr M D Austin and wife spent Bun A good etore building aud lotin Acme. w ill do you wonderful AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING ” abrlel t-’ontsstee, in which It Is alleged that Conveniently located for business. The sure to Q E T H O O D ’ S , day with friends down the creek. Mr the said contested never eetabliahed any resi­ COUCH. dence .on the above described entry; tli-u he upper part is finished up for a dwelling terey a gReolene boat wag | Austin was through the Willamette built a small cabin which neither he nor his Price $700. tons bay the 19th and the i valley in '62 with a party of six and 14 family ever occupied; that ho has notcuUlvato.1 Last winter during an epidemic of ' mules one evening going to camp whore 40 acres on Wildest creek, 12 to 16 1 to have perished ns ay portion of Ihc land us Is required by law I the courthouse at Eugene is now. He whooping cough my children ceutracled • snd lias been found, has wholly nbnndouud the same, and that acres bottom and low bench; a good saye tiie grusa w as about four feet high tiie disease, having severe coughing the said abandonment is not due to his service building place ; fine cellar and fir tim­ sette: The lifesavers are and while tiie rest of tiie party were spells. We hud used Chamberlain’s in either the Army or Navy of the United ber; county rond opened across the laud; bi » increabg in I h eir s a la r y . unpacking the mules he took his guu Cough Remedy very successfully for Stales said parties are hereby norlfled to appear, a good stock range; Hli|e (rolu |(og’ it, for the work is one of and oiler evidence touching said nllega- and killed a line deer lose Ilian 100 yards croup and naturuliy turned io it ut that respond tloa at IU o’clock a in on July 1,, igoo before office; 1 ), miles from school house, and of value to the country. from camp. time and found it relieved the cough Frank H. Rodgers U 8 Coininlsshiner, Onrdiner where school is taught 0 to 8 mouth» in |any person owning land in and effected a complete cure.—J ohn E Oregon aud that final hearing will be held nt 10 a year. Price $250. that lie wishes to trade ¡for Curzoan, Proprietor Norwood House, o'clock am ou July 28, 191X1 b et.* ,tn e Register SAUBERT’3 MILL. 103 acres about seveu miles aliova in eouthern California, lie Norwood, N Y. This remedy is tor tale and Receiver at the U ni.cd. tales Land O3Ue in », Roseburg, Oregon. Florence, lying m ilt on main Sius­ a chance by calling at this by all druggists. ti< J. T. B kidois , law river, 23 acres of it bottom land. A Sometime ago we mentioned that there Register. house and barn on the place, and a good ACCIDENT- -To trade a 38 calibre Win- w aa going to be a new saw mill erocied J. H. Bourn, logging road ¡fading to 300,000 feet of at Acme nnd it is well tinder headway. Receiver. fir a saddle. Eddie Walker l - n ----- “ L e ’ | fhe mnchincry arrived some time ago timber in one body. A creek wiiich Lait Friday morning afler tha men Tcnr Kldnay« * would furnish a convenient water power and hands have been placing it in posi­ had gone to work on the ways a carpen­ »ho Is working at the tion as fast as possible. flows through the land. Price $950, on ter by the name of Hanson had the mis­ face and hands burned reasonable terms. Mr Saubert stated the other day tlrat by powder which was he thought if nothing went wroug the fortune to cut his left leg about midway NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A tract of about 50 acres fronting on ignited by sparks from a mill would he ready for sawing by tiie hetweeii Die ankle an kuee, which made Clear lake three mile, sum h oi Florene?. United S ta te Land Office, first of July, which wili mean places for a severe wound. A doctor was called A fair house and aliont five acroa cloared. Roseburg, Oregua, who has been unable to several more men to work iu the mill aud dressed the injured member aud tbe , . . Mays, l» o . A good wagon road from (he place t„ wound is gelling along nicely. ral weeks on account of a and timber. tviih th *’ hrr®by *lven tbllt in complianea the Siuslaw river at Glenada A tin« with the provisions of the act oi Congress of d I hch for « . . . . . . . A fine bjnred while at work at the » 1 0 0 REWARD, # 1 0 0 - June i , 1878, «m illed •• An act for the «ale nf1 sravi summer residence. Price fitly offered the sympathy man k il l e d . tin. her land, la th e sta te ,,, California, On-gon. * ' »rknu-n and others to the . e\ae"’n |uewhat injured Wood and ¿lean, b by a i in ju red by a falling the blood and mucous surfaces of tb . . Hugh , C'SMldy, . of Gardiner, - Oregon, — »—• John D2 acres unimproved land Ivina on ?4xyJ 1 Y r *9,d “riving all im- limb and Allen who wag struck ou the ' system, thereby d cstroying the founda­ S > t t o U ^ ; h t e « S l , hM'1 tr*c i " “ «"bound and tion of tiie diseuse. aud giving the Oreeou. Oregon. south ol Florence. A good wagon road JOHN C. BECK. W . H . W EATH ER SO N . ilioua complexion by taking instantly killed patient strength |,y building up the Any and all ptreojig claiming edreracly the from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $600. W. NICHOU». $uty for ten cent.. A'll drug Point Terrace, Or. Allen's home waa near Cottage Grove. constitution and assisting nature in do­ above-deeeribed land« are reqtiepied to file their on guaranteed. 10c. 25c. LA*. Florence, Or. 160 acre, on upper North Fork, a claims in tills office ou or before said day I Elmira, Or. ing its work. The proprietors have »0 of Aug net I9yo. * , large part of it bottom land, Will make at Stayton started last much faitli in its curative powers, that a good home. Prica $850. IVISON ITEMS. T. B JUDO KN, its patrons 1C centa for they offer One Hundred Dollars for any Register. I butter fat nnd giving them «0 acres timl>er land with creek large case that it tails to cure. Send for list of taking home ail tlio Bv I ch D ick . enough to float logs running through the of testimonials. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- land and into tide water. Price $525. _____ has passed through in» ! Address, F J CH EN EY* CO, Toledo, 2 a r2 d f, ^ im L c p Ê an d j a ra d £ 0 \V a 13» acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. ^ a p m O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. , . I May 21, 1900. Unltal States Land Office, A box house, good barn, and plenty of safe find. Fortify your-, L Vaughn and A D Kewcs are on the C o tj Hall’s Family Piljg aro tjle Lest. Rorefiurg, Oregon, onthnildlnga on premises; 0 acres purifying and enriching I gfok |j9l , t.i« week. a n d ^ o ' d o n c o m m i s i o n . .. ., . , Ray », IMO. building up your svelmn I w r n «Oh 7 t h ,‘ hl compliance ori-hard, 16 seres in ciiliivatmn, 10 NOTICE- rsaparilla and you may T . , C'’" 1*'"»« '• working at the with the proTl»l->,i« o, U)e Vo„Kie„ uf acres more cleared land, and 80 acres i •III. throughout the com- L,'°“ * lo« ,n« Junes. act — lor ■ a » « ei ■ * 1>7 j , entitle«! - a n — o f! • balance, brui*h And timhee» iu a li',,1 A‘ * * * • ' " ““*“"««f u* town council of ' n,n,'*r ’.ln>,* r ¡a tlm ‘I ' « t t taUaof u u .o f t California,Oregon, land. Price $20 per a.-re »lixin 1 ^ff L Davis and ton of Eugene arc " _ oren es held to (I., o/ b.todA , and Washington l errliort,'' Hugo I *t r * ’ H ,’' ‘,a"ll”’"-.ot<'*'-u.Cou,-.tyo(noUgiM l I,or f"r’her information Inquire at Parties having Real Estate to sell w ill do w ell Several parlies have been looking at Supervisor In occonlcuce wi(h an act enUlIed l “tMt* ° ’ ” r,<'” 1 b « «his dsy filed la thlsoffie« T _ l,e W« st office, ’ - F ,Irene« vzIT i work of a demon within a -jrttri or Oregon n s r e t , * “ Am' nd a’' Act «“-“»«J oiu"r‘X".’‘: ,r en‘ N'*- 10u-'. forth, pureh«. John • - C “ Beck, “ Point Terrace, Oregon. or me who has had nn attack , and enquiring about timber lands on t An to place it on our l i s t - Act to I c orporate the Town of Florence. I J “ l ! * S f" £ ‘4 >**• M. W H N W i4 o< Sec, W Nichols, Elmirs, Oregon. I inflammatory rheumatism Wildcat lately. Lane County, Stale ,.f Oregon. »0. Ig, in Townehlp No. 21 g. Rango No U W and will offer proof to »f,o„ thttt liul ,o creek last Saturday. All reported a I therefore warn all people MBli.«t w ,n- •an«h“ » more valuably for lie timber oretono ffiakT?. c c * '» « " P « tlo n F o r e v e r . any highway aa resm .c t. tu any MlSto bat ta • ’ tfau,,unU »’”" « * ’ .••»<« to establish Il c c .0“ »»"»« ifiTo» as«. timed that Cbainla-riaio’a ■mall catch, both in nze and number. € - C’ Ul1 lu curc- «rugrtata refund m o w me as I nhaii u«r nil dlliteenco ne iy to tiie troth of this friends in this uttighburliood this week. TRADE. Comity, Oregon. Catherine A. Caesidy, of «»r,liner, Oregon, 'ne application reiie es the ■ * v u-bt. l > _ . h a ted this otn d«y o f May, 1900. John Joyce, of Gardiner. Oregon, John lleuder- • I A E n h its.er and F M.ki niton will quick relief which it a l-1 son, of Oenfinsr, Oregon, Wilbert Feck, ot log the i-oining summer on I’wtal.a creek Two 160 acre tracts of land in North- I worth many limes it. cost. Í W AE™ Î^Ï,V K R A T., BRIGHT AND HON- WArdliier, Oregon. near Walton, l ’ataha ia a tributary o all Drurirista. Aliy and all persons claim ing adversely ihe western Kansas for eal or trade for I Wildcat. i crn’miX,'.* “ektary “^ " 7 ahove-dsserioed lends ere requested t o i l , their property in Oregon. K r FOR s a l T . ...... rr --------- dde, no elwiin. in this office on ot before swld (Ui day of The land 1« all r|ch prairie suitable for Joe H.rrison, wife snd little son snd r e f ^ X ^ i k t,. rooli!,,n permaneul. Our August, ISuu. cultivation. About 75 acres plowed. ’ M in Francis Booker of Brownsville were were ! Kucore r e l f « ^ * “‘ J, T. llamos,, [»¡siting Mrs Vaughn o f ........................... Ru.io»« s * lf « d r 1 to suit the purchaser. Aliont six mike from town and three this piace last DoaimonCc Reghtar. J II F batt , . ' *cek. Jlrg Vaughn it Mrs ifarrisun j mile, from B A M railroad |h , flne JOHN C. BECK Road snpersisors receipt, for sale at I td a e a te Y our H o w e le W ith C w sonrets. Acme. Oregon. country for raising rattle. 1 and Miss Booknr's mother. H ood’s PsSSs Call and see our line of Cotton Good». All fine wash fabrics. RY. Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. MEYER, &, EYLE * * * * eath»«"^ I. D. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest Käfig, FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCE Anybody desiring to pur­ chase Real Estate is in­ vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. t P tLe W is t office. For prices and terms inquire at tide «ffice. W . H. WEATHERSON, W . NICHOLS. *