And to are the Precinct Officers PO BLIgnC D ZVXKY FR IDA Y * The Thom Comes Forth MORNING.— I But (lie law is in error for the reason! J that the precinct liooks cannot be at the ! Point Forward. thorn point o f disease IS an ache or pain. P u t the blood is the feeder o f the * l) h o lr h n d \i U „„iti, n ,’ C ■!! 1,1 oo S oarsapanlla. 577ie giew rich, and tlie Cubans ex-I pe- ted the American official« to go the same thing. A man’s honesty must be oi the most rugged sort to stand fast rtlniJ 8«<-’h surroundings. GREENLEAF IT E M S . Bv a W est C ouresfomdemt . May 28, 1900. The Great W hite Ston * O regon clerk’s office for him to close at 5 o’clock *’ now aa plain ss the nose ou your 1 J E Inloe late of Chickahominy died on Muy fifteenth, and also at the offices ■ - - by - • - ' faCB U,at power,ul interests are working I«1 Portland a lour days ago. of the precinct officers to receive names i to Pr8Vellt action by the senate at this! Herman Stelnhauer is ,u|«rintrndent until 5 o'clock of the same day. That , 8e“ io n o n ‘Le Nicaragua canal bill. The «1 Hio Deadwood Sunday school. every one may see and judge for him­ : strongest factor is the adjournment pro-; John Carlyle and his bride have gone Kditor ami Proprietor. Kidneys, liver and stomach will at Kr„ .. , , ,, . itoMapletou to live. He will work iu a self we will give below Secs S and 13 of once respond? No thorn in this point. ’ 1 1 re are otll«r»- Members j lu„lU,r camp. the Registration Laws. Blood P o is o n in g T h e surgeon said of the Isthmian canal commission have O Wiilcut and sou’s slashing grows “Sec 5. It shall be the duty of every when he took out the b rasfah ell received in j verbally told tl.o senate canal commit- Florence, Ore. May 25, 1900. , ... to in m it- apace. They have tho largest piece of elector in the State of Oregon between wound at San Juan Illll two weeks before. that it would have poisoned me If it had ’ 'tee, before winch the bill now is, that bottom land in this part of the country the first Monday in January, 1900, and not been for my pure blood. J told him it they favored tho Nicaragua route, but and if they keep on as they have begun Silk Braid and dress trimmings of all descrlptii R EPU B LIC A N T IC K E T . 5 o’clock p m oi the fifteenth day o f ' w m Hood's Sarsaparilla that made it pure. it will not be long till they have it all G borob P. C ooper , Co. G, 25th U. S. Inf., their report will not be completed for May, 1900, and between the same dates I W ashington Barracks, Washington, D. C. under plow. STATE. and hours biennially thereafter, t o 1 R heum atism - ” Myself and a friend several months. The newest scheme of We don’t want a railroad to every both suffered from severe attacks of rheu­ delay is for the For Supreme Judge— committee to grant register with some notary public o r ' m atism . H ood’s ¡Sarsaparilla cured both. man's door. We’ll lie satisfied with a C Li Wolverton, of Linn county. Wo would nut be without it.” W x. II. hearing to tho officers and directors of bridge over Lake creek. If your candi­ justice of the peace or with the county ^« steh . 65 Leonard St., Fall Kiver. Mass. For Food Comuiissiouer— the new Panama canal com¡*any. date for county commissioner will J W Bailey, of Multnomah county clerk of the county in which the elector Meanwhile tho congressional leaders ara promise to give up tbat we'll vote lor White Goods, in Nainsook, Pique, Ind. Linen, i VISTRICT. resides, In accordance with this act.” figuring on adjournment early in June him, Mr Editor. For Member of Congress— Sec 13. The county clerk in eacli What a litigious lot the people of and working everything toward that Titos if Tongue, of Washington co. county shall close his registers at Hood’« PUI» cure llr>r til« ; the noii-Irritiling and Deadwood must bel Even Change saye end. > For District Attorney— o’clock p m of May 15, 1900, and bien­ onTy cathartic to u k > with Hood’« Sar«apartUx in the W est that it would cost them G eo fit Brown, of Douglas county. If attention from officials and mem­ $200 to do their justice court business on i nially thereafter, by writing the word For Juiut Senator— bers of both brandies of congress Lnke creek during the justice’s term. j closed” in red ink on the line next R A Booth, of Josephine county. U ash INGTON LETTER. means popularity, Hon Theodore Roose­ We are not half as had ns that up this Pill below the name of the last elector COUNTY. velt is the most popular man who lias way. After we have gone up Deadwood A registered in eaeii precinct in the general For Representatives— Be been in Washington for many months, twenty years it would ba too bad to L T Harris, of Eugene. register. He shall then on the index make them come over here two years. F rom ocr rbgular C orrespondent . L as ho certainly received more attention Jas Hemenwny, of Cottago Grove. pages in the general register, opposite \\ ben James Jolinstoue’s bouse burn­ during tho three or four days he has Ivan McQueen, of Lorane. ed be and bis family bad gone to Eu­ the name of each precinct, in writing, A Tor County Judge— been in Washington titan has been paid gene and were expected borne the next Washington, D. C„ May 14, 1900. certify the number of electors registered O V Knox, of Cottage Grove. to any other man since tliis congress day. Two little Willcut girls and Mr Is the Monroe Doctrine in danger? in eacli precinct in the county and not For Clerk— Bt It is evident that members of the ad­ met, and the attention he recoived was Eaggleshain a one-legged man 80 years E U Lee, of Junction City. cancelled, and the total so registered in olJ were nil the persons on the place. ministration, and prominent adminis­ not from members oi any one political For Sheriff— the county, and sign his name and title One of the girls heard a noise overhead R D Hawley, of Creswell. tration senators believe that it is. party. and o|iened the door when smoke poured and affix the seol of the county thereto. For Commissioner— This week will show whether it will down and drove her back. The old Secretary Root’s warning to thecountry He shall likewise close the pages of the J L Taylor, of Hermann. to be prepared to fight for the Monroe require n fight to get a vote on the ' “,an was unable to do any thing and the preeinct registers, and certify in each For Assessor— ^oare^ to e»ter the building, lest doctrine, given several weeks ago, lias Clark resolution in the senate, as Sena- 1 D P Burton, of Eugene. of the precinct register the total num­ the roof should fall on them and every­ tor Chandler has glvbn notice that he been followed by similar talk from Sec­ For Treasurer— ber of electors registered in buc I i pre­ thing in the house was burnod. L Gilstrap, of Eugene. retary Long, nnd now the same warn­ intends trying to keep the resolution cinct and not cancelled, and sign the For School Superintendent— ing lias been sounded by Senator Lodge, be,orc the senate, when it comes up I consider it not only a pleasure but a samo nnd add his official title and nfllx Eugene Bond, of Thurston. and notwithstanding contrary state­ under the agreement, until a vote Is duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the seal of the county thereto,” For Surveyor— the wonderful cure effected in my cage ments, there is no doubt that Germany taken. C M Collier, of Eugene. WHAT ABOUT THE FOURTH. The split in the opposition to the by the timely use of Chamberlain’s is the nation from which an attack on For Coroner— Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. G W Griffin, of Eugene. the Monroe doctrine is ttpprehended. hipping Lull, indicated by two minority I was taken very badly with flux and As near as we can learn from convers­ rnOKKKCE PIIECINCT OVriCKKS. Senator Lodge said in It its speech : “The reports has revived talk about pushing procured a bottle of this remedy. A few ing with several of tho Acme people, is For Justice of the Peace— Monroe doctrine is the greatest protec­ the measure through iiefore adjourn­ doses of it effected a permanent curs. I Shades and of best quality, including Velvet trim m k ta they nre in favor of helping us raise C H Holden. tion of the U S. To that doctrine we all ment, but the uJiances are against any take pleaeute in reccommending it to funds for a grand celebration at Florence For Constable— others suffering from that dreaded without distinction to party, adhere. I action at this session. John L Furnish. owing to the present inconver.ionce of disease. J W L ynch , Dorr, W Va. This am by no moans convinced that some FREE TO INVENTORS. For Rond Supervisor— remedy is sold by all Druggists. their grounds. This being the case European power, perhaps one of those ,1 A McLeod. steps should be taken immediately to Don’t Tobtcro Spit and Smoke Tour IJft inay. whoso navy is just now receiving such a The experience of C A Snow & Oo iu To quit tobacco oasily and forever, be mag­ arrungo for the finest celebration ever rapid increase (Germany) may want to obtaining more than 20,000 patents for netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To L ane county is entitled to three held in this valley. A meeting should ®ac» the wonder-worker, that makes weak men test that doctrine, and that we may find inventors baa enabled them to helpfully ' ,tron«- au druggists, 50c or ®i. Cureguaran- representatives in the etate legislature. be called, committees, appointed and .• , . i eo<3 Booklet and sample free. Ad drew ourselves eallsd upon to protect Brazil nnco-or . . . . . . answer many question« relating to the Sterling Remedy Ca. Chicago or New Yorfc Each man should see to it that his everything possible made in readiness or some other South American stale protection Of intellectual property. ticket is marked bo that his vote will at the earliest practicable tune, to avoid from invasion, and to see to it that no This they have done in a pamphlet trea­ AC M E ITE M S . count for the full number, as otherwise tho confusion which is fatal to success, new European state is established in the ting briefly of United States and foreign ha throws away a part of bis vole. but certain to occur when things are continent to the south. I am not con­ patents, with cost of same, and how Bv X Y Z. delayed until Lhe lsst moment. juring up imaginary dangers. I think to procure them ; trade marks, designs, How can we expect our chlldron to If funds can ba raieed a display of fire that they exist and are very real, I caveats, infringements, decisions in grow op with proper respect fur the works for day or evening, could ba ar­ May 23, J900. trust they will never find actual result leading patent cases, etc. sufferings and hardships of their ances­ ranged for as heretofore this part of the Mr John Whitman has sold his log- in war; but la m sure that the way to This pamphlet will be sent free to ing team and outfit. tors, and appreciation for the comfort program, for one reason or another prevent any such test of the Monroe anyone writing to O A Snow & Co., and security they now enjoy, if we set­ has received but little attention and it Mr A W Beadle arrived today and it doctrine, the way to prevent peacably Washington, D C. inspecting the situation. tle down into morbid iudifferenco our­ is something that many of our young the seizure of any part of the South OW Hurd’s crew are busy driving selves. people have had but little chance to T E A C H E R S ’ IN S T IT U T E . American Oontinent or of the West piling for the new cannery. witness. Indian islands by any European power, Sauhert is setting up ttie machinery I t may not be generally known that M ill t>« .H e l d i o F lo r e n c e S a t u r d a y and getting his ¡new mill in shape for is to have an American navy wliicli no LAKE NEWS. there are five constitutional amend­ M a y SO. business. power iu the world call aiford to disre­ ments to lie voted upou by the citizens Editor "W est .” Mrs Sweet has gone to Gardiner and gard.” Senator Daniel said: “No of Oregon at the coining election. Morning Session 9 A M. Frank is trying to look happy and en- Since I last wrote you everything has nation on this earth would lie so j-'v bachelor life. Recitation. People should understand the object of moved along nicely hereon the Lakes. fatuous as to seek to he treading upon Opening remarks Supt Miller, each and be prepared to vote intelligent­ The dock of the S A S F L Co’s mill is Messrs Dale, Harwood, Erhnrdt, the skirts of the U S. No fact is better Class exercise Mental Arithmetic nearly full again and if a schooner don’t ly on tho question of adopting them. Peterson, Anderson, Colvin, Flint and J O F Callison, get here soon there will be a shut down. Ü Mitchell met to ceil the school house known than that the U S will fight for Jas L Furnish J L Taylor is a man who if elected last Tuesday. When the work was the Monroe doctrine, and it is well Geography“ Methods Probably the largest smile in the State Course of Study Supt Miller. county is worn by Harry Boyle in fact commissioner will look after tho inter­ nearly completed we were called to din­ known too, that a fight with tiie U S is language Gertrude Harwood ests of all parts of the county. The ner w hich was prepared by Messdames a mighty serious business in which any Discussion School punishment Teachers the smile is big enough for Morgan and is all on account of a bouncing baby Dale, Colvin, Flint and Harwood; tliorc course of the Guard is contemptible in was strawberry shortcake “and cream, natiomis likely to bo worsted.” These Afternoon Session 1 P M to 3 P M. girl. trying to make it appear that Mr Taylor good coffee, chicken, ham and lots of and other speeches of tlio same tenor Recitation is not competent to fill the office of com­ other good things too numerous to men­ were made while the senate was dis­ Class exercise in primary reading CEN SU S ENUM ERATO RS- missioner because be is not a heavy tion. Suffice to say we did justice to cussing whether the naval appropriation Miss Hattie Davis the dinnor still Hieie was lots left. bill should provide for tho purchase of Teachers’ Preparation for School Work ■ ig h t e e n M e o A p p o in t e d t o d o t h e W o r k taxpayer. Evidently that ¡taper be­ I am progressing nicely with my Supt Miller. In L a u « , armor for tho new w arships from pri­ lieves that only the wealthy should be Discussion Grading a Mixed School campaign work, and now have another vate parties who are in tho armor trust, permitted to hold offieo. on the fence. Both men agreed to Teachers. Albany, Oregon, May 18, 1900. go to our political meeting over on south or should provide for tho establishment Register: In response to your request AccoaniNa to the Guard it is neces­ slough last Monday and if our voters of a government armor plant. The ---------------------- ----- - TO« PO IN T T E R R A C E IT E M 3 - for the names of census enumerators for sary to have a certain amount of taxable said that tho republicans were robbin armor plant amendment wad defeated your county, I herewith enclose list of Bv C armex . property in order to bo eligible to a posi­ us and that it was an outrage to retain by a majority of two. appointees ns follows: ■the Philippine islands, that we were Ouo result of the defalcation of C F \V tion on the Citizen's ticket. We ma«. Louis E Bean, Eugene. doing wrong by not turning them over be mistaken but have ulwnys understood to Aguinaldo—thoso islands ho so great- Neeley, financial agent of the Cuban May 21, IfiOO. B in B Emmons, Goshen. John W Walker, Croswell. John nnd Andrew Binlid slatted for that the Demo-Populist-Citizen's ticket ly desiros—together with nil the niggers, Postal system, now officially stated to Glen O Powers, McKenzie Bridge. laid great stress on its fritmdliuves to i that thoy would vole our ticket next be »38,000, and unofficially stated to be i C,,pB No“,e Herbert S Murch, Coburg. ' • June. I assured them that our orators j . w . CARMAN »105, 000, will be u general investigation j _ A ” Imk, Mrs Hood nnd Mrs Rix of the |>oor man for tho reuson that a man Henry Baxter, Mohawk. ., . . . . . . . . .. I woul,i tell them all that and more loo. « -.11 11.1 a z -s 1 1 » , . Eugene nre «ampinir at H II Fisk’« PROPRI R of all Cuban account®. Gen Wood is J r * * h u r n ® a. could not be r.cb nnd honest at lhe Tli«v . . .1 Thos H Huneaker, Zion. 181 Mis» Clara »Pengra is teaching the they weut to i.. hear those orators . but under 1 ' "“ king *“ Frank McIntyre, Bohemia. same time. Why Ibis change of poei-1 Editor, it makes my heart ache (to Point lerrace school nnd gives good F S Day. Cottage Grove. tion? This party is surely to honest (?) write this) there was no one there to 1 ordera fro,n Washington, aud it is possi- ! satisfaction to all Charles E Harwood, Glenada. Ralph Knotts came to change its principles for such a talk with them on this great subject, ble that there may also bo a congres up the river Snn- E A Bean, Mapleton. No, no one. Mr Shultz talked quite a ‘ wonal iuvestigatiou. trifling thing as a county office. Senator Bacon i day and bronglit the Sunday school tup- Walter Blacbley, Blachley. long time, but bis subjoct was an ani- hat offered a rseolntion instructing the P'ies. The Sunday school is progressing Marion D Lingo, Franklin. oial lie bad, bad trouble about. senate committee on Cuba to investigate nicely. Ole J Foss, Lorane. A rxw days ago we received a message My second convert is from Fiddle Frank Rogers came np the river Frank Moorhead, Junction City. ail moneys received nnd paid out since from a resident of Indian creek saying creek, as lie was disappointed in not I Saturday expecting to meet Ida sister James E Bund, Irving. the occupation of the islaml by our that lie had intended sulxcribiug for our hearing our great orators last Monday. who is coming from Nebraska hut ns she O w su Van Duyn, Coburg. military forces. The president has didn’t come lie will have to make paper but v ould not do it because we I will withhold his name. John M Whitney, Eugsne. • re Bupimrling one of his neighbors in 1 Nothing new from headquarters, only directed the Attorney General to per- J another trip. . C.|B. W inn , ng ie going oar wav. We tonally sei/ that the prosecution of i While working at the quarry last bis caudidacy for an office. ice. We have ’ Supervisor of Census. pronouced the war a lailure in the six­ Neeley ia pushed. There have been Mr(’Mk Erncet Lloyd got his face and been and are using diat In licence ties, nnd do so now. If wo can onio get hands severely burned and his mustache buvo to help elect tlio neighbor to Hint lhe plutocrats to give up the Philippine rumors from time to time of extrava­ general new s . eyebrows nnd some of his hair burned office nnd consider him un honorable ¡ islands, wc will make it stick this time gant living on the part of American of­ off. In .tiling a small bole aiib powder and competont man and well qualified and then we cau add two ir Hirco more ficials in Cuba, which indicated either jie neglected to take the can away and' The *■” Bubonic "■■uwmc plague pmgue in its most virn- of the county | P1'“1*18 1° onr platform viz; murderers, ! that some of those officials w ere making when lie lit the fuse it spilt into the can. ,8ul ,OT>” b»s appeared in the Chine to attend the busiiic '* 'cowards and rubliers. a lot of money outsulo or that something g Seeing where it was going he jumped | Quaners at San Francisco and severs" But ia tlio one referred to first an honor­ A Bryan Supporter. was wrong. Those familiar with coin ^P>ack wards in time to escape some of the deaths have occnred. Every effort is able man I us see. lie is one who force of the explosion Imt not all. j |e la*ing inads to chc-k the disease and it from the first from petty spite seeks Io injure his T ub E uoknz Register a few days ago dluons at . Havana, , have . I 8ocl< « »'«hl when he went into the is thought shat the plague is pretty well neighbor. One who when two voters ; ^ ‘ne out w'*h_a statement show ing - th a t; . feared ,l'*1 P®f'd»tion would cause I engine room that lim engineer fainted in vberk. of his precinct had paired agreeing that the slierifl a office aume July 1, 1898, has , scandal. The whole moral Atmosphere and fell and cut Ins n o -e on a tin cau The sstromomers nre making great cost the county an average of »75 ¡wr neither would vote at a curtain eleellon month more than it did during Sheriff of the place l as been tainted by long pieparat.ons to view the total cell,we of. MASS M E S T IN O . Arthur Taylor, focal Agent, _____ , ‘‘*e ,Un °" » . Pinehurst N Cand ■ went aud endeavored to persuade tho { Johnson's term. The Guard clainis’an years of the coriuut rule of Bpanierdt, «• Barueevibe, Ga are the pirn ca eeldct. 1 1 who regarded ¡icculatfon of public funds one who belong« to Ills own political increase ol huaineea during Wilber’s i regret did to record that knew onr i 88 occupying the best positions Florence, Oregon. party to violate the agreement and go [ ^ ‘ ha. failed to ehow a wffielent ««one of their privileges, and even the „¡d Me soldier, not ,et the the fact people" •«' a good viow of Hi« eciipse. F lobincs , L ank C ocntt , VV. H. W EATHERSON Has just received a new stock of LADIES BELTS, I LACES AND E M B R O ID E R Y . Organdies, in Fancy Shades. CHEFFRON, LADIES STOCK COLLARS, and Fancy Shape Ties, V the very late*’0' SHIRT WAISTS, don’t forget them, warm is coming. RIBBONS, All COESETS and HOSIERY. Collar Canvass and Dress S foars ^rw fsj, 0. W. HEED. CARMAN CHEAP CASH STOEE! DrvGoods,* Groceries * and * Notion^ FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Ooened. Goods as RcoresentecEx THE BEST UN THE MAKKBti PRICE $40. . . ' ..... ............. — ” btfoir tho poll® wero cloocii, Bocking by l»een doing tho husinoM which matter of course. Spanish officQIs in ’ disinclined to take tho lead in iK*o»rn« lion exvrcircs so that the citizens coolj tilis do® pi cable method to gain an un* i Johnson left to constable®, doe® not have had more time to pre pa A« a ou » a w « 4» llr fair advantage for hi® parly. I® ®uch a 9€Oni to bo borno out by (act® a® the W A X T BD SKVRRAL FKRSOXS FOR PIN- trie! OlAc® M ahmtvw in th is »late in suitable program for Hi« occasion; as it fftore« !• 0Ul ftbnoet the sain® j re p re s e n t m e i l l t h e ir u in tin < is they have decided to hold t0 man a ®afe adviser in regard to t ill COI,n^ tlMUtb.i pa rahia amount for cow tac. during the u jutuanel meeting Batnrday evening at 7 :30 at the neighbors? Let the voters judge lor last 22 month® am during tlx ®ame ’ * l*P*'rinnit»e*. Ralerencea exehmn® i’ ?w eS,l | (Md M lo w ’e hall to ree if a brief _ 1 ____ e. . , , l rio*c salt addreaseil »tami»e«l enveloiw» jwriod immediately preceding. I rart, ttucanou Buikhn®. < hicA«i> themselves. program cannot be arranged t ,