-TF -’Y -~ 4 £ A D V E R T IS E R S THE W EST 5 * YOUR HO HE PAPER ¿ S U P P O R T IT J i I L / N (A ! S Ä IV . J SIUSLAW3 a a n p a p e r . , O P P O R T U N IT Y I e s t\? ' F L O R E N C E , O R EG O N , F R ID A Y , M ay 25, 1900. DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. NO. 4. BOSSY. BILLS OVER A CENTURY OLD I re OFFICERS. STEA M ER o . . . T . T . Geer. .F. I . Dunbar. ite .. . F . 8. Moore, detraction J. H . Ackerman ............W . H . Leeds. keral D . R. N . Blackburn i . o : . . ‘. . . . R . t . .R . 8. Bean 1 . . . ..........F . A A. Moore I’olveiton ( . . . . C . E . Wo f D istrict. .J. W . Ham ilton A tto rn ey.. .Geo. M . Brown 1 *$ • ¡H ô t - m m M A R G U E R IT E , W ill m ake —— REG ULAR D A IL Y S T A Q E T R IP S ——* B e tw ç e u ----- Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on Returning, THE STEAM ER ORTHERN P a c ific , Ry. CITY OFFICERS. rd of Tratteds M . Morris Wm Bernhardt L. Christensen D. W . 6libbens ß * . .John I . Butterfield asmar. J r . ..............F. B. Wilson rshal........... ..........G. C. Cumpton S le e p in g 8 E 0 R E T SOCIETIES. ■ C a rs T o u r is t S le e p in g C a rs ST. PAUL r M IN N E A P O L IS DULUTH A. R. FARGO Bneral Lyons Post, No. 58 opd and fourth Saturdays k'pt 1:90 p. in. OoLVix, Commander. J. L . F u k n is ii , Adjutant. TO C R A N D FO RKS CRO O KSTO N W IN N IP E G T H R O U G H T IC K E T S Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, iry 1st and 3d Tuesdays Members and visiting C H IC A G O standing are cordially , A . O. Fumea, M . W . W A S H IN G T O N tecorder. P H IL A D E L P H IA NEW TO BO RTO N A N D A L L R. Gcueral Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. . ip1o Lodge No., 139. meets lay evening in Neely's Jieaon. Brothers in good .J to attend. G eo . B. G amp , N . G. F ued O. 1‘ e il , See, A. D CHARLTON, A ssistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison 8t., Cor., Rd. P o r tla n d , O r. J. P. TANNtR, prop . FLORENCE, OR. 1 •ne Encampment, No. 42, O. O. F. hall in Florence id fourth Friday of earh abers of this degree ore I to attend. W m K y l e , C. P. J ohn L. F u h n is h , 'Scribe. Attention >H D IRECTO RY * to Travellers. D . W . S T IB B E N S , P ro p rieto r. F lo r e n o « , O r e g o n . w irtt a l l th e fu rn is h e d d elicacies o f th e season, G iv e us TORNEYS E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. WOODCOCK, a t L aw , - O re g o n 7 and 8 M cLaren’» B uilding. >u g iv e n to co llectio n « and pro- fe. B E N E D I C T , T w e n tv -th re e M il e s W e s t Eugene. ON E U G E N E AND FLORENCE S TA G E RO UTE. ’ - A T - I j A ’W . aoe. By ra o arks D is io n s C opyr ig hts Ae. U to H k M d dmerlBtfcm Er rplnhm tree whether a« a:--------- --- la u M s a u t M m Pel* • d«Nt «irewry for ■kw» bow .thronfS UroofS Mwnajb C»7xweetvs I, vltfcovt Wtry», ta Hxrtoin. HfflCJnK S a s t e ï r ï « 1 Geo. H a le Prop CBMTRALLY LOCATED. P P E ß SAM PLE ROOMS. • « » * riR S T - C L A S a . H H O TEL EUGENE.*- HOLLENBECK BROS. A BRISTOW, Fnnr«. K A T E S $1.00 to EUGENE. M The Boer woman Is very little like tile trim , handsome Dutchwoman of her ancestral Holland. She Is seldom pretty. H er complexion Js her princi­ pal chnrm, and she guards tills care­ fully whenever she goes out. She Is never seen outdoor» without a great peaked bonnet ou her head, her visits to church being mode behind an a l­ most oriental seclusion of veils. This Is necessary to preserve the pink and white of her skin, for the climate would otherwise soon tan It to the col­ or of sole leather. H e r eyes aro small and set close together, and her features are Irregular. H er cheeks are broad and fiat, and her hair Is naturally light lu color, although time and weather soon bleach It from Its early straw color. A t a very early age she loses oil her teeth, for site Is constantly chewing sweet cakes and confection­ ery. A European woman would replace tho Diolnrs that nature has deprived her of with well mounted works of art, but the Boer woman does uot do this. She thinks It would lie Impious thus to try to duplicate tho work of tho Creator. H er figure Is thick and almost wnlstless. W hile still a young woman she begins to grow fnt, and by the time middle life Is reached she Is often so unwieldy that the only ex­ ercise she Is able to take Is to waddle cumbrously from one armchair to an­ other. She Is clad In a loose, scnntlly made gown, devoid of trim m ing and apparently waistless. The day gar­ ments of the Boers are also their night­ clothes. so the gown Is generally wrln kled.—Charleston News aud Courier. n o n c d o la l E ffect« o f OoRba. SOME COVETED SCRAWLS. R a r e A a t o s r r a p h . F o r W h ic h It n - in e n .e P r ic e s I l a v e D e e n P a id . A woman w riter who gavo up ooffee recently found that sho was unable Io contlnuo her w ritin g w ith any success u n til she hsd resorted again to tho stim­ ulating (leverage. W ithout It her mind was logy and heavy. Tho Medical Times quotes an anthority on the subjeot cd proscribing ootToe as a medicine in oss-- tain states of great debility and adds) “ Tea and ooffee seem to be m odi alike In many respects, but the latter Is greatly preferable as to its sustaining power. I t would bo a great ■disntsgs to onr working classes and a great hel> toward the further development cC **»' cial sobriety if ooffee were tocom shtf* greatly Increased use and f f the a b tllt« to make i t w ell could Hi acquired. A* an example of the dlfferenoo of afloat tea and ooiiou upon the nerves * s w rite r notes w hat he believes nsanfl sportsmen w ill confirm— that it is bettor to drink ooffee than tea whaB shooting. Tea, if strong or in anyqnsn- tlty, especially i f the individual b a n a l in very robust health, w ill induos asost of nervousness whiuh is to Q~ profaitilial to steady shooting. Under its isJhssns* ono is apt to shoot too quiokly, whereas coffee steadies the hand and gives qpla* Tito most prized autographs In tho world aro those of Shakespeare. On­ Gardiner, Oregon. ly seven are claimed to exist, threo signatures to his w ill (each with a 11.00 ■ botfs. AH different spelling), tw o to conveyances KW /e t t x j D a d u F , Special a tte n tio n to Diseases o f of property, ono In the folio edition of I t yon have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice you his ploys (doubtful) aud one la a Tudor can possibly r e c e iv e , w r it e th e d o c to r th o E y e . freely. Von w i ll re c e iv e a prompt re­ translation o f Montaigne. This last Is p ly , w ith o u t cost. A dd res 5, In tha British tnusomn and cost over D b . o ). C. AYKR, Dowell, Mass. fln m n a ’a T a l k i n g M a n , 8,000 guineas. NOTARIES. Samoa's talking man, or "tolafnll," Ono thousand guineas was the price is a character. All the affairs of state given by the late M r. Alfred M orri­ of the village in which he holds office A. R. BUTTOLPH, son o f Carlton House terrace for an are carried upon tils ahouldera. In or­ autograph letter w ritten by Marie dinary ho la the chief adviser, persuad­ Stuart to the archbishop of Guise. . . TR Y THE . er, couvlncer and restralner of tho Thia and two other letters (one to the lending chiefs. pope and the other to the king of Having the g ift of eloquence, he France) were w ritten by the unfortu­ F io r n o e , O regon Wean‘d makes tho most of IL He enjoys Im­ nate qneen of Scots on the morning of munity from muny things. He cannot her execution. The letter to the French I be Kpoken of In ordinary terms. I f It king was destroyed during the days of FRANK B. W IL8O N , I ahould be necessary to speak of his the terror, wbllo that to tho pope Is eyes or his mouth or his limbs, special still preserved at the Vatican. honorable words must lie used, words The well known bookseller Bernard which attach to him alone and have Quaritch gave £1,000 for an autograph F L O R E N C E .-- - OREGON never been npplled to the personal of Columbus, which was exhibited at parts of ordinary mien. the W orld's fa ir a t Chicago. A Chi­ As lie BtniidH to deliver Ills soft, per­ cago autograph dealer Is said to have suasive, mellifluous oratory, with staff offered to give $100,000, or over £20,- nervea ” of oflice In his baud and his fly duster 000, fo r a genuino autograph of T h o n g h t H im One o f th e Q a s s r Onssb N l thrown over his shoulder, any one can Shakespeare I f brought to him within M r. Quiller-Couob tolls tb it staty fas sec that he Is a man of grant Impor­ a year o f making bis offer. I t was a tho P all M a ll Magazine: “ H ic k * gor- tance. or If this Is uot apparent from safe bluff, fo r sloes the tragic fate of e r n o r of the Cornw all County., his attitude It may bo gathered from Chattertou no forger has cared to asylum, had a great many f the attention paid to I lls utterances by tackle the quaint scrawl of the Bard o f Of Eugene, Oregon tram ural friends, I moan— ftnd ftmona gray haired chiefs and by youths iwd Avon.—Collier’s Weekly. them au accomplished landscape paint­ mnidens. I f the talking man Is a clev­ er. This artist, captivated by tho beauty er fellow aud understands bis busi­ of the little seaport town of East Loo* ness, he Is the chief ruling power In his Jimm y’s mother kept cows and sold took lodgings there, chose his ‘subject^ tribe, although the nouilnnl headship m ilk. Jim m y himself bnd nothing to and started to make some drawings a t I * 8 e w in g M achines w e m anufacture and th eir Is always vested In a chief or p u tri do w ith the cows, though sometimes on tho rocks at low tide, prices before you purchase an y other. archal figurehead. he need to carry the m ilk pall to his “ A few days later Hleks drove ovw THE HEW HOME 3EWIH8 MAGHIHE CO., mother’s customers. Tho customers to eno him, and arrived a t West Looe to A G eneral B a n k in g B usiness O H A N G E , M ASS. S lo w S u ic id e . nil liked Jimm y, w ith his round, frec­ be takon across the harbor in a boat. To •B U nion Sqnaro, N . Y . Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. A source of great evil among all Transacted on Favorable Terms1 Dalian, Texas. ban Francisco, Cal. Atbu.Uk, Ga. workers kled face nnd bashful grin, and they his surprise, he fonud a boatman wait, is tho widespread habit of lug for him. S till more to his surprig*. FOR SALE BY enllng a hearty meal bnrrledly when used to ask him how business was, for, D rafts Issued on th e principal c itie s o f (h e J the body is In a state of exhaustion. although Jim m y was only 13 years old, tho bontmun hmled him thus: U nited States end foreign countries. “ ‘ Aw, M r. HicJcs, I'vo a-bcen Good deniers wanted in every town. he bad * business. H e made coffins— In ter m t allow ed on Dem and Certifloates of W rite fur prices and lernin to San Tran ' Too oftpn, alas, the evil Is enhanced baby coffins—and sold them to tbe un­ ing out for 'oe tho last day or two, | by the fact that the food Is inuutrl- D eposit when le ft stated period. dertaker. They were nice pine coffins, i i i u e w e d you'd come. He's over has* cisco, Cal. tlous, badly cooked and clogging tn w ith all tbe edges carefully joined. now. H e’s bSe/l hollering and snrssnlh C ollections receive our prompt attention. i Itself; T i l l s Is one species of slow sui­ lug. lie sits at low water down among! Jim m y received 60 cents for each out. City and C ounty Warrants bought. cide. causing a long train of evils One day Jimm y stopped at the house the weed, n-pointing at a bit of boards W . E. BROWN, D. A . PAINE, which are usually attributed to over­ of ono o f his motberis customers to und he call.-i out, “ Come Into tho gns— President. Vice President. work. Now. It were better to go w ith ­ leave some m ilk. A little boy met him ' den, Maud. ” A pretty gnrden he’v* out food than to take It nnder these a t the door. P .W . OSBURN, W .W . BROWN, » got there I “ I'm hero by the . gats Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. I conditions. Your dog knows better F lo r - e n e e , “W e’ve got «1 new babyl” said the alone ” Not a gate w ith in a m ile at ' than to eat when lie Is tired, am i If little boy. “ Would yon like to see It?” i ’nnl Yon citii take' u u ; he’s q u ie t ’ ” i you will watch him you w ill notice Jimm y nodded. The little boy’s aunt ' -L ,„ ttl.ilu l (.‘hkrseter*.* that lie Is nlways reluctant to be en- laughingly led Jim m y to the cradlo i When l l r Gladstone nod Lord Tos» . Heed Into piny after eating. I ^ f t to where the new baby was. Jimm y lilmself be w ill take a nap. or at least gazed a t the Infant for some time, ; njEon paid a vudt to K irk w a ll nut care m for r nwmie awhile aoo and rest, rest. u Hu 4 .. 4»r 4 . r . , ' drop cure u - speechless w ith admiration or somo wished to uie St. Magnus’ cuthedriU, they had to get tho assistance of thw W o r k W a r r a n t e d - n,nni,y m,«ht m|«> »fandom of snch emotion. United Presbytérien minister to show I health by following the example set “ W hat do you think o f It, Jim m y V it to them. by the Instincts of the brute crea­ asked the aunt. If you haven’t a regular, healthy movement o f the bowels every day. yon re sick, or will be. Ka«n your “ 1 wr.s,” Mr. Gladstone said, “ soeb CHAMES 1Í0E2 BEASCNABLE tures.—Health Culture. Jim m y grinned. bowels open, and bo well. Force, io the shape of violent physic or pill ,?olann. is up|»ort of hie cla im , and ! Intended to represent n drop of blood ' made of mighty travelers, English nnd Mexico sell bananas l o r 12 ocuta ft PIOM nt. Palatable. Potent. TutoG end. Do Gno«( that auld prtxif w ill Ire made teifore C. K. Hoi- are tlie words. “Claims collected In foreign, who hare traversed Africa, to dozen, but when oiierud 24 oenis ou Borer ttefeOB. Weakon. or Gr1j»e. 10o, ,C0c Writ« den, U. H. Coinm lsatoiicr at ta k e Precinct, I cold blood.” the capital “O” for the the vast pecuniary benefit of their pub­ for rreo sample. End booklet on health. AddretT payment tor tu o dozeu bananas tho Mwtlwv R mn A t C***«*/. tlt e a - r . >«>U»sl, V *» Tsrfc. « * * Oregon, on June 23, 1IKX», viz: W illiam F. Harris ' three first letters of those words belug lishers and with no small meed of fame peddlers refasisl it and dumanded itfl on bla if. K. No. 7167 for tho E % Sec 8 & of enfHclcnt size to encircle the oth ,r to themselves, but there was scarcely cunts. The course of resrouuig is that W H 8W % Mec 9 , 1 19 8, R 11 W. words. ___ . one — o „ f tbe old voortrekkers and huot- 1 real is 12 cents; 2 ruals, 25 cents; He nam es the follow in g w itn esses to prove hla couthiuotiN r ea id en ^ upon and cu ltiv a tio n j I d M aryville. Mo., a law yer presents j ere of tbe forties and fifties who did 8 reals make a itollsr. So tho trav­ bis portrait on bla card, with tbe sug­ not accomplish feats of endurance, o f »aid land, rix: eler uiuk I pay a real for one dozen han- gestive motto: “ n e tfint la not with Rnbt. B. M111», of Achm e, Oregon. O U. M ills, pluck and lengthy travel which were snas. but 2S cents tor two dozsu. aud of Achme, Oregon, Andrew Hartley, of ta k e ; you I» against j-on. See me early.” ten times as tryln g .-L o nd on MnIL no ariionnt of argument w ill uouvindb Preelnct, O iegou, John Mebolta of ta k e Pre- tho peddltr that this is not ri£bt> | A •cnieh Aehcme. efnet, Oregon. at “ NEW HOME ” SEW1H3 MACHINE. P U B L IC . EUGENE Loan s Savings Bank Utasay and the Bahr. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS BESTFORTHE WATCH-MAKER. BOWELS A I l B»»rs Great Ptoneere. A $950 PIANO Tb3 (R-iitievonun o( Rew York CMj • purifies the blood end gives power and stability to the nerves. It makes health and strength, activ­ ity and cheerfulness. This is what “ A y e r’s ” w ill do for you. I t ’s the eldest Sarsaparilla in the land, the kind that was old before other Sarsa- parillas were known. This also accounts for the saying, “ One bottle of A yer’s Is worth three bottles of the ordinary kind.” By M id d le L i f e T S e r A re A lm o n t T o o V a t to W a l k . $ !0 S 9 in Gold P a t r o n iz in g it. 8 0 YEAR** ■XPERIENCB Pattorson, M. i& S L A D IE S . KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN M o n e y Saved Oregon. P ate T n « ts M A l l th ro u g h fre ig h t on th e stage e ith e r w a y b etw een E u g e n e a u d M a p le to n , w il l be ch arged a t th e ra te o f tw o cents p e r p o u n d d u rin g th e m o n th s o f O cto b e r, N o v e m b e r, D e c e m b e r, J a n u a ry , F e b r u a r y ,! M a rc h a n d A p r i l , a n d one c e n t p e r ! p ou n d d u rin g th e m o n th s o f M a y , 1 J u n e , J u ly , A u g u s t a n d Septem ber. §5 W 3 um I J. LOCK, MORRIS - * * HOTEL, T a b le s 15.00 $ 9 .0 0 , B angs’ | O . AY. BOER Clem 0 When night make« all the meadow black. She lets the chickens on her buck Fall fast asleep, and sleep until < ; The sun com.** peeping o'er the bill. - R. K. Munkit trick in Woman's Homo Compan­ ion. _______________ THOSE A C ro ss Is a rarity. For the most part the There Is a bill for groceries, etc., fu r­ woman behind the counter is smiling nished for an undergraduate at Cam­ obliging, though her back hurt^ hat bridge In the year 1788. Tho bill con­ side pains, or her head throb* distMt- ingly. The wonder ¡.i,jtot that a aksh tains ono or two items of furniture. Apparently the undergraduate took ' is sometimes irritable, but that sba rarely shows ir ­ over rooms already furnished at a val- ; ritation, when ev­ uatlon, and certain articles had to be ery nerve is qulv- bought new, such as a hearth brush, a e r i n g a n d she pall, a mop and a “ Holland gotch." i hardly knows how One knows not w hat this uicaus, but i to hold her head up. it cost 2 shillings 9 pence (43 cents). The n e r v o u s The undergraduate would seem at i first sight to havo consumed tea In a condition, head­ ache and weak­ most reckless manner. On Oct. 24 bo • ness, which are the Is charged 2 shillings for Hyson and 1 1 results of irie "- shilling 6 pence for Congo. On Nov. ! ularity or a dis­ 1 he Is charged 2 shillings for tea anil t eased condition of on the same day, which looks odd, 0 ! the womanly or­ shillings 0 pence for tea. On the Otli gans, can be en­ of the month he buys a new teapot, the 1 tirely cured by the old one, one supposes, worn out w ith , use of Dr. Pierce’s Favor lie Prescrip­ I hard service. However, this tea lasts ' tion. I t regulates him till the end of the term, so that I the f u n c t i o n s , his tea costs him for the two months | stops enfeebling no more than 11 shillings, or $2.70, nnd J drains, strength­ as the price of ten at this time varied ' ens the nervous I' from 8 shillings to about 25 shillings j system and pro­ wo may conclude that he got through motes the general no more than a pound during the term. health of the en­ In other words, this young man took tire body. II Sick women are for breakfast a slight repast of weak invited to consult tea and bread and butter. Dinner was Dr. Pierce by let­ w a a 1 then served nt 12, so that breakfast ter, free of charge. was only w lia t the Indinns call a A ll correspondence private. “chota hasri.” On sngnr he spent 4 Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y . shillings, which means six pounds at •H .viu sr used Dr. Pteree’s Favorite tion and ‘ Golden Medical Discovery 8 pence a pound. On candles he spent tt.e past year,” w rite. Mr.. Mattle ' 24 shillings 8H pence, or about 3 shil­ rfoni* Valley. Perry Co., Pa., « I con recomm the m edicines for e ll fitr lings a week. H e burned wax candles, ntM. I end have used nevetel bottles o f ‘ Pv mold candles and “w ax tw ist.” Salt Prescription,’ which I consider • great bit for weak wotneu. I wag so nervou. sai was a shilling a packet On two occa­ courage J that I hardly k n ew w hat to do. sions he bought sand. Was, then, tho i kind advice for home-treatment floor of his room sanded? It would wonderftrlly. T h a n k , to Dr. P ierce.. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellet* seem so.—S t Louis Republic. dLzincoa and sick headache. I Commercial a c a ll. ie y S in g le faro - - _ — R o u n d t r ip _ _ _ _ T ic k e ts fo r sale a t E . liv e r y b a rn , E u g e n e , a n d a t H u r d ’s oflice in F lo re n c e . 1 seo her through tlte pasture bare Eat all the pretty daisy stars, Theta gently toee her head on high lu watch the clouds thut dot the sky. T h e y S h o w T e a to l l a v e D e e n a C a m ­ b r ld id if g e S tu d e n t* t’s . F a v o r i t e D ri rin k . lodw EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. IF I Special P r o p r ie to r . Stage leaves E u g e n e on M o n ­ d ays, W ed n e sd ay s, a n d F r id a y s a t (5 a. m . a r r iv in g a t F lo re n c e th e d a y fo llo w in g a t 10 a. m . R e tu r n in g stago lea ves F lo re n c e M o n d a y s , W ed n e sd ay s, a n d F r i ­ days a t 2 p. m . a r r iv in g a t E u g e n e th e fo llo w in g d a y a t 9 p. nr. NOTARY YORK .’eceta Lodge No. I l l , meets i needay evening in Lodge P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H se, Oregon. Brothers in Fur inform ation, tim e card ., m ap . and tick ets I invited to attend. e tc ., c a ll on or write F . H . Alexander, N . G. E . A . Evans, See. M c M urphey , I IA N C H U R C H , Florence, abath service: Sabbath- ck a. nt. Preaching 11 tnd 7 p. in. Sacrament of pper on 1st Sabbath of ^ril, July and October. llvome to a ll the service., bts Christiana to make own. I . G. K xotts , Pastor. E. B a n g s , ''< { N o t a r y P u b lic , S u r v e y o r H E L E N A mid BUTTE' , 0 ven EUGENE-FLORENCE stage : line . Alex. D in in g C a rs Florence Lodge No. 107. loramtinication on second iturdays in each month. E . W . Conn, W . M . B, M ilus , Secretary Florence Charges Reasonable. E le g a n t ^ .1 Leaves Extra Trips When Necessary F lo re n c e to San F ran cis co v.irth. .. Stage Sundays. L U E L L A fro m .. F. B. Wilson E ver have them? Then we can’t tel! you any­ thing about th e m . You know -how dark everything lo o k s rand how you arc about ready to give up. Some­ how, you can’t throw off the terrible depression. Are things really so blue? Isn’t it your nerves, after all? That’s where th e trouble is. Y o u r nerves are being poisoned from the impurities in y o u r blood. the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. .E . 0 . Potter. W i l l also b rin g u p fr e ig h t j ..............W. T. Bailey 1 ..........H . D . E Edwards F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n in q u ir y .E . U . Lee - OF — . W . W . Withers arer. . . A ..................A. S. Patterson A. W . BEADLE & CO. tsor................................ D. P. Burton ol Superintendent-----W . M . M iller 22 M a r k e t S t e y o r.. . ,,-'i.................. C. M . Collier n e r.............................W . P. Cheshire San F ran cis co , C a lifo rn ia . .ce of Peace................. C. I L Holden i t a b le ...,....................... E . A. Evans ildent.... IjliJ E !. H. H. Barrett, Proper, W i l l c a rry fre ig h t au d passengers CO U N TY OFFICERS. Bossy is a kind old cow. She drettuis beneath the ilpplo bough And swings her tail arul rings her bell While roaming up aud down the delL $2.00 P E K P A T . OREGON. w ant* an «cent W )O*tr tow «. I t givM pramfcsm« of cam eras, Rwye'c , S ew in; M a c h ie e i, Daefca, S w * o< LHahe*. Ring*, Watches, Sturt and IhMt b a ta ta . Handkcrchicfa, rtc.; in tact, about two »«ndred useful and ornamental snw.-le-M and bw .*rh«(4 n e -^ a itlc t can be aacurtd with*«-.« eeatlnF w«e re n t, A new «nd M tfa c t;/e plan ni *«enrin< sub»-:nigra w ithout the o tje c tk m b l« te tlures oi canv«. tlOOO.«JH «Oto 1 g !veB g?ay pr88 A $950.® PiANO I We t K t MT en«,.Iiet owii » r».«,.» I ’« Vtftt * ;tf be - , i e r - " “ i — i Seiiab’eS •«» ’be ho;h r ~ ' S *r “ '‘ n‘ u «“Lt'Sl'F’B’j *-><1 sitfHjoo we af«E'-tr-v togi»« awa> C IN O O .O tJ I n G n » 4 a »4 a SB, sQ 4>0 P U a o . ih u p ’x«ln»*• cofitin-UA fnr M oorrwte F ee«. Fen 1 rood el, dr»*ï n g or pho to. IV e ad .’(•/» î f p«**nta1.1«fr»nc»fch4r*A. PurfM B O fttfuolin |W torti««orpyt A Pauwoh k?t ''P ow toGh>, cala r*i*rt*,’’ with cost « f aaui « f n tho V. E «ad forcina a «ina t /reo. Addrw*^ # C. A. SNOW & CO. * .o * » . FftTttrr C »rict. W » «MIKOTOW. D. The fir tree Is tbe commonest of all trees, liclng fonod In every part of tbs world. Win i,and. /O ° k” * * ‘ flt> e « « M fro W a r e s . The following w slf Is going the rounds of the state preaa: W e are told of a young lady In a neighboring town who waved her hand at a stranger, and In three days they were married. Tw o days later tbs yonng lady waved a flatiron a t her husband, and the next evening hs came boms waving a di­ vorce.—Nashville Banner. Sgaalsk Arc Charitable. The Spanish are among tbe most charitable people on earth. W ithout a poor tax, Spanish communities of 60,- "a '" * 1 ° ° ° "®lf • nPPort* r> f « * 1 • pauper pop-1 _ J utatioc of 5,000 or inoro, W<* (/Mvri.ia*« Ono of tho most s m itin g Instances of I ’. iismdcrstnnding a word is told uu old chbri Lwardua of Wallingford, Engluad. A t onotim o the bishop o f Oxford sent round to tho churchwardens inquiries, among which wns: “ Does your officiating rlu rn jis— • preach tbe gospel, and ore Ills eonvsrse- tion and carriage consistent there­ w ith ? ’ ’ • ’so,« To this tbe cburchwnrden o» Wsl- lingford replied, “ He preaches ' pel, but he does not keep ■ài —- Chi curo Diunut*xu(* by . . .-i .•