PERSONALS. New goixlr ju st arrived at Mrs Krtnofts m illinery store. Jam es Lew is retu rn ed M onday from a New and well selected line of dry tn -Incipient s ta g e m a y be en red . T M i EVKHY FRIDAY MUUMIKO— tr ip to th e valley. /•ivt J ihm been ( attib lislird . It h a a been goods ju s t opened a t O W I ln r d ’s. p ro v ed b«’>or not Ge- Dec Dimities — ~ -------------j E ugene on th e lo th it contained 5259 Fulton Woodcock retu rn ed M onday fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy Jay. H em ein b er t i n t d e la y s m e d anger« Dotted Muslin, white mid ttui ous. T h ey a r e esp ecially so in case.-» cf yoi:r confidence. Purely vegetable, they ineipl« n t cornu im p- Covert Cloth from a visit w ith relative near Ju n ctio n . can be taken by children or dedicate women. —T kkms : $ 1.50 a y e a r in advance.—— i Mimes. F o u la r d 's, s a tin fin ish ’ t o n .. I.o«ik at 1 lie; a Price, S85e. at ail m ed icin e fcMtorv o r by mail 1 W e un d erstan d tlirvt titer« will he a «yjiiptom «. E lu d y K ate B ran d is assistin g Mrs B ingham of C. I. H ood ^ i \- r i ’ ^ ^ i? i:i::< B Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. cal notleea 8 cent« par line ceeii insertion : Maggie b ra n d had th e m isfortune to B a rre tt’s stage W ednesday m orning for ^ '1 ’« Y ork wil1 IN T H E \U T K R - j 10. T his will be a Inrpe whip w ith a I sprain tier ankle q uite badly a few days | G a rd in er. NOUN A N D EV ei I freight capacity of 1600 tons and pas­ K IN G —th e h«*etle 1 A R B uitolpli was doing some sur- Florence, Ore. May 18, 1000. , ago by falling from a horse. lLiisdd — t h e hi «t Sonfactoe B raid an d A ss’t F e a th e r S titc h e d B ra id s. senger apcoiuinodalioiis for 200. For «vn ip tiu n of cau - Jsin e s Lewis h a s bts uatw gasoline veying in th e vicinity of W W NeeJy’s nen, US-AlptlGl). I H ’P - rates and fu rth er inform ation call on or YAN \vi!l ca u se it launch about ready to use. He brought ranch a few days ago. t <» <1 i s n p p e a r. address. W E S T L IN G S . B e d S p r e a d s in W h i t e , B lu e a n d R e d - I H ’ D YAN v.til cj* in th e engine from E ugene. : Two of C II H o ld en s’ acquaintances R McMruFtiKV, tnh!i»h a pel f**'d I K Peters it well know n business man from M ichigan arriv ed in F lo ieu cc c irc u la tio n o f th e blood »nal c a u 'e th e ; A N ew U a e o f M en’s H ats. A gent N orthern Pacific, Eugene. c lu c k « io »«suine a n o rm a l ro sy color. The favolile c ath a rtic is H ood’s Pills. o [ E ugene died u t th a t place of pueu- y esterd ay seeking locutions. 2. T O ’K l lXG IN T H E T H R O A T AND cents. i m onin last Saturday aged 52 years, i ’O l’GJI. Al P o t th e co u g h is a «Sight I Louis Bean was sh ak in g hands with LOGS WANTED. h a c k —th a t is m b liis t hull, a tio n . H l D- id M aher orders bis paper sen t to The Ju n ctio n C ity flouring miff was ' bis Florence friends a few days ago. We Y AN will sto p tiif tick lin g a n d th e c ».igii. 1 H U D Y A N will leiiev c it in u few day«. n i< .G ardiner. J sold by Sheriff W ith ers s t foreclosure acknowledge a pleasant call. P arties desiring to co n tract w ith th e ' j. a a r a a i i T p a i n i n o n k o r b o t h 'lie San Francisco E x am in er and th e sale last week lor $7.900.43 th e pup- T hree new com ers from th e east a r­ Siuslaw an d San Francisco L um ber Co L U N G S , u su a lly n e a r th e to p s. 'J’h ls is kst for one y ear $2.50 paid in ail- chaser being th e E ugene Loan & Savings rived by W ednesday’s boat and a ie visit- , for logs to he delivered th e coming su m ­ tin in d ic a tio n th a t th e »-:uni| t i \ c germ L as In v ad ed th e lu n g tissu e . H U D Y A N , will crailicu tt th e eeirn . HUDY AN will uce. I bank.. 1 ing with I! \V Dorsey on Fiddle creek. m er and lob will please apply a t once re s to re th e lur.g tissu e to n h e a lth y een - d illo n an d pi ev en t f u r th e r dcH truetiou. 'ine assortm ent of ladies’ sh irt waists to R oseburg R ev io w : M rs G E M urphy M rs R W V aiiderbnrg who sp en t tho 4. W E A K N E S S A R O U N D T IJ E I IE A R T Meyer A K yiv's. I. U. C u sh m an , died u t h er hom e n ear G ardiner last w inter with relatives iu C alifornia has T h e h e a rt Is b« » o n lin e w eak. H U D Y A N Acme, Oregon. will s tr e n g th e n it an d cu u ae th u w eak n e ss ’rotn Ju s 'ic e H olden wo learn th a t T h u rsd ay . lik e was one of th e early 1 joined hor husband a t R exburg, Idaho. J to d isa p p e a r. volets of F lorence precinct registered settlers in th a t neighborhood and leaves C G Wilson and w ife d ep arted S atin - ‘ You h av e th e svinpL im s. Bo w sc. T a k e | HAY FO B SA LE . H U D Y A N b f f r r e It is loo late. Do n< t a l­ ore him . a husband and several grown children day by way of Y aqnina lor E ugene to low yoitr ease to p,o on to th e in c u ra b le sta g e . If y ou do 4her»' will he n o help for ee the new stock of m ens, boys and to m ourn he d e ath . To the bereaved proem o medical tre a tm e n t fur Mrs you. H U D Y A N sho u ld be used a t In q u an tities to su it th e purchaser. dreus ready m ade clothing a t O W relatives th e sym p ath y of m any frienus W ilson. I t will m a k e th e long tiss u e at re ng an d th e g e rm s cf th o dhieatte will be rap id ly J H P katt , is extended. rds. Wut P ersons w ho has been laid tip for I d ra w n fro m th e syttlem . T h en you will I Acme, Oregon. 1 « g a in y o u r h e a lth at »1 s tr e n g th . H l'D Y A N ; R egister: The m am m oth double- some th ree weeks with a so re hand w ent , G Johnson orders his paper scut to ca n be obta;r.e»l of all d r u g g is ts fo r MJc J p e r p a c k a g e o r 6 pn< k n g e s fo r f-’ no. If 1 lard, W ashington, having moved < spooled donkey engine to ho used by A t o E u g e n e a te w d a y s a g o iu h o p e s o f o b ­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. y o u r d ru g g is t doer, n o t k eep H L 'D Y A N 1 re Irom E v e re tt. H e is working in [ " G ilbert for logging on th e Siuslaw, t a i n i n g r e lie f . ren d d ire c t to th e H U D Y A N R E M E D Y | C O M PA N Y , S an F ra n c is c o o r L os A n ­ ship y atd a t th a t place. j " a s finished by liie F razer Iro n W orks g eles. Cal. A sta ff of p h y sic ia n s an d s u r ­ Thom as Boren and Win B rynd leuve Land Office a t Ko»ebiirg, Oregon, geo n s m ay be c o n su lte d tre e if you will there is any person ow ning land in “ ,e 9lh H,,iU 'ri,ti bu“ ur “ ,ld ....... in a day or two to atten d th e G rand Muy 12,190U. call. You ni»»\ call or w rite n s you d e ­ * s vicinity th a t he wishes to trade .fo r, * u,e Oioruughly ^ t s d and found to Le , j 0 0 j- sire. C onsul lo tio n i3 free. A d v ice la free. meets at A storia Notice Is hereby given th a t th e following* Address, •heat farm in southern C alifornia, he p erluetly saliskietory. j ,lext Wmjjiesdav. ' unined settler hn« file«! notice of his in ten tio n n ex t y learn of a chance by calling at th is j An exchange lays down th e following , A p arty of four men who reside near , to make final proof in support of his claim , and KU3YAB REMEDY COMPANY, , th at said proof will be made before C. If. Hol­ ee/taW H ® ' ; code of uioiais by say in g : Let yout inot- R oseburg arrived here F riduy evening. den, U. 8. Oommissloner ut Lake Preciu^t, No. 316 South Broadway, I Cowan, of the Bandon lighthouse, to ljU: Lie, S teal, D rink and Swear. ___............ 0 k Tliey weio ........ after ~ em ploym ent and talk , Oregon, on Ju n e 23, I'JGO, viz: W illiam F, Rurri« P in e ^ t o c ^ o f' d 1 received the ap p o in tm en t of keeper ' ' “ «*»' -vou d e ' ^ut " bu dow“ ,o pleasant ! ol- hom esteads ; on hi« H. E. No. 7167 for the E SB’ 4 Sec 8 & lave Los Angro!oa, Cal. w ays on Ian : W ’i 8W h Sec 9, T l'J 8, K 11 W. the lig h t a t Tgt.oosh, W ash. G o es, dn!“ “ ,<- W “ e" >’ou d,'“ 'k - let ' ‘ it ' be Cor. S to c k to n , V o rk e t a n d Kills J o h n N Wood of E ugene and his fath er • He nam es the following w itnesses to prove W hen L an F ra n cisco , C*k p im News. M r Cowan ,uas statio n ed at n olbing b u t pure, cold w ater. 1J ?d Wood lecently from M innesota ; his coutintions residoiyM u > m an d cu ltiv atio n yptl stvpl let it he aw ay from im m oral 1 !o*l, good appetite, good digestion and river Saturday, to o btain supplies anil cinct, Oregon, work away from home. J. T. B ridges , rfect liealtli. I t cures dyspepsia, T he West Real E sta te office lias b a r­ have bis nam e enrolled am ong th e legal : i Register xifula, salt rh eu m , boils, pim ples and gains to oiler in th e following property. A BROKEN LEG. voters of Lane couuty. © ry G fo o d î . I blood hum ors. G fo o d s I A good dw elling house, and hlnek- ★ ★ 0 W ill Neely and wife were in F lorence, ■ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ress I sthith sh o p doing a good business in a John L F u rn ish has w ithdraw n as W hile several boys - a,iff young n S atu rd ay . Will was after m en to work ' thriving town. T he ow ner desires to niblicau ain d id u te for constable iu were phiying ball M onday evening on ' in hla logging cam p a t M eadow, li e Land Office, a t RosebtyMf Oregon. j change his location. A fine opportunity rence precinct. A petition was eir- Hie vacant lots n ear ttie C hina house, was fo rtu n ate enough to secure four who ' May 8, 1900. i for tlie rig h t m an. Price f,R50. latcd here Tuesday asking th a t Hie E ddie, tlie tliirteen y ear old son of Wut retu rn ed w ith him . Notice I h hereby given th a t the following- I 160 acres of unim proved land on N orth me of G C C om pton he placed on H.e K yle b:ld u , leg b roken. H e been George G lover w ith his fath er m id na,“ <,‘l Mittlvr ban tiled notice of hi« in ten tio n m ake Anal pro«>f iu support of his claim , and Fork uliout ton m iles from Florence is ket as Hi«» republican candidate. strik in g ut Hie ball an d started to run lu u th e i h U iited I n u tty fo r G o ld o n d n le , • , to tim t Srtj(t proof will l>o ,na»lc laîfore C. II .H olden And now U is George I! C olter who « b o n iron, some cange he stum bled and W ashington, w.,eru they expect to m ake I'. 4. Com at Flora,, *e. Dreg..... offered for saled. N ear to county mild, fortunate enough to come into posse,- | fell, breaking Hie bone el his left tliigti. r th e ir hom e. G eorge has rmi ted o u t his ' ou ^une '"R‘ ^"nies K. F. Dodge, onhts i Will m ake a good stock ran ch . Price ill of . valuable estate. lie iuformg The o th er boys carried him home and ! ih iic I i on S ^u th slough lor a term of II. E. No. 8»ls for tlie S .4 S >V ‘j , S h, SK Hoc. ! H50. }|, T. 15 8., K. 12 W. « W-TZ'V-u-Te-vrw-Hf-W.Vnr-V-H th a t ha has recently inh erited Hi) j lie was made as com fortable us p o ssib le.' th ree years. 150 acres m ostly ttnihe, land lying in lie names tho follow ing witnessos to prove anga orch ard about fifteen uiilaa from i j j r K uykendall of E ugene was a t Maplc- i section 10, tow nship, IS sontii, range 10 his eoqtiniioiiH reaideueu upon so d eultlvuttoii H a ts & C a p s, OF W H O O P IN G »bfaK A rC ul. Tiie prejw rty iawainei) t Mbj tl»«, steam er .L illian was sen t to AN E P ID E M IC west. A I,out three aere« cleared. L A of, sail. land, viz: C O U C H . I Iva llreoy, of Minute, , ireguti, D. C. Hipltli, of creek laige enough to float logs runs a h on t$15,006. Mr C olter am) lauaily bring him to Florence. lie arrived I Minute. Oregon, X II Ouynu, of M inute, Oregon through tlio land, P iice $560. 1«, reiuwvo to th a t plage ltd , ab o u t m id n ig h t an d quickly set the L ast w in ter durin g an epidem ic of : 11 U u j,!Hi1,1 Minute, Oregon, A good store building and lot in Acme. ! broken bone, and now th e boy is g etting ]. T. lllillHUH, whooping cougli my children co n tracted ¡ C onveniently located for Im sincrs. T h e J A M rflb d , W W Neely and C B along us well as could bo expected. Keif Hier' tlie disease, h aving severe coughing j npper part is Ijnishtd up for a dwelling.. organ have been appointed by tlie ■ -------------------------- spells. We had used C h am b erlain 's ; Price $700. mity court to locate a row! beginning B U S IN E S S CHANGED, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION C oligli R em edy very successfully fof ' a t 111« moiltli of Sweet crock thence --------- 40 acros on W id e s t creek, 12 to 15 T 'l l th a t stream to intersect neat tho acres bottom and Invv b en ch ; a good T his week G C C um pton and ¿1 croup and natu rally tu rn ed jo it a t th a t Ready purchased Iroui Cal Bracey hie i '*,lle ,,u ‘l found it relieved th e cough j ofli*c, at K u «. i > uiio l re,,oic^ la on the ere* k Hie county road lend- building place ; line cedar and fir tim ­ — ¿ from W ildcat by way of Wli ¡tak er incut u ia ik c t ili F lorence, Tlie new *'“ d ‘‘(I’e vted a com plete cu re.— J ohn £ 1 Hntle , la hereby given th a t tlie follow ing- ber ; county road opened across tlio land ; \ . .«L, S m ith river, S « e e t and M aple proprietors propose to keep a good ; CLiripKD, 1 lo p rietu r Norwood H ouse, j tiaineit settler tins hied uutiee of lite in ten tio n a goi«l stock ran g e; \ mile from post Norwootl, N Y. T l|is rem edy ts lof sale ,o malte linai proni ili Hiipport «>f hi« d a in i, su.l [ o fl|..e . j i eeka to G lunuda. stuck of m eat »■) b ap d a t qll tim es, m ilts from school house, hy all di uggiste. 1 b,-'”re “ ** ltt Kcr- i „lieto’ sebo R egister: T he county co u rt lias ■ ut ItiiMibunr, Oreieui, mi AimuM inno, vlx; ■ " 111,0 et no ool is tau g h t fi to 8 m onths in : Hugh CashUl;« oil bin 11. E. N. ThtUfor the8W a y ear. P rice $250. derail th a t a rebate lie m ade on th e lY itiO N IT E M S . M ARRIED. ! N W NW U Î4 S»’C. 1J T 2l 8, K U operly road tux of each person owning ; He iiainçM the follow ing vrltiie«liiiJo}re,ofGar>llner,OruKuii,JohiilIciiiler- logging road loading Io 300,000 feet of May 14, 1900. an three I inelies iu w idth, jq ac- i Hawley a n d Miss C h arlo tte V anderbttrg. oi «“«li'ier, Oregon, Wilbert reck, of — -—-nlance with the proviaioi,, o( an re t lim b er in one body. A creek which W T C ornelius is about laid up will) i The bride is well know n and has m any I ^ l,r*,i“ e r' Ort'goa. th e le g isla 'u r. approved M arch If , la grippe. would furnish a convenient w ater (siw er Ji T. flltllMISH, I friends here, liaving ta u g h t schqq, fof ' 09, aeasion Ian s of 1899, page 81. Hows through th e land. Price $V50, on Magister. Tlie cool w eath er is retard in g the Heveial letuid m Acme mid flo jtp c e ', ' - reasonable term s. grow th of the gardens. troubled w^h rh eu m atism , give Tlie groom is a w orthy young m au from i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- A tract of about 50 acres fronting on School is now in progress on X otl w ith B ohem ia, T.,ey will m „ke th e ir hom e I lam berlain’s I’ain Balm a tria l. I t Clear lake th ree miles sotiiiiof Florence. Unite»! fhfylcM Laud Office, ’ .*• Miss Alice Fisk teach er. a t W ildwood, Oregon. We cm ignttulate 11 not coat you a cen t if it does no A fair house mid about five acres cleared, j itow^tiqrg, Oregutt, One application will relieve the Mrs J J Elwooil is visiting friends and tlie young couple and wish them a long, j May », 1900t A good Wagon road from tlie plain* to > in. It also cures sprains and bruises relatives in E ugene tin s week. h.ilipy aqd prosperous journey thiQqgli Notice I k hereby divert tfiat Ip compHnnce the Siuslaw river a t G lcnada. A Hne| one th ird tlie tim e required by o th er * w ith the provisions of the net of Uougre»« of Rev Wuldon of W alker preached at life. P r ic e 1 , June 8, 187b, en titled “ An act for the sale of placo for a sum m er residence. latm ent. ff.C uts, burns, frostbiets, Lyons echool house Sunday, May Oth, $590. Uiiils r tain t, in the S tate, u ct.|lfi>riiitt, Oregon, $ 1 0 0 REW ARD, & 1 0 0 . io tey , pains in tlie side and chest, W T Cornelius has built a shop mid is Meviula, luul vv u.liiiistou T erritory,” ('Kt',jeruic- 100 acres on C hickahotniny creek, 10 iih ln lar and o th e r shellings nre quick- A. Cassidy, of Ourdhier, County of Itiiuylas, i , , , , . , preparing fo d o his own hlacksm itliing. suite of Oregon h . . th is day Hie.» I,, th i. ofliee »dearrd, a good bearing orchard, a cured by applying it. E very hottie The readers ot th is paper will he Tlie m ountain roads are drying out Jimi bflt*lt, o n e m illion feet oltl trrnnted. P rice, 25 ami 50 cte, All pleased to learn th a t th ere is at least one bln Kiv<»ni Ktatvuieiit No luuj, fur thepufvhM eof tlicoly «out need u little work now to the N J, x k s k , sg'-ivee. it 8W ! , kw >i 'g ro w th tin d e r lying on both sides of! uggiste. ■ ■ • * dreaded disease tlia t science has been Í see. l->. in T ow nship X... 21 a. Itnuge No. I t w „ „nod sized creek. The place lies w ill,in ' sm ooth them dow n. able tq cure in all its stages, and Hint is anti will t»fl» r |»i»Hii to «hint Ihftt ilit*landMouuht . ( . . . , , .. . George Saunders a sliQrt tim e ago pur- is mure valuable fur It. tim ber or stone l b .,, \ 11 f t W ri><*8 ° f . t l,e K»MCnC'M<>ldvl<.»l J We un d erstan d th a t Mr Thompson C a ia irn . I la l.'s C atarrh Cure is tlie I« Tfilasod tliei house in xylitytlj ^ p t m n has lost five or six of Ina g e r u n d . I ’ric « (0 5 9 . goats tin s . only positive cu ie k n o w n to tlie medical {<»i* ag ricu ltu ral purp<>»c», and to »0 laid Uh bia nrd formerly resided a t S eaton. Fliu spring b u t did not learn th e cause. u. >|iiJ land before th e Ileal,ter a n d ! 160 Hcres of land near C lear lake lying: F lo r e n c e , O e f o n . | fratern ity . C atarrh being a c n a t i m - .latin „ ,, ' ° Jtt'Cciver uf t h i . oltD-e a t KoscUurg, Oregon 1 n -iw s nee was loaded on ono of th e large vu j ip Biiution 11» tow nship 19 boui I i , rang»** | O ur inai| g a rn e r reports liaving seen a tiunal d l.c a te , requires a co n stitu tio n al saiurJny the lib day uf August .sou, • - vk scows Inst week and on Sunday was 13 weft# Price <250. lynx between here and H ale a lew days treatm en t. H a lt's C n tatrli C ure is i lie name« a« witne»«o«: ken in tow by the steam er Mink to he ago. Tliey are very scutcu iu tin s p a rt taken in tern ally , acting directly upon ' ’ «»»!'«»', “I osrdliier, firvaeii, Ju'wn Ilil acres unim proved laud Ivitig on ought to kMr S au n d ers’ ranch above i 0.) Hie country. — » "I c i« ......... .. e tint T errace. Though th e tjtjnd wa« JOHN C. RECK. W . H. W EA TH ERSO N . south o( Florence. A jrood u«g«>n rond A W arden o nr genial and energetic system , tl.eit bv dea.ruyiii^ lue founda* > oivgnu. awing very hard the M ink succeeded tion of th e disease, and giving th e ; Any aud »11 )>erK <>na cl<0n{ug tl^ (rout it to th e Siiudnw river. Price ft X X ). P oin t Terraco, Or. I i,pill carrier has (^uite a curiosity in tlie Florence, Or. reaching h er destination all rig h t, ‘i’.'!*':‘‘V ' 100 acres on upper N orth Fork, a sfmpe oi a luusicgi gluek. In stead of p atien t stren g th by building up H.e ; strik in g th e hours it plays a tu n e for co n stitu tio n am i n .H eting n alu re in d o - ^ ; ' ^ ' l (1'd; ,’m‘‘‘ o,‘ uf '* iu,e “ *‘Mlh d“' , large part oi it imtio.p land. W ill m ake The ancients believed tlin t rh eu ira- ing its wi rk . T he p io p tieto rs have so each, no i» o tu n es hying alike. J. T. B kidgkm , i a good home. P ries $850. 4 in wee th e work of a demon w ithin a m u d i failli iu its curativ e powers, t h a t , ItcfiatQf, T here will be an q rerag e crop of fruit I 80 acres tim ber innd with rreek large an. one who has had an atta rk ■ 1 * ! 1 i they offer One H u n d red D ollars for any ’ ' < > enough to (lout logs ru nning through the tl agree or tlia inflam t the infliction is dem atism oniac ; ill tin s section th is season, early apples ( Use • tlia t It tails to cure. sciatic m atory rheum Send for list ongli to b a r r a n t th é belief. I t h a . and prunes t< ing th e worst dam aged of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION J a m l and into tide-w ater, l ’riee $525. i of testim onials. ver h<«$ue application relieves tb«" a few days ol) th e ir ranch last Week. lam i, ami 80 acres ' N O T IC E . j w ith th e p roi Ulons ol the uet of Congress of , dn, ami this q u irk relief w hich ■ it Uf- They talk of pioving hack to W ildcat June.;. 1878, en titled •'.»« m t for the Mie of sla sh ed : balance, brush and tim ber :rd| ia alone worth ni4:iy tim es its cost, this full. T liat is following th e general At a regular xneetii*« of th e town council of tim ber Lind> iu th e 8(atei$u(Callfnniiaj»oliiU<1 Roni Tlie office, F.oronee, Ori-gon o r. Mate o( <)rcL"’ii lot« ibis < ¡ay filed iu th is office ( coiTespondence from G r^ u 'e itf to p lace i t on o n r lis t. back in a lew y ta rs b etter satisfied I lia n Siipervi.«« r iu »»<•«-oifllu’ice with an iw-b entitled hi« sworn statem ent No. lMOH, tur the purchase Joint C Beck, P o in t Terrace, Oregon, or tended fm laat week's paper eniqe hy Au Act to Aineinl r.u Act enlhJcd over. of the N > ,X E •<*»< «•. 14, W i , N W '« of Her, W N ichols, Eiuriru, Oregon, ay«»f Eugene am i did not arrive till too An Act to Incorporate the Town of fiorvnev’ No. Li, io T ow nship Mo. 8. Ksugc No. D W. Follow ing is a report o( d ie Iviaoli Lpue C ounty, Slate of Oregon. te. I t o , allied tlm follow ing am ong and will infer proof to «botv th a t the laud he-«ion of T o C e re Conn ti p a clora F o re v e r, «ought 1.« more valuable f«»r li* tim ber or stone tier item s. The lowest bi•»>* r««fuud iu< •t.'tt «I a- excessive. Tlie d e p a rt• No pupils enrolled, Id- Aveiage* daily me a« i that: u-e nil iliu /ciice am i »Ine jnoce*« l«is tsalm to *«ti»l lau»l before th e Kcginler snd itecoivor ut th is office*»*.t Itosoburg, Oregon, on i th a t if it can be -nrrie>t lof atten d an ce d u rin g m o n th , 15. N either of l a v to collect lt.c Mine. K AN 0A8 P R O P E R F Y FO R ÇALE CH Heturdwy the 44* day of au g u st, V-MMk « » ( Crjii-Tox, etofTice w ill be established. a b a n it o r taroy du rin g m o n th , Ivy lie iinrnes M m w i tli cm vv ; TRADE. M arshal of the Town of Klorvocc, lam e Catherine A. <*a«»|dy» of G ardiner, Oregon, of th e C hiekaho^iiny ' G qrnelins, M yrt.e C .rnelius, Hiliu Day, (’onuty. Oregon. b, A ee .a flew 11. ., a, 1 Ko«a ? zAAm 1 Booker, 1 . .. le . . e* Alien A 1 la_ . . John Joy< e. of ita n lin rr, Greg m, Johu H ender­ Aimicr Booker. Jron$l nre not un«tohi(o«Al Late«! U.L M j day of May, Two 160 sere tracts of land in N o rth , son, of Gardiner, Oregon, W ilbert Peek, <»f nttd our I'tinw friun’ls may H artien an d Virgil W urden. Gardiner, Oregrei. wefltern K ansas for sale o r trade for u r a xi» H o y - | poR’ofiirc. W ouhlr.’t it l»e Any a id all |*eramis claim ing n«lvcr«ely the property iw Oregon. i$. .Msvoïgvr-» lien a t) ' Va III <»«»«! D eep. es Li ry f'v» n ebove«defgTthyd. lends are requested tofiJe th eir ^in to accept a weekly iustvad Tlio land is nil rich prairie snitnhlo f»r ! bs'iM-nd«', no claim s In iitht office on or before «aid 4th day of Clean blood means a »dean akin. Ka «ervice. Mini conk lu ’t th a t beauty vrinaneut Our without it. Caseareta. Cand> Cathar­ cu ltiv atio n . About 7'i H ire, plowed. [ August, l'AJU. in any t o r u . R > insluly |fo r m price th e dep artm en t tic clean y o u r blood an»l keep it clean, hy ie » rî h<»me. het vienee J, T. Rainoa«, t Atmai six mile» from tow n and ll>ra«f tip tlx lory liver and diivin** all im­ t «Uin I’M t n vetopa. T mb By th e 4»ay, old man Inloe atirring JOHN C. BECK MegLu-r. pili .t .♦ miles froia B Jt M railroad in a floe Lvpt '1. Chicago. l i n e Ma iii thia Sentence, hut banish pimples, loita, blotches, btoekhcatL, country for raisitig cattle. W . H. W EATHERSON, | of The poatoflktt has l* en and that aùkly bilious complexion by taking I M o n i l r Y otir flo w e ls W ith C a se a rc ts. ■? _ , Road superti«.ni r u n pi« fur sale at j ( ’a n d , C ath artic, cure Consilimtlon (« rarer. I I or prices and term s inquire a t -i t« Casca ret«.—l>eauty for ten cents. All drug- W . NICHOLS. li e W kut ( Hive. nplL, Mtufaction guaranteed. X» Ute. 2^4. II C. 0 . C U fi, drngKU!.'« refund m oncr. , <*Qlce. W E S T tor ìq ODS CONSUMPTION Spring and Summer Goods. Call and I see our line of Cotton Goods All fine wash fabrics. tY. s. Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager- T Y E K a KYLE * eatfi, r mnC I). & Shoe»,. -W MIlHI G e n t’s F u rn is h in g Goods, H a rd w a rE , P aints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as tlie Lowest K&ÊÊ, ! w. NICrtOLS. Ehnira,0r, FLORENCE REAL ESTATE ACENCL Af|l Cotç ET Anybody desiring to p u r* chase Real Estate is in- vited to exam ine our list and see w h a t w e have to offer. 1 ■CSfcn