I TTT i I ■ ■ ■ ! J I - ’H E GREEN SICKNESS PERSONAL8. Call and see those now spring hats nt MrBjKanoff’». O W Hurd sta rle t up his creamery every F riday morning — Munday morning. All kinds of ficeli gra»s seed for spring L ank C ounty , O regon .— son ing at A O F nnko’s. Chas David built another chimney in - - - BY - - - | the Western house this week. _ _ _ _ _ Œ A T I I E R S O N . The statem ent published l>y County Clark Loo shows Hie total indebtedness Editor and Proprietor. of Lane county March Slot 1900 to be $114.005.98. T e b m s : $1.50 a year in ndvnnco.------ The Eugene council at their meeting i Monday evwning refused to confirm J S itered a t th e post-office at Florence. • county, Oregon, as second-class Stiles and F B Hawk whom Mayor Ilar- ! ris had reappoiuted marshal and niglit- matter. ' watchman respectively. The maybr then informed tlie council that he had B TISIN O HATER MADE KNOWN ON AH- P P LIC A TIO N . no other appointments to make. notices^ cento per line, each Insertion G uard: The eight delegates from Oregon to the General Assembly of the Ore. A pr. 27, 1900. Presbyterian church at St Louis, Missouri, May 17, have been chosen. Among them are Rev 1 G K notts, of E S T L IN G S . Florence, and E ider Robert Glass, of Crawfordsville. to have a beet sugar W E S T Na- O r Chloro«!» tk ilv a s 11» n a m e from tbs f n . l th a t th e ? 'l n a s su m e s a g re e n ish 111.I. It Is r u t k r r a com m on d ltiu a e and Is m et w ith >vnicnn«t y o ung w om en. I t Is c tli0 a u ti 'I blood. fro m un utu.s im p o v erish co n d itio n of ' a ed n<»ot diueaaa It»« I C h lo r t.:» ta n be c u re d by HUI) , v e g e ta b le rem edy fu r I Ï.V blood a n d nerve«. HT’D YAN Will en- 1 ric h th e blued a o l Rive It b ack i t » ' r.en lth y , red c jlo r. H U D Y A N will re- I Spring and Summer Goods. Are prepared from Will Neely of Meadow was in Florence ture’s mild laxatives, and Tuesday. w h ile fre n ile a r e r o u b l e M F Phillips lias moved his family to r ,‘ • CCI. . . . and . efficient. They tliC creamery. C B Morgan went to th e.U m pqua Sunday on business. F J Bnttgenbach of Minerva gave us a Cure Sick Headache, Bil­ Dee Dimities pleasant call Saturday. ici'r»"if it» usS’ u Dotted Muslin, white and tan iousness, Sour. Stomach, | f co t ,»»t1 Mil rt' T H h o a n tin n u , 1 ed Dr J W Strange has returned to »5 in p i c m s nr« and Constipation. Sold fo u la rd ’s, satin finish. lu a ik c d . T h e blood Covert Cloth Roseburg to practice his profession. everywhere, 25c. p e r box. b ein g In a poor Seersuckers co n d itio n , nr.r.e of Grass Linen Joe Morris jr lias been suffering for a t*re;iaved by C. I. Hood a co.,LcweU,Mass. tiie o rg a n s of thu body a r e p ro p erly week past from a felon on bis linger. Percale “Iron Brand” n o u rish ed . H U D - Scotch Lawns VAN wilt M u s t E ID S W A N T E D . Ed Furnish is Imine again after spend­ tlie blood to he- Sash Ribbons, latest color* ing a year in Idaho and Washington. . u' p u re. H V D - Ginghams YAN will re s to re Miss Dollio Beers ¡snow assisting Mrs Bids will be received till Saturday tlie o rg a n s to a h e a lth y co n d itio n Morris at tlie government mess house. Moy 5th, 1909, for seven thousand cedar H ,! U V A N .vlll Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves In Black or tan. th e Cal Bracey went to his ranch on rdmkes three feet in length and six bloom to th e ch eck s an b d rin ca g u se b ack th e g reen Indian creek Tiusduy to he absent a few ■ inches w ide, delivered nt the creamery lin g o to d lsa o p c u r. If you h a v e th e «y:n.q- Soutache Braid andAss’t Feather Stitched Braids» ti.ni», th k e H U D Y A N now . a n d th ey will wharf. leav e you. days. O W H urd . Ole Tronson and two sons left Satur­ Bed Spreads in W h ite , Blue and Red. THE PRINCIPAL SYMPTOMS ASS: day by way of Eugene enroute for Mos­ T O T H E P U B L IC - 1. C O N ST A N T H E A D A C H E —D u e to cow, Idaho. th e Im pair vd qinl-ity o f blood th a t reache« A New Line of Men’s Hats. th e b ruin. 11! ' i n AN will m uho th e blood Guard: Mr C W Lyons, of Walton, After Jho fi-st of May the hoarding p u re a n d n u tr itio u s u n d th a h e a d a c h e will d isa p p e a r. is in the city after a wagon load of sup­ house at Acme will he closed. 2. G E E B N i R H OH Y E L L O W IS H plies tor his legging camp on tlie Sius- T H E C O U N T Y C A M P A IG N - M rs S M G ates , G R E E N C O M P L E X IO N . H U D Y A N will m a k e th e c< rnplex*on te d an d ro sy , by re- law. nausea are cured by Proprietor. K loihig th e 11« o<2 to a h e a lth y co n d itio n . F o llo w ln g is th e I - ts t <>f A p p o in tm e n ts J L Dahlin has sold his house and lot 3. P U L S A T IO N IN T H E N E C K . T h is ic due to tii w a te ry co n d itio n of th e W h ic h t h e C a n d id a te s V isit to in Miller’s addition to Florenco, the ALASKA GOLD FIELD- delivered a raft of logs at b o»»d, an d w».l dis a p p e a r sh o rtly a f t e r th o D is e a s e t h e Is s u e s . purchaser being a woman who lias late­ u re of H E D Y AN is com m enced. erne mill Sunday. 4. W E A K N E S S A N D P A L P IT A T IO N ly arrived here from Portland. ; San Francisco Examiner and the First steam ship for Cape Nome and Oh' TH E HEART. H U D Y A N will lh in th e I.c a rt en d m ulte th e b eat» ■ fur one year $2.59 paid in ud- Republican candidates have arranged Riley Mills und wife have traded Cape York will sail from Seattle, May b fu ttc ll, tig s tro n g an d re g u la r. to canvass the county and will address their Acme property to R B Mills for his 10 This will he a largo ship with a H U D Y A N is th e rem ed y t h a t y ou w a n t H av e y o u r bleed p urified. Y our frie n d s se N icolle h ns taken a contract to the voters of the several precincts oil the ranch on South slough. Both parties freight capacity of 1690 tons and pas­ will o n tell you you a r e lo oking are now residing on their new posses­ senger accommodations for 209. l o r inorc fo h e a lth y . T h e co lo r will r e tu r n to »h the rest of the piling for the following d a le s : y o u r check?. Y our h e a d a c h e will d is a p ­ sions. rates and further inform ation tail on or May 12, 2 p t1 Sat Florence, p e a r an d y ou will no lo n g er a p p e a r w eak ynd m iserab le. H llD Y A N will re s to re th e Win Persons lias been laid up for address. “ 14,2 “ Mon I steamer Marguerite was on the Mapleton, fu n c tio n s of n a tu re . A fte r you h a v e used R McMuiiriiEY, lll'D Y A N te!i o th e r au ffercr» w h at It h as several days with a sore hand caused 15,2 “ Tues i in th elipper part of town several Chesher, done for you. K cm erab er t h a t HfTDYAN Agent Northern Pacific, Eugene. (roui I tinning a piece of wire under tlie *• 16,2 “ Wed is for n u n an d w om en. Go to y o u r d r u g ­ Elmira, thia week. g ist an d g e t U V D i AN a n d follow the• d i­ < 1 o * • thumb nail while splicing a wire cable Tburs re c tio n s a s g iv en in th e c irc u la r. l l t 'D - as Sauheit is erecting a building in Long Tom, N O T IC E T O T A X P A Y E R S - YAN is sold a t 50c p e r p a c k a g e , o r G p a c k ­ “ 18,2 “ last week. Junction City, Friday ? for a isioat market. The second ag e s fo r ?2.50. If y o u r d ru ffg U t does not “ 19, 2 “ Sat k to p It, send d ire c t to th e H U D Y A N Smithfield Coos Bay News: C II Schultz was in is designed fur a dwelling, R E M E D Y CO M PA N Y , S an F ra n c isc o or “ 19, 7:39“ Sat Irving, town Sunday. He lately tendered his A list containing tlie names of ta x ­ L os A n g eles, Cal. R e m e m b e r th a t yon * * * * e piledkiver was nt work Wednes- It ol 9 co n su lt th e H U D Y A N D O C TO R S Hadleyvilio, Mon •O • K resignation as a member of the Ump­ payers of Florence and vicinity, to- can F R E E . C all an d see th e d o cto rs. You m ay at Ijif Florence Lumber Co’s mill “ 22,2 “ Tc.es Lorane, qua life-saving crew, and secured bis | gelher with tlie am ount of their respec­ t a il an d see th e m or w rite , a s you douire ng piling to strengthen the boom, A d d ress “ 23, 2 “ Wed Cot Grove, tive taxes, lias been placed with Meyer discharge. there is Any person owning land in Creswell. it g t 2 “ T hu i s Frank Regers thoG anliner postmaster i & Kyle, where one may obtain the BUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, vicinity! that lie wishes to trade for Pleasant Hill, Friday “ 25, 2 “ was in Florence Tuesday. Ho expects ! amount of the same. Ko. 018 South Broadway, Have Qlways on H and a Pine ^ to c ^ o f ieat farm in southern California, he Fall Creek, “ 20, 2 “ Sat, W W W ithers , to spend most of his time this summer learn of a chance by calling at this Springfield, Los Angoles, Bab “ 26, 7:39“ Sat Sheriff & Tax Collector lor Lana on tils ranch while Mis Rogers manages II 9g 9 II M un Thurston, Cor. S to c k to n . M ark et raid E llis S ts ., I County. Oregon. the post office. Son F r.in c ’scc, C il. “ 29, 2 “ hn Higgins who was employed by W alteiville, Tues D Kern of the Hale Kein Contract Booth-Kelley Lumber Co near Mohawk, “ 31,2 “ Xh ura L O G S W A N T E D . Co of Portland was a passenger for Eil- “ 31, 7.30“ G ^ O C E Iÿ E g , idling was struck by a falling tree | Wendling, | gene on Monday’s stage niter spending REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. June 1, 2 “ 17th and injured so that lie died ! Coburg, Friday several days looking after business inter­ Parlies desii ing to contract with the Engenti, Sat “ 2 ,2 1 :3 0 “ t day. I Siuslaw and San Francisco Lumber Go ests on the Siuslaw. vasta Leo Daniels an itinerant hyp- The citizens’ partv candidates are in ­ Tlie West Real Estate office lias b ar­ M D Johnson, George Piescott, Frank , for logs to tie delivered the coming suin- ist, fortune teller and slight of hand vited to join the republican candidates gains to oiler in tlie following property. will please apply at once mer and fall Iladley and several others who have B i y (J o o d s , ★ ★ B ress Gfoocls ’ormer from Napa, Cal lost a leg at in a joint canvass of tlie county on th e, .. A good dwelling house, and black­ to Any dates not i bwn logun'K »ear Mound wero on tide- any Sunday by falling in front of a above named dates, smith shop doing a good business in a I... F » tlie 1 ,/» i v o o l r I . B. Cushman, water . tlie first, z-, of week looking after satisfactory to both political parties can thriving town. The owner desires to ring car. Acme, Oregon. their logs and delivering them at tlie G R C hrisman , change liis location. A line opportunity U nde Billy” Currin died at Ids home ; be adjusted. Chairman Republican County Central mill. S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . for the light man. Price $859. r Cottage Grove last Friday aged While coupling cars at tlie jetty last tears. He was tlie oldest settler in Committee, 160 acres of unimproved land on North Sunday Toot Stingley lied tlie fingers of By I- II J ohnson , Secretary. te n d of i tlie valley having resided F o rk about ten miles from Fhirence is Sunday School 19 A M. ono hand severely injured by b eing1 offered for Haled. Near to county road. re since 1849. Preaching 11 A M ami Acme 3 P M. caught between tlie iiumperu. It was G E N E R A L N EW S. Will make a good stock ranch. I’rieo . mass meeting is to he'd at tlie court Endeavor 2:30 P M. feared nt first th at one finger would The new Presbyterian church will he $450. ise ill Eugene tomorrow afternoon President McKinley lias appointed ! liave to bu »»'P”1,1'-6'1- organized in Acme Sunday May Clh, tlie purpose of considering matters [ 150 acres mostly tinibei land lying in T H E B E S T IN T H E Y /O R L D . 10:30 A M, the Presbytery having taken section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 Hive to the establishm ent of a sugar George B Gortelyoii of New York ns his H ats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, private secretary to succeed J Addison favorable action mi the petition and ap­ west. About three acres cleared. :t factory a t tlixt place. A We believe C ham berlain's Cougli pointed a committee to organize the creek huge enough to float logs runs ) W H urd's pile driver scow was Porter who resigned on account of ill ! Remedy is tlie best in the world. A few church. Rev Mr Smick of Albany IH j through tlie land. Price $660. netted yelterday. It will lie finished health. A goial sioro building and lot in Acme. T lie Merchants Association of New weens ago we suffered with a severe cold one of the committee und will help in soon ns tlie macliineiy arrives from a Francisco after w hich the piles will | York lias sent a memorial to congress ! and a troublesome cougli, and having organizing. A free boat may run from Conveniently Im ated for business. The asking for tlie abolition of tlie stamp read their advertisements in our own Florence to take any who wish to go. upper part is finished up for a dwelling. driven for Mr I lu id ’s saw mill I G K notts , Price $700. T lie Albany cream- ; tax on express shipments, railroad and and other papers we purchased a hottie llhany Herald to see if it would effect us. I t cured us P astor. | steam boat shipm ents and telegrams. 40 acres on W ildest creek, 12 to 15 tlie month of March > sold during before tlie bottle was more than half The treasury departm ent lias com­ acres hoitom and low hencli; a good tier to the amount of $2,242.45. Tlie used. I t is tlie best medicine out for amery is now doing a larger business pleted arrangements for the retirement colds and coughs.—Tim Herald, Ander- R E M A R K A B L E C U R E O F F IH C U M A - building place ; tine cedar and fir tim ­ TISM- of all Puerto Rico money and tlie suh- ber; county road opened aerosa tlie land; >n ever jheloie and tlie cieamery onville, Inil. For sale by all druggists. ! stitution nt American currency. a good stock range; , vb mile from post trone are m aking a good profit. office; l)g miles fruin school house, K enna , Jackson Co, W Ya. ‘A «ingleI fact is worth a shipload of G R EEN LEAF IT E M S . The English find larger forces of the rum eut." Every cure by Hoad’s ; Boers around Wepener than hitherto About three yems ago my wife hud an where school is taught 6 to 8 months in ■parili« is a fact, provising its merit, i supposed. After some resistance the attack of rheumatism which confined her a year. Price $260. B y a W est CoRiutSPONDENr. 163 acres about seven miles above d the thousands and thousands of Boars wero driven from their position nt to her bed for over a mouth and render­ re t recorded certainly should convince Iæeuw Kop. ed her tilla b le to walk a slop without Florunce, lying 5« mile on nutin Sius­ April 23, 1900. n that Hood 's will cure you. assistance, tie r limbs being swollen to law river, 23 acres of it bottom laud. A T h e tiia lo f 33 rebels was begun at Miss Valerie W iilcnlia expected Imine double their normal siee. Mr S Maddox house und barn on tlm place, and a good Reliefer: Reports from Benton conn- Cape Town Monday. The sentences insisted on my using Chamberlain’s logging road lending to 300,000 feet of and other points north arc not so imposed varied from six months to five from Idaho soon. couraging fur the fruit crop outlook.! years. Two nephews of H erm it Hollo a r­ Pain Bahn. I purchased a fifty cent tim ber in olio body. A creek which , hottie und used it according to tlie would furnish a convenient water power tine and Beach buds are saiJ to be Information bas readied Washington rived from the east Saturday. flows tlirougli tlie land. Price $960, on lling Io alarming extent on account ^ ,at j apPnci3e government ¡a about S S Miller is working with his big i directions mid 'lie next morning she the nceBt host and prevailing cold taj.e 8te.)9 t„ restrict the Immigration team nt the Branton legging cam pon 1 walked to breakfast without assistance reasonable terms. ; in any manner, Riid she lias not had a A tract of about 50 acres fronting on ins. ! of Japanese coolies to tlie United States. tlie Siuslaw. i similar attack since.—A B Parsons. For Clear lake three miles sotiihof Florence. Bandnn »reorder: A cattle buyer Chief Justice Fuller of the supreme Emil Kobctt loet his beet cow, an I sale by all druggists. A fair house and about five acres cleared. is been on the lower river tlie past conrt lias handed down a decision in the animal worth £49, w itli milk level a A good wagon road from the place to lek baying and contracting for calves ¡caseof Captain Oberlin M Carter dis- short time ago. R IG H T S O F F IS H E R M E N - the Siuslaw river at Glenada. A line id yOBgiSetock for parties in Fresno i missing bia appeal from the decision of F E M ikeinson of Ivison was looking! place (or a summer residence. Price unty, Cal- He made contracts for 1 the circuit court. This leaves in force for tim ber that he could buy on Lake ' Oregonian: An im portant decision $500. me M0 h$ad of calves at $3 per bead, ! tlie decision of the circuit court refusing creek a few days ago. respecting the relative light» of fisher­ 160 acres on Cldckaliominy creek, 16 i be delivered tlie first of September. J to interfere witli the sentence of tlie Johnny Carlylo lies taken a wife in men and navigatili» was liaudeil down 'acres cleared, a good bearing oichard, a Coqtdlle C. ty H erald : We hear a ' court martial. Wasliington. At last accounts he was in tlie Circuit Court ol Columbia County ' j10,II!e atlj ta rn , one million feet old easing report, hut cannot confirm it I h y jn d g e Thomas A McBride, in over- grovvtli tim ber lying on both sides of expected home witli her. T O C U R E A C O L D IN O N E D A Y . dlyj that a test of our bar and river’s Seth Siminons is slowly gaining in lu liu g a dcnuirrur to a suit brought by good sized creek. Tho place lies within ■■city will be made in ft few days for i Take L axativb B bomo Q uinine T ab ­ health at his home. He sits up most of A rthur George vs the <> R ¿c N Co. TliO i a few rods of tlie Eugene-Mapleton lod-sisedi ocean-going vessels. After lets . All druggists refund tiie money if tlie day. He lays his trouble to internal soil w is to recover damages alleged to ! st ge road. Price $650. liiuli, if satisfactory, we shall he in the | he duo from steamers of the O R A N Co it fails to cure. E W G hovk ’ s signature injuries caused l.y heavy lifting. 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying eim with a regular service passenger destroying a g ilh n t belonging to tiie on every box. 26c. Mrs Miller came in with her husband in section 11, township 19 south, tango oat. when lie look home the last load of liis plaintiff. In the opinion, Judge Mc­ 12 west. Price $250. th a t the steam lumber; Two on three years ago there seemed camping outfit from the Johnstone place, Bride says lie believes the right of fisli-; 112 acres unimproved land lying on ■guiia, w h ic h w e n t Hsliore on 1 to be about ten teachers for every school She visit-id several days among the i i;;8 '« subordinate to the right of liavi- JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATHERSON. W . NICHOLS. jgation, and a vessel, in her oidinary tlie north side of Clear lake 2,'i miles ,p it Tillamook bar, will be- i but this year we liave in mind several neighbors. south of Florence. A good wagon road ' channel, is not liouml to m aterially de- N M H H B i I wreck, making the second Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elmira, Or. Low pass mountain, on the road to i lav her voyage, even to tiie injm y of a from it to the Hiuslaw river. Pi ice $600. reek ifSBiin a few weekt at this point, tiial did not receive a single application, Junction, vv hich wan left iinworked last i net, it being the tiabcrtiian’s duty to 160 acres on upper North Fork, a he Inrnlior schooner Lila and Mattie is and had necessarily to do a little “ rus summer was worked in the full too late keep his net out of the ordinary large part of it bottom land. Will make ^ ^ ^ | B | ii h i ter of a mile from tlie tling” tliat they might liave a school nt for tiie shoveled earth to he packed be­ channels. In tliat pm t of tlie liver cot a good home. Price $850. ktoni up. all. This state of affairs seems to liave fore the r.iini and i:uvv one has no need 80 acres tim b e r hind with creek lsrge It every neighborhood thpre is been brought about by a combination of 0( a brake when teaming on the grade in the ordinary channel it is the duty of the pilot to give the fisherman ample enough to float log» running through the 1 whose life l i a s been saved by warning. In this caso it is eburged th at land and into tide water. Price $526. F apm T H E r h U I T CROP (tain ’s Colic, Cholera and causes, the most iinperlant of which is J tlie stcamci was out of her usual coarse 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. Remedv, or who lias been tlie higher qualifications required under i runic diarrhoea by tlie use o f . the new law. This w ill eliminate many j Tuesday’» Guard gives tlie following an>l '.vilifnlly did the dam age. If these A box house, good barn, nnd plenty of B rin e , fim lh p e r s o n s make a unworthy ones, I.nt snodier, und per­ as the pio'pects of the fiuit crop in emirges he sustained, Judge McBride outbuildings on promises; 6 acres Belling of it whenever nppur- haps equally potent factor in the case, L ine county this year. Tho report is said, tbe plaintiff would he entitled to orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 19 j r s , h o p in g liia t i t m ay be tb e is th a t teachers are a very poorly paid the condition ol tlie crop as learned from , recover. acita more eiearud Imul, and 80 acres Tho result i*, that interviews with prominent growers. le a v in g o ilie r live s. F o r sale elass of workers. slashed; balance, brush and timber any teacher w ho lire any get-op and am ­ H O W '3 T H IS ? lend. Price $20 per at ru, $1000 down ^ ^ ■ ■ » g g is ts Italian prune»—'will ho mi en tire, Parties having Beal Estate to sell will ilo well bition about him, gets to other places fiiilnre. For farther information inquiro nt ^ J o r ia n reports that the fishing where wages are belter, and something to place it ou our list. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- The W est office, Florence, Oregon Petite prunos—Will las nn average rued w it li ve ry sal ¡»factory may he had for lalior expended, beside ward for tiny case of Catarrh th a t c a n - John C Beck, Point Terraco, Oregon, or [fur tlie fi«liP i men. '1 he fish wind pudding and mountain sce.nery. crop. Silver p-ffurs—The result still in not he cored by H all’s Catarrh Cure. W Nichols, Elmira, Oregon. Ir iith e r sm all in ataa I«*» o l fine Of course these little country schools F .1 CHENEY A,CO, Props, Toledo, O. There is a scari itv of li»her- pay nil I her can, but tiie fault lies far­ doubt, witli chances against a iaigo or To fiT « »;(»ii»ii|Mil(iii F'orcr«n,e We, the undersigned, have known F J ud A«turia this year due to ther bai k than in the sclieois them­ even average yield. T ako CiMwnroia Candy CaUinrtie. loo o r 25c. Veir»—All are badly injured and tbe Cheney «or the last 16 years, anil be- H C. C. C. fall to our«. uruKViwui rofund inoruir. bi'i'uheis that went m r b. Tne selves. If the taxes were so distributed [been fixed by the fian« rcien’» th a t eacli district would receive a proper yield will bo small, w ith tho exception ieive him perfectly honorable in all of tlie Biirtletls, wiiicb promiso a full business transactions and financially K A N S A S P R O P E R I V F O R S A L E O R cents per pound, ap| ortionm ent of the sc h o u l funds, not TRADE. a h lc to c a iry out any obligations inu-lo h id with rbenmatisTi, give only s better class of teachers would be crop. Early apples—Nearly a failure. by the firm. kin 's Pain Bairn a trial. It evolved, but a higher order of school W est A T bvax , Wliole.-alo druggists,! Two 169 acre tracts of land in North- L ite ap-pice—Too early to make a pre­ >st you a cent if it does no work would he produced. — Drai.i diction as to result. Toledo, O. western Kanras lor salu or trade (or i app'icalion will relit ve the Watcfi/sti«.. fcSUa .vberric, —I.idicetions favorable W ai . dino , K : nnan ov/n £otj and ^old on eommi^ion. Anybody desiring chase Real Estate vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer. K!