«■■■■1 ' 1 T H E — ------------ W E S T . ■*' " — ——— j —-rOqUMtÇltp «VKBV FKIUVV MUKNIXO.— —AT— J.AXS Cot'NTV, OBEdO.S • - -UV - - • W .I Í . W E .A T ÍIE R SO N E ditor and ff ic o d A h W S a ju a fx v u tta Cures those eruptions, boils and pimples ’which are so likely to appear in the Spring,- cures scrofulous diseases in their most tenacious forms; cures salt rheum or eczema ’with its dreadful itching and burning; cures all stomach troubles due to generally ’w eak condition and impure blood; cures debility, sick headache and “ that tired feeling,” which just as surely indicate that the blood is lacking in vitality and the elements o f health. Hood's Sarsaparilla proprietor. g fflt M i t i I have opened a shop in Florence where 1 “ I shall keep a stock of A u & S to r e . CHOICE HAÏS. Klpraiice, (Ire. A p r. 27, 19oo. WASHINGTON LETTER. w ent for the election of senators by LANE COUNTY REPUBLICAN ■T ub diffxukxt political parties have direct vote of the people. Sentiment in TICK ET, A lw a y s o n H favor of this change was largely in-j — — •elected tliqir Candida ten for the various FltOJI Ot'K BMIULAB CoattE^I'O N DEN T. creased by the investigation of the to r Jloprosentatives— .state ami county officers. It in concede*! L 1' H arris, of Eugene. d a r k case, which resulted in the report by both partías th at for the most part N ext door to Morris Hotel. Jas Hemenwav, of Cottage Grove. Washington, D. 0 ., April IB, 1900. ,tlie two leading tickets are made tip of of ti;e senate coin mitico on elections, Ivan McQueen, of Jxrrane. Whatever others may think of his ' declaring nnauimoualy th at Mr d a r k , For County Judge— /-lean uble men who w.ill put up a pirón« candidacy for the presidency, there isn’t of Montana, was not entitled to a seat /ig h tjo r ejection. O I K uos, oi Cottage Grove. the slightest doubt that Admiral Dewey in the senate. Some idea of how sc-na- For Clerk— E U Lee, of Junction City. D kwey is a bray« old sailor and won regards his change its excellent. lie is tors view the proposed change may he For Sheriff— ¡hpiiqr and renown enough Ip do myst ! «i'W*! llt »ork on his statement defining gathered from the following expressions It D Hawley, of Creswell. any tttun as long as he stayed aboard; ■ •‘W position on tire question? of the ! of opinion: Senator Chandler—“ It does For Commissioner — ¡but lie made a .ridiculous acs of himself ' lipur, which lie says he will make public not appear th at by electing senators by J L Taylor, of H erm ann, the moment he set foot on land and be- in 11 I«* f - probably people, wo shall got For Assessor— • - during - the direct votes ' ' --- , of n u the a r iiiH ^ V l A'aiqe mixed up with u w.oman and , f> |ieBU,|Y week, n v . naarat-to «._ wishes _ ., than r present week. lie Ho believes th at th the a la any the ------ popular P Burton, of Eugene, ____ «., »«.„ neonin o want u t him for <<»»• iu*ouiut a/nlsupports then). Evidently con- sllLl " ill‘ tbL l , t.tsu rir. Up to date Rieollnj Hawaii which is not an equal- 1 10 ri r”’11‘, ‘vl $19,000,000 had been ly good reason for extending them to the if h Taylor for commissioner. The men a bill of sale of him now.” It requires business referred to in liis seurril or I’1« triiil!’u«’y in payment of Philippines? The object of the law ia ¡who are elected to those offices this year something stronger than ordinary eye­ April 17th nnd save space lor further ' h ' u,fcei i premiums on bonds deposited for re- to build up the American marine indus­ D rv G o o d s , * G r o c e r i e s * a n d * ¿.ill constitute the majority of llio sight to see nny signs of statesmanship rem arks. . , , funding. I had a conversation with the Lyons try. T hat division of the industry which county epurt and if lliay woik together in th at sort of talk. i.„ .» ii. », tine effect of the new aw is what was R ill contryl the business affairs of the Lobbying is catching. Senator Bros, nt Mapleton on March 1st. Ilia d , , more than any other now needs stip- „ .i . i, , , . expected, that applications for tlie estab- .county fpr the „ e x t four years. A ays-1 ............or create,I a sensation at a meet- somelogs to sell; thev asked what I ! ,. poit is the foreign carrying trade. It is i ,i > . , 1 hshment.of national banks number sev- #MB of good roads throughout the j ¡„g of tho senate committee on inter- wanted for my logs; I told them the, ,, , , so badly in need of support that we are „.„i . . . i . i oral hundred. It is notable and a sub- ¿punty will help lo develop nnd make state «oramerve, by reading a circular price and coiulitionu. The price was . t proposing to auuoiui4.au. subsidize it. van Can anyone , e . . jccl lor congratulation tlmt most of l I iprp ............... J u s î O o e n e d , .the property valuable a„d in a few letter, sent out by the secretary of the satisfactory to them nnd as I was on tny ' , , , 8l|y 1 lat 1118 n° t a belter wav, when we .. new banks will be established in small , . . . , ial1 I can do so, to year* repay the county fur tlte cost of ( interstate commerce commission, asking way to Horence to dispose of my logs, , , 10 build ouiiu up our ocean tom coin . ,, . , . . , J ” i J towns in the south aud and west heretofore , . , . . . i e .v i o . o r e pierce without subsidies, by an apnlica .eonstrucHon. Jt .. poor economy fo r' its recelvers to bring pre#Bllre ,o ,,ear they Jasked me to try and dispose of . , i unnrnviilMii will, l.nntl.,,. <....n:*i_ ’ J 1 f * iv « i . . . . unprovided with banking fccilities. X hoR turt.o refuse to give a ,c a sh a b le j MonHtorg and representatives to theirs at .tho same rate which I did to . tion of a simple principle to which the tho Florence Lumlier Co. ’ ’ * ’ “ > ,u8a,bl° b- v tl,e provision every year to help build new ro ad s' t ,(e Cullom bill, to enlarge the powers country has been committed during its Mr John Powell «¡tnessed n ______' ’ U° Wi,’,i l';U,k8 wU1‘ ,25’W0 ea‘jiUl ¿or fur .uch other purpoau. as tho inter- 0, tlult colllln,Mion> Tlinw tlloU8HI|il the con- „ " .. »“F“ »«. entire existence as a nation? II we are of tlie public demand. and it wo'dd lie l»e muiusi ’**/ •»«».••»uico almost us ____ _________ t .............. 1° k Pay subsidies iur for voyages between copies of this letter have been settt to vcruatiun j 1» a . . . reported and three «tale banks will bo .1 difficult to prove a ho by John Powell , , “ .th is country and Asia, is it not fir hoards of trade nnd chambers of com­ . . . . .m ade national. > ■« uoi Mr as to prove tlie trulli by B II Lyons. T mk YV kaki . y Uitizun is following the merce, throughout the U S. hotter to have the Tho Lyons broa evidently thought bv . lime ,ig sin.ill national Miyiila than at San Francisco? But if J« W . C A R M A I'J /uoletriM q ( its imbecile prode essor, the liy the overwlieiming majority of 210 the readlnes. of the sale of the logs th at ‘" " T W“rU f e i r c h a p te r s ...................... PRQPR.FTnt BroaJaxe, and lias no moro regard for Manila is a foreign port wc cannot cover to 1.», house nuopioi adopted a resoiutioi resolution .1 . . . . . ....... the . «( linvy lb# ■ Burton is nominated and elected through relative, have been in the pen for!® ’0; Porto Rico, and U the latter i. „art 0l\e .efforts ol bis deputies. it takes im i' WITH A LAME BACK ? of t w i.T V — ’ •hat »• aiehoneet. the new .m all the Unite«! States the Philippines «aery littlo investigation to show tho RMncy Trouble Makes You Miserable.1 nild „ wbo would n.piJ(,:nle n bank, estabhshed in new territory and u „ dutle(1< “ H ) cannot falsity of the Oitixon's statem suts. Mr Almost everybody who reads the news- tieighhorly agreement in the hope of ,ear” U" ,b” i,,,lHtU,n « p resse d ------------------------ Jlurloti last summer ouiployod thirteen papers Is sure to linowof ¿^w o n d erfu l gaining a few dollaiw aud cast in.in.ta-i promise to he i A good reliable Zi calibre rifle, depttlie, to assess Ilio property of the the cures made by Dr. . , ins is certainly so .county, l»vridea tlie two employed In the j Kilmer's Swamp-Root, f*o,ts against a neighbor's character « heap th at every rniiciiman ought lo 1 lnjVu*'-.eiJrem’e dy’“ i3 !n:eH,'c ,n l an 1 degenerate; ¿office. The latter two ars ladies and FREE 10 INVENTORS. have «mo to kill the hawks and blue ^ome of tho otliurs are not republican, ,0 It la the p eat m-JI- such a thing isn o to f the genus homo, jays with. Toe speueer, another good ,'W cal triumph of the nlna- •lid do not tuke payt iu republican I.V WW.M cxaiury; ol nature, a foul I The experiem e of C A Snow A Co in 22 calibre gnu at »3.50; also the Stev.ns tcenth century; a.s- dis- bu‘ * war‘ ’ I c X ------- ¿nvetings. Leaving these out of tlie X ’ ‘ r e X h ” ^ " ‘CCr 011 “ '° ’lKial ,or obtaining more than 20,000 patents for ‘ r “" -Vo” ll’c veu ut ftt.OO. Xie .counR if Mr Burton w ere not a very ..... >-«*«-« • » » ............................ .„ .'c l W ,,M „ ’ii 22, 25 ( or 32 calibre T Sm • rent kidney and biad- resort. I l»ur W bore $0 85 ^¿Ojrtriar inali the rest of tlie deputies »- - , , dcr speclaltat, and 1, v -n .w cr many question, relating to the «'«tan, well made W . wl'l inuqt be very influential in i ^ n< f c r ^ «Mcesrful In pr«»mPtly curing 1 ‘ia‘l '» " ’«r I e an itch b y c tc a or a pr ,)te,..ion o{ inu,i e, tuftl r r ,)p.lr, y box any of these g „,„ mid 1' eia '" r »>’« 8’^ve p .,„ , , ille =2 g .axxiventiou by a large m ajority (qr tlie form of,kl.lney trouble. troacnerous it grate for a neighb.irly ti,lg ,.ri. |y of United S tate, and f reign “ g " '8 1,1 i l ’-'A H500, »17.50. |iflli l.rm , if one tentlr of Amis’, state o t n m i r u X e ¡ T ‘ T‘" r° “ ' “’P" “ ““ ' 4 r-” - w i t h e-»t of same, and l.ow A r t h u r T a y lo r , lo c a l A g e n t . ju en tl «sonceri.iitg him werv true. An ney. liver or bla«M.-r trouble it wit! R- Bund l,l«<*V"»roa or paternal Judas Iwsariots to proeur» th e m ; trade mark« de«igi,s calibre $11 al f ,r r i r '•r -' a MB crt Wbo employed . few d .p u tie . ol U, ‘y become disgu-Uxl with themselves --------- • • • - - - >----- 1 * Ham ,s, octagon 1-rr.l, $12.53. k o , nJ 3S caveats, infringements, decisions Uiorence, Oregon. iirpch intlHcncc m ust certainly nliend practice, among ihe holple st.epeor to pui - a,*'f ‘ rawl oil and die. pnces. .’»3'Jam l2A35 s.m.kmr« Wi„. , '«ading ( hi tent cases, etc. .. . ... • .. , chase relief and has proved so successful In w n v. This paruplihst will lie sent free to \ V *''« above tl» .d Wtw» of.bwolUee in a satisfac- cvery CMSC ,i14, H S(x.0,a, arrangement hss " 1 ’ c .« „ «X . œ 'v r ------------------ been made by which all readers of this paper —" 1 ■ ■ tory .manner. who have THE GF.XTI.E- v . om « v : s a . , not « already tried It. may have a w.. . . . 1 , «««• . 1 ii'H. tw w e- • aw< ».OMAN b a mentii- YVashington.DO. and e v e ,y gU„ fully „ j. samplo bottle sent free by nvall, also a bock *“*• «••■«'r«ef«.» t»»*.-••«»,*»15^ TO OUR "Y T R Jrqg, telling about Swamp-Root and how to ,, L«,- ,, run to b arra SsM and '.luote t'uur lift Awsr. alwul Swamp-R.xit devoted to su b jm s of inter- w aresS.U sad .oust, tsar nnr Assy. f|n Jo u more |,. hav#kM k , . «"«1, i"r..'.'. j,'« vxrF', KI.AL ¡■KHSOXS rott B ÏÏ cheap; if you don't ...... . I«»»?« find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. r U M »on servar ‘" ,nk 0 ' ,Othe T H - tr o ia r M, J . YVn have t lei oahe Manari r% in thin »» writ« to -n 1 Te gait totgu-eo e as ily and (u re te r, bo mat ........... jíñíf? rrrn - ni i i.- In thef» .,«««, rt»t.T « n i n R n «8 an. • ,¡ . --«ra. BU„ mn I h am**v*roor*i ^•U«. t a ll Of W e . s e r r a m id v l.e e , ta k e N o To When wi 11lug mention reading this generous NO VO H ICfrvr» Wliiclr r -untie«. to pay .'««urU < » > » , nwraN» * * ’ M ^nnttaiice« nnd addr. .11 on ,ce one dollar hnt «•« k ‘ r- »'»n drub*-- t. wonder w o rker, th a t m alie« w eak mrn offer In this tuper and » ill f-rnis., Me • will T.mm rcr r. » i,»»etiwii« ___ ___ __ , will rotici» ferca. TakB M wtUl • ..................................... .........." x addie Ireaa end your JM raW - A lt d ro s s ln « , M e o r l i . C ure giiarun- _ — , — ------------ ---- ¿tn.pali. .11.7,»-wrwfvtrnUj 1 >’» \ . N :v re -» «-« e tr h n n s « «i. Fn o ■- ' ^ » U n ^ tb th e V > „ for on„ • - - - w *, M— «« ¿Iy ■ • f « «a» c-w . e ' a > • w - Booklet sad anmplo free. AddreM Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing 1 ' ’ \ Si Lumelle, b«r*n(*«*tl locura, vr we r»fua«1 maaev. I a r a , .«Ju (*u <*Ohi Isuildin«. vuirwMQ * »n , . ' " Mamed* Co. Chicago or New York hamton, N. Y. Ths roatiy»,)dro.s fn r ,,.i- - * ----fe».«-..,-», B.-.C-SSI.».« I «4. Tbc aloite I,u«v«e is reliable, FM . r ” 8 »'-nr of tv « *ir fifty cent and n.w»<' a sample Copy, 'an ?a>Äbi* ‘«*l> in a«ivair«:a. >U«s V« |pi4 by all f