Spring and Summer Goods. FERSONALS. Stipcrior Stove» for »ale nt A 0 F ouke’s. DifYerj inal»sf m lly from ord in ary chill« A new stock of Spring Hats received i J L Dalilin is assisting at O W llu rd 's and fe v e r. It i# th e r esu lt o f rept*«U«d Is often a warning that th o liver to EVERY FRIDAY MOUSING— a c u te a tta ck « . T h e liv e r and vpleen are torpid or Inactive. More serious . stole. this neck at M"s Runoff's. net p ally u tfe c ir o . '1 hey a c t ua «tore* troubles may follow. For a prompt, t ri oaaea fo r il»u m a la r ia l p oison and th e Joseph Pullman went to Astoria a few ! eta.'tent cure of Headache und all Eugene people are considering n blood ta k e s It liver troubles, take fro m th em . The days ago for a two weeks visit. piopositiou Io establish a beet sugar |L ane C ounty , O regon .—- f p o iso n m u st b* It O ,r d r iv e n o u t o f t h j factory at th a t | Ince. A large bonus! Dr Saubert was a passenger to Ya­ ¿ 7 « 4 fcyatni. UUD- ■ - • - by - - - ! V* t'J will is asked. quina oc the Robarts Tuesday. While they rouse the liver, restore e v e r y tia c « k V J o f It. HUDYAN hill, regular action of tho bowels, The Guard publishes a letter from | O tV Hurd returned yesterday after - W E A TH E R S O N T— » v.’lll d e s tr o y the they do not grlpo or pain, do not a c tio n o f th e poi- Rev J C Richardson de-lining the no m i-' an absence of three weeks in San Irritate or luflamo the Internal organs, Editor and Proprietor. Dee Dimities X son and e v o n tu a lly Dotted Muslin, white and tan nation for joint senator tendered him by ! Francisco. but have a positive tonic eflect. 26c. d r iv e o u t th e la s t p a r tic le o f it from at all druggists or by m ail of Foulard’s, satin finish the pioliibitionists. | j j ra Q]e fronson and children de­ tlie s y s te m . In ad* Covert Cloth C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : $1.50 a year in advance.- X __ I d itio n to tills. I A meeting of the Lane County parted on the Robarts on their way to H U D Y A N w ill re* ! Grass Linen Seersuckers sto r e th e ioat a p ­ Teachers’ Association is to bo held in Moscow, Idaho. p e tite . It w ill terednt tho post-office at Florence, Eogeno May 5th, 1900. Officers are to ' Evan Morgan has quit working on the b u ild up tho w c a k - Scotch Lawns Percale “Iron Brand” county, Oregon, as second-class A FA LSE REPO RT. , tried sy ste m . be elected and organization completed. I , HUDYAN w ill m atter. Marguerite and is now engineer on the Sash Ribbons, latest colors / I make new klnod Ginghams The steamer City of Eugene was sold ! steamer Robarts. flpsli. I • an d new W alton, Or, April 17, 1900. T ile p a in s BTISINO RATES MACK KNOWN ON A P- at U S Marshal's sale nt Portland Inst , Rev I G Knotts returned home yester­ b o n es w ill d isa p p ea r . T h e bofuddleu f PLICATION. Monday for $1500. The vessel w a s' day from attending a meeting of presby- i Mr Editor. Please allow me space in bruin w ill b e co m e c le a r. H U D Y A N w ill Ladies 2 Clasp Kid Gloves in Black or tan. do a ll th is an d m a k e you w e ll. H U D Y A N notice» • cen ts per lin e , each Insertion your paper t.. correct an error. built at Eugene in the summer of 1898! tery at Dallas, Or. h a s cu red o th e r s und It w ill cure you. W e The report keeps coming to us that we d e scr ib e the s y m p to m s. S tu d y th em c a r e ­ and cost between $7000 and $9000. M ) fu lly . T h e y arc y o u rs. D o not do»av lo n g Soutache Braid and Ass’t Feather Stitched Braids- Chas box went to tlie Umpqua Sstur- j ()a[.„ aoid our logs to the Florence Luui- er, but ta k e H U D Y A N n ow an d y o u w ill orenodj Ore. Apr. 20, 1000. Olson and T W Nordby of Portland day to assist Win Saftev to move down her Co through Win Neely of Meadow b e cured . were ttie purchasers. as our authorized agent. his household goods. Bed Spreads in W hite, Blue and Red. i HERE APE Yi)U3 SYM PrO M S: Roseburg Review: Reports from th e Let we say th a t Win Neely never had L C O N STA N T HEADACHE AND Ed Furnish is expected home in a southern part of the county are to the ! T h O l ’B L E D UK A IN . T h e m a la r ia l pul- . is c ir c u la tin g in th e brain. H U D Y A N A New Line of Men’s Hat«. J effect that ttie Italian prune crop lias ' day or two after a year’s absence in any authority or instructions from us to : I bop >111 d rive it o u t. H U D Y A N w ill p u rify sell or dis,>080 of our lugs in any wav. ododendrons ure commencing to I been badly damaged by the cool 1 Idaho and Washington. I th e blood an d th e brain w ill r e c e iv e it We met Win Neely at Mapleton tlie In a pure s ta te . Y our h e a d a c h e s w ill d is ­ Frank Vader und wife who went to weather of the past week. Many Eden- ap p ea r und y o u r m ind w ill b ecom e clear. 28th of last February. We asked him V 2. P A L E OK Y E L L O W IS H COM* » atonmer Robarts left for Yaquina bower orchards lire similarly affected. Idaho about two years ago, are expected l P IO N . H U D Y A N wil» e s ta b lis h a to make some inquiries in regard to tlie fr L e e E X c ir c u la tio n o f pure blood an d c a u se lay. They were not bitten by frost but a to return to Florence in a few days. price of logs th a t were being given by th e c h e e k s to a s s u n .e th e ir n a tu r a l o lor. OF A P P E T IT E A N D G N A W ­ < headache is cured by Hood’s sudden checking of the flow of sap is be­ Win Blackmore of Portland arrived nt the Florence Lumber Co, as lie wns on IN 8. G LOUS IN T H E ST O M A C H . H U D Y A N w ill lieved to be ttie cause. O ther varieties Florence on Wednesday's boat. He will 25c. c le a r th e sto m a c h an d r re«toi e tto r e th o appo- liia way down there at (his tim e. tltc an d th e d ig e s tio n o f food v ili bttcotnr ew Btock of Groceries received this of prunes and all other fruits are have charge of O W H u rd ’s creamery p e r fe ct. So in a few daya wo got an order to be 4. F E E L I N G O F W E IG H T O V E R T H E unhurt. at Meyer & Kyle’s. for tho summer. signed bv us stating th a t our logs were L IV E R . T h is is du e to th e e n la r g e m e n t • f th e liver. w ith th e poinon A largo raft of logs which hail been Fred Butterfield took a lay off from sold by our agent, Win Neely, and be o f m a la r ia . H It U D is Y A filled ; San Francisco Exam iner and the N w ill d r iv e ou t th e p oison ond c a u s e th e o r g a n to a s su m e its purchased by the Florence Lumber Co thu Rohnrts for a jew (1ayg lbe firat of [or one year $2.50 paid in ad- still claims tiiat we authorized him to n a tu r a l size. _ . and tied up near their mill, broke loose , : the week on account of tho illness of sell them. 6. H E A V I N E S S I N T H E R E G IO N O F T H E S P L E E N . T h e sp le en b ecom e« We will refer our readers of this g r e a tly e n lm g c d . H U D Y A N . b y It« d i­ » first sdnw load of rock this spring Saturdny afternoon and started down! Mrg Butterfield, rect a c tio n on th e m a la r ia l p o iso n , w ill and Robarts,! tho river. The Lillian ’•ken down to the jetty Tuesday Mrs J A Levage and children have article to Mr John Powell who was le s s e n th e c o n g e s tio n an d c a u s e th e h e a v ­ having steam up at ttie time started gone to their ranch on Mercer lake to present and heard every word th at in e s s to d isa p p ea r . ung. are » u n e r in g from C h ron ic M alnrln after ;tlie raft and soon had lines a t­ assist Mr Levage in carrying on the passed between Win Neely of Meadow an Y d ou you can be < ured. T h e r e lie f is hold J Had»all received a fine organ n u t to you . It la H U D Y A N . H U D Y A N tached to it but wtiile they were trying and ourselves and now ask our agent, w ill r elie v e y o u r e v e r y sy m p to m and place during the summer. San JrancisM on tho schooner m a k e you w e ll. W h en y o u h a v e u sed to bench the raft, the boom which held Win Ifardell has given up his position 1 Wm Neely, us lie called himself to ex­ H U D Y A N te ll y o u r frien d « w h a t It ha« mien to. d on e fo r you. H u d y n n c a n be ob ta in e d it together p aited an d some ot the logs as engineer on tho Robarts and has plain or forever keep still. s schooner Danielson, Captain o f a ll d r u g g ist« fo r 50c per p a c k a g e , or went to sea. The tide soon commenced Respectfully, «lx p a c k a g e s fo r $2 60. If y o u r drngghft gle, arrived Monday and is loading I flooding and this kept most of them in taken charge of tlm engines in the d o o r n o t k e e p It, sen d d ir e c t to th e H U D - B H L yons . Y A N R E M E D Y C O M P A N Y . San F ra n lo­ Florence Lumber Co’s mill. e Florence Lumber Co’s mill. co e r L os A n g e le s. C al. R e m e m b e r th at ! the river but about twenty drifted out ou ca n c o n su lt th e H U D Y A N D O C T O R S Win Salley and family left for Gardi­ Lock tile jeweller Iras a card in to sea and were lost. S •K E E . C all a n d s e e th e d octor«. You A L A S K A G O L D F IE L D - »nay c a ll and »co th em or w r lto , a»» y o u ner last Saturday w here Mr Saflev has ’’» paper. He lias but recently ! d e s ir e . A d d ress sd in Flprenco. Give him a call, R E M A R K A B L E C U R E O F R H E U M A - employment ns engineer on W P Reed’s First steam ship for Cape Nome and T I3 IW - new river steamer, the Hazel. HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, clone Davis of Texas is to address H a v a 0 1 ways on H a n d a P in e ^ t o c ^ o f Mr Hoff of San Francisco, an expert Capo York will sail from Seattle, May ieoplo_ at Eugene tomorrow after- Ho. 810 South Broadway, K enna , Jackson Co, W Va. machinist, was here a few days ago 10. This will be a large ehip witii a and at Cottage Grove in the even- freight capacity of 1600 tons and pas­ Los Angeles, CaL About ttireo years ago my wife bad an examining tlie machinery of tho senger neeommodatiuns for 200. For C o r . S t o c k to n , M ark et a n d E llis Sts»« steamer Maggio in tt ie interest of her attack of rheumatism which confined her o schooner Del Norte—Captain rates and further information call on or S a n F r c n c 's c o , Cal. been—crossed out over the bar Mon- to her bed for over a month and render­ owners. address. G ^ O C E ^ IE g , h ed tier unable to walk a step without A letter from N If Bjoldanes, who re­ with • cargo of lumber from the REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. R M c M uupiiev , j assistance, tier limbs being swollen to sided here for several years, brings the e mill. Agent Northern Pacific, Eugene. there is in y person owning land in j double their normal size. Mr S Maddox information that ho is now Judge of The West Real Estate office has bar­ insisted on my using Chamberlain's Probate .court in Lae Qni Parle county, vicinity that ho wishes to trade for N O T IC E T O T A X P A Y E R S - gains to offer in tlie following property. Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty cent Minnesota. $ ieat fannlin southern California, he B r y Q odds* ★ ★ © r e s s Gfoods^ A good dwelling house, and black­ Mr Benner of Eugene, the paternal learn of a chance by calling at this bottle and used it according to ttie A list containing tlie names of tax ­ smith shop doing a good business in a directions and tlie next morning she ancestor ot our friend Jake Benner, was a. walked to breakfast without assistance I in Florence a few days ago. We are in- payers of Florence and vicinity, to­ thriving town. The owner desires to ie schooner Sacramento crossed in in any manner, and slio has not had a forlne(j (,0 thinks some of engaging in gether witii tlie am ount of their respec­ change his location. A line opportunity the bar last Sunday with quite u tive taxes, lias been placed witii Meyer for the right man. Price $850. sim ilar attack since.- -A B Parsons. For business itero. of goods for the Florence and Acme &. Kyle, where one may obtain tlie sale by all druggists. 160 acres of unimproved land on North >8. She, will take out a cargo of am ount of tlie same. Fork about ten miles from Florence is H O W ’S T H IS ? A SUCCESS- aer from [th e Acme mill for San W W W ithers , offered for sated. Near to county road. •o. Sheriff & T a x Collector for Lano Will make n good stock ranch. Price We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- County, Oregon. ty Martha! Compton sold four lots The entertainm ent gtvon in tire Odd $450. iblie auction last Saturday to collect! Fellows building Saturday evening was wnrd for any case of Catarrh ttiat can­ 150 acres mostly tlmbe* land lying in lquent assessment fur building side- ! a decided success in every way. People not be cured by H all's Catarrh Cure. C O U N C IL P R O C E E D IN G S - section 13, township, 18 south, rango 10 Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, F J CHENEY A,CO, Plops, Toledo, 0 . :. F B Wilson and John Yates each ' from the cape, from Tsiitcoos lake, as west. About three acrea cleared. A • based one and J L Dalilin two of well ns Maplolon and nearer points I We, tlie undersigned, have known F J A regular meeting of the city council creek lmge enough to float luge runs attended and all agree th at tkey got ! Clienev lor the last 16 yours, und he- bits. wns held Wednesday evening in the through tlie land. Price $550. ! leive him perfectly honorable in all If a good beginning cometli a good thc worth of their money. Odd Follows building, th at lining tlie A good store building and lot in Acme The doors were opened about.7:30 and business transactions and financially ” When you take Hood’s Sarsspa- lust meeting ot tlie retiring officers. Conveniently locateil for huainesa. Tlie in a few minâtes every seat was filled, able to entry out any obligations made jia to purify vour blood you are iniik- Roll call allowed trustees Kyle, Morris upper part is finished up for a dwelling. a good beginning, and tlie good ond and when the curtain rose Ibero was 1 by tlie firm. Dalilin, tlie president, und recorder in Price $700. W est A T ruax , Wholesale drmrgists, very little standing room left. lie health and hnppineGd. It never attendance. 40 acres on W ildcat creek, 12 to 15 Prof Cullison was manager and an­ Toledo, O. ppoints. Minutes of last meeting were rend acres bottom and low bunch; a good W aldixg , K innan & M arvin , Whole­ nounced ns tlie opening part a song by *9 b k igister: ' Work will soon be resinned and approved. building place; fine cedar and fir lim ­ he Mohawk railroad. Tlie contract tlie Acme choir. This was followed by sale druggists, Toledo, O. The following bills were presented ber ; county roatl opened acn-sa tlie land ; H ull’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ a number of recitations, books , tabloaus been re-let to Archie Manor., ot and allowed. Peter Sclireuder, for a good stock range; mile from post ly, uctiug directly ui>on the blood and land. He will place 100 teams and and dialogues, concluding witii a min- tending street lumps during March, miles from school house, -ce of men at work ami complete the ) »trel performance The program lasted mucous surfaces of the system. Price $10.85; Meyer &. Kyle, blankelB, $5.55; office; where school is taught 0 to 8 mouths in ! two hours and a half and so much did 75 c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. in teas than three months, John I Butterfield, recorder’s fees $8.00; r year. Price $260. «.ho audience enjoy it that few realized Testimonials free. tlie West, printing $17.95; Ilsceta lodge, is state Supreme court has affirmed H all’s Family Pills are the beat. 163 acres about eeven miles above licw time was passing. for hall runt fur one year for council decision of the lowor court in tlie Florence, lying J j mil# on main Siue- Tito net proceeds amounted to $41.25, meeting nnd city election $13.00; John ol Jennie Sniiteon vs Southern which was given to Mrs Buss and law river, 23 acres of it bottom land. A A L P H A C L IP P IN G S - Yates, J Schruuder and J C Phelps, bouse and barn on tlie place, und a good fle Co wherein the plaintiff obtained family. judges, and R L Evans nnd J J Emmons, 3nSi against tlie railroad com- logging roud leading to 300,000 feet of NOTES. clerks of city election, $2.00 cacti. ' for $10,00) and cost, for the loss of Bv E ven C hange . tim ber in one body. A creek which The Acme choir added a great deal to Adjourned. _ legs at Springfield in-July J89.7. would furnish a convenient water power iqnille B ulletin: A C Lukens de­ th e success of tlie entertainm ent. flows through the land. Price $950, on April 10, 1900. G EN E R A L NEW S. Little Margery Wilson who played ed Sunday to begin tlie erection of T reasonable terms. Howard Pope and Mr H unter are f g S k j r t h ’a c re a n e iy on tlie John Don- tlie accompaniment for two of the! A tract of about 60 acres fronting on in place a couple of miles below children’s songs deserves special intn- building new houses, and C A Potterf a The senate lise pae-ed a hill appro­ Clear lako three miles south of Florence. new milk house witii water works con­ .rtnti. Tliis will greatly encourage tiou for the excellence of her work. priating $3,000,000,000 for the construc- A fair house and about five acres cleared. nected. lairyme# in that section to improve T he tableaus were very amusing. I tion of a cable between Enti Francisco A good wagon road from tlie place to enlarge their herds. Mr North is a Little folks as w ell as grown people j Mr Ambrose Pope who moved ,o and Honolulu. the Sinslaw river at Glenada. A fine Oregon about a year ago, I,as located on , The hoileft 0, w prM Pntatirel ha, claaU MBamery man and will no enjoyed tlie minstrel perfonunuce place for a summ er residence. Price , the left fork of Deadwood and is erecting pnMed the provi,lil|g for , |ie elwlion j >1 wnrlf #p a large patronage for his the close. $500. I a new house. o( aciiator. b}. „ direct vote> Ttie farce ‘'Counting Eggs” showed a 100 acres on Chickahotniiiy creek, 1(1 Levi Berkshire is a candidate for road I Arrane jays with. The spencer, another gooff ty ofl i to one. Two republican judges con- ill section II, township 19 south, range ' 4 a M B B v n g other lives. For sale 22 calibre gun at $3.50; also the Steven, Clayton Pope has taken a timber , curred in tlie decision. 12 west. Pi ice $250. all drwpgisia. at $0.00. We can semi you the Stevens claim on tlm upper Sinslaw and filed on Admiral Dewey in answer to the 112 acres unimproved land lying on colony of Danes are to settle nenr in 22, 25 or 32 calibre at $0.00. Nice it. We also predict ttiat Clayton is question, states th at lie lias always been the nortli aide of Clear lake 2,*^ miles JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATHERSON. W . NICHOLS. single barrel shot gun 12or 1C bore $9 85, about to acquire other valuable property ¡CD$tM« their Hgent tins purchased a democrat hut has never voted. soul ii of Florence. A g o o d wagon road Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elmira, Or, itb, 1230 acres ol land lying nice, clean, well made guns. We will besides real estate. A Washington dispatch says the from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $600. Wliiie C A Toiterf and wife, who left nee west of town. Other box any of these guns and ship them to senate committee on privileges and ICO acres on upper North Fork, a ii spoken for and it is ex- any address for tl»e aliove price. lin e here the 3rd, were crossing Lake creek, elections will declare tlie sent of Wm A large part of it bottom laud. Will make double guns r.t $14.50, $15.00, $17.50. jbu ga,i,i;e girth broke when in the lony will occupy 6,000 to Clark ot Montana vacant. a good borne. Price $850. in tl>e next few years. Tlie IIaininerl?ss guns at $25.00, $29.<5 and deepest place, and C A was forced to 80 acres tim ber land with creek large $35.00. W inchester rifles. 32, 38 and 44 take a bath immediately. divided into «fiacre farms T H E D E S T IN T H E W O R L D . enough to lloat logs running through tlie ouists will begin to arrive calibre, $11.50for round barrels; octagon Eil Haight and Fred Austiu spent land and into tide water. Price $525. barrel, $12.50. 32 40 and 38-55 same SumlHy witii friends at Alpha. They We believe C ham berlain's Cough prices. 30 30 and 25-35 smokeless Win­ are fine, handsome young fellows and 1SS acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. ed with rheumatism, give chesters $14.00. Any of the above we do nut see any reason w hy certain Remedy is tlie best in tlie world. A few j A lox house, good barn, and plenty of weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold kin's Pain Balm a trial. It packet! and shipped anywhere in the outbuildings on premises; 6 acre# It yon a cent if it does no United States at above prices. Each of our belles should not sinilo sweetly un and a troublesome cough, and having orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 Sundays. read I heir advertisements in our own | I application will relieve tlie And every gun fully w arranted. We acres more cleared land, and 80 acres Tlie iruit cr>>p at this time promises to and other papers wo purchased a hottie . $lso cures sprains and bruises think we soil cheap; if you don’t think slashed; balance, broth and timber |d tlie time required by other pj,«»e write to us and tell ns so. he tlie largest ever raised on Deadwood, to see if it would effect ns. It Cured us laud. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. Parties having Real Estate to sell will do well Peaches and plcuia have urupped their before tlie bottle was more than half Cv.ts, burns, frostbites, rem ittances and address all ■ins in ttie side ami eties’, mail to BARKER GUN WORKS, 9th bloom. Tlie recent fr.mts that did so used. It is the best medicine out for) For further information iiniuiro at to place it on onr lis t much damage to tlie fruit crop at Grants cold" and coughs.—The Herald, A nder-, The W est office, Florence, Oregon nr luff oilier swellings are q u irk - St Eugene, Oregon. John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or Pass nnd other places in southern O re-' sonville, Ind. For sale by all druggists applying it. Every bottle Tlie above house is reliable, Ed. W Nichols, Elm ira, Oregon. Price, 25 and 50 cts. All i g in , did no injury here. W E S T CHRONIC MALARIA HeasSacfaG Call and see our line of Cotten Goods. All fine wash fabrics. II. Acme Commercial Co. J. W. HAND, Manager. MEYEK & KYLE * * * 3B r L. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ( FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Fapm and £otj and ^old on commi^ion. REAL ES TA TE TR A N SFER S. T O C U R E LA G R IP P E IN T W O D A Y S lias been presented to tlie rt and will come up for t.ear- (ay ta n s asking ttiat a uew be stage road tiu made from $a to Mapleton. In quite a places the road lias been p m t li e original survey hy the grvisors or parties owning ; Take L ayatvvk B romo Q uinine T ab ­ Ail dmggists n fund tlie money if it fails to cure. F W G bovk ' s signa­ ture on every box. 25c. To I I . . w . I r « Y o u r K litn ojra » Dr Hon’«» ftpsrarox PlIlBCiirr «11 kldo«? ill«, pio fro? Add. bterliurf h e n u r ij Co.,CbiCfcgoor lets . A CARD OF THANKS- To all onr friends who so kindly » sisted us during our late affliction i give our heartfelt thanks. Parties desiring to contract with the ung tii« route, a illio u t steps Mas W m K akno vskv and F amii - t . to make ttie new line a Hinsiaw and Kan Francisco Lumber Co Pon't T*»hscrs Rpit and Nnvks Your l i f t Sway. kl as required by law, and t!>• for logs to l