T H E W E S T . rC B L K H B D B T B B T V m b b b c b , FBID AV O bboov W. IL WEATHERSON E d it o r arid P ro p rie to r. The bright are attracting the atleatieu of people in different parte of the cou a try anil we confidently look (or a large emigration to this valley in the near future. Those who have a email capital to invest in l>ueinoee and thoee who desire a home in a mild and health­ ful climate, free from Hidden change« and from the extremes of heal and cold, w ill do woll to come and tee for them- eelvee the opportunitiee offered in this vicinity. Taix rxer it ¡«tinted out by the Bos­ ton Herald that the Shakers are grad­ u a lly dying out in this country. There are probably not more than one thou­ sand Shakers, all told, in tlie United Mtates, with fifteen societies or settle­ ments; two of these in New York, three in Massachusetts, one in Connecticut, two in New Hampshire, two in Maine, three in Ohio and two in Kentucky. B bcbetabv or Agricultura Wilson be­ passed it. Now, the original hili anti the substitute, with LANE its amendments, CO UN TY R E P U B LIC A N T IC K E T . will ho turned over to a conference com­ F MOM Ol'B BBUL'LAM OoBBESrOXDKXT. For Representatives— mittee, and a hill differing from both L T Harris, of Eugene. may be the re9nlt. Jas Hemenway, of Ccttsge Grove. Washington, D. O., April 0, 1900. Two consular reports, one from Bel- Ivan McQueen, of Lorane. Between the would-be wits and the glum and one from France, contain For Comity Judge— politicians in coogrees, Admiral Dewey’s hints that should not l11 < from the doctor fur his last year’s at­ tention. THE BEST ON THE MARKET. the jptf Ml i alt •s or mb. rbo slol me P R O P R i F T n » , t o( Members ef the Isthmian canal com­ A political enemy Ileth in wait for The experienco of O A Snow A Co in Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dls- mission, created by the last cougreae, The republican state convention lie id courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor obtaining more than 20,000 patents for him at the market place nnd walketb in Portland the I2tli iust mads I lie iol- have reached Washington, but they say | ir’-'h-n ffie^kb *," 'cn,org has enabled them to helpfully around him crowing like unto a cock, that no report of their work will be iowing nominations. neys are out of order answer many questions relating to the, H e trusteth in a man who claiinetli or diseased. „» ---- --------- ------- ... I be fill«! with righteousness and stand- Fvr Suprim v Judge, C E Wolverton made in time lor submission to this see protection of intellectual property. Kidney trouble has aion of congress. The postponement ol of Linn. become so prevalent Tliis they have done in a pamphlet trea- e*h high in the synagogue, and gets the canal bill is just v ita l the adminis­ . f o r V 'c h ffd 'to X X r a ‘ ¡'’8 briefly of United States and foreign done up. For Food and Dairy Commissioner, J tration desired, but tlie failure to ratify W Bailey of Multnom ah. a fflicte d w ith w eak k id - p a te n ts , w it h co s t o f sam e, a n d b o w ' F o r b e lio ld b is p io n s fr ie n d is f u l l o f neys. If the child urin­ Presidential Elect ee, Tilrnon Ford, of the treaty is a heart-rending dieap- to procura them ; trade marks, design*, guile and runneth over with deception ates too often. If the {■ointment. M a rio n ; J C Fullerton, of Douglas; O F urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child caveats, infringements, decisions in From tlie cradle to the grave man j The Clerk rase is closed and a reaches an age when It should be able to leading patent coses, etc. Paxton, of M ultnom ah; W J Furnish of givetli his alms to him that suiitetii Í control the passage. It Is yet afflicted with decision is now availed from the com­ bed-wettlng. depend upon it. the cause ol This pnnipblet will be sent free te him. U m a tilla . the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first $ 4 0 . Delegatus to National ConrenUoa at mittee on elections as Io vlietlier Sena­ stop should be towards the treatment of anyone writing to C A Snow IDs seel inultiplyeth around him and Co., tor d a r k shall retain liis seat or be put these Important organs. This unpleasant Plilladolphia; H E Ankeny, olJackeon; Washington, D 0. erystii for bread, and if liis sons cornu trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the J D D aly, of Benton; Wallace Me* out of tlie senate. The majority expect kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as I to honor he kuowuth it not. He u _________ _ Cam seat, of M ultnom ah; H L Ruck, of a report Irom tlie committee against most people suppose. I Fate pruvai let la ever against him. » * r.-k iliin « lobate« kabK. We-Te-MA wli Women as well as men are made mis­ rrmovos U.O dwwtrw for Senator Clark, but tlie majority do not Wbat Is man but a poiuful wart on erable with kidney and bladder trouble, Uat«, pan Waouo. loo» and both need the same great remedy. •fuirff the heel of time?—John Cohans, M f) George M Brown o f Roseburg wae re­ always guess right iu each matters. makro to « I l rsmaias lor a conference com­ The mild and the Immediate effect of In beaitn, n< O T O B A f trai in Medical Brief. nom inated for prosecuting attorney ol Sw am p-Root is soon reali.ed. It li sold - » SraemM. » M mittee to determine vb at sort of govern- by druggists. In flfty- '«»«» T ik* H - i t * second district. oent and one dollar bos tMukJly mrsMi I bov««. f» K ■enwtr U Bioed neep V THE GEXTLE W0MAN is a mnotla- men I Hawaii sliail bare. Tlie senate TO OUR PA TR O N S. «aranbasosí to ««or«, ar »r rWnasI m«««w R A Booth of Grants Paus Ie tho sizes. You may have a T K »-X passed a bill to proride a government sample bottle by mail nominee for Joint eeoator from I-ane We have made arrangements M fur tlie territory of Hawaii; a liouse free, also pamphlet telh uw * «» s>»ieRo,< » trie» tMftr. M aobamm is. » b i. ■ t»«JT ifiMfl >OUr Uoo4 ST J U tp It c’t d n ’ . . . .. . from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer weekly. Oregonian wilb f|,e W est for ons ” * senate bail and after atUclaang auiaier- g, & Btnghamtoa». N. Y., be sure and I gee» StaweSs WISH CeeeereSe. clone .e l f 1 « year. Call and *° fnr ’ he sum of t» o ous Biaaetadiueute tlwrvio, tlie luiusc mention this paper. I l a r i, » s ta , s s tü fs c tiu ii (tawantseX w í.á L .fc fc * ' •«* “ «ample S ^ tL '.art payable cash in advance. copy. A I »qui 2 Goods as Reoresented but is beaten by a bald-headed man He goeth to the post-office to glance at in ies of fief H e exalteth liiinself among the peo­ ple and swelleth with pride, but when Agis be : be Ian dot H e playeth at the races and staketli and then voteth against him. held the office of W h it¿ 1 Give me a Call. th e a c tio n o f I ’ r e .b y te r y The prohibitionists of L in e county nation for sheriff is a successful farmer met at the court bouse in Eugene last Saturday and nominated the following and is a man who makes friends ticket for the June election. Tiiose in quickly. I attendance numbered 33. John L Taylor the candidate for com­ Joint Senator— Rev J C Richardson, missioner, is well known to many of ' of Eugene. Representatives—Stuart B Hanna, I I our readers and has many friends I M Frymeyer, Creswell, and John Bain- throughout the county. lie is a ford, of Junction. careful and conscientious man, who if County Judge—J A Bushnell, of elected, will attend faithfully to the Junction. business of the county. Commissioner—Geo Ima, of Cottage L Gilstrap nominated for treasurer is Grove. Clerk—8 8 Mores, of Creswell. a competent bookkeeper and capahlo of Sheriff—G C M iller, of Cottage Crove. looking after the county funds if placed Treasurer— W F Patterson, ol Eugene. iu liis care. Assessor— I f J Gaesuian. School Superintendent—John Hand- D I* Burton is now serving liis fourth term as county assessor and wns re - 8RKer. of Eugene. Curouer—Dr J S Dale. nominated tor auoUier term by a large majority. U N IO N N O M IN E E S - It D Hawley who received tho nomi­ The following are the candidates o ther or lietler way to meet thia need, eountry fills tlie measure ol my .desires, surveyor too long to nceJ any introduc­ nominated at the Union state conven­ the opponents of tlie measure have not and beyond tbat I bare no ambition tion to the voters. tion in Portland last week. G W Griffin tho candidate for coroner made it known. Tim revenue thue whatever. ** For presidential electors, W M Pierce is a well known business man of derived will come from the wealthy of Um atilla, John W hittaker ut Benton, No treaty, no canal b ill. That ie the Eugene. speculators who have bought up the Dell Stuart aud Ernest Kroner of M ult­ situation in tlie sensts, and unless there nomah. stocks ol sugar, coffee and tobacco in is a radical change in existing conditions For supreme judge W M Rauisey of L ess than four weeks remain in which anticipation of aloolute free trade, aud there will be no action upon either at Io register for voting. Better attend to f Marion. there in right where the ehoe pinches. Fuud commissioner, W M Scliuliuerick this eeaslou. I t lias been understood it at once and avoid any chance for A t the end of (wo years tlie operation ; of Washington. all along that tlis Nicaragua canal bill difficulty when you go to deposit your o f the law will cease, and by tbat time Congressman, first district, Dr B Daly was dspeudent upon the ratification of ballot. J of Lake. the people of tlie Isiaud w iill have had the Nicaragua canal treaty, and w ithin Prosecuting attorney, 8 I I Hazard of tim e te organ iis a legislature and pro­ the past week, it has become almost Coos, vide other uaeaus of revenue for local Joint senator, R M Veateh of Lane, certain that if a rote on tlie treaty were government.—M uridau Slut. taken, it would be rejected, and it is to FREE TO INVENTORS. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. be allowed to goovertolhe next session. I Great a Acme church, For Representatives— Levi Geer, of Cottage Grove, The republican party in Lane county E R Skipworth, of Eugene, have placed in the field a set of candi­ Chas Harwood, of Florence, dates for the various offices to he filled For County Judgr— H I{ Kincaid, of Eugene, at the election .in June, Tho entire For Commissioner—■ ticket is made up of clean, able men who J R H ill, of Ricliarilgon, are well qualified io perform the duties For Clerk-— of tho various offices for which they I I M M illiorn, of Junction, For Sheriff— have been nominated. W W W ithers, of Thurston. * Of tho candidates for representatives, For Treasurer— L T Harris is a popular young attorney A S Patterson, ol Eugene. of Eugeno who is rapidly working liia For Assessor— wny upward in his profession. Mr E R Parker, of Trent. Hummeiiway is a prominent business For School Superintendent— W M M iller, of Lost Valley, man of Cottage Grove. Ivan McQueen For Surveyor— was a member of the last legislature and j Lincoln Taylor, of Cotlags Grove. performed his duties satisfactorily. For C o ro n e r- O F Knox the nominee for county D r W L Cheshire, of Eugene. judge has been in business in Oottage FLORENCE PUEt'INCT OFFICKBS, joust opulent of all our sources of nation­ Alaska is destined to become out of the S a lts L A lw a y s on H and. THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. For Constable— AI Ready. For Road Supervisor— E U Lee the candidate for clerk is Hon Webster Davis delivered his first O W Sutton. lecture on behalf of the Boers last night, now serving his first term in that office and is very popular among the voters of T H E P R O H IS IT IO N IS T S . to a large and sympathetic audience. Gen Joe Wheeler, discussing the all parties. .qoering touch of the American farmer, ! Sunday School 10 A M . Preaching 1 1 A M . Endeavor 2:30 P M. Preaching at Acme 3 1‘ M . At t h is s e rv ic e th e p a s to r w i l l re p o r t have been recently discovered—end if dorssment by the republican caucus lias Grove for many years. Ho is very strong in his part of the county. dn addition to these resources it is found made this reasonably certain. -that Ilia soil will respond to the con- & I have opened a shop P p lw in Florence where I * shall keep a Food stock of Best that Money Can Buy WASHINGTON LETTER. and tlie surrounding country have been business prospects ' _____ America’s Greatest Medicine ulaoiat Florence received lately at thia oilier. B 01 F lo re n c e , O re . A p r . 2 0 , 1900. NvMBBOt'H ixqi'iciEv ...... TrmnillT.rriu^WJVMAMVJJI H o o d s S a p s a p a p iila MOBXIJIQ.— L a b i C odxtv , »r» » <>*1 » » »'• r *«< »” '<'«■ a . < « <<» ■ /»• ■ i ' i '■ r ■ " - rrw ” ” r i w,w” »»wwn»awiwiiw«ftwwiaaiirafm«mwwr.o^*r __