The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 13, 1900, Image 4

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    SX W
the*» r v i ?□*>«»• Iwr '** w*»h ffftnscHj »»I»-
* b «S1 s 3 I?-.» ! e i » efcrerfu iy ree«*"uru-ad ii»*-m.
EL.rj ► ?ea tz H.o ^C fv? »boat three year» wi»b
w iiJ t I afcZX b ilb o s »t.«-^.'«eomJus c n retfclarly
one* » w « , t V 7 v lui-I by dlfferaot p!)v»;ct»ns
tsfcfcU v a » r s« s« 4 by b.xl teeth, o f w hich I L-d
_ A -IS T 3 D
tac»» cOAtlaaed. I hod k < a adeertl»*-3i»BI» of
E:p*r.s Tabid«'» In o li the ; mi vert but hod uo faith
lx. them, tt it about six wvck» ria«.« a fr1-*rd In­
di*«*» tue u> try UWtt. H ara taken La* tw o of the
a n a li Scent box*-« <? toe Tabule» a n i have lu ti
no rach.-ra’.ee i tu ea'tack«. ¡1* c r.o'.f rgtvaa *
tòatiw ociai for anythin# botar», t*ut (he «cn-at
am ount o f ir» < 4 wl ich ’ ! «!|ev» Da» Lana ¿one me
by Rif r."i ?»•-.• »'jfttnd«*i» Mr to axil w in e u> th e
many U »^m ouU U ¿ « 1 doubUaea hare In your
ùva tv-w.
ìfc iL -
P lv r y E y e d , B a t o r T o o th rd
L i t t le B e a ls A re E ffe c tiv e W h e r e
T r a p a e n d P o t e e n P a l l —T h e y A r e
C le a r r a l l y W u r k e d W i t h a M u n l o ,
“\V ease hi anti ferret«,” «aid a pro­
fessional rat catcher, "are about the
tam e thing.
The Imported ferrets
trained to the business are larger than
the weasel, that is all. After 1 a in
through with rat catching I use my fer­
ret* to hunt rabbit* out o f brush piles,
hay and straw stacks, whiclt is a prof­
itable business when rabbits are
plenty. What you call rabbits over
here we In England call bares.
“When a man once starts In as a
professional rat catcher and gets to
anderstutid training and working fer­
rets, there 1* such an attraction In the
trade that be never willingly gives it
up. It’s a profitable business without
too much competition.”
“Do the ferrets ever bite you?”
"It's a vary careless and awkward
man that gets bitten by a trained fer­
ret. When one Is bitten by an enrag­
ed ferret, the bite Is of a very severe
character, extremely painful and slow
to bcaL”
As the rat catcher talked a G-inonth-
old ferret, hts Uery little eyes gleam­
ing like living gems, was crawling over
bis lap and trying to get In under his
coat. “This fellow," said the rat
catcher, "Is as gentle as a kitten and
likes to have his hack rubbed and to
be caressed as well as any cat you ever
saw .
When the ferret bite* a rat’s
Deck, he knows exactly what he Is do­
ing. and his front teeth, cutting ltko
razor*. go right through the Jugular.
“Of course we geuerally muzzle them
when we send them In after rats, and
w e alw ays muzzle them when w e send
them In after rabbits. If their teeth
were at liberty, they would kill the
first rat or rabbit they ntcl and would
remain in tbe hole sucking its blood.
When we put a ferret Into a house a ft­
er rats, we stop up all the boles at tho
outside of the house except one or tv.-o.
Over these we place bags, and the fer­
rets, driving the game before them,
run the rats Into the bags. We keep
the ferret without Ills ordlnnry meals
b efo re tn^ng him, and this makes hint
» mwuk - iu li)s chase.
“M's mighty easy to spoil a ferret
A f te r a young ferret has been badly
totUeB by a rat. as sometimes happens,
you can’t get him to g<> Into n hole
iDuaslvd. But when a ferret is full
g ro w s and lias the skill aud courage
th a t he should have he Is a holy terror
to rats aud Is a vulunhle auiiunl. 1
woakl not sell a well trained ferret for
tfcw price of a good horse. Such a
•ta re * I should bo wUllug to put In a
I * with 50 rats, nod bo could to a «boil
tki«» kill every ono o f them. Kats nro
ffirart Ag liters when they ar« cornered,
b ut no other uninini of the sniue r | zo
L as as much courage us u ferret or
"!■ England the largest ferrets nra
cffNad polecat ferrets trail are a cross
a t the two unlmnls, which arn much
•H k a . Iu this country the word pole-
oat Is applied to the skunk, tin entirely
different aoimnl. The word polecat
fa supposed to lie an abbreviation of
I'oUab cat, and the anlmul uhounds
dm over Euro|>c.
The mink Is much
Uka the weasel, except that it Is larger,
and many depredations that nre at­
tributed to tho weasel are committed
b j tbe mink. All these animals prowl
tiy night, and they frequently go many
iullea lu search of food, even corning
into towns uml the Miihurha of cities.”
Audutain, who was a close stiident
o f nature, wns delighted with the
w easel, or American ferret Its long,
flexible body, It* extraordinary length
o f neck, tho closeness of Its fur. It*
koonnes* o f scent, It* wonderful agili­
t y and quickness o f movement, all ex­
cited Ills admiration.
An American writer says: ‘T h e coni-
inon weasel has sometimes b c u
caught and carried off by large hawk*
and owl*. Horry waa the experience
o f the captor In such cases. He has
caught a Tartar. The eapllvo will bite
luto tbe side* of tho enemy, so that
b o t h will fall to the ground, the bird
Rioriully wounded and tbe weasel usu­
ally comparatively unburt. • • •
Tbe w easel's m urage In defending It-
aelf wbeu attacked by birds of |irey Is
universally admitted, nor I* It deficient
tn fierce oppoaltloo to dogs and even
tneu when Its ueat Is Invaded by ei­
ther. It usually kills for food, biting
through tbe head Into the brain with
ouch expertuess that Ita victim can
acaroely utter a cry of paiti. It usually
ca ts tbe brain Hist; then the rest of
the body follows, lu pursuing mice,
rata and moles It follow* them Into
th e ir run* or hole». * • • A w easel’s
proxim ity to a poultry yard is not to
be desired
But lu bnrua, hayricks
and groin stacks It Is decidedly ttd-
vantageous. os It w ill surely extcml-
uate or drive away rats aud mice.”
The w easel's characteristics are not­
ed lu tw o American aaylugs, “Catch
a weasel asleep” nnd “Sooner trust a
w easel with eggs." Btorlea are told
th a t a weasel will watch a lien on the
nest for an hour, waiting for a freshly
la id egg.— Indianapolis New*.
If f v e a k o f t b e
l.ta h tn ln a .
A curloua ease o f llghtnliiM dostruc-
<k>o took plai-o at Caieiilna. un Im-
gierlnl aumuier rvsldeiux1 not far from
£ t. l*Merrl>urg, where stood a stone
ffoluiun M> feet high, held together by
Iran angles
When rain fell, more or
le s s w ater pent rated the stone* In the
finterlor o f tlie niotuimvnL One day It
w a s struck by lightning, aud instantly
•h e w hole column dl».i|u>enred from
v ie w , killing a lone sentry on guard.
T b s only explanation Is thnt the heat
a t the lightning lustnnlly generated
«team on eotnlug lu eontnet with some
a t tb e water, and the tert Ifle eiptosloD
yon fo rjrn tte n furor w e used to w o aes
O u r chi Id u h fan cies fu r th o com ing y o a r» t
I In my p rh lo w ould h a re you th e n believe
T h a t life m e a n t lo re , au d lo re oould h o ld no
te a rs.
We b u ilt o o r eastle» in th e o h l/tin g Rand;
I c r o w n 'd you w ith th e flew ’« th n t fcuU-.d
fa d e ;
Wo w nnd yred th ro u g h an a ll o n ch an ted la n d ;
We loved th e sun a n d n ev er d ie a in t of «hade.
S hall w e a g a in be c h ild re n a n d fortjeS
H o w o n ce vye p o rte d an d how d a rk o u r n ig h t!
In th a t fa ir p a th w a y le t o u r foot be toft
W hich lead» u» h ack in to th e la n d of lig h t.
We’ll w eave freak g arlan d » o n th a t golden
B ut—d o you w h is p e r »om ething in m y e a r
W hile upon m in e y o u r h e a r t beat» cloee once
m o re !
Why p la y a t love, y ou »ay, w h*n love la hero?
— P a il M all G a ze tte .
t b p s * .
■ p F y k O T IfA
S Ö R 2 S S
o W /.K ,
I hurried on hack, for I had a lot of
boein to look after.
< £21
“ W ell, sir, I was the proudest man
In the world when I went back there
T h e m o d ern sta n d ­
for her that n ig h t Everybody crowded
a rd F a m ily M edi­
round, even the old ladies, an told
me what a pretty dancer Mary was.
cine : C ures th e
A ll the young folks in the country was
there, bat Mary was tho populares’
m on every-day
of ’em alL They wouldn’t hear to our
drivin back thou, hut made us both
ill of hum anity.
Mother waa troubled
come right in to supper. I didn’t exact­
w ith h e a r t b u r n and
•lceplaaenoua, canard b f
My s e m r^arold b o f
ly calculate on doln thia, but Mary
l&dQ"i.tlo9, for u good
w ith pains in
looked lik e she wanted to, so I did.
m any years. One Czjr
hl* head, constipation
•h e «-nr a te»iitnoai»l
and complained o f hta
They tried to make ma dance, bnt I
to th e peper Indorsing
stomach. He conld Dot
don’t know how. It was the openin of
RI p a n a Tabclea. bb e
cat like children o f bla
determ ined to give tbcm
a#e do and w h a t be
a new summer hotel, you know. A
a tr iu , n e e g r e a t l y
did e st did not agre»
young fellow that set next to me at tho
tollevod by their
with him. Ho was thia
a n d n o w » " .r e « t h e
table an was m ighty polite in hand in
and o f a saffron color.
lu favor o f
me everything said he was gonter be
Tabu!.'ti la the ucuau and «aye «he w ill not be w ith ­
III pan i Tabuies, I tried them. Rlpana Tabule» no»
theTe at tho hotel for somo time, an
o u t them. Tho heartburn aud eleeple«»nes» Lave
only rei lev od but actually eur©<l xny youngster,
disappeared w ith the lu a lg e u lcn wrJcb wae
the heuducLe« have disappeared, bowel» nre In
that wo mna’ come ’round often. Of
form efly eo grew»» burden for her. O':r w hole
good condition and he never com piale» o f his
course I asked him to come see us too.
fam ily take tne Tabulce re*ru!*rly, especially of >er
stom ach. Uc Is now a red, chubby-faced boy. This
a hearty r.iooL My umih> r la fifty year» o f ege
wonderful change I attribute to Ilipana Tabule».
He was a pretty glib talker. When we
I am aatUfled that they w ill benefit cuy one (from
and 1» en joyln r the be«tof health and nrtrtts; a!»o
was lcavin an tellin everybody goodby
the cradle to old age; If taken according to direo»
eats hearty m eals, on ItopomlM llty before she
E- W. Fntca.
»ooh fttjeu» Tab uh»«.
A. stom H. B laukem .
and promisin to come again soon, I
heard a lady from N ew York say to an­
other one, ‘W ouldn’t she bo a queen
» new style packet contaluJng tcm rivaxs tastum packed In a paper carton (without gl»M) 1« now for sale
Mt aoma drug stores - ron itts c u m . Thia low-priced sort i> Intended for tho poor and tho economical. Ona
w ith the right traiuin?’ We got in the
Ouaen of tlie flve-cer.t Catons (UO tabuies) can be had by mail by cendlcg forty-eight cents to tho RET a »»
spring wagon an drove home, an she
CnnncAL C oxi a . tt , Ko. 10 H p ru ce Street. 5ew York-or a linglo carton!Tior tautle «) will b« sent for five cents,
w as jes’ a ll excitement tellin me what
lirps »» T x ir a a nr'.y also bo had of some rroeer«, (p-cerel rt-,rekeepers, new» ag ota and at »oma Uquor store»
and harbor «hope. Ihey banish pain, ladooe Bleep and prolong life. One gives relief.
a tim e they had that day an how I
ought to learn to danca
“ Two days after some ladies drove NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
round iu their carriages an asked her
to go to the Springs w ith ’em again. She
L aud Office, a t R oseburg. Oregon.
said ‘No, ’ but when she seen I was anx­
M arch S. 1900.
ious to have her go she went w ith them.
Notice is h ereby given th a t th e follow !ng-
They drovo back after supper, her and
n a m e d s e ttle r has filed n o tic e of Ills in te n tio n
the two ladios an a young man, on to m ake final ¡»roof iu su p p o rt of h is clnim , a n d
they all told mo I ought to have been th a t suid proof w ill be mrnle before C. If. H o i-j
there. That night she seemed kinder den, U fi C om m issioner, a t Lake P recinct
unres’le8S. She talked a heap ’bout the on A pril 2*, 1900, viz: P e te r E rh a rd t on h is II E
nice tilings th ey’d all said ’bout her at N o 6 H lf o r t h e SW»4 X W Ji, N W J^SW ’^ & Lots ,
the Springs, but mostly talked ’bout 1 A 5 Sec 25, J a H 7, Sec 2»’.. T 19, 8 R 12 W.
H e nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to p ro v e 1
how nice it would bo if we conld go an
travel an go to N ew York an every­ h is c o n tin u o u s resld. nee u p o n a n d c u ltiv a tio n .
where, an she said we ought to read of said la n d , v iz :
H arw ood, < f Lake P re c in c t, O regon, C.
books an tho like, an that a lady there E. I. H II. arw
ood, of G lennon, O regon, J o h n D ale, of j
said w hat she needed was cultivatin.
L ake P rec in c t, O regon, C. M. Savery, of I-ake
“ I didn’t like this, talkin ’bout her P rec in c t, Oregon.
P e s t tage P a i l ,
like she w as a field to be plowed up,
J . T. B r id g e r ,
’stead of a flower jes’ to grow an bloom
R egister.
natural, an when I told her this she
I I o w A r e Y o n r lâ ld n a y « F
jes’ laughed an slapped her hands over
P U : c -.j- -Il
.!! kidney ills. H&m»
bierling liaiuerik Co.,Chicago or N. Y.
my mouth. Site w ent to the Springs
right regular for u time. Then site
wouldn’t go no moro. Somebody sent NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
her some books— four or fivo of ’em. j
Site commenced to read one of ’em out
L and Office, a t R oseburg O regon.
Greatest Weekly in the Country,
loud to me one n ig h t ’Twas a nice i
M arch 8, 1^00.
story about some rich folks, some art- •
N otice is hereby given th a t th e follow ing-
ists, an how they was levin each other,
A ’i C c l c g n i ]
Three ★
e r k ..
:hool !
Stars in
■ reside
And The
an d
D A I 1_Y
oard c
S C I E N O E S - 9“^
Sold W ith
a Year.
t l
F. A
nd fou
The Weekly
$ 1 . 5 0
(Inclu din g
to any part o f the United
Btatea, C anada and Mexico.
T H E W B E K h i CHRONICL.R, th e brightest
and meet com plete W eekly N ew spaper In the
world, prints regularly 112 Columns, or sixteen
po^es, e( Nows, U tera tu re and General Infor­
m ation: a lso a m agnificent A gricultural a n d
H orticultural D epartm ent. Thia la one o f the
(r c a te st departm ents In an y paper on thia
E very th in g w ritten Is based on ex­
perience In tlie Coast S ta tes, not on E astern
men’s know ledge o f their own loca lities.
t. B, 1
S c ie n tific A m e rica n .;
None who are engaged in any of the mechanical
pursuits can succeed without reading anti
studying this standard Magazine of Sciences
and mechanical Arts.
all modern cuts
'.o f
It is illustrated;with
latest inventions in all
0 .0
• ever
la ll, 1
’•o d at:
the branches of mechanism, and ita fund'|of
knowledge is inseparably connected with in­
ventors and mechanics.
W est at clubbing rates.
Sold with Tug
I 0 ' . 0
I* ever
la ll, S
P atterns
I h ere boen »offerir.g from headache»
«lace I wee a btU e »Irk I could never rido In »
car or go Into » crowded
place w ithout getting
hr» Isoheand tick at rey
kt -mach. d heard aboul
l.lpATts Taoulca from an
aunt o f mine who wm
taking them for catarrh
of »be stomach. Sho had
found such rcUef from
(liclr use th e advised me
to take them teo. and X
h a w been doing«* since
last October, and w ill
»ay they h«vo complete­
ly cured my headache».
I am twenty nine year»
old. You are weleoni»
to use th is teatlm oolal,
Mra J. DnoouiTBB
to word« o f tiu u cic
p.AL-e, c f th e buueAt
I ta r e
R lp - r i raoulw . ! tn . a
I- io - -¿• uibo I n u r-t » d 4
la tisi. p ro icu lcit a clear
b-’3tl Iff a lw a y j needed.
Rl' ^ru» Tabu»*» » o r i 1«.
A ’
f e u d u jb c U t-. a p ia t »‘y
ru n dow n . Acting o a th »
a«l rice o f Mr. Gvo. Bow­
er. Ph. O.. 5S8 b e war*
A re.. Jersey C ity, I took
Ripon» Tabalu» w ith
grand r* u lt» .
MI mi Oxsjt» yrw t.m a
Krt. start uoilmas C u U i
a. f. De Wns.
“ The heroine of my story,” said the
dealer In precious stones, lighting a
cigarette, " is a pearl, a beautiful full
black pearl of extraordinary size and
rare luster. It is difficult to express its
value in figures. ” And this is the story:
It is just about 30 years ago when
one morning a young woman entered a
Urge jewelry store in Budapest. Every
inch of her dress bespoke the back-
woods ; her bonnet was a composition of
glaringly disharmonious colors; in one
hand she bald a parasol of old, Urge
flowered, faded silk. Every one of her
motions betrayed the country girl. Any
salesman of experience who had watch­
ed her entrance into the store would
have thought at once, “ Ah, she want«
a cheap plated bracelet, with the word
‘.Sonvenir’ engraved on it, as a memento
of this her first visit to the city ." And
under ordinary circumstance« he would
have been about right In his conjecture;
but this tim e ho w asn’t. Bhe appeared
so simple and artless, in spite of her
handsome, vivacious black eyes and the
dim ples in her red cheeks, thut the i
salesman attending to her omitted
offering her a seat
The young girl, however, did not
seem to notice this slight, and uninvited
dropped down on a small red plush
fantenil, principally used by the noble
customers of the storo. She opened the
reticule hanging on her arm and drew
out a small package carefully wrapped
In tissue paper. After she had peeled
off layer after layer of the envelope she
took out the nucleus, beckoned to the
na m e d se ttle r h a s filed n o tice of h is in te n tio n
owner of the establishment and exhibit­ nn tho thing thoy went to, but w hile I to m ak e final proof iu su p p o rt o f h is c la im , a n d
ed to him som ething she held between got to 1 ikin the pesky books after awhile, th a t said proof w ill be m ad e before C. II. H olden
her thumb and index finger.
I told lx r all tho time that it was jes’ . u- s- Ijl"11 'tommhsloncr a t F lorence, Oregon,.
“ What is the value of th U l” she stories an that there w asn’t no snch o n A p ril 28, 1900. v iz: E dw ard H. A nderson, o n
asked in a melodious voice.
folks iu Paris or New York or any- hiri II.E . No. 7179. for th e Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, <t 7, Sec.
The jeweler started visibly and took wheros else. Since she was teacliin me, 6 X- Lot 1 See 7. T. 19 9 R 11 W.
H e n am es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove
the object from her hand.
a-readin out load, I took to teachiu her,
It was the abovo mentioned pearl, of tellin her what I thought ’bout tlie ills c o n tin u o u s resid en ce u p o n a n d c u ltiv a tio n
of, said la u d , viz:
such beauty and size that ho hardly books. I told her that life was a reality
G eorge G lover, of Lake P rec in c t, O regon
trusted his eyes. A t one place It had a an that oven if there was such people H en ry G ates, of Acm e, O regon, Sid W aite, of
bandy noticnnble flaw, which mighty they w asn’t no better off than ns, 'cause A n n e , O regon, G. C. C u in p to n , of F lorence
hove been done by a former setting.
there’s advantages an disadvantages O rezou
“ The pearl has ono defect," tho Jow j everywhere, an it all ’mounts to 'bout
J. T. B r i d g e »,
eler r,aid.
R é s is te r’
! tho same an everything in its placo is
“ Indeed I” the stranger answered, tho best. That’B the w ay I ’d write if 1
tjendbig forward to inspect the small | wrote books.
tric t Office M anager» in th is sta te to
“ Maybe it was roadin in them durn re p re se n t m e in th e ir ow n nnd s u rro u n d in g
The jeweler “ sized up" tho girl. Her j 1 books 'bout tho fashion an the wealthy, countie». W illing to pav y e arly f(RX), payable
w eekly. D esirable e m p lo y m e n t w ith u n u s u a l
astonishment wus genuine, artless. It or maybe it was them people at the , oppo
rtu n itie» .
Reference* e x ch a n g e d . En-
wua not tinged with the shadow of hy­ j Springs put foolish notions in her bead, • c lo se self addressed stumpe<l envelope. S A
, P ark 329C axlon B u ild in g , < Ilienko.
, or maybe it waa jus’ ’cause site come to
“ W here did yon get that pearl t” he ' know she was too go<xl an pretty for a
: man like me, bnt anyhow she eommenst
"That Is perhaps on irrelevant ques­ to pine an droop like a flower tliat’e yij, I
vwnvuj V ’ SI J wu erv ■ ■ I7!r, OVBUXIIOl C<
Rlhogruphwd plAtns and lilustiatlcna Ortatr.i
tio n ,’’ she answered sm ilingly. “ But! witheriu. I ’d beg her to go to tho ©red
U u*t, ortlsUo. exquisit« and Btrlctiy up-to-date deabro»'.
to giro yon sonw sort of natigfartory . springs au enjoy herself like she was
answer I w ill say I carry on a little invited to do, but it waru’t no nse. She
pawnbroker buKinoss, out in tho coun­ wouldn’t do i t After ’bout a week ot
try, inherited from my father. A noble- this tiling that same lady from New
tn n ti desires to pawn his |>earl with me.
York drovo up to our gate an asked
lint demands mneh money. Please tell Mary to come in nn pay a visit to her
PrcMmakln* »ocnomlaa. fancy work, hou»*bold hlpte.
me what It is worth, nnd I w ill pay for at tiie Springs Shn wanted her to stay abort •torte«. currvnt topic», etc Sutscrtb* to-day.
Only 50c. jv& rij, Lt^iy a^wot» wanted, tivnd tor term».
the trouble."
as long as sho would, an thou Mary did
“ I cannot appraise It,” said tho jew ­ agree to go an stay a week, makiu the
eler, regarding It with nn admiring eyo. condition that I was to come to sco her
“ Why not? W hy can yon not fix its every day.
value T” tho girl rejoined in a vexed
" it 's a lonesome tim e I had then. I
d idn’t go to seo her but three days, nn
'•W ell, w ell," the man said nppeaa- every day it seem to mo 1 was uuwel- j
iugly. “ I only desired to express there­ comer than before, so I thought I better
by thut tlui pcurl is beyond appraise­ not go no more an let tho cbilo enjoy
ment because of its great rarity. Its her visit. It look to mo like the harder
I ad I'M, otti ». g i r l » and little children That . _
value belongs among tho ‘fancy’ I try to please her the more things “ t For
a in
‘ « ty lla l»i fi ” " c h ic ' e ffe c t r u t a tta in e d by the o«e nt any
o l h t r p a tte rn s
M a v s do equal (or style and perfect it.
prices. “
would go wrong. W iinmin folks is
The young girl pondered a moment; curious littlo things, stranger, an a
then, regarding tho jeweler attentively, awkward follow liko mo don’t know
sbo asked:
jes' how to bandlo ’em. I had done
'Can I advance 2,000 florins un It t” mortgaged my furai again an wont iu
“ Most certainly.
town an brought her silks an drcssei
“ Ami 6,(1001''
an glovos jes' the right size, an when
MoAlly pat to<r«th«r Only io and 1» e*ntB each-Ron»
"Also 8,000.”
sho s e e ’m sho Jes’ cried an said 1 was blflier.
aiffler ftolti
Hoi d in
in noarlT
n***r' «ffvry cltr
“ and town, “ or * by mail.
“ Aud 10,0001”
too gotxl to her. Then 1 got her a piano, A bb for them . Absolutely very latret uj^to-date Btylaa.
The jew<ler sm ilingly repeated, hut iiothiu would suit. This was befo’
Wt-l<S ffa.1 lilk itr .H ,
tort CUj, S.
"And 10,000,"
slio w ent for tiie last tim e to tho siiriugs.
The conutry bennty evidently hecamo The things is all at homo now, but I
K r a i M ag ic N u c ib c r .
feverish. Perspiration showed in her never wauts to see them again, an it
"I often hear of the magic number,"
face, and her youthful black eyes g lit­ God spares me 1 never w ill. There’«
•aid some cue. "W hat number is it?”
tered with a fire superior to that of the nothin elso to say now, but that I l e f
"W hy, nine, t.f course,” replied
costliest diamonds in tb s store. Hhe ’cause 1 couldn't stan' tho sympathy nn
some one also. “ There are nine muses,
uski'd for u glass of water. Tbe former­ tho talkin of tho neighbors of tor I got
you know, mid you t.’.lk of a nine days’
ly Inattentive ssli emafl rushed to get i t this letter. ”
wonder.- Then yon bowl at uiue pins
“ And w ill you pay me 10,000 florins
Hero ho paus'd and took from tho in ­
and a eat lias nine liv es.”
fur the pearl if 1 feel disposed to sell it t side pocket of his cordnroy coat a
" N o n s neo,”
In auotlirr.
I am also authorized to sell It,” she square envelope Hddreseed in a round,
"Seven is tliH magic nuro'.ier; i-veutu
suid. with a eertaiu shew of suspicion, girlish baud. Tl>« faint odor of violet
fearful lest tlie jeweler was simply sachet which had once permeated tbe heav.11, d< n't you know, mid all thnt;
seven cclura in tho rainbow; sevon days
hoaxing her.
pages could still be detected, though iu the Week; seventh eon of n m v i u .' i
“ No" —
mingled somewhat w ith the aroma ol
Son—grtat fellow , aud" —
“ A l l , " she exclaimed, “ I divined tobacco It read!
"Tush, tu sh ,” remarked n third.
you were hoaxing m el”
1 hoi»« (but ru u w ill nmtcrotsnd sud forzlv«
J a c k , sllftuuich
I know th a t OoU nvvur '•Five’s tho numbor, you mean. A m a tt
“ Oh. nol God forbid," the Jeweler mo.
w ill 1 w a o u o rrr Sappy w ith you, a nti I nar.-v
n<spendetl effusively. “ It is simply be­ « a » n ljp to nutko you happy A s o b ls , tui- has live finger: on h is hand mel live
m a n lik e y ou tlcuurves s b o ile r wtfiv tors on hie toot, and he lias firwyenses,
cause I have uo use for the p« arl. Tie re apltlah
Wbeu y ou « e t Ona, 1 w ill be (a r aw ay. I h . u ' i tuid” —
is only ou<> firm In Austria that would tr y to tin J in«, bar you n e v e r c an
M art
“ Three is undoubtedly tiie magic
After the uurrucpouiletit had read and
buy i t —tho jeweler for the cou rt.”
"W ould yon please furni.»h me with nturtp-d thu lutlor both men were u lent number," ialovrupod another, “ be-
They watched tho little kuots o f oflict rs i . iuso people give tluec eltn'rs and Jonah
his addies« T"
aud privates talking together under the was inside u whale tiiitwdays nnd three
“ W illingly."
Ho wrote the address on a piece of shade trees, the ei|uads tif uttuuif rmed nights, anti if ut that yon don't succeed,
paper, which he handed to her; slie itr roeruite crusriug thu gvotm ia to their try. Iry again— three timca. yon scei”
This w t;3 received w ith some con­
cloecd it in her reticule, drank tlie glass various commands, the amateur cooks
of water courteously offered by the preinriug Use midday tnral aud all t f tempt by tho company, a n d a soulful
salesman, aud, iu spite of proteets, the lazy reetlrssneas of comp life. The youth gut bed out;
“ Two, oh. two is the magle traniher.
placed a 3 florin piece on the counter Huuoa-h vuluntaar w.ia the lin t to
to pay f>« the up|>ruUk'Uieut nud went apeak. "W hat posters me most iu that Cui-st If and ano other— tho aviond one!
letter, ” lid sold in a v o le » tremulous Just ns tw o l”
A hard teutured iudividt-al, who bad
Tw enty four hours tutor the same with suppressed enugton, " is that she
young woman, dressed, if possible, in s aaya thnt aha knows tliat Goti never t>oeu listening to tho eonversation hith­
more glaring suit, entered tbe store of w ill forgive her, on sure God (if there erto UkUaovud, here n'lnarked iu a harsh
the jew eler of the court Tbe suit of is any) shouldn't ba more uuforgivin ♦doe:
“ T he magic cum ber is No. I iu this
stn ru nro situated An den Graleen, the thau o u e of his creature«. If 1 b’ l'aved
lu.wt fazhienablc stri ct of the csp ltsl. prayers wua ever lUixwervd, I'd be pmyiu world, and if you want toaui-t'ewl cover
forget i t ."
Vienna. I (the reciter of thia occur­ for that little girl now, but as 'tis thn
An interval of deep thought on the
rence) recolved her. 1 was the princi­ bos’ thing 1 can do is to go to tlie frout
of all followed, after which they
pal busine«« manager She shewed me
went in silently to supper— Brooklyn
the j* arl. The attire of tbe woman wae Bittuiuu iu Ht. buoi* Globe lieiuocruL Cltisen.
I ha»« beeutrr.sit znffr-e- f-im ec-dt'pattaa
rC '»
■»- *
My fee» and »?; ’ ar.* B .d'ift - wer» bio»ted »9
I eould n ■€ w»»r «ho»» 3”
»cd only »
dre<A. I AQtr K ?AT» T r M j I*«
In ou t
dally paper. l«ou<ht boom * i * I » >oht.i»ni»» direx.^
••I. H»re uUen idem »bo n three w»ek»»nd »her»
L» m eh a c ta c y e I am not c<
»tty loot»
Mod 1 ow e li ail to Ripen* Thtalco, la m thirty«
eeren year» owl. h»»e no occupation, only my
household datl«» and nureing m y »!< h hushend.
lie kae had the uropey aad 1 am trying Ripon»
Taoulee for him. U e ioele »ome tetter but It w ill
take »ome tlrnA. he fcaa been » le t I > long. Yu»
ntAjr uev my U iU r an-1 r.aine » » jn a like.
XI» e t'hronii at* llxilldlnje
T n r . CIIRONICTJ5 ranks w ith th e »re&teat
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wajm w ill tc , the friend ar.d cham pion of the
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duced rates at this office.
of the World
«•rr tiijc . o y h p ’. r s i d e ,
N nJ
unit Ont tlie .H«p anj
»<• K'r > tiro o telo l - r i t a « T e u ,
oarage p r p p a l.o n niM puad *«>«*.
x j. i i . a« Y orn ffr».
Proprietor 8 p. t'hronl
Pcn't Tobacco S|>U anil Siitolte fo u r i.lfo
A k « , u
T o q u it tobacco e a s ily a n d fo rev er, be m ag­
n e tic . full of life , n erve a n d vigor, ta k e No-To-
D ac. th e vrnnttcr w orker, th a t m akes w eak m en
s tro n g . A ll d ru g g ists, COe o r II. C u re g u a ra n ­
te e d
B ooklet ar.d sam p le freo. A ddress
S te rh n g Ken-.edp Co , C hicago o r N ew Y o rk
f You can*
a bs cured <
'f y - i u fik r b o a a rv „f the i
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,1 0 5 1 Market SL Esl d IS M . I
® .
Y o v n i i m e n - • m id d le i
H x c d b l:‘ n V
■ - • ,tr ; .
rrom the c. frets of youthful t
'.“ ' ¡ ' . . ’I ? '
r-.c te x * '
J’ - »
"We dp oot take possession of onr ideas bnt are possessed by
They master us and force t»s into th« arena,
Where liko gladiators, we must fight for them,”
Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
entire contents of this monthly magazine
are upon a plane and in keeping:with its
The Arena’s gallery of..eminent
thinkers is a group 01 interesting men and
’ ¡ t e r - r . 'o r r h r r a . 1
women, and their thoughts are worthy tins
consideration ot ad people. The Arena «,
«old uixli T u r W est .
per -. ure.-.t . „re. JKe lhxU r dc«s not claim
rveor-t) m r- e«,het Is welh'-x -wr to he a fat
¿i'! « n d i . , Äw r p r e . -a ita
of Jnen.
ito » ’
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Strret, San P »ftcts«a. Cat