iJ fc E W E S T G nEïN LEA F ITEMS. C ITIZEN S’ CONVENTION. ToaSght ACME COMMERCI AL COMPANY BRIGHT’S DISEASE The citizen’s convention met in Fu- If your liver is out ci cider, esmun; B y a W est C orrespondent . rUBLlÀlEU EVERY FRIDAY MORNING-- gene last Saturday and was called to Biliousna.-s, Sick Headache, Hei.it- i Just received a fine assortm ent of SHOES, order by A .1 Zumwalt. F M Wilkins burn, or Constipation, take a dose of i the very th in g you w ant for this weather. Please Mr U ar.aci is carrying on the Inlee whs elected chairman and I. 11 P atter­ cb , L ase C ounty , O re CON.— place son secretary and L F Wooley assistant ation of the call and examine. O r C rnnîe . . . lrflnm .......... m ............ , Kidneys, i. Is a very com m on alim ent. Kuiuocru G -orgo H lía lo came in today to buy. secretary. <.ur la s t eiftrers h ave suucurub« d to Its • • - BY • • • * the m ost fx III- On retiring, and tomerrovr your di-i e tte c u . c \e u th o u cb under After an address by the chairm an tlie fill m edical treat- uiore cattio. x. invi.t. Like all gastive organs will be regulated and W E A T H E R S O N ; Miss Alien B urnett « lio is attending following committee» were appointed. cb rente diseaaea, you will be bright, active and ready th^ 8 y m p fams Eifetor and Proprietor. school at Eugene is coining home in Credentials L F Wooley, M J Hillegas, com e cn Insidious­ for a ry kind cf work. 'This has ly. if p r o p e r I E Stevens; permanent organisation bean the experience of others; it June. treAtm ent Is ob­ J tV Baker, A J tained In Its early will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are Steelheads hare t -’ei» plentiful in the J and order of business —T erms : (1.50 a year in advance.----- ¡ EtagCM. 11 r tg h t’ sold by ail medicine dealers. 25 cts. D ise a se roav be reeks of late, and mighty good eating Zumwalt, L I. Stevens, N M artin, A A cured. H UDYAK Foster. Resolution* and platform, It M vail cure It If it is Entered at the post-office nt Florence, they are LOGS WANTED- taken In tim e, Veateh, V L Holt, .1 G Stevenson, A J me county, Oregon, its second-clats , 1 Mist Hasel W heeler of this district i l l BY AN will re­ ! Pickard and J J Walton. l i v e you o f All ait m atter. ' will attend school at Inloe, hoarding at t'?.o sym p tom s. Do Parties desiring to contract with tlio I Adjourned till one o’clock. rat d elay too W e strive to keep ju st w hat you w ant and always of Mr Carlyle’s. I ng. Don't w ail u Siuslaw and San Francisco Lumber Co In tiie afternoon Jam es Hayes, C >VBBT»INe8^ *u Groceries, Tinware, Dry Goods, Stoves both I lr. You w cal Bcpces 8 cents per line, each Insertion last week in April with Mies Hale of I nppoinlcd tollera. ! u:er and fall will please apply at once throw your m oney aw ay o n doctors Cooking and Heating. Feed of all kinds, etc. 1 Alpha as teacher. Conunittee on credentiala presented a 1 t0 nnd rn e d 1 vines. I. B. Cushman, H U D VAN now, while Mrs Lucas Wheeler went to Eugene report which was adopted. Coininilteo Florence, Orc. Apr. 13, 1900. If we do not have what you want we w ill send you may bo cured. Acme, Oregon. ' with n cart for a two weeks visit and is on organization be made permanent. expected homo Wednesday. Their report was adopted. TEE EARLY SYMFTOMS ARE: for it. W E S T L IN G S . B L A C H L Y IT E M S - 1 CHRONIC HICK O lt NAUSEO U S For representatives W II Baughman Mr Tolly, who bought the William l U A I ’A C IIIi-IH 'L IY A N taken " in <11- rcctc-d will relieve the headache In- Johnstone place was in last week look­ of Pleasant Hill, Levi Geer of Walton, #on-Irritating cathartic Hood’s ing at government timber land. Chas Harwood of Glenada, M \\ igle of B y G bzbnkorn . 3 2-? P U K V iN FSB OF T H E S K IN U N - 1 ’ ‘123 T b it Li'LOI, d.'.e to a collection of Doc Inloe has sold out his personal Fern Ridge, E R Skipworth of Eugene, Ils. I W 3 ? J -ln o tln r w iraa. DKOPSY H lO - (¡»•«¡honner Del Norte arrived property and last Wednesday he went I Albert Walker of Springfield, Rev Win Y AN v.'I! cauro the extra am ount of tlula Items are scarce ns most of our pcnp'o I to be taken up l>.v tiiu blood and be ellm l- platt of Thurston and J E Tipton of jursday from San Francisco. ra ted by the K idneys. with his daughter to Portland to resine» went out to hear B ryan , 4-3. P A L E . DOUGHY C O M PLEX­ Remember the entertainm ent Satur- Mias R-.-tta Bradford is home from her L-me were promos« ed. Ballot being tikon i There are yet ton.o fair places to be ! ION, due to the im perfect cir«enlutii»n of the blood. L U D Y A N wlil restore the elr- visit nt Portland. A married cousin | Baughman reee.vcd 45 votes, Geer loO, iy evening. Adniuflion 10 cents. ¿uTuilon to ita normul condition and cuutto taken up around hure. tl e checkr to becom e »ed and rosy. The schooner Sacramento sailed from and wife came with her to return the Harwood 12S, Wigle 9, Skipworlii 120, Q. W E A K N E S S OF T H E H E A R T —Ono Ed H aight came up from Deadwood Walker 83, P latt 45, Tipton 3, Medly 1. in Fr*iei«co the Oth inst for Sittsiaw. ] visit f it the lirst and the one that Geer, Hai wood and Skipworth were do- ¡ yesterday after a load of seed oats. ev en tu a lly c u iik » death. 11UDYAN will The Sen francisco Exam iner and the j si Lengthen the nerve» and m uscles o l tlio to Inloe has been Tho mail from Hale We havon’t learned of any one getting i heart and it'«ke It »»rung and regular In dared the nominees ad- ' bbt (or one year $2.60 paid ill carried by voinnteeis since November For county judge II R Kincaid wr.e ; tho Alpha—Mapleton mnil route from ; lt7-Sb<' W E A K N E S S A N D P A IN IN T U B nice. 1st. After May 1st it is to he carried by nominated by acclamation. ! Mr Allard of Eureka, Cal. will causo the kidney* to perforili their E E lJo h n so n lias purchased tlie contract. For commissioner S G Lockwood of J E Tipton and wife have moved out fun ction s properly, thereby reheviug the jqutile City Bulletin from B F Mrs William Johnstone, who former­ Siuslaw, R Y Porter of Saginaw, J It to Junction City. M rTipton lias charge P Get " lió I * AN at one. nnd *“ke It regu- awreitce. ly lived on a homestead near Deadwood, Hill of Richardson, Geo Haleof Chesher, | t j)e j Htellier farm near there. Uvi.y. Kuh . . ^ ‘’'iïÜ D Y A N U “.oYS with each pack age. ................ - ~ A break in the machinery at the Acme died at tier residence at Junction about Geo Sm ith of Willamette, Geo Sears of bv all d ru ggists lor 50c per n b ck a je or • Sam Ferguson of Junction City pur- j phekaucs for $2.:.i. 11’ v<»ur di•«agiat d o « Cottage Grove ami A J Zumwalt of j ill Mon day caused it to shut down a month ago. keep H. send direct to Hie t lt OYAN chased quite a nice bunch of yearlings not R EM EDY CO M PANY. Sun I ’rHiicluco or iveraldays l'or repairs. Ed Potterf was on Lake creek during Irving were placed in nomination. j lieio last week. The price paid was $16. L. s A n geles, t'alllorm a. K1‘,',11“ !{‘ll!’.V ,yJiti Mrs ^Elizabeth Hermann mother of the week. He snvs th a t biniseli mid First ballot Lockwood 5, Porter 8, Hill J A B urnett of Greenleaf passed ! f,,LUC ^ o R d ,'KRa£ E . CO,i?nH R iS Vcc Rn^m. * * * * Mrs Potterf are more titan pleased witli G O , Hale 41, Smith 0, Sears 35. Zumwalt loo Binger Hermann died near Myrtle Second bailor, Lockwood 7, Hill 97, ' through hero on Ids way to Eugene with If j o u 11cal,’h^ 1t1 a“‘babori ? yourbcaao'nn<| 131. tlicir new homo. oint, April 2nd, aged 79 years. ’ n . u a Simmons -------------- and .1 t^ ey will ad v ise you. l n e a u v ite win Hillo 42, Smith 3, Sears 32, Zumwalt 14. I a h.ad • of - goat wool. Seth be "given free. Au dress. When your correspondent passed Don toil to bring the children out to Hot, Hill 122, Sears 2«, H ale37, , daughter, Miss Viola, will return with _____ minstrels Saturday evening. through Halo March 20lh, three timber I bird lit’ H’JDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, ear cruisers from Portland were there wait-j Lockwood 4. On motion Mr Hill was Itiiu. good program is being prepared. No. 310 S o u th Broadw ay, Mr Adams left for bis home in Astoria ing for a fair «lay to explore vacant j declared tiie unanimous nominee. H a v e G )l W C Conner lias purchased an interest hultis ways on H a n d a me j For clerk II M Milliorn of Junction Monduy but expects Io lelurn in about Los A ugeias, Cal. 1 the Roseburg Plaindealer and will ‘ Georg«: II Hale sold W F Potferf’s ! City was nominated by ac-damation. two weeks and become a citizen of Lane C or. ß t o c k ic n . M a rk e t nnd F ills St«.» ave the management of that paper. W W Wither* was renominated loi precinct. Hu will purchase the 0 W San F ra n c is c o , Cal. wanted A O Funke has purchased what is farm at H ale for him. Potterf Wasiilnirne place. a day or two ! b>’ aeclamatum nown as the “ portage” place on North $250 a.td it only took Ilalo a < For treasurer A S Patterson of Eugene I Win Tripp has Bold 40 acres of his G ^ O C E ^ IE g , '"ork from Capt Jorgensen of San I to make the sale for $400. La nd values I and J M Kitchen of Irving were pro*' land to Mr Bowers, consideration, (450. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. are rising. 'rancisco. I posed. Patterson received 181 votes, i j j ,. 'fn p ,, and family have moved to Dore Hammond who tanglit several Kitchen 32. Patterson’s nomination j , lnction City where he will open up n Thu schooner Ralph J Long left for terms of school at Blaehly and is well was declared unanimous. The "West Real Estate office lias bar­ | (¡rgt class blacksmith simp. an Francisco Tuesday morning witli a known hereabouts, is the deputy county © r y G fo o d i For Hsnesror 11 A\ Graham of Eugene, School is progressing nicely witli tlio gains to offer in li e following propeity. Gfoods argo of lumber from the Florence Lum­ clerk in charge of tiio registration ol A A Foster of J unction and E It Parker ! H,)le inanngHllieilt of p rof Bouman. Tim . ★ ★ A good dwelling house, and black ress et Co's mill. voters at Eugene. of Lost Valley were proposed. Graham p ro{ ¡a n|so ¡n8trueting the boys to play smith shop doing a good business in a 8 J Seymour r.nd T J Boren have been Miller and Steinlianer have broken received 52, Parker 128, Foster 2. , o() Uiuir horns a n J Ulillka tliey wjn be thriving town. Tiie owner desires to liosen as representatives from Heeela tip llieir logging camp on tiie James P arker’s nomination was made twain- able t(| p|ay fairly weU by lhe 4lh of change liis location. A fine opportunity odge I O O F toattend tire Gland Lodge Johnstone place. They have a good molts. for the right man. Price (850. I J u|y t t Astoria next month. many logs waiting for Lake creek to go j For school superintendent V L H o lt' 160 acres of unimproved land on North Bandon Recorder: Capt 11 R Reed will on a tear next fall. I of Eugene and IV M Miller of Lost i Quite a nice time at tiie dance at Mr 1 Fork about ten miles from Fbirence is i ! Slayter’s last Friday night. The music ransier his field of operations from Coos * n. Setli Simmons and family came home j Valley were proposed. Holt receiv »eod stock ranch. Price muilier of schooners this summer. health though improving is doing so very i then made unanimous. ' Drugg; pianist, Miss Graves; cornetiet, (450. If there is any person owning laud in slowly. He was brought in on a couch. Lincoln Taylor of Cottage Grove was 150 seres mostly timtiPi land lving in .his vicinity that ho wishes to trade for J A Burnett brogglit the family in in a nominated for surveyor and Dr W L j Waiter Blacldey; banjoista, A L Taylor Hats & Caps, land H II Drugg. Mias Grave», tho lady section 13, township, 18 «outli, range 10 L i wheat farm in southern California, lie hack. Cheshire of Eugene for coroner by j west. About three acres cleared. A referred to is only twelve years of ago uay learn of a chance by calling at thia Delegates to tiie county convention acclamation. but is eonaiduied the h ist player in creek huge enough to float logs runs iffice. The following resolutions were pre- got a chance by staying over a day to through th e land. Price (650. western Oregon. ••Difficulties give way to diligence,” ! hear Bryan. Look out for defcctions sented and adopted unanimously. A good store building and lot in Acnic. To tiie Citizens convention of Lane uid all lilood humors disappear when ' from the G O P to the party of tiie NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS- Conveniently located for hnainess. Tiie Hood's Sarntipariila ia taken. It puti- ; southern chivalry and tiie northern county, Oregon: upper part is finished up for a dwelling. Your committee on resolutions begs ries, enriches and vitalizes tiie blood, ghovelry. A list containing the names of tax ­ Price (700. sure« that tired feeling, and tones up , j j Kt#rr ()f G rant>a Pass was looking ¡eave to submit tiie following report: 40 acres on Wildcat creek, 12 to 15 payers of Florence and vicinity, to­ Resolved, T hat wo are in favor of lhe whole system. Take it now. j at laud on Deadwood creek last week. gether witli tiie amount of their respec­ acres bottom and low hunch; a good The additional b o iler and engine in yja went home witli tlio intention of strict economy in all county affairs. tive taxes, has been placed witli Meyer j building placr ; tine cellar and fir tim­ Resolved, T hat wo bclievo tlio county :lie Florence Lumber Go’s mill will bo taking tiie Fied Feil place. H e will be A Kyle, where one may obtain the ber ¡county roa lias a family court should lot all work done for tiie amount of the same. a good stock range; mile fiom post county to tiie lowest responsible bidder. crease the cutting capacity about 5900 t o, seven ur eight persons. W W W ithers , office; 1% miles from school house, Resolved, That we are in favor of re­ eet per l e y . j 'Pbe case of E rn a Tabor, late of Alpha, Sheriff & Tax Colh-etor for Lane where school is tanglit 6 to 8 months ill enacting tl«e mortgage tax law, and County, Oregon. a year. Price (260. An entertainm ent consisting of songs, j ho recently liroko liis leg a t his new recitations, dialogues, and tableaus will i |,OUie at Waitsburg, Wash, is a serious exempting nil recorded indebtedness j 163 acres about seven m ilts above ICUucAto Your Ilotvoln V H li Cawcnrot«. tie given in tiie Odd Fellows’ liuilding' Ti,a leg hono was shattered within tiie state. Candy CaUnirtlc, cur« cmmiipatlon former. Florence, lying J, mile on Innin Sius­ Resolved, T hat we are in favor of a iOc, 26c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. law river, 23 acres of it bottom land. A 4aturd»f evening. Everybody come and terribly, pieces protruding from tlio ! near tiie minstrels uud enjoy a good flesh. He will have to remain a lo n g 'iU8t allJ e*l”al assessment of all prop- house and barn on tiie place, nnd a gaii*tiouer, at I'lorenee, o ttk o o ia re improving cratic kite in m atters national, will i refetenduni. A fair house and about five acres cleared. Oregon, on May 19, bJUU, viz: ¡Jiíayetlo Burine, , , u , In «M ost every neighborhood there is ’ have no reason to do so in local issues. oi Resolved, That we demand of our . I i I a H. K. No. i r a for the SE Q N«í t í * N ti, A good wagon road from tho place to whose life has been saved by | Mr and Mrs Boyer, who were lost last COurt a published itemized state- 8E % Sec 7 A N !<; SW J4 Sec » 1 is a, K s w. tiie Siuslaw river nt Glcnnda. A fine . . . , 1 .. .. . . * [ ( . . uanuz , J » tin- 1 .0 f following n l l l i u - l l l l , AX 'I t U I IC lk P S I«» ir o Aft tic w imomm to T provo b a in ’s Colic, Cholera nl,d ; fnll, summer residence. Price bo far as people hero were con nient of all money expended in tiie Ilia continuous residence upon mid cultivation place for Remedy, or who lias been eerned, liave bem located. Tliey aie at couglraetjon Rn.l furuislitng of Hie c o u r t, ’^t^hJ'inau. vu^* 1(600. hroitic diarrhoea by the use o f! t |lujr bome at Wichita, Kansas, and holiae o( t i,i8 cou„ty. Chnrlvy Bailey, of Meadow, Orefnn, E P 133 acres of land at Eltuiro, Oregon. Waite, of Aclin.e, Oregon, F Jackson, of Maple­ 1 A box house, good barn, and plenty of Such persons make »■ their daughter who followed them ont R M V katcii , ton, Oregon, W P Bailey, of Meaduw, Oregon. ! outbuildings oil prem ises; 6 acres PO*»!-.** telling of it whenever oppot- here too late to catcii them, is at Mr V L H olt , J. T. Bmnor.K. ta fttW le r s, hoping tiiat it may be tiie W illcut’s. They write th at they are I orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 J G S tevenson , Kvglater. ineEM.Of saving ottier lives. For sale glad to gut away from tlio awful rains acres more cleared land, and 80 acres A J P ickard , by ell’druggists. I slashed: balance, brush and limlier and mountains. J J W alton , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO N. . land. Price (20 per acre, (1000 down. Several pieces ot new road have been Committee. Elmer Carlyle of Inloe has secured a openeffi on tiie stage route lietween band to help clear up Ins farm. The J J Walton was elected chairman of For further information inqniro nt Laml OOlM at Roseliurn, Orezon. i and Hale during tiie winter. I new man arrived last Thursday aud has tiie county committee. April S, 1HW. Tiie W est office, Florence, Oregon or The corduroy wliich waa put down last no^ Jone mudi Work yet except to assist John O Booth of G rants Pass was Notice ts hereby ctven that tiie toll«» In« 1 John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon ®r fell h a great improvement over tiie at tiie milking hot when lie has haJ recoinmended for joint senator and R M ’ naTU«d zctller has died notice of 111» Intention W Nichols, Elm ira, Oregon. to make final proof In support of tils claim and deep mud making it ea«ier for both time to get tiie inn of tilings about the Veatcli for delegate to the national con- JOHN C. BECK. W . H. WEATHERSON. ’ tlirtt —id proof will he made Issforc C. II. Hol­ W . NICHOLS. T o C o m C o n s t ip a t i o n I n r s M r . id passengers. Taking every- place nnd his teeth ami iiair have grow n vintion. den U. 8. Gomintmioner at i'lorenee, Oregon, Taho C iuchi et- candy Cuttiurlie. 10c arSSo. Point Terrace, Or. Florence, Or. Elmira, Or. ||to consideration tiie road is in iie will probably make an impression ; on May 19. 1900, viz: Robert 1’ Bernhaidt on hlv I i t C. C. C. fall to cure. rugg.bts refund mener. H. E. No. 7410 for the SK Q NE Bee 3 A M % klter condition than heretofore upon tiie forest there. H O ’.V 'S T H IS ? NW \ i my w:fe hail an sale druggist*, Toledo, O. BRYAN IN EUGENE. to make dual proof tn sapport ol hl*claim , and tjrv n (p g I attack of iticiunatism w liich confined l.er H all’s C atarrh Cure is taken internal-1 that «aid proof will ba madebefore U. H. H o i-i - (J. H. Commis-Io'ier at Florence, Oregon II H Firk and Julin Stecar two of the (as announced some time since ' to her bed for over a month and render­ )y, Refill; lireetly Ujhin till) blood and ed her unable to walk a step witliouli mucous surfa-.ea of um system. Price on May 22, l'-O", viz: Horace J Minor on his K Democratic delegate» went to Engenu [Bryan ilc’.ivered an address at assistance, her iin d s being swollen to 75 c ¡--r b u ttle. Sold by all druggists. E. No. 76U lor the Lot» J -k C of Sec XI, T t'l Sri w eek to hear Mr Bryan and to i tiie 5tli iust. R 10 W. attend itie Donioeratie convention. rge crowd of perhs|>s 4000 or double their normal size. Mr 8 Maddox Testi mon in I a free. He names the following while«—« to proro kd assembled from tiie surro tn-l- insisted on my using Obaullairfaii»'« Iia ii’a Family Pills are tiie host. his contimi IU» rmddvneo upon and cultivation ! J fr DilTS Dv.Muss who ii building liim of «ahi laud, viz: 'a n e w house at l’-is home on Sweet »try to see and hear hilfl and Pain Ilslm. I p'ircb.is-sl a fifty vent I) A Bradley, id PolntTi trace, Oregon, Mnreon . . . , . .th e ir currosity in th s respect ¡hottie and used it according to the Allen, of fo h lt Terra«, Oregon, ttoorge Alien. ' C reek IS l o b e se en c o m in g o u t (In s w ay A L A S K A G O L D F IE L D - directions :in«l the n e t t intruing she itified, nearly everybody we of Point Tertwee, Orop‘»n, UuarUa Ainloraou, ol v ery o fte n . W tiA l’s the RtltactiOII ¡waHceHtO h.Makfiist without a si-tam-e »as diSipp-'inteit in hie »peech. Point Terrace, Oregon. Dave? in any mannor, a nl she baa not had a First steam «bip f«>r Cape Nome ami J. T. B sükiz «, svoteJ most of liis time to de- similar attack .ince.—A B ( ’arsons. For Cupe York will sail from Seattle, May Register. Sg tiie republican party ami U e n c ly - la U lo o d U t e » . 10. This will I* a large ship with a Clean blood means a clean skin. No tiia evile of trusts but did not Buie by ail drnc-zlst». freight capueiiy of 1690 tans and pas- lV A S T F IL S E V E R A L BttlOHT AND HON- beauty without it. Caaenreta, Candy Cathar­ TO C'JH t A C O L D IN X N E DAY. any adequate remedy fur tl o EAT person« h> r»pre«enl u« A“ Manager« tic clean your blood end keep it clean, by renger nceoinmodati-uis for 200. For In ’ t b ’ l i nnd JOHN C. BECK clow by eouiitlea. F»l»ry Bin * •tirring up the lazy liver «nd driving all im­ He did not sav anything about rear and ezpvnaea. Htralght, bonw-thle, no purities from the body. Begin to day to tales and furti er information call on or Take L axative B romo Q uikixb T au - K-r. ia ire, no le»s «alary. Position permanent, Oer W. H. WEATHERSON, reference«, any hank In any town. It I« In s b iiy banish pimple«, boils, blotr he», blackheads, »ke for a*«out r.n hour and a half u rrs. All drnggis a refund the money if nddle-S. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking ofliee work eondu«-lod at home. R efrene-. R M c M flP H B Y , W. NICHOLS. Krielow »elf addressed stamped e n eelop«. T i l l . Cusearcta, — l- auty for ten cents. All drug- Bi*a’>iy not half lies I*eopie rc- it fails to cure. E W G bo ib ’ s signature PONIMI»* U«Mr*-*V, Hep» I, I hii agu. gist», satisfaction guaranteed, We, 25c.50c- Agent Northern I’acilie, Eugene. on every box. 25t. I till tie tiúiaiiel. W e are receiving on every vessel fine Naval Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Nuts i!of all kinds, fresh California Figs, New Seeded Raisins, etc. Give us a trial and see for yourselves. J. W. HAND, Manager. MEYEB & Z7LE 1" Ri r 3 Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d ai a r E, Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Florence, Or*eov/ra on commision. Anybody desiring chase Real Estate vited to examine our list and see what we have to offer.