V VMWJ'W h'g— f |B Ï J tir f rijf.n i E in p L ’ C i i\y h t í iesiinwm ats u.equalled m e m b e r a i d unexcelled — ULULisUKLl EVERY the m>orld typer. Testimonials W«y« j obtaining more than 20,000 patents for Rowland 08, scattering I Gilstrap pects to leave tor Cape Nome before on the river. susceptible to administration inUneiice,I illvontor8 lul3 enabled them to helpfully » aa declured the nominee, long. Geoego TV roe had the misfortune to and the whole influence of the tulroinis- angW(jr ||lftny ,iue9tiop3 re|aling to the Fur assessor I) P Burton received 117 Roy Johnson lias been w orking in the h a v e h is foot b ru is e d liy a lo g la s t w eek , tration is leing thrown in favor of tho protevtion of intellectual property, votes and It S Huston 71. Burton was barber shop this week. He is talking of 0,16 lJuntJ being broken. P uerto Rican bi 1. Speaker Henderson ,f ,|ig Uiuy ,mve (lol)C -n a pauiplllot trca. declared nominated, purchasing the establishm ent and run­ Mr Thus Lanham lias purchased the Peterson property and will make bis For school superintendent R A Ford ning it himself. is also lending a hand and he says the ting briefly of United States end foreign bill will beconio a law before the end of patents, witli cost of same, ami how received 35 votes, E Ji Orton 53, TV TV Messrs Evans anil Palmer of Cottage , permanent home with us. Grove are spending a few days in this Captain Cornwall's family will remove $ba present week. to procure them ; trade marks, designs, Allingliam 41, and Eugene Bond 60. vicinity with a view to locating. Both , to Bei kiey about July where they goto Secretary Root says the written in» caveats, infringements, decisions in Ford withdrew and on tlie second ballot are old soldiers. j enjoy educational advantages. •tractions to tlio new Philippine rom- leading patent cases, etc. Orion received til, Allingliam 53 and I’eter E iliardt came home from E n-i Mr Chandler has left for Eugene piission, tlm members of which will sail This pamphlet will he sent freo to Bond 71. On the third ballot Orton re- gene Monday having obtained papers where he goes to till rt position as from Snu Francisco for Manila on the ' anyone writing to G A Snow & Go., eeived 54, Alliugham 30 and Bond 87. attesting that he is now a foli citizen of engineer in the Boolh-Kellv mill. of the United States. Sherretts Bros have returned from 15th inst, will not bo n,a‘*® P“ 1*!*® | tYnthiugton y ,j Bond was declared the nominee. Miss JAIlian Harwood closed a six California and will run a logging camp present. Doubtless tlio really impor­ G M Collier was nominated for sur­ months term of school in Gleuada last for the Gardiner Mill Co this summer. ta n t instructions to tiro commission J veyor by acclamation. week. She will commence school in Three or four of our young men are were given verbally and »ill not he REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION, G TV Griffin was nominated for Maple Grove district next Monday. beginning to look rather serious but we made public at all until they have been coroner by acclamation amidst the Ole Tronson leaves in a day or two for look for no tinning back on their part i)l Thu Lnno County Republican Conven­ laughter of the delegates. aarried out. At least, that is the opin­ Moscow, Idaho, where he expects to least. Ü o r jr s ion of 11 rose who usually know what is tion m et in the court house in Eugene Thu committee on resolutions report- make his home for a year cr two. Iiis Win Yost, Artie Smith, Lincoln family will follow on the Robarts by £,ncas and Mr Dumas have gone to the gomg on. TYednesdny April 4th. Dr II I- McOor- ; cj the following which were unaninious- way of Yaquina, j head waters of Smith river on a fishing It lias never been suspeelod that tiro hack, chairman of the county central |y adopted, Rev J S Douglas of Ord was shaking, and hunting trip. venerablu Senator I’uttus the oldest man committee called the meeting to order TVe, the republicans of Lane county, hands will, old aequaintauces in E lo r-[ Captain Peterson will bring his |u the sénats was u humorist and wjt, I , n ’* Ho» 8 11 Iriendly was elected ,n convention assembled, re-afiirm our cnee Tuesday. Mr Douglas takes great gL.|,oone,. l)Rtk Iiext tripi ,lig B,lou|der Until lie meds • thirty-iuinuto sjiorch ! temporary chairman of the convention, allegiance to the Party of Progress, Lib- interest in political matters and js gs having so far improved us to adm it of strong a republican hs ever. satirising tiro legal adyii« given the ,n<' Darwin Bristow temporary aecro- erty anruvidliig a tariff. It Naginaw, J C B rittain of Springfield, yye cajj attention to the wonderful Assessor—J A Sterling. VM the most amusing half hour thp KesoIuUons f)c TV Kuykjindull of Eu- ,.ilaflge in the condition of tlio country Messrs Lyster, Gentry and Morris left Treasurer—G TV Dimmick, last Thins-lay for Roseburg to represent aaaata has had during Ilia present aoe- lf#n#» " " \\ eatherson of 1'lorcnce and ,i,lc0 tp e present adm inistration came School Supt.—F B Hamliu. the following named delegates at the Senator Galliuger laught>d as John Kelluy of TT illainette. into power, and tho contrast between Couimirsioueis—M D Thompson, republican comity convention ¡Brownell, tlien taken till 1 Adjournment was baaatily aver that portion of the speech the conditions of now and four years E Nichols. Reed, Earl, Patterson and Smiley. Surveyor—Win Briggs. of SaHator Pettus, referring to him, as o’clock. ago. The people of town ate flitting. Mr Coroner—Dr J C Twitchell. Fbo convention was called to order nt Therefore, lie it resolved, That wc ro- nayliody «lid, hut Senator lluveridgo, McCurdy occupies Captain Peterson’s UNION TICKET. ù Vli* was »ot present, is a much younger th »t time and the committee on credcn- nfflrm our devotion to the republican house, Henry Andrews goes to the, State Senator—P B Beckley. i creamery, Artie Smith to tho Ekbloni inaa, tha youngest iu the senate, and pr®«onttd their report. party, and the principles of tho same as Representatives—TV TV Wilson, Dex- house, Elmer Keith the house formerly | saaqnently more sensitive, and lie Tlio comuiitleo on jiermanent or- |a¡,, iiu „.n ¡n the national platform of ter Rico occupied by TV in Burris anil Mr Seal p ity take a notion to resent being held ttwitMtion recommumled th at tho 1898. Clerk—J F Gazley. takes tlie house vacated by Mr Smith sip to ridicule, oven in aa goodnatured a temporary organisation be made jier- Sheriff—J L Dewey. TVe heartily endorse the course ol the THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Commissioners—J M Robinson, A B pian aar aa it was «lone by S enator! uianent and C t H urlburt be declared national adm inistration, and especially C Wliiple. assistant secretary. commend President McKinley for the TVe believe Chamberlain's Cough ...................J u 3 t O o e n e d . ................... Assessor—II B Gillette. These report, wore adopted separately., „ ¡gu in W|,ich he has met the Remedy is the best in the world. A few Tha house (basin’t beiiuvo that tliie Treasurer—E II Lenox. j weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold i The chair appointed tho following uiany Mn(, trying problems growing out School Supt—Louis Baizee. £Ovesamenl should reimburse the Brit­ and a troublesome cough, and having i tellers, M I, Applegate, Jos Benson, of the late war with Spain. Surveyor—O F Thiel. ish Cablo Company lor expanses in- read tlioir advertisenients in our own I Coroner—Dr E V Hoover. j E-A Bean, T W H arris, J I* Inman, G Resolved, th at tlie wise and able ser­ c*rr«d iu repairing the cable to Manila, j and other papers «ve purchased a bottle R Chrisman. Three tellers were also vice in congress of Hon Thomas 11 to see if it would effect iis . I t cure-1 us which was ru t by Dewey, and refused to OBITUARY- appoiutpd to eouut the vote for eon- TonglM> lneots wiUl our lipprovai, an J I liefore the bottle was more than h alf' Mas a hill appropriating money tor th a t ■ . , , - . . . i used. It is the best medicine out fori nurpoaa. As a m atter of fact, instead of 8reasl01 “■ delBgatea and three others ; ,|iat ¡t t | |0 gvng0 o( t ,)ig co„vcntjon Died at bis home near Duran slough colds and coughs.—The Herald, Atuler- that for state delegates. our | O n ,e congressional {wing in pit ««J by D weyto act, tluo British 1 Monday evening, April Otli, 1900 after sonville, Ind. For sale by all druggists. Chairman Lnendly then delivered a conTenlion <0 ,lo ftt| t | iey an nin^ea of but a few hours, Wilhelm Cable Company has made many tlious- J. W . C A R M A N C#I| honorably to bring about bis re- Knrnowtky in the 65tli year of Iiis age. Over-W ork Weakens P R O P R IF T O B •U«la of dollars, paid by this government short ai.drcss. A motion was tlien made that a coin- 1 n(JI„i,iation Ho had been apparently in good ; AS cable toll« on account of tho American Your Kidneys. health and about his place ns usual tho ' uiittee of five lie appointed to district TV K uti . kndai . i ,, occupation of Manila. ........................... day W ore. About 4 o'e o k Monday Unhealthy Kidneys Make Imrure Blood. r tho county to seltsct delegates to the TV 11 W kathkhson , This is tha way the Kentucky mix-up inorning he nroused bis nife and rom- ! state and district conventions. After J ohn K ki . i . v , ' plnined of a severo paio in bis loft rida. I All the blood in yocr body passes through strikes a well known Kentuckian, Mr C .. ! some discussion an amendment was Com on R«'sofulions. About noon bis riglit side ! e amo your kidneys once every three minutes. 6 B Earlay, of laiuisvije, now in - . , , , The kidneys are your introduced that the chairman ot tlio The folloning note elected delegates I •>l,r*lyle,E He suffered interne pt io blood purifiers, they fil­ Waaliiuglou : “ Tho troublo in Kentucky ; *>11 about 6.45 when death came to his county committee, and tho stato coiii - to the state convention. ter out the waste or Iglll be a nuisance tor a long tiuio to Impurities in the blood. TV G Gilstrap, O I1 Hoff, Geo H Kelly, I relief- uiitteeman, together with three other If they at e sick or out Aomc. It will show in all the |>olitical A L Roney, T V Kuykendall, 8 L Moor- The deceased was born ln J r n \ 1S35 republicans selected by them, If they of order, they fall to do head, TYni l’reeti.n, Darwin Bristow, 8 •»> Germany, where he grew to man- m ovem ents leading up to the fall elec­ their work. think advisable should divide the county 11 Fr.en.lly, E A Bond, 8 B Bakin, J M l,o”,‘ Än' 1 lea,,,cl ,1,c trade, Pains, aches andrheu- tions. Them will not ho a district or into districts and report to the county matisra come from ex- ,, ... , . I In tl o summer of 1879 lie emigrate I to Sltellv. A C \\ ixalcock, E < > Potter. ' - , , - , . . , . joounty aonvautiou which will bo free of cess of uric acid in the ’ Auu r.ca wit 1» Ins wife a rd i.iuiily. A l^ r central couimiltue beforo the next I blood, due to neglected {$. Thera will Le street fight, slid eon- The delegates to the district vonven- Hj ending a year in Pviitihvlvania he kidney trouble. county convention. The amendment tion are. moved Io Ühicngo where hu remaim d . J ^ P ^ . ^ k k e a u s « » quick Or unsteady jrentiou tows, which the newpapor, will was adopted and the motion as amend- T W Harris, J C B rattain , C F H url- ntorot five year, then m< »-d to On-g, n heart beats, and makos one feel a. ih„„ J , /•p o r t as riots. There will bu .hooting ml was then carried. o rk ln g in p um ping thick k-dnev Ivurt, C J Howard, E F Chapman. H B and Settled on a homesti-a-l near Dnn- n •v o er-w g cr*!1«« whl«h will l-u called nisurrac- ed “ hloo.4 K.aney- Nominations for representatives was Miller, J..«. Kelly, R F Scott. I. E Bean, ’ " 1,vre hu n,"de 1111 ^ is o n ned, °.;d ,hl0^ h veins and'anertes? ktona. Iu tact, it will bo had and dia- next in order and the names of James C 11 Burkholder. L E Park. A 1> liy- ^ 'y minary f racelul until the peupla of the stato Ilein,licliway of Cottagi) Grove, L T Ian,I, , Gso . . _.„ T ,, llall, .n ,, O , A Campbell. __ Mr Karnnwsky , "1“ _ b-Jtnow b® traced modcrn to t!..; Kie kidneys . . " was " an honest an-1 np- K, - F Chapm an of Engwns, A msoltttiov. was .«lopted rcc.mmond- rt«h« « ♦ .« « «««I « 1 ^ Ip ad w o Ml constitutional d i s e a s e s ^ «hX S ^ cl sick and tired of it all. To tell tiro Harris and F. ir s ' M H tl.,ll.ey aro tired of jt now. But -. Jv#n of Ixirane were <"* l "? T He ? leaves . ” a wife, " *! tw ’ > t s T » vou r x ira u c w ere """,7, "*' ' ami l* two mourn Ids to . sudden », -t.t .n . **/ lijo ou.4r5 u a r . slc!t you can make , ,,, . ! . / » . I . . xt . J r h . » . !.t ,,ud ° daughters daughter» to mnuru H iaru is now ay of ending the trouble. port the uomiuatton ol 8 L Moorhead by first doctoring your kidueva no rntotake mild • an3 o rd r ' in — ary ef’e " m a p , Tiis for state lunintor. n a tn e extra ex trao v -m ,.-. JAke au apidetnic, it roust run its Funeral te rrie r, were held T .n r» , ta . a S-vjm p-H o-it. U m . . . ¡ ¡ U Ballot being taken Hutnmetiway re- Tlio following nre the tncm beisof tbs ami tlie remains inierre-1 in ‘ 0 0 ’ ■ tsoartte." ceivud 150 voles, H artit 183, SLeQnuen county «-entrai «-mumitte« from tho pre» cemetery at Glenaila. • trJiu r Taylor, ¡ocal Agent, most dist tìsii Senators or« disi-osed to poke fun at )20i and chapm an 193. E F Chapman ! «4n«-t. in tho west part of tiro county. and la sold un ito merita a f e by all druggists in fifty-. g|io charge of Speaker Henderson that G,en withdrew Iiis nanto and the other H> rin-tn, b !, I u> h r. Florence, Oregon. TONGJE REUOMINATED cent ando n e - d o lls rs ú - f e ;^ , ,, Florence, 1 B Cushman. Micro are cowards in the senate, hor n ,rri, were declared tiro nominees. es. Tou may have * - '5 , Walton, C TV Lyons. simple bottle by mail {fMtauca, Senator Depew sai 1 of i t : “ 1 lie For county judge (lie names of O F Lake Creek, J A Burnett. Hon Tliomnx I I Tonane wm renom*- Î T . , , Î 0.poVT’r !l.!e‘ t«ui«"sy--ù h o T to ftod has not h u rt my feelings by d« Knox of Cbttsge Grove, A C Jennings Mound, Berry NelL Uittud tur rrprcscnutive in con-resa by md If youhavé kidney or Vtodder"troubìe Nnss*»«»' TO OUQ PATRONS- Gleiiteua, J U r-nlherland. /daring th a t there are cowar«!» in the and A E Wheeler o< Eugene were pie- Mapleton, E-i B«au. ganate. Ko, ho hasn’t h u rt tny feelings M„ ahwa sort of wrench my senaihilitiea Fur clerk B U Lee and L K Bean were elecied chairman and I. II Johnson, ! • * P» - • ' <•< ’ m -. I jv « y. (• u-i-J -ntir Of,« “» • u y ^ ld r e M to r ,i.a ,„ m ,,0 fn.tr« tote, I w b M h f i» U w a to th a t the cowardice prupoesd Lc« rsceivcxl 156 votes and j secretary. • ©uh tonic an I cure fvr D Y S P E P S IA . rark v’ I Ur? ,*vable rash ¡„ ndvam-e. 0. W. HÜED. CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Goods» ☆ Groceries ★ and IUI 1 .hi I w US .tB UH He (tei COI lb< 7 [lit rei en ee j IM» Notions, la ( t FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. FaMoa. T at ”■ »I 8 lie od t. I ra Ta It« «nt Ks )o W. 1 Ok 3 Goods as Reoresented.s 3 lg __ I « » ta * i’HE BEST ON THE MAIÍKET, P H IC E apoakor khan •<» * tw T , $ 4 0 . «P d< OI * « u ■ « Ij pt «I d 1 X « 9 »i 5