f h a re «aad IUpa?»a Tabnlea »»l*h *» much satis* fWrUon U»at X can efeaorfuU/ roeoinnsond Ita»e tw'au m nibied fur about three years with w o.it lo a d e d U H o a - » on reKnlarly oaco a week- Viatt tol 1 b j dliTereot ptijaiclaoa ik waa cati.'',*4 »»< b.."! teeth, o f w hich 1 had sereroL I hart tb o te* (l> extracted , bu’ tba a t­ tack s continued. I bad seen ad veriiar manta of lUpans Tabule» In e ll ih e p aj*rt but had no faith In them , b at aoout six w eek s uluee a fr.‘’n ?2*?ny drees. 1 Mtw Klpans Tsbn.ss dally payer bought -om e an 1 to o k t2*i/ “ “ . . h oie ed. Hare taken them rJxnit three e «ak«»n4 b such s ch a n g e: I am not n*t paled any .raoro and I o w e It a d to Ripan* Tabulate la m thirty seren years old. have no occupation, only my household duties and nursing my sick n e lias bed the dropsy and I am trj lug Tabules for him . He feels som e »»etter but It w iu take som e tim e, he has been sick so long. l o t may u»e my letter and name as you Ilkte Mr j . M art O oiuia « C laxxx . T h re e I h a re been auffarlrg from In-adachi * ever sirice I wps n little girl. X could i.e»et »ido In a car < r g<- Into a crowd* d plai-.* Wlfbout ( t e t t ln t t a headuettonnd «1«** ar my »tomach. 1 beard about XUpaas Tabules from an aunt o f m ine who wae tukliiK ihein for catarrh o f the stomach, »lift had found such rollef from their use Bhoadrlsed ine to t-k e them V m ». un« a X i A a t a a ls h e . A a e t h a , Wfco K a .w A ll T h o j o b 's a' rtch t. acoountablo. There are several methods B u t. M utator B p sln . I d r e w th e lin e ill of humanity. ■ A haa* She M la e r a l. teat W h a W o»M of treating a spraiued ankle, one of Mother w as troubled A t whRIU I fic h tl | R at T a k e a T .a .» « la * ■ •». $ w ith h e a r t b u r n and My sewou year old boy which is strapping the leg from ankle BlMpleeiQ««!, caused by sudered w ith pains in F U s t a y a n d a e h a ll h e r te d w o rk An elderly man. with a gray mus­ to knee with adhesive plaster. The Indigestion, for a good bis head, constipation 'O a ln st B o o ela n . U o a rm a n . F r e n c h as nA uy wears. On«* dry tach e. looked np from a plate of spa­ plaster is out iu strips about or. Inch in Mnd com plained of his T u rk . •he sa w a testim onial stom ach. He could n o t ghetti which ho was eating in a reetan- width and of suflkiiout length to enctr- A n mto »»torn d u ty w u ll I sh ir k ta tha papar indorsing eat like children o f his R l p s n s Tabules. »he T o g a r S p a iu win» clo tho leg to within half an inch, the tant and spoke to three others: ago do aud w h a t he J M A "K J determ ined to give tb«m B u t in m y b r e ir t s a it f e e liu ’a lu r k «f» did eat did not agreo “ Say.” ho said, “ what do yon people space being left to insuro free circula­ a trial, w as g r e a t l y w ith him. Ho w as thin P o r jp y a ia id a . tion. This treatment can only be applied relieved by tfaolz use kn ow about asbestus?" and o f a saffron color. ai a n d a n o w t a k e s t h e 'T ts t r u e th o Y o n k eo n w y n a b e Bca.Ha» «>ma o f tha te.tlm o n la l. t K i.w O Two of his companions preserved a before the leg begins to swell, therefore Tabules regularly, hhe keeps a few cartons Ripens A nd T h e B lp a a . Tabula», I triad them . R ipan, T abule, not A P r e s b y te r ia n Ilk ’ roe, 1 Tabules In the house and says she w ill not be w ith ­ who was Withiu a very abort time of the accident. modest silence, bat the o u l/ r .lla v .d but actually our,d my jrouug,ter, R o r d ia h e sp e a k so p c a r fe o k ly o u t them . The heartburn aud sleeptaMnese have tha h aadu cb « b a re dl.appearad, b o w el, are In Recovery by means of the ordinary • little man, spoke np; O or ro lth e r to n g u e . disappeared w ith the Indigestion w hich was good ooudltlou and ba never oomplalna o f hla “ I know all About asbestos. ” he said. treatm ent/that of elevating the foot B u t fle h t w i' h im —I o a n u a d ee form erly so groat a burden for her. Our w hole ■toroae-h. Uo la now a r.d , chubby faoed boy. ‘n>la fam ily ta k e the Tabules regularly, especially after A t h in g sao w r a u g l w onderful change I attribute to lllp a n , Tabtllaa. ••Do. eh?" queried the man with the aud having reoourse to hot applications, a hearty m ash My m other Is fifty years o f age I am «utl.flad that they w ill beuellt any one (from spaghetti on his plate. ‘‘Then how may be greatly accelerated by scientific and Is enjoying th e beet o f health and spirits ; also T aybe p I d in n a i l h iu ere'« m ■ m isimj je ’in ta ------------- tbe cradle to old ago) If taken acoordlng to d l« o - cats hearty m eals, on Im poeslblllty before she ■ue * a t t / a /a ir g ar m o g ru massage. By proper manipulation the A n ith arn th e tlona. B- w - FIUC* kang’s i t been In use?” look bipaee Tabules. A sro e !X. B la VKXM. AI xxj I hin g o v e r n m e n t, i t ’a tr u e — ••Well.” said the little man, hesitat­ swelling can bo reduced and tho pain T h in g a fa r frn e g u id . lessened in a very short tima If, how­ ingly. “ p'raps 80 years.” B u t, th e n , y e k en , t h e r e ’s ith e r s, too, k u ew rty le p»cket containing re» iur»l" TiBVL“ «me ••You're away off. Of course you ever, tho sorvico of one who thoroughly T h a t sh o w hla b lu id - « wan. drug M ere,- »ou « r e exsre. « ü . f X « b i b t cent, to th« ( O n . S o ld W i t h didn’t know that Charlemagne bad an understands giving tho treatment can do.en of th . t t ,« n n t carton. 0 » “ bu‘“ > .li s t e «Ltoutrso TUtttree) will be » t for live Conte. H la Ha« 1» u o Juiat lik e o o r a ln — not lie obtainod, simple rubbiug w ill of CBxncAle O ompaxt , No. 10 Bpruee Street, New Y ork-or e nte tad U »«nio liquor storM •ehostus taljaclptb ?** I m ea n th e B re etia h , M a s t e r Kpatn— R ipa » T abtijm may also be hart of »ome (rrocera, i-vneral etorekeepere. newt a» nw «u*u ten give relief. Tho rpbbing must al “ ib e y botLUb pain, in d u e U ep und prolong We. O u. g l« e «Glut “ W h o's <3b arlem agne?” H o ’ Juiat aae a im p le lik e an p la in , »’a Cha W l’ 'ts s t r ip e s a n sta ir s. “Well." said the elderly man. ways bo np, not down, and tho hands of t é : B u t w i’ oor J o c k , fo r r ich ta o ’ m oa, «•Charlemagne was king of the Franks tho operator as well as the wounded Thu b ree ze i t alia ro si and emperor of the Romans about 1,100 limb should bo made thoroughly anti N a , n a , I eoe th o d a y '» ft! han' years ago. Ho was a great fighter and scptio before any friction is applied, lest W hen (toxon a m a u n tb eg tth ev sta n ' the Becretious of tho skin being rubbed owned an asbestos tablecloth.” In le e b e r t y ’a m u let h o ly halt' "Don't believe it ,” said the littlo into tho pores should ho reabsorbed and 'O a ln st b u n d ed foo, man. VI never hoard of asbestns until inflammation increased in tho strained A n th ere, I h e g lth e r In th e van. T im e fla g s n m nn flow I OFTH 1 ^ ^ tissues.—New York Ledger. the C entennial. ” ••Well. Charlemagne had the cloth Sno, M o leter R paln, I 'll n eed ta e g o n g A Q u e e r O ld G e o g r a p h y . all right." said the elderly man. “ He F r e e t h is u u ld Inn ’ o ’ d o n e e nn sa n g A n d ro p th e jo b I 'v e bud sue lu n g used to astonish his friends from the Among the interesting old books and I ’m g r e a tly feurhi. Interior by throwing the tablecloth papers belonging to tbo late Edward VV. IS JUST V 'e r n tn fo lk m a u n J o is t g o t tb e h a n g into the fire after dlnn r, and of course Wells of this city was a googmphj , O ’ e n g ln e e r tn l vòóóp WHAT —J . W. B v n g o u g h In T o r o n to G lo b e. It didn't burn. Asbestns became quite that lets in some light on the state ol fashionable after that for towels und general information in the world a THE l l e s o u r c e f u l A r t is t . napkin* It saved laundry bills. AU a contury and a half ago. WORD •• Resourceful? Well. I should say he man's wife had to do was to throw the A m erica Is "the lust quarter of th« week’s wash into the stove and it came world.” and tho“ north purt of tho con wns. Why, his children got hold of a IlMPLIES. tineut is very littlo known. ” Tho map half finished sketch and a bottle of ink T H oat as clean as chalk. " E " S a y , ” said the little man, incred­ of North America gives nil the region yesterday.” U f M all, Pwwzage P u la, «M None who are engaged in any of tho mechanical ulously. “do you think you can string northwest of California as "parts un­ "Well?” r /û W i “ Well, of oourse they didn’t do a known.” Tho great lakes are down a« me like that?” It pursuits can succeed without reading and ••It’s so. ” declared the elderly man. Superior, Illeuols, Huron, Erie and thing to the sketch. ” a t o , “ Of courso not But where does his indicates ••But of course you never hoard that Froutenao. “ N. England" Is all ono lit­ studying this standard Magazine of Sciences Benjamin Franklin had an usbvstus tlo i>ateh roaching up to tho St. Law­ resourcefulness come In?" the state “ Why, another artist would have rence. Louisiana oocupies most of ths and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated^with p on e?” of the tension at a glance. “ N ol H ad ho?" aakod tbo little man. middle oonutry. The • ‘ Oyo' ’ rlvor is the given up and begun all over again, Its use means time saving all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions in all name of the Ohio. Tho chief town ol wouldn’t he?” w ith a sneer. "Naturally." ••Of course ho had. n e took it over Now Jersey is said to ho Elizabeth Greatest Weekly la the Country, and easier sewing« the branches of mechanism, aud its fundjof '‘Well, this one just sold the thing Ko with him and Bold it to a Town. The climato is thus explained, It’s our own invention man in Bloomsbury. London, for a big "In tho uorth aro vast unknown Moun­ ns it was for a war map. "—Chicago knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ H Ü B tains, perpetually ooveied with snow Post ______ _ and is found only on the sum.** ••I suppose, ” said the little man. from whence the Winds blowing the (Ino>udln< poaOMT») to M>r P*rt U“ U BlU d A s t h s N o n on H » r F a c e . ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u b w it h a wink, “ that the Englishman greatest part of tho year thoso Countries RtntMi Canaxlft and M exico. "Bo,” concluded tho advance»! wom­ T H E W HKKDY CHHON1CIJ0. th» brtghtcirt friend of yours, and you know become much odder than those iu Eu­ W e s t at clubbing rates. an after expounding for 80 minutes her and m oat c o m p l y W « k ) r N cw .p o p er In t b . rope in the same latitudes." h is n o n e. w orld, p r in t. r»»uhu-1y U 3 Column«, or ,t x t e .n objections to men in gcueral for tho “N q ,” rep lied th e first m an, “ I It ia interesting to noto that this work of N e e . U terw tu re and Ocncral In fo r­ benefit of the gentleman next her at pogpo. nover him , b u t lie was called Sir that is more than a century and a hall m ation: also a m a a n in ceet A g ricu ltu re! and S e w in g M a c h in e . dinner, “ you see I am quite plain. ” H orticu ltu re! D ep artm en t, » h l . 1. one o f t h . old should advocate quite vigorously the Bans Sloane. and ho bod a luaaeum . ” "Yes." answered the horrid man, “ I g re a te st dep artm en ts In a n y p a le r go th is ••D im e m useum ?" grin ned tbe little construction of cwmls across tbo Pana oast. E v er y th in g w ritten Is bused oh s x - W e have other striking ma aud Buea isthmuses. — Hurtford SCO you are," and tho advanced woman C pertenre ■w n. In th e C oast S ta le s , not on Eautarn was so angry that she ate two ooursos ••N ot a b it o f It, ” sm iled th e e ld eily C ou rau t ____ improvements that appeal to m en's k now ledge o f their o , n locultUee. without saying a word.—Judy. jfwituredlt. ii“ Itw aa a sure SAMPLE COPY SENT FR EE the careful buyer. Send for O lad aton e F o o le d T hem e . 'iunaeum, and as u matter uf In a H orry. On one occasion two gentlemen, In­ our elegant H . T , catalog. fact It constituted the nuclens of the “ They’ve taken to embalming pet parish museum. 1 dare «ay that Ben­ vited as guosts at a tablo where Mr. dogs iu the east, ’ ’ he said. Gladstone was expected, uiadfut wagei jamin Franklin's aibestaa purse is there "Oh, isn’t that juet too lovely I” she that they would start n oouvwrKition on hite ewing achine J*' a subject about which oven Mr. Glad­ exclaimed. "That’s what I ’ll havedoue lit t le creet- The little man looked Cleveland, Ohio. < consoled stone would know nothing. To accom­ to F id o .” fallen, but the elderly "Just tho thing!” he returned, sud­ plish this end they read up an ancient denly growing enthusiastic himself. ••Don’t worry," he Mid, "there are magazine artiolo on some unfamilioi For sale by White Sewinj Machine of people beaidea yourself who are subject connected with Chinese mauu- “ Give him to me and I ’ll havo it doue factures. When tho favorable opportu­ today. "—Chicago Post Company, San Francisco. know ledge regarding usbeetna ehy on ’t much used during recent cen- nity came, the topio was started, and It H o t W ork. the two oouspirators watched with TIliB monthly magazine is one ot the vary turiM . In 187« an asbestns handker- amusement the growing interest in the Kate—I haven’t seen Madge of late; was ahown to the Royal society best printed in this country, and is sold 1 • great «mrioaity by Dr. Plot, who subject which Mr. Gladstone’s fnco be- busy porhaps. Nan net to — Busy, whew I She is 1 bought It from a traveler on hie trayed. Finally he joined In tho con­ to all subscribers at rates within the from China. They called It sala- versation, and their amusement win buried in work. _____ j be cured turned into gnashing of teeth—to speak Kate—What kind? —a — wooL Dr. Plot saturated the •g'br C b r o f i l c t . I«i»tl4n»T. ability ol all to pay. It is finely illus If you suffer from any o f tha I Nanuette— Heotographlng syndicate TtW l C H R O rtlCD E renk» w ith t h , grrett»« handkerchief with oil and threw it into figuratively—when Mr. Gladstone said, ilU o f men, come to ihe eldest letters. She has 81 fiances in 18 differ­ nrw apaiwre 1" the U nited S ta te * “ Ah, gentlemen, I perceive you have Specialist on ihc Pacific Coast» • fierce charcoal fire. The oil burned trated and presents^the names of famons TILE C H BONIC1.B h a . unequ al on the Pacino been reading an article 1 wrote iu the ent regiments.—Town Topics. DR. JOnSAW & c o ., , off. but the handkerchief remained-ln- l IOBI Market S t E s i’-l 1 852. Ctttat. It le a d , all In abU lty, enlarprlae aud — Magazine some 80 or 40 yeurc authors as contributors. T h e W est The fellows of the socioty were ► Youngf men and middle ( > C o u ip u lto r y A rt, ^ T H R C H B O N IC S JrS T elerrxplrtc Report* xr» . w t if f e d n i l ’ll who are suffering lnt«reoted and were not greatly ago,” “ I wonder who invented thin artist io the lAtcKt and rnoet reliab le, It* LxxuU N ew » the ► fsom the effect» o f youthful indiscreiions or ex- | and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ O ld d ia r o n la io S ll ll L lvn ly. ___^ ie e d when the price of asbestos in cesses in maturer ye«rs. Nervous «nJ Physical (ultaat and eplcleat, and Ha E ditoalala from the edged papqr?" I t o b lll t y .li u iw I e n c y .I x M t Mank*»o«i , C hinese Tartary was quoted at $400 a Old Geronimo, chief of tho Apaches, rough “ Probably some woman who oooldn t ab lest p en . In th e country. duced rates at this office. in all its compli’’atio»is; N p c r n tn to r r n C P n , T11B C IinO N IC U K h a . a lw x y e b e e n , and a l- Chinese ell, which isn’t much more la the most noted Iridian of the wild cure her husband of cutting magaxiue ( ■»ro»l«:«rrt5'r«* »o a.», Oa — re» i arranged t l ( a l ^ , - l l . his * treatment I* r I porations. or opprcaalona ta an y kind, f t w ill ba . | that it will not only ajTau jatBiediate reh«» but nactents. for those old fellows bad big eyes are keen, piercing and cruel. His old. ludepc'ndent In everythin g, n eu tral In nothin«. ’ permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to of asbestos, which they wound feet are very large. i i perform miracle«, but is well-known to be » »*ir ___ corpses before crem atin g them . “ square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent When nt the post at Fort Sill. I. T.. DO YOU WAHI THE CHRONICLE ' . I and in his speci.illy— O lw aaC M«»- -T h at’s a long tim e ag o ," M id the old G eronim o playa mouto, a game of Iryni 1 N v t . h l l l . th orou ghly e r a llc a to d a fio n tho ’ Kv(»toll*« ttjorou gh ly«- gystoni w ith o u t using HJrrcnar.*» . t cards liked very much by tho Indians, lit t le n*»" sententlously. K V E K Y ¿«a MA u> u» »a M »W api»l)ti.»r ...re »«• —; w ill r e - ’ "Well. ” continued the elderly man. hut when lie can get permiseion to leave ■ fun o f h is t , cu ive our honest V . C W - n . ! , ( « . ( toOlCf t , , — I Wc wftiCiuiraate^ ••If you want to come down to later tho reservation his time is spent in e a c r y n w ó w e n n d c r lc f r e , c r J jr f c it On© y a m , there was a hook published in hunting, of which he Is still very fond. Theuattud Dollar©. ' Show ing tke Ualtatf S la tM , D e a la lg a Consultation F R E E » S Ì J ' / S V i - ’’!?- ? taodon. 40 years ego. giving account* —Chicago Inter Ocean. C tf A R a E a V B R r K K A S O N A S L K Treat­ o f Canada aafl Northern Iktxlaa other things, of remarkable ex- ment personally or by letter. Send for bookj O K OWIC H ID K . “T ke P l i l l o s o p h y o f M a r r ia g e ," ’ J t l>ep«n«lft. ante previously made at Milan. In fre«. (A valuable book for men.) by the Chevalier Aldinl. who bad Dr. Johnson was on<*) consulted by TIMET » 8 . JOBDIX'S _ asbestns In the construction of a an old Indy on the degree of wickedness T fx o r U r ' m B . . G r e a t M u seu m o f A n a to m y O N T H R zv O irtev T IIK U i S th» finest and largest Museunrof its kind in the •a lt of fireproof s mor. The coverings to be attached to ber son’s robbing an “We do not take possession of our ideas hut are possessed by then M nd a< a a d H et SMe B a , a k < world. Come and learn how wonderfully yon I » « 'k (y •" T ear, i, legs and body were of heavy orchard. "Madam.” said Johnson, “ it ore made; how lo avoiJ sickness »nd disease. They master us and force us into the arena, « a e a a g e » « - .p a l i e s m a p a w A ; W e are oan’innailv^^adthr.^ new ^specimens. „hlch had been soaked In a nil depends upon tho weight of the ¿ À 3 " t i d é i ' ë i s ï R Call or w rite. Yonng Dndely (of the Fifth nvenne Where like gladiators, we must fight for them.” eolation of alum. The helmet, boy. I remember my schoolfellow, Davy anuay-tn 1 0 8 1 Market Sire«!. Saa Francise». Cal, H . da v n tr w f» , inntlets and stockings were of asbes­ Garrick, who was always a little fel­ cavalry)—Heavens I Here come the ViwprteterS V. CSfouMa. Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the t o s Then there was an overdress, cov­ low, robbing a dozen orchards with im­ Spaniards aud here 1 am not in even­ OXS »RA.VCia«k.Ckl. e r in g the hody. thighs and feet, of wire punity, but the very first time I climbed ing dree»—and after 7 o’clock.—New entire contents of this monthly magazine ga n se. SO m«Mhce to the inch With np an apple tree—for 1 was always a York Journal. tbit Armor on. men atood on a biff heavy hoy—tho bough broke with me, are upon a plane and in keepjngiwith its i Saved. gridiron over a hissing fire for ten mim and it was called a judgment. “ i^ T V L I 5 M , R H U A B L E that "How did Gudgeon get out of a tM and bnried their heads in piles of motto. The Arena’s gallery of.^eminent A R T IS T IC -* - «nit for breach of promise?” Fb. Huety. burning hay and shavings, but neve« ! R e c o m m e n d e d b y L e o d in g "He put his wife on the stand and thinkers is a group oi interesting men and ■ h r « «fimoWero. # It thnlees they came out unbarmnd. They " N o ,’' rite taid, "yon don’t really «lie swore that the other woman was iu I h « y A lw o y • P le a s « - l— handled hars of white hot iron love roe. lut'k when she lost him. "—Town Topics. women, and their thoughts are worthy the 0»i,k iv i»«rvii. e r a r n e r a w a r » pxtisv and did other things which semud "Y ____ es I »wwr 1 do. ” he protected OWTAIKtn Se»S m odel. "« rh»< - " ‘‘ì M» dMcrlptiou f- r frwe report as to patoatafelUtv • <«-r A0« quite miraculous. That was over 40 " I love yon with all my ami. I would M oi e H ero. consideration ot ail people. The Arena is ■AMP-BOOK T in i C oftteinfi Bfttt l«ll ask yon to be my wife tomorrow if 1 y ta r t tffo- ” w arn roa corr or ooxstsr.af. tafn rm ire _ BAZAR- , "Marla, ie this red. white aud blue orrxB It Is It» are! lilaret ervi-CMOo» •’ • * » • ''« “i ••W«!U.” Mid tbe little rasa, “ It’s were jvoperly situated. ” sold with T h ? W e s t . «ture«j, »»J sviar 1NTIST-» »sontii wholesome?" put b i. plea was useless. Sho bad ice "I creiun IT w lafji« »ppij'«, i»t«at hard to believe that for several hna- >{*«•' ■ ■nw si wswsw w p»-«7'-a fot p —-- M i n a : don't know, but what if it isn't? o t thousands of years tha world etudieil human nature and knew that Areu’t you willing to take any risk, for a o fall of chomps that there ♦ » “ '* vhtai a man to really in love ho doesn't • NOSE BETTER AT ANY PRICE your country?"—Chicago RceortL H aw p N i a T r L i kAfVRM . « man «mart aooogh to ntilixe atop to consider whether ha nau afford PA TE a W T E R R. S. S * ; • fiss'.d in n e f i l l f 2 » ir-ihfio «DA to I'S'R w n ------------------- !ft 1 k « U a it a d S ie ie e j fvtry City nd ------ saPrewang. W ASHINGTON. ____ jaax O a th e w h ole. I goeM 1 11 go to "tarry or uot.—Cleveland Leioiur K n e w W h a t Sh e W a a ta d . ’ I » y ">ar d e a le r 4 -.»fi n e t k » e p ih 1 f* I w ant to Inform you. words o f highest nralsn, o f th e benefit from , 1 b h a re derlred ----- ill pa us Tabu!«» I am a professkm al uiinta <*nrt la this p r o f e a a rU ar bead U a lw ays cevdetL Rll>aDA Tabules «Joni It. After <>ne o f my co**» I found my e<*lf com pletely rundow n. A etln g o a th e advice o f Mr- G*x>. Bovr- •r, Pb. O 5 R S Newark Ave., Jersey City, I took Klpans Tubules w ith grand results. I have teea » urea« « a*w forot.rfl • T -n n . N..rt,u« ««'• ”” My fe**t and legs and abdomen w«re bloated Stars in ★ X j I T E j Z R ^ - T U I ^ E Ki j ¿♦erWwWww«*»*********» w * >« ari t P jftJ R T S an d . S C IE N C E S . A Tension' Indicator: ^ t ^ & t l F I C COAST S c ie n tif ic A m e ric a n , d a il y ¡“ J« Kl .Tl Only $ 6 ? 7 0 The Weekly Chronicle til wi th $ 1 .5 0 CTI ?» W hite F* mw < th M ol( N ot fi W th S M C o . TH E E n S K H P H L IT A N / CO th *n at U> .Ml i»y th F° i art SM fco P*' s fin M ta «n» M E H !’ “ ” Reversible Map? TH E ftHENÄ Map of the World . M au fin fir PATENTS MS C A L L H.B.WILLSCN&CO. XH « • doaktiag. ” mb . "I've got The X lM ,U „ . o i l ) right.’’ retarne«! tho elderly "Dnru yon and your old grocery!" fiO.OO« that nays I'm «tob t. P ark e r* your double are etroag shunted a man who bucked up against -, So u p hold a bet o f |1 # againot th.1 freoh pout “ Didn't yua eee tbut sign, 'Fresh th e l it t l e M an tv on Ida' I bet. — Paint;' " ashed the grocer. “ Of txatrus 1 did. but I've seen so Y ork T i » M «.any signs hung out hum announcing T ke M aaer T h e , Rrtaa- sotnethiug fnwJi that wasn't that I l a regard to th e a m o o a t a t didn’t believe ft. "— Indiauapului Jnur- « o ih t o a o o a t r y by Euro l» « n ig r * « to O*»“ *« Ju toteaa T aÆ îrS ïj» . kM fit A «ke Raottaa m ____ ,lv sea © e ■U s rewiiArkahl«. "asid 8en«tar fior- gfaun. "how differently peujdo are of- AarSerf bv same thituf. totted by the fho aune thing. “ “ Hsv© yon hoea reading medioin©?“ “Na I was thiiikiug « / my speech. It k ep t m e asroke four nights, and rato » «»/io,steep.A— MMSKIWII'« I»« "W hy not take this pnrrot, ma'am?" asked the dealer. “ It talks.” "1 want a pomA to talk to and not to talk bock. ” replied Miss Elder.—Town Topics- _____________ _ P atterns ¡ J r .-t t j • • O • ceftt • ? • « ► • « • » • i’fk J I d d e i i y o u r a e a its ? poJlU A R e a l rto p tfc. "• THE McCALl COMPANY. 1 3 3 la 1*6 W. 14th Sheet, hoe Y.'rt ; BRANf'B O r*d » t I i M n i l l * A ve.,Lhkfiirt.»M Ç ! l o j i M a r k e t S t« . S a n b r a n c a t e . S» Dnnwit+i. Moretou bay. queonrland, rouswte of about 1.000 inhabitants. In j four years tber« have only been two | Kvie©««»» births and two deatbt. "Is b© a etmtegist?” There arc no streets, no omnibuses or "Oh. dear, no. Why. 1»» belter** in tram«, no soldiers, no I"’!«*- uu ’ hcl’< doing thing*. t'buago Post. There is a Uent.iful theater, and every one is admitted fo e. Clothes A»e free, A TniUte. ^£ßr»slit<»t Atagallo* PubliibeJix and so »r© food aud lodging Very few Every m u s carries a penknife, but do any woik. aud there are no hotel«. llttHMIia B I N ettrtifui S B t l l t U V-Vrewv-VS g IRE 5 Contain» O I* * M Plata». $ iUnsir«*.«» L u c»' I'aUciA», F« oot one m an in W earrtes e gt««J one — Very Ui.Ue mottvy i* minsred, *“d med­ i ton». Vane V 'V .tfk. J Acervi« - k i . - r t l 1 e r »»»d «»M a In e*»»y gngiiean Glob©. F lev a . , r - r t u - • .1 p - «tv. • V i * r » : « > » w ical atteiudauo» •» frl<' »« « W r it » ie » i*?»*«M e l ,»h ae jsa,, , • ««; Th«*© is a itaknik font that ia u t. estila r» hieittotÌPl'Mtt jm,i»»i ij •? m 3 xvly •» 4 I O l *. «ta Itgy, ila*» Tb» niewiar cacd. Th, re is also n pt »InCko, and if I 3 iteel-JiX a FR «K Tallr to I 'm out <* th» iw. laudtos Ure> short of n«oney the letieiv a«' stamp»d I TMEMcCAL M t» • oh I peolU.«. ___ <• '< 6 W . i< tb St , free There ts a ls o a tree l;oiplt;M an« I • t i t m o n g o l fbre» aoantrymse ai mN«» ’ A> Ml l l l i u i l Tbea»'s me maeh «*mp»Mte«. k fitted —-I.*'«, tstafi *1 It IlllM. MS C A LL S MAGAZINE S LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. J