m inee »n selling J une IV, for the hold­ wo* ■ «SV T « ing of their national convention and it 18863727 I is practically certain th at the democrats F bom oi'u reoclab OoRi'LsrosnraT, 8 P. ClttuuU Ui. will fix the date for their national con­ In thia d a / of widespread theorization,' toWHUtQBP BVBBY FRIDAY MOBXIXO vention close to th at chosen by their when thinking men everywhere are of-j Washington, D. C., Dec. 18, 1699. —At-r- opponents,' afid th a t the presidential fering panaceas for all human ills, when The first and shortest step of the campaign will he about the usual O bboon existing socinl and political customs are FltoMMCJI, L a »« C d d stt , received peremptory challenge, and the flnanctal legislative program, mapped length. T hat it nould he lietter lor the íie iH fact tl.at they are defective in many and : out <" the house. It is understood that business men who arrango tliesu things, rebuilt on a sure foundation, or is it ¡ the senate finance committee intends to I and they apiiear to prefer tho long cam­ I t is tho cuatom with some people, worth the while of civilization to pre- pigeon-hole the house hill, and report, paigns, which might have been necessary Yes Children, I ’ll be there, von will iind me at the Newyears day approaches, to form servo the fabric which successive genera- ‘ ita ° » " 1,1,1 118 R substitute. If the sen- in the early days of the country, when many good resolutions which are to go I lions have clumsily erected, to re p a ir' endorses that and passes its bill, there was no telegraph and few news­ Nest door to 0 77 Hurd's. Into effect on that day. Thjs is all very j its * breaches, strengthen its weak p a rts ,! t»‘»t will go to the house, which will re- j papers, but which are certainly not well so fur as it goes hut there is unothcr and. little by m ile, remodel and renew f«»c to accept it as a substitute. Then necessary now. very im portant thing connected with ’ t 8tr(lct|lru Bhll„ ot the two hills will go to a conference com- I . - i ! _____ a t . . . vat * . . . . . . . . . . good a resolutions that 1.. is A r./» too often lr lo s t, HOW 'S THIS? last stand forth, sound from foundation mittee, and the final result will probab­ where 1 have unloaded my heavy load, and such a load eight of or given hut little consideration, stone to lower, the finished product of ly be a hill th at will ho a compromise I t ia th |s; Keeping a good resolution is \Ye offer Cne Hundred Dollars Re­ between the two. i it was, and such an elegant display it is. None should all men and all races? ward for any case of Catarrh th a t can­ of at much |ui|»ortance as tormina it and So.ne men profit by the experience of FIXED BY THE COMMISSIONERS. he forgotten and I trust none will be. 1 will call again The future can only be forecast by the not he cured by H all’s Catarrh Cure. often is by far flip harder of tho two; ' history of the past, In all tho exper­ Others, but Representative Sulzer, of F J CHENEY (S p CO, Toledo, O. but what does forming a good resolution j j at the Leading Store with another display before FLOBEXCH PBECINCT. ience of the human race progress has New York, is evidently not one of them. We, the undersigned, ¡have known E am ouut to if it is Immediately broken? Notwithstanding the failure of Senator J Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­ Beginning on the shore of the Pacific been by easy and almost imperceptible Christinas, and some of the tine things will be Hotter is one good resolution kept stages, Revolutions have sometimes .Mason to make a sensation with his lieve him perfectly honorable in a l l , Ocean where the same is intersected by business transactions and financially the South boundary of Lane County; throughout the year than fifty kppt but seemed to advance mankind, but per­ speech of sympathy for the Hours, JJr Able to carry out any obligations made thence P ast along the Sonth boundary mentioned herein. a single day, Sulzer has gone a step further and of­ m anent advancement has only come liy their firm. of said County to a point II- miles East West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, of the range line between ranges 10 and through the development of the indi­ fered a resolution in the house, doclar» See. vidual, In this direction rapid progress j ing that Lbia ¡government ought to Toledo, O. Walding, K innan A Marvin 11 W est; thence North to the ONE TEAR AGO AND NOW, corner on the North lino of Sec 8 Tp 18 is now being made in all parts of the ! recognize the belligerency of the Boer Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ S R 10 W est; thence East J J mile; world, exceeding any before chronicled, ^ ‘lmblic, and stated l.is intention to ly, acting directly upon the blood and thence North 5 miles; thence West 2 Though th i business prospects in this make a speech in its favor, and to try mucous surfaces, of the system. Testi­ miles; thence North 2 miles; thence immediate vicinity, one year ago had Everywhere education is reaching out and linking lands in a golden chain, the fur“ il 10 11 ’ ° t0> Ho be ablu t0 monials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. West 4 ’J miles to the ’A Sec corner on improved greatly over w hat they had the North line of Sec 5 Tp 17 8 R 11 lamps of knowledge are being iig|lte J, make a speech, although th a t is not cer- Bold by all Druggists. been previous to th a t time, yet as com, West; thence South I 'j mites; thence H all’s Family Pills arp the besf. und a tremendous industrial develop- but U «!•“ • 8uru tb at n0 8uul pared to t|)P present wp find a very West to the Pacific O cean; thence resolution as th at will he voted upon. t b ........- - 1 Southerly along the shore of the Pacific great improvement in many wavs in tlie m eat is malting it easy for civilization They do not belong to tho legislative FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Ocean to the place of beginning. «“ Hibty trl' U’ be' past year Sew enterprises have been “ > P“">‘ brunch of the government, and could fore it to tho uttermost corners of the IIBCBTA I’UKCINCT. planned that mean a great deal for the Scientific American. earth. The faults th at exist, the mis­ pot get action, even when backed by Commencing at a point on the Pacific development of this valley, As most of our readers are aware, overwhelming public sentim ent, as was Ocean where the same is intersected by takes th at are committed, aro email A saw mill was greeted at Acme last the case with numerous resolutions just $139,090 is appropriated annually for a line running East and West through Bummer with a much greater capacity matters besides tho triumphal strides of before our war with Spain. free seed distribution, and this has the center of Sec 10 Tp 17 S R 12 West. culture, of intelligence, of tolerance and than the mill burned in February. It occasioned much adverse criticism. Tnence East to the center of See 8 Tp 17 Numerous gentlemen from New York is barked by crpital sufficient to operate truth. Secretary Wilson is now preparing the ‘ S It 11 W ; thence North 1)J miles; Thu only species of reformer who ¡s of and Ohicago, who came to Washington, thence East -f 'e miles to the range line the mill. A new store was opened there part of his report which treats of free ! between ranges 10 and 11 W; thence actual benefit to the world is he who well provided with cash, gall, and a few mouths age, megaphones, have arrived at tho con­ seed distribution. As far as possible, ! North 0 miles; thence East about 2 looks intelligently about him ami takes The saw m ill at Spruco Point, which, he wishes to avoid tho hostility of the miles to the S E corner of See 32 Tp 15 the exact measure of practical good that clusion th at Philadelphia is not so slow gince it was built some eight years ago seedsmen by distributing entirely new S It JO W ; thence North to the North after all, Tbe reason for their change can he achieved under existing condi- boundary of Lane County ; thence West had run n few times for short periods, of mind was the capture of the republi­ varieties, wbieh was originally con­ along said North boundary to the Pacific has been operation most of the time I «<>»•, Tho agitator who would collar templated in tho appropriation, and Ocean; thence Southerly along the since last spring, It is regarded now as 1 tt°vernmeOt and demand in,n,ed.ate re- can national convention, which is to meet June 19th, for Philadelphia, by a distribute the varieties of seed which shore of said Ocean to the place of be­ Blmost a certainty that the next few »” >ls principles ot organization the commercial seedsmen are not hand­ ginning, and adm inistration, even though lie rep­ majority of one vote in the national m onths will see a large mill erected in JIKRMAXN I’ltECIXCT. committee. The Chicago committee ling nnd experim ental seeds which have Florence and owned by an enterprising resents righteous principles, sets back Beginning at the S W corner of Sec 7 not gained a foothold. The depart­ thought they had a certainty and en­ Tp 17 S It JO W. Thence East 6 miles; firm. There is good prospect for another the very cause for which lie is supposed m ent’s agents are engaged in a search to stand, There baa peyer beau a time joyed themselves calling down the bluff thence North 8 miles; thence West 0 good mill in Acme in the near future. and bluster of the New Yorkers, while for such varieties all over the world, miles; thence South 8 miles to the placo when tho world was less in need of The loggers ure all busy euttiug tim­ the Philadelphians were quietly getting and niter carefully testing the seeds of beginning. ber to supply the mill», Many now platform reformers ranting against votes, New York never had even a they will lie distributed in tbe appro­ MAPLETON PBEU1NCT. camps have l>een started on account of existing systems and clamoring for their priate sections of tlie country. Alter Beginning on the South boundary of chance to he chosen. Lb. increasing demand and better prices immediate overturn, There has never The appointm ent of Maj Gen Leonard the species has gained a foothold, the Lane county at a point 1,'i miles East of Itecu u time when there was n;oro use lor logs, Timber is being sought tor Wood to be military governor of Cuba, seedsmen may bo trusted to take caro of the range line betw een ranges 10 and 11 eagerly and now commands a good ad, for good and honest men advocating of the current demand. Secretary Wil­ West. Thence East on said boundary every moderate measure th at can he is considered by the president to he a to a point 2/2 miles West of the range vance over what has been asked in son is of the opinion th at tliero is ample line between raqges -8 aipJ 9 W est; advanced in the interests of good govern­ long step towards the restoration of previous years. work for the departm ent without distri­ thence North to the township line be­ ment and an honest adm inistration. It civil government on the island. Gen Prospects are good th at a shipyard buting tim e-tried seeds, and th a t there tween Tps 18 ami 19 S; thence West to is tho moderate men who help the world Wood would have been appointed civil will be established on the river next is enough room in improved grasses the l-4 See corner on tho South Hue of governor, had it not been strongly summ er where shipbuilding can be forward, The ultra radicals constantly alone to absorb to advantage the entire Sue 31 T p-18 S K 9 W; thence North to place obstacles in the way of sensible pointed out to Mr McKinley, by Gen the township line between Tps 17 and 18 carried on steadily. This will mean Wood himself, as well as many others, appropriation th at tho government S; thence West 2 miles; thence North and safe advancement. profitable employment for many hands allows for the seeds. The introduction ' 2 , miles to the center of Sec 20 Tp 17 S The man who by careful fertilization th at the appointm ent of a civil governor and a market at home for a goodly of ono new variety of rice in the South R 9 W ; thence West I ’- miles; thence and cultivation of tho ground mid by would have a had effect at this time, quantity of lumber, which is now growing successfully is North l.'ij miles; thence West 1 miles to among the Cubans, as it would give the A contract for extending the Jetty was wise selection of seed grows a better professional agitators a foundation to said to have a commercial value of the N W corner of Sec 16 Tp 17 S K 19 W ; thence South 5 miles; thence West jet some months ago but work was sus­ l«3tato every year performs a more sub­ build stories upon tbe intention of the $1,090,000 a year to the American grow­ m ile; thence South to the place of be­ stantial sorv.co to his fellows than the pended on account of hud weather. It LT 8 to keep Cuba. Although Gcu Wood ers; it cost the government only about ginning. mau who tries ' in a single season to to be resumed the first of March and $5,000. Iu connection with the rice OLENTBNA PRECIXCT, operation, will continue for five or six • chrysanthemum as large as a will be military governor, his adminis­ cultivation it is interesting to note th at Commencing at a point on the South tration of the whole of Cuba, will he m onths l«foru the present appropria. ' tub or to graft strawberries on an apple largely performed through civilians, investigations are being carried on boundary of Lane County where the [ tree, The world’s true benefactor is Lion will be used up. relative to cultivating rice in an artifi­ same is intersected hv a lino running New «.tilers are coming, among them ' ° " e wl,° >*rfo' ,,,B “ usufy) survice " Ì8C j just us it has been in Santiago pro­ North and South through the. center of cial swamp, which may be drained ofl'i vince. See 3 Tp 19 S K 9 W. Thence Easterly being some men of means who purchase b' and ,or M Wltwl 011,1 There is ono district in Pennsylvania, when harvesting time arrives, so as to I along the boundary of said County to a homes while others have taken up c A Snow & Co, P atent Lawyers, op- which has two representatives in the perm it the use of labor-saving ma­ point 1,’.2 mites West ot" the r.mgo line vacant laud and are improving it to between ranges 7 and 8 West; ibeuee posito the United States Patent office, house, one a republican and one a demo- chinery, This will enable vast prairies North to the N E co. nor of Sec 11 Tp 18 make homes for Llictusejves and tlt.fr Wushington, I, C, who have actual erat. Thia isn’t as strange as it sounds, ' to be utilized. S It 8 W ; llicnce West 1 mile; thence families. clients in every city and town of the as one of them, Representative Gaston, i North 1 miles; thence West about 8 All tho enterprises previously Pon't ToSurro Spit nnd Smoke lo u r Life Assy, miles to Lake Creek : tnence down Lake United States nnd Canada, report t h a t ' of Meadville, Pa, was elected from the T o q u it tobacco easily aDtt. N €•!“©• «ew show . T l - planks on Broadway find' tu -, . »ir.- ».a- <•. with afl cst to the ladies. The r.-g-flA subsciip ; We hav« made arrancemente hy ready »1 one time, he proceeded to ruatoffe« «at nérvea. R-stre«« utvoo-Yg ., fi hl Lava also snstained considerable dam- an4 u«, puliti«« U>« Vleet \VAN'TM> «KVKKAl PFkSONS FnK 1>'S distribute the prvsents to those for M rt«»res k'3t manhood, tiou price is one dollar hwl we Wave mails which we will fnrniah tbe Weekly age through the uo»su»l (Fiction caused ’ ’ irte! Orti. . Uaunavr« In tal« «Iste le You may hav. a Rtofck«« i,u Mid SOT .«}0 Sacks of la 0« A ll., sen • repiew iit me tu th r lr o « n fn d »iirreiin.ling whom they were intended. «eurti Far by eo many hurrying footsteps. How »Ample bottle hy malt Home -f s.MspRns« reiintlea. arrangement by which we offeF. it for a ; Oregonian with the W ear for one ven _____B A ff m an.l Txxfcfft «1 Willlnir hi (wy vestir Fon, |wvst>t« t- ' o'** drjMMrut. » he th is ebaugv will effect K A Graham's free. »Iso pamphlet telling you how to find wrvkly. iresim M e « s ip ie ;in .n l » liti unuiiial candy and nuts were then given to the Wxfc. dof w»U . . ovi* f o r ««. T a i n I t wt»h short time for fiftv cent» a year. v»U and i to any address for the snm of two out if you have kidney or bladder (rouble. » p i- ‘ri»oiUli'«. Keierem-,'- ex elisu s-d . Kn children and all departed homeward, ‘a w i l l j x . l l . o u r . V ” *-• »« n t y O n » /n rth e r opersAuuts tit Coos county « • Mendon this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer rii»»« -, Il «ilitre»»'st «tsuiissl euvelope. b o s . * 4 . U ffa a ity «mr«e? J b o l« » , fit M , . «ee a sample copy. Ian p a y * < * » h in adv>nqp l« r xn le e v l to c i r e , <»( «»«' rw ftir.d in mee. each rich u> the irvastrrva of C hristm as.' t'Nik, : M r'ss lo n blu lidi s s , vkiwkgrx Co., binghami««. M. i S c . 1«L. a re unabls toff“ WASHINGTON LETTER, PRACTICAL REFORM METHODS. T H E W E S T . I I’m Coining! I have opened a shop _. in Florence “where II shall keep a