k í YOUR HO HE PAPER i Ù A D V E R T IS E R S S U P P O R T IT J j, » L Lu < \)L . SIVSÌAW8 ONLY PAPER. - * - O P P O R T U N IT Y 1 - . 1 X . FLOBENCE, OREGON, FR ID A Y , Dec. 29, G ENERAL DIRECTORY S T A T E OFFICERS- T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. STEAM E — > ve “ NO. 35. T R A V E LE R S ’ GUIDE C.VOSIW« ULILUtu S te a m e r R o fc a rts E R IT E ’ 1 - 4 K n ock ed O ff T h e y t t x ln t I n V a r in a » W o r ld . G overn or........................ ........ T. T. Geer. Will make regular trips from S e c r e ta r y of S 'a te...............F. I. Dunbar. R E G U L A R d a i l y T R IP S ^■reasurer.............................F. 8. M o o re . Betw een----- I iJBupt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman Btate Printer.......................W. II. Leeds. of Calling at ALSEA. And from kttorney General U. E. N. Blackburn ( .................K. 8. Bean uprenie Court -j...............F. A. Moore the steam er ( . . . C. E. Wolverton Calling at the UMPQUA. B a d g e Second District. .J. W. Hamilton For passenger anti freight rates prosecuting A ttorney.. .G e o . M . Broun Old forests are apt to get Into the meet Impossible places and to turn into the most preposterous shapes. AU our t n th o C2d>>? coalfields are ancient forests far under­ Then probably the kidneys. ground, then crushed and cooked into a hard mineral substance. The uro for­ t n ¡h o C fooat? ests of plants which once grew as Then probably the lungs. mighty trees, for ontside of fairyland ' tn (ha ¡ la ln t i? Vrbo would ever Imagine a majestic Then probabiy rheumatism. woodland of club moss and reeds aud No matter where it is, nor what the little sand weed called the horsetail I kind; you need have it no longer. In Greenland, right under tho ice­ - APPLY TO — fields, a buried forest has been found in j It may be an hour, a day, or a which tho plunts were all palms and F lorence, O r. W ill carry freight and passengers M eyer & Kyle, year old; it must yield to C O U N T Y OFFICERS- tropical creepers, proving that once the from Florence to San Francisco. t retie regions wore as hot as the Indies. I In tho Wish, between the counties W ill also bring up freight Judge................................... E. O. Potter. of Lincoln and Norfolk, there is an old **# Í ........... . W. T. Bailey »## f.irest under tho seu, with stumps S T A Q E l in e . Commissioners fallen oaks und elms still visible I ......... II. D. Edwards For further information inquire places when the tide Is low. This was Clerk........................................... e . U. Lee all dry land In the duys of the ancient I — OF — Britons. Singe Leaves Steamhoat Landing on Sheriff................................W. W. Withers A. W. BEADLE & CO. Out in tho desert of Arizona them is ! the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Treasurer...........................A. 8. Patterson a deud forcat on the surface of burning 1 14 California St Assessor...............................D . P. Burton lieturning, Stage Leaves Florence rock and drifting sand, where no plant . San Francisco, California. Sundays. save the cactus can now find any wa- 1 School Superintendent... .W. M. Miller ter. When the place was first discover- I Surveyor................................C. M. Collier ed, a negro cook thought it wonld be an | E xtra Trips Allien Necessary f Coroner............................ W. P. Cheshire excellent place for camping, so ho took Charges Reasonable. an ax and delivered a mighty blow Justice of Peace.................C. II. Holden npon the fallen trunk of a big red pine. OPPOSITE h _ Constable.............................. E. A. Evans His ax wus ruined, the haft smashed Imm ediately r Ite r applying i t yea and his fingers so badly hurt that he H OTEL EU G EN E reel its soothing, v aruiiug, strau'Gh- sat down aud howled, for that tree er.ing power. C IT Y OFFICERS. was changed to massive rock, which S T A G E L IN E . i t quiets congestion; draws out looked os fresh as though felled but ir.fla:nmat;on. EUGENE, E. B a n g s . P r o p rie to r . yesterday. The whole prostrate forest f* is u n e w p la ste r . President. of big timber had been changed into . W. If. Wc-athcrson Stage leaves Eugene on Mon­ _______ _______ Lane County, Oregon. * valuable and beautiful onyx, jasper days, Wednesdays, und Fridays at A new combination ( ! rc-v and agate.—Chicago Tribune. O. IV. Hurd rernjdL'3. L.-.I., a ft n A d R rra tte M 'rlte w h a . m arriving at Florence* the Win. Kyle Board of Trustees methods. E ntiro ly cnlika any A- day following a t 10 a. m. When Thomas Bailey Aldrich was a J. W. Carman oth?r plaster. TH E TRUE MANIA. her only thought . »mall salaried jlerk in George W. M. Morris R eturning stage leaves Florence The 'iriu a ip a o f Modern Medical I n t e r e s t ! . . P a c t a A l> on t a L i c h e n o f Carleton's book (toreon Broadway, Fitz H ow W e y ie r ’a W ife P r o v e d U e r a o lf U k « Scienca. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- Recorder.................... John I. Ilutteriield James O'Brien was in the habit of The Perfected Product o f years o f < he S a h a r a n O e n e r t. O th er W o m e n , «lays at 2 ]». m. arriving at Eugene S le e p in g C a rs T a ti'in t Toil. Treasurer..............................p. B. Wilson According to M. Chastrey, the trne dropping in to soo him, aud one day All doubt regarding the ability of tho following day a t 0 p. m. 1 lacei over tho che rt i t is a manna of the Scripture is the thallo- ;amo in rather more than half seas America to successfully Invade Spain Marshal............................ <3. C. Cumpton E le g a n t powerful aid to Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ over. Aldrich decided to take him phyte, known to botanists as Can,ma after tho conquest of Cuba, theOnnarlea toral in tho treatm ent o f a ll throat D in in g C a rs esculenta and Lichen escnlentna across the street to a hotel aud put him and the Philippines had been set at rest. «'inn lung affections. Single fare - - _ _ $5 OO I to, bed. Cautiously and carefully he led T o u r is t 1 lacei over the stomach, i t stops Iho nomads of the Sahara and south A terrific bombardmont. of the enns» R o u n d trip . . _ _ Sy.(M, S E C R E T SO C IETIES. nausea and vo m itin g ; over the Algeria call it Ousseh-el-Ard. It is also O llrien, but before be bad got half paved tho way for a land force. Before S le e p in g C a rs : Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ j bowels, i t controls cramps and colic. found in Persia, Arabia and Mesopo­ way across a friend stopped him and the haughty hidalgoes could realise | livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. i Placed over tho small c f the back, ST. P A U L tamia. It is grayish, about tho site of asked: "Why do you want to bother their peril a victorious army was storm- t removes a)' congestion from the H u rd ’s office in Florence. F. f i A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. n small pea, and furinaeeous inside; With the follow. Let him go. ” “ I will fug at tho gates of Madrid. The Span­ M IN N E A P O L IS kidneys and greatly strcin'thens ■ Regular communication on second Some say the sixires uro brought by hot,” replied Aldrich. "Ho borrowed a iards made a lust desperate stand. For weakness. D uluth j All through freight on the stage and fourth Saturdays in each month. wind and develop with dew. Others dollar from mo a few days ago, and I days the conflict raged without oeaslng, For sale by nil Druggist«. afford to let anything happen to and the fortune of battle hnng In th . J . C . A y e ? C o ., Ix iw o J l, M a s s. think it leaves a germ or seed behind ft cuu’t FARG O _ E . W . Conn, W . M . either way between Eugene aud him. ” tv hen it perishes. It should be collected J. I. B uttbrfield , Secretary. TO balanoo. In her palace sat Mrs. Weyler, C R A N D FORKS Mapleton, will be charged at tho At another time, when ho was not sadly sewing and shuddering at the in the morning of its appearance, be­ CROOKSTON rtrictly sober, O’Brien found himself rate of two cents per pound during cause it drieR in the snn and is lost In hoarse booming of tho guns that tore A. R. General ____ Lyons Post, No. 58 W IN N IP E G tho sand. It can be preserved in u closed ent of funds. Ho wandered into a pub­ the town to pieces the mouths of October, November, meets second second and fourth Saturdays - ■ ------- vessel. 1 he lichen does not cling to any lisher’s otliee aud asked for $U5. Thia " V a le rln n o l” she murmured. " M r of each month ut 1 ;30 p. in. H E L E N A mid December, January, February, foreign body, bnt lies on tho sand in a Was refused him. Angrily seizing a husband, Val"— 8. B. C olvin , Commander. placard O'Brien reversed it and made BUTTE March and April, and one cent per layer sometimes nearly an Inch thick Crash I The door flow open with a J . L. F urnish , Adjutant. and can be collected easily. It is rather In big letters on tho- blank side: "One bang, aud in rushed General Weylw, T H R O U G H T I C K E T S pound during tho months of May » * » ♦ * » » * * » o t ------’■ authors. J am starving." Ty­ sweet in taste. bloody and disheveled, followed by hia TO J lino, July, August and September The Arabs, whose lives it often saves, ing u string to tho card, O’Brien placed staff. M A R I O N M O R R IS P ro p. it aroniid his neck and paraded up and ,O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, C H IC A G O boil it in water, aud thns get a gelati­ “ P asq nlta,” he harshly ordered, ■ meets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays W A S H IN G T O N nous paste, which they serve in various down tho street, to the., great amuse­ something to eat a t ouco for myself Shaving each month. Members and visiting A lex. Patterson, M. ■ S cents ways. To preserve the manna they dry ment of a Jurge crowd. He was of aud men I Quick I" brethren in good standing are cordially P H IL A D E L P H IA Hair Cutting it in the shade or they wrap the paste course requested to desist, but nothing Bursting luto tears, sho fled from the 35 “ Gardiner, Oregon. invited to attend. A. 0 . F unkk , M. W. N E W Y O R K in skins. Analysis shows that the lichen stopped bis mad codrsa until a *5 bill room. With angry stride the Razor Honed . I. G. K notts , Recorder. 35 “ was presensed, tot him its it uompromisu BOSTON A N D A L L flow after her. contains 15 purts of water, 14 of nitrog­ Scissors Ground San Francisco Argonaut. •S •• enous matter, 30 of non-nitrogenous Wi.Ti WOM’ th k fool««7?” he cried. f Special attention to Diseases of O .t). F. Heceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H "Speak 1” matter, 5 of mineral matter, 33 of sug­ F l o r e n o a • every Wednesday evening in Lodge For Inform ation, timocarda, maps an.l tickets I T h e D e v il T re e . O regon .. " ? h’ V ' V ‘ V ‘nl(’rian <1. ” she sobbed, { ared and Hinylaceons matter and 4 of the Eye. Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in etc., call on or w rite The devil, drugon or octopus troe, as fats. The Arabs of Chaambra and the and you once p-p-promised never t o good standing invited to attend. Algerian donars never full to gather it ft is variously called lu the different b-bring anybody homo to dinner with­ M c M u r p h e y , S. J. Seymour, N. G. stories told of It, is ono of those travel­ after dews and ruins as a welcome ad­ '. i TRY TH< . 1 out telling mo b-b-beforehand 1 P p-per- » NOTARIES. General Agent. Rooms 2 anil 4, Shelton Block, W. II. Weathereon, Sec. to their diet and a gent io laxa­ ers’ myths which by dint of repetition feet strangers, t-t-too, snd not a th-th- 1 EUGENE, OREGON. “ HEW HOME "SEWIHB HICIIHE. dition havo workod their way into public be­ tive.— Suu Francisco Chronicle. thing in tho bonne f-f-flt Io e a tl" — H e w lief. Tho ninn eating or devil tree is, Fork Journal * A. D C H A R L T O N , O. O. F. Maple Lodge No., , 139, m eets -------- . ----------- „ -------- A . R. B U T T O L P H , according to the story, a h'ufee plant Assistant Ucncrnl Passenger Agent, M e n d Y o a r D lr d ’s L c u x , every Thursday evening in Neely’s 255 Morrison St., Cor 3d. Young chickens and other birds fre­ somewhat resembling u palm, save that Hall, Seaton, Oregon. Brothers in good W I m t d So C a r ry S ta m p s, standing invited to attend. P o r tla n d , O r. quently tiresk the bones of their legs, the central fronds are provided with "Business mon have varions ways ut W illiam B kynd , N. G. and if projierly attended to these frac­ sharp teeth, which, when" tho leaves 1’ iiil . N icolle , Sec. J. F. TA N N E R , pnop. tures esn be easily cured with very lit­ aro folded over toward tho center, grasp oarrylng their postage stamps, " said F L O R E N C E , OR. F io r noe, O re g o n tle trouble As soon as the injury Is with a death grip the man »a, III. 8t L o e l., Mo. A . C. WOODCOCK, ocrat W . G. BROWN, President. little winged patients. Oolloe, Texas. San W anrlaoo, C a l. A tla n ta , Oa, Tiibles furti ¡»lied w ith all the price of all Men’s and Boy’s Suits. Florence to Yaquina Florence to Coos Bay L U E L L A D R Y GOODS, BOOTS A N D SH OES ™ are soM cheaper in our store than any other store in the County, H.H. Barrett, Prop’r, a n d see and. t> e c o n v i n c e d . Pacific, Ry. EUGENE-FLORENCE J. v . K au ffm an . A C Tonsorial Parlors. A ( R. J Notary Pdblic, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. P MORRIS EUGENE Loan s? Savings Bank HOTEL, CAPITAL Attorney at Law, E ugene, - O regon „ W ^ R o . im , 7 and S Mcbarnn's Building, Special aubh U ou given to collections and prie JE. O. P O T T E R ................... Attorney-at-Law EUGENE, OREGON. O ffice A t E. the C ourt Hou«e. E - B E N E D IC T , A .T T O K .N E 3 Y Florence. : - - A .T - L A W . : Oregon. 80 YEARS’ E X P E R IE N C E delicacies of the soason. a call. up> B. D. PAINE, Vice !> r« ldent. F. W . OSBURN. Cashier. W . W . BROWN, Asst Csshfcr. Give The Kaffirs are great swimmers. They Gnml dealers wauled 1,1 every town. for price, mid terms lu ;-!Ui Fran can do things in thu water which other D IR E C T O R S . folk wonld l,s,k upon with astonish­ I cisco, C'al. r-x , a _ i" x • • „ I_ I„ A -~ I ment For example, a Kaffir Is.y can O H H l'M t, B I, PAINE, W E BROWN, f ^ I K I * F c llI 16 l I O l C l . F I , A W PAINE, J F ROBIN ON, J R |IA R K I-q ford a stream shoulder high, running W W BROWN. as swiftly as if shot from a torrent. The way they accomplish the feat is T w e n tv th re e A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e ss thus: Just before entering the water M ile s W e s t they get a huge »tone, sometimes as Transacted cn Favorabb Terms Eugene. heavy us themselves, and with the help Drafts fssacH on fJin prindpiU r ltic s o f the of a companion place it nis.n the head ite r n a t- .tr d T rid o w .r’ :aoMafned and a ll Pal, Fnited PfclU*«; nl*o t>x<*hatige furnished avail* A weight like this gives tho toy Id - eci;t b l ’ in ' ’ c- ¡4 ......... f >r M mw oderate Fees» able in a ll foreign countries. ance, and ho can keep his footing ' "’’ rpi>'’»o.V‘w:AA4rtI,'l Interest ¡«« ir»»«e(V. P a tro n iz in g it. P ro p “ ? I r W ir- b « d p i m p , . , or, h e r fn e * , but •be h;n bera tik to g CASCAKETS and th ’ v h u e All di«A >i?i-o,l. I ii-.d be «>ndin« » ■ '« *-’> ,n«t L.'fr-P 'n may oalclUT a i^rtn in c m r rrl’” i.n free wh tel her as ;> > a Coeur.-nuira, Invent«™ 1, p- hnl'lr v , e ; on P t ODArtltOtlveonSeentuU. I.«n1' vofc «linn 1- itants n-11, Mmt fr « . Ol.,e-t - -x-ray for w m rtrv p«’ «;itx. patents taken t’.u> xisk M «inn A vv, rev»-, t.Mrww. la tha ' U norw ao U x «. a wua v a il -u vt v u cl.xrvx. Stìflitific Jlfflffican. a handa^m*ly lUmeratod I.ar»e«t rtr* plIH N &Co?,'B wtó-r New York ’ r K_ w - h w « D. U CANDY FRES SAMPLE ROO.',LS. • » • • a C A T H A H T IC e| „ - unii k Gaiil A $950 PIANO i Ths Gfitleionisj! of N c 7 fork CKj «am« «n *<< m m It (hex rra-nu-vx r * I : V t i k ’Tachme., O^nk., Sect O* Wr UC*«W, Shirt ûr.4 1 Ifa rw lk rr-h i.ia , Jey for t ,h p v iM iiu i, do «ot delay. rverytMaf wiM b« km )<■>. Free« CCAuLCWOMAM FUBUISHiMO COMPANY G n jf/rw u iftii« ftu U d ir y , Ä9W iv é U C it y , „Y. T. Lady DnQerin, in h»T re in i nine cnr(M, gives some iiratnnees of tho variations of the English language as aha la spoke ' by tho learned is tts s i. w b o s s F u rr,p ea a education hue given him a little knowl- ralgo which is dangerous The gratifica­ tion expressed in the following s> ntenco has something pathetic in it •Yon have been very gora! to iia snd inn y i Almighty God give yon tit Kr tut. ’ I --------- A small piece of par ah in wax. which molts ac l spreads in an airtight layei over the surface of the liquid, is found b y a German chemist to prevent change in the taste of milk 00 boiling. A Swiss law compel« every newly married conplo to plnnt treos shortly after the ceremony of marriag.i The pine and weeping willow atono are proscribed. Dizziness A P x n x n ix H a t, TCnfTIr A w f m in lii* I'CNfe, W r ite H a ie OesiaNR CORVR'CHTS AC. FO R SALE BY “ Tho Ilf. of a puuauia hat—that is, if It is a good one to start with, ” ra- roarkud an admirer of that style of head gear, "compares somewhat with the life of the owner of i t One can run through either in a hnrry or hang on for a long timo If It Is desired If c a r e ­ fully kept, a iwnama hat should last »¡I the way from 10 to 40 years. 1 know a gentleman who resides in oast Washington who has owned aud itcadi- ly worn during the summer months a pauarna hut for nearly 40 yearn It lias l«s n bleached every ninple of years since and retrluinied and ifliuerl, and it is today to all intents and purposes as good as when I fir: t saw it »0 j ear» ago 1 know of another panama hat. now wora by a physician in this city, which has Lad almost as b-ng a If Io, la ,n g t . forv Le got ft bis fatb< r wore it 1 know dozens of them which havo been In ns. i from 10 to 30 years Tbo lining weun ont. I nl tlm tssly of the luu keep. g(«s| Of coins, tare has to Le used tn keep them such a lo n g tune, but the panama i t » i f is almost HKb'strui title The o.iginal cost of tlie huts ti nt I refer to ! was not exorbitant, none of them coat- I fug o v e r ( 1 1 . " - Washlugto. Star. • * * 7 common consequence o f indf- stion and torpid liver. Sometimes «pot» before the eyes and ko< At other times s sensation a . of Yertfgo occurs, si ouco suAwatiog and M inding. I t is a waste o f U rn. to at­ tempt to cure thia K condition by or di nary man ns or medicines. The •tomiich and organs of dlu. tion and nutritu must be restored to healthy activ­ ity, the blood must be purified.. the liver cteansed and atrengtliened, before a cure can be hoped for. Thii is the work don, by Dr. Fierce’* Golden Medical Discovery, a med­ x i icine s p e c i a l l y beneficial in dis­ eases of the stoii». ach, blood ate I liver. It strength­ ens the atomJch, purifies the blood, clenuseo the clog­ ged liver, ami pro­ motes the heahh of every organ of P oleoa» In F o o d . tile bo