r rr-e*. * $ fc Vi * #1 * 4K & j U * U r ^ f 2 * í^u^V * * * * * * * * * * * ftBSM CELLS OF LIFE. jtnav RKTAIN VITALITY EVEN AFTER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A R U N A W A Y ICE Y A C H T . A n B z e lt lm r C lin .« a a d • N a r r o w c a p e F ro m D e a th , Es­ 0 i * * * * * i f E * * * * * JAPANESE M U S IC . n > . r . ’. A r t I n I t T b n t C a n n o t Bn A n n . lysed by O aoldeotals. 1 hew» w e d UliMtt* Tihv.l j* 'Vlth *o much s'.tls- ffu?tK.n tl.at I e * u ••*»• « f u i l j r «<■••< u i c i e i i d in< -’n. n » * t *..•*■■• t n m W '. 1 ........ * i e ’ ” >■ •«- v i t i i v iW r • Ub-C tlx <». u*. . *uu..».Ui4i ou regularly onoe * w iek . '*'** l»J dlJerent physician* that It was «wwad bjr O ai I teeth, o f w hich 1 ha«l several. I bad tfce t « h ex' - W ed , but the at- tncks continued. I b u t »' a advertise w«utft of Klpana Tabules In all the paper« but had no faith In them, but about s ix week« since a fii<*nd In dueed m e to try them. Hr *e taken but tw o o f the «mall le e n t boxes o f the Tabula* an«l have had no recurrence <»f the attacks. Have rover «Ivan a testim onial for anything before, b et tha rr«at •m ou nt of good which I a-ah*ve he« been .tone mo !>▼ Ripar.? Tabules indue. * rue to n-1-1 ml«.© to th< m any testim oniai* you dcubthee have in your a . T. Da W it t . I bar.» tw ea a m eA t w /fciw r from eorttH-ftt'eft foreverQ *« yeurs. J -tbluw jtft*« S w uuy relltu. i. ,s *u4 -»t V w et -» I ooulU O*.| wear «bo«* ou m> feelftu d o i i / f t Itxibft dies*. I «tew ElprjJfi ta b J * * »wv*rt’^e4 la our dally pap it . bought »«me aod took them us direvft* •d . H are taYen them abOBt three IW * Is su.-b a cbftftf»J i am notkeonAtlpAted any moro and I o w e 1» all to Blpan« Tubule*. Jam thirty« •eren year* old, h«*# no occupation, on ly m y bouAehold dntloB and n ursln f m y elck husband, n o has hud the dropay and I am trying Hlpanft Tai.ulos for him. Ho foel* * o * o hotter but It w lil take som e timo. he has been sick so long. Tok m ay u»e iny iettor aad name a* you Ilka. Mrs. M art O ukkam C l a b m . I have b .*n «nffortng from headache* ever UiiCO i waa a little girl. I could rev©r ride In a car or n > into a crowded place w iiliout ue’tlnff a kcA.tucheand *lok a» my •toniaoli. I heard about Rlpiiiu Tabula* from un R I ’P A ’N ’S IJ aunt o f m ine w ho w as taking them for cntai rll : o f tho stomach. Bho had found such relief from thufr u»t »houdvised ina T h e m odern sta n d ­ to tako them too, and I have r»oen doing so slu es Inst October, uud w ill ard F a m ily M ed i­ say they have oom phtn. ly cured my fcead .cho*. cin e : C u r e s the I ant tw enty nine years old. You are w elcom e to uso th is testim on ial, com m on every-d ay lire J. BnouKMYB& I won» to Inform yon. In wiird« of hiftbftftt m P e, o f th* benefit bar© d'.-rtred from Blp» c* Tabule*. I ftR a pTGfofl«t<’BBl ituiae nud lu ihij prof*«- ion a c ’-wr b«ftd 1* ftlw.’iy* neftilM. Kl;-nnn Tabiitr* «Joe* 1». ▲iter one o f w y CftRft* I found m jft’lf com pletely rundow n. Acting on tho ».Ivice o f Mr Ooo Row* •r, Pb. O., 5KH Newark Are., Jersey City, I took HI puns Tobuk’A w ith yran.l results. ills* UkSdIS TVimMAH. r ★ Three Desirable ★ Some years ago there was a runaway To one who never hoard it it is Impos­ I down nt Shelter Island in which a sible to give a definite idea of Japanese young girl wus left in the boat with a music, and to one who hears it for tho Bfa Q ftftrtM ftftr T h e o r y 8 h o « rln ® r T h s t gale blowing. She tried to throw the first time it most eithor repel or strange­ I B M t a a t D e n t lt 1« f t » Im it o n n A IU llt y sheet looso. but it was frozen andLiter ly attract, for its fantastic intervals and MMM 9 W a t W e M a y B e C o n s c io u s F o r lingers were too cold, added to which fractional tones demand a totally new A f t e r D ia a o ln tlo n . ill o f hum anity. i the sheet had fouled the tiller, and she seuso of musical appreciation and call ■ o th er w as troubled I w ith h e a r t b u r n and 1 could not bring the boat up into the into being a new set of musical sensa­ My seven year old b oy Sleeplessness, caused by ••Yoti often meet with the phrase wiud to stop its w a y , the sail being so tions. It is sb if a hitherto closed door sufTorod w ith pm us in Indigestion, for a good .r t.1 his bead, constipation m any ” cam. One day t instant death is iiupossi- set that the boat continued running between sense and spirit bad been sud­ and com plained o f bis •h e sa5Z a testlniok'%1 , right along at a terrific rate of speed. denly thrown open. One feels that if stom ach. He could not In tho papsr Indorsing * 1 pro/«saor has been studying the Occupants of the other boats soon reincarnation be true, ouo might through R l p a n s Tabule*. Sho eat like children o f h is age do and w h a t he determined to gi ve them a man of renown in his own realized the position und made chase, this door alono remember and recon­ did oat did not agree a trial, wn* g r e a t l y w ith him. Ho w as th in relic vffil by their une w d he has discovered certain gaining slowly, one boat finally being struct those vanished existences. Only and o f a saffron color. an d n o w ta k e * th e ta fo rta n t data proving conclusively far in the lead of tbe others by the time in the tones of their own unguisu, a Ut'adlng som e o f tha testim onials In favor o f Tabulea regularly. Bin, keep* a few cartons RIpnni Klpans Tabules, 1 tried thorn. Ill pans Tabules no» fabulue in the house and aaya uhe w ill noth© w ith ­ •H fi bo one can meet with instant tho end of the island was left behind, bird which has but three notes, have I on ly relieved but actually cured m y youngster, o u t them. Tho heartburn and sleeplessness have ftMflh. He works out Ms theory on the Right in front lay the end of tbe ice, | heard anything so ocoult. the headaches have disappeared, bow.■’Is pre In disappeared w ith th e indigestion which w as Japanese musio is like Japaneso art, good condition and he never com plains o f hl* form erly so great a burden for her. Our w hole « •M afforded by the physiology of cells, broken short by the action of the tide stomach. He Is now a red, chubby-faced boy. Thia fam ily take the Tabules regularly, ©specially after ft» Mates that no one yet has jjoved water, and there the breakers rolled in, which, with its unpcrceived spirit, w onderful change I attribute to Itlpans Tabules. • hearty meal. My m other is fifty years o f age 1 am sntlsfled that they w ill benefit any one (from difference between a dead and a live throwing up the anchor ice, dashing it sense and symbolism, its strange method and Is enjoying the beat o f health and spirits ; also tho cradle to old age) If taken according to dlreo> eat* hearty meals, an Im possibility before she la Hft. When this has been done, down, and then retreating, sacking it of brush handling, might seem merely tlons. B* V7. F&ick. took k»»a** Tabules. A nton U . B laukkm . under the floe and packing it np for an­ grotesque at first, but which gradually •M s we can more easily ascertain how reveals to the initiated eye mysteries other break. a time elapses before the death of a A new style packet containing T«x kitavs tabttt es packed In a paper carton (without glass) Is now for sale For soma time it was a question as to within mysteries of urtistio form and «11 takes place. at some drug sto res- fob r iv i cswra This low-priced sort is intended for the poor and tho economical. Ono Bnt. first, What is a cell? To be brief, Whether the chasing boat would catch perception, until presently one finds •osan of tho flve-oent cart< ns (180 tabules) can be had by mall by sending forty-eight cents to tho R ita «* CnuacAL C oxtaxt , H o . 10 Spruce Street, hew York—er a single carton (Tax tabules ) will be sent for 11 vo cento. Sold W ith i plants and aniiaals—including, of up with the girl before sbe was carried oneself encompassed by a new art ItiPAjrs T abulm may rdso bo h r x l o f soma grocers, general storekeepers, nows agents and at some liquor Moree man-—are built up of units, eie- over the edge to certain death, But at world, where technio is subordinated r shops. They banish pain, Induce sleep and proloug life. One gives rclla f. nnits. frliich yon can only de- last the boats cume together for one to feeling and whose finest effects aro 1 «nder the microscope. Now, each brief second, the girl was snatched by obtained through the art of omission, • a y cell is a vital elementary unit. We strong arms to tho pursuer’s yacht, the , As, for instance, in the greatest paint- • (« < BM nothing bnt highly developed results sheet was cased off in a flash, and, spin- ings of Fujiyama, tho sacred mountain a t the Individual vitality of hugequan- ning round in its own length, it was itself is discovered to be the bare, set right before the wind instead of j white, unpaiuted silk, ns if color and fiHlM of these fundamental cells. As this is undeniably so, how is it reaching into it, just as tbe runaway : lino could be but tho boundaries and j outer confines of pure isolated idea. So anadblr. by simple decopitHtion, say, dashed over into the unchor ice. A short, sharp crack gave notice of i in .Tupanese musio, its methods are not «D obbss instant death in the millions of •Stts which compose the brain ? It is tho parting of the ice beneath the very , ours, its climaxos come in crashes of si- tapwn that brain cells have their own rnnnera of tho now homeward bound leuco, in sustained und soundless pause, «S* lift and are liable to live a certain savior, and with a long stagger, which tbe uotes subordinated to a silent some­ IS JUST S a t after they fere ent o S f r o m ontside only her speed cnublcd her to with­ thing, an inner seuso, which, while re­ v o W ^ \ attritio n without the supply of any stand, she dashed across tlie fast open­ straining or even repressing sonnd, is W HAT Hood whatever from the body. The ing crack, safe, to bo brought up into the very ecstasy of musical sensation. THE In vain wo attempted to analyze this aowtahment is supplied inside the cell the wind nt a distance, whilo the late wall*. and it can go on living after be­ runaway danced, a wreck, among the subtia effect, to reduce it to the terms W O RD broken ice. It was one of the close calls of our musical cousciousnesa It defied ta * eat off from other resources. IRTFLIES. From this argument it is clear to the of ice yachting which, thank goodness, and eluded us as spirit must always defy professor that these millions of cells in very seldom occur I—W. P. Pond in and elude sense, und wo porforco con­ pos(njfo P a id , tented ourselves with following the fiho brain must continue to live after Frank Leslie’s Popniar Monthly. strnngo, rounded, isolated uotes, sus­ death has apparently intervened—that Nono who are engaged in any of the mechanical It la when death appears, bnt only on tbe LUCKY DEUCE OF SPADES. taining ourselves breathlessly on its $ 6 ? 7 0 a t e . wonderful pausos and yielding to the pursuits can succeed without reading and «■tside. to have beon instantaneous. indicates After a man’s leg is ent off. or an R e m a r k a b l e R a n o f I.n e lc , b a t A U Irregular cadenced charm of tho singer, the state studying this standard Magazine of Sciences F o r th e O th e r M a n . whoso face, at first so unremarkable, aahnal’s. yon can stimulate the nerves Ono by one tho old snperstitions are seemed to grow of a shining effulgenco of tbe tension at a glance. A r a b » « time, bnt you cannot do it and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated^with B ft» the cells are dead. You cannot get being torn from us. People nowadays as she thus interpreted to us an un­ Its use means time saving known world.— Washington Star. walk ostentatiously under ladders and «ayresponse at all. all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions in all Greatest Weekly in the Coaatry, and easier sewing;. Blectrlcity has been thought to be the suffer no evil consequencos. Friday is 1 fiB B of life, bnt this is n fanciful the- quito a popular day for the commence- J IN LEA G U E W IT H MAGIC. I t’s our own invention the branches of mechanism, and its fund J,’o f I confronted with the new laws meut of a long journey, and sitting and is found only on the A ran Som« U e ftth en s W h o I)1<1 Good M ission ary down 18 at dinner is frequently unat­ knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ srch established. < • by W o rk at a Pum p. (InrliK'.Inff portnre) to hot part o f the U nited tiesa millions of cells of tended with untoward results. A deep­ The Bin tea, C anada and M exico. Lobeuguln, the late king of tho Mata- ventors and mechanios. Sold with T hb ’ bodies are entirely compoeed ly rooted suiierstitiou among card pluy- T H E Wl&EKlsY C H R O N IC LE, th e b righ test ’germ of life, und it is im- era is a belief in tho lucky properties of belo of South Africa, wus ufraid of Rev. and m o«t com plete W eekly N ew sp ap er In tha W est at clubbing rates. f hle for them to be visited with an tho two of spades. Tho present writer’s E. Carnegie, an English missionary at w orld, prints regTiTurly 112 Oolumua, or six teen pages, o f N ew s, L iteratu re and C en tral Infor­ faith, however, was severely shaken by 1 Hope Fountain, several miles from Bu­ m i unconsciousness, ation; ulfcO a n in gn lilcen t A g ricultural and i take living cells from a pig’s a phenoinenul coincidence which occur­ lawayo. The Matnbele warriors, on the H orticu ltu ral D ep artm en t. Tlda Is ono o f tlie other hund, looked with suspicion on g re a te st d ep artm en ts In an y paper on thia this samo professor will red only a few days ago. Hitting down to a game of whist, he the missionary and all his works, bnt C’ooaL E v er y th in g w ritten Is based on e x ­ ate to you that after these W e have other striking perience In the C oast Stale.«, not on K aatcrn oe through their prepara­ thoroughly shuffled both packs of cards, thoy knew better than to molost the m en’s know ledge o f th eir ow n local It lee. improvements that appeal to frioud of their king. and happened to notice that tho two of Time after timo in passing the mis­ SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. the careful buyer. Send for dos that at spades was the bottom curd of one of sion house they noticed a force pump at i ere no data showing the the pneka. our elegant H . T . catalog. "This ought to bring me luck," he! work, supplying wutor for tho family I length of time it takes for the and for irrigating tho garden. Not un­ iefi the brain to empty themsolvra remarked to his friends Ho then took up tho second pack, and , derstanding what it was for, their un­ i of consciousness or life, bnt hite ewing achine C o . fa f t eerteln that conaciooracss does not was astonished to find that the two of tutored minds concluded it wus some Cleveland, Ohio. » sort of magio. It was "intogati, ” or immediately after, eny. a bend i spades was also at tho bottom of that tent off a body. The belief, Words failed to express his amazement bewitched, and they watched to see ie that at least four or five when, in drawing for partners and deal how it was managed that they might SftWfatM must elapse era death finally — the curds had been shuffled again—he turn the white man's magio against For sale by While Sewing Machine himself. onco more drew tlie two of spades. B to f In to arrest life. Company, San Francisco. Ono moonlight night n party of picked The odds against this triple event oc- f t baa bean noticed in the case of a ' atedhaad that the cheek* reunin earring must be enormous, but more warriors repaired to the bank of tho aft«Sse after the.sever- was to follow. The dcul fell to the stream where the pump was. On try­ This monthly magazine is one ot the ver proof that the ceils writer, and tho turn up card was the in- ing it they were jubilant to find that two men at eithor handle could do tho evitnblo two of spades! best printed in this country, and i> sol You can After this tlie dealer felt justified in trick. Torn and turn about thoy kept of decapitated animals the pump going for two hours, deter­ believing he was in for a good evening. BBBtinMd to bite and snap at the to all subscribers at rates within th _____ be cured T h e C h ro ts A c i« .' M u i is llr » T . « ft ft* three or four minutes after aar- As a matter of fact, ho lost six rubbers mined that the missionary should have j T H E CHRONICTa'iE ranks w ith the n ea .te* t I f you tufler from an y o f the | all the magic he wanted and n balance ills o f men, come to the oldest ability ot all to pay. I t is finely ills BftBOB Thia phenomenon is well mark- in succession. —London MutL new spaper« In the U nited State*. Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I In baud. T H S CIIR O N IC LB ha* n o o q u a lo n the Paelflo B | f t fto head of a tortoise separated DR. JORDAN A CO., C h i l d r e n a n d D o lls « Ccoet. I l leads a ll la a b ility , enterprise and Then, exhausted, they went homo­ trated and presents^tbe namos of famou «MBS tbe body. The life of the brain, 1081 Market S t Est d 1852. _________. _ Writing ill The Contemporary Re- ward, ignorant of tho fact that they M*VB. ftsBftbrB moat be retained fqr _ some Y 'o u n j f m e n and m i d d l e , T H E c n n O N i m j T S T elegrap h ic Heperta are authors as contributors. he eb f t e hmd is »vered. from the 1 *low. Professor Sully discusses the curi- had filled the missionary’s tank to over­ the la test and m ost reliab le, its L ocal N ew * the - — » « c d m e n u h o arc suffering T from the effect* of youthful indiscretions or ex- | thongh W n g ’separated 0,18 In which children regard flowing. Hia good wife hoped that a fu llest and sp iciest, and It* E d itorial* from tha cesses in maturer yaars. Nervous and Physical and the Cosmopolitan aro sold at rfl It e b illt.v .Iiu p n Ie n c y Unnh<»o h r «»•» i c l c f * r O u e V « < r 9 world. Come and learn how wonderfully you | ‘ "Wo do not take possession of onr ideas but ars possessed by them o f t lift ij Sot really extinct nn- body seemed to want.” Tbls girl image part of the stove and the beaten egg p o a I a g o y r e p a l d n n u a u p a u d > « > « « • m e made; hew to avoid rickncss and disease. W e r.re continually adding new specimens. •IM ffb fto rA ia »to ia. which, in the is, so far as tba uninitiated adult con 1 mixture added. When it has all thick- They master us and force us into th t arena, QATALQOUK IR S B . C a llo r write. ■ ened very slightly to about the consist­ BMS of B healthy person dying audden- divine, tbe true child's dolL II. fi« YriTTNf), 1081 Market Street, San Francisco. Cal. Where like gladiators, we must fight for them," ency of thick cream, it is taken off and i’suprb te» R * Chsotlftfl«, f e la joMracted. C o a lU r l d a tb a W o rld . 1 strained and cooled. This may bo used I MAW niA N U lB lX A CIA» Varr. wbaa it is known that an ordi- Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the Geologists estimate the great coal­ ' as cream for serving with fresh or pre- 1 I Uv«a after being removed from fields of the world ib square miles as served fruits, bnt it is needless to add entire contents of this monthly magazine body, why, then, cannot the yi.Y.V.'.-A retain their life wlu-u the follows: Chins. 200,000; UnitedRtntra. it w ill not whip.—New York Post. east of the Rockies. 100,000; Canada. are upon a piano and in keeping|with its immediately «urreundiug T Y L IS H . R E L IA B L E S U te ra tu r« « on a F e r ry b o a t, i arad, tbesuinoasduring their 85,000; India. 35.500; New South A R T IS T IC -». a motto. The Arena’s gallery of.’ eminent Wales, 24.000: Russia. 20,000, and tbe During tho last seven days the follow­ R f c o m m in J t d b y L e a d in g •*- S awiaaa a a ftiw m t United Kingdom. 11,500. There ure D r« ttm a k tr * . £ a Tba hood of a ebickeu wua ent off. many de]xstits in other countries, bnl ing novels were read on a Hoboken fer­ thinkers is a group oi interesting men and T h«y A lw a y s P lr * .* « .- ^ , 3 Bd after certain stimuli had been their extent is inconsiderable. Eng­ ryboat by shopgirls on tlieir way to Qaishty sccun 4. OUR V « . VS WHS» PAT1XT I work; "Poor, but Beautiful. ” “ All For OBTAINED. Srn.l m K e tc h or jh ’ ’ w ith I M«a if opened its month and gasped land's coal area is «mill; still shs women, and their thoughts are worthy the rf -■ . . M 44 -PAOI I Love of a Fair Face," "When His Love after its head had been HAND-BOOK TREE < n and f ill 1 for years produced more than any other Grew Cold,” “ Mrs. Hathaway’s Re­ int> r m v i . n . WRIT! TOR COT K tT 001 STCvLAL I consideration ot ail people. The Arena is I from the body. BAZAR, fa OFFER I t C .s u i - t ’ v I conntry Now the United States ia a rst»*t auorusy, and EVERY IN\ .ITTOR 6 KO li t » I Tba bead of a certain animal was rut abend. English coal reina are thin; one venge," “ The Story of a Blighted READ IT H b IM * ¡it e r t A 1 .r-» s : I sold with T uf ) V « t . i found ansceptible to light for only 14 inches wide has been worked Love," "Risen; or. Back as From the Dead."—New York Commercial Ad­ ■tea after it was spparent- 1,300 feet down On the other hand, vertiser. | A Strong electric light was there Hr« reins in the Pennsylvania an­ XONE BEriEli AT A.NV PRICE i PA TEN T LAW YERS, J UT" 1 hsss nsunat ars sc!4 In j Z Ilr 1 t l* h N a r y Aalatfta. of the eyas und moved thracite region 00 (eet thick and in Ls Droit Bi df., W ASHINGTON, c gy Bsar to and far away from the bitnminons regions Id feet thick. A salute in the British navy between Tbe pnnils of the eyes followed Onr Apiwlachinn coalfields are the Isr- two ships of equal rank is made by fir­ a* <*«»> filly and tewa la the V s l t t d < ? s te . g A F o r e ig n W r it£ r * a H a rd e n . -5 ‘J > ■ » • ' J a a McCALL is » J n o t h t t p th » » , » « . J fta umvsuMBts, expsndiug ge»t known, and «lone could supply the ing an equal number of guns. If tlie ^ J i r e THE .tlo u « O n e r e n COMPANY. t J « §. “ 1 find your polithal terr:s very puz Z AJJrti* BBd BBBMhrtln*. thst is to ray. furnr- whole world for centuries to coma vessels arc of unequal rank, the superior xliug,” remarked the forelgiur who n a t o )-fiwr U G W rearMt . 141b p S iln tr t u t. N e* ïw A b O r i g i n a l O a t b e< A l l e s t a a e e . Alasktt ¿I., ban Prune ‘.sta, ? i the ositual «'at capable of In the old days when ths Hpanlsh (0) in tbe officers lowering their sword example. Io rotate means to move in a ’ by the Baa Of certain pnagent province of Aragou was a |«>nd and points und (V) in dipping the color«. eirele A ring al-o means a circle. Now near the nasal organs— independent monarchy the peopte I ain told that win a a ring control* Phillips Brooks once said thst “ the yonr offices tiny don t rotate any OBdoft thia hecanse the brain cells were used, when choosing their king. th< shortness of life is bound op with its following singular form of ejection more. ’’—Chicago Tribrut "We. the freeborn inhabitants of the fullness. It is to him who is most ac­ sake W M B s o I W a te r. tive, always thinking, feeJing. working, Bilobi.*! MAgaii«« l’ai,.«shed ÿ A Europe to atatistici:.D iui* diroore r- i’| scad water to thrive. ancient kingdom of Aragon, who are caring for people, thut life seems sluirt. O ilU in * H esutittil Çn'orM 1‘ »»et. S» h i i»t*Hlea lAte»t ì'w a m ta , l-* d i 2; ’ dock raising plants in equal to yon. Don Philip, and some­ Strip a life empty and it will seem lung cd that only ■'»•'> per cent of the blond* lona. F u te y lS\,rk. •• marry, while .0 per cent of their bru­ w where thonannda of tha thing more, elect you to be our king enough." t j - M « ws><*e L W « r »«r t o , n i a • ... Thf, « m .p ic i,« , in the world ia not even u puddle for onr rights and prlvilegm If in this » n.,w.lin <1 lu x Pam, • »c. F« Ul tb i This is Forty too* of iuat have (men taken i f t ftsoader ia. One of these farms yon should fuil. we own yon for onr •5 XJ4ma THF. McCALI CO . ? ft< by the fact that the In- ont of tte Mctiai iron tubular bridge at I with aa output of SO, 000 king oc longer -H arp er s Round Tn- , : i.,s t . uà w. >,,h si . n %...» S * * .. . . . . hniatauts live chiefly ou onions. one chain iug la n a ft i'AMAWVW.'.'W.V.W, .W.MM»« •«)<* * APPARENT DEATH. I ItD* Time ★ Stars in L I T And The e A R T S ÍEADIMLWFER an d . S O IE ÏS T O E S . A Tension Indicator ScÌB n tìfic A m erican. D A I l_ V Only The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 W hite Sewing Machine. W S M THE EHSM UPIILITAH; tftS» SS2?.‘ ‘ T that. Reversible Map? W THE ftHENft Map of the World 4^ «0 ut S MSCALL k H.B.WILISON&CO. a ~ P atterhs I ftflbt ft* "• CALLS MAGAZINE LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE WEST. .. FLORENCE. OR.