TIRED OF LIFE tetes w e s t -»F lorence , L ane G« »UNTY, O regon .— ABSOLUTE« VuRE - - • HY W .n .A \V A T I lE K S ( ) N E d ite * ' Makes 1 he food m ore d d icfo u s and wholesom e rovi . n you 1 »ve 111, »yn Iktoinn of tri wik K iuus ? tf goti 1 ha> . you rlmuiil he o m i n i . Tho heart i m tho nm i v o t i ormi» of Ih" body. It ls ! tlic «usine lluA p iop .: thè imrecle» and ! rei da «u sitn aoce lo thè la i vt» sud brani ! a to ad thè orgar.» of thè body. A I The intelligence that Joseph Austin of i.i (n.w tu ito » ■•hi'UMii la ccrtain to givo Maple creek had comioitted suicide rlre le «eriou* r» su .ls \Y<-titCat-## denotes flaw. It I# a foro- caused a shock of surprise and horror 1 ** presene« et a »er.ncr o f «erne- , thin ” uiore serioua to ids friend» in Florence. th a t Is to net or. Bee that it Is J lie had been at Gardiner for over two a.rerjgthei.ed and do n»»t al.ow the , months past working in the saw mill, I weak in ss to con- ; and on the evening oi the lfflli a l eu the tim e . You are the , engineer. Look to I lest of the mill hands went to supper, >our engine. !?•»*» j that no accident i Mr Austin went lo a room adjoining his •urs. HUUYAN , | and olitair.ing a 38 calibre rifle, placed it is what vou need. | 11V I'Y A N will ; to his light temple and blew (if the top Fir* ngthen the | heart. H irnY A N of his head. Though about 23 men «ere will m ake the at supper in the mesa house about 40 heart m u s e Ve s ptr«-*k hard. feet distauet no one heard the report. Do not delay too long. Remember After supper the men went to th eir that danger 1» rooms and the first to enter tho room j ahead and begin the use o f IIUD- was Win Storm who instantly gave the | YAN now. Jacph —PUBLISHED EVERY F !)>AY MOUSING — K LAR » ? .u 4 !n Com m it# K hootiug, ty New Fall Effects i* ■ Un* Y Crass Goois, > Hosiery, Underwear, w I Excellent Table Linen, Hats and Cape, Latest styles in Corsets, Boots and Shoes. * Mr» Grnndy any» there is soon to be C H R IS T M A S B A L L . 1 another wedding or» the river. Entered at the post-oMee »t Flore nee, I tin an i: Lane comity will have fifty N e w Goods a r r iv in g on e v e ry Vessel S S Ä ................... ... ............. voting precincts abtlic next election, as determined upon by the commissioners W ill receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FRUIT W O tri». court. Thia is six additional ones. PLICATION. Yaquina Post : George G Anderson bocal notices H cents p«i line, each Insertion ' gives notice, in this issue o! the Post, of an intention to ask the circuit court, at a t the January, 1U0J, term, to annul tlie F lo i-cu ce , Ore, - B ee. 22, 1899, i alarm. Friends were called and the | Ground Feed of all Kinds always on hand. DEBE ARÜ T.1E SYMPTOMS: i bonds of matrimony now existing be- ' doctor summoned hut life was extinct. 1 tween himself and Katherine Anderson, i 9 THROItrtlNO IN t h e t k m p l i s A messenger was at ooce scut lo , v*H»?N ------- - ‘ l y i NG DOWN. l i l ’UYAN will W E S TLIN G S . O R E G O N , ------- j Attorney 1! F Jones is Ids right hand A C H E , I M aple.reek to notify M r. Austin and j bower ill liia effort to win a decree of family oi the efld event and the) left loi . exevi,Sive anu-unt of hlo< d in the hea«l To see our assortment of Cooking a n i Heating Stoves, Mattings» D E C E M B E R 25tlr, 1809. Florence school closes today for a two divorce from Katherine, and that settles -w ir GardmerTnursday morning. I and & M’W“* dàfl weeks vacation. i it. Funeral services were held in Gurdi- | 4-5, a i . t e k n . vtk PALENESS AND Linoleum» Oil cloth» Etc. Blanks fuf W arranty Deeds for sale All druggists guarantee every bottle' ner Friday and the remains interred in w h i t e s t ore* the ""'the money to anyone who is| i Joseph Austin was horn m Shelby, , u p , , aT1()N o f TH E H EART not satisfied after using two-thirds of Mrs. F. II. Alexander, Organist. county, Illinois, December 26th, 1867. A ND m it E iW L A ^ U B A ^ N O . Owing to was burned last week. _ , , , , , , 1 the contents. This is tlie best remedy At an early age he was married to Miss . arid t h ^ nrtsa thb^ R°7Se ° b « ? t Jesse Bounds has lately opened a in UlB ttorllHur bl grippc, coughs, colds, I Cynthia Jones who survives him 1 0 1 mi.scl.-3 and U e nerve» Unit supply U, skating rink in Cottage Grove. RnJ whooping tongll ahJ ¡8 'as# T ." ...,r n h o r n all of will “top the palpitation amt llutterlng Supper will bo faraishsa at Mrs. *• them nine .............. children were - born - »'* « „,tu i t t0 b in t regulurly. Riley Mills was doing some swearing pleaeant and safe lo take. It prevents whom »re living. I «. THKOBBINU IN THE STOMACH »re Iiv liv in g. a. i i i i i o i . Thia o i a u la due . to . . . the . , -hum nom are u is- , REGION aorta, tho .»J Wednesday about land business. i any tendency of a cold to result in C. Saubsrt’s. III 18'JO he camo to Oregon and to o » largl. vessel v.hh-h ta rries the blood from There ia to be a Christmas tree in the pneumonia, up a homestead on Maple ereek, which $ £ '{ } « „ f t.X im - ' »horUy hatchery at Mapleton tomorrow even- was his home till till m the e ..m time e o. of . his -the: G ENERAL NEW S. «as . . . e death, m o . , | , „ner n «w e u use , . ; „ oi . U U P M N . Ulc wollder. PERSO NALS. Mr Austin enjoyed the respect ana ju( m iJ iV A N . Thousands have been ing. ,, , nn, renn, esteem of his neighbors. The sorrowing cured of he Heart- byjta A new stock of Christmas goods just] curen, le», »»u oui u- At the meeting of the national rcpnbli- U .uil ,mve (he heartfelt sympathy of »heilin - em o you. rro eu rc lll'D - . H l’liV A '-c- N 1 will arrived at A O 1* unke’s. Call and see Mrs Frank Fox has been quite ill for can committee in W asl.mgtun the 15tl. YAN ......... from your druggist. It Is st add'll« all connul, ni1 druRHtcrcrt for Mo »»or package, or 6 them. a week past. inst, it was decided to liuld tho national 1 pncknercB for W 50. If your drucKlst do*" not keep it, F*nd dlroct to the HI OYAN Thc San Francisco Examiner and tlie w xicll„ls of Elmira was on tidewater convention in Philadelphia Ju n e l'Jlli ; ! REM EDY COMPANY, San F rancisco or IV 3ON ITEMS. I L of Anrelr*'. Col. Consult the llV D Y A N W km for one year $2.50 paid in • tlm first oi Hie week, 1900. The cities contesting for the i ( DOCTORS F R EE. Y“U m ay call and soft * * * * vance. them and havo a free consultation. If We received a pleasant call Wednes- honor of entertaining the convention! B y I cii D ikn . you cannot cull on the doctors, w rite to York 0 W H urd »Idpped his creamery but­ lay from Rev J A Sims of Ruby. ; were Philadelphia, Chicago, New • them for advice. It will be given free i fur thc askuift. Address ter to m San le riu i.' Francisco on tlie schooner , l;|,n ox inane j »...... i ---------------- I Clias s.[. .F ox made n a tr m ip p i to o - Gardiner and St Lsuis. Berwick. ' ! Sunday and returned Monday morning. Governor Boynter of Nebraska lias ; Dec j , HUDYAH REMEDY COMPANY, Don’t fail to call at Meyer & Kyie’s i v|„„ st-v-e on the nPPointed ex' 8e,,l‘lo r '*llen to 11,0 U K i Items a little scarce this week, No. S10 South B ro a d w a y, H ave 0 !w a y s on I la n d a P i n e ^ t o c l^ o f and examine tlielr stock before purehas- Lester <>g< en is i n r ng - ' senate lo fill the vacancy caused by the! s S Steph ens is running logs on Noti ing your Christmas goods. Eugene-Mapletou route for a few days Hay Loa Angelos. Cal. Cor. Stocfcton, Market end R1I!» S ts., The Lillian made atrip to Mapleton! M iso Phelpa and i\ m 1,;‘ *’ ; t Ml. G w Dickinson and family have San Francisco, Cot Tuesday to take up a new supply of Hermann were vist mg r .. .. - • ■ CARO CF THAN 8- I returued from the valley, goods for tlie store at Hint place. I tin, lir. t o t.n ' .,.P„r. ’ AV T Cornelius lias rented tlie A F G ^ O C E ^ IE g, The Chinamen who worked in the! PlnHp »rr.ved here, as w k We Jegi , te n , thanks to. he , for lhu neJft year< REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. cannery during tho fishing season le ft! and will spend the winter with ins sis ii)any (licniU of Gardiner Uanllller »■»> and Maple- ' nu w„ tllis Creek who so kindly assisted us during Mi 1 iea y stock on the Robarts Saturday for Yaquina. I ter Mrs J A Lcvuge, and f.imdy. Mr Brennan of the McKenz-ie has been ' oar rcceut bereavement in the loss and vicinity last wee oo g Tim West Real Eslate office lias bar Cur mail carries Mr Warden reports gains to oiler in the following property. Win Blanton f0511’1"« tl,rtp j ppp,„nnK a few days on tlie river looking buriai 0£ our beloved husband and D r y Q o o cJs, ★ ★ D r e s s (E ^ o o d sj very had roads between here and Hal . , A good dwelling house, and black south of Eugene has .ken to the Reg.s , ,n ter office a turnip w e.gb.t,..o pounds • , MK s C y ST n A X c BT1N ASD F amily . Miss Franues Booker of Browngville is | Hh(jp go(,,. busiuess in a I spending tlie w inter with tier mother Gir¡v¡llg t0Wn Tlie ownor desires to Tlie annual meeting of the Oregon tieyefrornGal,jinPrH„ttlrdftVo„hisw ay change Ids location. A lino opportunity State Teacher’s AMOCiatlon J 8 b® thward in gc.,rcb of employment. ------ CURE LA GRIPPü IN TWO DAYS- j j rH Vaughn. . TO hold in Salem on December 27, ~3 and | i \ v « l t -r Saflev left a few ---------- S j j Elwood has built a new barn Hus for tlie right man. 29. 1899. ' , ' ' ‘‘‘ , " Z X iv 'M H b n ” Washington, j Take L ayativk B uomo Q uinine T ab - wiutev an,| is now building an addition 100 acres of unimproved land on North Fork about ten miles front Florence is The schooner Danielson sailed from -J}» ■ h ex‘, cct to secure employ- i ms. All druggist, refund the tlie money to Ids house. liouse. San Francisco last Saturday for i where m y » ____ | i( ¡t fails to cure. F W G rove ’ s signa- I We understand tho Lyons Bros a r e ! o(1-„ri,j for saled. Near to county r,oad. getting a nice lot of saw logs into th« ! will make a good stock ranch. Price Florence. Slie will take a cargo of inni- men . rfitlirnPll Tuesday by Ime on every box. 25c. . her from the Spruce Poij.t mi . I ^ ^ “ m Coos bay where he I ' Wild Gat for I lie winter’s run. j »450. r Mr» Lana Bennett and little daugliler j 150 acres mostly timber land lying in A special school meeting 18 be 1,6 ¡ 'l3 bci;n working in a ship yard since SUNDAY SERVICES. ! Edna oi Kansas city, Mo, are v isitin g ! 13, township, 18 south, range 10 H a ts & Caps, in Acme January 2, 1900, to vote a tax L M rLevi v.uigiin ! wp8,_ About throe acres cleared. A . . . . . . 0 bo» «■ »' : £ , ¡ Mrs Bennett’s father, Sunday school 10 A BI. ' creek luige enough to float logs runs of thia place new seats for their school build g- , F j^ M ile yesterday for a Preaching 11 A M. Q u ito s snow storm last Thursday tlirr.ngh the land. Brice $650. Anyone desiring to purchase a new f ‘ , ’ viait wilh their uncle Rev Sims | Endeavor Lndeavor 2:20 i :»O P r M. ei. .. - ...... - A good store building mid lot in Acino. sewing machine may find it to bb ............ .......... Christmas exercises Saturday evening 1 two ¡„cheaof the beautiful tell at ’ ' new ’ tliis place but had disappeared by tlie Conveniently located for business. Tho terest to call at tbo W est office and, - pleasant call by .,t 7 P M. Something entirely upper part is finished up for a dwelling. ascertain what we offer in that line. ttc a 1.nowb next morning. I G K notts , Our school is preparing for an enter Ih ice $703. In tire suit of 0 E Harwood vs J H .iday afternoon iu Florence. He . . . re- 1 ! For further information inquire at tttinment Gliristmas niglit, Hie exercises ! .............. l ’astor. Monteitli which was tried before Justice M”n ned to Gardiner, on the Robarts. to consist of speeches, .or,gs. Contests, The W i.,r office, I .ormine, Oregon Holden a few days ago judge,nont was John G Reck, Point Terrace, Oregon. GEN- LAWTON KILLED. rendered in favor o fH a iw o j p o .,bpl.t wb0 rePel„ ]y came here I etc, to close with a candy pulling. J 17 .................. ttlB river i -------- I A F Davis of Walker was in after a «aw a t* $181.24. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE- Minnesota hrelhr(;n , , A Manila dispatch of the 19, b « 7 « ! k,ad 0( household good, laet week, lie ' g '«MM The jury in the McDaniel CRi® " l'n s from a,'urday to meet came witl . d to visit Florence, General II W Lawton was shot and ; his B01l. in.iaw, Mr Mormngstur, was tried in Bortland for tho mtudei of .. , Ipnunei-’ ...... A fine dairy"farm on Muplo creek six "L Mr Gilbert is much killed by ail inaurgont wldle standing liave re„ted a ranch near Uaider. Clara Fitch, returned a verdict l a . t , H.e myd. i» tttiNriflB Sunday finding McDaniel of ,,ia n ' , ,k a 9 ed « ¡U , ith i. country and ace, in before his troop» nt ban Mateo, Tbo partical eclipse of the moor. miles from Florence is now offered for Siturdny evening r, the lO'l, was observed sale. slaugtiter. ! oor fine timber a natural resource that MOI. cnrct«. , i B an cate Your i.„ w e| , , W lih Ca’ «¡»»caret». It contain» 100 acres, 35 of it bottom earn conrtlpr-tlon 1-irever. ¡ by sev era l in tin» neighbarhood. Coast M ail: The poles for *he ^ w°* i wlu feoon goon bring great wealth to tho C-imly Cntl "c HC. C.C. fai!, ctriiggl.tsriilninl money, j } > * ( kHr evuuing) a g00d view was land and 20 actcs have been plowed. river telephone are up as far i owners. had which was very nice, as it ih seldom G»n cut 35 ton» of hay. A good two H erron's place. The marine cable was COMMiSSIONEHS COURT- that tluit wc wc get a view of un eclipse here in story honte 20 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by stretched across the bay, Sunday, from ! nennty i* liw r_ 70 feet, wiiti heavy ironie; a goat liouso No' 1 w inter. East Marshfield to tlie bowling alley. | Clcan bloodi means a t l.is wilt be our last items 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of «boni 500 Kayscr supervisor road dist 40 00 The W bht lias for sale one years’ beauty U T , 20 00 Vii! M re/um hoiMays therefore we wil. . tree, of d i f f i d i kinds of fruit b a. been 'owler deputy sheriff.. tm tio n in th o H u lir.es B,wines. College Ptirnng un- thet ‘, Ulg t^rlay to < 47 60 ” wurtliv editor, of cor- for wheel u year of or about two. 8 horse power D Edwards commissioner of Portland. This is one of the lead ng « U s S lotchc.^ackhj-dj " " 1 42 " X , I l , i reader, an i friends the ! bearing A w ater T Bailey commissionei business colleges on the coast having » , , , ¿ . ^ 1 ^ ^ AB 25 00 i w X rm e r'y Christmas und happy New ! furni.l.es motivo power at the barn for xm M O W Hurd road supplies English, Commercial, Shorthand andI, u-cd. lt)c, 25c, 60c. i , cutting Iced, »awing wood etc. _ •«*» I year greeting-. ___ j T(i0 farin u mile from school and Telegraphic departments and we oil. r aA g c * LOGS WANTED t-4 mile from a county road. tliis tuition on easy terms. A dream . DIED- Price $1690. Term . $500 caab, MiBs Violet Morris was ten years old ■ _____ The Rinslaw aud San Francisco , Lon,- ' _____ party balance on d n three or four years time. Mondav and her parents gave -, tt iirl Irl.n.l- " i m w ' Ï J Ü d M M » « S « « » " I " '1 “ I II C I I » ." « . « I--»" I'” ” “ ' A ta rg lor * . , , ' 1- .l.nt ÜI anybody wanting a — T ukm »: »1.50 n year in advance.----- In Saubert’s ïia î! P ro d u cE of all Kinds W a n te D . Don’t faiL At Prices to Sait the Times. Z7LE - I 'C»1 :'*W Goods, H a rd w a rE , í5 r Paints, Oils, etc. *2 Prices as Low as the Lowest- very pleasantly. t I L m » i. O .- .- ” » " * , ■ dreamed that a watcli, “ f t . ! .. I For further inferinaUvn inquire at thu illness of four dayB of »piD.l meningitis V/ kbt office. He was 71 years of age. Mr Huston w as t lie union candidate for state asna- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tor in the last election nr.d held that of- Lan4 Office, fciaebnrK, Oregon. w , creek is Nòvt-n. I*r 17, 1-',W. Mrs James Furnish o( of r Fiddle Notlrei I» hereby given that rb« lutluwlug" a daughter of Mr Huston. nniiH-.l »ettler h«» flle«l notiee of U» lnioutlu» o w - trees on tidewater Hus J eftr- ! year» was in the pocket of a certain vest | »-„„«ttpnHo-i Forever. the church in Florence Sllturday and and that he looked tl.erc and found it.To , QWc.»ret3_Can«ty evening, ano back his assertion he showed the charm I( c.C.G-.au _____ ing, one atZAcme Sunday — nnothcr nt Maple Grove sel.eol bouse SEWING MACHINE F£>R SALE- H r Kvlo ia considered a man of Monday evening. t<> mako final |>r»x>f ln»'ipp«rl " 1 1,1* claim , «»'> ability but we hardly looked for lorn to lb«t mbl piw„i pnint " .............. d i ts: inmti-iH.fnrc C. H. Hot- My son 1ms been troubled for years iiiflvr-uiu - A new, seven drawer, Climax sewing N 0 T I 0 E F O H P U B L IC A T IO N ¡ ; lien, U. B. Cumniluloncr at ¡Tor. m e, Oregon, with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago 8‘rlk ----------- as we »aw ________ the «harm _ over»- a very handsome M,icld„e, oak flniidi, finish, manufactured munuh.etured by ¡on Ute,-0.b>-r 29, ISOT, vt» M«rtba Unni«», I persuaded him to take some of Cham­ rld o n e-w eh .av e to accept his state- , hc Nen- Uume Sewirg Machine Co, for ! wbtow of Amo» Hartley, ilci-mir-cl, un II. H- Land Office, at Roetburg. Oregon. b erlain’s Colic, Cholera and P ^ rrl,° ^ ment as to the way be found it. 5, 1T90. No. 719-1 for the N14 «« «, T. 1» H-, K-1° | gal, cheap. Call at the W est office and Remedy. After using two W ile s of wotice is hereby given that the iollowltig- ‘ W. ,, xamine it. n«-i.-.t .-I'l'-r lu i-'nit-.l notice of h l. Intention jhqnnnic« the followlna wltnevres to prove tlie 25-cent size lie was cured. 1 g|v to ni.lio- tln.il proof in »upisirt of h l. clnim, »n «*»" . ....... -W llurll.-y, of Point Terrace, Oregon, tiled .-T h o m as C Bower, Glencoe, V . nq-ÜPS to tlie trustee» of »„„„»rv U. , WO, via: Thom»»■- Rns«»U « I | Charlie And«r»on, of Point T'-rr»ec, Oregon, Josephine R S-ms to t,^ tr » hoe. 2« 1 , Hoff.... n .-r Point T erse«, Oregon, Ir. For sale by all druggists I offer for sale my logging team con- thc Presbyterian church of I rnnl l t r m,III. «. ,., w ,z< .,.c. , , r i , s „1 Point le m u r , 'r -so n . The Robarts made a quick tr 'P to . - llng 0[ „¡„e head of o«en, seven years race, 50x80 feet st Point Terrace ; $1- J. T. B bitkjrr , ) ” ’ - T V - * ■ -• « « ». « X r» — „..I I... A . ■ I Retri Her* Yaquina, leaving F1?n' n,'^ _ Sat o ld ,;, B r my logging outfit and from , T- eY idcan Iron Works to the 6iu»- , , e ,,» ,» « the following wl-.ie.rer to prove a 1 500 000 to 5.000.003 feet and returning Sunday forenoon A of , , timber , A » , clo- ? i- c ”' r - ....... ............................... NOTIGE FÜK PUBLICATION. d Und. tl» A t ’ Shistaw __»¡»or day she went out over the the bftf and to 1 Hie river A irood it »« i fîor -.»I, Of C’enads. Oreron, Otant in Atm $5,25«. towed in tlie schooner Ralph - -nn* river to the thnt-cr built last summer Et .mnl of lake Preeinrt, Oregon. Win Carl.of Land Office at Ktwebait. Oregon, taking tier to Acme in tlie afternoon. Shanties and barns necessary for log­ U k .l-.e .|u .- i, Oregon. F. K. Miller, oi lak e ire.s-inls-r », 1S9». A ■U9£ c u n t FOH CROUP- Tlie Robarts went to Gardiner r.iesi ay ging camp already built. Xo'.tee I» hereby given that the lollowlna Precinct. Oreana. j. T. B„m«e.., earned-s-ltler h«» filed nol.ee of hl« intention S idxey W ait , morning ami returned Wednesday. ■rwenty-nve Y ea. -’ C on-tant V e - U h o a t Itegl. 1er. lo make linai proof p. .upfwrt of hl« «lain», and Acme, Oregon. Fnllwre. Siletz item in Lincoln County Txtader k W , P lo p c o c e , M k M O re g o n » , * * , Í . Ml FLO RENCE R E A L E S T A T E : ^-4 AGENCY. r n Mra G am ier of Portland, has been visiting her son, Will G am ier, at tlie FOR .SALE OR EXCHANGE. hospital. Ho is convalescing rapidly ami his recovery is due to the devoted A ho-ree and lot ; fn Glenada. The efforts of his nurse. M 's. Dyer. Tho A no-reo ano .0» .................. government has furnished Will a good " *’ cork leg r nd he will »non be able to a half in height. Also a g navigate tl.e ‘en of m id ia fiile’a. on j renii.tes. Fur furihfff p»rur ulars A sacn v e for rhecm atitm Chnmlajr- inquire nt this r (fee. lain’i l ’ain C -’-.o is gaining« wide repu­ tation. D It J i H’t'-n of Richmond, I knew a very wise man that believed In d .h s» i>ein troubled with tluit ail­ that if a man were penr.iitad to make m ent »ir..x- ISC2. l a » ¡ e a k ir g oi it he all the haliada tie need not care who »ays: “ I never found anything th a t wnnid relieve me until I uae»l t mi-ei- slmnld n,nkc ti,c laws of the ration. Iain’s Pain Balm. It acts like nirgic with me. My foot woe »w-hen and paining me verv mart,, b it one good application of Fain Balm talieveJ me. F o r sale by all druggists. I that aald proof will be inaile is-b.re 11. Hoi- I lien. U. S, Cnniml««loner «I la k e Precinct, . Or -,">11, "« Jaiinery IH. W70, »1» lo ore» k i Glover, on 1.1» If. E To. 7917 fnr the Ixd« 2 A » K«taW O f Jrwephfne IL «WH« 'lecmi-ad. Hee. 7. T, 19 H K 11 w A l-ou a A 9 Sec. 12 ‘1 19 » It Notice I« her. by f»- ’ ” ,2 w . been di.1> » P I-‘i b 'l executor, of (hee»t»te of ,,nme« tbo fallowing ....... ......... to prove Jorepblne K. dille» deceased, by the Hon K. O- bis coMtlnu fti* n*»Me 1C« upon and <;uiiiwMlun P o lir , fo o n ty Judge of lume county. »Ute o of Raid land, vbs: oreemr. Ail per«...» bavin« r b.l,o«»«nln»t .old HtopbtnJ- brum, of UU e Prwu..«t. Orer*n » ta lc , «re hereby notified Or preeent Item i« I Tb« ma« > u of Lake Pred irt, Or?gmi, elalni-iwilli ll.eyicee^ary voi.r It. r« t j t U ;.W’.!•*, of ri >r> !•<•*, <>r «1, K t H. An4e« 01 - »itn.-k. Following ............ .«-m,.-íioa.sc, oreven after,!.« cronpy c o g l, appear-», ,« win o( tiieh. It l « “» 1 *" " I * - . vr bornea in this tb-s broad and »'“* "v»er ... di.apiMriot» tt'« anxio-i» moU'V“'- - -- , haveyrt P’ k-nrn " ,.,e '»,e of Go no, ». De,e.l Fut-ei.e, rireaon, jo-.-emler .1.1. gbo . II. I>o«r.»», . , S 4 KOR (TÎH EVKRAL F W ANT«) «F.VK this «täte to w h ich it h « ’ n->t pr .vu l «B atuaL N o ; ' » trict <>«* « M 1 «tirroniwHng their |fA), The boy’» lirigi.t dream is ail before, 1 other »reparation can «’n o» ric h a r«e- ronnt»***. tí» pa with ¿»1. tl.e m an’s roman-'e lies ail behind, f fad o rd -tw e n ty-live year»’ constant nee Iwíf rei»c< S A «tm we tlie present and no more, fate were without a failure. Pur sale by all drng- Park M-lf a«1 4 BnibUiiK T h ìU I unkind. of At Oregon. T im b er L and, F a rm L an d , a n d T ow n Lots : For Sale- M L L» If you have property to s«fl...l call at the “W EST” office i and place it on our list. J. T. FtHtTMlKS, register - SEVKH.tL BRIGHT AMI» HON- I , n, p-preaenl u» « »»newer» , by nonnlie». -alary ISOO a l ln »bl« «n»l in-a. Siraivbt, l-niw-fide, ho j rmr and ; , elorr. position penii-nant, Our o ' r - . . . " i aoir il. »ny h'*"- 1 "»loly I ,,r k eondnet-d »I non e. Rr-Uruuc«. •» If-ofblr» «tanipr«! •nvelopt. Tili; i 0 -i» iM o iiP o « rx » v . IXI’t ». ‘-uicagp. I JOHN O. BECK W. H. WEATHERSON ■bi. peecAuUtm I - ¿f - e 4 ' M A N A G E h S ;; Dr. H m .*. SKiadKI r* «