t T H E W fc S T Î r T T -r £ A D V E R T IS E R S YOUR HO HE PAPER ► » K L S U P P O R T IT ■ 4 t a 4 SHISLAW’S ONLY PAPLE. O P P O R T U N IT Y « I > VOL. X. FLORENCE, OEEGON, F1UDAY, Dec. 22, 1899. g en e r a l direc to ry TR A VELER S' GUIDE. S TA TE OFFICERS- STEAME MARGUERITE, o — Q overn or • ..............................T. T. Geer. TR A V E LE R S ’ GUIDE Will make regular REGULAR DAILY TRIPS Secrelary of 8‘a te ............ F. i. Dunbw r r e *a ,,re r............................ F. 8. Moore. Supt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman F lo ren ce a n d M Supreme Court t ............. F . A. Moore THE ( . . . .C . E . W olverton Ju d ge S econ d D istr ict. .J . W . H am ilton P rosecu tin g A t t o r n e y .. .G eo. M. Brown trips o f T id e . Calling at ALSEA. And eves* sceasnew F lorence to Coos Bay STEAM ER Calling at the UMrQUA. For passenger and freight ra te s1 L U E L L A Florence, Or. W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, front Florence to San Francisco. O - J L F L Û D IK T E J R i W ill also bring up freight J u d g e .........................................E . O. Potter. C om m ission ers j ; ; ; ; ” ’¿ ' V i m S «•» S T A G E L IN E . *** •«» *** C le r k ................................................. E . U . Lee For further information inquire — OF — S h e r iff.................................... W . W . W ithers A. T reasurer.............................. A. 8. Patterson W. CO. S u rv e y o r ...................................C. M. Collier C oron er................................. W . P . Cheshire J u stice of P e a c e ...................C. II. H olden j Returning, . W. II. Wiatlierson 0 . W . Hurd Win. Kyle J. W. Carman M. Morris & P u llm a n R ecorder....................... John I. Butterfield S le e p in g E le g a n t M arshal................................ G. C. Compton S E C R E T SO C IETIES. S T . PAUL A TO G R A N D FO RK S H E L E N A and BUTTE T H R O U G H TIC K E TS TO C H IC A G O W A S H IN G T O N Gardiner, Oregon. SO U TH L L P o r tla n d , O r. § FLORENCE, OR. § § R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H , Florence, O regon. Sab bath service: Sabbath- •ehool, 10 o ’clock a. in. P reaching 11 EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. o’clock a. m . and 7 p. m . Sacram ent of U h L ord’s su pp er on 1st Sabbath of Jaauary, A p ril, J u ly and October. Special A ttention to Commercial Everybody is w elcom e to all th e services. » Travel lers. Pastor req u ests C hristians to m ake th em selves k n ow n . I . G. K xotts , Tastor. P A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney at Law, B J tig o n e , ( - HOTEL, D. W. STIBBENS, Proprietor. F lo r e n c e , O ro g o n . ATTO RNEYS 35. O. POTTER ................. A tto r n e y -a t-L a w ....................... KUGENE, OREGON. - r i m e s A t th e Court House. BENEDICT, T T O R N K Y - A T - : : F lo r E lk P ra irie Hotel. ON EU G EN E AND FLO R E N C E S TA G E R O U TE. M o n e y S aved By P a t r o n iz in g it. O regon. J O regon PUBLIC. F L O R E N C E .- - - OREGON EUGENE Loan s Savings Bank W RITE FOR CIRCUUR8?eh^ X i.V 'f, S ew in g M achines w e m anufacture and their Of E u g e n e , O regon prices before you purchase any other. CAPITAL ,’’A,DOT' THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., O R A X G E , M A HA. M Union Rqtiars, N . Y . W . E. BROWN, Prc:M ent. B. D. PAINE, Vice President. F. W. OSBURN, Cashier. W . W . BROWN, A sst Cashier. Dallas, T«xas. O hlevro, 111. Baa Fm nclaeo, CkU. B t Izwtlo, Mn, A tla n ta , Ga, FO R SALE BY G oat dealers wstitpil in every town. Write for prices and term s to San Fran I risco, Cal. W OSBURN, B D PAINE, W A PAINE, 1 F ROBINSON, J W W BROWN. ; Draft« iasned ou the principal cities of the I United Stater; also ♦•xehsnge furnished avail­ able in nil forvien countries. j interest imi«l on tim e depoaits. I FI re proof vault for th e s ta n c e c f valuable papers. Collections receive our p fn n p t aitem ion. I I BESTFOUTHE BOWELS | Cavr.Vs rod TV de Mark« o b la in r i and all Pst i oi.tl.ru inir.se-. r ’.--- I f;>r M odcratc ! ;<-<-s. Pen 1 (Irswi'i g or Wo ad vise J'i pst'-ntolle fr» V» » » f r - . . Our fee n n td u o t*:< pt r I. A f'-m p h le t "U m w to Ob' tain Pate: *d.” !‘*i - > t e»^ramo in th e U. U., sa 1 foreign cecutHce ■ » nt f**«. Andrea«, H r ' ” •> » » « •« » r » » J l .r . t y - j ixjw ei« e v e r r » to t«*ke FREE SAMPLE ROOMS. V CANDY C C A A T T H H A A R R T T I IC C aee in A$953P1ANOI gcm Tfii GeatiifoniiB cf lis i York City ft gr/es j/ftmums war.U a« «e. ni ut your t oí ' »•»■^rF5. tec/rfr*. ■»*•< Mar ». •**, »)* «<», *ws »! nt and S4!k W aist«. Hapd.kerfh«/*». etc : k . I a C »t •« » f>'»Ft<*reJ «»fftal fid otaan»*ner> «».Luut ;!•« attractive pÎMfi oí see .nr’ H ly.*n«s, Riof.i, tVate»»« c -ís r r í j o a t k feature» »4 c FIRST-CLAS3. SI03Q .* IN 6GL0 are A $050 ? « PIANO Gitin Sway ?r«9 Is AMkka U Osr Usfstar I-. «.H«.. W e s-t.-î cur ermpfete Ouir,t wg a n p L i tor 'x*r Siamoti» I temium rs k iw f *l»»M P r e « , »» I jm Y es w ill »>« urprm i ax»d r mo». ,n' n‘ T O rn n j rO P HATES 11.00 to $2.00 PER DAT. QQitiBtMdnr. Ngw York nee, M OREGON’. Piensan». Patata! le. Pot*1 ».t. Taa»e G*0*1 DoOood, We-rcr Rk*kr>n. Weaken. ovGrIne. Bk 3»v Dte Write fur free «ample, and UxAlet ou health. Address , tatsafs, a«etr»sl, «ee I sf *. «Zts Boy’s Suits. D R Y GOODS, BO O TS A N D S H O E S are sold cheaper in our store than any other store in the County. W e had been •‘InRoparable«” I «fora hia going, and w o w ould ho so never again I fo lt convinced. She had absorb­ ed him . Mind, desire, future, wero packed in the little palm of her hand. Yot I w as not vu lgarly jonloua. I loved Aubrey YcltUiam bettor thnn I could have loved a brother, but I had seen her and had cuught the reflection of h it sentim ent, though in a tempered degree. HOTEL EUGENE J . I had m et her but once, in a verdurous Devon lane, w here sho had lost iter bearings and wo had com e to hur a ssist­ EUGENE, ance. Lane County, Oregon. Her nam e w as R uth Lnsccllos, and sho w as a w idow . T hat w us tlie sum total of our know ledge. Site m ight have HIS FIRST APPEARANCE. been 20, but w e estim ated her nge at lug the g ate ef a citadel, though her 25, deducing our theory from a certain lip s said iu a tone richer than w ine, N os*tliern C ity W e lc o m e ! th « Proa- fatigued languor of voiee and expression sweeter than m usic, ‘ K iss m e first.’ ” pero u « S o u th e r n V isito r. There w as a long puuse— Yeldham that accorded ill w ith the g irlish satin H e cam e into town th is m orning fresh of her skin. T his w as arrived nt on the sat blankly staring at the coals, and I from G eorgia. H e sm elled of m agnolia first day of our m eeting— w e had not gazed iu len tly into th e m ista o f nicotiuu and liv e isik and sw octest suinuu r. Ha that ourled upward to tho ceiling. discussed her since. B ut ono m orning "Thoru are som e klesee,’’ ho Raid was long anil fat, a peculiar com bina­ w hen ho had called nt the little farm cottage w here she lived and hud found presently, “ that are worth tho w hole tion, hut h is in truth. H e w as lig h t and Pleasure I dark greun iu alternate stripe«, the for­ her flown w ith o u t a w ord o f regret his sum of human plousure. mer the shade of new gram, the latter despair liad been too m uch for him . Faugh I A rotten w ord— belonging to that of a h.iecliull that has seen a sea­ Tim w holo story rolled from h is lip s; those w ho only half live. ” He handled a cigarette m oohanically son ’s usage on the diamond. id s love for her, her seem ing reciproc­ Tho pasNcrshy looked at him and ity , their w anderings in the woods, her and lit it. sm iled, and w ith h is stripes tw in k lin g “ Wo bad gone through m ost of the reliant, trusting attitude— th at had he seemed to sm ile back ut them and taugh t him to w ish h im self some k n igh t dresses w hen w e camo to some tine azure say, "See, I have com e,” and thon th e o f the H oly G rail and not a m ere be- drapery iucrusted w ith Japanese gold. ** ‘It was m in e ,’ she suid, ’and w as stripes w ou ld stretch in to a grip, possi­ sm irehod man of m any passions. bly sarcustio. I w as so nut of it, as the phrase is, worn by a wom an I hated. She horrow- L ittle hoys looked at him in aw e and th at 1 could volunteer sm all elu cid a­ td it one n igh t a fter com ing over iu the nudgisi each ether nnd said, " H u lly tion. That site w as a coquette of tho lain. * “ ’Y et yon bated her?’ I asked, tak­ gee I" or som ething else equally express­ first order seem ed the m ost feasible so­ ive. lution, und I offered it. He derided the ing m y cue from tho curl of her lip. An old man going l>y remarked, " ’N o t thou. In thoso days I thought n ation — it w as apparently so frivolou s '•P retty early for yon to arrive, bnt you a venture that it failed to nuger him . men w ere true— Guorgo truest of a ll— are looking w e ll," w hereat he sim ply B u t ono day, after w o had returned to and w om en good. ’ “ I looked dow n at the gold storks ou grinned th e broader. A lit t le b^tek tow n and were w orking w ell in har­ ness, he w ith liis book, I w ith m y illu i- the heavy eastern silk, and said, ‘And newsboy, after insp ecting him from a ll sides, hacked aw ay to th e curb and said when did you change your opinion?’ trutions for it, lie burst out a fr e sh : “ * W hen 1 tiling aw ay th is gown, and h a lf to h im self, “ Dnt am du real sig n “ She u n in ten tion ally let out where dat sum m er am came.** site lived. It is a v illa g e on tho coast of dotermiuud it slionld never touch me.* Beside liim stood a m an in an apron, “ I rose to put m y arm around her, France. She m ust have returned." “ W e llf” I said, suspending m y work to break the skein o f unpleasant asso­ hut no one questioned tho m an oonoem- and pretending to extract a hair from ciations, hut she moved aw ay, and said lu g the stranger. " H e is none o f u s ," mutron said os she w h isked by, and a in a hard, alm ost deliant voice: the fine point of m y draw ing pen. ** ’There is one more, te ll m e its ta le kin dly old gentlem an touched him Soft­ “ W e ll," he hurst out, " th e w orld is ly w ith reverence nnd so gen tly thnt he our oyster. If w e shirk opeuing it, w e i f you can, and if n ot’— “ Sho pansed w h ile I took the fine d id not fuel. can't hope to filch p earls." He fat there on W oodward avenno “ That means?” 1 hinged expectantly. lace aud law n in to my fingers. It seem ed " T h at means, in plain words, that I a sum m er dress, scaroely crushed. In for hours gazin g at the pnssoteby and d on ’t Intend to g iv e up the biggc«»•• front, how ever, and on the sleeve woa sm ilin g, us happy as n bird on a sun­ sh in y m orning. About U o'clock a man ponrl that G od ever scu t to m ake a man a splash o f d u ll roti brown. “ ‘Paint?’ I suggested, ‘or blood. An w alked np to him anil in solen tly thum p­ r ic h .” " Y ou intend to follow her?” I q u es­ accident perhaps?’ and lit questioning 1 ed him and said, " Is he ripe?" whereat tho fe llo w in the apron said, "Yea, hut * , tioned— uetsllessly indeed, for h is k in ­ m et her eyes. •• ‘D on ’t, don’l l ’ I cried, 'don’t w e h aven ’t plugged h im y e t ." Then d lin g eye contained a tire of decision and energy that for 11 days, sim si th e sorry speakt’ I flung m yself iMtckln tho chair the insolent man said, " H ow inneh?" W hen he w as told, be w h istled Ion* one of her disappearance, had sm ol- aud covered m y face to avoid the sight o f hors— the expression of horror that and low and thnn w ont across tho. derod. street to t t teal estate ollico and bought' Ho had he»n absent hut a w eek when w as staring from it. “ ‘ I w ill, I m ust speak. Yes, blood; • corner lot ou W oodward avenue in ­ 1 received tho telegram announcing his inti-udid return. 1 stood— w ith m y h is blood. G ill' she exclaim ed, stand­ stead. So the first w aterm elon of tho season back against the niuutol and hands in g in front o f m e in that Gaszandrulikn w arm ing them selvea behind my sh elter­ attitu d e I find noticed before. ‘1 can Just put there and grinned. And i t ’a in g coattails— eager t o recognise b is see It now. George had gone to the lik ely h e’ll he there tomorrow, too, for ram pant m ount o f the (.Lairs, to feel the country— so be lindraid— and I, to imsa no one fe els lik e in v e stin g a w in ter's clasp of h is hand or the thum p on tho the tim e, dined w ith an nncle at Big- savings in him , even though every o n e . shoulder blado and hear Ids cheery nard's. Yon know th e room— the thou- | ia interested anil w ould like to own "C ongratulate mo, old fellow I” that I sand lig h ts aud loaded tables, tho chink j h im .— D etroit Free Press. knew m ust come. A cab stopped outside o t gloss nnd glow o f silver—tho gay J and a key turn« d in th e lock. Then a and b rilliuu t com pany that is alw ays ' " S h e w as under the irapreniioa tha* slow , heavy trend uHocndul. We m et in there? W e dined, aud were leaving a ft­ tw o heads are better than o n e .” th e passage. Tlie.ro w a s no need for erward for tho opera. M y nncle passed " A re n ’t they?” m ore than a glance at him to abridge ont first and I w as about to follow him , “ N e t when koepin* a secret. ”— Yim . w hen, at a little table, I saw George tho exuberance of w elcom e f l a t had aud her; Georgo looking down, dow n bubbled to tny lips. * The silence was so lo n g — so pregnant into her eyes w ith a hot red flush in his w ith nnsyllnlilod an gu ish — th at at lart ch««ks anil a lifted w in eglass in h it I closed a warm hand over h is lingers hand. I d on ’t know w h at happened; 1 | as they clasped the arm end o f h is chair. hnrst betw een them, flnug tho glam from ills fingers, aixl then*— “ W ell?" ' “ 1 thought she m ust scream, bnt only " W e ll,” ho said h u sk ily , starting a little from h is com a und pokiug a coal a gasp escaped her. Site looked at somo- th in g ou the ground aud added in an w ith tho toe of h is boot, " it 'a o v e r .” " S o I supposed, und the pearl was awed, strangely in ttn se voice, 'IIo w n i dead. ’ n o t” — SuFHttij " N o t for m y h an d lin g," ho inter- I “ The tone com pelled m e to her s id e ; rnpted. " I know y o u ’d th in k scnietbing a torrent o f agony seemed frozen at her hard of her, bnt you w o n ’t, you w on 't lipa. “ ’Listen I* she cried, still stan ding w h jn I te ll you"— Hu stretched h is band to h is glass rigid, though the th r illin g tone of her voioo confessed her em otion. ‘The v e r ­ and em ptied it before continuin g. " I t cam e about sooner thnn I in ten d ­ d ict of noquit tai w as m erely a doom to ed— tho horizon w as so serene I w anted perpetunl remorse. A lifo for a life, to lay to for a l>i(— but it was no use. w as cried to m e from even the daybreak W o w ere talking of som ttthing— 1 for­ chirping of tho birds. " ’Ob, Anltrey, bo m ercifu l— spam get w hat— cud 1 m ade aqu otntiou. You know the chap w ho said, 'Show mo a m e all you can, for 1 am like a pilgrim w om an’s clothes at different periods nl w ho fa in ts in sigh t of the grtsiffroad. I her lifo and I w ill tell yon her h is­ know now that it is not tbo palso cf life, but the color and tho scent of it. tory?’ ” " Y es, 1 forget his nam e, bat I thiuk that m akes ono’s sacrifice. 1 b e lic to that every g u ilty soul m ust hi'.vo his i t w as a F renchm an .’’ " W oll, I quoted him , pretending to a m om ent o f high opportunity, of e x p ia ­ lik e perspicacity. It w a s ft arrttking, tion. and th is is m iu a Yon nru brave, you arc great, yon cro generous, s h a ll cow ardly ruso to know m ore of h er." >ou tem pt mo— amt stay, or w ill you ’’ W ell?" " S h e snapped at ray offer— w as a l­ sa to mo— and go?’ ” I’orr Y eldham 's voice broke to a m ost ardent in h«?r w ish to K-st mo. "1 caught her w rist ms it turned tho hoe rue w hisper, nnd 1 laid n sym p atbet handle of the wardrobe door aud remon- lo bund npou his knee. " A n d you, Aubrey, you went?" strated: *1 refuse to sro them . 1 know , "1 am h e r e,” ho answered, w ith n noth in g of clothes, and I’m not a detco- l tlve. 1 w on 't pry in to your past secrets • groan th at wus m ors p itifn l than tears. —Gondcnscd From lilm k and W hite. eith er of serraw or of jo y .’ “ Her hand shook In ray clasp. “ ‘D on’t stop me, ’ she cried i in p e n 1 Doty Way to Do IL liv e ly . ’H elp me— 1 w an t you to know ' “ T on aeo. it's thia w a y ," he said lJ th em .’ •■ p la in in g the situation. “ T here's uo " ‘So be i t , ’ I said aud pushed bank Spaniard dares h au l dow n the flag v.e the door. Then sin: suddenly filing her­ have pat up over the P h ilip p in es, ro se lf in front of it. between m e and the th ey're goin g to try to couvinco us that ruw of dainty frocks anil sh im u n riu g | wo oaohr to d o it ,.,.w.„i.— j | / a . e a n d s e e a n d . a 15 “ A G eneral B an kin g Business T w e n t v - th r e e M ile s W e s t Transactsd en Favorabb Terms Eugene. Tnaox Mswaa Sdtnfific Haitian. “ as •• “ HEW HOME "SEWING MACHINE. D IR E C T O R S . CENTRALLY LOCATED. | MtetTw aaeertaln owr <»| »non fr«« whether an taven»i«n la pmhsbiy patentab»«. CnmTr nn.«*«» flooa strWly confident tel. H and hoot oe Patent« aent free. (»Meet scctey iur securt'er i * fjlg iir ti taken throatk bv.rn ft co. receive lyrrT-1 aettee, wit hoot chjr/e, in the 35 ¡ ¡ T R Y T H Ï .i’ NOTARY a call. Geo. H ale D c sw n « CCFYWiaHTS A c. • sending a Mtatch at . 1 «eicrrth-n may 15 c e n t s Itair C u ttin g FRA N K B. W ILSO N . Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Give us I j A"VV. O regon . S h a v in g Notary P u b lic, Surveyor O regon « • “ B o o m . 7 and i M cl-aran’a BulMliig- pecTftl A ttention g iv e n to c o lle ctio n s an a i ro ate buaineRi M A R IO N M O R R IS P r o ’p. $ .jp s*. •«©«fl» MORRIS * * * * * A. R. BUTTOLPH, A ssistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St., Cor., 3d. J- F- TANNtR, prop . DP.. J C. AYEK, Lowell, Mtu«. P lo r e n o e N O TA R IES. A- D CHARLTON, and Tli. I f you ? s putrii ra»d t-day fur » «n i »’»• »er», de e«« dUay. Evsrr-ttur.g »iß be ««rt yo- Uree. CCMTLCWOMAW PU SU tH 'W fl COMPANY, F Æ v g w u h re PRESCRIPTION FOUftTAKft OfKEAlTK lit purchasing aud tuiug canned action of tho «DUcovory.s