T H E — PUBLISH ED W E S T KVKKY FRIDAY LA GRIPPE A L P H A C LIP P IN G S - B y E vbn C hanos . MORNING— I -A T - i la now reap ing a rich harveut. It Is d r a w ­ ing th ourand* w iih in Its r elen tle ss gra»p. U w duu l s ta tis tic s cuuiplk'd by th e best pliyalciuna of the w orld sh o w th a t o ver brt per c e n t or th « c a s s s o f a c ­ quired C O N - Bi: M OTION ara du e to L A (JK IF P E . T b s c o n su m p tio n de­ v elop s o w in g to th e w eak en ed s ta to of th e lu n g s pro- duevd bv Cits dla- vHst. T h ere ara a ls o o th er p oin ts o f Wuukneaa. R s- f. r to th e nu m b ers on th e c h a r t. S tu d y each one c a r e fu lly . Fa* in ilta r lse your­ s e lf w ith th em . If y o u h u ve an a t ­ ta c k o f b a O rlppa begin tb s u se o f a c u ta • y a p ’ HUDYAN as soon as th e HUDYAN will have X su b ' sid Ä ed r . r t k i l« »»«««« ACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY New Fall Effects Alpha, Or, Dec 11, 1399. The Alpha district will build a new - - - by - - - school house. Miss Chloe Pope is at Alpha visiting X o tiu j, Underwear. Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome Dress Goois, Miss Elinor Ilale. anil Proprietor. «you. BAeart ZOWSta 0 0.. M W VOM. Bats and Caps, The little baby of Mr Harris is suffer­ ïxcellent Table Linen, ing from indigestion. Boots and Shoes. Latest styles in Corsets, ____T erms : $1.50 n year in atlvnnce.- We suppose the West got switchfcd off PERSO NA LS. D W Stibbens is learning about tho 1 Saturday as they failed to reach thia mysteries of Odd Fellowship. Entered at the post-office at Florence, W W Neely and Win Persons brought j J A McLeod went to Eugene Saturday office. I joio county, Oregon, aa second-clans down a raft of logs to the Acme milt ' N e w Goods a r r iv in g on e v e ry Vessel E C Polterl and family left Saturday to attend court. m ail matter. Mattie Brynd is very ill witli typhoid ¡for Elmira when» they will muke their Saturday. The logs were put in by V WUl receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FRUIT «veey tri». Gurney at W W Neely’s place. future home. fever at her home nt Point Terrace. A D V gB T ISIS Q RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ At the congregational meeting held in Eev I G Knotts, who is always John Dahlin and Ole Myrind made a PLICATION. (great n o tice s 8 cen ts per lin e, each Insertion the Presbyterian church Tuesday after­ trip to Mercer lake tlie first of the week, welcome, delivered a good sermon at the hvullh. THE PAKTS AFÍECTCÜ ABE: noon it was voted to retain Rev I G M Rath and fumiiy have again moved school house Sunday. 1. T H E M UCOLlS. ............................. M E M B R A N E ., L ' IN ­ Kuotts as pastor (or auother year. Prof Leonard Tabor left for Eugene ! IN G O F T H E HACK PORT ION O F T l i l t Florence, Ore. Dec. 15, 1899. to the Pickle house on Washington N O S E - 1 , becom e» liiltum cd an d »ltlcR- Ground Feed of all Kinds always on hand. Saturday, he says on business; we say e m u , and a c h r o n ic C atarrh 1» ih o re- The steamer Lillian made a trip to street. ault. l l l ’DYAN w ill red uce th e h ifla in - with the county clerk. Mapleton Monday to take up D Kern m attoii p rod u ce a p e r fe ct c lr c u .a tlo n of Sophia Nicolle came up from Gardiner W E S T L IN G S . and le a v e th e m u co u s m em b ran e tn and the men who had been working at Saturday and is visiting friends at The Alpha steam auwinill is crowded blood n p e r fe ctly h e a lth y eondltjon. the jetty. They were on their way to Mapleton. with orders for lumber. A regular -T H E E A R l)iW M > _____ To see oar assortment of Cooking and Boating Stoves, K f f B l ed f R l u ------- d th ick en ed g iv in g rlae to jU- Blanks lor Warranty Deeds (or sale Eugene. building boom lias struck Deadwood. Inflam Mrs Turpin returned yesterday after Uioat m o st to ta l d e a fn e s s. H -idyan will pre at the W est office. The sheriff’s sale of property for de­ ependiug several weeks at Coos bay. While not a timbered country Dead­ ven t th e aprciuL of th e ln:l;«ni«natloii. T n« Linoleum, Oil doth, Xtc- drum w ill n ot be a ffe c te d and h eart«« A new stock of goods just received at linquent taxes is advertised in the Guard wood has a few million feet of extra fine T r U K O N l" 'T O N S I M T 1 S ^ O U C H R O N ­ John Holger returned home Sunday fir along tho creek at this place which to take place in Eugene, January 4th, A O Funke’s store. S O K E T H KO A T—Fromi the■ »an.e’ c » u £ after a week's visit with relatives in can he baud logged and easily floated to IC aa th e tw o preceding. H L D Y A N w i l l p r e The Robarts arrived yesterday alter a 1900. The list is much smaller than v e n t Its c o m in g on Portland. usual occupying less than three columns IN THE H E E A R T - the bay. 4. W E A K N E ten days abecnee at Coos bay. HUDYAN w ill streoK thon th e i U * 3 Mrs J M Young relurued home yester­ of the paper. th e c ir cu la tio n o f bloo. Onr mail route gets a change of car­ n e r v es, e q u a lise Mrs J M Young has been appointed day after a visit with her parents on riers. Marion Wheeler who has been arri c a u s e th e h u art-b eata to b ecom e postmaster at Ada, Douglas county, Or. Nortli Fork. ACM E ITEM S. carrying it for the past year and A local teacher’s institute is to be Mr Lewis of the Mohawk arrived here has quit and Clayton Pope has been held at Junction City commencing this by Tuesday’s boat for a look at the ployed till tho contract can be re-let. B y X Y Z. A N D C O Ñ SF M P T IO N —By Its oltoct on evening. and n e r v es H U D Y A N w ilt Siuslaw valley. Mr David Hunter who came here from « th n e a e blood ’th e tu n a tis s u e to b ecom e alnjng . throw th row off th, The schooner Berwick of San Fran­ knd h e a lth y and a b le . , tn Captain A F Hurd took charge of the Ireland about fifteen years ago and germ » of th« d read ed p u lm on ary Acme, Dec 15, 1899. cisco was towed in over tbo bar and up Mink Wednesday after a week’s lay off homesteaded a choice place on Dead­ S ’ T u M R A G O . O R , W E A K B A C K ­ James Lewis and wife were in Acme to Florence yesterday by the Robarts. on account of sickness. wood has met with financial success nud H U D Y A N w ill s tr e n g th e n it a lm o s t lit»' Anottier schooner was reported in yesterday. L 0 Moffit of Junction City lias been will build him a good roomy house next '" h U D Y A N w ill c u re a ll o t tb e n b o v , Miss Bessie Martin is staying in Acme a ym p tom s and le a v e you r w h o le ’ ’ ’ “ ’J" eight yesterday morning when the visiting a few days with his daughter 8|>iing. In n p e r fe ct co n d itio n o f h e a lth . <*o to d ru sR lst a t o n c e and p rocu re a Roberts towed tbo Beiwick in over the this week. Mrs Allred Funke and family. Dr Mahon of Elmira was called last vnur M c k a k c Of 1IV D Y A N for W c e n ts or »lx Mrs Tripp and daughter Nellie were bar. ” d K ” A d lr If c c t your to th e Bandon Recorder: A B Seal, the well week to attend Mrs Swanson who has S Ä t m u j s •• 'lajiclsoo, or The citizen’s league of Eugene offer in town yesterday. known and popular commercial traveler been ill for several weeks. She is in a R E M E D Y fcO M P A N Y . Ban Fra ir that you t o . A n g e le s. C al. $5 reward (or the arrest and coniiction A It Buttolph is dsing some surveying has accepted a position as manager of fair way to recover. The doctor was Jan c o n iu lt th e I1 U U Y A N , pO O TCRH VHli’E C all an d sco the doctoifl. of any person charged with stealing for 0 C Cushman this week. the Gardiner Mill Co’s merchandise also called to see Mr Ramsey who re­ m a y c a ll a n d s e e th em or w r ite . a . You yo. ceived a hurt last summer and lias not chickens. Harry Boyle expects to finish his con­ store. " HUDVAOtMEOT CCMPAM, Reports from up river points state tract driving piling (or the mill company Ivy Morris and Mr Perry came up recovered but is not thought to he in a dangerous condition. H and a P i n e t£)tocl^ o f that nearly all the logs cut early in the here this week. from the Umpqua a lew days ago to look H ave 0 1 No. 316 South Broadway, on w avs season are saiply stoied in the boom By the report of the committees after business affairs here. Mr Morris The San Francisco Examiner and the Los Angelas, CaL and raftiug Is in progress. arranging our Christinas entertainment intends to move baca to the Siuslaw W as for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ Coe. Btecfcton, Marba« an d B ill. Sta.1 Captain Ormsby superintendent of the and tree, all are sujp of a good time next spring. Sou Freneleoo, C j L ______ vance. Cascade forest reserve reports tho forest who attend. T o C ur« c J o in ttp a tlo u F o r e v e r . Joe Russel aged nine years a grand­ T ake Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. Inc or 250. rangers have built a completo system of This is what the children tell eaclx son of tbe late J G Gray was badly hurt It C. 0- C. lu ll to cure, druggists refund monuy. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. trails of which 115}a miles are in Lane other when they meet on tho sidewalk. near Eugeue a few days ago by being LOGS WANTED- He was I know .w ho’s going to be Santa Claus kicked and pawed by u horse county. n o w A r e Y o u r K id n ey » I The West Real Estate office has bar­ improving at last reports. but I’s not going to tell. Dr. noblia' Sparapu» Pill» cure all kidney lilt. Sam­ Mr G W Knapp of Woodburn, Or is The Siuslaw and San Francisco Lum- gains to oiler in tlie following property On account of stormy weather a good ple free. Add. Sterling lteuniiiy Co.. Chicago or N. Y. G [o o d s stopping at the'W estern House. He is her Co. want 10,000,000 feet of logs A good dwelling lionse, and black­ ★ ★ /r e s s The supreme court denied a reltearing many of our Sunday school scholars at Acme wiihin smith shop doing a good business in a in the case of G W Mngers charged witli were absent last Sabbath. Subject for looking over tbe logging situation and is ! delivered at their null thriving town. Tlie owner desires to killing Ray Sink in Volk county and he next Sabbath lesson, “ Fruits of rigid well pleased with our river and harbor tho next few months Eor further information inquire of change liis location. A lino opportunity and may locale here permanently. was sentenced to he hanged yesterday and wrong doing." All come. I. B. Gush man, (or tbe right man. a t Dallas. D Kern of Portland arrived hero Fri­ Acme, Oregon. 160 acres of unimproved land on North H O W ’S THIS? day to look after business connected Bandon Recorder: The Coquille Fork about ten miles from Florence is with tbe jetty contract, li e left again Creamery Company after settling all SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. offered for Baled. Near to county road. We offer Cne Hundred Dollars Re­ for Portland Monday after settling witli b ills, has a surplus of $585.90, which Will make a good slock ranch. Price A new, seven ‘drawer, Climax sewing w ill he divided pro rata, among the ward for any case of Catarrh that can­ tbe men who had been employed by tho $450. Machine, oak finish, manufactured by not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. contractors. stockholders. 150 acres mostly timber land lying in F J GIIENEY & CO, Toledo, 0 . The Sunday school is preparing for the J D Gilbert of Union Lakes Minnesota the New Home Sewing Machine Co, for section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 sale cheap. Cull at tho W kst office and We, the undersigned, ¡have known F Christmas entertainment, which will be tbe tatlier of Walter Gilbert arrived at west. About three acre» cleared. A _______ __ given on Saturday night Dec 23ril. J Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be­ Mapleton last week and expects to examine it. creek large enough to float logs runs lieve him perfectly honorable in all make liis home on the Siuslaw. Mr Something entirely new is expected if R e n a tr I» B looff D aep . through the land. Price $650. business transactions and financially Gilbert is a veteran of the civil war and the expressman don’t disappoint us. Clean blood mean» a clean skin. No A good store building and lot in Acme. able to carry out any obligations made lived in Eugene and Roseburg a short beauty without it. Casesrets, Candy Cathar­ The Endeavor Social for the benefit tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by Conveniently located for business. Tlie by their firm. time sevuial yeurs ago. stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im­ upper part is fiuisbed up for a dwelling. of the Christmas entertainment of the West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, purities from the body. Begin to-day to Sunday school will occur at the pastor s Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, Price $700. TO CURE A CCLD IN ONE DAY. and thst sickly bilious complexion by taking residence this evening. Music, recita­ Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. For further information inquire at Cascarete,—beauty for ten cents. All drug­ tions, games, contests and fun for all. The W kst office, Florence, Oregon or Take L axative B romo Q uinine T aii - gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 26c, 60c. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. Everybody invited. ly, acting directly upon the blood and oicts . All druggists refund tbe money if Rev I G Knotts, Win Brynd and II H mucous surfaces, of the gyetem. Testi­ it fails to cure. E W G rovk ’ b siguuture All through freight on the stage F isk , who were appointed appraisers of monials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. n every lo x . 26c. either way between Eugene and DAIRY FARM FOR 8ALE- the estate of Mrs Stiles, met at Point Sold by all Druggists. Mapleton, will be charged at the Terrace Wednesday morning and pro­ H all’s Family Pills are the best. IVISON ITEM S. rate of two cents per pound during A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six ceeded to estimate the value of the the months of October, November, miles from Florence is uow offered for RAINFALL'OF NEAR-BY STATIONS- property belonging to the estate. B y I cii D isk . December, January, February, sale. It contains 160 acre», 35 of It bottom Coos Bay News: A W Beadle, March and April, and one cent per land and 80 acres have been plowed. Alpha, Ore, Dec 11,1899. member of the firm of A W Beadle & Dec 4,1899. pound during the months of May, Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good two Co, of San Francisco , was in town last E ditor W est : (Received too late for last week.) June, July, August and September. story house 26 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by week, endeavoring to make arr.wge- At the government station here we Health of the neighborhood is good. 70 feet, with heavy frame; a goat bouse w ants to secure a shipyard on the bay. have had since August 1st, 40.44 inches Eli Bangs. 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 Stock is this section looks well outside H e wants te build three vessels im­ of rainfall up to 9 a m ou Dec 10. mediately, one of which will be 2o0 feet range being g«x»d. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. trees of different kinds ol fruit lias been In November 22.92 inches. bearing for a year or two. Compared with Eugene, Monroe and Roads in pretty fair condition jong. A water wheel id about 8 horse power Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Yaqnina Bay News: The steamer Gardiner, tlie Hires nearest stations, we sidering so much rain. furnishes motive |«j»er at tbe barn for Alsea Sunday December 4 , 1S9S. Mrs E Thurman of Fairview visited bad the most in October. Maggie started for the N otice 1» hereby given th at the following- cutting feed, sawing wood etc. morning hut shortly after crossing out Alpha—8.50 inches. at W T Cornelius’ last week. nam ed settler ha« Hied notice of hi» Intention The farm is % mile from whool and to sea, a tube in the boiler blew out, Gardiner—7.39 inches. We experienced the worst storm of tbe to make final proof In support of hl» claim , and >4 mile from a county road. and she returned to po.t ogam to repair Eugene—2.08 inches. wasun last W eek , heavy winds and that said proof w ill be made before U. H. H ol­ Price $1609. Terms $600 cash, den, U. B. Com m issioner at Izike Precinct, it. Monday morning she went down to Monroe—4.85 inches. Oregon, on January 1», 1*», v is: George A balance on three or four years time. Out of 67 stations embracing nil divi­ rain. the bar but found the sea toojteavy to Mr George Nichols lias moved from O loveron Ill» H. B. So. 7917, fo r tl.e lx .ta 2 A S A bargain for anybody wanting sions of Oregon, only six stations had permit her to get out. Chastain's old plane to the Muse Mabe j 7> T. 19 S, R t l W & Luts 8 & 9 Sec. 12 T. 19 farm. Separate company C, Oregon National more rainfall than Alpha. . | 8 R 12 W. For further information inquire at the | H euaiuflB the follow ing w itn eve^ to prove The mean maximum and minimum P ^ c e . Guard, composed of the Spanish war Mr A F Davirt an<1 Mr Blalock o f ; |,|, conti,,uon* residence upon and cu ltivation W is t office. temperatures were warmer at Alpha veterans was mnstered in at Eugene Wullrpr were viMtioK iu tl»ia vicinity i of K b I i 1 land, vix: last week. R 8 Hnston was elected than at any of the al»ove three stations Walker were v i s i n g , KU.,,hen j. «„rum . «1 L»ke Precinct, Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION last week. | T ll,„ 0M, j enilen , of la k e Precinct, Oregon, R..bt captain; C E Klingenemith, firs in August, September and October. Geo Chastain and family have been I B. Mill», o l Florvuce, Oregon, Kd. U. Anderson, November reports not vet published lieutenant and John Moore second Land Offli e, RoKhuig, Oregon October 28,1899. lieutenant. The company has fifty While we bad mure rain yet we ha visiting friends and relatives here the Ì of Acme, Oregon. J. T. B rido a», N o lle . 1» hereby given that the follow ing more clear days and partly cloudy days two WBe|tgl members including officers and men. Itegister named »eltler ha» filed nolle« ol 10» inten tion e , t Cornelius came very near losing a The board of engineers appointed to than Eugene, Monroe or Gardiner. to make final proof In »upport o l hi» c lsiM , mid had but two light frosts up to date. | . cow )ngt woek ,>y ,,er getting at «¡»Id Prool w ill he made before 11. H. inquire into the desirability of improv have had but two ngm .r « .» ------------, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION th Ilolden, U. B. Comml»»ioner, «1 Florence, ing Yaqnina harbor, in their report e^- Boses, pansies and chrisauthemums are c(iokwj on R lurnip. Oregon, on beceinber 20, 1W9, v li: Usorg« R in bloom in the «.pen ground. Mr ami Mrs Levi Vaughin of press the opinion that the bus mess Mill», 011 hl» II. E. No. 80X lor the SWlg Ng>4, Land Office, al Ro«eburg. Oregon. Tbe above is written for tbe benefit ol plaoe are visiting their daughter Mrs N!4 8 K ! i , t e e . 30 A HWta SW 'l »ee. 2» T. 1» 8. U. December fi, 18W. the place does not justify arther int- the guessers and kickers. aotli-e la hereby given that the loU ow ing- 11 weat. Jo Harrison near Brownsville this week. provement but recommends that $A>, Henan»-« th e follow in g wltne«»es to prove C A P ottkuf , V O. »elder ha» filed notice of 1.1» Intention George Teil left last week with his named heexpeuded in removing a cluster Io make filial proof In support of his claim , and hta cuutliiuuu» rw.id.net) upon e n j c o lliv a llo u rocks in the channel beyond the end of two small children for Texas. He is that ------- said --------------------------- prool w ill be made before C. H. Hoi of aitld land, viz: AGENCY. ARE DOING WELL- tflkiurf the children back tu hib mother a ^en y gConimlaslonarat l-ake Precinct, Oregon Alford Minor, o( Ulwnwta, Oregon, Anthony I ,,n Jannary 1», 1900, vlx: T hom a. R. Rn«»cll on Shuster, of Ulenada, Oregon, O. BhueWr, ol U1 « a'enre for rheumatism Chamber­ home. |t, « No. 72C*. lor th e l/» t« 5 A « fee- 24 T U leinnls, Oregon, Oco Glover, of Ulenada, The trapping fraternity of this neigh- * w Loti A M Ji NW H h « o .19T 19SR Oregon. lain ’s Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu William Wells, a well known Siuslaw J. T. B rido ««. of Richmond, boy who for tl.e past two summer, has borhood compose«l of the following Jl West. tation. D B Johnston p gltler. H e u a in o t h e fu llow inz wdtnsMo. to prove and son, Rail j with tliat ail- G iant county, was in persons, W T Cornelius Ind, has been troubled been mining in h iacontinuou s residen«« upon xnd cultivation A Warden report] ----- In speaking of it he Florence yesterday. I Vauglm, I 8 Dav and ment since 1862. land, vl«: found anything that He says the mines in that country 1 a large catch of coons, skutiks and «* C raid K. Harwood, of Cbinada, <»rev««n Grant NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ssys; ‘I never KrUardl, *»f ixrtke PrmHnCt, Oregon, Win Cnrl.of » until I used Cbarober- that have been developed, are many of weasels. wnnld relieve me bake Precinct, ;Orrgon, K. K. Miller, ol Ixk e Land Office, Roeehnrg, Oregon. Iain’s Pain Balm. I’-alm. It it acts act. like . . . . magic .... - Uiem pnyil>g g0od dividends. During Misses Maude Howard and Bertha Not em ber 17, V99. with me. My foot was swollen swollen and and the year miners from all parts of Day attended the closing exeici.es of prretert, o « moh . j . T. B bidok -'1. N otice 1» hereby given that th e following» in there KeKirUr. paining me very much, but ooe 8"°l1 tbe couniry have been going named aettler h « filed not»*, of hl« Intention the E.k Prairie «chool last Hatnrdny to make llnnl pn»>t In support o l h l» c la im , and application of Pain Bain, relieved me. progpeCling nnJ lbe place Is b w "u '’K' They report an excellent evening, th at «aid prool w ill I* made before C. 11. Hol­ The program consisted of songs For 8*1« hy all druggists. He and hit brother Fted own » NOTICE TO CREDITORS- time, den, U. S. rom nilM loncr at Florence, «iregou, The schooner ciaims on which they have a rea< > and ¡recitations by tl.e children, anil on Decembwr 29, l»99, viz Martha Hartley, w^»k^.l fiwhfle E ntering tl.e Coquille ,ione considerable work and found , "-1' clo<^(1 w;tb B pie taring, the the young 1 E,u feo( jMepi,i„e r stilesdeesa^d. —F lorence , L ane C ounty , O p . egon .— ¿BSQwm ytoiniE W. H. WEATIIKRSON ---- in. ProducE of all Kinds W anteD. Don’t faiL Mattings. At Prices to Suit the Times. MEYEB'&Zna * * * * G^OeEF^IEg, 1E)ry Gfoods Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a r Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest Florence, Oi*ef°n. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sale- If you have property to seli lis t week wa» becalmed and not- ore ¡„ paying quantities. They have dug four tnnnels, one, sixty W ithstanding l^ th o f f e r anchor, were and another fifty feet in depth and tbc d r o p i^ l site drifted ashore on the north l « .c I . Ail of her cargo, with sans and others shallower. S r i» » , « X en off, but the boat is Mr Wells showed os »ample, ol rrs » high and dry ou Wm beach and will be- taken from their mine which assays $U widow of Athos Hartley, 11 H. E. M ieg furnj„hing Hie pie. and the boys | SoUc(, ,„ » i o «o 11 Uorrl.. h a . No. 7199 for the NJ» HE-,, zee 9, T. 1« »., K. 10 orthei)i> 1 d „ „ appointed executor, o fj tr e c_.ute of W. Hcfnamez the follow ing wltuOMs« to prove , Jorephlnc R 8 tH « <«•»»»»-■«>, by th«- lion . « . O. P J ___ . ! potter, CwsntyJn lil« ol 1 At»« enunty, BI. te of hl» eontlnoou» re»l«leiice upon and e iltlia tlo n Y «ue H . w .1 . W ith C«»««««.. A), h „ , „ < c U lm . .» » In .t »•!« of «aid l«nd, viz: George W Hartley, of r o ln t Terrace, ()re«n)*d ^envelop«. 8 A in gold and eiglity.ocnces of silver to Hie ton. The boys have had several op- - nilies to bond their claims to clil- My son ha» been truobtot for jrwr« ¡th' cb.oi.ie S-m etiine ago ■ fo(. cO..ld « U with cbioi.ie dh-rrboea. dixtrh fnæ in besides I persoa«led him t o tske e some of Cham- ami DUl* U'** I t h e w n,M« claims lying together, they berlsin’s Colic. Cholera ow„ a tw0 third, interest in another Remedy. After using two bottles of 1 the 26-’ « cUim ne, r there. this testim onisi, hoping ^ - e one r»«'- T1)ey expect to »1 end « .e winter on H rl, afflicted may read it and he bene- ihe S ' s!. w , od |,.v e in the spr.ng to having lived here. fitwl.—Tl.oin»a C Bower, Glencoe, • work „„ i beir claim» n«»1 »ummer com e » toU*t »oai. fo r sale by all druggist«. VV call at the “WEST” offica and place it on our list. JOHN C. BECK MANAGERS, W. H. W EATHER8ON Park, 3J0 tax low building, btolcaao. la purchasing autl cuing uojiucti g'xxla •ctleBoi the "Diecowy.'