TH E W EST. ÿ^PO*J.l*UKD XVXJBY FRIDAY MORNING.— —AT— WASHINGTON LETTER. FÜ q .W or« BBOVl-MlOoRRKSPONDSNT. Ilon Webster F Davis, assistant secretary of the interior left Washington loday, ostensibly to visit bis friend, J G Stowe, U S consul at Capo Town, South Africa, but in reality upon what may turn out to be a very important diplo­ matic ynission. Tho state department lias not been at all satisfied since the war over there began, with its represen­ tatives in South Africa, the highest of which is a consul general, and Mr Davis is said to carry in his inside pocket, credentials which will, if necessary, make him our diplomatic representative oyer there. Whether those credentials are used being left entirely to his WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE. A Question FT»’/ For the Assay Office of Humanity. I’m Coming! Fin Coming! I have opened a shop Discussing the question of woman where I suffrage, G E Henderson writes as Z in Florence lows to the Albany Herald Dissemina­ shall keep a ii’ood My Head is bowed with Care, tor. Value determines tlie amount of ra­ stock of the Children calling, tional interest. A sane prosj>ector Washington, D. O., Dec. », 1809. Few of tlie old-stagers who attended the opening session of either the hoqs.e - BT .- - - or tlie senate,—there are many persona in Washington, who could pot lie paid to miss an opening d“y of congress re­ brings iris specimens to the assay oil!co E d ito r and p ro p rie to r. gretted that tlie President’s message to find tlie amount of precious metals was not sent jn, for it is a wearisome they contain. task at best to *R through Hie »¡gp-song In the constant cleaving and testing Florence, Ore. Dec. 15, 1899. reading of a message by the reading of souls, which we call life, questions Yes Children, I ’ll he there, you will find me at the Dewey’s salary amounts to clerks, which few ever perform to tlie and principles of value are continually »37.59 ft day; that of President McKin­ extent of following intelligently all f.he discretion. being thrown to tlie surface among tlie ley Is equal to »132 a day; cabinet of- way through, it is so much more con­ fragments. It is the part of tlie public Next door to 0 W Hurd’s. SUNDAY SEHVICES. Jlccra, thp vjee president and speaker ot venient to read if at your ease, ip the press to subject these to tlie test of dis­ »b. iipuse, get »52 a day; senators and newspapers-and the message to be read cussion. Sunday school 10 A M. ingress men, »13.90, and tbs chi,el tomorrow, in botli house and senate, is Preaching 11AM and 7 P M. I have wondered why sq little is being Endeavor 2:30 P M. Justice of the supreme court, »29 a day. unusually long, more than 20,000 words- said in tlie newspapers of Oregon on tlie trade and the strengthening of our wliere I have unloaded my heavy load, and such a load I G K notts , nnd although it js a very important question of woman’s suffraee. The time power on the sea. Speaks of the need it was, and such an elegant display it is. None should Pastor. As ft be bad ppt sufficiently insulted document, will «¡.ontpin little that has until election is short when we consider of early amendment of laws relating to public opiniflft, Polygamist Roberts baa not been outlined, through tlie presi­ trusts. Refers to the existing relations he forgotten and I trust none will he. I will call again the importance of thia issue. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. |h s execrable t»Xe tQ permit bis daugli- dent’s speeches and the remarks of bi. Tlie question of sex is a very citadel of of tlie United States and many countries with another display before gsr tq defend him ».brougli the public advisers in and out of tlie cabinet, by Gives the status of at the Leading Store life; ever since tlie author of life said, of tlie globe. Seldom do we sec it mentioned in tlie press. While all mqat respect the per­ tlie ever-vigilant newspapers of the the tine things will be papers and perhaps comparatively few “ It is not good for man to be alone.” Nicaragua canal negotiations. Details Christmas, and some of sonal devotion of a daughter to her country. tlie progress of affairs in Ouba and de- people aye aware that five amendments Degrade woman and you degrade the father, boweyer eyring be may be, the With tlie exception of thy skirmish in mentioned herein. race. Where mothers are bought and c|ares that our obligations to the island ¿expression, “ We of the West are freer tlie bouse, which for a time threatened to tjiç eta to constitution are to be subr mitted to the voters of Oregon at tlie sold and imbruted you do not expect, must be kept and that free Cuba must Ja our mental ntake,” is a trillo unfojr- to become a pitched political battle over nor do you find, timt they bring up any be a reality, not a name; that so long as »onste. It is freodom in tlio referring the case ol Roberts to a com­ election next June for their approval or we control tlie island, our markets should tiling but a brutish race. ynakepp that the American people will mittee before allowing liipa to be sworn rejection. be open to its products en ns favorable I am a conservative, I believe in The first amendment prohibits any there was nothing exciting in tlie poi — ftico'nd Ledger» terms as aro given to the other M est “ wliat Paul says.” But I am in favor opening session of either brancli qf con­ county, city, town, school district or T ub last legislature passed a law of woman’s suffrage. Discussion means Indian islands under the treaties of re­ other municipal corporation to ¡near gress. The session of tlie senate, which ★ M-pviding that one-qnart,er of a mill tax indebtedness amounting to more than light, and light never hurts truth. Let ciprocity. Tlie message deals at length had no organization to perfect, was witli affairs in tlie Philippines and urges jbe levied on the property of each county slaves of error fear public agitation. five per cent of tlie assessed valuation of very short, adjournment following the and two cents per bead qn o»cb sheep I exhort my readers to consider the a change in tlie laws for tlie government announcement of Yiee President Ho­ the place pnd goat to provide a fund to be used as The second provides for tlie election merits of tlie suffrage question and not of tlie Hawaiian islands. It epoaks of bart’s deatli. The house, after electing a bounty for w)ld animals killed. Lane speaker Henderson, and the officers of of five judges of tlie supremo court in­ a lot of irrelevant matters. The ques­ tlie hardships upon the Porto R:cana o ¿county will be compelled to “dig UP’’ tion is not “Do women wish to vote,” worked by the laws now in force. Mob tlie last house, with the exception of stead of three as at present. »1800 for tins fund, for ,w hich she will Tlie third amendment makes the use nor “ How will they vote.” It is not ns law is denounced, the one hundredth Mr Henry (Jasson, of Wise., who was yeceive »200. The law was made for tlie of property necessary for construction to whether they will be wiser and better anniversary of Washington deatli is elected sergeant-at-arms, in place of pensflt qf pastern .Oregon sheepmen, of water reservoirs and ditches for pur­ voters than men. I do not bclieye they referred to and tlie message concludes Mr B F Russell, of Mo., who Held that j»bo graze their herds on Uncle Ham’s poses of irrigation, t public use and will. But the question is: Should wom­ witli reminding congress of tlie re­ office in tlie last congress, and swearipg domain, It ought tq be repealed.- subject to tlie regulation and control of en take part in tlie consideration and sponsibility resting on its members. in its members, also adjourned after the decision of public questions? The pro­ fiuard. R EA L E S T A T E T R A N S FE R S - announcement of Mr Hobart a deatli. the state- position is not, to take the ballot from The fourth repeals section 35 of article Representative Richardson, ci Tenn, re­ AH druggists guarantee every bottl.e 1 which prohibits persons of color from men and give it to women. So it js not R D Hawley and wife to Ole P Rice, a t Cbanilrerhiiii’s Oongl. Remedy and ceived tlie minority nomination for the a question of comparison between the 232 acres in tp 18 s r 10 w; »3,760. holding real estate in Oregon. yvlll refund I be money to anyone who is speakership. R D Hawley and wife to Catharine Tlie fifth and most important of theee sexes, whicli God lias made to differ; not satisfied after usjng t\vp-thirda of Senators Gnllinger and Ilansbrough, Iladsall, lot 6 block 4, Morse’s addition but it is a question of association— ¡the contents. This is the best remedy sitting ns a sub-committee of the com­ amendments gives women tlie right of to town of Florence; $500. In ths world for la grippe, couglis, colds, whether it is “good fur man to be alone” voting. Harriet Lee to A J Petner 50 lots in eroap and whooping cough mid is mittee on ponsions, under the resolution in government. A $ U R E C U BE FOR CRO U P- Frazier and Berry’s ad to Florence. pleasant and safe to take. It presents adopted by tlie senate at the last session Again, it is not a question of fitness ppy tendency of a cold to result in of congress, directing an investigation Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke lour I.lfe Inay. T w e n ty -ftv e Y e a r .’ C on .tan t Use w ith o u t for public service. A man is not denied pneumonia- and ye|«rt on flip advisability of a To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag­ a F a ilu r e . the ballot because he is too old to be a netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, tnke No-To- revision of tlie pension laiys, havo heard sc, tho Wonder-worker, that makes weoktaen soldier, or too young to be president. B gTATB S bn ^ tor Q w patterson of strong. All druggists, 60c or SI. Cure guaran­ Secretary Hitchcock, and Assistant teed. Booklet and sample free. Address The flTst indication ol croup is hoarse­ Tlie right of suffrage does not depend Washington county, who has been on p Bterllr.g Uemedy Co., Chicago or New Yorlt .Socrotary Davis, of tlie interior depart­ ness, and in a child subject to that di upon tlie kind or amount of public ser­ grip through Jackson qnd Josephine ment, and Commissioner Evans and sease it may he taken ns a sure sign of vice for whicli tlie individual is qualified. .counties, stoppod over in Roseburg Dec G R E E N L E A F IT E M S - Assistant Oommissioner pavenport of the approacli of an attack, lollowlng The purposes of government are slated 7tb to visit the i ’laindealor editor. this hoarseness is a peculiar rougli tlie pension bureau, and the views of B y a W est C obhespondent . Senator Patterson who is an enthusiastic cougii. If Chamberlain’s Cougli by tlie constitution of tlie United States tlie qqmmander.-in-chief of the G A R Uemedy is given us soon as tIt© child be­ us follows: “To form a more perfect supporter of Hon Binger Hermann (or are to bo submitted in writing. Tlie comes hoarse, or even after the cionpy union, establish justice, insure domestic Doc Inloe is about as spry as ever. If 8 Senator, «»>’» .1.W *'■’ 'fint I-“g- days it died. What ailed it is a mys­ bo will recommend H'1'1 rouM!* land and American clasp bands across tery. third annual President McKinley’s lime is short and immediate, « n -' lhe #e„t and tho peace of the world is Marion Wheeler, tlie mail qarrles from ufreaage to congress was delivered last action is necessary. Wl'l the and Mr Chamberlain said: tg , MMavtrtr ot Swsnip-ttoot at Work la Alpiia to Mapleton, lias quit and Hlo Latorotery. week. Tlie documant is quite long and Clayton Tope is carrying tho mail Oregonian say what It thinks ol putting ' . . rhe Uuion alliances, U you please, lie- , theso two great nations. Grunt co^ ' ^ e d *cer trMt’ n,1,UT ,ubloet* o! ln,erc9t to temporarily pending the re-letting ol tlie J» a bid lor OregQn in this important tweun Britain and the U S is a guarantee of live. Gie country at large. After referring to contract. Wheeler was a sub-contractor tag. and tl.e original contractors failed by ......................... by »11a year U pay tlie agreed amount. c ir c k .it is thought that Mr ObtmU’s ^ ^ ^ « ^ d n e ^ U o u ^ fp0 stop nLirotïle “ „f*yivìm.hi' A1 '" unii’»»! , ‘ BoMiruON t'orfrssV. P»'i»i S, t.likaio. I (n^Btton this paper. 4 Pbpppxci, La»« Covxyr, O bjkjox W . H, WEATHERSON CHOICE MEAIS. A lw ays on Hand.. Old SANTA CLAUS! ear Old SANTA CLADS! Give me a Call. 0. BRACEY. “GREAT WHITE STORE, I ’m Going! À I ’M GOING! liZEy t t e e i c l i s r . o t s o I © o e rc L se I ’m . -w a itirre : o rx O 3 o . i l d . r e n y o u l^ n o A T v ! Y o u 3 s .x io -w ! Yes Santa Claus is right, he knew where to discharge his cargo. Come early, and often and inspect our stock, YOUBS TRULY, O. W . HURD. C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and * Notions, FLORENCE MEAT MARKET, ....... Just Ooened. s; 1— • « :»"•* . tt , Goods as Represented. HPR£OTi(£E o^* 1