T íí E W E S T KVKKY - F R ID A Y — AT IVISON ITEMS. M üUM NG- ACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY BRIGHT’S New Fall Effects DISEASE K- —in B y I ch D ikn . — Ivison, Or, Nov 17, 1899. Regular Oregon winter weather, rain, . • - by - - - ■ ■ i— O r O m n i a In ffa m a ia tlo n o f th e K id n e y » mud, fug »'id line backed salmon. Is a v e ry com m on a ilm e n t. N u m o e ia aw o u r beat c lt lt t n s h a v e eueaiim bed to Its M akes th e food m ore delicious and wholesom e Geo-ge Vaughn has returned from ! a ifa c ta . «van th o u « h un der f u l m ed ical t r e a t ­ Hosiery, Underwear, Ilaleey where he lias been working the floods, 'editor and Proprietor. m en t. L ik e a ll «eOWÇESOO^MW »OSO. c h ronic dleaanoa. past four months. Bets ar A Cipt, th e I r m p tom e Excellent Table Linen, com e on tnaldlou»- Ed and Walter Ohastain sre in from _TgBMs: $ h w • y«*r in a‘lvH“ee'— ly . If P r o p e r COMMISSIONERS COURT. Boots tad Show. itm e a t In ob- Lateet etyla in Corate, PERSONALS. the valley visiting relatives and friends twined la Its e a rly in this neighborhood, ■ ta x « *. B r l« h t * Entered at the post-office at Florence, R D Mills, ¿ ¡ R j ~ h W ta M viewer on Bernhardt Oi.r school is progressing nicely with John Mason is at Eugene. U ne county, Oregon, as eucoud-class w ill cu ra It If I t la road....... Mies Maude Howard as leecher. We ¡¡*¡1 matter. " CO Mrs A F Hurd waa a passenger Irons ta k e n In tlm «. New Goods arriving on every Vessel H U M A N w ill re ­ John L Furnish, viewer on Bern­ aro having a three month* term this ■ Eugeno on Saturday’a staso. liev e yo u a t a ll hardt road ........................ 8 00 „ ~ th e sym pto m s. Do z, winter. W ill receive OOMSIOffMSVT of OAUTOKKIA PXÜIT erery WP- „.■ B T IM N Q batbb had « known on ap - A li Buttolph, deputy surveyer 8 00 L , not d e la y to * ¡« l>o».e again having 4B’ PLICATION. long. D o n 't w a tt Roland Vaugh who went to Washing­ on Bernl.ardt road ...............' .. 20 00 fln,8bed ’ h8',On the bencl’' u n til your com »«tice« 8 cent» par H ue. iMsertloii ton lust gnmmer, lias returned home. becom es In c u ra ­ ble. Y o u w ill th< n It II Bernhardt, chainman „.. , Sirs William Morris Bpent a few days He Sava Ihe SiuBlaw country is good th r o w y o u r m oney a w a y on d Ta k e C ascare« Canuv Cathartic. lO o o rO e . »nbject for next Sabbath. "Woes of land and SO acre« have been plowed. hat examination showed that Mr Eor further informaron inqmre o. I I C. C. C. ta ll to «are, d r ' ï ï ' • ta rotund money. Intemperance.” All come. Can cut 36 tons of bay. A good two dndsly’s ankle waa broken and was Mr and Mrs C«pt Oox have movod story house 28 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by I. B. Cushman, Acme, Oregon. n a bad shape, the bones having com- TO CURE LA GRIPPE IN TWO DAYS from their Cape ranch to Acmo and sre 70 feet, with heavy frame; a goat house nenceil knitting together without being making preprations to erect a new 10 by 40 feet; »n orchard of about 800 dwelling on the hill near where the old trees of different kinds of fruit has been n their proper place. Take L ayative B romo Q uinine T ab - SURPRISE PARTY. cabin now stands. We are all glad to bearing (or a year or two. Rosefcnrg R eview : The connty board ie t s . All druggists refund tlie money have the Capt a»d Ills good wife with A water wheel of atiout 8 horse power lor fixing school district boundaries lias A few friends of Mrs Schreuders gave if it falls to cure. F W G rove ’ s signa­ us again. furnishes motive power at the haru for Ntahllsheda new school district (No 120) liera pleasant surprise last Saturday ture on every box. 25c. cutting feed, sawing wood etc. rs Ot vc. I uvi « I”.......... - • . . . in the head waters of Tillicoun Tsiltcoos n river Which there are 18 evening'In honor of her b.rthdar The farm Is J i m ile from school a e v e u iu s , ildle creek), In ------- Schreuders received several pretty ai.d mile from a county road. A BOY’S PAPER. ills. The new district is formed from useful mementoes of the occasion and a Price »1000. T ern ii $600 cosh, art of No 03. very pleasant evening was spent and balance on three or four yeara time. The following remarkable physiolog­ He That Any Good Would W in ” her guests departed wishing her many A bargain for anybody wanting ical statement occurred in the examina­ >uld be provided with good health, happy returns. (arm. tion of papers of a school boy long 1 everyone who would have good For further information inquire at tint since, bet is worth repeating: “ The iltli should remember that pure, rich W est office. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP- huinun body is divided into th.ee parts od Is the first requisite. Hood’s —the head, the ehist and the stummick. rsaparllla, by giving good blood and T w e n t y - « « . Y e « « ’ C o a rt« .» N O T IO E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N " « « • • • “ The head contains the eyes auJ brains, )d health, has helped many a man to a F a ilu r e . if any. The ehist conUius the lungs Ia n 1 Offlc«, Buwtburt. Oregon. ¡cess. and a piece of liver. The stummick 1« O ciolwr » , 189». Notice 1» hereby (riven th » t the fo llo w in a Soard: Chas D ThomaB returned The first indication of croup is hoarse­ devoted to the bowels, of which there naunetl settler h » * filed notice ot 1,1» In ten tio n is morning from Bisbee, Arizona, ness, and In a ehlld subject to that d. is five, a, e, 1, o, u, and sometimes w to make liiuri pnxit in support ot t il l claim , and F lo r e n c e , O re f°n . lere he went a short time ago for hie »pise it may be taken as a sure sign of and y. t b s t u l d Proof w ill be made before C. H . alth. In that country he had the U olilcn, U. B. C o in n tlM lo n .r, a t Florence, Urcyon, on lleceinlier 20, 18SS, vis: Qcotg* H " i--' • s i tlima badly and came hack for relie . I f , f™ .— NOTICE M ill«, on h l* H. K. No. *05« for the 8 W H N E '4 . n ays that the towns are prosperous Chamberlain a Longi N 1 8E!4, *ec. SO 4 8 W)4 BW K *ec. » T. 1» M. B. that section. 11 neat. iiiallzMlon of Lane I __ . -ey . » Remedy Is given as soon a BoRr,| of Equalization H e name* the fo llo w lu f nltne««e» to pro«» Monday v November S u p p d ’ a t M O IT IS l l O t C l . PX meet o|l , Mo„l1a The university of California defeated comes hoarse, or even after hl., continuous reaid jnoe upon » i l l c u ltiv a tio n , for the purpose of i 1 1 . . .. e foot ball team from the nniver-tv cough appears, it '» prevent »7 . t assessors office for the purpose -e ■ - - | 9K of «aid land , vis: tack It is useii io many thousand« of ~ ihc „t i8«9. Ail i Tickets Including Supper .2 5 A lford M inor, of Olenada, Oregon, A nthony Oregon last Saturday by a score of Hhnater, o f Olenada, Oregon, U. S hatter, n t 0. The California men were 10 to 15 Oloimda, Oregon, Ueo O lover, of Olenada, finds heavier than their opponents. - s r : ~ ¡ o t y b o d y C O M Oregon. ie crowd aaid It was the best foatba J. T . B ainoa*. AGENCY. > *• Ueglater. D P BuaTov, ayed on the coast thia year. County Assossor. The books of Sheriff Withers have George Thu rm an , ! ord—twenty-five years’ constant use N O T IO E FO R P U B U O A T IO N . flanagers. :en experted and the full amount eiu For sale by all drug without a failure 'ztled by Deputy Sheriff Day bas lx * 11 I John Tanner, DIED- la n d Office, Biweburg, Oregon. Kcially given ont as $2,271.48. ie glats. L ank C ounty , O regon .— 5V.II. W E À T IIE K S O N Dna P r o d u c E o f a ll K in d s W a n t e D . id Don’t fail. At Prices to Suit the Times. MEYER &EYLE ¡S ier a ,11 HIIIIYMI REMEDY COMPANY, ★ ★ *0 Goods, H u rd w a rE , Paints, GUNHALL. In 1 0 0 F Hall In Florence, Ore Friiay Eve«, Howto 24,1 G eo T h u rm an V io lin ist Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest I K«ß8, 8. Bnnif- San «ach- 'dnys, nilea. Aus- oiscav vered : m ail •ay of in 39 ity to aer in Now oon- et tors cover t M el- n lot- out 83 T w ill The Yoko- niilee fumed n thia i in 18 ■ days. Homo i riayst daya, Cttburg P a ri* ys and days, erican 4 day» to Rio > m iks lexau- i Now ’ 8.946 i 1 daya. audegd nativwB. e tM N «triadi ieri coa entally *. Th* gether, lur iuii L ug “ lu M rs G R M ills O r g a n ist $1 AND FLORENCE R EA L ESTATE ENJOY YOURSELVES. oney was officially turned over and re- A considerable extra work was cansel bis home in lived last week, $2300 having been de­ At Kovember 104b, 1899, bited at tlie First National Bank, ugene, hv Mr W ithers linmcdiatc.y z i x r ; , « . « t . » . . . - of consumption. i H e t ' o ’ ,« - r the disappearance <>f Day .moved. , (September 17,181.. I y sen has been tmnbled for years h., mini-.e.- oflhe ^ ^ h chronic chronic diarrhoea. diarrhoea. Sometime Sometime tgoj ago ¡ The The fnpreme fnpreme court roort of the stale using two ro » " » the conviction 25-cent size he was cured. I *’ve [ iaurder of « • ’ Vauer* has had I .. " o r «1OO REW A R D . » 1 0 0 - Olivet Michigan, B«V Henry Marsh „.gders of this paper will be v 1(.hl g .n " S X i pleased to lesrn that «here is at least ... .................. — i" -1 “ ». lie hoan able to «me lu all Its stages and ? t ^ n ’'’l‘o75’': He that I. Catarrh. Ha'I's Catarrh Cure 1. in the ooen air but Iris ueaiui - ' -----------1 c o n - , ...........— - . M i n . d ir c c t lv Knvetr.ber 17, 1SS». N otice Is hereby given th a t the follow ing- named settler h»« Bled notli-e of his In ten tion to make Brini proof In support of his c la im , and tlm t said pn m f w ill be mode before C. H . H o l­ den, U. 8. i'o m m lw lo n e r a t Fiorane», Oregon, on lieoemher 2«, WS», vis M arth » H artle y , widow nt Amrw H artley, deceased, on H . B. No. 71S» for tlm N’ i SB!4. see », T . IS K. W W. ____ lleÿm m cs tb» follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residenci apon »nd c llU v n tlo n of m U<) laud« wi»: Ueorge W H artle y , of Point Terrone, Oregon, C h a rlie Anderson, of Point Torrare, Oregon, Himon U n t o s , of P oint Terrace, Oregon, 1rs H offm an, of P oint Terrace, Oregon. í . T . Bernese, Beglster. r, Glenvoe, • l.-T h o n ,.a C Bow0r, order in the first degree, sorry to le.ru h‘"| ¡ X u t i T ’of tl.T d l.« m e . and giving sale by all druggists, m'’rdS ' , . „ across the " '.ll.m e.te » t 1(1 death. . i ,o t h e patient strength by building up the he Salegl school board la de.dlo. ked ! the bridge He leaves « » « • *n'*,w0 da'’* ' ‘ .in stitu tion and assisting nslnre in do­ W A N T K I i - S B V I t B A L B K IO IIT A N O H ON Which he threw it mt« Tv kwt peraons to represen» represent us u« aa as M Maimgrrs aim aer lie »a, dilation qneeuon. A *1*" 8 ’ cm ro ---- |«f — Salary ---- BWO ' a n i,urn his loas. i j j|g wor|(. The proprietors have so in this and . r rr lo w trr eounll««. year and espaiisea. jn ra lg h t, buna Ode, ding was ueld recently t° disprwc o^ giver, 'ft parnmnent. Onr in its its curative curative posera, powers, that ------ much faith In r'.IÜtfî.n mattar, but no autioA w"8 l.keO ex ¡ Dear -tflK u n * 8 0 they offer cue Hundred Holism nr -, I to pass a reaolntran, probibrimif ’’ . d e .n , »OTNTS wa NTKW— Poi» " T , Ihè case that It fails to core. Send fur list * cl)^ , w n »ddreewd .lam ped envelop«. T u « scinocm. » » U Adm.r., ire. • • ’ _____1- 1- DoM fM l«M C . na if to. a.^/w tic C|ra" UP^^** 7 '.bfhSdT Imwwr liver «DO ’Jf” i i  L d ♦«'«»***• . w' l.JH WUflOÍ»« ÍUu»W** ents of a «lieti i.-t lor wore * «'P». ï, * ’‘ï ’ t o tb*n ' r ^ r d i stirring s s ä "¿* Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists, 76c. IU ll's Family Pills are the best. Two m ei.iters 8 ’ ’ -? r - lìi” " * 1 1 1 Eanmh p im p t* * .'î° * * „ , mDle ii.,n by taku>< ; V'""7''wrtm ant«« I iw Ix.iuhitoo Company I -«-insrinn. «ml boam hj, ^ p le z ^ “ - ^ ^ ¡ ¿ u t l d g . Ciricmto. red eompnlaory v; {¿»caret*.- beouty • member r>.awret«.—iw““*»------ lOc.TfriWft L.. . < --------------------- — ............. - opposed it. The Huh satisfsvttonj mi. Q, J.'*»}««?. m s i iw : »T Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sole. If you have property to sell call a t th e “ W E 8 T ” office and place it on our list. JOHN O .B E O K W . H. W EA TH ER SO N MANAGERS. Ics