U [ A D V E R T IS E R S 4 TH E W EST L Y O U R HO HE PAPER 1 I SUPPORT 1T< « X lî> S IÜ S L A W 8 0 N L 7 PAPES. O P P O R T U N IT Y » a . r NO. 30. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Nov. 21, 1899. VOL. X. G E N E R A L directory TR AVELER S* GUIDE. S T A T E O F F IC E R S - STEAM E TRAVELERS* GUIDE M A R G U E R IT E , o ---- W ill m a k e --------- o . . T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A IL Y F . I. Dunbar. ----- B etw een — F. S. Moore. jre»»lirBr.............. t ,r , i B„nt Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman E Printer........................ W . H . Leeds. Governor.............. Secretary oí S'nte Steamer Robarts | W ill make regular trip s front T R IP S Florence mil Beafl of Tide. Florence to Yaquina Calling a t A LSEA . A nd 90fS¥0UP\ Bacii Ache? from In constant pain when onl L o u r feet ? » ' Is that dragging, pulling’ sensation with you from morn till night ? Why not put tho medicine exactly on the disease ? Why knot apply the euro right to. ¿the spot itself ? FERTILE PORTO RICO THE ISLAND IS AS BEAUTIFUL AS IT IS PRODUCTIVE. It Has T h lrte e a H nadaed W e a lth o f Veaetatlo«. H ig h ly C «IU »a b U Boll aud Vast DepaelU at H la a ta le —F»W R e p tile ., but M any Ineeotfc 1 -4 Knocked. Off The price of all Men’s and Boy’s Suits. Mr. Frederick A. Ober, lnte oommU- ticner in Porta Rico of the Colombian »Hxvrition, oontributea to Tba Century THE STEAM ER Calling_at the UMPQUA. •n article on “ The Island ot Porta r.ioo.” Mr. Ober gaya: Ia,ke Second D istrict. .J . W. Hamilton For passenger and freight rates In the extremo northeaat ntefl the prosecuting A ttorn ey. .Geo. M. Brown highest peak of the oentral oordlllera — APPLY TO — in the Luquillo sierra, known os “ Kt You can do it with Yunque.” or “ The A n v il,” variously Florence, O r. W ill carry freight and passengers M eyer & Kyle, estimated at from 8,600 to 4,600 feet in C O U N T Y O F F IC E R S - from Florence to San Francisco. height. Tho h ills are of l e w elevation toward the west and southwest, but C S -jA -P U D I J S T E r t W ill also bring up freight the wholo north central country Is rug­ Judge...................... ged aud uneven. Between the g|>nrs «»» S T A G E L IN E . ,.W . T. Bailey from the main range lie Innumerable Commissioners j .......... II. D. Edwards F or further information inquire •deluded valloyg, whore tho null la of groat fertility. The luipregelve features — OF — Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on of tho landscape are tho rounded Kum- A. W . BEA D LE & CO. W . W . Withers mits of the multitudinous hills, w h ic h the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. lenvo the coast in constantly rising bil­ 14 California St, Returning, Stage Leaves Florence lows that dually break against the cor . .D . P. Burton Assessor. ........................ San Francisco, California. dillera vertebra; yet aU are cultivable, Sundays. and cultivated to their very crests, ßchool Superintendent. ...W . M. Miller though tho higher moantalu peaks are Extra Trips When Necessary . ..C. M. Collier forest olad. Charges Reasonable. W . P . Cheshire L e Moro than 1,800 streams. It Is said, H 0 “ Coroner............................ of whioh number perhaps 40 or 60 at­ ..C . If. Holden justice of P oace............ tain to the dignity of rivers, rise in the SU BEM E, Constable........................ . . . E . A. Evans liills aud seek the ooosts, most of them Lane County, Oregon. running northerly, though the boat har­ X,. bors are fn the west and south. But Immediately after tho notwithstanding tho great rivse flow C IT Y O F F IC E R S . »Plaster is applied, ycu ieclf Occupied. CHECK N EEDED A 8TA M P. iwrtions of tho island in tho southwest E. B angs, Proprietor. 'it.» warming, toothing in-, iuo alllicted w ith , drought at times, “ Now, atxiut the w ay they are run­ Stage leaves Eugene on M on- m W | M G I r l H a d W « re b«» O » ~ © ta P r e s e n t ................... W . H . Waatlierson ftiuence. Its healing reused leaf owing ta tho prooipitatiou of tho north- ning thia w ar,” began tho man who A b»w t o t « a . T » days, W ednesdays, and F ridays a t N oast “ trades” against thenorthoruhilla usually has n great deal of tim e on his I quickly penetrate down deep 0 . W. Hurd Boeno— A down town bank. 6 a. m. arriving at Florence the The higher h ills are olothed fn the into the inflamed tissues. band,u .. . a la I, Win. Kyle S " W ill you cash that, please»” exuberant aud diversified vegetation o. “ I ’ve got no time to talk about It, day following a t 10 a. m. Pain is quieted, soreness ia re­ Jioard of Trustees J. W. Carman “ Oortainly, but it requires a teamp. the tropical forest, where tree ferns answered Farmer Corntossel, who was R etu rn in g stage leaves Florence lieved and strength imparted. M. Morris ” A w h«t?” flourish, aud great gum trees aud moun­ figuring on a piece of brown paper w ith P u llm an M ondays, W ednesdays, and F ri­ Ns piaster was ever made like it. “ A stamp, a bank check stomp. U p tain palms tower a lo ft A t lower lev«ls the stump of a lead pencil. No planter ever acted so qnickly Sleeping C ars days at 2 p. m. arriving a t Eugene Recorder.......... ___ John I. Butterfield nre the cedar and mahogany, walnut here in tho corner.11 “ But the board of strategy” — and thoroughly. No fluster ever th e following day a t 9 p. m. ..................F. B. Wilson “ I can’t help IL It wasn't none of aiul laurol, w ith many others noted for “ Does it?” had su.h complete (.octroi over ¡.It Treasurer---- E le g a n t their useful woods. Throughout tho m y doln’s In the first place. I ’ve got to ••T e a ” kinds of pain. ............G. C. Cumpton Marshal............ D in in g Cars “ Well, why don’t you put It onf” island are found those trees and shrubs figger ont how to nuike $1.76 profit out - 15.00 Placed over the chest, it is Single fare - - " W eave not the ones to pnt It on. valuable for their gums, as the mamey, of the city people that's couiin here to a powerful aid to A yers T o u ris t B ound trip - - - - $9.00 guaiucum and copal, w h ile the list of pay |7 a week an calculate just how Tho person who draws the ehook stamps Cherry P ectoral; relieving Sleeping C ars T ickets for sale a t E . Bangs S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . medicinal plants Includes most of thoso, much canned vegetable«, dried beef an IL” congestion and drawing out livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. “ W hat’s it for?” invaluable ta our pharmooopmias, oouilensed milk we can get 'em to take ST. PAUL all inflammation. which tropical America has given to w ithout kickin. I ’vo no time to think - ’’It’s a war ta x .” H u rd ’s office in Florence. M IN N E A P O L IS “ How funny I Does the government » or »»in hy ai . i , parooiRTR. tho world. Those are the silveotres. na­ about any board of strategy. My tim e s l F A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. .1 C. ATl’K 6 ).. LcwoJ. Mn»». ture’s w ild children, but of cultivated completely tuck np w ith th s strategy expect to carry on the war w ith usy D U L U T H ______________ I , Regular soininiinication on second poor little 8 oonts?” plants there is no species peculiar to board. ”— Washington Star. ind fourth Saturdays In each month. A lex. Patterson, M . D. FA R G O ________ “ Yes, w ith yours and othesu. the tropics that does not flourish here E . W . Conn, IV . M. g r a n d f o r k s “ But I haven’t any stamp. I’v s bets» TO lu the littoral levels, botwoea the Mitigating ClrtminitaneMb G ardiner, Oregon. I, I. B uttebfield , Secretary. C R O O K S T O N ___ mountaius end tho sea, grows the sug­ Pale, yet firm, the young recruit out of town and didn’t know aboat Ins ar c»uto, whioh may be cultivated np to stood before the court martial, charged la w .” W IN N IP E Q _____ “ It wasn’t necessary to know It nnttt General Lyons Post, No. 68 an altitude of 8,000 fe e t It was intro­ w ith an attempt at desertion. The gris- I A. R. second and fourth Saturdays Special attention to Diseases o f H E L E N A »»d ____ duced hero from Banta Domingo, hav­ sled officer in command a»ked him not you drew ths oheck. ” I, meets sect— "How ridlcnlousl And y«m WSR^ « • ing been brought to America either unkindly if ho bad anything to say. ( each month at 1:30 p. m. tho Eye. BUTTE S. B. C olvin , Commander. from Spain or the Canuriea The annu­ “ Only th ia your honor,” the young me have m y mcnsy until X put nstan tp J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. al yield of sugar la estimated at about man answered, relapsing into civilian ip tfoft ooraorT*9 “ We ara obliged to inabt that the Ua notaries . 70,000 tons TO forms of speech. " I happened to re­ Iu these fertile lowlands also tobacco member that I bad let the gas turned on CHICAGO IS J U S T does exceedingly w ell, and the annnul in my flat when 1 started to the front ' " “ Supposing I g lv s you 1 I O .U . W . Perpétua Lodge, N o . 131, W A S H IN G T O N k .t w ill do. dnJ* I meets ^ e r y 1st and 3d productioa is said to be quite t . 000,000 __Olnciunati Enquirer. W HAT “ I’r That w ill A. R. B U T T O L P H , P H IL A D E L P H IA “ But I haven’t cents,** pounds. It may be cultivated on the acb month. Montoers » Pnr,Hallv THE hills, but the true mountain lover la ths “ Perhaps you irethren in good «tandm gi M HU Veracity. N EW YORK nvited ta attend. A. O. F dnkb , m . coffee, which does not do w ell below somebody.” W O R D “ E d w in ,” protested his w ife, “ you B O S TO N A N D A L L 600 feet aud le at its tc • » Travellers. • * such as tho guava, lime, orange, agate Ingtou Star. , J our elegant H . T. catalog. star requests Christians d ir ec to r s cate, eapodllla and avocado pear, w hile smselves k n o w n ^ Pagtor. P W OSBtTSM, b 1> F A IN E , VV E BROW N, C o o lin g . nil subtroplo vogriabloe may he raised, n V P A IN E , J K R OBINSON, J B B A R B U , W hite S ewkü M achine C o . including thoso of tho south temperate "M y heart is on fire," ho cried as he W W BROW N. rone, »ui-h, for instance, as ar-j -rowu dropped to his knees before tho beauti­ D , w . B TIBB E N 8, Proprietor. Cleveland, Ohio. « in Florida. ful maiden. A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B usiness atto rneys Tho minoral kingdom has not been “ W ell.” »ho ooolly replied, they F lo r e n c e O reg o n , so oxhanattvely exploited as the vegeta­ keep splendid ice cream soda junt around Transacted co Favorable Terms For gale by W hite Hewing Machine ble, but more than traces hove been the ooruer. ” —Chicago N ew s Tables furnished w ith all th e D ra ft, issu ed on th e p rin cip a l e lU e * o l th e ! Company, San Francisco. found of ooppes, coal and iron, as well A. C . W O O D C O C K , U n ited S ta te ,: o lso e x c h a n g e lu r n k h e d a v a il­ as vast deposits of salt. The rivers nt A lw ays. delicacies of the season. Give us a b le lu a ll fo r e ijn co u n trie s. one time ran to tho sea over bods of Browne— Did you ever know of an Interest re lit on tim e d c |» ) « if . ì golden sand, end from tho streams to­ inttauco whoro tho i>urt was (greater » “ " ’ooT v a u lt tor th e storage o t v a lu a b le a call. day (as in tho neighboring island of than tho wholo? I ha.1 hten a snffcrer tee i u gen e, • O reSon from m uiuinnssswjth, all ite Santo Domingo, where the first Ameri­ pac o n e e u o .„ receiv e our prom pt a tten iio n . ♦ ♦ * * • Towna—Uh, yes. The star’» part in “ “ ' S Ï Ï Â » “ .îS t v - Æ ♦ * • • can gold was discovered» »iie natives a drama. — Brooklyn Life. Pishes, lifci Lexiugton y v s.. car- R oom » 7 a n d 8 M<¡ i* 7 t o u a a n d p r í Sciai a it a n d o li g iv e n to c o llo e tlo u » a . waali out nuggets by »be crude proo- . .'T R Y THE J*ita I M A R IO N MORRIS Pro p. te b u sin e s^ esscs of that distant day when Aguey- sixnrlns Thalr Tru. Colors. ' K W HMIE ” SEWIM « M M E . i j cen ts uabu wont prospecting w ith his tales " N o wonder the Bpuuianls are cow­ T w e n t* ¡¡lie « W est Shaving friend, Leon. ll-uu, * l ’onco de —— ards. ” B . O. P O T T E R as “ Hair C utting There ore no native quadrupeds hers Eugene. "H ow ’s that?" larger than the agouti and tbo annadil- | "W hy, even their flag is fu ll of yel­ lowing your advice I was so suausre y d as “ Razor Honed ................A tto rn ey -a t-L a w .. that I took «V« more botttea, and then lo, but birds are relatively numerous, low streaks. ”— V tin. •3 “ S cisso rs Oround stopped fix several weeks sa I fan so w ith a few of fine song and some of | eogxne , orkgon . m ^ H I« tte r . but still I was ned nsm- brilliant plumage. A ll domestic fowl ■ n .tta » . ^M ely fu v n i 1 oaiiiniisinsd taking H O m c a A t t h e C ou rt R on»«. jr io r o n o a : O regon do w ell here, and tho great pastures of . Merit«— I am going to marry a man •gain and fett Üiat I was improring __ and felt that I wss tmpro the northeast and southeast suppott rust who draws beautiful pictures. fZnar than at first. I am not now cress herds of cattle snd homos, which sufflos and irritabte, and I bare a g o c l cotar in Gertie—Thnt's nothing I »hall marry E . E . B E N E D IC T , not only for tlic needs of the isteml, but a man who draws a pension.—Town my face: have also gained about to il ■ are exported to all parts of the Wett poutvît m wright and öh / ÄJMKW« Topics. _ . T T O R N S T Y - A ' T - LxA V Z fon n di r>f comfort, for I a n a now I Indies, being held iu high esteem. i Money Saved wovnnn one« more ®nd 7°’“ ’ K u tb l.S «1 C otaparUen. Thore are no poisonous reptiles to be By F lo re n c e . : : Oregon. , fonred, but insects of questionable obar- kit»» Huuiiuit— Dw yuu tbink your your * Favorite Prescription ’ »* . ... _____.s .k s .x » rem« Inilff I [ actor are too numerous tor «.m fort brother is sulTiriug much in the army? of it, coopted wish tbe ’r i—Miil Psllett P atron izing it. wbteh W not to be dkyenred wWi. X This island Indeed were a pursdnw Mine Palisade— Gh, no. Ilo camped Vx.k eight twttles of the • Bressrinttoo PASÇARST8- »WS I O » Ä 6 0 YEAftO* w ithout them; even with tte-in the oat w ith us alt last summer.— lk sok lyn the last time, making NsttSSSO te «H. EXPERtENCE ________________ ’Ä 'S f b t e t t t n oru i or Inhabitants seem to experience llttlo Prop and will not take any more unless jo o Lila. __ a o i i o . toy D . | rd , M i s a Oeo. Hale so advise, tor I do ntd «es an I trouble Tho worst of theso are tho A C n o f T->oeb. scorp'"!'*. centipeds. tarantula», wasps, CENTRALLY LOCATED. mosquitoca some species of auta. tick*, Tramp— I've RC-t sm allpox G ive uh • j U i î K O FREE SAM PLE ROOM S. chtgoea and fleas The beat of a tropical » bob IT UH tota li yer. BhOWtof tht Af­ 8w R PH P.l ' l S l>A < >! >i f I l’P.E5Œ II’ l IOS T o n s o r ia l P a r lo r s . Attorney at Law E lk P r a ir ie H otel. ON EUCENE AND FLORENCE STA C E R O UTE. TAPEÄ WORMS NWTC Anyona M ndlu* » xni frno. olJest • » * • ' •n«» "■ »•- jv i - r * t » n u toSrn ih r m a h M ir n A eo- — — iWrlol n o fi« . « I ll-r u t ch jrga. In til» SdwtHif Hwcrica«., A fcundenvnely »Hnutrafed T^rinl. W • halation of nn< «scienii®« ViVTln i — i fowr ntontke. |L MW br •> J T l.a lr » a y CNma riy. HOTEL EUGENE. * « -* ■ * A -“ FOR SALE B* E O h L g N S S C E B k O S * .^ - ^ , Good deulrrs walrted in every town. to $2.CO PER D AY . Write f»r prices aud terms to ban H sn R ATES »1-W O R E G O N - *Ufcu,Dal, > E U G E N E - CURI I0-T0-BA6 T, rblMT«. r*^» »a* « str» « ^ rër lan't much comfort in de ro­ Ryo—Spanish 4s «wo not very p»pn- dât contentment is better dan ter now. ’’ said Unete Bben. "One la tea1 Alto__T7o. Thi w»mandolín quartette» aa bahd ta g it as ds other, " w have petered out.— Law York Jouni»» WsMiiugtou Su r. si< kw onicn W T J .l.. « dally *<*» Ite »h or, r and. f ” lu