e g g " .'-1 - TKCE i W E S ' , meat service. WASHINGTON LETTER. er its significance becomes. Those who believe th at politics should The truth is tiiat not one Ameiiean in , not be allowed to figure in such busi. 1'aoM OIB RBJVJ4B U obkkhpoxoent . a hundred has any fear of the prox­ — VUB148UKD KVEUY PK I DAY MORMNG.— Tacoma Ledger. ness as the erection of public buildings, imate or ultimate results of ou.-conflict One ol tiie slowest delusions to yield — AT— are pleased at the decision of Secretary with Aguinaldo, nor is there any cause 1 to the assault of coiiiuioii sense is that Washington, D. C., Nov, 6, 1899. Gage, against the protest of such for fear. Though much stress has been T lob I nck , L ank C ounty , O regon which credits law with influencing The appointm ent of a civil governor promilient politicians as Senators P latt laid on the circumstances th a t we have human conduct, independent of or even for Cuba lias been fully determined anJ Btand by the report of the - • - by - • - occupied but a comparatively small area contrary to the direction of public upon, and may be announced any d * y .! .„„„ n iu e e of architects, which was in about Manila, tfie purely negative argu­ opinion. I t is on this basis th a t much This does not inpun that the soldiers are favor of t.Onstrucijng the new custom ments th at arc deduced from it are legislation, existing and proposed, is rendered valueless by the very positive to 1 ms at once withdrawn from C u b a ,' ,10UBe ¡n New York city from plaqs E d ito r an d P roprietor. built. And yet there is no fallacy more but that a civil governor will soon be ma()e by M(, OaBa Gilbert( a Chicago accomplishments of our troops. It lias Has Something to Oiler in the Way of complete and ridiculous on the face of given supreme control, with our soldiers architcct. been proved again and again th a t U'ts Florence, Orc. Nov. 17, 1899. it. behind him to be used if necessary to have the power to extend the aroa A few years ago fne legislatures of all support his authority. I t may be that WITHOUT OUTSIDE AID. whenever we muke.the effort. the states in the Union were besieged the civil governor will himself ho a ' L adysmith , ciie town upon which the Ju st now, for instance, the troops are eyes of tho world are now turned, gets . with petitions to put an end to prize pusliing out and meeting nowhere with soldier. Gen Ludlow, nt present mili- United States Has Secured an Open . , lary governor, of Havana, who is now Door in Chin?. its pretty name from Lady Smith, the ’ il«hting. The brutality of it, its degrad- a. .. effective resistance. Me read th a t th e | ' B wife of Sir H arry Sm ith, who years ago I ¡ng influence upon the pcoplj, its essen- ! enroute to Washington to confer witli For botli Old and Young. We are making preparations insurgents are fleeing pell-moll before The Timee-Iferald’s Washington was a prom inent British general in tial barbarity, were all urged with a General A rthur’s advance; th at they tlio authorities on tins matter, has been for our fall and winter stock to arrive shortly. There Houth Africa. H arrism ith, a town just force that did not adm it of controversy. have abandoned towns to Colonel Par­ mentioned in connection with tiie civil special says: Unless some unexpected Every member of a legislature knew that governorship, as lias Gen Leonard contingency arises tiie open door in are many lines we desire to Close Out, and Great Bargains «ever th e boundary in tho Orange Free ker without firing a gun; th at Colonel .State, was likewise named for Sir Harry. bis constituents, if appealed to openly, Hays has taken others without firing a Wood, military governor of Santiago, China is won, and won by tiie United would denounce the prize fight. Ho and tie» Fitzhugh Lee, who is with his States alone, without tiie assistance of can be had in Ladies’, Children’s, and Misses’ gun. C A Snow fk Co, P atent Lawyers, op­ went on record against it. And tlio re­ family in Virginia, on furlough. Great Britain. Nothing lias as yet been It is highly probable th a t a well- posite the United States Patpnt office, sult was th at nearly all our states put Tiie first work of tiie congress, soon heard from France, but similar advices equipped force of a few regiments could Washington, D C, who have actual the pugilistic encounter under the hnn to assemble for one of the most impor­ nre daily expected from Baris, march around the entire jslapd nnd re­ clients in every city nnd town of the of the law, nnd the next fight which tant sessions held for years, will he, if President MaKinley and Secretary of turn almost unscathed. But of course United fatales and Canada, report that tqok p’ace was on the soil of Nevada, tiie whole power of the administration State Hay, the prime movers in this vig­ 18,000 or 20,000 men cannot perm anent­ never before in their 25 years practice against the indignant and virtuous pro­ is strong enough to bring it about, the orous policy of commercial expansion, as well as in Black Wear. ly occupy 85,000 square miles of country Jias tho work of the oflice been so well test of the rest of the country. adoption of a joint resolution declaring are not worrying about tho good faitli of whose population contains a considera­ Behold the change th a t has como the intention of this government to he, the continental powers which now ap­ pp to date, They claim tliat patents ble element of the disaffected and re- pan now ho procured in less than half about. There is no longer a question to retain permanently the sovereignty pear willing to grant our demands. bulbous. where the law will perm it a champion­ jlie timp formerly required, qf the Philippine islands. This is one Thew will cross tliat bridge when they One principal need is for garrisons, ship contest to come off, hut only a of tiie results of tlio preliminary repoit come to it, if they ever do, Tiie first which should he posted at good strate­ WHO IS Women as well ns men are I struggle between rival citip* and athletic of tiie Philippine commission, and of tiling is to get tiie door open, and it made miserable by kidney gical points in every part of the Tagolo clubs to secure the event. A fight to a the President’s conference with the will he time enough to talk about how mid bladder trouble. I)r territory. They would speedily con­ TO Kilmer's Swamp-Boot tiie Apish is as possiblp in New York as if members of tiiat commission. The to keep it open when someone shows an vince Aguinnldo's followers of the hope­ You will B L A M E . KrCQt kidney remedy is in thp sago brush commonwealth. cabinet has unanimously decided, and inclination to close it again, With nothing heretofore ever equaled in prices. ‘ promptly cures. At drug­ The laws against it have not been re­ lessness of thoir cause, and when tiie the president and fhe Philippine com­ these pledges once given, it is not grave­ insurrection in tiie Luzon was sup­ gists jn fifty cent and dollar sizes. Ton hardly believe that it can be possible to sell light ;nay have a sample bottle by mail free, pealed, they are simply not enforced, pressed all opposition would quickly die missioners are of the same mind, tliat ly feared that they will be violated, also pam phlet telling all alout it. Ad but explained away to mean sqmething out in the other islands. As provision tiie very first tiling congress ought to Io A written record is not easily foregone. ,lruss, Dr K ilm er & Co., Binghamton, that their terms do not w arrant. And is to adopt a resolution that will con­ The report of tiie Samoan settlement lias already been mnde with this end in N Y. nobody makes any row about it. We vince the residents of the Philippines is to tiie effect tliat Germany and Eng­ view, there is abundant reason to be­ are not defending ttie prize ring, or ex- that thia country means to keep tiie land have at last reached an agreement lieve that the rebellion will he quickly A sidewalk is very much needed from trolling present conditions; we are islands. Such action, they contend, will by which Germany is to remain in put down before the approaching dry yet we intend doing this very thing for the next 30 days. yhe crossing of Lincoln and Slain streets merely slating facts. The main fact is destroy tiie only argument Aguinaldp Samoa while England steps out but season is over. to the school house, Noarly all tho that public opinion is not sufficiently has to keep tiie insurrection going. receives a number of small islands else-, It will be seen, therefore, th at the con­ P ’holar8 go by that route to school and advanced na yet upon this subject to se- Germany lias hud quite a crop of wliere. It was settled some time ago fidence of the people is justified, and in the winter they arc obliged to walk curo the suppression of the prize ring. small labor strikes this year. Accord­ tiiat the United States should have th a t they can afford to watch tiie sterner i irougli the wet sand and sometimes Until it is, statutes are of no more value ing to a report just received by tiie de­ Tutuila island including tiie harbor of game in South Africa. As they observe i rough water tq resell the schoolhouse, than waste paper. partm ent of state from tiie U S consul I’ango l’ango which is the best harbor I f you are iu need of children’s tiie contrast tliat it offers, witli its real •i'his makes it very disagreeable and is There are other effective illustrations general at Frankfort, during tiie first on the Pacific. difficulties to the fancied difficulties of ad for their health ns they occassion- on both B¡ jeB 0( the case, but all. point- six months of lo99, there were 57-1 their own task, they will have less nnd IRREGULAR MILKING. ; lly get their feet wet and arc obliged iug to tho same conclusion. Thia strikes in Germany, affecting 2,610 less patience with tiie cowardly and m sit in school for several hours with . ,.otlntry was fairly torn up for yoars humiliating gospel of tiie “ quitters” establishments, and 89,048 employes, Oregon Agricultural Collcga and Expeii p et feet, and covering almost every line of in ­ meut Station. over the question of prohibiting the sale who go about proclaiming their lack of of intoxicants, parties were disrupted, dustry. As a rule, these strikes were Witli tiie rainy season fully upon us Come quick, because they are going! going ! GOING! Don’t forget faith in the nation, T he conviction of the leaders in tiie elections were lost or won. You can­ insignificant, ns may he judged by the there is a tendency on tiie p art of cow they a r e going from tho H EA D QUARTERS of all good things, W ardner outrages is of more value to or­ not interest anybody in th a t subject to­ E tinento Vonr llo w ela W ith Cugcarets. 207 strikes in tiie building trade, af­ owners, and particularly those who Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. ganized labor. then any recent victory. day. A caso which we quoted recently lOo, 26c. If C. C. C. fail, drngKists rotund money. fecting 570 establishments and 27,945 keep but a small number, to be irregu­ The law-abiding lpon of whom the shows th at drinking and drunkenness lar in tiie time of milking. There is employes. YOURS TRU LY , union* «ro composed cpuld In no way so exist under prohibition as under license, S ocial development is doing mncli to In an interesting address cn the not much to he done on tiie farm and well further their enuso as by express­ according to individual habit and the improve tiie conditions of existence, in Alaskan boundary qusBtion, Hon John Inte rising is quite apt to be tiie rule, ing their satisfaction nt the punishm ent tolerance of public opinion. The law is country as well as city. The constant W Foster, one of the high joint Anglo- and a desire to have tiie chores done pf these men, who. have stolen the livory impotent to work a reform. On the tendency, in well-settled regions where American commission, and ex-secretary before darkness sets in, causes the of organized l#lior that they might Bervo other hand, lotteries have been driven population is reasonably permanent, is of state, made it plain tliat this govern­ milking to, be done early |n tiie evening, the cause of rpurder, arson and out­ out of business practically by tiie to modify tho isolation end aridity of ment occupies au impregnable position, Trips to town, an occasional full day’s rage.— E r x general agreement th at they are hurtful rural life by introduction or imitation based upon official documents of both work on the farm, and other causes, U t .!3 L g Io public morality and individual hones­ of urban facilities, spelt as gas and elec­ the British and Russian governments; may make tiie milking hour earlier than T he riRHf regular session of the 56th ty. The lottery business did pot go tric light plants, trolley lines and free also tliat tiie Canadian proposition to usual in tiie morning and later in tlio congress convenes at Washington down before the law forbidding it to use mail delivery, A remarkable instance arbitrate, had a string tied to it in tiie evening, thus giving rise to an irregu­ pecem bcr 4th, One of tho questions to tlio United States mails, but before a of tliis is tho consolidation of district shape of a proviso tliat the umpire larity in the milking hour. t omq boforo that body in which tho All really progressive dairymen have public opinion th at bad decided it to be echoqls in many of tiie W estern reserve should he an European. Mr Foster told people all over the country are taking a township of Ohio into graded township probably for tlio first time, tliat the a regular time for milking nt all seasons a nuisance and an abettor of crime. great deal o( interest, is whether Burg- Thu lesson of all these things is what schools. The plan was first adopted in American commissioners offered to ac­ of tiie year. It does not matter so. much hum H Itoberls shall be allowed to re­ should be apparent to every m an; tliat the town of Kingsville, which was d i­ cept tho plan of settlement drawn by what tiie hour is, but it is best to have tain his seat as representative from law, to be effective, m ust ba the child of vided formerly into seven school dis­ Secretary Olney and SSir Julian Pannce- the intervals between milkings nearly Utah. Roberts should be oxpelled public sentiment, not the fattier of it. tricts. These districts have now been fqte in 1897, which lie said marked the equal. ’A short experiment was con­ promptly aa any man who habitually All laws are of two classes; either a abolished and their little schoolhouses most advanced stage yet attained for ducted with tiie Station herd nearly a violates the laws of tho country is un­ response to the expressed needs of tho abandoned, and in their stead there has the settlem ent of international ques­ year ago to determine the effect of ir­ worthy of a seat In congress. community and an embodiment of the been built at tiie center of tiie town a tions not susceptible of adjustment by regularity in milking. Six cows were opinions of ft majority, or the ideas of a fine two-story brick schoolhouse, where diplomatic negotiation. Tiiat plan was divided into two lots, such that the minority who wjjuhl enforce their will the pupils of tiie whole town assemble to submit all territorial questions to a average ago of tho cows, and period of upon those who differ from them. The each day and are divided up into grades tribunal of three judges of the highest location, also total yield of milk were former ure effective, the latter mere as in tlio public schools of larger places. standing in eacli country, and to require practically the sarao for each lot. The dead wood nnd an ohatnclo to progress. Tlio objection of inaccessibility was over­ tiie vote of 5 out of the 6 to make a two lots received tiie same kind nnd In a tree government public opinion is come by providing tree transportation binding decision. So anxious were the am ount of feed, hut tiie cows in Lot I the ruling foree. The mold that, and for pupils at cost oi tiie town. Bids nro American commissioners to have this were fed nnd milked regularly at 4 :30 p not to attem pt io create or compel it culled for eacli year from private parties plan adopted, tliat they agreed to accept m and 5:30a m while those i,n Lot II by statute is the way of any successful to furnish such transportation in uni­ a vote of 4 out of the 6. as final, but tiie wore fed and milked at hours ranging reform. Tho failure to understand this formly built covered spring wagons, proposition was rejected by the British from 5:00 to 0:00 a m and 4:00 to 6:00 p m . A comparison of tho milk yield is responsible for an enormous share of which seat about twenty-five pupils commissioners. nil tho wasted effort and disappointed each, and which can he opened in pleas­ According to a well-informed dipio- for three weeks, under tliis arrange- ant weather and closed in stormy. mat, tiie triple control of the Samoan ! uient, with the three weeks preceding hopes ill the world. These wagons drive over tiie township Islands, by tiie U S, Great Britain and i allowed th at the cows in Lot I make a P R O P R IF T n » each school day, picking up the pupils Germany, which lias not been satis- ¡gain in yield of 5.9 per cent, while those I 4, W . C A R M A N natal and luzon : a contrast , from the remotest quarters in tiie morn­ factory to anybody, is likely to L ^ j i n l o t l l decreased in yield of 4.4 per ing and returning them after school term inated soon .by tiie withdrawal of cent. Assuming tliat the cows in Lot Altarían. hours. Tiie plan is obviously greatly Germany, which is to receive ojher H would have dune as well as those in The news from South Africa has been door to 0 W Hurd's. superior to tiie old way. The clnssificn- island territory from Great Britain tor Lot I if they had had the same treat­ of such absorbing interest th at little a t­ the of thc islRnd o( ment, which is highly probable, wo find tention lias been paid of into to our tionof pupils yield better «cliolarship. Joing nnd the average of health rises in tiie I 1 Tituila, where the U S coaling station a loss of practically ten per cent in tlio operations in tiie Philippine*. Like any improved buildings. A mncli higher on Pago l ’ngo harbor is lieiug fitted up milk yield during three weeks, due to! other game, the supremo gamo of war HIGH TIDES. must bo stubbornly played on both sides average of school attendance has been at largo expense, by tliis government, irregularity iu milking and feeding. fhe tide of Wednesday was tiie high* to cíenlo intensity of feeling and arouse secured, and it is assorted tliat the cost and tiie remainder of tiie group by The loss, however, was confined to tiie , -t known at Florence for about aix enthusiasm. Hence, though tlio Aiucri- for tiie whole town of maintaining tiie Great Britain, which will grant the U milk yield as there was practically no >>-.,re. The ocean being rough caused . • ■ , . ■ an is more iminediitcly concerned in scliools lias been reduced by 1 the new | L. b certain commercial privileges thereon. change in the quality o tth e milk during i higa, IiuiilNir mid escaping stove scans' all accounts of the tierce and be secured than was possible under the Washington, investigating the various received during tiie proceeding three *'«td which was hastening to join the isolated and ill-adjusted district system. tragic slrugglu between tlio English and schemes for tiie cstalifi&hment of a weeks. . t.ris tliat nlrondy covered tiie river. Tiie plan is growing in favor all through National University under governm ent! SUNDAY SERVICES. About thirty piles were taken out the Boers. tiie Western reserve. Several towns in ib i i ear tiie middle ol the jetty and one But the sense of perfect security control. Tiie committee composed o f ; i mler wliere the hoisting engine stands, „tiich enables him Io do tliis is striking th at section have already adopted tiie presidents and prominent members o f ' Sunday school rtie sidewalk along Maili street in evidence of tiie progress of our arms plan, and many others nre agitating it; the faculties of established universities' Em'.euvor 2:80 V ret Florence was completely wrecked while a recent act of tlie state legislature Leader. I and of the utter indifference of tiie and colleges did not take kindly to any idch will cause considerable ineon- l’rearldng providing (or the organization of town­ v n ie n re to the traveling public. j public to4he imaginary terrors of the of tiie proposed schemes, and adopted a j and Ceinniiwiion ship instead of district school hoards is Tiie water rau over the floor in tiie unti-expansionist. Tiie person who I series of resolutions against them all, ; Ordinance nnery which made tilings lively (lu re ,„isses it* import is blind, indeed, for greatly facilitating tiie movement.— I taking tlio ground th a t tiie fevie.nl { iuieistered to any I r a while. Koine of tiie cans tliat liad wo doubt if history furnishes another (freponiun. crption id nicnilairs I government should aid rud encourage i >t Isen boxed will have to he re- l’reachiug at Mapleton T P M . ! example of a people so engrossed in a IK f f H « w ith yrei w h a tlip r y.Mi cs-nllNor educational institutions, but should not h.kled. I U Kxorra, THE GENTLE-WOVAN is a month- ¡ ftorve k |l> tn jr« .'D » rr3 h « h lt. N • ■ T O H as ' ' TO 0 U 4 PATNO N3. war lielween foreign states ns to pay r e « e » r * the defftrv fo r to b » r*o , « iQv control them, although rt might lie wise , Pastor, c u t n rrw a u * eviw . ly mag.izine devoted to suhjecte of inter- ' Un*, purtrtea the M e « » a, r a H t lk b a r r e le tt end t a s k s Year U k Anayw | >“ «« »‘Wd to one in which its own »turn loct . for tiie government to maintain, through “ ! eel to tiie ladies The itir *U ...m. • ¡ Wft have matte arrangements by ■MMi A n rem ifUlRr becnp- tl.e departm ent of stole, ecliool for co n -' ’ • t->r mA prrtau« to renruftt’il u« r.a Maïutenr« To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, tie mag- country is e n g a g e d . The baro state­ H.trrru« . tion Prk* ’» one d >IUr bot we have m ad. « idei. we will furnish the Weekly a b le . lull of life, nerve and vii-or, take No-To m r|U o ( | | ) e , (,.t seem* incredible, and »III rv ich for «• Tak* it with ftI1A.0^0113 k tllOSC ftt C®t 1 . it . no »niary. i«-rlUftncnL Our a rra n sem o n t hr w h ich \ITow f ' Or»»a m ien w iih ik W f I'M*. the wonder-worker, tlial makes weak wen »ui pAtientijr.rer««t»ntty o«« . . . »• >1. . i i„ u i) i-uik lu tn y it’wn. it i* nuiniv ^rrBn»‘eTneni * n ic n \ \ e ofTcr it for a , ' ,rp?'»»Ian with the M jest for one s roua. All drugxtwts, ROo or II. t'urv guaran- i (lie uiore the melancholy prophet* mul- Sl. ttswallj mrr«; ) bvir*. *Y H.hl A 1 1 h ftpoll®, AHkl Ilk? those* iCllOOli, work U«>:u1ur(cd r.t b flip R<*fe*rcn • f > fl»’* I w -» . a I l e a a w. t -at Booklet and anmpla free. Address Kiicl.we R tfa id m a M »ta:nM,l m rrl»M v ia ‘l,ne f‘,r Aft' cents a year. Call and »o any address for the snm of tv.o de> Itsnwdf Co, Chicago or New York tiply their millions of Malaya tiie great. 4 leading to a life career in tiie g o w n - D,,«1X1OS VollrP ,ri r »«l see a sample copy. Ian payable caali in advance. PUBLIC OPINION ANO LAW. I W.H.WEATIIERSON fiBHT 1 IIE STORE SH O E S TAN S H O E S IN G EN T’S W E A R M EN ’S SH O E S a t $1.25 HATS O R C A PS 0. W. HTJED. CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Coods, t o Meat Market I ha yo opened a shop hi Florence where I bhall keep a good ; stock of ★ Croceries *■ and ★ Notion*. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........ Just Ooened.. Coods as Represented. Alw ays on Hand. I tjiv e m e a C all.| C. BRACEY. th\Ì5 & # ÎP V ÏA R r ÎÔ( tlR&SSlVt