r THE W EST Í [. < Y O U R H O H E PAPER ► • íi-’y lf> SU PPO R T IT 1 » T f' A D V E R T IS E R S ¿ if* L 9 1 . F h ;v VOL. N. « BltJSLAW'S ONLY PATS?.. «| O P P O R T U N IT Y 1 ............................... J NO. 29 FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 1000. "G eneral travelers 1 guide . directory STATE OFFICERS- |S T E A M E ----- o — M A R G U E R IT E , g f W ill make ■ AN ESSAY ON SCOOPS. e a rn e r & c h a rts I VZill make regular trips ........................T. T. G ee r.1 item of o fS 'a te ’. ............. F. I. Dunbar. R E G U L A R D A I L Y iet»ry ——- Between ................. F. S. Moore. uurer . printer............. P r i n t e r - p R -- ,oey General D. R. N. Blackburn ,. .R . S. Bean & F. A. Moore «me Court E . Wolverton ¡econd D istrict . J . W . Hamilton fing A ttorney.. .Geo. M. Brown travelers 1 guide SHY from T R IP S GI at ALSEA. THE And vcm In D e t a il th e W n y a R e ­ p o r t e r Coen to W o r k to S e c n re O ne nn«l W h a t lla p v e u s * A f t e r H e H a « l la m d v d I t . i P loreneeto laq u iu a Of TlSO EXPANDS HIMSELF ON NEWSPAPER GRAND. And from 1-4 Knocked. Off The price of all Men’s and Boy’s Suits. There are several kinds of scoops. I have one in my coal shed. To uio it ap­ THE STEAM ER pears ns big ns n dredgo dipper. I lit-.n- Calling at the UMPQUA. i die it twice a day, nud the way it cuts ’ into my cool pile is a caution. My coal For passenger and freight rates man also line a scoop. I t ’s exactly like — APPLY TO — tbo one I use. b ut it seems to me to ’ buvo about the capacity of a small 'Will carry freight and passengers M eyer & Kyis, Florence, O r. , rouvetih- teaspoon. I presunio this is ac- COUNTY OFFICERS- from Florence to San Francisco. lounted for by the fact that the coal dealer’s scoop brings coal to me at so W ill also bring up freight ................. E . O. Potter. much per short ton, while my scoop *** .»» S T A G S In lU E . shovels coni out at so much per 2,000 ............. W. T. Bailey For further information inquire ’ ; ’ . . . II. D. Edwards i pound ton. H . H . B a r r e t t , P r o p ’r, There p.ro other scoops. The partic­ — OF — .....................E . U. Lee ular sort about which I intend to write Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on r‘,...... ................. W. W. Withers A. W. BEADLE & CO. a few lines concerns the newspaper the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. .A. 8. Patterson 14 California St, I business. You’Ve heard of these scoops uurer.................... Returning, Stage Leaves Florence no doubt A newspaper scoop is not ................. I). P. Burton San Francisco, California. used to Bhovel into ccffera tho pennies Sundays. wlSuperintendent... .W . M. Miller paid over tho counting room desk by newsboys. Newspaper scoops are not E x tra Trips W hen Neceseary . ,C. M. Collier OPPOSITE ............................... utenails. W. P. Cheshire Charges Reasonable. To bo brief, a scoop is a scoop. Any HOTEL EUGENE ................................ dice ot Peace................ C. H. Holden newspaper man knows that. To go into I detail, a scoop is a news item that you Z b l . ............................. .... A. Evans EUGENS, get in your paper which does not find From the first dose the its way into a competing paper. For quiet and rest begin: the Lane County, Oregon. i inetunce, if somo other paper says tickling in the tbro3t CITY OFFICERS. R , John Smith is dead, and ho Is not ceases; the spasm, week- dead, that is not a scoop, even if it E. B angs, Proprietor. AN UNREPORTED FIG H T. tinc-; the cough disap­ S h o iw trln * S tatlitlcs. doesn’t get into The Blade. But if Tho pears. Do net wait for Stage leaves Eugene on Mon- ■ .. ....................W. H. Wsatlierson Tho Philadelphia Record’a calculat­ Blade says John Smith is dead, and I f I t E ver Caine O£T, tlie Spaniards Must pneumonia and con­ days, Wednesdays, and Fridays at j ing barber says: " I seo th a t your shev- H ave Suffereil. he is dead, and The Bee does not print O. W. Hurd sumption hut cut short fi a. m. arriving at Florence the that nows ijem, then it is a scoop. "W e don't bappeu t's e o nothin in stiiugs aro tied in bowknots. Did you Win. Kyle your cel l without delay. S .Inst ask tho fellows on any of the pa­ th ’ papors from th ’ sent o’ war 'bout evor stop to think how muoli of th® day following at 10 a. in. j of Trustees J . W. Carinan pers what a scoop isn’t They can tell Josiah Whoebick gettiu killed or wound­ string is required to mako thoso úsele Returning stage leaves Florence M. Morris Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ P u llm an yon. It is far easier to get scooped than ed or loain hisself, dow yoi” asked Unole loops? Probably three Inches of each en Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri­ toral piaster s’j o u il be , to get a scoop, but it is bettor to be the Hiram Haytuft, lounging Into Seth Tio the laocs in ordinary knots, and yo» ........................John I. Butterfield Sleeping C ars days at 2 p. in. arriving at Eugene over the lu v js of every per­ Parker’s gouoral produoo store ia Col­ oould cut from tho pair four pleoea, ' scooper than the ecooped. E. B. Wilson the following day at 9 p. m. Ju st the other day I was sent ont to M u te r ......................................... E le g a n t lege Point and loaning against tho pork each three luchos long. There are son troubled w ith a cough. . . .....................G. C. Cumpton get a scoop. The city editor informed barrel. "W h at reg'meut? Why—no 500,000 people in this city and D in in g Cars W r it e to th e D o c to r. mo that lie was going to make a first i'oK’;ncnt. Won’t n r e g 'n io u t't’d hev 80,000,000 in tho United States who Single fare - - - - 85.00 i ’ page, double loaded story out of that him. H oow 'd ho go? Waal, I B’posed wear laced shoo«. If oach of V tlllR in l p?? ' i f •G iltli'n fit ««I 1-'1H T o u ris t Round trip - - - - 89.00■ poriMnco C'D.i v n tlv nun..»y u* I t scoop. Perhaps you do not understand ye nil knew ’bout that. One o' th ’ all bought three pair of laces a year, g iv in g v »it tuv.iict i t - lv ir c . V -nn* Sleeping C ars SECRET S O C IE T IE S . Tickets for salo at E. Bangs’ fr c - jly n it »!•«• p a rticu la r» ! ’• }'< ” • «,.»0, l tliat. Well, ho meant th at he wus go- firedest, damdeet, ouriouseet things 1 would iiiouu «0,000,000 pair, from T o il r.t w .-<> y w r yp r i-nct. l;a« ST. PAUL livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. ' ing to p u t th at story on tho first page evor bcord o’. Josiah’s that big, gawky, which oould lie sulppod 800,000,00® Venn w ith o u r < . r • '■ • 1|- w i il rt-. cive '« vrct.ipt loply, without and put leads between tho slugs May- Blabsided, knockknecd, good fur noth­ ends. These pieces, placed und to end, Hurd’s office in Florence. M IN N E A P O L IS e'>'t Add»«. VH. 4. p. AYKtL . F A A M Florence Lodge No. 107. ' bn you do not understand It yet. He in c r it te r 't works on tny place: Least­ would mako a continuous shoestring L o w e ll, Must. DULUTH ____ , Regular aoinniunication on second meant th at be was going to have the wise, his wife works fur my wifo, an 17,040 miles long—long enough to ifeartb Saturdays in each month. story, or news item, printed on the first Josiah’s kiud enough t ’ let her, mt ool- stretch two-thirds of the way around FA R G O A lex. Fatterson, M. D. E . W . Conn, AV. M. page of the paper, and he was going leclts hor wages fur her. When th ’ war the eaith. Suppose that tho shoestrings TO G R A N D FO R K S Gardiner, Oregon. to have the linos appear far apart, so broke out, Josiah wanted t' go th ’ cost at retail on average of 8 oenta a , B utterfield , Secretary. C R O O K S TO N ________ that the article would strike the eye. w uet wny. Jes’ clean looney ’bout It. pair, thou the «0,000,000 pair used an­ 1 wont after th a t acoop. When you’ve W anted t ' kill Spanyards. ’D rother nually in tho United States ooat |« ,- W IN N IP E G » R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 kill a Spanyard any day, he said, 'n 700,000. Cne-flfth of thoir length oould got a scoop in tow, you must go around H E L E N A a n d ______ meets second and fourth Saturdays Special attention to Diseases of, with rubber shoes on your foot and your git a new plug terbacker. Jes' looney. bo dono nwny w ith by cutting off the ach month at 1:30 p. nr. BUTTE' finger over your mouth in a sort of Uarndest case o’ fire eatiii I over sea useless ends, r.ud tho value of these ends the Eye. S. B. C olvin , Commander. “ Hist I" fashion. After yon lasso your Tried t ‘ enlist, but th ’ rceroolin off’oer is therefore ono-flfth of thoir net coat, J . L. E oenish , Adjutant. scoop yon must hurry it back to the w ouldn't hear o’ it. Told Josiah he's $540,000. This sum would buy upward TO NOTARIES. ofiioa and get it in tbo paper. Then chuck full o’ all sorts o’ moth hole«, of 10,000,000 pocket huvdkerchlefa lor C H IC A C O w hen tho paper is printed look on the mid wouldn’t bo wuth shucks in th ’ tho heutheu ol' Afrioa. W itoh h— ’ *" IS JUST 9 U. W. P erpetua Lodge, No. 131, W A S H IN G T O N ___________ first page for i t You'll find it standing nrmy, nohow. But Josiah ho pnsslsted, bay nun?” meet’ every 1st and 3d Tuesdays -------------— out like a factory chimney on a cottage. an finally th ' rocrootiu ofT’cer says: W H A T A. R. BUTTOLPH, T h e E a r lie s t o t N onto nve T e r i.toionfi. Members and visiting PHILADELPHIA Curl your lips in a satisfied manner, •Got a wifo? W h u t’d sho dow without ten in good standing are cordially ~ _ RK I should like to know whether there THE put your hands in your pockets and ye?' says ho. ‘Ob, sho’ll dew fust rate ,’ Is anything earlier in this way than the ìlei to attend. A. O. F unkk , M. W. NJW_ york Ktroll ont Into the street as if you had says Josiah, snys lie. ‘She’ll bo tickled “ History of Sixteen Wonderful Old j W ORD i,K notts , Recorder. B O STO N AND A L L t ’ death t ’ only hev t ’ support herself, Women, Illustrated liy aa Many Engrav­ a corner on the rolling hoop market. P O IN T S E A S T a'"' S O U T H IIMPLIES. Ju st buy a copy of tho afternoon con­ an hev Unolo Sam support mo, ’ says ho. ings, Exhibiting Their Principal Eooea- O r e g o n i.O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l .meets Fnr information, timoearil», maps and ticket-! I F l o r t i c o , • ___________ temporary to see how badly you beat A11 at that, th ’ rocrootiu oSt’cer said of trieities and Amusements. London, rerv Wednesday evening in Lodge etc., cull on ur wilto «M them—«ltd you'll find the clnsivo scoop Josiah shewisl his ugly mug roun th ’ Printed F cr H arris & Son, Comer of ------------------------------------- I, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in on the tin t page of th a t sheet, doublo olHco agin he’d take tho responsibility St. P aul's Churchyard, 1831I” whioh R. M cM U R PH EY, frank B. WILSON- I,tending invited to attend. It o' givin Josiah an lmytution o’ a Span­ forms No. 15 of H arris’ "C abinet ot loaded and in tlia northeast comer. 8. J. Seymour, N. G. T hat's the way with ucoopa. You’ll ish shell bustln In th ’ roar ranks w ith Amusement and Instruction, ” 90 In th® indicates W. H . Wealhereon, Sec. n X Ä T “ ! get after them, and yon'il l md them, th ' too o’ liis Imet. set. This little book, published by New­ the state “ But Joi-tali v. an ’t onred—not a bit. berry’s successors, is an exceedingly rare but you are sure to find them in the a . D C H A R LTO N , „ „ r „ n »i of the tension at a glance. other paper No m atter how you figure An his wifo wanted him t ’ go th ’ wust | 1.0. F. Maple Lodge No., 139. meets Assistant General Passenger Agent, F L O R E N C E .-- “ OREGON one, w ith colored illustrations of the 285 M<»rii^‘>n ."I., fo r- - • ' ■______ ;______„_____ _______ way, jes’ ez, Josiah said. Til* local 1 drollest. Perhaps spaoo insy 1* spared , it, somebody clso will have it. wry Thursday evening in Neely s Its use means time saving P o r t l a n d , O r Daughters o' Somethin er Nothor was Even if you do get a scoop, your con- I,Seaton, Oregon. Brothers in good for a verso, taking ono back to the days and easier sewing. ! temporary w ill not acknowledge it. sendin boxes o’ fancy grub t' th ’ sol­ when lotteries wero not illeg al: ding invited to attend. W illiam B bynd , N .« . I t’s oar own invention FLORENCE, OR. > Supposing, now just supposing, yon get diers in Cuby, an Josiah, unbeknownst, Tbcro wss nn Old Woiniin of Billing j. F. TANNER, prop . P h il . N icoli . e , Sec. an exclusive story of a big tiling. Tito got into an empty packln caso, w ith a Who jum p’d till 1 st head touch’d the ocillng, and is found only on the § § next timo yon meet ono of the dnbs peck o’ ham snngwiches an a jng o’ Wtiun a I 111 § § » ffn» nnnonnc’d nt hor door th at grind out copy on it competing hard cider, an liis wifo nailed him s As n p rim to th ’ old Woman of Ealing. doown, an ho w ent oil ♦' Cuby that otaeet you’ll tw it him abont It. CHURCH DIRECTORY — Notes nud Queries. oe~i4 “ Scoopl n o, I should »ay not I” he’ll way. Of Eugene, Oregon - - • < ‘‘T h’ lioat get hi rough water off Cu- make answer to yon.“ “ Why, we had Iffclr nod M ir . KBYTE RI AN CHURCH, Florence, hy, an they bed t ’ throw overboard a th at snugly stored in an out of tho wny A haldhoadeil professor rcoontly de- corner. It was cot worth playing up." lot o’ cases. Thing th a t’s puzz.lin n.n is regon. Sabbath service: Sabbatn- liverod a lecture entitled “ The A ir W® ev ery thing first - class . did Josiah’s case git kept aboard, o r, T hat ia one way ho will got back nt il, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching U w F BROWN. President. > ___ t • P D. PAINE, Vice Pre»ldcnt. > W C fl3 V C Cl-OF? S txl.uO gf yen He’ll make th at reply if tbo scoop was it pitched ont an washed ashore? ; Breathe’’ before an East London audl- ck a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament oi cnoe. ' In the course of lifs remarks h® Lord’s supper on la t Sabbath happened to bo a live one. He knows Lf it got unborn, it landed on n coait Special Attention to Commercial r. w. osBLHN. Cashier. < improvements that appeal io ary, April, July and Octobei. w . W . BRÖWN. Cooler. . C yonr tim e is too viilnab)» to go looking where they’s a passel o’ three-quarter ‘ rd d , " I t ia quit« impossible for any rson to live w ithout air. ’’ ybody is welcome to all the services, * * Traveller’. * * over ilia shci t to aacertnin if lie ia pre­ starved Spanyards. An of those t< 11: rs t j. At this a smull hoy called ont, " ’Ow ir requests C hristians to make d ir e c t o r s . | < > .«e le g a n t 11. i . ca ta lo g . varicatin g —only th at le n t the word ripped iXT th ’ cover thinkin Urey was about yersolf, guv’ner?” —-Tit-Bits^ iselves known. gittin a box full o' fust class Yankee newapapor Won uso. 1. G. K notts , ra ste r. P IT '.’ B P PAINE, W E BROWN. I > - The f- Ilow yod tw it nlxint the ccoop grab an d id n 't find nothin oti’y that F W ORBI S K ,-; , n e.lNS-.N, J B IIARBI?, J V/ bs TE 3 S ■ViACPfflE C’ l D A PAI may bo on to bis job, un i if h ; ia ho humbly cuss Jesiftb, an of Josiah, ] w w ukuww thirstin for Spanish gore, emno up like i will mako reply: D. w. STIB3SN3, Proprietor, _ . c Cfcvdand, Oifin. “ Scoopl I should any not. Why. yon n jumpin jack an nee hiss lf in tli’ mid ■ A. G enoral B a n k in g B u sin e ss £ ATTORNEYS y -lo re n o a , O re g o n . fellow a aro slew. Wo bad th at atory 11 die o’ a drove o’ Spanyards with blank | WHO WANT TO BUILD UP Transacted or. Faverable Terns i week ago, and now yon nro playing It whiskers — gentlem en," impressively ; For by White .'iw THEIR B O D IE S concluded U ndo IHmni, "ye kin talk 1 up for an exclusive.” Tables furnished with all the A. C . W OODCOCK, Han Fran c is c o . There Is another aido to thia aonop o’ Sampson an Schley an Shafter an 1 W ILL F IN D TH E qn-ntion. Yon think yon have a sc«H.p Teddy th ’ Torror all ye’re a m in d t', I delicacies of the season. Give us and yon haven't. Then yon go through but I 11 bet a crooked sbtllin *' h sugar ONE THING NEEDFUL "S»"’ ' 7 ,; ' 5 , ' . " . “ X , .i .a w » all pnpers—report-rs always do th a t - e-M.ky that Josiah Wheeloek liez. bin in a call. ____ Firc-piouf vanti lor IN and you loom that your opponent did th ’ fiercest m ilitary engagement ever ;e n e , - O re g o n fit ottt.'ubian wdl. b’goshl” —Now York nllection« receive our prompt attenilon. net got a cortHin itom. You coveri d it •Rooms 7 and S McT.»»'»’» B ’' I * — that ia. y m got it Then you wonder Journal. [attention given to collections and p why yon d id n 't play it up for a seoop. atines-. GI vca Nolle*. M A RIO N MORRIS P ro ’p. . , TRY THE . HcfXipl H l weroa»kee considered so,” replied »S 11 Eugene. Haie C utting Toledo Blade. bis frleud. ....A tto rn e y -a t-L a w a.5 “ Razor Honed " I ’ve Lem protty quiet abont my H oar'll tjjer •5 “ EUGENE, OREGON. political views, haveu't 1?” S cissors Ground "Yes. 1 bad hoped you bad modified The laxly 1« built up from the -.'Fries At the Court Hour«. food uc n t . ">'t before food O vorçoh somo >f yenr opinions. ” — i «« V Jo, sir. When the war eonnncnecd, , can 1« owi::tilat«l Gy the body E. E. BE N E D IC T» ¡g fA C E R ^ U 8 E. it must Is- p-ersired for sssiftii- th a t my »ympntbies were [ PÎMV onneed 1 bition by the stomach and other Vhlihh. od with the adininistr: ti< n. And u u tn now tbnf the wsr is over I give notice ■hett 7O R .N E3Y - A .T - Iu-A/W . Bret llo v v e b-Hi n. uttered o u t.” — Money Saved Washington Star. and Ploren ce. : : Oregon. By Med- I: oi,e.-.:«i. ___ diseases w i ia p r i t r c ' b ' ; * !»:’• •« * 1 l i > « H x t li» - patronizing it. _ __ stom ach and digestive A shadow (lifted a r r a s her face,, tino wHh wfcicb 1 irn« ff-r twcntf yo*n I ru^i »«Ci imi Vi’®/ CA.,YCAa4fc»n S In BO YEARS’ mid nutritive system. It woika tta>'» Bntbciost iieln r ey. m . tr.wnof ir. nere» fnnnd ®nt»blr.ir e x p e r ie n c e with Nature to make manly “ It's pceititely wid., -I in lue,” she ■ Prop to equiU :’i » To-day 1 tm cmireiy Ire«# frena muscle and form finn flesh. pbe« and i#”ì HUc a i t ' w mm*. Geo. Hale exclaimed, " to Lu pun 1 it lag co iinich., In a letter received fmm A. D. C -IL K tr rz . 1111 Jtuc» 6 t , Sioux CUJ, Tx o.aflv expeilone, for myself v. K; n fber * Florence to Coos Bay Every cough makes your throat more raw and i r r i t a b l e . Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your threat and lungs In this way. Put the parts fit rest and give them e chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, end you will find it in . L U E L L A C S -A -K -D IlS rS T ^ DRY GOODS, ~ _ BOOTS AND SHOES arc sold cheaper in our store than any other store in the County. C o m e e t n c l s e e e tx ic i Toe c o n v i n c e d . . N O RTHERN P a c ific , Ry. U N J. V. Hauftman EU G EN E-FLO R EN C E STAGE LINE. % Tension Indicator THROUGH TICKETS Notary F dblic, Surveyor NOTARY public . EUGENE '"oh.*“ , Loan Savings Bank GiPiTAL (PAID n> $59,ßß9 I Sew ing L L xhinc. MORRIS HOTEL, 2 Lttorney a t Law, , T o n s o r i a l > k i r i o r s . E lk P r a i r i e H o te l. T “ HEW HOME ” stwma w c « . c ON E U G E N E AND FLORENCE^ cfn TDAI LV OESICN« k T b » ue — K «stia», • • '" ¿ 'î f c . 'Î Â V“ ? " ‘hSM F IR S T -C L A S S . C opyright « * c - i WH« ren V.r.g n »tuteli »nJ rtescr-r’ lcniW'T I» Mrerutn our opinion fro* »»•'•'JJ." non I» poOuhry s ìtonist.Ki RrttUr«>n0<1entfiL H*aJt>- " k 0” fît,7 “ 're. W a t n-»n-y for se«iirtriiry3‘ rni» -m» i tken thnmcfi Munn A Co. vahout ebnree. ««io». vUhoùt «h«rqe. Intti» la th» | Alfit-I do sso need a new straw hat I'.' , W ith Unit sho rose hurri.d!* and left U o an. lion, altl.rupb ' at tire mo- ' rniui Ihrtg m ss toil B olfi red for sclc a ' chair wcrlli 50 cents nnd tiro bighert Lui Lut $10.— Detroit Journal. LOCATED. raE E SAMPLE ROOMA. THE MEW HS«; SEWllia «ACHINE CO., 1,16 " OEzf.VOfYMJ.«. • « *»«». ,-«re X ■ VH-si e -*• _ d. IH l-«or». Mutine American. mu , im » IH & Co tMB-,«»«7. New York EUGENE? ore ■ sr. mi r et-Wa.tiiMio'.. f - ____ n» ♦ OREGON- *•” CSIMÍ». I'1- • 're­ ro - — SME - - - SV poa ” ■ LreiU S ». »uuu, Ö». S „i.vrd m every town day . ’ vv r V. ciSc o ,c .i. flMMBt. P*« wovo.-v—- Çkxxî, Se ver I Act I “ Be mine, and I can promise IlRrd ll«*qoiren»«!»it. thee wealth nud rkfccs and gold and diamond rings nnd carrlnges and foot­ Ho—I ’m aLuut to get a good position < *r.t. T«»M Grz/Î. Po men and er—e r —I've hrougoi you a under tlie oit.v; nothing to do p ra c ti-' of Orine. penn'orth of cboco'nte drops, an 1 cully hut sit still ami look wise. Act 11 "H enry. I uu» your» ' —Pick Sho—Oh, 1 Uo hope you'll bo abhi to fill tbo plaewl— Cincinnati Enquirer. H O -T O -M O ...» « » ^ « » ^ ^ _______ _______ W eller, K»q., o f reiMScols, eanibis Co.. F’ o. I«o » 544). . M ate» : 8»- »• “ I !i«Ve. sinee rec e iv in g w your «liscilo- is of n;v e»»r, »tomaeti trouble snd livvs corn taken eig ht bottle» o f «he u ite Jie»l L in co v.rj ’ end mu»t f»y thr.t I sol ttm ii.c: med item « w .lk - Ir g ahadovr fa» my friend» called u>e) perfect health ” • - o A XKTTICO TClSpifSIitC KctlteftC. C O N T A IN S M l V l.C lIH IIl^