ÎlîE W E S T GARDINER NEWS. AôSOLVTEIY ÌP B arino P owder ACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY. CATARRI OF THE STOMACH Is »«»«ntlnlly a ehrcnlo dlsrnso. There Is ^»LWUÍD **’»** MOUSING- an iiillaniniailon o i tho Inner coating or ÜY A StIBSCKIBCB. the Stvmaeh. A thick, ropy mucua forme and thia causes the m oie pronouaeea ______ AT---------- uy in ptom«. It re­ m ains In tho L ank C ounty , O regon .— stom ach and de­ Gardiner, Or, Nov 6, 1899 ^fLOBÏNCK’ com poses. Then or course digestion . . . by - - - Several of the fishermen have already cannot be pioper- ure quit for the season. |v performed. The liver also become« W .H . W É A T H E R S O N Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Involved and In a Messrs Sleviche, Sims and Black of w ell marked com 'Editor aud Proprietor. the latke country were in town on J M g A t BAKtWQ POWDER C O ., NCW YOONf. tho sym ptom s a rt mo»«t severs. The Monday. great vegetable rem edy H UDYAN The Bchooner Sadie is almost loaded T shms : V-50 11 ye»r in advance.- •A! Ready is giving (be Morris hotel never fa lls to ef­ PERSONALS. fect a curs. IIC D - with lumber for San Pedro. She will the second coat ot paint. YAN can be had of *11 d ru ggists get away about the 8th. vntered at the post-office at Florence, The winter term of school in Point for “ c per pack- O L Hansen of Iloceta was on our county, Oregon, as second-class Terrace district opened Monday. t»ge. w h en you Mr Ben Lyster, bookkeeper for Reed | have used 11UD- streets Tuesday. mail matter. i is expected home on the 6th from Van-| YAN tell your Save one half your fuel by using tho friends ubout Its Nellie Furnish is at Eugene attending ■ couver, I! O, where he has been on a ! effects. T lu y also Rochester Radiator for sale by U \V wish to be cured. Study your sym ptom s „ v ic r T IS IN G HATES MADE KNOWS ON AI- business trip. tho teachers’ examination. llurd. rm efully from tills chit it. Knch number ‘DV PLICATION. a sym ptom or a group or Henry Stonelleld of Ileceta was doing Mr Cleaves the watchmaker and I «presents ,1 notlceB S cents per lin e, each insertion ptom s. You have the sym ptom s. Use J J nnd L J Ji nnir.gs of Bohemia who business in Florence yesterday. jeweller, has returned from the Siuslaw sym llV'DYAN and they will dlsapncur. Don t wait any lonieer. Cancer of tlie »tom ce’t were indicted for assault upon Surveyor ' son To»’ Tom made made i a busi-! col"’tr V “nd wUI touud at bi" old often has Ur bcgtanln« in a severe ea ss uf >een discharged. I I)r Sauhert n,ld 8011 Florence, Ore. N ov. 10, 1S09. Collier have lieen discharged. catarrh o f tho stom aclu ness trip to Yaquina and back on the ' 9tand in the drug store. JB New Fall Effects -in- , j | I i Y Dress Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, Excellent Table Linen, Hats and Caps, Latest styles in Corsets, Boots and Shoos. N e w Goods a r r iv in g on e v e ry Vessel WIH receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FRUIT every Sri*. ProducE of all Kinds W anteD . The Lillian brought down another rnft Robarts. J Listen for wedding bells in the near G r o u n d F e e d o f a ll K in d s a lw a y s o n h a n d . THE SYMPTOMS ABE: of logs from the boom to the Spruce George B and Walter tat”.,e 09 one «f men is P o in t m ill W tulnns.Uv I vieorge 1» v Camp a m p nnu » in n e r v Gilbert j i i o e r t -------------------- ” our best ------ young *; 1. n il.IO l'R I l E A P A n i ' * This Is more ( ‘ y ” ° rn,ni>- , are cutting wood at Wm Brynd’s for the bu-vin« household effect, aud acting very — I ronouneed is the inoinirn-Tthough usual- ^Considerable rain this week. f (he y _________ occurring 1 I IK H at l frequent I in I I tervals V H . S 1 O A through .......... Captain Harts states that the last of- ' government works ) suspiciously otherwise. . V I I » , I» » ’ , M 11 ! i ^1 ■ t,„ . V » .. tk * _ day. H U DYAN will lelteve t the head- u u u u iH j u m o o m a ittw I I iver ’ of i the Siuslaw river i . . . ....................... ........' Oscar Peterson the hoy who was shot Hood’s Pills ate nou-iritating, mild, flcial u sounding Oscar Peterson I tie hoy who was shot I echo. To see our assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mattings, Wm Ferris of Herman was shaking 1 2-S. R E D A ND W ATERY E Y E 8 -I IU D- developed a depth of 16 feet of water on i about three weeks ago, is again on the YAN will cause t i l t m in e s» to disappear effective. hands with old acquaintances in Linoleum, Oil cloth, Etc- street. Beyond looking somewhat pale and m ake the eye* assum e their normal Mapleton school opened laBt week for tho bar. . . . i Florence Tuesday. healthy nppearanre. Florence school is progressing very he seems none the worse (or the aevi- < COATED TONGUE A ND rO E T ID Hie winter term. n tlE A 'r il ANTI HAP TASTE in t h e satisfactorily under the management of I Cl' “s Stonefleld of H”eeta >” ve 119 a dent. Alfred Funke lias purchased a lot in UOI T H - H l ’DYAN will cleur the tongue, Prof Cullison with Miss Davis as ns- Cs." •VM,erdHy and ar,a"eed to have the m ake tho brcutli pure and sw eet anil Mr Meyer recently from England has Horse’s addition to Florence. cause the bad ta ste to disappear. siatant ! EST 6u,it b*m b)r a 5'ear- 5 PA IN AND T E N D E R N E S S IN TH E purchased the Nelson house nt present Large numbers of geese have been Is due to Indigestion. Fish have been quite scarce for a Anderson who formerly resided ! occupied by Ur Patterson and will move I J STOMACH—Thlg H I U L D i J Y 1 A .» N will n I .1 cause « U U -Sx the t i l l . food IO V A I to iu beeomo » t w iu w lying over in the last few days. ; near Point Terrace arrived there again in iu a few days Dr Patterson w ill take ! perfectly digested and the puin and ten- number of days and several of tho I , , _____ __ dl.-iuppear. : demean will disappear. For Press Cutting and Fitting call at fishermen have not been putting out 011 lhe boat >e8terd*y "«<*»«>*- the Hinesdale house. «. E N L A R G EM E N T OF T U B ” L ' lV E ll Ibe Ladies Bazaar a t Point Terrace. A N D A F E E L IN G OF H E A V IN E SS - 1 Miss Flossie Lockwood of Lo-ane was their nets. 0 B llineedalo of tho Gardiner Mill AND W EIG H T—H U D Y A N will lessen Ilia Don’t fail to exam ine th a t fine stock congestion, establish a free and perfect The Masons had a big turnout at i a passenger on the Marguerite Saturday , Co nlakingfOme substantial Improve- flow of bile and reduce the enlarged liver on her way to Ileceta to teach school. , |nentg on U|e ll0U8e oceul,iuj untii ,e. dDrefB Goods a t Meyer & K yle’s. to Its normal sixe. their meeting last Saturday evening I HUDYAN wwl relieve you of the above The Mercer Lake school opened tills there being two candidates to receive John Whisman and James Neely ore .eontly by Captain Rasmuasou's family sym ptom s aud m ake you well. Do not , eek with Miss Swift of Pleasant Hill the third degree. again residents of the Sluslaw and are wtio left a short time ago for San Pedro. delay. You will and full and explicit direction» with G s,diner has not had houses enoiigli i wrapped w « p i ™ » • > » each packugo i’. ” - . ” of HUI)» AN. a teacher. Coast Mail: As a result of Fish Com preparing to log on Chas Cox s place to accommodate her citizens this fall; as n pucknge of H U DYAN for 50c, or 6 for Sonic new seats for the Florence missioner Reed’s visit to Coos bay a fisli neat Acme. an " ' nEM send d}io’,,' direct u,o to '’¿he'u"ut»Y the H U DYAN RE m SlA* S dy ' ghool house were brought in on the- hatchery will be established on the I Dave Denlf’8S ot Sweet creek was ; a resu|t some houses are occupied by £*}• COMPANY, San F rancisco or L ob An- south fork of Coos liver above tide amonK ,be visitors to Florence Sator- [ two families. Now th at the fishing Bobarts this week. gclcB. Cal , and they will send It to you. | day. He is working for Sir Fremont in season is about closed moro room is You cun consult tne great l i t DYAN Both those who cook anil those who wnterg DOCTORS F R E E . Do not forget thut. expected. Call nnd see them If you wish. You may A street car in Portland was held up tbe ca,” P" gt should see the Stoves aud Ranges at cal! nnd see them or w rite, a s you dvair«. An aged man is in our little town in­ Address Saturday night by a man with a rifle I Fla,lk V“der. wn,na to " 3 ,R3k,?g t1"' Heyer A Kyle’s. quiring the way to a certain creek where Headaches, sallowness, falling sensa ami two watches and about $12 in tnonev t ' ie at'J’’699 °f '" 9 pupR' ,e c “ingei HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, e lion, liver troubles. H ndyan cures. taken from the conductor and motoi’- , froul Brnneau \ a ley, Idaho, to Guy, Captain Kidd, ho believes, secreted 400 pounds of diamonds and numerous gold man, the only persons in the car at the " * ‘*tnian " aB lln8,'on- H a v e 0 1 w ays on E la n d a P in e ^ to c l^ o f No. 810 South Broadway, All druggists, BO cents. ,jme< j Guard: 0 D Thomas left for Bisbee, bars. May h j find tho treasure we say The University foot ball team de Los Angeles, CaL c,i -ir »»-•.! i i ■ i upon the .. Arizona, * on the , Saturday ; night over- with all our heart! Sheriff \v ithers has levied leated the Chemawas at Eugene last C«r. S tackton , Markst and E tili S t a , T .! o,-. t . , land. He goes in hope of securing re hen Pr.^ncisco. Cal Junction City Bulletin plant upon an “ K r fstnrdny by a score of 29 to 0. lief from chronic lung trouble. Female complaints, pale, sallow com- execution issued by order of Honeyi J C Flint and wite arrived here G f^ o e E ^ iE g , lexions, headaches, nervouB dyspepsia. DeHart & Congainst C P Houston for REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Wednesday morning after an absence of ■ .a • • i l 'l l f i A •* V|vt r ,l„ n t I , »a o IkCkk-krt lc o ,i $69.45. The plant lias been advertised Jndyan cures. All druggists. four months, during which they visited The U of O second eleven beat the for sale Nov 15. The Wost Real Estate office lias bar­ relatives and friends in Illinois, Wis The old “ Mess house” at Acme now itie o u notse acm e no»v Minnesota and Washing- llbany college team in a game of foot- gains to oiler in the f.dlowing property. occupied by L A St,„gley and family > ¿ otb aru looking well nnd report A good dwelling house, and black­ »11 last Monday by a score of 6 to 0. D r y GJ ood sj ★ ★ D r e s s (^ o o d s came near being destroyed by fire a few- Tbeir n)a|)y frien(,g are smith shop doing a good business in a Last Friday’s Oregonian contains a days ago. The fire was noticed about . , , thriving town. The owner desires to picture of Douglas county’s courthouse two o clock in the morning after it had 6 _______. change his location. A fine opportunity it rebuilt after the fire last December. evitlentlly been burning for several $100 REWARD, $100- for the right man. The suit of C E Harwood vs J H Mon- hours as there was a large hole burnt in 160 acres of unimproved land on North leitii set for trial before Justice Holden the roof. Fork about ten miles from Florence is The readers of this paper will be jesterday was postponed for one week. Monday’s Guard: Warner Brown, pleased to learn that there is at least , _ offered for saled. Near to county rond. The residence of S McConnell of Eu- L II Potter and A Wheeler have been one dreaded disease that science has Will make a good stock ranch. Price "> .* . ___ ,ene was destroyed by tiro the 2nd inst. appointed by the commissioners court been able to cure in all its stages and ( j g O U l U r i l l H i n V l O l i n i S t $450. About half the household goods were to expert the sheriff’s books. They that is Catarrh. H alt’s Catarrh Cure is ' , M l l l a O in r -in iQ l- 150 acres mostly timber land lying in R ia ts and. 0 c went to work this morning and it will the only positive cure now known to the ¿ 1 1 S Aj 14 l U l i l S V l ¿ 'fllll.b b section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 P u t o r r l , V tp in ir a ____ . « & C aps, The Mnrsbfieltl Sun reports th at the take them a week to complete their job. Boots & Shoes, west. About three acres cleared. A L w ____ — Coos Bay creamery at that place is now 'This will be no extra expense to the cullBlllu : S u „ ™ Ä . S X Ä i creek large enough to float logs runs MM turning out nbout 800 pounds of butter county ns the books are expelled from : ...kintal tl)tiona| treatment. Hall’s Catarrh , e ts , Including , , _ j,— S u --------- X S Ä : —, T ic k p p er e $ • I n 2 c 5 . BnU., m . o so . per day. time to time anyway. For further information inquire at ; Cure is taken internally at » . . . „ - i « » ! b v h d Y R ! H 1 Y iK lM P ANU The W est office, Florence, Oregon or Theilnnce which was announced for system, thereby destroying the Jj f Jjll,1 JJ J U 1 U U lllU 111 Ils John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. Thanksgiving evening in the Odd Fel­ Don’t Tobar co Spit and Smoko Your Lire Awajr. To quit tobacco euBily and forever, be uiag- ■ , , h d i^ g e , and giving PlTTflV V flnD Q D TV O Q lows hall will be given on Friday even­ nette, lite, nervo nervo and and vigor, vigor, tane No vo- , fon"_d ---------- ’ - UW> ™ nette, full futi of ot lite, ta k . NaTo- U|# | Jf]!| J [) J ][ (J Jj V llS . NOTIGE FOR PU BLIC A TIO N Uac, the »vender-worker, that mattes weak tnen die the pavenv patient strength by building ------ r , up r U e JJilUWX * VF SZ * ing, November 24th instead. strong. All druggists, 50c o r li. Cureguaran- constitution onHlitutiOn and assisting nature in do- Qe<,rge Thurman, Acall lias been issued for the bien­ teod.” Booklet and sample free. Address Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Manage rs. _____ October 28,1899. nial meeting of the state republican Btorltng ltemedy Co., Chicago or New Y'orlt ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative po»vers, that John Tanner, Notice 1« hereby given that the following- ¡•agues to be held in Portland tho first nainod settler tins tiled notice of his Intention they offer one Hundred Dollars for any GREENLEAF ITEMS COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS- Tuesday in Februury, 1900. to make 11.ml |,rm f in support of his claim, and case that it fails to cure. Send for list lUucAtn Your llo w e ls W ith Cuscnreta. that said Proof will bo umJe before C. H. Csml, Cathartic, euro constipation former. of testimonials. Bv a W est C okiikspondsnt . Iloldcn, U. H. Comnitssloiwr, at Kloreneo, A regular meeting of the city council Ifc.Sc. If C. C. C. fall, druggists rtf uud money. CO, Address. F. J. CHENEY A Oregon, on Deeeuilier 20, 189J, vis: George It Ten barrels of Eastern oysters were of Florence »»as Iieltl in I O O F Hall Toledo, 0 . Sold by druggists, 75c. Mills, on Ills II. E. No. SOM for tho HW‘4 NICK, Nov. 6, 1R99. with President planted in Yaqinna bay last week by j Monday evening N'S HKKi “vc 3) * sW^4 “°u- 29 ’l'- 19 9l K' H all’s Family Pills are the best. State Biologist W nshburn. T hese' Wcatherson in the chair. Present »vest. Mrs Charles I Rowe lias gone to live ll Ho names the following wltnessos to prove SUNDAY SERVICES. oysters are 3 to 4 years old and run 700 Councilmen Hurd, Kyle and Morris, near Eugene. his eoiitliinous residence upon and cultivation nnd Recorder Butterfield. to800 to the barrel. Mr and Mrs Martin Olsen of Dead­ of Haiti land, via: Minutes of last meeting were read Alford Minor, of «lenada, Oregon, Anthony A freight train consisting of an engine wood have another son. Sunday School 10 A M. Shuster, of Glenada, Oregon, C. Hhunter, o( and nine cars was wrecked near Rose­ nnd approved. Preaching 11 A M and 7 :30 P M. Herman Stelnhauer is at work on the Glenadn, Oregou, Uoo Glover, of Glenada, Councilman Morris of the street com­ burg the 1st. No lives were lost but the Endeavor 2.30 P M, Leader, May Eugene-Mapleton road improvements. Oregon. mittee reported that the street lamps J. T. B ridobb . tugineer was badly cut and bruised. Phelps. J E Inloe is .carrying the bi-weekly Register. had not been kept burning satisfactorily. I G K notts , The track was torn up for about 100 mail fmm Hale to Inloe postoffico of After discussing the matter it was voted Pastor. SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. which J A Carlyle is postmaster. that the president notifv the lamp ten­ 'Never Burn a C ardie at Both Ends” der that the lamps must he lighted in Peter Hollo is spending the winter PROPOSED MAIL CHANGE- A new, seven drawer, Climax sewing n't go on drawing vitality from the future at five o’clock and kept burning ; witli a brother in tlie east who proposes Machine, oak finish, mnniifactnrcd by od without doing something to re- till ten o’clock, and if this is not com-; A petition has beer, circulated among Ì to come to Lane county in the spring the New Homo Hewing Machine Co, for ce it. Hood’s Sarsaparilla gives plied with nt once that the president the nostmasters along the Eugene- and go to dairying on the Mohawk, fie sale cheap. Call at the W est office and ve, mental and digestive strength by find some one else to do the work ti MaplJton route asking for a change in made a visit l.ere tins fall and fell iu examine it. •idling and vitalizing the blood. the next regular meeting of the council, the mai! schedule. It proposes th a t , love with Oregon. CHANGE IN PRECINCTS AND ROAD Joquille creamery has settled with its j making the best terms with him that lie from November first to May first the j a,„e« II leav er of Nelson creek wont DI6TRICT8- Irons for their September product, re- can. at 3 p m, «r ' hunting for birds »vitti a shotgun this , . .. mail shall leave Eugene ning 26 cents per pound for butter I i The recorder and at niOrlli„g nloruinic and met a fine buck face to recorner was nao instructed ------------- to — call - rjvjng at Hale that evening anu The County Court ot Ijine county, R(tention of ttie county court to tlie M ,eton t ,,„ neMt earning; leaving , facC( He fired at him point blank, when - The total am ount distributed i Oregon, respectfully requests nil persons uf t(ig thg iegj8lature legi8|ature lhe ' ‘,eton in t|.o morning, will arrive at | tlle nni,nal dis ippoared in tlie brush at ies t very near $3500. This is U>ej#rt the ( avv oi the ------ constituting - t desiring a change in tho boundaries of month the dairym en have enjoyed | city of Florenco a road district t( bounds. Leaver searched voting prt-cincts or tlie establishment of dbtrict nnd and re- Hale in the evening and at Eugene the ; „ “ M°n. | qne9l tliem to act accordingly in divtd- next day at 10 a m. long hot vainly. Boon after a couple of new ones, or having any suggestion, to Plopence, By tlds arrangemvi.» arrangement r people along chard Qnilhaug an old resident of jDg the county into road districts. - v -------- - tho ,|ien frotn Uie biuslaw roa-Hpass- d with a innko as Io the division »1 tho precincts ' ng was instantly killed nt at that that | __ Bill of F Ilolste for $7.7o for tending i(, re{.cive ,|,c.ir mall except what piU;k behind one of their saddles that _______ j ____ into road districts so as to conform with g instant y . I . n,-.toher was al- iQto th(j (iKic0 at Kngenu in the |ooke<1 [¡fee meat. While leav er was J Saturday evening. He was thrown 1 street lamps during the law of 1899, to present their peti­ evening as soon as under the present , corHillg his shotgun and vowing to use tions or requests at ttie Novenilior 1899 lie track while attem pting to pass , lowed. A number of the property owners re­ 1 schedule, as the mail arriving at Eu- nothing hut a rifle hereafter, W II term and not later than November 11th, teen the cars of a train that was u arrin of Alpha passed ami i i reported « i 1899. This is done to enable the na- siding in West Florence appeared before gene on tlie nic>'t trains is not dis- ---------- ■ ■ , » t clung, the cars passed over him and co|np,Hl(j hÌH rM„ the council to urge the building of a tributed ¡a time to leave by tho rnorn- eklnued carcass by the roadside. U avor ted almost instant death. »vent to the place indicated and found j _ . , r, sidewalk iron. Jefferson street, along ¡Dg stt.ge. By order of the Court, arslifield Sun: The keel was ,Rid I « '" n""M adiaon and • First streets, to a deer hardly cold, minus hide and j E II L ex , Connty Clerk. INSPECTED. _____ hams, , »vitti the heal and neck full ol week at the North Bend shipyard 1 ’ gtreet, being from the W est oi- October 20th, 1899. the corner near M Mrs Andrews’ j ------- 's h o t.' He had been looking for a deer iffother vessel, to be built after the _ . . nour n Andrews AGENCY. W A N T E D —SEVERAL, BRIGHT AND HON- On motion the recorder was in- j Mewr|| B,,w irda aud Fuller inspector uver iin(.e |,e moved iu and thinks he is ilds of the schooner Admiral, and; VV es T peiwms to reprci-t nt us «» Manager» be 170 feet keel, 14*.¿fe et depth of j structed ’u iu ...... _ a notice of the prm ; In this «ml close l>y counties. Hntary M u « to publish „ H11(1 id le rs, rctqa-ciivcly, for the ¡n hard luck. year «ml expense». Stniljfbt, l.-oiia-ttde, no w. law. taw. * .llanict(e _diRtrict, arri,-e,l here by | i, 39'a; feet beam, and will have a i improvement as required by more, no I«** «alary. Poaitlou periuanaul, »» liiamciin ............- , NOTICE i reference», any lank In any to»eii. Il t< mainly Ting capacity of 900,000 feet of lu m -: Adjourned. I Barrett, stage Tuemhiy evening, i -------- I o ffic e work comln-teit nt home. Itelerenee. 1 Enclose ►.«lf-mblrestecl rlanipe<1 envelope. Tms . I t d c p T IMPROVE- i«cl of th '',lr Vl' lt I -i>tlP Board of Equalization of Lane lioM.Mou C oaraeV, Dept S, Chicago. Journal: Work is progressing N 0 7 |C E OF STREET ■ > everythin-’ in satisfactory ,„,,nty will meet on Monday November THE EUGENE STAGE. 'T on the big Mohawk saw mt ., WENT- , They a .¡cense 27 at L ^ . r . office lor the pnrptm of 1 mill will be 70 ft by 300 ft and w ill, ------ - , condition and gave tt, . «.„„¡„¡ng ibe nssessment. of 1899. All Commencing Novendwr l»t the Eu­ 10,000 ft of lumber a day. __ is ¡. hurehv elven ,hat that ,l,c the Boald » ... .......................... — ------ s- It 19 , ' Xntice hereby given U°"™ i foL?ne. ngaiu by the beach persons having bmdnes» before said gene and Florence »Inge will make but a mill, ‘ , „„r ...e to»«n of Florence pro-' T he inspectors left again ’ted that it will take such a mill, , the town of Florence pro The inspectors - 8 . I ; u„»..i govern themselves ac- threo round trip» per week during the board »ill will »n all 0fT i" S‘ ’ „ t h e streets and build a route W cdne,lay morning ing daily, fifteen year, to cut the cordingly. P r e s to ‘> ^ ? l,^ ¡ n ’, treet from Jef- winter. Tlie euge will leave Eugene REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tompany’s available timber on D P B crtox , I side walle a long Monday, WcxInewlaY and FrhU y of street, along County A m MMT. ! «on street to Madison each week and an iv e at Mapleion in furpin was at work the first of the ¿{¿¿¡gon street from Mai'1 Madi- George V/ Masterson snd the evening of the rame day. R e to rt­ FOR 8ALE OR TRADE. making anew propeller shaft for • ^ ^ e t , and along Hrat e^re accord- Jam el Bovd, 100 acres in ing, the atage will leave Mapleton «¡Ilian. furnished iiini ROn . Tue»dny, Thuraday and Saturday a r­ ■mm. The Ibe rod rod Inrnislicu Him was > non B , tn*et tree» to Quincy Rtree’ «-ction G9, West. $590. My old Mill building at Glenada with riving at Eugene in the evening. .... _ to »•»• Ludvig Christens en to Melvina Ken- fgennd . it was necessary turn rx it it ft|ice wj.., »(« the a t.rnviaions provisions O o t MC, ... shells ------------ attached. Make me an offer. of the Charter o u n e »•’•••■ ;-- ne.lv, lOOxlM!1- (cet near h lorence and The mail will leave every day, the *>U. a l .the, taking several of the Charter of the town ° Iicmonstrances to smd *",,'ro'*r .iut lot 9, bhwk 1, M or*’« •ccond addll,on Address Q u a R D avid , Point Ter- name a» in •□miner, lieing cartied on itask. The jo t was well done and t.-Flotence; $200 race, Orcgotu____ pa« k horaca on day« thut the ,t»ge doe» ’ that Mr Turpin understands that should he filed ’ i,h lbe VooT 0 W Hurd and „ wife C Bean. Bean, 1 ter than November 21at, 1399. i f , to Fred C i not (tart. °l woik. LOGS WANTED- 9 and 10 in block 6 town C-f “ Jons I lot» 7, Iivcurder. Apple of peculiar ionn woe given Hcnnty I* Dlooil Peep. Seaton $ó. The Siixlaw and San Franciaco Lum­ Clean blood mean» a clean «kin. Ne »7 Ole Myrind thie * t* k . It I'«’ -------- I.irKANP withont it. Curcarcta, Candy Cathar­ THE WAR IN AFRICA- AGItXTH — *A.'TKI> • -THK „ (he „„rpi-, ber Co. want 10,000,000 feet of log« beauty ■U’lcli the np.M-nrance <>f two applf9 tic clean your blood and keep rt Heap, by .chkven nU »< Ajbotnu delivered at their mill at Acme within ttirring u together, having two »tern» and -------- up the lazy liver and dnving all I»- P” -ion« frtctia irtcnd « .nd « .dmln-r nt H» .MW ¡¡»Hun » the next few month». i»- ; puritien from the Ixxlv. itegin to day to over u»' en d ,,;al¡d look» on the outeide „ew, from the ’eBt 'f «JJ y • y « u „ n, .minion Com pan J A ArAcMM -* *■ - »«lia/ar-t inn riL-trant«Ml. 25c. 50C. •• V ,, W E S T L IN G S . a Don’t faiL At Prices to Suit tlie Times. W KYLE * * * * GRANDBALL 111 1 0 0 F Hall In Florence, Ore Friday Fveaias, NoveniDBr 24,1899. Supper at Morris Hotel. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest Or»ef°n. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sale- If you have property to sell call at the “WEST” office and place it on our list. r it JOHN O.BEGK MANAGERS. W. H. WEATHER8ON