T H E W E ST , •O -TU B I.ISIIK D XVB X V F R ID A Y M O B N lkO .— — X T— F loumcb , L ami C ounty , O rbook prisoument in the penitentiary not less than one year, nor more than three years, or by fine not less than ||O J, nor more than $2000, or both such fine and To Vote at the Election Next imprisonment. Any person who shall falsely swear to any affidavit required by Year. this act shall ho deomed guilty of per­ jury, and upon conviction thereof shall The Law. lie punished accordingly.” For those who for any reason cannot Every elector in the state must regis- go to tlio conuty clerk for registration, ter Iwlweeu the first Monday in Ja n ­ tho law enables them to settle tlio uary, 1900, ail J 5 o’clock p in, May 10 m atter with a notary public or justice of following. tlie peace, special blanks being pro­ Stjcli was the law passed by the last vided for tlio purpose. These officials W * » « ' A voter may register with do not collect any fee from the elector, a notary public. Justice of the peace or hut receive 10 cents for every such county clerk. Electors are not subject „ | blank filled out by tlio voter and filed to expense in tlie m atter, A book con with tlie county clerk ._____ mining the registration of all voters in Kinging in ears, noises in head, tlie county will be prepared and from twitching of eyelids. Ifudyan cures. this general hook smaller ones will be Fifty cents. All druggists, made giving tlie list of electors in each MUST REGISTER. WASHINGTON LATTER. N il W M e t F rom o ra n u ie ix a U okkebitjsubvt . I have opened a shop Washington, D. (J., Oct. 30, 1899. Uncle 8am will help John Dull, if he • F ln r ß n C ß W llC fC I GREAT WITE STQBE * is “ attacked l»y by any European nation £ 0 0 (1 while he is engaged in that South Afri- . . . by • • - can war. T hat is, stripped of all verbi­ age, the sum and sulistance of tlie opin­ ion held by about nine out of every ten H a s S o m e th in g to O ffer in th e W a y o f Editor and Proprietor. ten men in Washington, including tlie members of diplomatic corps. And the very fact tliat such au opinion is general F lo ren ce, Ore. N o v . 1 0 ,1899. is in itself sufficient to make any nation I t n. a little rough on a young man to think, not twice, but several times, lie- be cut off from four fifths of his just fore deciding tliat tl|p present is an op­ F o r b o th Old a n d Y o u n g . W e a r e m a k in g p r e p a r a tio n » portune time to even up any old scores Next door to 0 W Hurd’s. aliaro of his father’s estate for marrying t l» girl of his choice, as was Cornelius with Great Britain, It m ust not bo in­ f o r o u r f a ll a n d w i n t e r s to c k to a r r i v e s h o r tly . T h e r e ferred from this tliat any member of V anderbilt, but most ¡people would tlie adm inistration lias been “ leaking” think they could manage to get along a re m a n y lin e s w e d e s ire to Close O ut, a u d G r e a t B a r g a in s as to the intentions of tliis government, York City, several days ago, was buried and keep the wolf from the door if they in ease there should be any European in Arlington Cemetery today with mili­ c a n be h a d in L a d ie s’, C h ild re n ’s, a n d M isses’ did inherit only 11,500,000. precinct, u , s . SENATOR, attack on Great Britain, On the con­ tary honors. The death ot Gen Henry O bxtrai . A mkhica is in a chronic state Electors will be numbered, consecu­ trary, every member of tlio adm inistra­ adds another to tlie long list of high of revolution, One has been progress­ tively, in each precinct, as they are Tlie Dispatch, Bn independent paper, tion lias refused even to discuss the military appointments, which President ing for some time iu Columbia from entered in the general county register. published at Dufur, Wascoe county, has possibilities in that line. It is not be­ McKinley has had the making of—many causes which have not been reported. Tlie clerk shall require of tlie elector tlie following to say in regard to the cause of anything officially said tliat more than any president since Lincoln Nicaragua is threatened with another, such information as his registration noxt U 8 Senator to be elected in Ore­ the opinion of the willingness of the U hns had. It makes two vacancies in tlie a s w e ll a s in B la c k W e a r. growing out of the government’s levy number, date of registering; full name gon I “ Some of our exchanges are de S to help Great Britain, if help bo rank of brigadier general in the regular of an export tax of 2 cents per bunch on of elector; business or occupation; age nianding tliat Oregon’s United States needed, is so generally lield, but be­ service. It is believed in Washington bananas, Tito banana trade is tho life of tlie elector in years; country of senator be selected from east of tlie Cas» cause th a t is the only logical attitude that the vacancies will go to Lawton and of Uluetields and that part of the nativity ; if naturalised, tlie time, place cades. Tt.eir demands are just enough, fpr this country to occupy at this time, MacArthur, both .colonel in the regular Nicaraguan coast,__________ and court of naturalisation or declara­ but we have so much trouble getting a owing to the general feeling of gratitude army, and both now serving in tlie I t is the opinion of good horticultural tion as evidenced by the legal proof senator elected at all tliat it looks dan­ to Great Britain, for having said, Philippines as major generals of authorities that in tho eastern states old thereof exhibited by the elector, gerous to thus leseen tho probability of “ hands off,” when several European volunteers. ____________ fruit trees are dying out faster than new The actual and precise place of resi- | agreement by making the figlit sectional powers wished to interfere with our A few years ago there were but one ones aro being planted. This does not deuce of the elector at the time of ids I and regarding this United States sena­ n o th in g h e re to fo re e v e r e q u a le d i n p ric e s . Y on little scrap with Spain. If Great Britain or two districts on the rives in which apply, of course, to the country west of registering will he asked, and tho pre­ tor business, us lie will probably be a is interfered with, it will not be a ques­ Behool was taught during tlio winter. h a r d ly b e lie v e t h a t i t c a n be p o ssib le to s e ll l i g h t the Mississippi river. Is is probable cinct, and, if in tlie country, tlie sec­ republican, wo can see no good reason to tion of what the present adm inistrators Now nearly every district has botli a th a t tlie average quantity of ruit pro­ tion, township and range; in cities and start a senatorial bee buzzing in tlie of this government would like to do, winter and a summer term of school. duced («or acre is increasing. The towns having streets, by specifying tlie brain of a number of new men but of their having to obey the will of steady improvement in the motliods of name of town or city, the street or other east of the mountains. Oregon lias one the American people. T he F resicest put a good deal of caring for orchards must have the effect location of dwelling-place, with tlie man and only one, who in bis political Tlie Fhilippine commission held its history into small compass when he of increasing the quantity of marketable number of the dwelling, if it lias a career lias known no particular section first meeting today, with Admiral said in a recent speech: “ Tlie United number, and if not, then buc I i a de­ of tlie state, and who lias accomplished fruit produced,—Oregon Apriculiuritt» y e t w e in te n d d o in g t h i s v e ry t h in g f o r t h e n e x t 30 d a y s . Dewey, Ool Denby, and professors States lias never repudiated a national scription of the place th at it can be more and with his experience and influ­ Seliurpian and Worehcster in attend­ obligation either to its creditors or to MEN Kidney trouble preys up- readily ascertained and identified. If AND 0,1 l ' ,e niind, discourages the elector he not tlie bend of tho house ence could accomplish more as United ance. It is understood that daily meet­ hum anity,” His pledge that “ it will States senator than any man in tlie ings will be held until a preliminary re­ not now begin to do either” will be sus­ p p j and lessens ambition; it must be stated, and upon what floor state and tliat is Hon Binger Herman. port has been agreed upon, and proba­ tained by the people,—Coast Mail. Iwauty, vigor aud cheerfulness soon thereof and w hat room the elector oc­ Wa don’t like tlie politics of the crowd ble th at a full report will not be made disappears when the kidneys are out of cupies iu the house. If you aro in need of children’s Nervousness, weakness, exhausted lie is running with, but there is no man until after another visit to the islands order or diseased, l o r pleasing results It must b I bo be stated whether the in Oregon who could beat him if tlie nervous vitality, rheumatism. Hqdyun by tlie three commissioners; it is hardly use Dr Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great voter is able to write ids name and senator were elected by a popular vote.’i likely tliat Admiral Dewey will he asked cures, AH druggists 50 cents. kidney remedy. All druggists. Sample mark Ids ballot. If the elector’s ina­ to go there again. I t had been arranged CHRISTIANITY IN BUSINESS. bottle by mail free, also pamphlet. Ad­ bility is apparent, in consequence of SHIPPING AND MARINE, th at the commission should hold its dress, Dr Kihuor & Co., Binghamton, some physical infirmity, such us blind­ Come quick, because they are going! going ! GOING! Don’t forget "There is not the least question tliat ineelinirs at the departm ent of state, but The tug Maggie arrived Saturday from N Y. __________ ness or loss of a limb, incapacitating as tho commercial world is organized at the last minute it was decided tliat Tillamook and after remaining at Acme they are going from the HEADQUARTERS of all good things. E vbvtb of tlie past lew days show that tlie applicant from writing, this fact and run to-day it is run a t a fearful loss thero was no room tliat could bo spared over night, left again for the north Sun­ ■omebody lias been furnishing liquor to must be set down in tlie register, along tlie side of money,” writes ltev in ttie departm ent building, and the day morning. The schooner Nettie Sunborg sailed •ow e of tlie Indians in this vicinity. Should tlie disability be illiteracy of Charles M Sheldon, author of “ I a His same room in a nearby hotel, tliat was for San Francisco Sunday with 90,000 the voter, tlie clerk shall, in addition to YOURS TRULY, I t » well known tliat this is a violation Steps," in tlie November Ladies’ Home occupied by the Anglo-American high feet of lumber op board. Tliis is the first stating the fact, enter as full a des­ of law, Dio statutes being very strict on Journal. “ Even the rules of Buecess joint commission, for its settings, was cargo shipped from tlie Siuslaw A San «.his auhjpct. Desides being contrary to cription of the physical peculiarities of that business inen lay down do not in­ secured. Tlio meetings are, of course, Francisco Lumber Co's new mill at tlie elector as possible, giving height, law U fa liable to bring about serioua Acme, sure success. Perhaps no age has held behind closed doors. approximate weight, complexion, color Tlie eebooner Bella bound tor San results as many of the Indians when Although tho president is very buey equaled this for disturbance and unrest Intoxicated aro very quarrelsome and of eyes and any visible marks or scars and warring interests in the business on his annual message to congress, lie Francisco with 200,000 feet of lumber from Spruce Point mill, was towed out aro ap t to use a knife or pistol if any and their location. world. If tlie principles of Christianity lias arranged to take a day off, to­ to sea Sunday. The law is very explicit and enters difficulty arises. A man who sells The steamer Roberts went to Ya- were applied to tlie whole business morrow, and go to Richmond, a, ac­ into tlie smallest details, until after a quina Sunday at ter a load of Hour and liquor to another knowing it is pur­ companied by six members of liis cab­ world it would causo a shock th at for chased fo be given or sold to sn Indian, person lias gohe through the process of tlie time being would result in what inet to see tlio launching of the torpedo leed. Tbe steamer Robarts arrived from deserves censure as uiucii as tlie man registering lie will think he is under might indeed prove to be the greatest boat Sliubric. He couldn’t stand tlie Yaqnina Tuesday afternoon. who buys it, and any peraon furnishing suspicion for murdor. temptation of touching elbows with the The Maggie returned from Yaquina Should an elector change his resi­ financial panic of the ages. But out of liquor to sn Indian should be f,ote- Virginians, when invited to do so. I t Tuesday buying been abseut from the dence after registering, he may, before th at result would emerge a new order cuted to tlie full extent of tl» law is doubtful whether wo ever had a river but two days. of buying and selling th a t would result tlie books are closed, cause ins former ----- 1 '- ----- - Tho Robarts weut to Coos Bay president who enjoyed mixing with tlie ■ •w registration to be canceled, by a request ultimately in more financial success on Wednesday, people as much as Mr McKinley does, ill writing to Urn clerk where lie regis­ the part of more people than the world or who so freely acknowledges th a t ho TO CURE LA GRIPPE IN TWO DAYS, bus evor witnessed. Ultimately love T ub ciiunciiK» are now taking up the tered, on a specially prepared blank. will pay in dollurs and cents better than obtains pointers by so doing. Those divorce question witli some prospect of Section 12 of tlie law says: “ No person Take L avativi : B romo Q uisikr T ab ­ selfishness. On selfish principles the who criticise bis so doing, are likely to revolutionising the present system. shall register who is not a qualified lets . All druggists rtfund the money find out sooner or later th at the mases business world to-day does not succeed if it fails to cure, F W G rove ’ s signa­ Addsd to tlie Catholic's jmsition tliat elector iu tlie precinct in which ho reg­ even iu tho m atter of making money— like him all the better for it. It is an ture on every box. 25c, isters, and wlw is not a resident thereof, no divorce should be granted for any th at is, not for any length of time nor impossibility for a president to get too G ENERAL NEW S cause, tlsere is a sentim ent prevailing or register in a namo rather than Ids for the masses of the people. Love in close to tlie plain everyday people, in tbn Episcopal church to prevent Die true mime, and no elector shall register business would lose less money, and something th a t tbe president’s im­ Jeffries is still the champion pugilist' marriage of divorced parties, and it is a second time in tlie same precinct or actually distribute tho real earnings of mediate predecessors, Gen Harrison of tne world bating defeated Shaikuy ill I expected tliat ortliodox society will register in any oilier precinct until ids toil among a far greater number of and M> Cleveland, never did. tbe 25th round. •oon hnve such a creed initiated into first registration lias been canceled.’’ Gou Fitzliugli Lee is in Washington, human beings, than is posaiblo now His physicians tliitk there is but! Upon the day of election the judges, tlieir church. Members of other enroute from Cuba, to his borne in I little chance for the iccoveiy of Vice] under the present system.” orthodox thurclieeare fast falling Info as soon as an elector applying to vote Virginia. He is on furlough and will , President Hobart. CARE OF THE ORCHARD. line with the Episoopals, and they lias given Ids name and residence, shall return to Cuba shortly. He is looking i Jn the tase of tbe Coear D’Alene; claim divorces should not be granted or ask tlie elector il lie ia registered, and well, but pleasantly declined all invita­ , millers on trial for riot tlie jury returned tlrcRon A gricultu ral College and Experim ent th a t “ what God lias joined together lot ii I bo examine the register. Even tbougli SlxtliHl. tions to diBcuss Cuban affairs for publi­ a verdict finding 10 of tlie defendants I I guilty and 3 not guilty, no man put asunder,” ho expunged a j«raon be registered his vote may ba Tlie past year, witli its unusual clima­ cation, further than to say th a t the A Washington dispatch says Admiral ! from tlie marriage ceremony. Tlicro is challenged before ids ballot is actuully tic conditions, lias been marked by n y u(1Rllg) a8 a people aro better than they Dewey lias announced to some of liis a wide divergence of opinion pmoiig tlie ! 1U u,« box. If not registered tlie elector signal neglect of tillage operations in s aro P R O P R IR T « « credited by our people witli intim ate frieuds th a t hois engaged to, J . W . C A R M A N eo-eulled world's people regarding di­ is to be considered challenged. In case the orchards of the state. One result of | tieing. His son, Lieutenant George M Mrs W B Hazen of that city. She is tlie worces. some lor and sumo against of a challenge, tlie voter may subscribe tliis lias been tlie formation of an extra ! Lee, lias been ordered Io accompany the j widow of Gen liaxen formerly chief au oath, on a blank printed for tbe pur­ large amount of fruit wood and buds, j infantry from New York to the j signal officer of tbe army, and a sister separation.—Ex. à. tlv 5 & pose, and tliis must also be sworn to by and under ordinary conditions, next Philippines, where lie will join liis own of John R McLean democratic candidate tor governor of Ohio. A RED LETTER DAY. not more than Itali a dozen freeholders. spring tliero will set a very much great­ regiment, the SOtli Infantry. , The river steamer Arabia th at was j In Irving such eases the election judges er amount of fruit than will lie best for ! The Census Bureau w ill endeavor to P R A C T IC A L lost iu the Missouri river near Park­ Last Suuday was * red letter day in hnve i»wer to issue subpoenas to require t . o .nlorcit tl» ,ree nlM( tl)e make mining and manufacturing statis­ ville, Mo., in •llNfi tins recently been The orchard should re- tlie history of the shipping business ol tbe attendance ol wilucasca ' • iw* L rchardi«ta. tics to l>e taken next year, more com­ located.' 111e boat carried a cargo of tlie Siuslaw, no less than four vessels tliem. | eeiva a judicious, yes, a vigorous prun­ plete than any ever taken. Director 4900 liarrola of Keutncky whisky. Tho-* going to sea from this river that day, The last section of the law give» tlie ing thia winter, to the end tliat liberal Merriam says tlio charge th at these men who found it.lir.ve contracted to de­ liver all the liquor they secure to a club 1 _two steamers, the Robarts and tlie following warning: “ Any county clerk thinning of fruit spurs studi be lia i, | statistics will be gathered for uso in on Fifth Avenue, N Y at $1250 per b ar-, Maggie, end two scliooners, tlie Bella or clerk of any county court, or any ' o t| |Crwi#o wij| fo. produced a mass of] campaign documents of tlio presidential rl. and tlie Nettie Sundhorg. The deputy of either of sucli officers, or any gw||j, ¡„(erior fruit for which no market i campaign could only have originated T u C a r e Conn tip a t Iren F o r e r r p , echooucrs together carried alwut 350,- ’ judge or clerk of election, or any justice an tie found, a.rd aa too often occurs, T a k o Cascareis C.mdv C ath arU c 10c crSSo. with some one who was ignorant; tliat I l C. C. C. fu ll tu cure, druxüD'ts rvluud mon*, y. 000 feet of lumber for Nan Francisco, j of the peace or notary public, who aball tlie larger part of tlie crop becomes a tlie work of taking thia census will not r bile tlie steamers were bound for I willfully disregard any of tlie provisions waste. begin until from tlio loth to the 30th of | of tliis act, or who shall willfully fail to Yaqnina. Now ia the time to make a thorough June, and alter information is gathered, T h » breaks t l » record for thia river I)er(oriu ,uiy provisions of this act, or examination of tlie trees; studv the Tlie it.will require montl s to classify and aa never before have th a t number of any peraon wlw shall willfully or various avateins of pruning and tlie ends p ,int ;t( makir.g its use in the jiolitieai Filipi vessels sailed either in or out of fraudulently regiaior more tliau o ne., or they are sought to reach, Match *1»! cmupajgn of next year, impossible, been ficera t h . Siualaw river in one day. register under any but Ilia true name, or anJ (u||g0M tl» climatic ' More Oiau two thousand sjieciai agents taking the oalli of office acre the gover W . feel sure th a t tliis hut marka a attempt to vote by personating another UIX)J| , lu) jru ;j ttud foliage bods, will be employed to gather th » clase of uor, three judges, twelve councilmen, “’ P fn m a n sh ip > f f large increaae in tlie ahippiug business a lio ia registered, contrary to tl» pro­ and with tl» opening of spriug be pre­ information in tl» 1,571 citici of the auditor and agrretary of the interior. liere, as with lour sawmills, two of them visions of thia act, or knowingly register partii to give the orchard a vigorous tait Three days feasting will follow celelMMli>m ol the new government and •teadily a t work cutting ¡lumber for din- iu any (m einet w liere I» is not r resi­ xæîOtiifitL1 _ __ a d . 'k v .; - judiciuut (trunin^ find then follow this Brigadier General Guy V Henry, of tlie first anniversary of tl» surrender fp—t markets while tlie product of tlie dent at tl» tin » of registration, upon will» generous tillage of lit« «oil. Only tlie regular army, who died in New of the Spaniaida to tlio Negros revolu­ oth er two is used at homo; a cannery, conviction aliali be puuialwd by inl­ tuidvr condition« like tl»eae cmji we ex- j T H E GENTLE-WOMAN is a month-j tion ists. TO OUR MATRONS. . a at Itr*>»t« with row whether Tv'U c Mitlane • creamery, and lit. large increaae iu '1y inagasin« devote,! to subjects of inter- ' le d tu get tlie boot of returns from t l» B, r., k,:iiuufoi«**i-ss*Bit.M^T.-uA* rwiuot «« tue T E I» —S E V E R A L ItS IG H T A S H IIO N - farm produce that m ust find a market •■ur w A J S M A u E N r s w A s r r i i - m u - the ijfx ani » orchard next year, under €1» usual o«l «n > We bum made firmngementfi by eat to the ladies. The regular subscrip­ f U) ruprcjcut u« ru« Van/utt1 tine, parti«# the woctW i a a l.ls v » » » « » O< Atashwt l ' * » « r . „ « h r in U hr and vT onv by * vuimlle*. - •*-«. — f* — R» • » n •ton* UUBBVHirt. (u other places, th . car.-ying trade will s r-H i-O iis ia l Urto. U| M ural IlwtaSsaxl. Iu * , nitidi we will fnmiab the WarUy ■»•ho« »»M » Rtrontf yvor am i «xmiiMh» sfr*urtal, lw»Mh Mo» no uiore tion price is one dollar but we havsmndc tregiNi clioiauc conditions. friend am i adm irer oí ilu» n a tio n « V ’M t ; >tt j- tin I. « '- r In furnish ateady and profitahle employ- hie •ad health. pewh«« »* - tiltil HtaitvMt am i IwMtl (Miok; i»\er |»a>coa Oregonian with the W irr for one reference«, wny hunk iu wi»y Iiiit rnniniy arrangeiiMMit <>y winch we offer it for * t'wn k”*h. inch-«: u m tlv » 0 i« a -s halftone f i! '“ *?». The Nun k raueiaeo F.x vanii tier and - i l l Tt»orh forux T *h* I l with olHc« work voim I im l( » JH» ssr for ou» year I- 50 paid in 3, C iiicngu te a s . th . Niuslaw and R m Fram-ieco or ■■nuinil-aion*. «atwéfifc» tmr». ---- w» r*r«arf W rit., un irti. The in>,i,iiU>n* l oiotsmy lair payable cash iu jplvanc*. see a sample copy. j varice. j «ni Floor Gaston HW«., « T ile *» » W.H.WEATHERSON keep a stock of CHOICE BEATS. Always on Hand. SHOES Give me a Call. C. BKACEY. TAN SHOES IN GENT’S WEAR will MEN’S SHOES at $1.35 HATS OR CAPS 0. W . HURD. C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Art Tewr Kltfueya • Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ....... Just Ooened. Goods as Represented. PVIARj RtlREJSIVR M)PTUUVOtOi M , s fio r cities on tl» coast. 1