î TÎÎE! w e s t B aking ^VULISlim’ BVKIlY FUII1AÏ MOUSING— L ank C ountv , O regon .— ^FLOHKNCK, m a tic n t ly - - - r.v - - - A V .n .W liA T H E R S O N *Editor »>'« Makes the food more delicious and wholesome rrop rfetor. »1-50 a year in advance— hysteria . . . » . M i e «¡»outer and 1» purely a « nervous and All all the the Symptoms are of nervous origin, « a n y w-..nivii uffiicled with hyaleria “ ’»t1» “ suiter hecuu.e they lliluh Uu»l Ih eie 1» no cure lor i nem. H ysteria can b« iK'ifectly and p« r- ROVAI BÄK (HO PO//OEW çp., NEW YORK. WaMl j y KsnfflnRn,g fflr n#w EUGENE c u re d , no m atter how fui nffvuneed It ii>ay he. H II I) Y A N will cure h yitcrla H UDYAN will re­ lieve you of ovary yinylom . The re- ivt ia not only tcn»iM»rary — U •• pciniHhclit. r l l ’l** V an will real ora the w c a K a n a d 0 nerves to a heal* thy condition and the sym ptom s will disappear. Ill VAN I s the rem c<1y you w ant 11 ROYAN /AN In for men nod women has Tt la ft vegetab le remedy and h as no ha< bad Pfri’ t o H m - J"’“ your ' •>«£•,- syrup- toins carefully. • am When l’X i you f U l have . - y o u Jon.« r ^ n »?• di 11 T • 1 lY A V w hat It bus dime for you. t ACME COMMERCI AL COMPANY. New Fall Effects , , ----------- j» Dress Goods, Excellent Table Linen, V K — Hosiery, Underwear, Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoes. Latest styles in Corsets, announcements next week. «ntered a t th e post-office at Florence, Don’t fail to examine that fine stock (Jne county, Oregon, us second-class of Dress Goods at Meyer & Kyle’s. N e w Goods a r r iv in g on e ve ry Vessel mail matter. John Powell has been repairing J L T S TI„ING BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- Dahliit’a house in Miller’s addition Will receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FRUIT every »rip. Of Eugene, Oregon ÀD PLICATION. President McKinley lias appointed ,,„.»1 notices 8 cent» per lin e, each huertlon Thursday November 30 ns Thanksgiving G iP I T A L ,PA,DDP’ $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 day. W. E. BROWN. President. Florence, Orc. N o v . 3 , 1899. Pains in loins, puffed eyelids, palpita­ HEBE ARE YOliB SYKPICSIS: B. D. PAINE. Vice President. Ground Feed ofall Kinds always on hand. tion of heart. Hudyan cures. All F . W . O S B U k N . C a s h ie r . W ' ii a t ' in u li ’ nii s e n s a t io n auo vb druggists, 50 cents. W . W . B R O W N . A s s t C a s h ie r . W B S T B IN G S . TH E EYES l l l ’DYAN will relievo this o»t im m ediately. Steps have been taken by Acme We bny all kinds n( Puts. Please «lm 2-J. TREM BLING G E T HL l.H 8 - 1 Ills parties to commence a lawsuit in Justice D I R E C T O R S . I h due to the affection of the facial n».r\cl. Pills cures constipation. bring your Furs to us. Hood’ HUDYAN will restore the ^ » 'u n s ? win To soe onr assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mattings. Holden’s court. 1 f w OSBURN, B D faine , w e frown , Ranchers should have one of our fine healthy cqficlitton. and tho trem bling will price 25c. Both those who cook and those who A faine , J F R obinson , j b H arris , Piper lifloa. They shoot accurate up to d‘i “ L U itP IN TI1K THROAT—This For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at « » 1 1 1 Linoleum, Oil cloth, Etc- 1C » V w W BROWN, ptom usually precadaa 'll crying »poll. 1100 yards and havo killed wild geese at sym eat should see » the Stoves and 1 T Ranges at J Tlie feci uk is a i though there w as a ball the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. A t h e throat Thlt» also is a nervous vjv.w & Kyle’s ^ .« o . A G en eral B a n k in g B u sin e ss 160 yard?. 22 calibre. 60 shots for 20 lywiJtom which H UDYAN will cause to Meyer Some correspondence sent from Green- John Dahlin has given up his position ' T ransacted o a Favorablo Tsrm s S ' en paaU*""wls X n k ^ n d o t b e " d,i “ 'pAZi>ITATION OF T H E H E A R T - haf October 10th was received the 28th. i manager of the Seaton store and cniclten haw Us, owis, skuhks , an i ou er Thc heart bocomca weakened is the Report says there is some talk o f ', arted to Sail Francisco this week. Drafts issued on uro and heat» irregulurly ami ! Draft» on the principal principal cities cities of of the ; varmints, also for butchering hogs, nerves weakly. HUDYAN will stren gth en the I TV.. » ., » « o . aala,« v o b i m a u f furnUhcd u e l , iw lv a .1 o v a .il. I United U States; nUo n exchange avail* organizing a new school district o n , sheep and cows. Fine working gnus at hear? niURele and cause the hauls to be­ The steamer Robarts made a trip to ------------------ ------------ ----------- ..... ~ . able in all foreign countries. come strum? M p iT upper Fiddle creek. a special low price of »3.49. Next to I b SINK ING PEELING IN 1111. PI I Cooa hay thia week leaving here Tues-] Interest paid on time deposits, Tired limbs, aching joints and pains; day and returning Wednesday morning. Fire-proof vault for the storage of valuable that is the famous Stevens ritle, in 22, OF TH E 8TOMAUH—T his occurs often is very- annoying. It Is duo Io the 25, and 32 calibre. They are a finer and papers. in muscles. Hudyan cures. All drug-' notion of the weakened nerve» of the Stom ach. H U D Y A * will strengthen the The Guard speaks of a beet weighing collections receive our prompt attention. made gun and are a little more ex|>en- nerves, and the sinking fueling will not gilts, 50 cents. 13% pounds. It was raised by Harry sive. Ttiey are aleo a fine ranch gun PERSONALS. " w o m e n , this Is for you. n cm im h er The Toledo Leader reports a large Haskell on the Ilemenway place near and ttie very low price of the amuni- that H UDYAN cures men and women. II mn of salrnou at Y aquina the fore part Eugene. will relieve y ou of all the above uympi -< tion makes them desirable. T h e price nnd vou can ho cured. Doctor« nave A of last week. Joe Whisman and family have moved is low, only »6.00, and the guns are all forded you som e relief, but they huve not The schooner Nettie Sundborg which cured. H U DYAN will «fleet a permanent Rev C Calvert Smoot of the Baptist sailed from San Francisco October 20 to Sweet creek. “ takedow n,” that is they come apart in cure. Take HUDYAN new. You can «et HUDYAN of your druggist for W cent« per church in Eugene waB ordained a minis­ waa towed to the wharf at Florence Dr Kennedy and wife are now resid­ tlie middle. package or 6 package« for $2 oO. i f your druggist docs not keep it. “«"d L v° ter of that denomination last week. ing in Florence. Thursday. the H U D Y A N REM EDY COMPANY Ban F rancisco or Los A ngeles. <-»Hforn a Yaquina Post: Chas Anderson, an Win Persons and wife are soon to A new postofflce has been established You can consult the doctors of the H UD­ YAN REM EDY COMPANY FRKR. Call experienced fisherman of Siuslaw, is at Inloe on Chickahominy with Mr move to J L Dublin's house. on the doctor«. If you « annot call. y"U (pending a vacation with friends in this I Qar|y|0 a„ postmaster, The first mail m ay write and advice will be given free. Casper Tylden is spending a couple of Address from that office was sent Wednesday, city. weeks with friends at Eugene. HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Leis than »3000 of taxes remaining j We are informed that a meeting is to Will Chamberlin returned Saturday delinquent on the last rolls In Lane j be held tomorrow at A C Barbour’s in from a visit of several weeks at Port­ No. 818 South Broadw ay. H a v e 0 1 w ays on H a n d a P in e o^tocl^ o f tounty. The total am ount of the rolls Glentena for the purpose of forming al­ land. Los Angeles. Cat originally was »150,708.39. liance to protect the limber interests on O W Hurd was at Seaton a couple of Cor. S t o c k t o n , m a r k e t and n ils Stas. F E Goude writes from Oakesdale, the Sluslaw river and its tributaries. days this week looking afler business B a a F rn n c ls o e . C i l . Wash, that he expects to rig np a saw The spirits were abroad as usual in interests. will in the machine shops at that place town Hallowe’en butseenied to he some- B F Wilkes and L F Andorson crossed G ^ o e E ^ iE g , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. «sd ship it here next spring by way of I what scattered ns one party arrived tlie river from Glenada to Florence j Monday evening while the others did yesterday. Yaquina. The West Real Estate office has bar­ "Duly Feed Man and Steed.” Feed ! not come till Tuesday. Chas Hartley and Mr Harkleroad of gains to oiler in tlie following property. your nerves, also, if you would have Daily Alaska Dispatch, published at Hermann wero seen on our streets D r y ( 5 odds* ★ ★ D r e s s G food s* A good dwelling house, Bnd black­ tbeiii strong. Blood made pure and Juneau, of Oct 13: “ G M Miller has smith shop doing a good business in a rich by Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the only established his office with Attorney W yesterday. Mr Miller of Chickahominy was a thriving town. Tiro owner desires to true nerve food. Be sure to get Hood’s. E Crews and will remain in Juneau un­ visitor to Florence this week. We change his location. A fine opportunity It never disappoints. til after the November term of the dis­ acknowledge a pleasant call. for the right man. A few days ago we received from trict court, when lie will visit liis family Eh Miles and family returned to 100 acres of unimprovi*l land on North Nathan Young a sack of nice large in Portland, Oregon, and possibly liis Fork aliout ten miles from Florence is potatoes grown on Willow Vale ranch mother and brother (Joaquin Miller) Denver, Col a few days ago after spend­ offered for saleil. Near to county road. on Fiddle creek. Any one who has seen who live ill Oakland, California. He ing the summer with relatives on Fiddle Will make a good stock ranch. Price the potatoes does not need to be told lias just returned from the Porcupine creek. »450. Frank W hittaker of lower Smith river mines, in which lie has large interests.” uat it is rich laud ' whero they were made - a quick 150 acros mo«tly timber land lying in Tlie Guard ini Eugene augeue u u n ru prints p im io the follow ........- ------ trip . over the hills to min. section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 THE GENTLE-WOMAN is a month- ing hit at one of our well known citizens. Florence Tuesday and returned \\ ednes- west. About three acres cleared. A t magazine devoted to 8«l>jrtets of inter- Tiie Portland papers have an account of day. ereek large enough to float logs rune the marriage of W R McCormick. The gtella Whittaker spent Tuesday night (t to tlie ladies. Tlie regular suhserip- through the land. Piice»550. iun price is one dollar but we have made name is spelled with an “ i” instead o f! ¡„ Florence on the way to her home at Our stock of fine pocket knives is For further Information inquire at an “a « ” else after _ a three rrangeinent by wliicti we oiler it for a | nn eise Lane unuc county people might Walton ....... — months stay in complete nnd the quality is A No 1. If The W est office, Floronco, Oregon or rort time fof flftv ceuts ayear. Call and think that onr old friend W it MeCor- ■ Gardiner and vicinity. you wisl) a whacking good knife come to — a sample .. , copy. ----- I j — . . . turning Mormon Mormon in Ids older u a ,......, nr Ralph McMurray and Wesley W hit u s ; onr prices are low nnd all onr goisi John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. ire naek i- . was ; -nil 1-, R is raising bay a n d . eaker came in from Eugene tlie first of knives are guaranteed. Our guarantee NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION io L aw A cliange lias been made in tlie mail dl,y8, Dur potatoes down on tlio Siuslaw, oc-, tins week and are working in tlie rock means something. W’e give you a new .n a '.swan icliedule between Florence and Maple- caeionaliy talking a little “ jargon” with Ian l Office, Roseburg, Oregon. g». Ml quarry near Point Terraee. knife if the one you got isn’t a good one. Ion by which tlie mail is now carried October 28,1SC9. nj. i IMMU-M tlie Indians. It is another W R that F E Fremont went to Portland Mon­ Thia is the time of year to luy in a Irani Mapleton to Florence ami back on Notice 1« hereby given that tho following- J ieifj luff a lias done the marrying. day where lie intends to purchase a li a in mock under tlie shade of a tree and named settler has Ail'd inMlce of hl# Intention Sunday and tlie Monday service is dis­ 'Go -> off of let the playful zephyr breeze toy witli i A resident of North Fork tells tiie to make Anal proof in support of hl« claim, and donkey engine to use in carrying on liis ''•.ON»S sud continued. The schedule is unchanged that sal.l Proof will be made before O. II. your whiskers or under your Mother I »far as other days of the week are following story about one of tlie recent logging operations. He will ship it ir Holden, U. H . Coinmlsaloner, at Florence, Hubbard, as the case m aybe, keeping! benedicts of liis neighborhood, A few lieie by way of Astoria or Yaquina. Oregon, on Decemlier 20, 1SW. vl«: George R concerned. Dow Are Your Kidney. I dl,y9 n8° a gentleman who was out tor a A Mr Jen9en arrlvea ,,Bru .-»m, von cool, while your imaginative brain Mills, on liis II. E. No. 806« for the HWQ NKU, A Mr Jensen arrived hero Saturday l l o w A r e Y o u r K id n e y s I ar.Hobb«'gparaau»piii.eureaiikiiincyub.Sara- Ills. Sara- w alk , hearing some unusual noise was i Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and ' ex­ liuilds air castles and sees them fall. N'$ SK'i, sec 30 A .IWJi «WQ sec. 29 T. 19 8. tt r» nr N. .Y Y. . , i f r w . A d d . Sterling Remedy Co., C hic ago or N lQ a9Certain th e cau se and »p- ! q H ile e ,,a8 lias bet.n been in We can sell yon a hammock at 75c, 11 west. trying lie names the following witnesses to prove The New York pront|,ed wly ; i Door ork World next Sunday j ! ! pro proathed a house bouse occupied by a n^ newly _ health for a j year past and hopes »1.25, »1.59, »2.90, »2.50, »3.50, good Il ls continuous residence upon and cultivation hammocks that afford pleasure to their ong "T here Ain’t No Use ' niarried COUple, when lie beheld p“Pa i tho cliange 0| climate will be beneficial, II have tlie song of said land, viz: nging ’Round” by Irving j s ,0¥er eeated near tlie door with a child . CommiMioner Thompson of Douglas owners, and now to make the scene Alford Minor, of Gloiiada, Oregon, Anthony Keep ou Hanging Sinister, of (lien,ula, Oregon, C. Hh'is’er, of Money b perci,cd percticd u upon knee and all ‘“™e , ¡teJ Lake mee, author of “ Get Your Money’s p o n each — ......... ■This | 1 ro,,nty vitited Laku precinct Precinrt a a few few days days complete we can sell you a guitar, vio­ Glenada, Oregon, Geo Glover, of Glenada, lin, or an accordeon, or better still n orth,” You can learn how to got i t ' ¡¡¡„gjng at tlie top of their voices ago to inspect tlie biidge across Fiddle Oregon. id several other songs by addressing i j|,0 way j long have sought, J. T . B a i o o z s . creek recently constructed by Messrs colnnibia or guitar zither. Onr prices Register. on tlie above instruments are the low­ usic Editor, Tlie World, P ulitzer1 Colter, Harwood and Nighswandcr. We TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. est. Go all over town first and price tuilding, New York. BEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. are informed that be found the bridge them, then come to us and see for your­ entirely satisfactory. From Mr Jensen who lately anived selves. Take L axative B romo Q uinine T ab ­ A new, seven drawer, Climax sewing sre, we learn th a t George Masterson lets All druggists refund the money if GENERAL NEWS. Mnchine, oak finiali, manufsctuietl by nn recently traded his Florence proper- declare against "criminal aggression” DISTRICTS- r to a Missouri inan who intends to B y X Y Z. in the Philippines. love to this country before long. The Shamrock has been prepared for Tlie County Court ot fjtno county, A special dispatch from Washington tlie homeward Acme, 0», Nov 1st 1899 ............. ......... trip across tlie Atlantic Oregon, respectfully requests all persons >yc D H Rhodes, an employe of Mr and Mrs Frank Sweet arc at their and it was tlie intention to start lues desiring a change in tlie boundaries of lie quarter-m aster’s department, who voting precincts or the establishment of F lo p e n c e , O « e f° n . ranch on Sweet creek this week faking day. uperintended tlie removal of the new ones, or having any suggestions to 1 soldiers from Cuba this spring, care 0( their garden ‘sass’ and getting ottinar Mcrgenthalcr inventoi-of the make as Io tlie division of ttie precincts depa.ted for Manila to make ar- ! the the house honse reauy ready for t y p e ‘.vrosett.ng im MrW !■■■ l.tsman ......... t - o l i n o ■ iiiuvjhc ..... . mu mne dm in, into road districts so ns to conform witli . . ... izwwnint/mmr there thia winter. n.,itiinore October 28tu years. in while logging near this i5aitiinf,re 28th aged 45 years ngement8 for bringing to this country the law of 1S99, to present ttieir peti­ \ verv pleasant time was enjoyed by A comn,ittee representing tlie ninri- e bodies of the boys in blue who have tions or requests nt the November 1899 lieu in battle or died of disease in the all who attended the dance given a t , ti(lie interests of San Francisco had de- term and not later than November iltli, eided to draft a memorial to congress , GatesUiall last Saturday evening. ■ilippine islands. 1809. Thia is done to enable tlie aa- We are all very mudi pleased with asking for roe enactment of a law pro-1 sesaor to complete liis roll. If reports are true our worthy mer- viding a penalty of »5009 or imprison-, tl,o progress of our school under the ex- By order of tlie Court, ant postmaster likely u v a and iiu p u a t i u a a i e r Mr . u r Kyle xvyiv is ------- --- m u .. n r pa ment v fo ra — j year lor constructing __ a . log . S i¿n o p v 'v o . E U L re , County Clerk. levelop into quite a society man. eei:ent management . p nt Mr men 1 of Miss u «arp raft within the jurisdiction of tlie United and wifo were nt dis- - 'States with . . . the intention «r October 20tli, 1899. Saturday he «1114 and M his friend A tlliuay IIU IO aaav —— 1’ J ; g R Mills ---- of having it. it AGENCY. Remember, also, hundreds of people istad spent tlie evening at Mapleton jjumj]ph’a on North Irork Mon ay ¡towed to any other point in this coun­ VNTEII -SKVEIttl., n ilK iilT AND HON­ question. u try. v “" The"’towing KS I' ,M‘rsoiis to re|ire»«'iil us »» M a iiB K rrs il tlie people there gave a dance in cussing the -■ apple -«Mtinn. The towing o of 7 n.it« rafts on on I’ugot I’ugot are enjoying themselves riding Barker in W this Slid cln«' by onunU«.. Hnlary «sue » Miss Bessie Martin and Archie Games .f n0, indlMlm| ¡„ , be provisions and Kn Klu. k lucycm» » I»1« sir honor. Mr Kyle, who is seldom vtar mi.I expanses. Ktraivlil, bona-Me, no *rin to Man’e creek and back sweating to get repairs from Clmago fo r, ¿unr,-, ii - i less relsrv. 1’oslUon iwnuniieiit. Our ight napping, was prepared for this m a i d e a tr refi-ren- es. any I«"« •" »">' town. II Is mainly i p to M a p .e e of the memorial.__________ _ i G.-ir.. theirs, and nnd when when they they get get them the I olMce a-ork conducted at home. Keferaiiao. d entered into the enjoyment of the Tuesday. E ik I osu self Bililn «Mil .t»ni|M'-l cni<'lo|»:. tiik ALPHA CLIPPINGS- expressage will he tw.ee as high aa if casion so heartily th a t Mr 8bist.nl O om inkiii C omi any . D ept», Chicago. Mrs Tripp and daughter Nellie we.e 1 they had brought them to Barker’s Gun uld only gaze in surprise as his friend visiting in Acme the first of the week THE EUGeNfcSTAGE. B y E ven C hange . Works nnd had them repaired, and they | ded through one waltz, polka, schot- Lizzie, Earl nnd Flossie Workman ’ would only have to wait from one hour j clie and quadrille after another till Commencing November 1st the Eu­ have moved into part of I. Stingley’» io (wo days, while when sent to Chicago Alpli, Or, Oct 30, 1899. e evening was gone. school this house in Acme to attend ! Mr J C Farmer, our Alpha capitalist, they wait from twelve days to tw o' gene and Florence stage will make but function City B ulletin: U S Fish winter. menths. See tlie ililierenee? Don’t ' three round trip* per week during the C C ' is ooteidc looking after ’>'8 forget onr largo stock of all kinds of re -, winter. The stage will leave Eugene nniissioner Pearce brougb up four | We are sorry to learn tl.at Mrs fairs and visiting old friends s t Hale pealing lifies for deer, I,ear and other Monday, Wednesday and Friday of ■-gallon tanks of speckled trout foi 1 Cushman was quite ill last wee . and Monroe. Peterson of E strup, Sunday. 51r Mrs E B Miller of the lakes was visit- ot , large game. Our prices are as low; aa each week and arrive at Mapleton in mm a» ..........- , I C A Potterf gathered 65 _ bushels - - leisou was on hand witii a tank, in , friends in A. me Thursday. fine ^ . e s and dug 184S,' bushel, of ’ Ward A -Co, and Hears, I tlie evening of tlie same day. Return­ We buck such stories as 1 ing, tlio stage will leave Stapleton ch the fisli were taken to #b artificial ing Waite ha.1 h i. tham b badly b \ J; P these It saves you time to trado witli Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ar­ i which he had recently made. Mr I. WOrk in the mi n e r e #r# 3- ,ieail ot |« .f and other us nnd time is money. You also gut to riving nt Eugene in tlie evening. irson recently wrote to Die United , lacerate« at cattle on Deadwotsl for sale. Tlie mail will leave every day, tlie see tile goods before you pay for them, ■vs Fish Coin in ioMioner« at WrtildiM" yesten ay. grsslly nun. a r • M, Ixromird Tabor , lias , complete-1 a and we give a better guarantee Ilian same as in summer, being earrUd on | seeking inforiiiaiioa as to the h ist, tte h o p e to see a Lesson lity. A prompt reply said th at hi« Sunday Hcliool next • A col- term of school at Deadwood and lias left they do. Come to ns for gull and bicy­ pack horses on days that the singe does cle repairing. We have the most com­ not start. licutioii fur trout received and would „abject, Nehemia 1 benefit oi Sun for the head of tide. • prompt attention, ho heard noth-; leetion will be taken for benefit ol Mrs Mary Potterf whose liusband has plete plant for this work on the Pacific n<-aul>- Is l l l o o i t D e e p . entered a Kansas City medical school coast, and “ -ti. McAlister didn’t eeo but of the fieli until Saturday when he • J ay School. Clean blood means a clean »kin. No w ithout it. Cawarets, Candy Laths»» ] will spend some time visiting relatives what it was as gotal as any in Hie cast, brauty lived a telegram from Mr Pearce to c n o TRADE. tic clean your bloo-l sud keep it clean, by H him at the Hain and get in. TOK bALEOR TRADE and lie went east to find out. He went stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- at Alpha. new vo*er. He clear back to (lie other const Io find ont ■mrities from the body. Itegm b n » ? to id. cost him nothing but til. Uine »» w ith V Alnha has gained a lit pimples, lioils, blotches, blsckheads. Kove,nnient paid all expenses. The Myoi(i Mill building a^ 0,rer. onlr weigi,cl 81. pounds on tlie 12tli. what he already saw at Barker’s Woiks. banish and that sickly bilioua complexion by taking B arker G ox W orks , , Ciwaret«,—beauty for ten cent». All drug­ klci trout may not be J * 11* sheds attached. ■ - Ter-,H ,a parents, Mr and Mrs Harris are Ninth St, Eugene, Oregon. gist», «stwfaction guaranteed, Wc, 28c, 50c. lourow n sj^ekled and red snle tro ll A lilre9(l t)1A8 R , I ¡u lt|y proud of him the distribution in such streams as ’ i race, - Oregou. ■ —• e creed should be cncouragsd. Loan a Savings Bank P r o d u c E of all Kinds W a n t e IX Don’t faiL At Prices to Suit the Times. KYLE * * * * Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest FLORENCE REAL ESTATE Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sale- If you have property to sell call at the “WEST” office and place it on our list. JOHN O. BECK MANAGERS. W. H. W EATHER8ON