The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 03, 1899, Image 2

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    W E ST .
F hum ora HKOL'tan ConugsaoxnitiiT.
8. F. C b r o fik le .
Those who have tried to foretell from
Hie utterances of the German press what
— AT—
Washington, D. 0 ., Oct. 23, 1SW.
Germany would do in the event of a
The announcement that Admiral
L amb C ounty ,
G aboon
continental movement against Great Pewey had, on the advice of his physi­
Britain must find many things to i«r- cian, concealed his engagement to visit
• • • bt
plcx tliem in the trend of current Atlanta and Philadelphia, and would
events. For years the German papers, accept no more im itations for some
especially the ofUcial and semi-official ^,pp> resulted ill a batch of sensational
E d ito r am i P ro p rie to r.
ones, have been distinctly Anglopliobe. I and misleading rumors as to his phys­
They have been no less free in their . ical condition, It can be staled upon
Florence, Ore. N o v . 3, 189».
denunciations of Great Britain than in the authority of his physician, that
their predictions of a German onslaught Admiral pewey is not sick, but it was
[ear tliat |,0
become sick if |ie
WHAT TNC BOER WAR IS ABOUT, ' upon the insular kingdom Whenever
other powers wanted to lend the way or t, y „pt ta^e t,ie rcgt ¡.¡g system re-
These journals were ®n» j qUir«J, which prompted the advice for
A atlM world well knows, there b<>8 iBI, j a |,anl|.
____oonatnnt iriction between the
Baers and ibe English for many years,
T b s recent -development of Africa has
anads it more acute and the war at baud
» m t decide whether South Africa is to
comjiosed of small independent states
possibly confederated, or must accept
alts preponderant influence of the
Britisli Empire. Beyond doubt Eng­
land would be willing to givo South
Africa the status of Canada or Australia,
to il to accept this would be regarded by
tbs Boer as the surrender of national
existence, Historically, the relations
of tbs Boers and tlie British have been
■Mutually complex.
Many years ago, before the colonv of
Natal was annexed by Great Britain,
the Boers migrated to the wilderness
and set up for themselves, Great Brit­
ain acknowledged their independence
in 1832, but annexed thorn in 1877, a
proceeding the Boers resisted with arms
and partial success. In 1384 the British
government ncknowledged the right of
the Transvaal Republic to govern itself
in everything except its treaties with
foreign powers. The situation was dis.
turbed by a new train of events.
Tbs great discovery of goll in tlie
Witwaterstratid, Boer territory, caused
n heavy immigration of white men,
chiefly Britisli, culled by tho Boers,
"Uitlanders.’’ But for this unexpected
access of population, and tho questions
relating to it politically, there would
bo no war at tide time, though proba­
bly it would have come later, for there
is little congeniality between tlie Boer
and Briton.
Hostilities have not been caused by
nay question about foreign treaties. The
British contend that tliey am simply
protecting tlie rights of British citizens
apprseesii by Boer laws and exceptional­
ly heavy disabilities. Tlie Boer logisla-
ture is a close corporation. In tlie
upper bouse members are chosen ex-
ciusively by the families of original
settlers. Tlie lowsr etiainbor is elected
by qualified voters, but no Uitlnnder
eoa* vote unless thirty years old, a
preteataut, a resident o( tlie republic for
• long term of years, a naturalized citi-
pen and an owner of landed property.
The yoting qualifications in 1801 were
varied so tliat tlie consent of two-thirds
of the burglters in a ward was necessary.
Plainly (lie Boers have aimed to ex­
clude new voters. The gold miners are
I 2 ^ per cent, but the miners have
i practically shut out of tlie legisla-
I m
thmiatiu when the kaiser sent his
famous cablegram to Oom Paul and
correspondingly depressed wnen tie
withdrew it. Yet they have never lost
faith in tlir)r ability to interpret tlie
real official sentiment of Germany, un­
less, possibly, it lias been shaken by
present events. It well might be, for,
as a German statesman says, talking of
Count Hnrnvieirs intervention scheme,
tliat “ the steps for tlie preservation of
tlie peace (between Great Britain and
tho Transvaal) undertaken by Russia
are likely to miscarry, because Germany
just now holds to her Anglophile policy,
Germany’s attitude aloilP made Mr
Ghamberluin’s bold advance possible,
Germany is in a measure responsible
for the prospective subjection of tlie
Transvaal. She is on the point of earn-
ing substantial rewards from England
and not only in Africa.’’ This shows,
among other things, what poor inter­
preters of German official policies the
newspapers of the fatherland really are
and ought, it would seem, to persuade
tliem of the fact along with the rest of
the world,
Tlie truth is, public opinion itself cuts
but a small figure in the conduct of
German foreign affairs. That business
is carried on by a little band of experts,
who simply figure out where Germany
can find tlie best market for her good
will and act accordingly,
In their
eijuution sentiment lias no place. It is
all a matter of rewards and compensa­
tions, and as Great Britain lias a
treasury of good things tliat other na­
tions covet she is always able to get
friends when she wants them. In the
old days the British used gold frankly;
in tlie newer ones tliey use the equiva­
lents of gold, such as commercial privi­
leges aud territorial points of vantage.
Hence the futility in tlie present case ol
Russian-French intrigue.
And hence more besides) What
Great Britain can do to break up combi­
nations against tier can be doue on oc­
casion by the United States, We dare
say a reciprocity treaty, intelligently
placed, could ruin any Yankee-liatiug
coalition the statesmen of Europe could
possibly devise.
A i M .V L.ut meeting of tlie city council
a niinimum, and results will conqiensatt)
for the blood-shed. The chief good tliat next Monday evening. 8ome action
will ensue, I hold, lob e the placing of g),ou|d be taken in regard to thecondi-
all white men in the Transvaal on nn tion o( some of tlie sidewalks in town.
equal footing. After peace is restored, l E d u c a t e Y o u r lto u r e la W it h C a a e a r e ta .
C andy C a th a r tic, eu ro c n n stip a iio u fo rev er.
Britain and Boer will be sure of fair. 10«,25c.
It C. C. C fu ll. druireiM» refund m oney.
play and equal rights.”
Brigadier Gen Greeley, chief signal SW AM P- I s not recommended for I
officer of the army, who has just re- | ROOT
every tiling; but if you
turned from Europe, speaks in the have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it ,
warmest terms of the treatment lie re- w;|| be found just the remedy you need,
ecived from the emperor and Hie govern j At druggists in fifty cent and dollar
Has Something to Oiler in the Way of
meat of Germany. German officials I sizes. You may have a sample bottle of
gave him assurances of tho satisfaction wonderful new discovery by mail
felt by Germany in tlie permanent fre6| also pamphlet telling all about it.
ownarship of the Philippines by the V \ddress, Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
8 and stated that tlie only possible ¡j y .
rivalry between Germany and tlie U S
For both Old and Young. We are m aking preparation»
would lie along business and industrial
for our fall and winter stock to arrive shortly. There
him to cancel all engagements. He is
out every day and lias taken an active
part in tlie selection of his future home,
Palpitation of heart, indigestion,
on Rhode Island Avenue, near Con­ sleeplessness, melancholia.
necticut Avenue, which will lie pur­
cures. All druggists, 50 cents.
chased this week, and into which he
Don’t Tobacco Spit aud Sinoko Your I-lfo Aupy,
will move as soon ns tho title changes
T o q u it to b a c c o e a s il y a n d fo r e v e r , b e m ag
hands, as the house is all furnished, n o tic . f u ll o f li f e , n e r v e an d v ig o r , tulcc N o-To-
o w o n d er-w o rk er, t h a t m a k e s w ea k m en
ready for occupancy,
He will also s D tr a o e n , th
g . A ll d r u g g is t s . M e or i l . C u re g u a ra n ­
participate in the meetings of tlie teed . B o o k le t a n d s a m p le free. A d d ress
S t e r lin g R em ed y C o , C h ic a g o o r New Y o r k
Philippine commission which will begin
this week. The civilian members of
tlie commission—Sehurman, Dunby,
13» S h e r i f f W i t h e r s M a k e s G o o d t h e D e f i ­
and Worcester arrived in Washington
c ie n c y A fte r E x a m in in g th e B o o k s .
ty Disawears vitti over
are many lines we desire to Close Out. and Great Bargains
can be had in Ladies’, Children’s, and Misses’
as well as in Black AV ear.
c—«aE£-JEST^ai2U_iSK'“ ’SB
Archbishop Ghappclle, who was re­
Guard October 27: “It conies as a
cently named by the pope as apostolic
startling surprise to Sheriff Withers and
the people of Lane county that Henry
delegate to the Philippines, and who is
J Day, first deputy sheriff, is a defaul­
now enroute to Manila, whither lie has
ter in the sum of $2,110.49, and that his
nothing heretofore ever equaled in prices. You will
publicly said lie was going to bring
whereabouts are unknown.
about peace, liad a long conference with
“On last Friday, October 20, Mr Day
went to Portland on official business, in­ hardly believe that it can be possible to sell light
tlie president and urranged for another
forming Sheriff Withers that lie ex­
befnro lie leaves Washington. This lias
pected to return Saturday night. He
attracted much attention and causod
did not return at that time, but Sunday
mudi gossip, but if there is any under­
telegraphed his wife that he would he
standing between tlie ardibislipp and
borne Monday or Tuesday. Not coming
at tliat time Mrs Day waited until
the president, as some think, it is very
Thursday and wired Rev J F Day at yet we intend doing this very thing for the next 30 days.
Curefully concealed on both sides.
Newberg, the deputy sheriff’s brother,
Fattier W D McKimmon. who was
for any information concerning him.
chaplain of the first California Volun­
Finding fie had not been there, or heard
teers, recently returned from the Philip­
E vidbstlv so iik b o o v thi nks tho peo- i Jroin, Mrs Day became uneasy regard­
pines, was ulso a oaller on the presi­ pie in the valley are growing worse and ing Hia continued absence.
“ Up to this time, practically, Sheriff
dent, lie says the charge that our worse. The sheriff has recently ap­
I f you arc in need o f c liild re n ’a
Withers entertained no suspicions what­
soldiers looted and desecrated churches pointed another deputy in this part of
ever regarding the continued absence of
in the Philippines is untrue, and tliat the county making threo deputy sheriffs the deputy. It then became evident
what church looting lias been done lias residing on or near tide-water.
tliat Mr Day had either become a victim
of foul play, or had absconded. A tele­
been t|m work of Ohinamen.
gram to the Hotel Perkins, Portland,
Director Merriam, of tlie Census
brought back tlie information tliat Mr Come quick, because tliey arc going! going ! G O IN G ! D on’t forget
Bureau, Is trying to meet and overcome
A terrible accident occnred at tho Eu­ Day gave up his room nt that hotel
somo of tlie obstacles which liavo Here­ gene saw mill October 28th by which Sunday, October 22, the day lie wired they a rc going from the H E A D Q U A R T E R S o f a ll good things.
tofore prevented the gathering of statis­ Rudolph Wenger lost his life.
Mrs Day lie would not he home until
He was in charge of the set screws later.
tics relating to several industries, accu­
“ Last night and this morning Sheriff
rate enough to be of any real value. and was taking the boards away from
tlie saw when ho was caught by tlie Withers and Deputy Fred Fisk reviewed
For instance, the annual changes in saws and his head cut nearly in two,
the books, and discoiered tliat $2,110.49,
ownership, management, etc, of facto­ killing him instantly.
taxes collected since August 23, had not
An inquest was held by Coroner been turned over to tlie county treasurer
ries turning out dairy products, have
operated to prevent the securing of data Cheshire and the jury returned a ver­ representing at least a defalcation of
that amount,
from them for an entire calender year. dict attaching blame to no one.
Wenger was a German 48 years of age
“ Mr Day, as first deputy, was the of­
To meet this trouble, circulars are now and had been employed by the mill fice bookkeeper, and held the utmost
being sent to tlrnsp engaged in this in­ company for about seven years. He confidence of Sheriff Withers, who has
dustry asking that they prepare a de­ leaves a wife and seven children, the for the past few months, particularly,
tailed statement before closing up this eldest of whom is about 15 years of age. been extremely busy with the outside
A subscription paper was circulated the work of tlie office, which lias kept him
year’s business, showing exactly what
next day nnd nbout $80 was raised for working early and late.
they have doue and preservo the same the relief of the family.
until next June, when the census
“County Judge Potter, after consulta­
enumerators will be around after them.
tion with Sheriff Withers and Deputy
Trembling bands, weak limbs and un­
Commercial statistics sometimes show
District Attorney Harris, has offered a
steady gait. Hudyan cures. All drug­
Oakesdale Sun:
Frunk Goude nnd
some things that seem difficult to e x-
reward of $100 for the arrest and deten­
Mary Warburton, both of this city were
gists, 50 cents.
pluiti satisfactorily. For instance, a re­
tion of Mr Day, and information is being
married Tuesday, October 10, nt 10 a m
port received by tlio department of state at the home of the bride’s brother, sent out to officials over tho country.’’
Mr Day is a Lane county boy who for
from U S consul at Hamburg, which is Joseph Warburton in tlie presence of a
. ,
o m four years was deputy sheriff under ex-
The Eugene Loan and Sayings Bank regarded as the center of the world few friends and relatives. Rev C M .. <__ _ , r . \
Sheriff Noland and in 1894 was tlie
line a card in today’s paper.
coffee trade says; “ In 1895, tlie con­ lliine performed the marriage ceremony. democratic candidate for the office of
This institution lias enjoyed a fine in­
They left the same day for Spokane ■
negotiations tlio Boers of-
sumption of coffee in Eu> ope exceeded
where they will remain for a few days ! sheriff.
crease of business since it was founded
modify tlie qualifications of u few years ago and is considered one of tlie consumption of coffee in America l»y after wliich they will return and remain Last Saturday Sheriff Withers replaced
l that boldly 'coupled this with the tlie most reliable bunking bouses fu nearly 15,000 tons. The ^consumption with her brother about three weeks
subordinate although its loss was not
there slmuld bo no furtlier Western Oregon.
of coffee in America increased steadily From there they will proceed^to Western ' definitely known till tfie day before.
A few uiontla ago tlie Bank purchased until 1890, when tlie tables were turned Oregon where Mr Goude has a ranch
of British suzarainty. To all
Though many criticised him for ap-
tlie brick block on the corner of Eighth
and 'where they will make their future
appearances thia is a claim of complete
; pointing Mr Day as deputy, all will
and Willamette streets in Eugeue now and tlie consumption of eofleo in Ameri­ home. Both parties are highly re­
' commend him lor his promptness in
national independence,
occupied by Peter’s dry goods store and ca exceeded the consumption of coffee spected in this community aud tHeir i
. . .
TIi* Boers have gone to war and all projxtse next spring to tear down tlie in Europe by almost 20,000 tons. Tlie many friends wish them a bon vojage!
*• 6
British authority (or tlienmolvea and old structure aud erect a modern bank­ increase in consumption in 1899, ns on the matrimonial sea.
Mr Goude has many friends here who
for other Africanders wlui will join with ing building which will compare favora­ compared with 1895, was; In Europe
will wish tho couple a pleasant trip in
bly with any similar structure between
tltoai to make South Africa floor instead
B y a W est C o rrespo x d ex t .
25,584 tons; in America, 59,179 tons.” the journey of life.
Portland and Sacramento.
of Britain.
Those who are good nt explaining may
In tlie larger scuse this is the ques­
Oct. SO, 1S99.
try to figure out tlie why aud wherefore
I Mrs Geo Fall late ol Alpha, died a |
tion a la ta le . At tho end of tho present
olthis enormous increase in the con­
a e ,
couple of Weeks ago at the home of her J . W . C A R M A N
P R O P R IP T n l
struggle British autliority will he
sumption of coffee by Americans during
parents in the valley from ulceration of
supreme over south Africa or tlio Af­
exact cOTinmnicntlon o í train orders the stomach.
pleased to learn that tlu-re is nt least
ricanders will control it through a oom one dreaded disease that scieuce has oi all proportion to our increase of depends tbousanils of fivxa, stid nriWcrs
The road on the east slope of Nelson .
dollars in pmpciiy, curb day. In bis
federation sjxotking tlie Dutch language been able to cure in all its stagea aud i population in that period. It can lie baste he rono ouit in the rain or the tacow
mountain which in accordance with the .
and asserting a distinct sovereignty in that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is explained on tlie theory tliat we have hatless aud unprotected. Then comes expressed wish of the commissioners I
the sequel— tart-n-
((>• esnipaay of natious. Ho far as op­ tlie only pusitive cure now known to the ! drank more coffee, but if so, why 7
lias not been worked for a year or two,
e h tti-, o r r o a »
o t li i t d ie c j j n
is cut into had ruts in some places. It
pression is concerned the Uitlanders
constitutional disease, requires a const]
the tespiratovy
is in tlie Gliickabominey-VVildcat dis­
rtthat tliey ore tlie only sufferers. tntional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh , ing Washington, is Lieut Gel Trumbull, gaiue The moat
I t is perhaps unfortunate for tb*> B0* 8 j Cure ia token internally arting directly who, until his recent retirement lroin effertivo remedy
for hcciK-iihri dr
That postoffice on Chicknliominy is
that they once stormed a Britisli (>oel-> upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ! tl)0 nrilig|, ariny waa Inspector General txilmoriaxv disease
not assured as reported. A record is be-1
tion, taking it brilliantly, nnd killing • the system,
I of Oavairy for the IXiminion of Ganada. la Doctor’ Idercr’a
mg kept of the business that would go
Golden McdL-al
fonudulion oi tlie disease, and giving
■«veral hundred of its defenders, Tliey the patient strength by building up tlm Speaking of tlio war between Great Diseoeery. Almost
to it if established and on tlie result de- 'j!
pends tlie opening of tho office.
all maoAlea pre­
»re imprudent to measure their prowess I
>n and assisting nature in do-
scribed for suet*
Herman Steiniianer is working at
by that one halt le. But in any ease tlm ¡ng i|g work. Tlie proprietors have so said: “ It will tie ended within one j diseases
Isabel, Oregon.
war they have entered into will decide iniM’li faith in its curative powers, tliat month after tlie arrival of tlie English opium or aouie
ne rootle wlik-h
The thief or a thief stole a wagon tire
tits problem ol suzerainty, which is at
army corps in South Africa. I am sooth» by stupe-
from Ed Fotterf’s late residence. The
case that it fails to cure. Scud for list
beet an indistinct and unsatisfactory
surprised, considering tlie great op- Medical
tire with its mate and other old iron bad
of testimonials.
word. Tim Boi’rs lutve undertaken to
erv • coutnliLi
ls-en bought by Marion Wheeler hut lie
Address. F. J. CHENEY A CO, portunltiM, the Boers liavo had through
neither narcotics
was too slow in moving it.
discard it altogether aud tlie ouly way Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists, 75c.
i the absence of our forces, tliat tliey have nor alcohol.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
1« do it ia to fig Id. But it is a desperate
made such a poor showing in the initial •tope couplw by
\y A N T K P - 5 K Y F K A l . BR IG H T AND HON-
’ ’
E s r person» to r« p rv w tit u« a* M o iu ieen
curing tbeu- cause.
venture in view of tlie odds. So far as
(liirat for empire and gold is concerned
anything prior to the arrival of our ltaips, hut Ida no
wasted tbuuea, and
one wdr lias no greater incentive than
The Sísala» ami San Francisco Lum­ troo|>s when all the advantage is with
promotes the
tbe oilier, tiocopss would give the Boers ber Go. want 18,000^09 (cet of logs them, what cau they do afterwards)' It health of t-very or­
unrestricted dominion over the gold delivered at their mill at Acuie witlnu is a matter of sincere regret that this gan of the body.
■I in » raitrrad
the next few mont lis.
•-» n f srrtlu« I. B.
urines aad substantially over south Af­
Eur further iiifnrmstiou inquire of war was started, but its short duration IK .ivlea K -c ,, o i Itarclsy. Osaew Count,-. K a n x .
v - 'a y
k e e p i“ « m e m •
rica. IlU ie y lose, they will be British
will reduce the lierrors of tho conflict to • w • u a r d d ( m x»r ein year»
I. B. Guslnuan,
a a 4 a ir y p iu » cu t l—.lu eiiO ’ in to
tirf . xj M air (rave i r i u.-uuchilta, —•oeh t-ccsm c
oolooieta, aud Hie Ciutediuns and Ans-
Acme, Oregon.
• li n s iL * a .l itrnv-cualcd
D c l - ' * failed Io
I t r r a t p w ith yon w hatfcar y«»u « .'n t lin c
n e r v e -k lU in »
h a b it.
1i my awe
•"*» _____
.-»Wiie ’• ____
*»*J _tnr a i bu
IraUatie are raising troops to lore* tliat
VtMRove» the «tePirv f>»r tolx* with
, iu rtu tu ttrty Kn- tue, * frtrttd i4*V*ra in«
AIIKXT3 W A N TED fox ••THE I.IF F AND cut ner*eU"iB«t»rLW
« «».‘«l.nilrv
Fred Benn lias pnrehased from 0 W
tliem, or rather to m R h i i i u c i ii' n i .v in n r a i i v » . ) , " th e « . u u r - lla«>. p a n t a a th e m * >4, r •
We have made arrangements by
felloweliip upon
kU U n M edicat P ta r e •♦-J.’
tv boli*«
Sunday School, 10 A M.
i t. h «.,- i ii’t it il tu rn B y \ln r m llailMt ivl. th e •toraa I«’ “
Hurd the Seaton at ore and other build­ wliich we will furnish the Weekly
rvu n r
l<1. <00,000 by Ü
k- — ù Yun/
m * t*
I 'Ç Ud
ta b ra tb< fimt t*-tüc I wa .
tlwe ¿d ull ( i u U i t lu i# f ll w a y n
trirtiU nmt nU m ln r <*f th e im U on'«
_ CAAVtt
F ’lJ
. fltfci f
« ih I
tniok; o r « r JtMt paxc*
W O TtW -IlA C frx-
ings formerly owned by Sir Hurd at
«. I Tm ve km uJ no n ece w ity
v a n «brtrrly gone,
u t own
«h o
lia U to n e UluM m
» nome extent. The Boers M x IO iitv h * u v M rtv KX>
Emleavor 2 :30 1* M.
Oregonian with the W est for one veet
tw M eVlug MUither clim a te
tliat place,
<«q:eh forty« T ¿Ye I t w t t b
tlm ia. O n ly H M Knttrmoun Beni a n d . Big
______ a patto••t»y.rerwlw«s'i»My O«©
< Mil fit i n i ’. Chai«*«* o i a Ilir-
] G K x o tt s ,
iL Tim problem is tang I I'd and
to any addreaa for the anm of two Jol
ttiiif. Writ.» q iilt k. TI m » iH ntilu lou ( o iu p a n y ,
r«ntw<*<1 to
Pastor I store in Florence.
the Aotnacli, fiver and bowels. Floor I'a x m ii
t hluago.
lar; payable cash in advanas.
is near.
In I 0
F H all
in Florence,
Thursday Eve Novem­
ber 30th, 1899.
Geo T hurm an Violinist
MEN’S SHOES at $1.25
Mrs G K M ills O rganist
Supper a t M orris Hotel*
0. W . H U R D .
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Goods, ★ Groceries * and * Notions.
Just Ooened.
G o o d s a s ¡R e p re s e n te d .
A tF\i 5 #