GENERAL DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE 'W e call your attention to the follow ing prices. We invite comparison. We w ant your trade, • z If good ° goods and low prices count we w ill lame , 1 s m a r t a t s p e l l in g state officers - Steam er Robarts m a r g u e r it e , steam e ---- Will make -------- o ¡ I M ' . Will make regular trips . . . T. T. Geer. .F. I. Dunbar. R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S — - Between — F. 8. Moore. ^ P u b lic Instruction J. H. Ackerman Of 1 ( 1 . Calling at ALSEA. X Printer.................... W. H. Leeds. ttoruey General D. It. N. Blackburn 3 / ................. R. 8. Bean ............................... jcretary o ( 8 '« te ... THE And For passenger and freight rates — APPLY TO — Will carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. from Florence to San Francisco. W ill also bring up freight , ..........E. O. Potter ............................; . . . *** . . . *»* S T A G E L iI N E . j ............ W. T. Bailey For further information inquire mniissioners -j ' ........H. D. Edwards H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, — OF — . ................E . U. Leo .......................W .W . Withers .....................................A. 8. Tatterson «essor................................D- P- Burton bool S u p erin te n d en t... .W . M. Miller ....... C. M. Collier ........................................... ..........W. P. Cheshire ijticeot P eace................ C. H. Holden instable........................... - E . A. Evans A. W. BEADLE & CO. 14 California St, San Francisco, California. N Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Returning, Stage Leaves Florence Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary O R TH E R N Charges Reasonable. Pacific, Ry. EUGENE-FLORENCE S T A G E L IN E . R CITY OFFICERS. E. B a n g s , P ro p rie to r. Stage leaves Eugene daily ex­ cept Sundays, at C a. m., arriving S at Florence the day following at 10 a. in. P u llm a n Returning-stage leaves Flor­ S le e p in g C a rs ence daily, except Sundays at 2 E le g a n t p.m., arriving in Eugene the day D in in g C a rs following at 9 p. m. T o u r is t S le e p in g C a rs Single fare - - . - 85.00 S T . PAUL M INNEAPOLIS Bound trip - - - - 89.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ DULUTH _______ FARGO livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. G RAND FORKS TO H urd’s office in Florence. u . .W . H. W&atherson O. W. Hurd Wm. Kyle J. W. Carman M. Morris rd of Trustees John I. Butterfield ______ E. B. Wilson ........G. C. Cumpton SECRET SOCIETIES. & A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. Regular communication on second fourth Saturdays in each month. E . W. Conn, W. M. B uttkufield , Secretary. . K. General Lyons Post, No. 58 leets second ami fourth Saturdays :li month a t 1 :30 p. m. S. B. C olvin , Commander. J . L. F urnish , Adjutant. * N CROOKSTON WINNIPEG Alex. Patterson, M. D. H ELENA and BUTTE Gardiner, Oregon. T H R O U G H T IC K E T S TO CHICACO U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, sets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays month. Members and visiting ren in good standing are cordially »1 to attend. A. O. F unke , M. W. K notts ', Recorder. Special attention to Diseases of W ASHINGTON the Eye. PH ILADELPH IA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL NOTARIES. POINTS E A ST and S OUTH ). F- H e c c ta L o d g e N o .lll, meets rnr Information, time cards, maps and tickets ry Wednesday evening in Lodge Florence, Oregon. Brothers in etc., call on or write M c MURPHEY, tauding invited to attend. Sk J. Seymour, N. G. General Agent. Kooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, W. H. Wealhereon, Sec. EUGENE, OREGON. R. A- D C H A R LTO N , ). F. Maple Lodge No., Io9, meets ry Thursday evening in Neely s Seaton, Oregon. Brothers in good ig invited to attend. W illiam B b y sd , n . « • P h il . N icoli . k , Sec. Assistant General Passenger Agent, 258 Morrison St., Cor.. Sil. SYTER1AN CHURCH, Florence, ¡on. Sabbath service: Sabbatn- 10 o’clock, a. ut. Preaching 11 a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of rd’s supper on 1st y, April, July and October, ody is welcome to all the service . requests «Christians to make Ives known. 'I. G. K notts , Pastor. L C. WOODCOCK, torney at Law, . F lorence , or . J. F. TANNER, prop . 4 § 4 o r e g o iv nm i 7 and « McLaran’a B"*}0!"*; I en Lion given to collections P ie s , E . O. P O T T E R - • O re g o n FRANK 3. WILSON, NOTARY PUBLIC. FLORENCE. - - - •«•(4 OREGON . , T R Y TH E . • ~ » « > “ HEW HOME " S E M MIME. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Special Attention to » * Travellers. * * MORRIS •** HOTEL, EUGENE, OREGON. figs At the Court House. -. E . B E N E D IC T , JR-NETY" - A T - L A W . ____ E lk P ra irie Hotel. I showing the dif u m id feront WBITE FOB SIRCULSBS styles of Ssw 'ine M ach in a n u fa c tu re an d t h e ir S in es es w w c e m m anul 8 e w p in r g ic e M s ach before you purchase a n y o th e r. T w e n tv -th r e e M ile s W e s t Eugene. THE NEW HOME SEWIHB MAMIE CO., O K A J fO E , M A H S. P ,,u ,ro .N .Y . Chl«w °, HL Ualh«, Texas. »an Francisco, Cal. ON E U G E N E A N D FLO RENCE STACE ROUTE. FOR SALE BY Gond deniers «allied in every town Write tor prices and terms lo San Finn cisco, Cal. ____: By : Oregon. - , b aro sono 14 d a r . a t a tim e w i t h o u t a _ - . . - ™ s » f t h e b t w . i a . p . t being ablo to P a tr o n iz in g it. more tnem e ic o p t b , u .iu g hut water Chronic co M tipatluu for seven je e r s . ‘ '‘i! 6 0 YEARS’ EXPERIP-NCE Geo. H a le • S t ! - » ! • . »»- Atlanta, Ca. CONSTIPATION M o n e y Saved b.T ------------- S £ S m rich I w o.“ gire MU. CE i NTRALLY LOCATED. ^ T ratnl: “ AV I mzh L. III-M T . I-Äi Bussell 8t.. D etroit. M ien. la such a relief. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS » . T rade M a ”"« DEHORS C opyrights * c . and JÎSTÎJÊÏÏJ’ m •rtaln onr rtrtnlnn fre ® , „7m \,i|-a- I probsbly patentable. £ ° T p _ , - . r .«-mldentuU. n .a d h c o k on ¡ s««-1» lässt acency f r re.-nn ni: , s (T, UÊ.B th io u a h M uun A t o. ,ac« CANDY f C A T H A R T IC F IR S T -C L A S S. nrtln» a sketch HOTEL EUGENE T.AOI StAAA .»#t»f»»»D chargo. in the I, I, without ens ititic intricali. t-r._. _ -irep t C T ety n iustrated w e e « ,. T T .M a rs w t:¿ Term«. a n j scant me tnernel. I. T j» m ^a. » , •» — • w.t-. “ How do yon spell 'choir f* " asked a man in the bookstore. “ What do you mean—paper or am- Ladies’ Shoes 90c. and up * t ic !” inquired asniurt young man who ' Guaranteed Fast Black poses as un authority on all topics. Men’s “ 76c. “ “ * Ladie’s and Men’s Hose “ Music, 6inging, of course,” replied Children’s “ 20c. “ “ tho mull in seareh of orthographical in­ formation. 10c. per pair. B ig S election — Can save you money “ C-h-o-i-r, ” responded the smart I young man decisively. "Q-n-i-r-e,” chimed in n red bearded ' man who was busy looking at some books. “ You aro referring to paper, ” eaid Men’s Shirts 25c. and up the smart young man. looking sadly at Scotch Lawn the interrupter. “ Wo were speaking i Boys’ “ 20c. “ “ Fust Colors about music.” “ I mean music, too,” eaid the red ! Boys’ Suits 75c. “ “ Pretty Patterns bearded man calm ly; “q-n-i-r-e, to 6ing Men’s “ 82.75 “ “ in concert." 4e. per yard. The smart young man's expression changed from sadness to contempt “ You had better consult your diction­ ary,” he said with a sneer. “ Never mind,” retorted tho red bearded man. "My way of spelling may 30 yds. calico for 81.00 Latlios’ Under vests 5c. and u be a little old fashioned, but you will Childrens “ 5c. “ “ find it correct according to Webster. A. F. C. Ginghams 10c, per yard. You will also find it correct according to the Century Dictionary, and if I nn: Duck Suiting at 8, 10, 12, 15, Men’s Underwear................... not mistaken it is likewise given in the 50c. and up per suit. Standard. Your way is all right too. ” 20c, per yard : : : Tlie smart young man gave a sniff of scorn. “Josh BiUings und you should will give you proi.ipt relief have collaborated on a phonetic spelling and certain cure. book. ’ ’ K m p Y&ua* B t o o 4 r . : r c . “ Look here,” said tho red boarded Ii you nave neglected your man. “ I’ll bet you $3 that Webster’s case a long time, you had Hnr+Vi North, Willamatts Willamette Street, ** ■ better take latest spells it 'q-u-l-r-e. ’ ” E u g en e. Lane Co., Oregon “ Make it 83.” said tho smart young ftyer’s s a r s a p W . i -------- P-------- man, pnlling out a roll. CONUNDRUMS. “ No; I don't want to rob you. Got A. POSSIBILITY. also. It will remove all the dictionary.” imouritiss that have been A a T h e A r e B id d le « o f U f a T h a r A r e The money was put up and Webster’s R a i l r o a d l 8 e k e l . B e i l i n a n t B a r a n l a accumulating in your blood U n a n s w e ra b le . C o u n t e r P r ic e s . and will greatly strengthen International brought out. There it Why Is it thut just when yon’» your nerves. was, “ q-n-i-r-e. to sing in conceit.” She was a»'OW <’•;» nut quite ui.i er- e tauit. Wrtta ti e dceiur trw -ly: t« il 1 around the ears. “ Where is tho noun?” that the largir a lady is tho larger and from a burning ship some dog or i him how w u «re s u s e m « . \<-u They found that, too, although it was more numerou are the bundles she car- gives a sudden bark at yonr heels i will »roniptly receive tl.e b e « medical advice. Address, I marked obsolete. Then tiio smart young lies—and whan she entered the rail­ you Jump half out of your boots? Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lov.ell, Maas. Thy is it that Just as yon think I man wilted. road station she was puffing so that a are going to get the most — “ I won’t take your money,” said tho drowsy man on the front seat jumped spouse man ever wooed something goes red bearded man, handing back the np suddenly, thinking it was tho engine wrong and yon get a remarkably anpea* bills. “ My name is Boll. George T. of the train he was waiting for. She fluuus slstor instead? Boll. I have had educational advantages apprt iproached the ticket window, and Why is it that just os yo n '» getting which yon probably never received, and there 9 she put her bundles in all the everything into shape to have some fun I spent several months learning the available space. They were nice, new, in life yon eat toadstools or fall down n different ways to spell that word. Sev­ store bundles, however, und no objec­ coal cellar? eral yearn ago I waa on the secret serv­ tion was made. Why is it that just when yon’vn got ice. My partner and I had been on the Ta the train for Jnnglevillo gone a dead sure thing to prophesy abogt and trail of a pair of sharpers who hnd a yet?' she inquired. astonish the natives a miracle happens repertory of ‘con’ games that would 'No. ma’am ," responded the clerk. ■ and it goes tho other way? have made tho oidinary bnnko man look “ How far is it there?” Why is is that just when you’» start­ sick. They were men of far more than “About 70 miles, I gness. ma’am .” ing out to show some other fellow how IS JUST ordinary intelligence and had the man­ For he was new to that place and was to ride the bicycle the pedal always ners of cultured men of the world. The not thoroughly conversant with details slips and over you go on the aids cd W HAT way we happened to get them was u “ What’s the price of a ticket?” your head? TH E pure accident. “ One niuety-eight, ma'am.” Why is it that Just when yon’» pic­ “ My partner and I were going down “ One ninoty-cight?” she repeated. W O RD turing yourself ns the guide and oonn- from St. Louis on n Mississippi river “ How does thnt happen?” selor of a mighty nation yonr wife goon JlMPLIES. packet. There were about 20 of ns in “ I don’t know, ma’am .” he replied througii your overcoat pockets and finds the smoking room talking and trying to as he eyed her bundles “ I gness it an unposted letter two weeks old? pass the tysie comfortably. Just as a must be marked down from 82.”— ut Why is it that Just when yon want lull came in the hum of conversation a , Washington Star. 77O K Í this yon get that, and Just when yon young man seated at a table writing It get that yon want this? some letters looked up with a troubled R e f l e c t i o n , o f « B a c h e lo r , indicates Why is it that Just when yon don’t air and said. ‘Could any of you gentle­ A man loves an ideal; a woman wont to do nnything you’ve got to do the state men tell me bow to spell “choir»” X idealizes love. everything, and Just when yon want to am a little puzzled over it.’ of the tension at a glance. No woman ever claimed that the do everything you’ve got to do nothing? “ ‘What kind of none do youmennt’ fussy white things were meant to ha Its use means time saving Why is it that just when yon hold asked severul. usefuL yonr tongue yon ought to have lathed and easier sewing. “ 'Choir, to sing in eonoert,' chirped When a girl proposes to a man, she al­ straight aboad, and just when yon talk the young man, wrinkling his brow aa ways acts as if she expected him to straight ahead everybody e l » wiaban It’s our own invention if to recall the projier orthography. apologize for i t and is found only on the you’d held your tongue? " 'C-h-o-i-r,’ said a scholarly looking Yon can patch np a broken heart so In abort, why is it we 11» in thia man with glasses on. that it will keep on loving any old world instead of some other, and why " ‘Q-n-i-r-o, ’ sung out a big, well fed thing, but when faith Is shattered It is is it we're not somebody else instead o t ' old man off In tlie corner. done for. ourselves, and onrselvcs something e l» “ 'C-h-o-i-r.' repeated the first man When a woman says that If eho were instead of being unybody? with some emphasis. ‘I thought every , rich she would do lots of good in the Heaven knows; 1 don’t.— Brooklyn S e w in g M a c h in e . j fool knew that.' world, she means she would give awuy “ ‘That's nil right,’ said the old man her old clothes to her poor relations.— L i f e . _________________ off in tlie corner. ‘Money talks. I'll bet New York Press. The finest optil of m ode» times We have other striking you 850 that Webster spells it longed to the Empress Josephine, improvements that appeal to was called the “ Bnrolng of Tany." ] “ q-n-i-r-e” too.” W o a l d n 't D o a l AI1. the careful buyer. Send for ‘“ I'll raise you 8 0 .'said tho first “ I havo here a play that I would Its fate is nnkuowu, as it disappeanA man, who was u cotton buyer at Mtm- like you to” — when the allies entered Paris. our elegant H. T . catalog. I phis. “ What's the title?” interrupted tho ’ "*Ab5sf, «5q “ ‘All right.' said the big old man manager, intent on getting down to -oung worasa ! coolly. Then tho others Joined in aDd details without u loss of timo. hite ewing achine o n ten nows- bet him to a standstill. They put up “ I have called It ‘The Pugilist.’ and days w eald Cleveland, Ohio. < | about 85h<>- Then they got the diction­ I ”— dare to run out ary, and. as just now, the man who bet hare h e s d . d “ Won't do at all,” interrupted the and bar« hand­ on ‘q-n-i-r-e’ won. monoger. “ It's mime ehows it to be ed and fro lic For sa'e I,y W hite Sewing Machine “ My partner and I waited till tho totally foreign to the correct drnmatic and m o . b a ll money had changed hands, and then 1 ideu. We must have some action in n 1 (.any, San Francis. <>. in m idw inter. T h ey h .v e ta> said. ‘Como on. Hi.' play, you know. It cuu’t be all dia­ be muffled up "I walked np to tho young man and logue. "—Chicago Post. lik e hot-hoUM said: ‘Come with mo; I want yon. I'll flower» before show yon hew to six-11 choir. Hl col- | they dare ven­ m . l a r h . d I I I . S la m b e rs . ture ont in se­ lnred tho lilg old man and we waltzed A Georgia darky, who wus sleeping vere weather, them down below. You never saw two soundly, was awakened by bis wifo. atul even then * * A * ♦ ♦ * ♦ • fellows look qnito so cheap. They had , who screamud: would »hudder at the tb o u rh t cleaned up over 815.000 on tli» one “ Dey's a big black snake coiled up at o f rollicking in MA ETON M0RRI3 Trop. trick, bnt they got four yeara and a hulf yo’ feet.' ’ tbe m o . a s apiece. That is one spelling school 1 th eir g r a n d ­ The darky rose slowly, rubbed his . 15 cents have attended that Dot every man goes eyes, esught the snake by the tail and m o t h e r . d id . Shaving The trouble lie» in the fact that too few to. That game is one which will catch threw it out of the window. But as he as “ Hair Cutting fromi n mijoy perfect health and strength nine edncat**d men out of ten. Yon are crawh-d back in bed ho said: o f t lie special wom anly organism . A wom - . 35 Razor Honed all right, bnt you may still have some­ iria , don’t u ou t j yo’ o e w» n a .u .Me. “ Maria, ever wako mo Rn w h o is not w ell and strong locally can- • 3 “ thing to learn. ” T-t-iit fcr a rattlesnake or a water not enjoy g o o d ire tie n d health. ?>r. P ierce's S cissors Ground ag in . . ,------------- Fnvonte Prrsf Prescription t-ttres all w eakness * .. ... . ^a _ i Pnvi.ritc n o tio n cure« Then the smart young man offen d moccasin. ’’—Atlanta Constitution. and disease o f the dclieate and important the nsunl invitation in payment for tho F lo r e n o a : : O r e g o n ■ organs concerned in wifehood and toother- information —Washington Post. I hood It is the m ost perfect and scientific D id n ’t K e e p I p th e Ite e o e d . edy ever d evised for the peculiar ail- ••Kill writes from T cxrs . " said the rem Utenls o f women. It restores w om anly Q u ite iCiaterBoalun. parent, "that bo’s in jnil ag in, sn he power, strength and v irility. It t itle s and Cripple Creek is great on etiquette. 'pears to be hopeless over It. I wonder builds up tbe nerves w hich have b een shat­ A man ont there met a little girl witli ef the example of his family ain t in- ter) d by suffering and disease. It corrects whose family ho is very intimate and spirin to him? His gran'futher broke all irregulnritles and derangem ents and stops <-eh»tisting drains. It restores weak, said: jail six times; his uncle dug out three nervous invalixis to perfect health. It 1» “ Hello. Edith! How are you»” times, sn limy ain’t a jail in the soltl..-- intended for this one cla>s o f disorders and The CcatlGworaan oí Mew York City The little miss drew hersui up and kin hold a n y tf tho rest of is good for no other. 1« is the discovery o f Dr It. V. Pierce, for thirty years c h ie f coo- ' replied: the family. It’s my opinion that Bill su itin g physician to the In valid s’ H otel and i»»irt »i»4 $»1« V, ai«»«, of iliaftcs. Wftfche “ I'ze veTy well, but I ain't no tele- has failed frjin grace I” —Atiuuta Con­ Surgical in stitu te, st Buffalo, N. V. No .abolir lfar»d'4efcht«*a, )ii»*‘,in,d and a r t« « » * ltd tW other known m edicine can take its place. phone. ”—Iix.ston Globe. TH c :nt. A nrw « m J can be acrw. v l «tfhanrt ■ or mg O stitution. ■" 1 hove tss-n troubled w ith fem ale w eakness fibvra without tit« Do you get up with a headache? Is there a bad taste in your moutn? Then you have a poor appetite and a weak diges­ tion. You are frequently dizzy, always feel dull and drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from tour food. You have no ambition to work and the shaip pains of neuralgia dart through your body. What is the cause of all this trouble? Constipated bowels. h b w Commercial ,.. Attorney-at-La ...................... ■ence. noe, D. W. STIBBENS, Proprietor. jrq.oren.oe, O r e g o n .. ATTORNEYS n e) Notary Fdblic, Surveyor P o r t l a n d , O r. » HUROH DIRECTORY A. R. BUTTOLPH, F io r I 'n w a C lin iile o ( S h r e w d Shsu-pe W on Thonaanda o f D o lla r . W o r k i n g th e D l c t l o n . r y F o r G C a t l l T h e y W e r e U r o u . h t t o G r ie f . from 1 Calling at the UMI’QUA. . IN ORTHOGRAPHY THAT WAS DEARLY BOUGHT. COUNTY OFFICERS- mirer j A LESSON from Florence to Coos Bay STEAM ER L U E L L A „dxe Second District. .J. W. Hamilton rosecuting A ttorn ey.. .Geo. M. Brown order. - Florence to Yaquina apreme Court j - .. iident. S VUKt W««» ■ ■r'»-» ■ m Chica«* .« « s a l. - ■- I f I« t- ------------------- Iwritas I « 4! c w i S M C . i T o n s o ria l P arlors. * ★ S1C 0G in Gold A $ 9 5 0 PIANO •ttraett*« plan »ecuuni ♦ri«ctu*.abUi faMurenoi cauva su < A V f ls ln k s n lin p r r s a 'o n . Tho flrrt British recognition o# P « w “ Did . yon hear about the speech I w< rk came from the Institute of mer e .a i.n I . t > : i t - . <• C .t It-ge’ xr 1 Civi Engineer*, which awarded him i* nude just before the close of congT a?” A $95O.,r) PIANO ' ex.»— gold Telford medal fa' a paper on his inquired tbe returned stnte.tman. W. 4 eur meu'-te " " ' « J J ? ' " “ We read it oat loud down to Hie Α",'“r it u»»d d id not get * * * * • £ • A t 1»*t I eowinewced in k in g D r iSt-rre « Favcirito P res criptio n. I v< t N iter ri»»ht alonp and wlien 1 had ta k e n f**ir Inattle* w aa cured. I ieco»a- weaded the •F a v o rite Pre-ici»H »01»’ to frie n d o f m in e She ha« been it a n d th tu h « it t* w o n d e rfu l.’’ r Conatipation la a Httlc HI n ew thnt If Bejrlectcd tmuda a big one. D t . W eree’s P1ea*ant Pellet* cure conatipntion. Owe I little “ P ellet ” is a