g ' < 7 :7 C c ^ o t ’- p A t i o n , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C;Housne3S, « ÏT5 J a »-•*1 H e a r tb w r n , * O D D S .A -Is T ID E N D S . J that your liver is uut ol order. The best, teedteine to rouse cure all Mvcr tt these li!?, ia fern: I in I n tr ic a te MODERN SHRAPNEL. 'BURNING STIC K S.’ C olum bus’ In tp rem lu n s on HI« F irst tr o d a c tio n to flm o k ln f T ob acco. fn- DEADLY fFFECT OF THIS FEARFUL It was on the islnnd of Cuba, hi th« IMPLEMENT OF WAR. lutaniu of H92, that the oho of tobacco nag learned by Buropcnua Colombo« W * a « H a p p e n . W h e n a S ln < l. P r q je e tl» . aiakiJi the first mention of the wood la t a M a a l ? B a n t a I n t o T w o H u n d r e d Hep- ais diary under date of (Jot. IB. When M D e a th « M H * a a d ac aud hi» men landed ouOttbaB shore«, ¡lie kindly natives, who mistook them for incsseypi'rs from heaven, brought Tbn.hnproveuituta in i modern gnus I linnierotrfofferinga Among these, laveVtnl braced a ll calibers, from that of p stated by tbe aduiirnl in his diary, I e small arm firing a projectile» only ! ».C ra,aBiue “ dry leaves, which must be »• ere,some • lO'third of an Inch ill diametc« to the I om otaing much prized by them (the l muster which scud« a «olid piece of ’ mtiveg), for they had already brought i o«L IS inchea through and w eighing tne some in San Salvador as a present. " Ever half a ton. N ot only havo tbe gnu« L ittlo heed wag paid to these leave« improved, but also all their accessories, in tho heginntug by the Spaniards. They i pocially powder and projoctlles. Tho were in search of gold aud saw no pos- nokcloss powder I i liOKCiOHH jjo w u e r of u i the m u present has , ab ility oi eouvcrtiug miserable weeds t Gauged the oondiUoHS of war almost Into that precious commodity. In tho armament. i.s mach a« modern , armarne ' jourso of time they began to uotice that Keeping stop with theeo advance« *s th« native» woyt to and from their have bc*« tho«e niado fa tho various j ri|i« g CK and tho sharo smoko esonped i lasse« of prA^ertlea. Bveti tho sm allest from their months, “ in a truly diabol- i.f these, w ith its case hardened bullet, icui manner. ” Soon thoy discovered is far ahead of the old fashionod load y ,ttt these unclad children of tho w ild s " ta llo t used in tho sm all arms of 80 carried in their bunds a “ burning visits ago. stick," which every now and then they One of tho most effective of modern would put into their mouths nnd blow ) ,-oJoctiie« Is tho shrapnel. It in one 1-f □ut a cloud of «moke. T his had a most t io f&rflia oFeaAa shot The other» Were lieu theiiLh loojf/us i t Is recorded, to tho n o Q ldfashiinedtffnpo and canister. A Btiafiiards, an,] thoy inquired, as w ell as i —■ to ho a ooHeaMon tficy conM'by'signs, into Iho custom. i,f missiles in a caso, which breaks up They learned that tho burning sticks ■ ither In tho gnn or at somo point in were composed of the dried leaves so I ight, thus setting freo its death deal- treusured by tho natives, and that tho oustom of smoking the fragrnut weed 1 ig particles. A« soon as the caeo 1» broken each of was supposed to lesson fatigue on long thoso particles goes on a separate path, Journeys. They tried it for themselves i ud i t ’s a sorry day for tho muu struck and found this actually to be tho enso. I y one of them. AU of thoso falling On many a troublesome jaunt thereafter l imn a pleoo of level ground would they woro refreshed hs tho pleasant per- ji.'.irk out an Irregular oval, whose area fumo curled upward from their own v tries w ith differing conditions. It ha« “ burning sticks.” — Detroit Journal. b eu found that the best point to burst t'.n si .-apnel is about Bis yards abovo S P E C U L A T IN G O N S H I P S . ai d 00 in front of tho enemy. Colonel Shrapnel of tho British serv- I!o w U n d e r w r ite r . G a m b le o n O verd u e V cftft.lt l ’i»«ted n t L lo y d s, |. i first invented shrapnel in 1808. This i r l y form consisted simply of a ^phor- I When a ship is overdue, an opportu­ jt d shell filled w ith bullets nnd a bnrst nity is sometimes afforded for a gamble- !■, i charge of powder in the «paces bo ■ at Lloyds. It t un be readily understood t ,-cou. Tiiis w as a crudo Invention, that underwriters who nro interested in v tiich soatterod the fragments too much tho •‘overdnes" are only too w illin g to . id was liablo to go off when not ex- ( get rid of tho risk by paying a premium 1 oted anfi not do so when dosirod. on tho insnred rate to those who aro •i his form was improved upon daring w illing, on their terms to relievo them i .ir civ il war, and tho modern shrapnel j of their responsibilities. The premium «• in bo considered tho most dangerous varies w ith the chances of the vessel i f nil life destroying projectiles. It con­ turning up; the smaller the chances the sist« of thsBB-'fllurta-—tho tube, tho huso higher the premium and vice versa. Tho rates paying on “ overducs” serve and the head. Tho powder ohnrgo is in I ho base, wbloh is firmly attnehed to os accurate barometers of the probabili­ the body either by olectrio w elding or ties or otherwise of I be ship ever being by screwing. Loading from tho linso heard of again. Theso underwriters who h tho center of the body 1« a tuho spcculuto on “ overdue«” are generally t'n Is also filled w ith powder, which known by tlie significant name of “ doo- the fti«« a t the Jtolnt of the tora "( .,T be insurance on an “ overdue” ' carries the fire to the main may pass through many channels before Between 800 and 800 bullets tha «¡lip is. on the one baud, “ patted' upon a diaphragm just over the at Lloyds as “ m issing,” or, on the iitsder charge. These are held In place other hnud, she arrivos iu safety. A ship is never “ posted” until the y a matrix of rosin which Is melted oiniuiuco 1« is inorouBuij thoroughly mummu satisfied that ma» and poured upon the bullets when in committco icr case is hopeless, and until tho owu- Vlaoe. A skeleton oaso of oast iron cou- her »-4 A lf e fw ,e»ch bulla«,}« c is of p e sa m e opintpu. Before "post- put up for a week in- in ug"tn g ’* a utitii* until* is put-up i hood is jiut on Ih the same man­ viting any information concerning tho lier a« the boao, and when tho fuse hi vessel. If this elicits no nows, the com- Insnrted the projectile Is ready for use. mittee nt its next meeting votes the ship t-mne shrapnels havo tho bursting charge as “ m issin g," auil a notice is posted ao- iu th e head InstoaT of the l»sc. Tha cordiugly. Tbe loss is then settled and fuse used la rather opmpMcaM. but the pnifl f iK If .m ay be Incidentally re- » ulted States Mas as (food a diuo nfl marked that “ posting at Lloyds cou- «here la It Is a tim e fuse and in actual stitutes a legal death certificate for auy one on hourd the missing ships.—Good V * t has shown its reliability. It can readily be seen that ono great Worila. «dijootiou to tho shrapnel is its high gmallfttt and Oddwt R e p u b lic* . >u«k The ftaMnlmio costs about «8.80. Gourt is the sm allest republic os to k fceaam ocoa la Mmaliy suppMefi w ith area, but Tavoloni Is tbo sm allest re­ «i*rae styles of ammunltiiXi— the solid public us to population. Gonst is only «hot, the shell and the shrapnel. Home ono m ile iu area It is located on the batteries are also «applied w ith canister flat top of a mountain in tho Pyrenees, P -ruse at close quartern bullets . . . The . . I between Franco and Simin, and is rooog- | , the canister have ave u Wider dhmenduu. injzcd by both of those countries. It is |.«M tso the oaae ' h r e a a . nI’ up ~ ... cue „«... . Rnn governed by „ n pp^ideut president aud a council of t «ulster w n . need to repel the famous , a Jt w #- estublighw, iu , B48 uud haa 12. t .arge led by tho Coufedorato general 180 hitailta. The president is tax •ite -L «i m otive effects human valor w as of no pvalL The shell la used to dertroy inanimate oi-jeota as w ell aa animate oues. It ccn- 11 la of a hollow east iron shell, w ith n luse and buratiug obargu of powder. *» ne famous «hot fired during the put t og of the fables nt Cionfuegns is a j- -ud example of its uso. The Spaniards )i..ving token refuge in and behind a |i hthopse, a aliell was fin d by one of «..•I «hipet Wlffch. striking U fairly, burst and utterly destroyed the struc- 1 ne, killing many of the soldiers. But against wen iu battle formation tnu shrapnel Is the more effective. It i .ids a perfect shower of missiles which, t Hina iu the midst of a company, r «-»old afuiosl annihilate IL' Many testa to show t h k Hhrapuels flrnl from a gun a mllo «way to ons Instaui-e aud a m ile nnd two-thirds in tho other were mode te t.rlk e a Itonrd target one inch thick. T he fuses wero set off by tho couhiet «ud burst tbo projectile into 200 or 800 j.irta, each of which was capable of ni such-n« is hero n>prp»«it«<, *Tb« «’«drr «an reaiftly uuder land pT y w art are now waged at greater distances and w hy hand to hand con- fiu ts are almost uphoard o f.—Now k'ork Herald. ,* *.» • been mate I lia M ista k e. “ That politician is a ’ha« been, ‘ Isn’t hef" remarked the observer. " K o ," replied the captious friend, “ 11« isn ’t w e n Ihat. .lie 's merely a ' « • d to »kink he was. * ” Washington nn¿ - - i h . _ -... . -> & T h e I r r e p r e s s i b l e S m n ll B o y . This is a true story, and it really hap­ pened In a N ew York fam ily. It looks as if it m ight bo an old story brought up to date or renovated for the occa­ sion, but it is exactly as tho small boy arranged it and not to the edification of his fam ily. Tho small boy was very fond of ice cream. It never cloyed his palate. It was w ith the same delight that ho saw it each tim e brought on the table, and upon each of these times he showed the exuberance of his feelings by crying in rapturous tones: “ Oh-o-ol Ice cream 1 Ice cream I Ice cream I’* much to his mninmn’s annoyance. “ People w ill think we never havo ice cream or anything else to eat, ” she said to her son one day. "Nov/, we are going to have company to dinner tonight, and I don't w ant you to say a word when the iee cream is brought on. " The small boy promised. He really was a good j little boy, nnd lio intended to mind. But when the cream was brought on tho old feeling of rapture w as so strong that he forgot entirely nnd 'cried out ns nHusl. Then lie remembered nnd stop­ ped short, looking very repentant. lie had not Intended to call out, and his mother was mortified. He changed his tone en tirely : "W e havo Ice cream almost every n ig h t,” he remarked carelessly.—Now York Times. r iiraaMUa raeTX’ria^*>Wdto^m! ’ ' tioehum h, J ' - • o i LHIre-n»«. In an old Indiana case a man named Shailcroes undertook to live up to his name by running an unlawful ferry, but the decision of tbe court said to aim, “ You shall not cross.” The nanio of an adopted citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, whoso adoption was canceled and who was thereupon expelled, was Run Hannuh. A California woman who said in licr will, “ I have no fear of the hereafter; I) my Lord, teach me to livo right, then in dying there Is no stin g ,” boro tho prophetic Christian nemo of E u­ thanasia. The name Dr. Physick, which might bo looked for iu some allegory, appears as the name of a real person in a recent law report. Homo peculiarly suggestivo combina­ tions of names in the titles of cases nro these; People versus Kaiser, Priest versus Lackey, Kick versus Merry, Pro­ tected Home Circle versus Winter, Grant versus Lookout Mountain Com­ pany. In reminiscences of tho early Minne­ sota bar Judgo Chnrlcs E. Flandrnu tells in the Minnesota Law Journal of an argument before the supremo court in 1868 by ox-Chief Justice Goodrich on behalf of an Indian convicted of uinrder. The Indian's name was Zu-ai- za, but as the counsel could not pro­ nounce it he always referred to him in his argument as “ my client, Ahasue­ rus.” — Case nnd Comment. u «oast tow el«*gyninn or cemetery. The people worship in a chura!» outside of their own territory, and the doad bodies ore slid down to a oemetery in tho val- loy below. In that vulley all the bap­ tism s and marriagos aro performed. Tavolora 1« 12 m iles northeast of Sar- 1 dinin. It is an Islam! five m iles long by a h alf m il« wide. Its total population consists of 66 men, women and ch il­ dren. Tho women go to the jiolls w ith the men and elect every year u presi­ dent and eouucil of six, all serving without pay. Tho luhabitnnts support themselves by fishing and raising fruit and vegetable*. Tbe republic bus u<> army and no ntivy.-— Cincinnati E n­ quirer. M a r k e t U «ol«tli> M o il b r a il* . The market price of “ «ealps, ” ns agreed upon Ix-tweeu tho early French colonists of Louisiana aud the Indians, with whom they bargained to fight out tiieir battle« witli hbstlle Indians for tlietn, varied w ith circumstances. At the time the French were nt war with the Alil-uuious a “ scalp” of one of the last named, when brought to them, was |>aid for at the rut« of a gun, live pounds of inuaket balls nnd as mtioh powder. “ On th« 14til of March” (1704), write» Do La Harp«», "a party ef 20 Chicncln* (Ollickntuws) brought iu four Althtiuinu scatps. They were- given for iMU-h scalp a gnn, five i-onnds of hulls mid as much of powder, according to the contract mode w ith them .” — New Orleans Pica­ yune. ______ ttavmt w i i rantt*. (Jpulein» rvfvr*»09S •*»<> fell U 4X ' “S » iir i »0.1 cor t or ov» »rxcixt I i W1H lti»theiuoAt ii»»9»»l i r i- 8ition«)V9r by I s iS I t.tr e The people of Dresden aro very polite, «ooverpollte that they not infrequently bring down ridicule upon themselves. It used to be told in that city that a Stranger wus one dny crossing tbo great bridge that spans the Elbe and asked a native to direct him to a certain church which he wished to find. ••Really, m y dear sir,” said the Dres- dener, bowing low, “ I grievo greatly to say it, but I cannot tell you." Tbe stranger passed on, n little sur­ prised nt this voluble answer to a sim ­ ple question. H e had proceeded but a short distance when he heard hurried footsteps behind him, and, turning round, saw the same man ruuniug to catch np w ith him. In a moment bis pursuer was by his side, his breath nearly gone, but enough left to say hurriedly; “ My denr sir, you asked mo how you could find the church, and it pained me to havo to say that I did not know. Just now 1 met my brother, but I grieve to say that ho did not know eith er.” A« H e U n d e r s t a n d s I t . "As I understand it," remarked tho intelligent foreigner, "yon Americans regard George W ashington's hutclict as the emblem of truth. “ ••Yes, sir, th at’s rig h t.” replied the American proudly. “ Then, when statesmen or other in ­ dividuals who have quarreled, bury the hatchet. I sup|>oee they cease to s»*’ak tho truth?"— Detroit Free Press. I n a p lr ln i r H o p e . XN.-, ‘ i: :• •' iui Addr*“ ' PATENT LAW»«««. W A SH IN G T O N. D. C.J Droit Bid.-.. I. Sold by à»’ medicine dealers. Mod ••,i>,-w7»I.e,-«wl;li «oniwh »»Hl- flMctlon that .* «»»♦». roooatBcad them. Havo been p .tihleC » .r eix/ut uut»e years w ith w hat I call.*» ♦»»:!-. a hil .« c F s em« Jrur oft rop’tlarly ontxj a rt-aek- W b y dti’ermit pkyalclanj that 11 wna e.i-1,( J ‘ th, r l which I had •averaL I h> *. ■ t» xiia-jltHl, l»ut the at- taok» contiir. ’. 1. h M r t-u ud» rileemanta o f Rlp4ui»> Tabu.-, s I d aU .re but had oo faith In thniu, but .to m elje «/. efc3 din-.» a friend In« (timed me fc> U s fh .a i. U&- •• taken but tw o of the •m a ll S cen t l»ojcu o f the Tabuks and have had no recurrence of the uttacff». Have never given a teetlnicel'il ic- ft/.ytMna hefto-e, but the great am ount of go» ! wLUh I t-3hc - e baa Lieenooae me by Rlpatra Tabuied lu d iu .e nte to odd m ine vo the m aay testlmonlald j o u uoubtloee have In your . T. D b W i r . potwessk'n now. I want to Inform you, fa words o f blgnefc« pra'.jo, o f tho lx neilt I have derived from BlpunH Tabuies. 1 an, a prof* prioebi ourre end In tlxti prof ce»lon u clc;tr toad la a!wt»ya necdod. Kl :-anb Tabun » does It. After one four d m i self c.,:r.pl«-tely run down. A of in« on tho advice o f Mr. Geo. Bow­ er, Ph. O , Newark k v e., Jersey City, I Ripuns Tabt’bd w ith grand rem its. Hies WXSZ.MA8. I SAT. S»PB ft nvcr.t ra> they havo oomp’o to ly cured my henduchoe. I t»m t ..oary ulna ye -rs ■aw:»*’ .- -u old. V nt a w wnlconia •o usa th is testimonial« Mu. J. Eno LMYail» R-I-PANS T hree T h e modern stand­ ard F am ily M edi­ cine : C u r e s the common every-dav ★ D e s ir a b le ill of humanity. Mother ryaa frontlod w ith k f i r t h a n -1 eJo.‘p’'s«8’if)81, eaurcu TiV Indi4O3tlOD, for n good m any vomit - Otto duv she 8ft\z n teatknontpj ha tho psj>er Ir.d'u^.u? R i 1» a r i TahnJe3. M»e determ ined t o cl* * them a trial, Tvai roiljvft«! by th eir u-n a n d n o w f air o e t b o Tabulae regularly. Hhekccpe r few ca r t^ v Ripens Tabulae in tho ho’ico en d nays she w ill r.otlxs w ith ­ o u t them. The *»ei rthorn, in d itrieplesencM have disappeared w ith the tndli;eetlon which was form erly r-n a burden for her. Our whole fam ily take the Tnbnlet regularly, oapeclully after a hec-rty meal. m other «« fifty yoan* of age and lo enJoy’nT th? beat o f health end ep1r*t9 j c I jo eat«* hearty meal«, an ticpoeetbIHty before eho U xj > » lo a m Tubnloa. A s io s E . L lalkbk . Mr seven year old boy suifcretl with pains in hl3 Loud, constipation aud com plfllnci of his stom ach. Ho could not cut like children o f his do and w h a t he did c«t did not agree w ith Linn H e w c jth la and c f a flcflrcn colov. Rending some c f the testim onials in favor o f Elpttiis Tubules. I tried them. U pon.’ Tubules not only relieved but actually cured ir y youngsUr, tho headaches have disappeared, bowels ere tu gvMxl conditim i and ho rover com plains o f hl* stomach. He is now a red, chubby faced boy. This wonderful change f attributo to ltlpans Tubules. I on* unttflfiod that ths? w ill benefit any ono (from tbo cradle to old age) if taken oooordlug t<> dlreo* Uona w - FB,C#- S t a r s A nd T h e ▲ now 6tylo pocket cja-ui Jr." srv nn»*N4 tabvlss pack«*» In a paper carton (without gio.*») is now for sols A R T S a n d Cnr»JCAt,(JoMrA'’Y. Xo C □,v-.ee ’• vx< Hew Y ork-er a sln-lo cerU>n(Trw iabclks ) will Jx Font f r n .a cents. R lpatí 3 T a bulk may .lobch ’i ;f »oo.? *roccrs,gonAr d rtoralrocpors, uc’ * t<7cnfce and at seine l.yfarsw rss jf. and barber chop*, ir. -, infrb t»m . •udtioe slnop »nd prolofg 1M«. G«**> givee A ’V f ’V i I !,1 I f t ? 8 ' 6 - f' ■ . ?. w •• M . Sold n. -Vn -u r f f i ç w K ;T2F*™J i ¡ > 3 e (S -? obtaniC’Cii.r.u r .iir a t a i S ert bd::ino •'■* c- inet* t fo ç M o d ér a te 1 t o s . r , K'-n * r:-? i; 1, ______ (I n v in e » ; . o . p -;- h o t o . W e « u lv 5 .-fiy Jiw trn tü ;l« f.-.-n o t'ch a , t <-. O n r f e n n o t d n e t ili« '■ c w ” V A - ; f und foroi.iiP countries re n t froo. _. A . s w a w 5 o - f PaTTNT Orr c-T. T tty O n ly $ ..durerà, ‘W E S T - D A IL Y W ä u HIKÖTON. D . .. suffer from any c i the , i y?"i; i f ITif ills'of men, cotne to the oldest Specialist on tbe Pacihc Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., 1053 KarkelSL r.st’4 JC52. V o tin g ; m e n and m i d d l e _ ty g e d m e n who are suffering 1 from the effects o f youthful indiscretions or ex­ cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical t “ The Weekly Chtonicle $ 1 . 5 0 (In clu d in g p osta g e) to any part o f tbe United Ctates. CanadD and Mer.lco. T H E V .E i.K L f CI1HONICLB« th e b iK b U a t and mo«! comp-lei«» W eekly N tw vpnpcr In tbe w orld, p rin ts reyulfl-rty l l X ’okunua. or sixteen par.'s, o f K ew s, IdtejsnturC and G eneral Infov- m atlon; nlno a uiaijnU lcent A gricultural and H orticu ltu ral D ep artm en t. Thia la on e of the g rea test dopnrtrr.cnts in an y paper on th is (Toast. Bwerythlni? w ritten is based on e« - pnrkmco in the C oast S taten, not on Ikiatern m en's k n o w led g e their ow n localltlca. COPY SENT * itä ta M ( | . ' j Il M f l ï ï ï S F I E 311« pursuits can succeed w ithout reading and studying thi3 standard Magazine of Sciences and mechanical Arts. I t is illustrated w ith all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions iu all » e b lllt y .I n is x J t e n c y .L o U ManL»»o«l | ’ tho branches of mechanism, and its fund ¡of P r » a ta to r v h « r a . fjoiaorrhop n, < » le e t,, | f r e q u e n c y o f V r isiu tlsiff, e t c . B y a knowledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ “ T h e P hilonophy o f Etarriage,” i i free. (A valuable bock for men.) , ’ VIKIT IHl. JORDAN'S ' 11 G r e a t M u s e u m o f A n a t o m y ( FREE T* T* i None who are engaged in any of the nioclianical I combination o f remedies, of great curative pow- , | is e ik 8 4 M I o f * 2 en , N y p filS l* thoroughly eradicated from the ’ system w ith o u t fio r e itr .r . , F .Y J R ttr M A N applying to lift w ill r e - 1 ceive (»nr firmest opinion o f h!n com plaint. . We U'i}.l <'aardniC': a i- O S I T I V ti C U /’E 'in ( . ev e ry case v»c u- ''ertake, o r /o r je it Cue . T h o u ^ u n t l 2>OF*ai'H. # * , Consultation F R E E nnd strictly private. 1 C U A E G 0 3 ^ E R V R E A S O N A B L E . Treat- I ( inent personally or by letter. Send for book. . I a ; in all its complications; W pcrM lRtorrhfleil, Greatest Wec’.ly iu the Country, ¡n h G IB IltitIC < I be cured à Iffli.»», P f t i ' s e 1- S’ j« * , 6 ? 7 Q a t e SAMPLE T T -ÏE t& c o . b E F & I ? YOU CRP V V H E7 ¡ W ith SnH . u r THE S S O IE IS T O E S J^ tJ ' ** ,’iÄ »5^’f «V J t U-X* ★ i n : l at Home drug -ton.) -ren ’■vm -rx ’ S. TtE low-priced sort Is latendod for tha poor and the eco&oialeaL Jne tore- of L»13 nveo-.-jt rartonff iF - •»»H»;!..*-) can bo had by mail by ftxndlng forty-eight r/ nts to tho H ipans ventors and mechanics. Sold w ith T ub W est at clubbing rates. THE E n S M F n iJ T A J L the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the ’ world. Come and learn how wonderfully you | are imide; how to avoid sickness and disease. Wo r.re continually adding new specimens. | C-4 TA LOO E B Jf R EE. Cul 1 or write. This m onthly m agazine is one ol the ▼« best printed in this country, and to soli IOC I Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. to all subscribers a t rates within th' C T Y L I S H . R E L IA B L E f -, !'t, L ä: A R T IS T IC ^ . 3* R eco m m en d ed b y L eo d tn g ' •£ Dressmakers. jfc J í,i‘ (g HS E Î W ï i H e r O p la lo a l a P a l l. The car turned sharply around a curve and tho tall man wlio was hold­ in g on to a «trap somewhat loosely wns suddenly thrown from his upright po­ sition w ith a force that landed him in the lap of a dignified dowager sitting near him, w hile his high silk hat flew from his head and rolled down the aisle of the car. " S ir," sho said ns lie rose to his feet again w ith profuse apologies, "I am compelleil to say that in my judgment you were lacking in that complete grasp of tlie strap which was essential to the liighret efficiency in maintaining an upright uttitnde when turning a curve. ” That wna all. But it crushed him .— fh icu g o Tribune. W H. B.V/1LLS9KÄC0. I P a i n ( a l l jr P o l i t e . The Doctor—Bear up. I must tell yon tho w orst—yon can’t |<*sibly ro­ t-over. Tho Client That's a pity, fur if I'd lived a bit longer I should have come into a fortune; ns it is. I haven't a jx-n- In flie French quarries of St. Triphon uy to |>ay yon with, doctor. Tho Doctor— Well. now. don't give stone is sawed w ith steel wire cables ' rael-tue d With Wet snti-l ' i v J passing np hope. W e’ll try to mend you. We ll In an cAdlQKl roj* over s scrira of pul­ try. — Illustrated Bits. leys. The wire, which runs from 1,000 N o t H e u tlo n :-» ! . to 1,200 feet per minute, is charged us •’Everybody seems to have lx i n pen- It eutsrs the cut with a J. I of water and ' «iltaeous raiul, wbh h lhn*8 the . utting Honed for the office except yon ” e.i 'material. A running ruble of tOO feet served the sym puthliing friend. ••Ye«,” replied the disappointed po can aiaku a cut 100 feet king. itirisn. "My name is P ants.” ••Then, of course." soothir. ly i • s r a nd H n n n ln g. joined the other, "yon might vxpiet ti­ A bey ef 1? tbtoks he is too old to tle among the namentionables. ” run errand*, but tift. t he iv 21 and innr- And stb-uce like a ponlti • fell.— - rii d lie la giu« a :uin, —-Atchtsou «Kan.) Clilciigc Tribune. Ulako. _ rt#« 25 cents. W BW ,5**52 ,„,..<1. « « n J . BIAISXI’ S « 4 m 4.1. .».Mb or l""“ - J " i uaain mifiK FKPK HooeFs PiSSs I 0« Indigestion, Dizziness, i0 f i« ability ot all to pay. , g <5 j g T h ey A t* a y s P k C 3 * . i I t is finely ¡11« trated aud p rc sen tslb e names of faniot « ¡£ authors ¡is contributors. T bb W« and tbo Cosmopolitan aro sold atl ^ w lr fí;£ $ ( duccd rates a t this office. ttk » THIS CHHONIiTAE renfcs w ith tho graatret new»iHH»ov»< tn the U nited S ta tes. T U E OIIRONTCI a W ha? tn»♦**«>«I t h e Paclil« Coast It lends a ll Iu auU rpxlas ar.d esws. THE CIinONTCT.lT’ S T Report* ars th« lataat and m«»«t reliab le, Ut- I-ooal N ew s tl.s rutinat and Bplri.-Ht. n ru It » lriltlortals from tb s ablest p ens in th e c^ in try . T H E C H R O N IC t.E ban »;twrys haan. snd tJ- way« *111 b- . the frt.n d » M eluu rp lon o f tits p*cph». a» aftaluKt > »nibinattans, cliq ue], ror- l-oratkiTiii, or cpiMPrivloiM a., a*»; kliuk It Will !•« liMlep* i-b 'u t in ev ery th in g , n o i.ö a l in mMhtc- I iF Fh®»« neuert«« ar« « -’.g H a««i - —ry city anj . -»wn In m* Vt.h«.l ';«»•« »-7 » J • h 1’3-r dealer .1 >r« nul « • -p i mi ««r.J • ¿‘jvet »o u« Or.e -,.t • 'aiript i e.etvtd 2« ► JJ Add.’CU ) cur n««m t p ji-it j I THE McCAI.L COMPANY, .% j* I ja lo I46W. HIH tirati, N:a Y-,k J: Z 3 p«*N«’a or-uri : * iSp FtO ii A v e , C h ic a g o , nud f- rS >031 Markst Si., kan Fra acuco . “We do not take possession of our ideas but are possessed by then* They master us and force us into the arena, Where like gladiators, we must fight for them.” ouch is tbo exalted motto of the Arena, and tbe DO YOil r a f t S »NHSLE Reversible M ap i ? giios-Hn tho UsVoJ 8»at«e, 0>«ilal«a c f C a n a d a a « J N o - f .i e - o < 3 ’x t e i O N >>N!b 3- L f- i n». Fancy IV «k. Ï« fi " t» war’vtl for |i. a »rap m «In»" înev*ry J5 f <*.••■ «-ny j ! j ” emt ..i » i rsr.u CTri-ju t winch xra re n,-<-t. »sivii.,1 the i.i ivr-.iti,« of human nature-