■ ÿ ïîE W E S T ^ hisi - isukd CVKKY — FRIDAY MUHNINU— AT-------- „F lorin « , L ank C ounty , O kkoon .— W.H. WEATIIERSON Editor and Proprietor. T irm s : $1.50 a year in advance.----- St©YM P B owder 4K,N6 Assoiurtiy V vre Makes the food more delicious and wholesome » o ™ l a»«wa tows ,» co., «sw v o w . Tlie Hotel Eugene lias a card in the ' W est this week. CENTRALLY LOCATED. PRBE SAMPLE ROOMS. Entered at the post-office at Florence, The storm last week carried away I*ne county, Oregon, as second-class * * * * * shout 700 feet of the jetty at Yaquina. ¡¿¡1 matter. FIRST-CLASS. Both those who cook and those who OYIBTISINO BATKB MADE KNOWN ON A P- eat should see the Stoves and Ranges at PLICATION. Meyer & Kyle’s. Local notices 8 cents per line, each Insertion The Albany po3toffl co was robbed last Saturday night. The burglars secured HOLLENBECK BROS. A BRISTOW, Paoi-». I Florence, Ore. Oct. 27, 1899. $300 in money and a quantity of jew elry.! R ATES $1.00 to $2.00 PE R DAY. I Fish were more plentiful for a day or 1 WTTnr(XTr, W E ST L .IN Q S. two tlie first of the week. The Margner- j EL GE A E, M OREGON. ite brought 1749 from tlie upper river We buy all kinds of Furs. Please Hood's Pills cure billiousness, sick Monday. CHANGE IN PRECINCTS AND ROAD bring your Furs to ns. lead ache. The schooner Bella has loaded with DISTRICTS. Ranchers should have one of our fine Superior Stoves and Ranges (or sale lumber from the Spruce Point mill and Piper rifles. Ttiey shoot accurate up to is ready to start for another trip to San it A 0 Funke’s. The County Court of Lane county, ( 100 yards and have killed wild geese at For Dress Cutting and Fitting call nt Francisco. Oregon, respectfully requests all persons • 150 yards. 22 calibre. 50 shots for 20 Next week the Sunday World will desiring a change in tlie boundaries of ' cents. Best gnn in the world to kill ibe Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. The schooner N Sundborg sailed from publish tlie song entitled “ My Georgia voting precincts or the establishment ofi chicken hawks, owls, skunks, and other Lady Love” by Stirling Howard and new ones, or having any suggestions to ! varmints, also for butchering hogs, Ban Francisco for Siuslaw last Friday. Emerson, authors of "Hallo, Ma Baby.” make as lo the division of the precincts ' sheep and cows. Fine working guns at The Marguerite brought down a scow Ex-Governor Wm P Lord, of Oregon, into road districts so ns to conform with a special low price of $3.49. Next to load of wood yesterday for A O Funke. has been appointed minister to tlie Ar­ tlie law of 1899, to present their peti­ that is tlie famous Stevens rific, in 22, gee that fine line of Boys’ Mackin- gentine Republic, by President McKin­ tions or requests at tlie November 1899 ' 25, and 32 calibre. They are a finer! toahes and Sweaters at Meyer & ley, and has given notice of his accep­ term and not later than November lit ti, i made gnn and are a little more expen­ Kyle’s. 1899. This is done to enable the as­ sive. Ttiey nre also a fine rancli gun tance and tlie very low price of the «muni­ The steamer Robarts returned Wednes­ sessor to complete his roll. Captain Oleson of tlie schooner May­ tion makes them desirable. The price day afternoon from a trip to Tillamook By order of the Court, flower had a narrow escape from drown­ is low, only $6.00, nnd the guns are all E U L ee , County Clerk. and Yaqnina. ing recently, having been washed over- “ takodown,” that is they come apart in October 20th, 1899. pale, emaciated, thin, weak men and hoard near the Farrallones during a tlie middle. women. Hudyan cures. All druggists, storm. ROBBERY ATICOMSTOCK. 60 cents. Tlie sale of tlie Winchester water J H Monteith informs ns that he in­ power and mill sight lias been consum­ tends to build on his property soutli of mated, the first payment being made H ira m S h a n k I’ru b a b ly F a t a lly W o u u d e d ' iloience, next spring. last week. Tlie purchasers are Georgia g Waite has given up logging at parties. Last Saturday morning a young man Waitsburg for this season and brought THE GENTLE-WOMAN is a month­ named Hiram Shook was robbed and bis team down tlie river this week. ly magazine devoted to subjects of inter­ perhaps fatally wounded near Comstock Backing headaches, bleary eves, est to the ladies. Tlie regular subscrip- Oregon. Shook lias been working in Alexan­ weakness, noises in head. Hudyan tion price is one dollar hut we have made toms. All druggists, 50 cents. arrangement by which we offer it for a der’s wood camp and started to walk to Saginaw when he fell in with two men M S Barker proprietor of the Barker short time for fiftv cents a year. Call and having tlie general appearance of hobos. see a sample copy. Gun Works has som ething to say in They offered to sell a watcli to Shook inothei column about goods in his line. Two men giving their names as A W and he took out liis purse to pay for it Tneedav afternoon the Marguerite Oswald and Chas Gannon were arrested when they seizad and robbed him, secur­ tooka donkey engine up the river for at Eugene Tuesday morning on suspi­ ing about $29. Jesse Phelps who purchased it from the cion of being the parties who committed Shook struggled free and drawing a tlie Comstock robbery. They were pistol lived at one of the men. They Acme mill co. A meeting of the hop growers was call- taken to Comstock for identification but took the pistol from him and one of them I (or yesterday in the court house at it proved they were not tlie men. shot him through the body |ahove tlie Tlie Endeavor society held a special heart. Tlie robbers then fled leaving ugene for the purpose of organizing an sociztion. meeting Monday evening at tlie residen­ their victim where he fell. Parlies Governor Geer has secured several ce of Rev I G Knotts to elect officers for passing found him and carried him to a panisli bronze cannon. They will be the next term. Those chosen are Ruby house nenr by and a physician called. nil to make medals for all the volun- Wilson, president; Alice Weatherson, Tlie whole country is up in arms and vice president; Clara Emmons, secre­ it seems improbable that the outlaws grt in the Second Oregon regiment. A8alem dispatch of the 24th sa y s: P tary; Mattie Tronson, assistant secre­ will escape, Terry was shot and killed by J A tary ; Isa Kyle, treasurer. Tlie steamer Lnella nrrived yesterday ‘ BIRTHDAY PARTY- I'illard, tiis renter, in self-defense, at ilierty, Marion county, this forenoon. morning from Tillamook. Capt. Miller j County Superintendent Miller lias informs us that he had been bar hound Miss Clara Emmons gave a party to Our stock of fine pocket knives is mile the October appointment of the for 22 days, (lie bar having shoaled to 12 the members of lier Sunday school class complete and tlie quality is A No 1. If «union school fund of $3,555 for the feet nt high tide. He finally took off a ' last Friday evening that being tlie you wish a whacking good knife coine to onnty, the apportionment being 50 portion of his deckload and crossed out, thirteenth anniversary of her birth. us; onr prices are low and all our good striking all tlie way. Several other ves­ About a dozen girls were present and knives nre guaranteed. Our guarantee tote to the child. sels were lying in the bay when the spent the evening in playing different The creamery closed down last week means something. We give you a new Luella left - Coos Bay News. games. All hope Clara may see many knife if tlie one you got isu’t a good ono. living finished operations for the season, more birthdays. ihe output lias been greater this year Tliis is the time of year to lay in a PERSONALS. hzn before but we hope to sec it doubled hammock under tlie siiade of a tree and WEEDING BELLS let the playful zephyr breeze toy witli •lore many years. Dr Sanhert came in on the Robarts your whiskers or under your Mother On account of the rainy weather J R Married on North Fork, Snnday i Hubbard, ns the case m ayb e, keeping from a business trip to Tillrmook. hives the jeweler lias decided to re- William and Jesse Seavy of Hayden October 22nd, 1899. Mr James Slover you cool, while your imaginative brain Min in Florence till next week. At and Mrs Annie Ridgway, C If Holden, builds air castles nnd sees them fall. went he can bo found nt Mr Buttnlplis bridge spent a few days in Florence thia J P officiating. We can sell yon a hammock at 75c, week. Gee where he will he glad to see all Tlie bridegoom has lived for many ! $1,25, $150, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, good John Shultz returned home a few days lit friends. years in single hi -t,redness hut at length ! hammock« that afford pleasure to their “Circumstances Alter Cases.” In ago after an absence of tliree weeks at tins followed tlie example of luany of ; owners, and now to make tho scene ueaofdyspepsia, nervousness, catarrh, Roseburg. our citizon* and taken to himself a part- , complete we can sell yon n guitar, vio­ hwmatism, eruption, etc, the eirenm- Geo Hitchcock arrived on tlie Mar­ ner to Bliare in liis joys and sorrows. lin, or an accordeon, or better still a <*ncee may be altered by purifying and guerite yesterday from a brief visit to Both have passed their youthful days Columbia or guitar zither. Onr prices nriching the blood with Hood’s Sar- Portland. hut their friends hope to see them en­ on the above instruments are the low ■parilla. Try it. James Neely and family who moved joy each others company for many yoars cat. Go all over town first anil price Three drivers are now employed on to Josephine county some two years ago to come. them, tlie» coiue to us and sue for your­ h Eugene Mapleton stage, W m Tay- were expected back this week. selves. THE EUGENE STAGE. * drives between Mapleton and A Gibson, Clias Beers and Mr Harkle- tallow while Elza Pickard and 8 road of Indian creek took a band of cat­ hrk make alternate trip3 between Commencing November 1st tlie Eu­ tle out to Eugene a few days ago. ladow and Eugene. gene and Florence stage will make but Mrs Captain Johnson nnd children re­ Rev W 8 Gilbert of Eugene, late turned on the Robarts this week after tliree round trip* per week during tlie winter. The stage will leave Eugene »plain of the Oregon volunteers has spending tlie summer at Tillamook. Monday, Wednesday and Friday o «¡»edacall to the Calvary I’resby- Miss Nellie Furnish leaves in a few each week and arrive at Mapleton in fien church of Portland and lias re- days to attend tlie teachers examination the evening of tlie same day. Return­ P»d liis charge at Eugene for the pur- at Roseburg which commences Novem­ ing, the stage will leave Mapleton * o ( accepting tlie call. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ar­ I" the matter of the petition of R H ber 8th. Alfred Funke and family have moved riving at Eugene in tlie evening. anhardt and others for a county load from the Montgomery house to one of Tlie mail will leave every day, tlie township 18 south, ran ge 11 west Leonard Christensen’s houses on Ham­ same as in summer, being carried on •county court appointed II B Mills pack horses on days that the stage does R Furnish and A R Buttolph viewers, lin street. G C Compton went to Ten Mile Wed­ not start. _ •d C M Collier surveyor. nesday to remain till the close of the Rii® Marguerite took two scow loads TO CURE LA GRIPPE IN TWO DAYS- fishing season. He will haul salmon cattle up the river Sunday and ether load Monday making about down the beach to the Umpqua. Take L axative B iiomo Qmxtxit T ab ­ Mrs A O Funke waa a passenger to ihendinall. They belong to Harry Florence on the Robarts Wednesday lets . All druggists refund tlie money •Hey of Eugene and had been pur- j after a months visit with relatives at if it fails to cure. F W G rove ’ s signa­ ,,e'l by liim on tlie river. There Yaquina. Oscar doesn’t feel so lonesome ture on every l>ox. 25c. Remember, also, hundreds of people been about 250 head of cattle driven I are enjoying themselves riding Barker GENERAL NEWS . , » I-. t from tlie lower Siuslaw vnlley with- i now. Mr and Mrs Carson Matthews of Eti- and Kn Klin k bicycle« while others aro die past two weeks. gene came down the river yesterday for sweating to get repairs from Gliieago for Hiere is more Catarrh in this section ' a look at the ocean. The latest dispatches from the Pliilip- Mr Matthews ' theirs, nml when they get them tlie tlie country than all other diseases brought in « load of iron for the jetty pinea say tho l'anay insurgents have ! expressage will tie twice a« high as if t together and until the last few years been driven out of the Negros isiands. I they had brought them lo Barker’s Gun works. , • supposed to be incurable. For a T A North, tlie creamery man, left tv w - General Frederick Funston has been Works and had them repaired, e.nd they *t many years doctors pronounced it i nesday for Albany where he will make tendered an appointment as brigadier would only have to wait from one hour local disease, and prescribed local his headquarters for a time. He ex ­ general in tlie newly formed volunteer to two days, while when sent to Chicago Dedies, and by constantly failing to pects to take • position as agent for a service. He wired liis aceaptance. ! they wait from twelve days to two ’ with loenl treatment, pronounced cieaoiery supply house. . . Tlie English routed the Boors in a months. Hee the dillerenee? Don't durable. Science lias proven catarrh A postal card of October 20th brings battle nt Glencoe Camp last Friday. forge! our large sti«k of all kinds of re- ** a constitutional disease, and the information that Mr and Mrs J C The British lost about 250 in killed and ' pealing rifles for deer, liear and o ilie r ••lore requires constitutional treat- Flint were then visiting in St taut, wounded, and tlie Boers about 800. large game. our iy w p - toin s. T a k e IIU D - YAN now and th e y Will dl»ap- pcc r. New F a ll Effects Dress Goods. Hosiery, Underwear, Excellent Table Linen, Hats and Caps, Latest styles in Corsets, Boot« and Shoes. N e w Goods a r r iv in g on e v e ry Veaael Will receive C0N8I0MMENT of CALIFORNIA FRUIT every trip. ProducE of all Kinds W anteD . • Ground Feed of all Kinds always on hand. YOUR WEAK POINTS ABE: 1 C O N S T A N T l l E A I ’A C H E - T H E fe e l- Ink Is a s th o u g h ilio h. ail w ere E yin g t* lu r s t from too m u ch p ressu re. H U D Y A N , by Its a c tio n on th e blood, w ill equnllM th e c ir cu la tio n o f blood a n d th e h e a d a c h e T z - M & ' n E Y E B A L L S A N D D A R K K IN G S R E K K A T H T H E E Y E S . H U D ­ Y A N w ill c a u s e th e r in g s to d isa p p ea r and m ak e th e e y e s b right. 3-X P A L E C H E E K S , from th e poor q u a l­ ity of th e blood . It b ein g a lm o s t devoid or red co lo r in g m a tter. H U D Y A N w ill en rich tlie blood and c a u s e th e c h e c k s to b ecom e b righ t dnJ rosy. 4. W E A K N E S S IN T il IS H E A R T . T his is th e m ost pronou nced sy m p to m . T he h e a r t b e co m es w e a k an d th ere is a y°,u ' S la n t s in k in g fe e lin g arou n d it. IllJ D - Y A N w ill m ak e th e h e a r t str o n g and c a u s e it to b ea t r eg u la r ly , an d th e s in k ­ in g fe e lin g w ill dtaappear. 6. F E E L IN G Ok' W E IG H T IN T H E ST O M A C H A N D IN D IG E S T IO N . T h is Is d u e to th e fa c t th a t th e food in th e s to m ­ a c h la not a c te d up on by heu I th y blood; th er e fo r e it is not p rop erly d ig e ste d . T h is le a d s to h a b itu a l c o n stip a tio n . H U D Y A N w ill c a u s e th e food to be p roperly d ig e s t­ ed . im p rove th e a p p etite an d r elie v e th e c o n stip a tio n . H U D Y A N w ill r e lie v e all th e ab o v e s y m p to m s and m a k e you w ell. H U D Y A N I k for you. It Is for m en nnd w om en . A fte r you are cured te ll o ilie r w om en w h a t H U D Y A N h a s done fo r you. T h e re a r e m a n y o th er s u ffe r e rs an d th ey a ls o w ish to be cu red . H U D Y A N ca n be procured o f d r u g g is ts fo r 50c per p a c k s * » or s ix p n ek n g es for 12 50. I f y o u r drug- ls t d ocs n ot k e e p it sen d d irect to th s lu d y a n R e m e d y C o.. S a n F r a n c is c o or xir A n g e le s. C al. C all up on th e H U H - Y A N d octors. C o n su lta tio n is free. You m a y ca ll upon th e d o c to r s or w r ite , a s you d esire. A d d ress Don’t fail. To see onr assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Matting«, Linoleum, Oil cloth, Etc. At Prices to Suit the Times. MEYER & KYLE f HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, No. 810 South Broadway, Los Angoles, Cat 0 1 la v e ys w avs on I la n d a P in e o ^ to c^ o f C c r. S to c k to n . M a rk e t nnd E llis S ta .. S e n F r.n c ls c o , Cel. G^oeE^Eg, TO OUR PATRONS, Wo have made arrangements by which we will furnish ttie Weekly Oregonian with the W est for one yeai to any address for tlie sum of t»,o dol lart payable cash in advance. ★ ★ "Dress G foocisj ry Q o o d s j AGENTS WANTED—POH "THE LIKE AND Hi'lilvvcnienb* 11/ Admiral D ew ey,” the world's greatest naval hero. Bv Mumt llalsteu , the life long friend and ad'mirer of the nation's diol. Biggest and heat hook; over ¿00 pages, axil) Inehes, nearly 100 page« halftone Illualra ttona- Only fl.00 Enonnoua dem and' Big cum m ission,. Ontflt tree. Choneu of a life­ time- Write quick. The Dom inion Coinpauy Srd Hour C axton B ldg.. Clrleago. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. * Tlie W est Real Estate office has bar­ gains to offer in tlie following property. A good dwelling house, and black­ smith shop doing a good business in a thriving town. The owner desires to change liis location. A fine opportunity for the right man. 100 acres of unimproved land on Nortli Fork about leu miles from Florence is offered for salad. Near to county road. W ill m ake a good stock ranch. Price $450. 150 acres mostly timber land lying in section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 west. About ll.reo acres cleared. A creek large enough to float logs runs through the land. Price $550. For farther information inquire nt T lie W sbt office, Florence, Oregon or John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. H a ts & Caps, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, • ‘ ’ If ' <». .*» 1 Hltf H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc.. FOR SALE OR TRADE. My old Mill building at Gienada with sliuds attached. Make me an offer, AddreM V » '» R D avid , Point Ter­ race, Oregon. Prices as Low as the Lowest. PLUNGED OVERBOARD. Florence, Oi»ef°ru While the Marguerite wns taking a scow load of cattle up tlie river last Sun­ day when near the o!d Hayes mill, tlie railing on the scow was broken by the cattle crowding against it ami some of them went into tlie river. Alfred Funke who attempted to keep them hack wns also pushed into the water hut was rescued quickly. Ho says he could not swim a stroke hut was wet only to tin- arm pits. The catt lu swain to the hank where they were caught and loaded on the scow again without loes. The dog which wunt overboard witli them , swam up between tho boat and scow when Ida yelping attracted the attention of (lie men on the boat who rescued him , re­ marking that the dog should ho saved whether tlie man and the cattle w ereir not. $1000 In Gold A $950 PIANO AOENCY. Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For kSale- call at the “WEST” office a ttra c t» wc p l« n c f jeciM H kibte left» ure» o< r.«n *a»sin g fa y -« if If you have property to sell The Gentlewoman of Rew $iooo.«MW «OLO I GiM9 FLORENCE REAL ESTATE Free and place it on our list. A J950.'w PIAMO I Wt «-nil faff cv/wpkte CMttfbt acd «»vy tiltn lor racing Huba Pr*’, •»*» «•» “»»»• Pi-oMW» Li«| You w ill M vorpne-sd and detsfblwl will» the h„t, ,-,.1,1, »nd s>»< o' »rwl ¡n a f wft *v« t’o ir " »»»»’•v* away * 10 0 0 . 0 0 I n O ral.* «••! • « ► f.O .B « P l . n o . Drop * iH -a -l < »,4 » . -la , h < l»*l |* '.r e < .l,r , . 4o nut S c U ,. K .« r,itw n < will t . , - i a yw. Fre*-. CCN TLCW O M AN P U B LISH IN O C OM PANY, G i-lU lf» « ™ » » / l u l M I » » . JOHN C .B EC K W . t l ' W EATHÇR8ON MANAGERS. ♦ fa ft