The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, October 27, 1899, Image 2

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    W E S T .
>BVB«Y FÄIÜÄV MüMNlliü.’- ’
Raporl of General Wilton,
Chief of
Fiuta ore ltnoii.Aij CoKijmrcxDSiT.
berries, blackberries, currants and
gooseberries could not be cultivated
profitably as they are growing wild in
the surrounding country. Timothy,
red top, and several other grasses suita­
ble for bay, also grow wild and as
luxuriant as in any part of the U 8. In
tho floral line, we have ns pretty wild
flowers, especially roses, as can l>e seen
in any northern climate. The duration
of the season suitable to vegetation is
approximately five months in tho low-
lands and islands on the river, and two
B y A
Oct 22nd, 1899.
Washington, D. 0 ., Oct. 16, 1899.
The Deadwood briJge is completed.
VV asiiinotou , Oct 21,—Tito nnnunl re­
Individually official* of thia govern­
L amb C ü u k t y ,
O ubgûn
Miss May Miller of Ohickahominy
port of the chief of engineer* of the ment are at liberty to entertain any
will attend school at Eugene this
■ - BY - '
army, Brigndier-Generul John M VYil- view* they please concerning the war
■on, just made public, submits estimates »«twee# Grent Britain and the Trans-
A good many valley people pass
for river and harhor works already vaal republic, but officially they must
nowadays, making trips to the Siuslaw
authorized hy congress, but not pro­ he strictly neutral, that boing the posi­
after salmon.
Editor and Proprietor,
Great Improvement lias been made in
vided by continuing contracts, amount­ tion which the U 3 government has as­
■77, Has Something fo Offer in tlio Way of
tho road between Greenleaf and the
ing to *26,906,821, Jit addition lie ask* sumed and will maintain during the
Horen co, Ore, Oct- 27, 1800. for *15,582,626 to carry on works already
Wilicut placo this year
war. Our consuls will look after the to four weeks longer on tlie hillsides
James Howard tlie preacher, lias
This is
contracted for,
interests of British citizens in South witli southern exposure,”
rented his farm at Hale and will reside
■ bol ' lo be taken to put tho
Tho report b I iows that tho existing Africa, but that has no significance, be- directly contrary to the popular idea of at Ellwood near Roseburg.
i Main afreet in West Florence
approved projects for seacoast defenses ¡„g only a return of the courtesy ex- the Yukon sections, hut there is no
Deer tracks are plenty and vension
in condition so that the people can
coutemplatc the emplacement of about ' ^nded to us by British consul* in Ouba, doubt of its trustworthiness,
scarce. Our deer aro up to snntf, and
' it with aafety.
For both Old and Young. We are m aking preparations
they “sniffthe battle from afar.”
600 heavy guns of 8, 10, 12 and 16-inoh during our war with Spain, The move-
The low pass road was not worked for our fall and winter stock fa arrive shortly. There-
Sciatica, despondency,
Hodyaa is now sold at 50 cent* i«ir caliber, of about 800 rapid-fire guns and men Is of the war have been followed
AH this year and teamsters report it worse
witli great internat in Washington.
package by ail druggist«. Got Hudyan,
than tlie mountain route to Eugene by
approximate cost for the engineering There are open sympathisers for both druggists, 50 cents.
are many lines we desire to Close Out, and Great Bargain»
way of Hale.
T us contest between the yacht* work of *55,000,000, An estimate of sides, but there is only ono opinion ne
St Pierre, Josie and Mary Wilicut and can be had in Ladies’, Children’», and Misses’
Columbia and Shamrock for the Ameri­ *1,500,000 is submitted for continuing to tlie ultimate results. The Boers may
Clarence Burnett took a trip to head of
ca cup which boa been held on thia aide tlie work of construction of these hat. win victories for a time, while Great
tide where they got some lisli and a
« ( tka ¡Atlantic since 1851, resulted in teries and for tlie defense of Puerto Britain is massing its troops, but in tho
great deal of fun.
8. P. Chronicle.
«ba Columbia winning tho first three Rico, The sum of *5,668,000 was al­ end their defeat and tlio wiping out of
Miss Valerie Wilicut goes this week
The newspaper press has unquestion­
to Spokane to visit her married sister.
This la just cause for national lotted by tho president out of tho na. their government is regarded ns a
ably become an important factor in tlio Her brother, 8t Pierro, late of Manila,
and shows tho superiority of tionnl defense fund in all for the en­ certainty,
formation of public opinion and tlie ex­ may accompany her.
ifca American built boat both in sailing gineering department.
as well as in Black Wear.
War department officials express tent to which its influence is destined to
Ed Potterf started Wednesday for
qualities and in material.
Under tho head of fortifications, Gen­ satisfaction with the results of the mili­ be felt in modern government, especial­ Kansas City, Kansas, where lie will
eral Wilson says that in addition to the tary movements in the Philippines dur­ ly in tlie United States, where tlie larg­ study medicine. He lias bargained his
Ws rovan on our table this week a
30 localities in the United States for ing tho week just closed, and are very est liberty of speech is tolerated, is a farm to Lewis Bean nnd a partner and
booklet from the De Laval Separator
which projects for permanent seacoast confidently predicting an early collapse question as grave in import as it is baf­ expected to give ttie deed and get his
Do entitled “ Keeping Gows (or Profit,’’
money at Eugene.
Mrs Potterf and
batteries have been made, the defenses of the rebellion, after tlie regular cam- fling to prophecy, since journalism is an
daughter will live witli her sister Mrs
Dairymen will find it profitable reading
of several other localities are now under paign gets started.
ambitions and progressive pursuit, and Duckworth, near Elmira, for a while.
for their spare time rs it contains much
consideration. Considerable study lias
Those who believe that tho govern the limit of its potentialities for good or
Mr Richmond late of Virginia, who
that ie interesting and instructive in
been given to the subject of tho defense ment should carry telegrams just as it evil in tho political, moral, social and looked at homesteads on Deadwood last
regard to feeding and caring for cows
nothing heretofore ever equaled in prices. You wiir
of our insular possessions, resulting in now carries letters would he delighted to industrial fields of the future is a pro­ summer nnd liked them, went from
as wolf as the making of butter. The
completo projects for San Juan and pre­ hear Mr DTamski, who is engineer of blem beyond the ken of human wisdom
book will be sent free to those who ask
Nelson mountains with a load of fish hardly believe that it can he possible to sell lig h t
liminary projects for Honolulu and the imperial department of communica­ and which time alone can solve.
last week. He says he intends to lo­
(or it. Address tho pe Laval Separator
Pearl iiarbor, so that tlie construction of tions of Japan, and who is now visiting
Public journals there have been, and cate on Deadwood in tlie spring. He is
Co, 74, Oortlandt .Street, New York,
batteries for these places can begin as Washington, talk about the successful always will be, of vicious and unpatriot­ living near Eugene. The school dis­
T ub laws adopted by the last legis­ soon us congress appropriates tlie funds. management of tlie telegraph and tele­ ic propeneities-organs of discontent, of trict will welcome his seven children.
Work on seacoast defenses has been phone lines of Japan, by the govern­ lawlessness, of utopian theories—organs
lature will compel the county court to
make make many changes in tho vigorously carried on at 25 localities, ment. He said ! “Government owner­ of political factions not unwilliug to sac­
yet we intend doing this very tiling for the next, 30 days.
B y X Y Z.
boundaries of road districts. By the nearly all of whiuh are even now so sup­ ship and control of all tlie agencies of rifice the national honor to partisan sue-
notice published in another column it plied with heavy guns and mortars as to communication is preferable to private cess, anil personal organs for the promo­
Acme, Or Oct 24, 1899.
will be seen that our county court aru permit of effective defenso against naval ownership. In this modern age, cor­ tion solely of private or individual in­
already considering the matter and ara attack. An incroasod rapid-fire arma­ respondence by wire is as necessary as terest.
How we all enjoy the pleasant sun­
anxious to find out what changes are ment, General Wilson says, is now tlie by letter, and there is no reason why
The missions of such journals cannot shine after ¡lie hard storms.
Jf you aro in need of children's
Mrs^S J Seymour lias moved home
Uaeired, The law now requires that
long bo disguised, and they make no
each district shall nil he in one election been delay in securing these guns in tlie properly coming within the scope of permanent impress upon public opinion, from the mouth of tlie river.
We are very sorry to learn that Roy
precinct, but each precinct may lie past yoar owing to ditllcultios with con­ governmental operations. Wo have a They may temporarily amuse, disgust or
is ill of typhoid fever.
first-rate system in Japan, which being deceive, but their influence is evan­
divided into any number of road dis- tractors.
Kneaper moved his family
With tlio rapid growtli of the coast a small and compact country is easily escent, and the greatest harm they do is
from the ranch at Acme this week.
defenses, tho artillery organization, served by wire. Tlicre are 250 stations in casting a shade of reproacli upon in­
mill stopped work today in order Come quick, because they are going! going ! GOING! Don’t forget
KIDNEY Is u deceptive disease— which must care for them, lias been and tlie cost in your money is a little telligent and conscientious journalism. to Tlie
finish tlie wharf at the upper end of
they are going from the HEADQUARTERS of all good things.
thousands have it und utterly unable to cope, and tlie difficulty more than one cent a word.’’
"While respectful and responsible jour­ tlie mill.
TROUBLE don't know it. If you has been increased by tlie withdrawal That tlie administration means busi­ nalistic opinion IB not without its weight Mrs E P Waite nnd son Wayne re­
want quick results you can mako no of two regiments for foreign service and ness in hurrying warships to tlie in the creation of popular sentiment, the turned home today from Sidney Waite’s
mistake by using Dr Kilmer’s Swamp- hy the necessity far service of skilled Philippines was shown by tlie extraordi­ real evangels of modern political, social logging camp.
We are all glad to see Mr and Mrs Geo
Moot, the great kidney remedy. All electricians and morlianlcs to care for nary action of tlie navy department in end moral movement are the news col­
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. tho highly complex orilnancd. The work the case of the cruiser New Orleans, umns of tho public press—the mirrors in Montgomery home again after several
weeks stay at tlie seining ground.
Hample bottle by mail free, also pam­ of Installing dynamite butteries at Han Which was one of the ships ordered to which are constantly reflected in all
There was a good attendance at
phlet telling you how to find out if you Francisco narbor bus been completed, Manila on Admiral Dowey's recom­ their details tlie vice and virtue, the joy
Sabbath school Inst Sabbath. Quite
have kidney trouble. Address, l)r Kil­ but at Handy Hook provision remains to mendation that tlie naval lorce over and sorrow, ttie love and malice, the right. A very interesting lesson for
mer A Co., Binghamton, N Y.
bo made for tlie perraanenent protec­ there should lie strengthened as much charity and selfishness, the want and next Sunday. All please come.
us possible. When tlie order for tlie abundance, tlie hope and dispair of the
We see the names only of Ula, Eva
tion of tlie guns In place.
Tan bi ' ocmition microbo will attack
Turning to tlie subject of rivers and New Orleans to proceod to Manila was world—thus presenting from day to day and Dana Cushman on the roll of honor
for last month. Boys, try real hard nnd
an individual, a society, a club, a church, harbors, tho chief of engineers expresses first issued, Oapt Longnecker and other a comprehensive view of human condi­
don’t let the girls win all tiie stars.
n community, a state, a nation. Sug­ satisfaction at tlie working to tlio con­ officers of that vessel reported that two tions and tendencies, from which may
We understand there is to be a dance
gestion changes the life history of an in­ tract system generally. A summary of mouths would be required to overhaul be evolved in tlie general judgment log­ given at Gales hall Saturday evening.
dividual in an hour, enables thousands tliedetailvd estiinnto recommended for tlie machinery of tlie cruiser before she ical remedies for evils which faulty Music will he furnished hy Geo Cham­
to discover io a night their eternal ad­ river and harhor work shows tho fol­ could start. Later, those officers re­ measures of reform tend to perpetuate berlin with violin and J Stingley with
ported that tlie work could be done in a rather than to cure.
herence to political principles that are lowing items :
I wonder if L V Stingley thinks it
diametrically opposed to those they Coquille river, Oregon............. * 75,000
Stimulated hy business rivalry tlie
would be quite right when boards are
were devoted to tlie day belare, sets a Hiuslnw river, Oregon.............50,000
newsgnthering niachinery of tlie daily
taken from sidewalk to drive stock
church or community In nn uproar, and Columbia river at the Oascades . 150,000 was appointed president of a hoard of press is everywhere employed to the full through, to replace them using several
naval officers to inspect tlie New Ore- measure of its capacity in cxfiosing ■ nails to the hoard ; a hungry man bur-
makes the Continental nation of yester­ Columbia and Ixiwer Willnmettu
As a result of that inspection, crime, ferreting out public abuses, de- r.v‘nt?t0 supper might fall through.
day a world power today.—Journai of
rivers below Portland............. 322,464
orders were issued for tlie teet ing and condemning unwholesome
Mr Ross and Bon and Mr Lyons front
Waterway, Puget sound to Lakes
Union and Washington......... 200,000 New Orleans to start for Manila, not laws, reporting officials and private mis- near Eugene were in Acme last week.
. . . .
Th®y wore very much pleased witli tlie
The P loet Hound Lumberman says Han Diego harbor, California.. . . 119,400 later than tlie 19tii inst. That was a demeanors
and in making a complete, pl.ogperity o{ th.Siusiaw, There have
that a deal is on for the purchase of all Han Luis Obispo harbor, Califor­
very unusual proceeding as it is custom­ continuous and permanent record of tiie been many changes since they lived
Ilia timber lauds in Western Washing­
nia ............................................. 160,000 ary to accept rejxirla from tlie com­ essential details of national and local here some three or four years ago. Mr
ton belonging Io the Nortliern Pacific
manders of vessels njion their condition, legislative, executive and judicial acts Ross thinks of'estahlishing a photograph
gallery here in the near future.
railroad. The purchasers are Weyer-
and it is regarded as a hint to other and proceedings.
D r a s t r la llto o d Drew .
hauear aud his associates. Mr Weyer-
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
In addition to a daily record of the
To Cure Constipation Forever.
CWscarels Cauily Cathartic. 10c or He.
hauler Will be on Puget Kound slurrtly. Iwauly without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ not be countenanced by tlie depart­ world s important events the follies of It Take
L. C. C. fail io cure, «Jruggo-is refund inoucy
tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by
This ie a more tin t ie far reaching, and stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im­ ment.
society are noted, tiie movements and
purities (rem the I hk I v . Begin to day to
P R O P R ’ F T fW
will have a quickening effect not only on banish
tvnuiali pimples, Isiils,
Ixtils, blotches, blackheads, 1 I Whether
« iieiner the
m e 'war
war between
uciw cen Great
vircni opinions of public wen are exposed, and
timber lands, but on the lumber trade.
witli impartial hand are blazoned tlie , n - _ o ... ,
, ,,
| The Siuslaw and San krnneisco Luoi-1
It means tlie invostiuent of millions of gistn, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50c. j anything to do with Canda’s acceptance
careers and portraits alike of the makers , her Co. want 10,006,000 feet of logs
dollars in timber, and advertises to tlie
................... ...... — t
of the teinimrary Alaskan boundary, and breakers of laws.
, delivered at their mill at Acme within i
• hole world that the «Irongent and
agreed upon some weeks ago by tho II
In every material and moral respect “ *e next few months.
shrewdest lumbermen in the world barn
' ,or ^ur,hw information inquire o f 1
8 and Great Britain, is a question upon the civilized world is better today than
L B . Cushman,
pinned Uieir faith to tlie roast.
Paclflc Odd Fellow.
which there are differences of opinion, nt nny time in tlie past; yet crime seems i ;
A on have good goods to buy; we sell them. You
Acme, Oregon.
Why should u person make himself a i Lut inasmuch as tlio temporary bound- to be increasing in excess of the ratio of i ----------------------
lYsvur M ew e is W ith C ascar«**,
want honest goods; we have them. GOODS that are
^ a o -r C M hartlt, curo coMliiMUlon forever BUMsnce?
ui A5Sdm?newe}’” t’h«'w.iiw"
What gain is there in ary agreed iqion ie much more favora- popular growtli, for tlie reason that every I
I B-TO-DATE; wa sell them. Yon want the value of
IS*. Ik . U C. C. C. tall- Une« l»l« rotund n o u er .
Y onr money; AV E give it. You want to trade with
grimness mid sourueas and unsociahili- Flo to tlie contentions of tlie U S than offense of note is promptly heralded to i n^ioug'frtsn.l’aad X in r ™ (
who save you money; that’s us. We do the
tho four quarters of the earth with the !
JSrl’y'wl; w v t h X m e H lK ?
T ub ANZHo-haxon's desire to kick is
larghest 0-A -8-H trade in Lane county. Why? Be­
clamor of legions of printed tongues and I
‘•.,.F->?ornioB? <L«n»n<l.
on universal that it presently Incomes
_freer Chance of a life-
cause we have one price to all. All goods marked in
tliue. W rit) quick The PoniTuiou Coomaiiv.
funny. It anything whatever goes con­ work! uses us ns well as we deserve. It <••>)* of positive orders front the govern- kept day after day in tlie public ear until .‘inToorTfixl,'
etoo Bids., Ci^icAKo.
plain figures. Ladies’ Plush aDd Cloth Capa, *2.25,
very hard for the defeated to admit uient of Great Britain, and that these it lias in seme manner been disposed of
*3 50, *5.00, *7.78, *10.00, *12.50. Ladies’ Bearer,
trary to hie likioff. lu) forthwith looks
Covert cloth & Kersey Jackets, *2.00, *3 j B8, *5.78,
•bout him for somebody wlio can 1».
this; hut it is a fact nevertbelt-as, and, j orders were issued because of the begin- hy tlie court.
( Great Haste Zy Not
field responsible.
In tlio days when ‘f only admitted, one of Hie chief reasons j ning <•* »tar in South Africa. The tem-
*9.87, *12.50. Ladies’ Collnretts, in many styles, *4.50,
This factor of journalism in modern
»4.68, *5.00, *7.89, *9.70, *12.50. Ladies’ Wrapper*.
A lw a y s Good S p e ed ."
tlie Columbia aud ftbamrock were
defeat ia removed. A cheerful phi- porary boundary shuts Canada out from representative
government— potential
65c, 78c, 80c, *1.00, *J .25, *1.35, U 68, *1.87. Iaidiee’
ing tlwir trial spin, and it looked oa if ioeophrr is ou important element of tide water und makes it necessary tiiat not in ua opinions, wliicli are contlicting
ff>Iany people trust to luck
Over Skirts’ *1.50, *2.00, *2.75, *3,59, *4.00, *5.00,
*<’>.88, *7.69.
Ladies’ Under Skirts, *1.00, *1.60,
l^aeapw ere in danger, tlie wise ones success. He who ts |mr|wtually euo-! Canadian goods ironi tlie Pacific, for the so much as in its unanimity in the work to pull them through, and are
Gloves, Black, Tan A Brown, 75c,
»••re all aliaking tlieir head* ovi-r the
Do not
‘.•Of, *1.00, *1.25. Muslin Underwear, Skirts, Drawers,
American territory, mid does not even through a daily record of its eveuta—ia a often disappointed.
-zxnparative i.ieUlcmu.-y of Captain keeping liiui down ia not u welcome
Chemise, Gowns, Corset covers, at the right prices.
dilly-dally in matters o f
Harr. He w m not tin» equal of CapUiu companion. Every man
man ia
ia of
of less
lea« iiu- leave Canada canoe navigation or nny force to he reckoned with in the future.
Ladies’ Union Suits, 40c, 50c, *1 00, *1.40, »1.05, »1.78.
a . . iH<LrtiHV to tho world around than I mp outlet upon tlie Lynn canal. While it Nothing of public internal can long be . health.
H ofirtb, we w tw told, and a good bout 1
Childrens’ Union Suits, 25c, and 50c. Cent’s Over­
•ouW prolwhly be bnafon because .1« '»ke. U, think. But he can easily teat it ia uut certain that the temporary bound- ' iiidden.
accomplish miracles. With-
coats, *5 00, *6 50, *7.99, *8 50, »0.00, *12.00, *13.65.
inferior handling. The Hhamrock , by
how ,aUeh he 1,,ulseli d* el"
* iU U' ‘ho I**«’“"*"» '“’®. 118 nc’
Gent’s Suits, *5.00, *0.50, *7.75, *8.05, *9.00, *11.00.
It measures and raccrds the growth of out it you are " no good,
*12 50, *10.00. Boy’s Suits, 2.00, *2.50, *3 89, »5.00,
( and the I ondon Jfena riaea to ",M,n tlu*
others. By aa coptanee has greatly atreugtlieiied tho j the wiwld from day to day, and, through
Keep the liver, kidneys, tw.uels and
*6.98, *7.50, *!IX)0. Men’s Over-Alls, 45c, fXk, 65c, Stic,
beenuae *uuv,‘ “* tlieir grievance* do not par- American claim, and can reaaonahly be their acts, discloses the uouditious, mo­ blood beakiiy by tlie use of flood’s Sar­
rk that the Columbia non
saparilla, the faultless blood purifier.
Buy’s Over-Alls, 25c, 30c, 40c, 60c.
Ocularly concern him, by ao stuck hi* claimed hy tlie adminiairation oa a tives and movements of the people. Thu
Oyapcr.aia " I know n positive relief
Muslin, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c. Beat Outing Flannel, 6c, 6c,
lier captain proved a aujierior Ueti-
to blame for
" “r**
of indifference to them diplomatic triumph
7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 11c, 13e. The Republic Sowing
pre«« ha* become a great physical and : rllla. ft cured me. My auara'-ia also
ian.’’ To find aoiuebody
So let him be pleasant, bury his sorrow,
Consul McCook, at Dawson city, has liaychologic lens, through » hjch ia seen stopped.’’ W. It, B iu-w ia, 1M Oak rkneot,
Machine Warranted 5-veurs, latest fixtures, @ f2UM.
»disappointment, aud to kick a dog a*
Blnghnmtou. New A’ork.
’’Matelilesj Drop Head,” Sewing Machine, War­
pocket lus efforts, make himself agree- avnt the department of state an inter- tlie moving panorama of an unroofed
Tired F e e iln i - “ Mr appetite w u ranted o-yeare, *25 00. The Eldredge ”B,” Ball Bearing, Drop Head, Sewing
» last m o rt, will continue to lie a race
ahle, trual to i ’rovideuce, and thankfully catiog report allowing that (lower*, world, with all i.ta acts and tliougbte tired. Hood’s Farsnparilla relieved It all.
Machine, Warranted o-ycars, *30 00. Boots, Shoes A Bo-ton Rubbers, at prices
• baraakariatic to tlm end of time.—-
take what cornea.
1 vesetubles and grain grow aa ueli in l ujam tlie cauvas. It is teaching man to It cured a friend of mine of le-nale weak­ that will sell them. A Cutter, very I-eat Logger Shoes, *8 00. A fine 35-ligbt
DMaawi L a iftr .
ness." X i i j i v a A. M easks , Clayton, l»c4.
Acetylene Gas Machine, (or*65 tW. Blankets, 50c, 55c, 65c, 75c, *1.00, *1.25, *1.50,
YuUun “ c6on "■d “,aU,ro M ‘Juick- know himaeif and men to know «iml.
*3.00, »4.50, *fi.O0, *7.69. Trunks, *3.50, *3.69, *4.00, *4.50, »6.00, »6 00, »7.78.
’ » gST i«r»oii» 1» «vprrsnil U’ »- M» ii »« m -
P«iToh.rc.Spi1. . j s - A .T c l j f r t-M .
ly .a tl«y do in Vermont, Minnesota uher |or
whal t,i«y are, ami
lu th is and close tiy counties. Halary •'■‘no a
To quit tobacco canity and forever, tie in«*'
t i .„ ,
You may have seeu better dujs but not better prices.
____ « » a caucuses H lm lehl, toons tide, no more amir
full o( life, uerve and vlsur, uko No-To-
and other noitlieru atatce. file repot
| rujp, should be tiu) upbuilding of a
i... l e u -alary.
Posltfosi permanent. Our
MOaMiu-e-, sur hank t" «"5't"«» It Is iiiululy U se, the wonder worker, th at m akes «oak men concludes by sayin g
’Wc ace no rvaaou broader human charily and an enlarged
n»«i i m u . «r» Ht«rpw «». mm'rwuh, w»a
frW-f work condiirte.1 a i huuic
llcfcciaicu. ' strong. ZU d ru g g ist« 50c or (I. Cureguarea-
o n ly f t h a r t k t o t»k>«» w i t h Ito o -t a S t r
Kucl.ww self addrc.w-l la .n i.d envelope T ils u - j
»ooklctaB d sample free. Address , why t l « auikll fruila, SUCb a* Straw- J
« e m in en t
PM auifoa C o a r iM , tw p t
u - c II m H em .nl. i n . c h lc u r o or N .w York.
b U W U ltlllU ! in g o M rH W C |ll
Kcmnly to , t'kivago wr N«w l ark
MEN’S SHOES at $1.25
0. W. HURD.
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Coods,
★ Croceries * and * Notions.
........J u s t O o e n e d .
Goods as Reoresenteda
We Sell What The People Want!