W E F riday S T mousing — F GREENLEAF ITEMS. B a k in g P owder B y a W est CouassroxoEXT. GREEN SICKNESS O r C h lo r o s is d e r i v e s Its n a m e f r o m t h e f a c t th a t t h e s k in a s s u m e s a g r e e n is h t in t . It Is r a t h e r a c o m m o n d i s e a s e an d le m e t w it h a m o n g s t y o u n g w o m e n . I t is c a u s e d fr o m u u im p o v e r is h e d c o n d it io n o f th e b lo o d . b e in g a b lo o d d is e a s e C h lo r o s is can be cu red by H O I)« V A N , th e g r e a t v e g e ta b le re m e d y fo r b lo n d a n d n e r v e s . H V D Y A N w ill e n ­ r ic h t h e b lo » d a n d : l v c It b u c k i t s j e n lt h y . re d c o lo r . H l ’D Y A N w ill r e ­ li e v e a ll t h e s y m p ­ t o m s If i t s u s e is c o n t in u e d . T h e ry in p t o m s a r e m a r k e d . T h e b lo o d b e in g in a p o o r c » n d ltio n , n o n e o f t h e o r g a n s o f th e b o d y u r e p r o p e r ly n o u r is h e d . HUD­ YAN w ill cau se t h e b lo o d t o b c- c o tn o p u i c . I I U D - Y A N w ill r e s t o r e th e o rg a n a to a h e a lt h y c o n d it io n H U D Y A N w ill b r in g bnck th e b lo o m to t h e c h e c k s a n d c a u s e t h e g r e e n t in g e t o d is a p p e a r . If y o u b u v e t h e s y m - t o m s . t a k e H U D Y A N n o w . a n d t h e y w p ill ­ - le a v e y o u . ACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY. Si-pt 24, 18U9. Cliickahominy expects to have a poet office soon. «-1 411- S S and Walter Miller filed on their W .H .W E A T IIE R S O N M akes th e Food m ere delicious and w holesom e homesteads on Cliickahominy. The C ’E d ito r and P r o p r ie to r . Hosiery, Underwear, Dross Goods, HOMt BAKWO POWPCW CO., NEW YORK. land was uusurveyed wtieu they settled there. Hats and Caps, Excellent Table Linen, TiBMs; $1-60 ft year in advance.----- Igo Iuloe lias filed on lorty acres ,.f The Spruce Point mill now starts up ' PERSONALS. Doots and Shoes. Latest styles in Corsets, in the morning nt 0:30. land between his father's place and Mr Miller’s on Cliiekahouiiny and is going ffntercilftt th e post-office at Florence, Bilious hendachp, yellow ekin, coated B Barnett started to Eugene yesterday. Une wunty, Oregon, as second-data tongue, fevered lips. to slash on it this fall. llodyan cures. V Gurney is putting in piling at „,*¡1 matter. N e w G oods a r r iv in g on e v e ry Vessel 50 cents. Mr Di ugg has subl-t the mail con­ Mapleton for the jetty work. tract between Junction and Deadwood The Superior—the best stovo and „urrlSIN G BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- R N Parks of Eugene was in Florence to a Smithfield man whose name I have W ill receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FEUIT every trip. range built. See them at AD' tB PLICATION. Monday after a load of salmon. i not learned, who is carrying the mail J ^ j l n otices 8 c e n t s p er li n e , e a c h in s e r tio n F L Chambers’, Eugene. Mr Poole of Junction city was a pas­ now. In The Sunday World’s music album senger to Florence on Tuesday’s boat. Mr and Mrs Boyer of Kansas, who are E lo r e n o o , O r . S e p t . 2 9 , 1 8 9 9 . the song for next week’s issue is “ Sweet Chas Gettys came in from Bohemia visiling-nt Mr Wilk tit’s are not in love Norinno” by Gussie I. Davis, another of Ground Feed of all Kinds always on hand. last week for a visit with his Siusluw with Oregon, and will return to Kansas “ The Baggage Conch Ahead.” W E S T L IN G S . friends. next spring. They expect to live in Eu- ' Tlie PRINCIPAL SYMPTOMS ARE: 151 Crescents sold this year. Only a 1. C O N O T A N T 1 I E A D A C K B —D u e to Mi Hunt of Irving with two com-1 : gone thia winter. t h e im p a ir e d q u a l it y o f b lo o d t h a t r e a c h e s 'Ymnsoi grass seed at F L Chambers’, few more bicycles le ft- also some good t h e b ia ln . H U D Y A N w ill m a k e t h e b lo o d panions has been spending several days : William "Post announce* that he will second hand ones. p u r e a n d n u t r it io u s a n d t h e h e a d a c h e w ill Eugene—write (or prices. in Florence. build a sawmill near his residence, this I d is a p p e a r . To see onr assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mattings, _ F L Chambers, Eugene. for Dress Cutting and Fitting call at OR Y E L L O W IS H E Morgan arrived here from Coos bay side of Triangle lake, and have it run- I G J. R E C E I N U B C O E M N P I L 8 E 11 X I O N . H L’ D Y A N w ll! Florence school coiiimen<-cil Monday Linoleum, Oil cloth, Etc. tl,e Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. Tuesday evening to work as engineer on ning within a year. They keep coming | m a k e t h e c o m p le x io n rod a n d r o s y , b y r e ­ s t o r in g t h e b lo o d to a h e a lt h y c o n d it io n . V Gurney delivered a raft of about under the management of Prof O F Cal- tho Margurite. nearer. Mr Post will dam little Lake ; 3. P U L S A T I O N J N T H E N E C K . T h is 125 000 feet of logs at the Acme mill last lison with Miss Hattie Davis in charge John L Furnish went to upper Maple creek, have the little lake for a pond and b is lo o d d u , e a n t o d w t h ill e d w is a a t p e p r e y a r c s o h n o d r t it ly io n a f t o e f r t t h h e e of the primary department. There were get an enormous fall. FiM*y. ufo o f W U D Y A N Is c o m m e n c e d . 27 pupils enrolled in the primary and 20 creek a few days ago to serve some Toe original contractor for carrying tho Wanted «. W E A K N E S S AND P A L P IT A T IO N in tho advanced department the first papers in a law suit. OF THE HEART. II U D Y A N w ill Grass seed—Posts—Shingles—Shakes. day. Chas David and family returned to mail between Alpha and Mapleton has s t r e n g t h e n t h e h e a r t a n d m a k e t h e b e a t s F L Chambers. Eugene. gone into bankruptcy and the sub-con­ f u ll, s t r o n g a n d r e g u la r . The Oliver Plow needs no introduction : Point Terrace Wednesday after spending tractor’s bond lias been voided, so that H U D Y A N Is t h e r e m e d y t h a t y o u w a n t . pimples, eruptions, sweaty hands and | —Don’t lie bulldozed into taking “ Just ; the summer in Glenada. H a v e y o u r b lo o d p u r ifie d . Y o u r f r ie n d s lie is carrying the mail for the govern­ w ill s c o n t e ll y o u y o u a r e lo o k in g feet are cured by Pludyan. All drug- j as good as an Oliver, Get the genuine Mrs C M Severy who suffered a stroke ment contract price and can do so till m o r e h e a lt h y . T h e c o lo r w ill r e tu r n to y o u r c h e c k s . Y o u r h eu d & c h e w ill d is a p gilt«,«) cents. Oliver and you will have no trouble. of paralysis nearly two weeks ago, was the end of tho lour years or quit wheu I p e a r a n d y o u w ill n o lo n g e r a p p e a r w « « k J , n n d m la c r u b lc . H i m U D m Y i A N N w ill r m e s . i t n o r e . l th» bs A new correspondent from Fiddle F L Chambers, Eugene, has them. thought to be improving at last reports. bo pleases. 1 u n c t io n s o f n a t u r e . A f t e r y o u h a v e use$ cWek makes bis first how through o u r : The W est has for sale one years’ H U D Y A N te ll o t h e r s u f f e r e r s w h a t i t h a s Mr and Mrs Poole left yesterday for Miss May Miller, 14-yoars-okl daugh­ d o n e fo r y o u . R e m e m b e r t h a t H U D Y A N column* this week. Come again. r m en an d w o m en . G o to y o u r d r u g ­ tuition in the Holmes Business College their home at Junction citv after a visit ter of 8 8 Miller of Ctiiekaliomiuy, is a g Is is fo t a n d g e t H U D Y A N a n d f o llo w t h e d i­ 25 Second hand Buggies and Wagons of Portland. This is one of the leading with Mrs Poole’s parents, Mr and Mrs r e c t io n s a s g iv e n in t h e c ir c u la r . H U D ­ quick wilted and plucky girl or the Y A N Is s o ld a t Wc p e r p a c k a g e , o r « p a c k ­ ,ow to select from at F L Chambers’ business colleges on the coast, having I Potter. I f y o u r d r u g g is t d o e s n o t family would be houseless now. She a k g e e e p s fo it r , 52.50. sen d d ir « e t t o t h e H U D Y A N English, Commercial, Shorthand and Eugene. Mr Lauder who was preparing to open had just put three little children to bed R E M E D Y C O M P A N Y . S a n F r a n c is c o o r A n g e le s , C a l. R em em b er th a t y o u The tug Maggie le.ft for Tillamook last Telegraphic departments and wo offer a howling alley in the Miller building I in two beds the other night when in c L a ob n c o n su lt th e IIU D Y A N DOCTGR8 Thursday to await further orders. She this tuition on easy terms. has given up the "enterprise and will re- i lowering a curtain sho knocked down a F R E E . C a ll a n d s e e t h e d o c t o r s . Y o u m a y c a ll a n d s e e t h e m o r w r it e , a s y o u d e s ir e is to be here a part of the time in future. lamp from the window sill. I t foil A d d r e s s Wednesday afternoon Amos Idaring turn to Eugene before long. Third car of 1899 Bain wagons just re ­ brought to this office a cabbage that Jesse Nicolle of Eugene gave us a ' towards one of the beds ami she bit it HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, ceived direct from the manufacturers by weighed 40 pounds after all tho coarse business call Wednesday. He left for ' with her hand and threw it to the floor No. 816 South Broadway, EL Chambers’ Eugene. All sizes now outside leaves had been cut off. It home yesterday after a visit of several between them. As it fell the burner H a v e Q lw a y s on H and a P i n e ^ t o c l^ o f came off and the entire w ic k was ablaze measured 5 feet in circumference one weeks with his parents at Mapleton. Los Angelos, Cal. in stock. Ths fall term of circuit court opens at way and 4 feet 2 iuches the other. The George Griffith arrived In Florence and the oil spilled. She caught the Cor. S to c k to n , M n r k .t a n d E llis S ts ., bu n F r-n c ls v o , C al, Eugene Monday, October 9th. Of the cabbage was grown by Mr Haring on Tuesday after a week’s absence in tlie blazing wick and burner between her hands and tried to extinguish tho flame, valley. He brought in several very fine jory list drawn hist week R M Trout of his ranch on North Fork. bucks that will be added to bis large but in vain. Finally she rolled the Elmira is the only one redding west of Don't TobiMwo Spit mid Smoke Your l ife Away. G ^O C E ^E g, blazing mass in an apron and smothered REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. herd of sheep above Heceta. Eugene. T o q u it to b a cco e a s ily and fo rev e r, bo m a g ­ the flame. No damage except to her Chas Holt of San Francisco a member Another car of Oliver plows just re­ n e tic . fu ll o f life , n erv o a n d vig o r, ta k e No-To- ban Is. lin e , th e w onder-w orker, th a t m a k e s w eak m en The West Real Estate office has b ar­ ceived direct from the factory by F L stro n g . A il d r u g g ists, 50c o r 81. C u rcg u a ra n - of the Acme Commercial Company spent gains to oiler in the following property. numbers’ Eugene—They are the plow 1 t e e d ? ' B o o k le t a n d s a m p le free. A dd ress several days in Acme looking over tho DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. situation and learning the needs of bis A good dwelling house, snd black­ 0 r y G [o o d st ★ ★ D (¿ fo o d s that scours. ress company. Ho left Wednesday by way smith shop duing a good business in a Last Sunday’s Oregonian gave a pic- ; By local applications, as they canno H E C E T A IT E M S - thriving town. The owner desires to of Eugene for San Francisco. tore of Mr and Mrs R Zeigler of Eugene | I reach the diseased portion of tlie ear. change his location. A lino opportunity Last Sunday was very warm and who celebrated their golden wed,ling ] t There is only one way to euro deafness, B y R afaella . pleasant and a large number of people j and that is by constitutional remedies. for the right man. Sept 23rd. They are the parents of Mrs ; Ail improved farm six miles from took advantago of the line day to make ■ Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ J G Knotts. Sept 27,1899. Florence. A large house, new barn and a trip to the month of the river. Among | A large stock of Ladies’ and Men's dition of the mucous lining of tlie Eus­ We are having a good deal of fog and them were Messrs R II Bernhardt sr, tachian tube. When this tube gets in­ other buildings, a fine young or­ Mackintoshes purchased direct fiom tlie chard and 30 acres of land ready to M Morris, O W Sutton, Frank Fox, J C flamed you have a rumbling sound or Im­ manufactures, at Meyer & Kyle’s. Don’t cloudy weather. plow, mile from school and close to Beck, Ole Tror.son, Mr Berthelson, W the John Luderman is again carryin perfect hearing, and when it is entirely fail to examine them if you want a iro- H Wuatherson, and Hans Hanson with closed deafness is the result, and unless good wagon road. Will Hell stock and mail. I heard that his brother : bargain. their families, also Casper Tylden, Chas the inflammation can be laken out and implements with place If desired. In the suit of F T Condon vs F E ing to San Francisco. H a ts & C aps, Boots & Shoes, Buildings arranged with all modern Fox, Arthur Taylor, Arnold Karnoweky, O L Hansen received a new outfit for this tube restored to normal condition, Eiemont which was on trial when we conveniences. Is offered cheap. Phil Nicolle and Will Chamberlin. bearing will be destroyed forever; nine 'R'llwtaf 'A ’*» A' ’K W -W W .» went to press last week, the jury re- his camera and he is now able to make ICO acres of unimproved land on North cases out of ten arc caused by catarrh, tamed a verdict in favor of the plaintiff some very fine pictures. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS- which is nothing but an inf! u n ci con­ Fork about ten miles from Florence is The government boat landed hero for $50 damages. offered for saled. Near to county road. dition of the mucous surfaces. Thursday afternoon. It must havo had While J S Dale was bringing a couple A special meeting of the city council Will make a good stock ranch. Price We will give One Hundred Dollars for j 21 in I O O F hall. ol Angora goats from Coos hay last week a cold for she failed to whistle. auy case of deafness (caused by catarrh) $450. Edward Durgan and Otho Johnston they escaped from him nt the nioutti of In the absence of the president O W that can uot he cured by H all’s Oatarih 150 acres mostly limber land lying in Ten Mile creek and at last report lie had ! Heceta made a trip to Florence last | Ilurd was chosen president pro tern. Cure. Send for circulars, free section 13, towusliip, 18 south, range 10 j Saturday with E W Cobb who was haul- found no trace of them. Bills ol John I Butterfield, Meyer & F. J. C hunky & Co., Toledo, O. west. About three acres cleared. A Kyle and the West were allowed. The Salem flour mills were destroyed j iug buy to town. Sold by druggists, 75c. creek large enough to float logs runs Chas Fox made application for a Hall’s Family Pills are the best. hy fire last Friday morning. Tho total | E W Cobb and son Bert have been through the land. Price $559. loss amounts to about $250,000 of which busy hauling up wood to his place. They saloon license. On motion action on For further Information inquire MAPLETON NOTES. the mill company loses $200,009 pro­ have ft large amount of wood more than the application was postponed till the Tho W est office, Florence, Oregon next regular meeting. the shed will hold. tected by $05,000 insurance. John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. J W Carman tendered his resignation Delia Durgan is getting to be quite an To C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r. B y W ideawake . TO OUR PATRONS, Take C a sc a icts C an d y C a th a r tic. too or 250. expert in making horse hair watch as town trustee. Voted to postpone IIC. C. C. fa il t o eu ro, d r u g g is t s refu n d m oney. chains. She is a little girl but docs notion on the same indefinitely. Sept 27, 1899. The Florence school board have order­ Wo have made arrangements by Adjourned. extra well for one of her age. ed some new seats from the Norttiwest Born to Mr and Mrs MorforJ a daugh­ which we will furnish the Weekly Rosa Bray of Minnio was staying with School Furniture Co to furnish accom­ ter, Sept 14, 1899. PRACTICE DRILL- Mrs E W Cobb last week but returned Oregonian with the W est for one v eil modation for the increased number of Mis Jesse Nicolle of Eugene returned borne and her sister took her place. She to any address for the sum of two Jol acholars in attendance this term. The fire company were called out home Wednesday. came down with her little brother Joey. lart payable cash in advance. Still the painters are at work in town. Jim Jackson has returnod home from Tuesday evening for a practice drill ami Last Sunday was a very warm day. This week it is the Western House and Win Fields was busy all day burning to try li.o new fire extinguishers recently W aite’s logging camp. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. I W Carmnn’s store they have been brush. That didn’t help matters though I purchased by tho city Rosie Knowles has gono to Acme to using their brushes on. The Morris for it gave the air a smoky smell and A fire was built on the river bank be- he under Dr Saubrsrt’s cure for a few A house and lot ; in* Glenada. The Hotel is soun to have a Iresh coat of wo large old fishing weeks. the hot smoke and wind rolling up the ; low ,t,e cannerv paint. bouse is 10 by 24 feet and one story and skiffs were turned up on the side with canyon would almost choke a person. Ed Benn arrived home last week for Guard: The Lane County Veterans ....... tops together to give soiuethiug the a half in height. Also a good woodshed a recreation. He lias toon absent about O L Hausen, Harold A Salisbury and Association, the membership of which mountains shape of a small building, then another five years. on premises. For further particulars Win Fields went back in the hunt" a skiff was broken up and piled inside. is limited to participants in the Ilis- inquire at this office. last Thursday to rusticate and Judge Bean and Bon, Ormond who then saturated with Psno-American war, was .. organized .............. while. I hear,! that they had some in Tlie heap was have been visiting relatives at Mapleton had but if they I kerosene ami ignited. As coal tar Saturday night at Armory Hall, and H o w A r e Y o u r K l«*n r j a f left Wednesday for their home at Salem. i n 't o elected the | tendons to kill some deer, Dr. H obbs’ Spanwni* PHlRCurosll kidney IH», fls' been freely used on tl.e .boats several , permanent officers wi did they left it in the mountains—on times, it was but a few moments till the . Mr and Mrs A I’ Knowles cnteriaincil j p ls fr e e . Add. bterliug Remedy Cu..Clilcaffuur a . first Tuesday in October. a number of their friends Tuesday at an four legs. Coast Mail: The new harbor lights- Cape Heceta is quite a summer resort whole heap was in flames. Foreman , eld fashioned quilting and barn raising, j N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N Bernhardt then ordered that a stream , at Glasgow and the Tannery, will be o ] for city people but if we only had a way from one ol the extinguishers to turns,1 , Charles Gettys came down from Bo­ F lo p e r a e e , O r»e}°n . lighted on the first of October. L an d OflJcc a t R o seb u rg , O regon. in tromhero to Waldport, Heceta would on the fini and in little more than a hemia last Thursday to visit with friends A u g u s t 17,1399. Wirth will be light keeper at Glasgow, he as famous as a watering place as any ininnto the flame* were under control, on the Siuslaw. He expects to return N o tic e Is h ereb y Klvcn th a t th e f<»ll«»wh»g-uanied •nd T Dimmick at the Tannery. Now summer resort on tl.e coast. even before all the content* of one, to the mines in two week«. s e t t le r hnn filed n o tic e o f h is I n te n tio n to m a k e ¡1 the two upper lights are granted the other Hundreds of campers come in every year machine had toon used. The fire was j Mr A I* Knowles ami bis daughter fin a l p roof In su p p o rt o f h is c la im , a m i th a t hay will be well lighted at night, and lU ., hunt, bftthe in tl.e ocean and dig sa id p roof w ill be m a d e before J o e l W are, U. H. strangers can come in without any clams. A good many people like mussels then allowed to start ami after the sides | Olive and Nellie E Rice took a tram p | C o m m iM io n er a t K u geu o, O regon , o n S e p te m ­ of the boats liegan to (all in. another ( over to Smith river Tliursdny to visit ber 3 0 ,18W, v iz . W arren N ic h o ls o n If. K. No. trouble. but they mostly make a person sick w io stream was turned on the heap. Its ef-j their niece and cousin Mrs J Sleillinon« i 7W)a, for Lot 1, S E ’4 , N W 'i 3 E ’<, sec. ft, T. IS The “Death K nell” has been sounded • .. not need to them. There IS no totter 8 ., R. 8 W. was quickly shown and It would for a few days. feet •o Apothecaries’ Drugs, and a eign "To | H e n a m es th o f o llo w in g w it n e s s e s to p ro v e fforded than fishing off the rocks have taken but a very short time to ex­ Mr G B Camp has filed as a home h is c o n tin u o u s re sid e n c e u p o n a n d c u lt iv a t io n k t ” will be in many windows of Doc- for Pnr tom-cod and other ocean fish, but tinguish the fire, but as the object Jll'cvb I”’’' -, .... . • bad .. -, I Stead on a tract of land joining hi* ranch, o f, sa id la n d , v iz: the people tor offices since the A unt J ane H om e; tom-rod Is the favorite. AOENCY. j ,|ow |ot.a le a ,.roHI, Knowles creek E li B an gs, o f E u g en e, O regon , W illia m T. been to teat the machines, am Remedy for female troubles has been full, young and o d, L.o working proved satisfactory tl.e fire w. ¡which will make it much moro con- B a ile y , o f Eutcene, O regon, N. C. P u rk erson o f arounJ here l o g e n e , O regon , a n d A rch ie II. R ich a rd to n of doing as as well as any of olaced on the m arket. Every man or voiint? people doing . •flowed to burn out. ' veulent for him to get to the river dur- G len te u a , O regon. While the tom-cod is a ffi,« fi.h ’ Oman, married or single, should send ft | hem While the tom-t The opinion of all who witnessed tie J T B iodgxs , fao-cent stamp to onr office for a toauti- j » __ almost PVPrV every table. table It 1 = (eat is that the extinguishers are " ifl I ing high water. Register him ) i » f-een on Mr Riley Bsan and daughter Hazel tlie mountain trout takes right,” though one man jokingly d e -, lelly illustrated circular, free. Address tl . , • „ ,o not the tost ; It takes work The Aunt Jane Medicine Co., room., lu wjth ,.g at ]ea *w fight- ’ of Portland were passengers on the stage . _ _ _ _ _ FOR P U B L IC A T IO N , dared that he could do as w, H Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon, However to Eugene Wednesday. Mrs Bean r e - j N O D v t caution to catch a li " I"’” a .1 ,1 ing (ire with his spray pump and every .offlikenfl:«!» twenty mil les away be turned a few days before having lieen Roseburg Review: Superintendent trnl)t (or 1! be seesyou be L an d O ffice, Root b u rg , O rc«on. called to the bedside of her sister who AngURt 22, 1^99. Waite returned from Gardiner yesterday flnj Mr Trout is not caught lb« was safe enough in talking so far as an was reported seriously ill. N o tic e 1« h e r e b y g iv e n th a t tlie io llo w ln g - immediate teat of its merits arc con- listing had a pleasant time. He reports matter bow muri, t-axiug n nm ed » tile r h as filed n o tic e o f hi* in te n tio n Some of the bretliern of the Odd Fel­ corned. , . . 'hat country booming in the business to m a k e fin al p roof In su p p o rt s'»! b is c la im , a n d LOGS WANTED- lows lodge In this vicinity aro anxious . , I th a t Raid proof w ill b e m a d e b efo re C. H. H o l- All agree that the extinguisher» w ill * « , with prospects of a new sawmill to n y commlRsioner at I.aku Precinet, protection against to bcc a Rolieeen »ongo flourishing here ! afford considerable put up by Cap A M Simpson, and a The Siuslaw and San Francisco Lnm- I (ire for the property in town and that and hat ■ taken steps toward instituting U o u g ln s C u., Oreis the life of trade and there is at delivered at their m . | hi» c o n tin u o « « rovUlatiM u p o n a i a l c j l ilv a t l u n ^«t plenty of that kind of life in Gardi- the next few monili’ infirmation inquire of ' WANTED FOR CASH. o f wai«l la ix l, vix: Eor further B*r. The two canneries are rustling SELLING TIMBER CLAIM3- I. B. Ciisbiii»". B. F. W iiki s, o f ÍA k e F r e d n c t , O r v £ °» ; 8« K ’»rj igf salmon and paying a liig’uer L ow e. <»f K!or«iire, O r efo u ; C h a r le s lil^ v k , o í Acme, Oregon A heavy, good-pulling team. G ítrdiner, ü r e g u n , au«l J. A. Hiru», ot G aruiner, ' Pr'cq than %ver before paid on t he L m f Tin-AWOOK, Or, Sept 2 3 .-A number i E. H. David, ins. Mr Waite rep-Tts t*>e Old Ee’” O reto n . of limber claims have been sold the past r<fi wtroat db»l. Bi«r»*k| a n d taaftr; o v e r ftOOpase«, ,errie* tld* »ear. A X W D -S T tV K R A I.,B R IG H T A S P H 9 - L '■ e». t { • , • home two c ro p <•! c I hxlO liMîhea« n earlv I’M (au«*« h a lfto i.u illu stra W pervon» to t»‘pre‘*ent a« ’ our own »ho list matured and Oregon City land off..*, thia toing Ihe ixxk. lltv ’.vchroT«« T*ke itw ita tloa«* O n ly tl.ftfi En<»rn»” u s deDiand* 1H< ’»Un» third batch of citizens who have left for ••id ¡U /.n r* - r wc r»fnnrt n. ‘ »rd flo o r C « * to n b id « . C bl«««o. Urn, Í» that ¡ g j e r e a . a n y h ank in a n y to w n . fi.p u. tirst there wss of W.e . cn , i filling. Kc.i ’T‘ r't co n d u c te d a t h om e. u-J**** *»'H a d d n «s.«l M am pcd e u v *< for cherries in v.eg on V o n r a a y , Deo» 3, Cblcatf*- ^ fto B E S C B , L ane C oi - ntv , O b kg ox .— • - - BY • • • New F a ll Effects ProducE of all Kinds W anteD . Don’t fa iL At Prices to Suit the Times. MEYEE, & EYLE * * * * Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd u ra rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest FLORENCE REAL ESTATE Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sale- If you have property to sell call at the “WEST” office and place it on our list. JOHN c . beck ! MANAGERS. W. H. W EATHER8O N j