¡T H E w e s t ^pL’DLlHHEP EVERY FRIDAY MOKNING- ----------A T ------------ ^ F lokbnck , L ane C ounty , O reoon .- . - - by - - - 5v.n.wEATnKRS0N E d ito r and P ro p r ie to r. c «?« ä ACM E ITEM S. A sscwtee ; V uke B aking P owder Makes tiie food more delicious and wholesome ROVAI fcAKHtO POWDER C O ., NEW YORK. 'L„JACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY. rXITerj m aterially from ordinary chills end fev ei. It 1» the result of icpeated ecu te attacks. The liver and apken are riucipuiiy a ffe c t^ . They uct a» store- ouacM fur the m alarial poison and tn* Acme, Or, Sept 20, 1899. blond takes It from them. The poison luUfct be The new mill sawed its first log yestor- ' driven out of the day with Tom Saubert bolding the I system . II U D - YAN «111 et adi­ lever. eu le every trace of It. H UDYAN Mrs T J Boren and daughter of Bear I will destroy the ticdon of the poi­ creek are visiting in Acme. son and eventually drive out the last G R Mills is putting the rustic on h:s I particle o f It from the stem . In ad­ dwelling and getting it ready for paint. dition to thia. H UDYAN will re­ He expects to have it in a new white store the loat ap­ petite. It will : dress before the rainy season. build up the w eak­ A nundier of Acme people enjoyed a ened sy ste m . H U DYAN w ill niake new blood I very pleasant evening at the home of i and new flesh. Dr and Mrs Saubert in honor ot Mrs ‘ Tho pains In the Saubert’s 41th birthday. It living on bones will disappear. brain will become clear. H b D I AN wllj Gaz :tz hill has such a tendency to make do all this and m ake you well. ItU D T A N has cured others and it will cure you. Ws folks grow younger in looks and no older I describe Hie sym ptom «. Study them care­ in years than they would elsewhere, let’s fully. They ur, yours. Du not «le.av long­ er, but take H UDYAN now and you will all move there. be cured. Bi X Y Z. L New Fall Effects -in- ^ l- Dress Goods. Hosiery, Underwear, Excellent Table Linen, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos. Latest styles inCorsets, PERSONALS. A Rebecca lodge is to be instituted a t ' Mapleton before long. Filtered at ti»; pout-office at Florence, O F Callison will occupy A F Hurd's j Mrs W II Weatherson visited at tene county, Oregon, as second-class dwelling thia winter. N e w Goods a r r iv in g on e v e ry Vessel Mapleton over Sunday. mail matter. J M Marlin is living on Luther King’s M J Hadsnll is now night watchman W ill receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FRUIT every trip. ranch during his absence. in the Spruce Point mill. .nVKRTISINO BATES MADE KNOWS ON A I - Mr and Mrs L C Akerly were in Flor- 25 Second hand Buggies and Wagons *u PLICATION. , notices 8 cents per Hue, each Insertion now to select irom at F L Chambers’ : once Wednesday night. Eugene. Alice and Hazel Weatherson visited Florence, Or. Sept. 22, 1899. Bear have been killing sheep for a at II II Fisk’s Thursday. Ground Feed of all Kinds always on hand. I number of the farmers on North Fork George Griffith started to Eugene ■ Mr Fromout paid us a pleasant call OEKii ACE YOUR SYMPTOMS: |lately. Monday on a business trip. Mouday. W E S T L IN G S . 1. CONSTANT H EA D A C H E AND TRO UBLED DRAIN. The m alarial 1 m >I- Al Ready went to Mapleton Monday It sounds like old times to hear the Nora, tho little daughter of Mr and son Is circulating In the brain. HUDYAN I drive il oul. Hl.’DYAN will purify Acme mill whistle chiming in with the to paint the store nt that place. Mrs W L Fisk returned home today will the blood mid the bruin will receive It Florence school commences next To see our assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mattings, In a liars sta le. Your headache» will dia- other wistles. after a long visit to her grandparent« Mrs J A Levage and children have aoucur and your mind will become clear. Monday. S. » PAbfe OK YU1.I.OW18H COM­ Mr and Mis E rhardt. Linoleum, Oil cloth, Etc. The Arm of Wilkins Linn druggists moved into Florence for the winter. PLEXIO N. H U D Y A N will establish a Houses to rent are scarce in town of Eugene has been dissolved, F M The monotony and even hum of the free circulation of puro blood and cause F J Buettgenbacli started to Eugene the cheeks to assum e their natural color. now. Wilkins retiring. Saturday to be gone about three weeks. new mill is broken now and again by 8. LOSS Ol-’ A P l'E r iT E A N D ONAW - 2 tons of grass seed at F L Chambers’, INO IN TH E STOMACH. H U D Y A N will Hudyan cares sleeplessness, bad Bessie Brund left for home yesterday Kelly exclaiming, “ She’s all right, boys; clear «he stom ach and restore the appe­ Eugene—write for prices. tite and the digestion of food will become dreams and night sweats. Fifty cents accompanied by Ruby and Ella Wilson, j let her go.” P frfEEELING OF W EIG H T OVER THE Mrs L C Akerly has been appointed I all druggists. ’T';s reported Will Chamberlin is Captain Hurd and wife went to the LIV ER T it s 1» due to the enlargem ent postmaster at Minerva. almost tireil of life. We think tie means • f tho liver. It Is filled with the poison Sylvia Call, of Dee Moines, la, lias life saving station Saturday for a short o f m alaria. H UDYAN will drive out the For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at been appointed a teacher at tlio Siletz single life, but il be life in Acme. ; it may poison and cause the organ to assu m e Ite visit. the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. again and will fill "’ ^ H E A V IN E S S IN TH E REGION OF Indian school in Oregon. E T Waite i: A Mr Russell arrived here Tuesday TIIK S P L E E N . The spleen becomes C A Pillsbury th e great flour milling The tug Maggie came in Wednesday [ronl Illinois in search of some acquain- bis old position in the mill. greatly enlarged. H U D Y A N , by Its J lnteutiou We are having fine weather. - A very rapid m- published at Toledo, Or and consolidated ! a band numbering 7t>. entirely forgotten by tiie hoa'I of tiie i to make fluid proof 111 support of ht*claim , and Mr! Alias Peirson is staying at Keeper it with tiie Yaquina Tug, the latter crease for the time. thut «aid proof will he made before C. II. Hol­ public schools of Lane county. Miller seemed to be quite favorably im­ den U. 8. UoininlMloticr at Lake Precinct, i Dnrgans. losing its identity. I The W k .-. t has for »«1« on° Attie Bray is helping Mrs E W Cobh pressed with our country and hospitable Douglmi Co., Oregon, on October 7, 189», viz: A letter from R M Porter who former- Uharle. F. llyert on If. E. No. 9022 for the W‘» in th(j i Uolnlo9 Bueiness College , for a while. people, notwithstanding the knotty Ktv'i, neo. 8, T.2BB., It. H W- of the leading i ly resided on the upper North I-oik, of Portland. This is one i He name« the following wltni-zre. Io prove brings the information that lie 1ms been business colleges on the coast, having ! Rosa and Berrv Brny were visiting at questions on “ Law” th a t were pro- pownded to him. h i. continnous re.idencc upon and cultivation in poor health for about 18 month s. I En- h, Commercial, Shorthand and Heceta last week. Tei, graphic departments and we offer | Nicholas Ludemann is carrying I he M artin Olsen lias the lumber on tiie <»f said lmvl, vix: He is now a t Selma, California. | mall while his brother takes a “ layoff.” ground for a netv residence which lie , B. K. W i IU ch , of Lake Precinct, Oregon; B. E. Low«, of Florence, Oregon; Charlefl Black, of Coos Bay News: Wm Palmer, of this tuition on easy terms Keeper Durgan and wife and Miss ! 1 io | h - h to lie living in e ’er winter begins, Gardiner, Oregon, and J. A. Himn, of Gardiner, Myrtle Point Enterprise: The county , South Coos river, sent a Gravenstein Peirson were up Cape creek fishing last i Mr Olsen is one of our progressive and Oregon. apple to this office last week, w h ic i court on Wednesday aPpo.nte«l Dr . J. T. B bhx » m , week. i pros pc run a cilizcna. Roberds justice of the peace for, 1 s , Keglatcr. measured 14 inches in circumference. Mr Editor—Is there any harm in Mrs Ramsey is on tiie sick list a t It is evident th at the apple crop is not district, to fill the vacancy madei by the writing on both sides of the paper? present. She is troubled with inflaina-1 S n a ’ion of Orvil Dodge The m J WANTED FOR CASH. a total failure on his ranch. predion is general that the doctor will, Bert Cobb bas returned home after a tory rheumatism. few weeks stay at Point Terrace work­ Some weeks ago we heard it remarked Next Sunday closes our Sunday school make a very efficient officer. , ing roads. Mr Cobb returned to as it is not declin'd advisable to con­ A heavy, good-pniling team. that there had been more painting t one i At Jacksonville, Or Rosanna Caritle E. H. David, in Florence this year than ever be f“re' Florence Monday« tinue another tlirce months on account I who was indicted jointly with her hns- Point Terra««, Ore. Win Fields and Rufus Slonefie'd went, The work is still going on, as „ev — ni wilder weather. We have liad a Jolni A Carlile for burning the hunting in the Saniarian mountains and very interesting Sunday school will« Knotts is painting at the church an. j bam of ber g" Ä LOG S W ANTED- Marion MorriB bis house this week killed two deer « id one bear—rumor tre i.r-.— RtteIlllallce most of tlio time, 1 izoim , I attendance Joseph N Russell who “' ^ ’satnfda^y and was sentenced tonine says? ! nllhougti tiie greater part of our church The Siuslaw and Han Francisco Lum­ Keeper Durgan went to Florence , lliem|,e rs seemed to disapprove and dis- ont of tiie penitentiary to die Aug - h-13 Inst ment in the penitentary. AGENCY. ber Co. want 19,000,000 feet of logs years impi'ison Satanlay with Nicholas Ludemann, *o j courn|((, t he effort. Most of them show lieen committed to tiie insane a s \. nu­ 'Her husband was then released. The delivered at their mill at Acme within ’ „ J buy Idin a cow. Mr Dargan ">'d Mr j cJ 1|ieit(1j(.,(iplofai by staying at home lle killed Andrew Carlson his son-in- ’ „ I . , , ! . ™ “ » " 7 “ ' " tiie next few months. law at their home in Coos county, an ?rew Ollt of the settlement of their Lndemann got back to Heceta Sunday or going v isitin g . Eor farther information inqnire of I evening. DEAFNESS C A N N O T Be. CURED was sentenced to tiie penitentiary "f I . U. Cushman, father’s e sta te .__________ _ ! Two young ladies of this vicinity went life. Acme, Oregon. CONCBACT APPROVED- ! fishing and cangtit upwards to 40 fine The Eugene papers publish the names By local nppihations, as they cannot not in it when it ! trout. The boys are and present occupation of 77 mem ers reach the disease«! portion of tiie ear. TO OUR PATRONS. But Mr Hitchcock, foreman for Ilnle & - comes to fishing, deafness, huiiik . — the hoys - are J There 1» only one way to euro dcafnef of Co C of tiie Oregon volunteers. Many nat I t ifip I r kvlif’ii it come« to try •« », i 1: Smith received notice Tuesday that i ton*€ttntionftl roniLHlie ahead of tiie giriftwinu ies. of tiie boys who left positions to en is , ,»« r with a bis gun on their nw«i ihhv is « 7 . IVe have made arrangements by Iirafn,«» found their former situations waiting l «r , [df tiie jetty work lias been ap ! ing to shoot ,!(N.r W.111 a v „ „ Deafness is caused caus«‘'l by an inflamed inll-ttntwl co con­ wliich we will furnish the Weekly shoulder. All told. them on their return, and the rest have proved at " dition of the «nneoiia lining of the E iis - ■ neTt day and is Ho commenced work nex j Ceeii Spaugh received a camera last lachian tn*«e. When Ibis tulie gets in- | Oregonian with the W kst for ons veM had no difficnltv in obtaining emp ? now preparing to make things h .e b «t week but a3 lie had never had much ex­ fl lined yon have a rnmWingsonnd or im- to any address for the sum of 1» o Jol nient. perience In taking pi, lures I can only perfis-t 1,earing, and w lien il is entirely “ He T hat Any Good Wonld Win” tb e jetty a m J a t U ^ ^ ’^ y’ Ian payable casli in advance. say tiiat lie never nude a very good ] ih closed d.-afi«- -« is the result, and unle«s T - Cure C«“ ‘,v’? . X r d r . T o r « « , of it. He made a failure every time, I slionld be provided witli good liealtn, FOR ¡SALE OR EXCHANGE. tiie influ-ii'ii.i'ion can be taken out and ud\ < TLnu rcfuad jeoacy. and everyone who won id have good g ieas the only fanlt was the camera this tulie rcto red to normal condition, rich health should remember th a t pm henring will I* destroyed forever; nine wasn’t much good. Hotel's A house and l o t ; in^ 'Glenada. The Wood is tiie fir»t requisi'e. ' abandoned their c h ild The-,- are a few imps in Bart Cobh's cases out of ten are caused by ralarrli, Sarsaparilla, hy giving good bloo an braise is 10 hv 21 feet and one story and hopvanl. I heard that he intended poy- which is nothing b it an inflamed con­ good beallb, lias beljied many a man A 3 ypkr*<»l‘î «on oí ¡„x 50 cnnW a box for having them puk­ a half In height. Also a good woudubed Guard Sept Itl'h : dition of tiie mucous surfaces. wm left at the eiK'cew«. ed. They nre splendid Imps «neb as Mr We will give One Hundred Dollars for on premises. For fnrlher particulars Tl,e “ I W h K nell” has been Hotel I«» nigl.t to be cared Cobb might he proud of. The Inipyard Minnesota g any case of deafne«« (caused liy catarrh) inquire at tills office. to Apothernriea' Drugs, and a «'P* ,o r b y th e c u « t y . ^ ^ | n ( it l.al only been properly cared for Mr ' Cure. Send for circular!, free Home Galiforni*- th ro u ’h most of schl,-vetii»-',t« «»I Admiral Uswey.” U** world • throtSZn tor offices since tiie A cxt J am - CM,h woul.l have had the finest hop- F. J . C mwusy A C o ., Toledo, O, rnwtist naval hero H y Mnr»t Halateo, the poor lulls friend and admirer of We nation • Remeily for female troubles I' '•* e'- I Bold by druggists, 75c. diol. BI skm I and beat txaik; over la» m tea, ......... has for «rune urne N .U , yard on Cspe rreek. man or ha body ciunry SslO Incite«, nearly RIO page« halftone llluilra- pl»ced on tiie market. Evc.y in.l storms, j , a|p s Family Pills sre the best. This is a bed conntry h* tl.m«' Only H.'iO F.normona demand Ills woman, married or single, sho i id send a nommiasinna. Ontftt free. Chance of a life­ a big htowr com* up the otb«;r day and n e w A n . T e a r R M a srs V time- Write quick I he Ikiminlou t om F;t«y two-eent stam p to onr office for a “ • ’L -----— pipe ami blew tiie insi'le out ol a stove p. Hr • Pill«enrcatl k(an»r Ulw “ 3rd floor Uaxtou llld«.. Chicago. Ad 1res« a very It IS pie fr w Add b u rlü tg I fully illustrated circular some printing off a news|«per. child in cnw< „ly today. Ttie Annt Jsno Me Itcim affair pitiful 14 Lewis Building, Port 2 S tïk h 3: Í 1-50 14 year *“ aJvilnc<’ ’ ProducE of all Kinds WanteD. Don’t faiL At Prices to Suit the Times. MEYER, &, Z7LE HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, G^OCE^IEg, r 3 ji Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd u ra rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest I KW , FIopcDce, O ef°n. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sale- If you have property to sell call at the “WEST” office and place it on our list. JOHN O. BECK w . H« W EATHERSON MANAGERS.