) 3 L SUPPORT h ? r L.. As- ..A. -Ms— -A- -A- -ah. t Uk. -M - A . CIU2LAW - ONLY PATES. O P P O R T U N IT Y ., FLOKENCE, OK EGON, FRIDAY, Sept. 22, 1390. general directory TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE STATE OFFICERS- stea m er m ar gu er ite , n - W ill vw n b«-» «-» W ill make Steamer Robarti i s G overnor— • .................... T. T. Geer. Secretary oi®**!®-, •■•••• REG U LAR Attorney G e n e ra l Will make regular D A IL Y TR IP S Of TlOO ALSEA. THE flm irt \ ................. F . A. Moore S«Pre ( . . . .C . E . W o lverton jndge Second D i s t r i c t . . J . W . H a m ilto n Prosecuting A t t o r n e y . . .G eo. M . B row n ............. E . O. P o tte r. j.... P trips from Aud from Florence to Coos B ay D . R . N . B laek b u rn COUNTY OFFICERS- . P r e v e n tio n o f ir l.e n .e . F lorence to Y aquina - B e tw e e n ----- T reasurer.............................. a .,n t P u b lic I n s tr u c tio n J . H . A ckerm an S P r i n t e r ..........................W . H . L eeds. STEAM ER L U E L L A Calling at the UMPQUA. For passenger aud freight rates i ______________ — APPLY TO — Will carry freight and passengers Moyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. from Florence to San Francisco G t-A iR iD IiN r E F ? . W ill also bring up freight #*# *## W. T. Bailey For further information inquire — OF — C lerk................................................ E - U - Lee A. W. BEADLE & CO. Sheriff.............................. W - W- Withera ..............................................A. S. P a tte rso n 14 California St, ........ D. P . B u rto n San Francisco, California. Assessor................................ Commissioners he . .J o h n I . B u tterfield S le e p in g C a r s P r i m i t i v e P ip » » . I Ind K e r r » nn W e l l «■ W c lfftit. Recorder.. h e ir m ay look as it did at sentenced the judge looked compassion­ once daily, except Sundays at 2 I The earliest Indian pipes were simply ...............F . B . W ilson E le g a n t In one of the newspaper composing fliteon. It thickens the hair Treasurer. ately over his sjicetaclcs at one young a ls o ; stops it from falling rooms in this city there is a typesetting tubes, in one end of which the tobacco .........G . C . C om pton p.iu., arriving in Eugene the day j scamp and said: I M arshal.. D in in g C a rs o u t ; and c le an ses th e sculp uiachino operator who is a great lover or dried leaves were put. It has been “ In consideration of the youth and from dandruff. .Shall we following at 9 p. in. Inexperience of this prisoner I shall let of horse racing. A good share of his found that the pipes used by the ancient T o u r is t send you our book on the wages goes to tho bookmakers at tho Humans were made on the same plan, ------- . him off with a fine of $50” — H a ir and its D ise a se s ? S le e p in g C a r s the bowl being an invention reserved SECRET SOCIETIES. Before the judge had done speaking local tracks during the racing season, for a comparatively recent day. It la Tf>o Advlott Froe. although for some reason he uover ac­ Single fare - - - - £4.00 : ST. PAUL the vory fresh young man coolly stretch­ I f you do not obtain a ll th e B**no- worthy mentioning incidentally that quired the poolroom habit and has al­ fits you expectod frcui th e n »oot ed his right leg and ran his hand into i Round trip - - - — 87-00; M IN N E A P O L IS th e vigor, w rite t'.io d otor ways refused to put down a het unless the cigarette is really an invention of Probnbiv there la some dlfflcuitv ■ F. is nerve so 1rs, or Iris! : In the “ De Mundo.” cred­ b ill, ill, F r i lo u i re f l n i v c v e , , O V ' re V B g * o ------ R . RflcM URPHEY, jod standing invited to attend. lono player had the nerve io put 50 paralyzed tho gatekeeper that fie was It ited by some scholars to Aristotle. It in. 8. J. Seymour, N. G. G eneral Agent. Rooms 2 am i 4, Shelton Block, francs on red. It won. and ho let the i admitted.—New York aun. indicates called Irenne: in the “ Argonantlce o f EUGENE, OREGON. W. II. Wealherson, Sec. hot lay. nnd it won again. Then every- j Orphous” it appears as Irinas: Strabo the state H o« T im e s . body got a sudden idea it Vonld win i A- D CHArtLYON, P i e r r . o ©, • ‘ O regon “ I can remember » good many years tails It Irene: Cienar. Tacitus and Pliny A ssistant G eneral Passenger Agent, oi the tension at a glance. oneo more, and it was played 10 the 0 . O. F . M ap le L odge N o., 139. m eets , ---------------------- — - , 1 taunted and berated each other till all tation of being a strictly upright end O regon. S a b b a th s e r v ic e . B ah o au i KuB*’’ *'*1 * EV ERY TH IN G FIRST-CLASS. C o n l i l n 'l C h ill H la W it . 1 other questions were loat sight of in tho honest officer of the law and had little, hool, 10 o ’clock a . m . £ ^ ‘" 8 1 ‘ j popular anxiety to see which excelled huainisa in consequence, lixjked lugu­ Mme. Modjoska and her company clock a . in . a n d 7 p- m . h a c i.. . , W e have other striking briously nt the frayed edges of the Judi­ e L o rd ’s s u p p e r on 1st b a b b wore playing ono winter in tho extreme in this stylo of warfare. Special A tte n tio n to C om m ercial improvements that appeal to j, north, much to the discomfort of Count ■nuary, A p ril, J u ly a n d 1 ’ "Finally the hotter headed of the two cial coat “ I urn sorry.” he said, “but I shall ieryhody is w elcom e to all th e se • • « * T rav e lle rs. * * the careful Buyer. Send for ; I Bnzenta, the Polish star's bnslieud, burst out in an announcement that he havo to bind you over. ’'—Chicago Trlb-1 istor re q u e s ts C h r is tia n s to could whip his rival or any of hla who hates the chilly northern cliinuto. our elegant IL i . catalog. ■ne. em selves k n o w n . Bnt at that timo the show business was friends I. G. K notts , Pastor. " ‘That reminds me.' said tho other nt a very low ebb in tho south. One J W hite S owing M achine C o . pnrticnhirly cold day Mme. Mudjeska coolly, 'of a dog my father nsed to have found the count shivering from head to that conld whip any dog In the neigh- D. W. S T I33E N S , Proprietor. Cleveland, Ohio. fisit In spite of the steam heat in the borhood or any that came that way attorneys F lo r e n c e , O reg o n . with the teamsters. ’ hotel. “ 'What’s tho application, sir!' roar­ “Oh, my dear, my dear I” ho im­ F o r sa le h v W h ite Sow ing M ach in e plored. “ Let ns go south for th" rest of ed the other. ‘I'll stand no innnendoes. Tables furnished with all the C. WOODCOCK, sir. Make yonr application, if yon dare C o m p a n y , San F ra n c isc o . tho season. This climate will kill ns. “ -It Is simply this, my pugnacious “But. my dear,” replied mudame, delicacies of the season. Give us M r r o a r / au d Venn«. friend—no one ever thought of sending "the south is dead. ” A Ftr^noniera g e n e ra lly now a