z i I i > -wr/-» -r ■ w '■fo’w w w * ' w Q n ® B o &G * S P i ts i the riery. When yonr hea 1 k - , amt you kel bilious, const i- x Fpatcd, and out of tur.e, wish your F tomach sour end no appetite just > buy a package of ri ★ Three I T’ i u O D D S .¿kXsTID E N 3 S S J H o o d 's e x . k l r e t u r - '. CCS 0UT.UN1.,- .-« d . ME DB» WBZ« • ' l’" t , " ' !iï'.Ï8S I - I ,:,1 .1. V.K1TE FOB COfV ÇZ 0 « Jx.««x— ç ft t • » "ii1 . t m ; . ft 6'. jr In dild by ■ AddrcM P itts | 5 And take n dose, from 1 to 4 plils. v You will t e su rp rl i- ! at bow easily J -W.CW- • PEAD II 1* >» » ulyiag !-r j stent. ¡H.B.WÍLLS0N4C0. ’ they wtd c > tti.fr work, cure yotirW > beaded,« ore’ b!l!uu‘ . ■ ■ -, rouse : - j | ) liv e r a n il m a k e y o u feel l e . [ >J»y again. 1 23 cents. Sold by ail m edicine dealers, Desirable ★ PATEN T 1 LecraltBMg.. WASHINGTON;.H- C. Stars in ★ A V e r lm l M e le e . been a groat sufferer from eonstlpaMoM JI-* was a Jbnildcr in the neighborhood, I have tued mnene Tslmhss with so raoeh tatls- for I have over U-e years. Nothing gave m e any teller. Going np on a Cedar avenue car the ! tacUou ho explained, and had a vacancy in the that 1 run eb iarf lily i«onim --nd them. My feet and Kgs en d abdomen wore blofited «o E ave been traublod fur a u d it three juhrs w ith I could n-»t wear shoe« eu n.y feet *Uzd only a loose J*d g o n e th a t n lr h t to lean» F o o ’a m in d — works. Bill gratefully accepted the offer other night the passengers were much wlmt 1 celled util >ua attach« c ">tr.g on regularly 1 saw Klpaaa fabules advertised in out .J o e Iio^kly 'vuz. th e reason . and began his pew career on tho follow­ entertained by a verbal spat between a j once h week. W ot told by ul.- rent physician, dre-.-. paper, bouaht som e and took them as direct­ small citizen of German parentage and ’ that it w ee chose,! by bad teeth, o f which I hail dally A r tv a i’n g<*xi u t tiin< H, I find. ed. Ilttv j ta k en them about throe weeks and thoro ing Monday. T o m a k e ua fo r c e a sensoiu ■event!. I hr.d the t a h extracted, but tho a t­ Is such a change I 1 am not constipated any i^ore "M ouths passed. Bill had changed a tsll native. The trouble all originated tack* eo n tlcccd . I text seen adTcrtlaemeuth of I ’d d a llie d fo r n y ea r t ill J o e and I dw.? It all to Ripaus Tabules. I am talrty- Klpan» Table t In m l die papers but had no faith P et 1< ah m ay n - bn rn i u. wonderfully. Ho hnd forgotten his old from the fact th at the car was very | In seven year« old. have c o occupation, only my them, but nbr.ut six Wfek 'aoe a friend la much crowded, so crowded tljat the A n th en I w r o t e I ’d ©all t o k n o w bcv.. -i.- id d atlej a: d nursing my el k husband, habits and learned ucw on1 s. The deacon duced me to try them. H ere Va*.i n but tw o of the fie I. d th e dr . ay and I w ii trying x* J e s t h o w ah e v ie w e d in y y e a r n in , ■mnll 8 cent boxes o f th e Tabnfci and have had was delight'd. Not only was Bill tho two disputants were brought face to Tai uK”- for hl. i. I-e fe< ;s some l etter but it will A n in t h e le t t e r th a t I aont, Do recurrence of the aitur-fes. I!,, re never given a face in such close proximity th a t they tako som e time, he ha.: been flick so long. You best of bis workmen, but he vr.s the A lth o u g h a s o r r y u ch oller, teetiru- Id car or go Into a crowded I w ant to Inform yoa. place w ithout getting a I ’v e h ea rd th e in ook b ird a s in g in l” attended tho chnpel because while there his irritability was quite excusable. In words o f highest hc.vlacheand sick at iny "Veil, no, I can’t , ” replied the little raise, o f th» benefit he was near tho jewels, the seat ho had stomach. I heard about B u t w h e n I c a lle d sh e aeoinod m o re sh y man, “ and, vat is more, I don’t hef to. ” ! have derived from Rlpaas Tabules from an Fer koine eau ac o r n n u th er taken being just 20 steps duo north from Tubules. I am a R IT A N S aunt of mine who w m “ You’re not much of a gentlem an,” i Ktlpans A n tr ie d , I t h o u g h t, ns tim e fle w b y, professional nurse and the tree. At first ho bad meditated dig­ taking them for catarrh M y fo n d e st h op es t o sm o th e r . Iu this profession a clear of the stomach. She had ging down through tho lloor ono night, said tho .tall man. “ D ea r Hue, h o m in e l” 1 s a id a t la s t Is ulwnyg needed. found such relief from “ Oh, I ton’t know I” said the little l head but the ehaueea ef dctoction were great man A n e d g ed a l i t t l e h ig h er, Klpans Tubules does it. th. lr u- e she advised me Sold With airily. "V en I vant un opinion on I After T h e m odern stan d ­ one o f m y eaeos I B u t n ot on© w o r d —liar e y e s d o w n c a s t tot-xko them too. and I and he had given up the idea. found m yself com pletely have been doing so since chentlemen, I go to some fellow vat j Or lo o k in in th o fire, "Y ears passed. Tho deacon had bo- run down. Acting on the last October, and w ill A n th e n ck o r a ise d h e r e y e s a g ’ln a rd F am ily M edi­ advice o f Ur. Oeo. Bow­ say they have complete­ como an invalid, and Bill practically has got a leetle knowledge of der sub­ A n s a id , m y b osom t h r il lin : er, Ph. O., 5‘i8 Newark ly curv’. iny headache«. “ Y o u cay y o u ’v e h eard , b y lo o k in la managed his business. Ho was an im­ j e c t ” Ave., Jersey City, I took cine : r e s the I am twenty-nine years - te * "Y o u ’re a very funny boy, ” said tho My e y e s, th o naock bird s tr illin . Ripaus Tubule« With old. You u. o welcome portant man at the chnpel, too, and was grand results. Why n hou ld I sp e a k , th en T P o e m s to m e tall man in u tono of deep sarcasm. to une thl3 testim onial, com m on every-day often intrusted w ith a collection box. Miss B m « hs W: bdma >. T h r t y o u 'r e a c u r io u s m a n , sir, Mrs. J. B cooiuiyba "V eil,” said the little man, “ I may | One day the deacon died. Soon after­ F o r i f y o u lo o k o n c e m o re, y o u sec, huf some senses of humor, but I ’m not | ill of hum anity. W hy c a n ’t Jrou b oar m y a n sw e r I” ward it was known th a t having no near Mother w as troubled —W ill T . H a le in C h icago T im e s H erald . w ith h e a r t b u r n and relatives ho had left his property to his so h art hearted as to laugh a t der fool­ My revon-yeor old to y «IceplessneuS, esuaed by ishness of one idiot. suffered w ith pains la friend W illiam Jones.” Indigestion, for a good “ Do you call mo an idiot?” gasped tla hood, constipation m any year«. One day “ I sco," 1 exclaimed. “ B ill” — and complaiaou of hl« •h e eaw a testim onial the tall inun. stomach. He could not Blanco Watson shook his head. In th e paper Indorsing “ As long as I ton’t know your eat like children o f his R ip a n n Tabules. febe " B ill was Bill no longer,” ho said. ego do and w h i t he det4>rmlned to give them "A flno publio houso,” said Blanco "H e had becorao a man of wealth. At nam e,” said the little man, “ I couldn’t d'd eat did not agree a trial, w as g r e a t l y make der identification any more gom- with him. He was thin relieved by their Ucte tho next election of deacons ho was ono Watson, the humorist. a n i o f a saffron color. e n d n o w t a k e s th e pletc. ” "Y oh , ” I replied, looking at tho of tho successful candidates. In future Reading forr.o o f the teadnu-nlala lu favor o f Tabulea regularly. She k e c r in few cartons Rlpnna P retty soon the car stopped to let off Ripaus Tabu'.ea, 1 tried them. Rlpan’ Tabuio« not Tabules In the houce and 6ays aho w ill not bo w ith ­ JLiuilding wo were approaching, “ but a wo must refer to him as Mr. Jones and hulf a dozen passengers, and when o u t them . Tho heartburn and sleepletsneas havo only relieved but octuaily cured try youngster, atrango position—away from the high­ not as Bill. tho headuchce. havo dJs^rrearod, brw elsaro in disappeared w ltn tho Indigestion which was “ Mr. Jones was a most energetio things finally settled down tho tall oho form erly so great a burden for her. Our whole go(.d condition and ho never com plains of hla road, and surrounded by villus.” stomach. He 1« now a rod, chubby fac d hoy. This lly take tho Tabules r.igularly, especially after “ A very strange position. Wo will deacon. Ilo introduced new members, anil tho short ono weie separated by a fum wonderful change I ni' r to to Rlpr.nA Tibules. a hearty meal. My m other Is fifty years o f ago I am Hi.ri. flHd that they w ill benefit any one (from rest in tho publio house, and I w ill tell aud ho persuaded old ones to attend dozen seats.—Cleveland Plain Denier. and Is enjoying the b esto f health end sp irits; also the cradle u> c ld a jc , If taken according to dlrco* eats hearty m eals, an Im possibility before she you how it canio to bo built in such a moro regularly. Ilo started a young "We do not take possession of our ideas hut are posssssed by them tioss. I m m o r t a l i t y C ra n k » , took Klpars Tabules. A ntcs B. B lau sex m en’s literary society anil a scries of -very strange position." Im m ortality of fume is something de­ They m aster us and force us into th e arena, I smiled and follow«! him into tho ■Saturday entertainments. Ho made tho for ocJ« A now style packet contolnlu:- tbm ripans tabulea parked in a paper cartca (without gio»-“) Is now foi saloon bar. Wo sat at ono of the tables chapel tho most popular in the district, sired by many, bnt attained by few, Where like gladiators, we m ust fight for them ." One at sonae drug at ores-»ou riyweryrfl. T^is low-priced sort L? intended for the p- r at.d the economical, and woro rilent for a time, ho thinking and* then, at a New Year’s business suys Dr. John Fiske in The Atlantic. dozen of tho flve-oeut cartons <120 tabules) can bo had by mail by sending forty-e’ykt cents to the lUPAi.« Such is tlio exalted m otto o f th e A rena, a n d tho meeting, he struck boldly for tho jewola. Physical im m ortality is something C bkmicaz . C ompany . K o . 10 Sprnoc Street. New York-or a eln^lo carton (res TABULCb) will t»o .-cut tor five cents. and I watching him. R ipass T abulxb may nbo be hid of some grocers, general storekeepers, news agents and at s^me Liquor stares ' “ The story begins,” bo said present­ "T h e chapel was too small, ho said which has hitherto been supposed to bo mi vi barber shops. They bs.nisb pain, lnduoe sleep and proli i-g life. One gives ra2tX entire contents of th is m o n th ly m ag azin e ly, " w ith a burglary committed by a iu tho course of an eloquent speech. inexorably denied to human beings. certain Bill Jonen ono night long ago. Tlioy m ust erect another on a larger The phase “ All men are m ortal” figures are upon a plane an d in k eep in g jw ith its ’ “ Bill was a young member of his sito. There was hut ono such site in tho in textbooks of logic as tho truest of profession. H itherto ho hud not a t­ neighborhood. They must secure it be­ truisms. Bnt wo have lately been as­ m otto. T ho A rena’s gallery of ¿e m in e n t tem pted anything very big, but contin­ fore others did. He himself would un­ sured th at this is a mistake. It is only ! ued success in small things hud made dertake tho buildiug operations, charg­ an induction based upon simple enu- j th in k ers is a group oi interestin g m en an d > «£as»aUa.&--Tî him bold. On th is night lio broko into ing only w hat they cost him. Ho would lncrntion. and the first man who escapes ■ th e country house of a well knowu ac­ also purchase tho old chnpel. Tho net death will disprove it. women, and th e ir th o u g h ts are w o rth y tho So at least I was told by a very down- j El tress, in the hopo of carrying off her expenditure need not bo very great. J ,'iiíf ir. -■;■.•(). .-f-'« n ) t d u e t l l l j consideration of ail peoplo. T ho A ren a is "T ho proposal was well received, and right person who called on me some Jewels. 1 - A ¡ .m ? '.:! - t ••How L»Ob-3 tain Patents,” w ith < - • I n t ho V. B.¿ • "H e succoerled iu getting tho jewels a committee, w ith Mr. Jones as chair­ years ago with a huge parcel of mann- j •* sold w ith T u r W est . end was lonvlng w ith them when ho man, was appointed to oonsider the de­ script, for which he w anted me to find , ‘found th at tho slight noise ho hnd made tails. Their report was very favorable, him a publisher. Ho had been cruelly | hud attracted attention. A servant girl and nt auothur business mooting it was snubbed and ill used, but tru th would au J, ferti^tt cotuitfie*» sen t free. Address, surely prevail over bigotry, as in G ali­ mot him ut a turn of tho stairway and decided to carry out tho proposal V- & c o . O. A. SK O W began to shriek. Ho rushed by hor and "T h e uccossary funds woro subscribed lei’s case. I took his address and lot O pp P atent O v n re, WftBHINGTON, ? Y 3 ’j c D. a n C.j ' him leave hiH manuscript. Its recipe to tho window through which ho had or guaranteed. Oontrncts were made for physical immortality, diluted entered. As ho passed through It again w ith Mr. Jonos. In tho spring of that he heard doors boing opened and know year tho building operations were com­ through 000 pages, was simply to learn If you suffer from any o f th e ills of men, come to the oldest l i y -TSall, P o x m g e V u id , that tho lionso was fully aroused.” menced, and by the autumn they were how to go w ithout foodl iijxcialist on the Pacific Coast, Usually such a regimen will kill yon “ I understand, ” I said. “ Bill escap­ finished. Tho congregation removed to DR. JORDAN & CO., ed. Tho actress empluyed a dotoctlvo. tho now cliupol. Mr. Jones purchased by the fifth day, but if at th at critical Only ,1051 Market St Est'd ¿352. a t a T ho detective built this public houso iu tlio old ouo ut u high prico anil entered moment, while nt tho point of death, V o m i f f m e n and m i d d l e you make a heroic effort aud stay alive, — M» a a e t l l l t c n who arc suffering an out of tho way place, hoping that into possession. 1 from th ; eiT-ctt o f youthful indiscretions or ex- TBill, us nu out of tho way young man, "A nd th e n ," I said, “ I suppose he why, then you will have overcome the cesse; in maturer y‘?ars. Nervous and Physical O c k ilB t t y .S n ip o le n r y .I x iH t ? 3 a n b « o : l king of terrors once for all. I returned ■would call iu ono day for a drink. Curi­ got tho jewels?” iialiit.x' ; S p e r m a to r r h o e a , tho gentlem an’s m anuscript w ith a Blanco Watson laughed. G o iio v r h u m , t i l l e d , ously enough, Kill did." F r e q u e n c y o f i ' r ’ n u iljs ic , e i c . B y a ’ Blanco Watson frowned. " N o ,” ho said, “ ho did not. Ho broke polite noto, regretting th a t his line of None who are engaged in any o f tho m ech an ical i combination u f rem edies,of great curative pow- f , the Doctor has so artanged his treatment “ This is Un intellectual story, ” he up tho floor himsolf, counted tho stops research was so romoto from those to Greatest Weekly ia the Coaatry, I that it will not only nff rd immediate relief but , | ■aid. " I t does not depend on coinci­ duo north from tlio treo again and dug. which I was accustomed that I could p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t re a d in g a n d permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to Ho did uot find tho jewels. Ho counted not givo him intelligent aid. I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair > dences. il and square Physici in and Surge-'... pre-eminent A studying this sta n d a rd M agazine o f Sciences ' “ I w ill oontinuo. Bill avoided the tho stci» again and dug deeper. He did in hi ; t diy — B H su n w c.S t-jf it-C ll. J C u r io u s AM hnntl C u sto m . (Inclu din g postage) to an y p art o f tho U nited (first pursuit by a long run ncross coun­ uot find them. Thon ho tried other ti: i. ft!',-1. .(»licated fx’o.’d the -st’ tu without usii ; ''feseur.v. , I and m echanical A rts. I t is illu strated ^w ith When children are born in Ashanti, B tn ha, C anada and Mexico. try, and then walked toward his home, places; hut, although ho kept on until EVER Y M A N hj . I . g to US will rc- ’ T11E W idKRUY C llH O N m .E , the brightest eivo - ; /“'■n» f.f .ot/-.a hi bis <’on?plHlnt. . A i»ot during to use the railway. Ho kept ho hnd tried everywhere beneath tho they are a t once rubbed ull over w ith a and m ost co m p u te W eekly Newwpaper In the •, B in I ’ all m odern cuts |o f la te st inv en tio n s in a ll m ixture of oil and red ocher, this being world, prin ts regularly 112 Column.1*, or sixteen to the byroads as much ns possible, and floor, he never found tho jewels. ” ev ery r or j o r j t i t Oik© repeated every two days. Their mouths pag«‘is of N ow s, lite r a tu r e and Oonerul Infor­ T housand Dollars. a t the eloso of tho next day had reached "W hy, w hat had become of tliom?” th e branches of m echanism , an d its fu n d .-o f ( cn .n /-ffijn r i \ E K and strictly private. ation: a lso n m sgnlO cent A gricultural and tho uoighlxirlnxxl of Loudon, " I cannot say. I t is possible that are washed w ith a fiery concoction in m C H A R 3JSS I' BR V R£ A S O N A B L E . Trwrt- H orticu ltu ral D epartm enL T h is is o re o f the .. n t penor Ilv oi by letter s . d for hook. “ A spade lying inside a Hold gato when the foundation was being laid a | which red jiepper is the main ingredi­ grea test departm ent» In a n y p a i’er on th is know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ “ T he riiiioMOpliy o f M arriage,” ..gosteil to him the advisability of workman had discovered and appropri ent, and a crier goes through tho town Coast. E v er y th in g w ritten la based on ex ­ free. (A valuable b • < for men.) perience In the C oast S ta tes, not on Eastern biding the jewels until ho had arranged ated them. Again it is possible that i proclaiming tho new arrival and claim- ventors an d m echanics. Sold w ith T ub V I f t I T D R - J O R R A K ’S ■ their sale. After making sure thut thore were two trees of similarly curious iugfor it a name and a place among the m en's know ledge of their ow n localities. G r e a t B lu sem ti o f A n a to m y tho finest and largest M . ’' n o t its kind in the W est a t clubbing rates. i was not observ od ho entered the hold growth, nml th at tho ouo outside tho living. Some ono else iu a distant part SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. 1 world. Come and learn how wonderfully you , picked up tho spado. A treo of pe- chapel was not tho ono Mr. Joues first ] of the village acknowledges the fact are m ade; how to r.void sickness and disease» and promises, on the p arte f tho peoplo, - c S m n b I cullnr growth stood just beyond liim. saw. Again” — CATALOOt U S i R AS. Call or write. In the manner of fiction, he counted 20 "A nd w hat has tho story to do w ith I th at the newborn bube shall be received 1051 Market Sh eet, Ssn Francisco, Cal. iuto tho community. Tho townspeople Mops duo north from tho treo mid then the publio house? But I can guess. ’’ dng a deep holo, placed the jewels in it "O f course you can. Mr. Jonos was then assemble iu tho streots, and tho tf.WAVWTiWi'AWflWMAWWWA very angry w ith tlio clinpel members. buby is brought ont anil exposed to ‘a nd Ailed it up itgniu- t y l is h , r e l ia b l e ! 1 "H o arrived homo safely th a t night, Ho eonsidcreil thnt by false jiretcnses view. A basin of w ater is provided, and the ARTISTIC-«- t was arrested in tho morning. Tho they had led him Into buying the old ! U ecom m en d cc! b y h e e d in g want girl had glvon an accurnto do- chnpel dearly and building the new ouo headman, or chief of the town, sprin­ lir e .« m a k e r .. *. A acriptlon of him to tho police, aud they cheaply, lie resigned his deaconship kles w ater upon it, leaving it a name They Ain ays Please. nml invoking a blessing upon it, such and then sought a way to be revenged luul recognized it. “ In duo course he was tried. Tho evi­ on them. He found one. On the site of ns, for instance, th a t it may have health, ra- dent* against him was very strong. Tho tho old chapel ho built a public house— grow up to manhood or womanhood, ‘a ervant girl uworo that lie was the muu this public house in which we have sat have a numerous progeny and jxswess , -a . s riches. Most of these present follow the i met on the stairs. Some of tho vll- so long.” -—Edgar Turner in Sketch. example i f the headman, and the pixtr gers swore that they hud seen him child is thoroughly drenched before the biear the houtm previous to tho bur­ C hu II i H i » rr»l:»c. T h e C1|M)«I< le _ NONE BËrfCÜ AT ANY PRICE ceremony is ended. Everyone who par­ glary- Ho was found guilty aud hcu - Mr. Orohanlson, the famous English ticipates in the ceremony pledges him ­ Tltn runONM.S rftr.k. -Ith tl>o CTMt.rt |i r i ! i s > . f . ( ( « r n . . . ,.,;j In n * .,l, -t tenoed to seven years’ penal servitude. new.p.pt-n» In U»a Uniteti etnie-. artist, has lately given tho public an self to be a friend io the child. ^5 c h r K id -, e.11 in ■ . U n i t . J S m , , S; •Bill , behaved •-a I f yfiu r d c *;« r d.iea n o t keep th e m ten«! 5» TIU5 CIIRONIULK hxe n o ejix O -n O1* TorM e T h is m onthly m agazine is one of th e very , . very well in prison V i insight into his experiences w ith golf— . 4 J n e t to u« O n e cen t n i m p , i t c i v e J gì Ceoet. Il le.ul» a ll In a b in ty , .nterprta» and and at the end of five years was released luyHt(,ri(1UH Kftnlc fiwci,mt j„g to , Add e»a yewr r.earstt p jin t & I l l c e n» « D e t e c t e r o f T h ie v e » . n .-v e. b est p rin te d in th is c o u n try , an d is sold on a ticket of leave. He divided to w ait the initiated, of which the charm is so i £ THE McCALL COMPANY, B T H is c n n o N i c a . i r e T .'< r n p M c n c r o r u am Nut being able to trace anything in u n til the ticket had expired anil then incomprehensible to the outsider. 13310 146W. UihSttcat. Ne» Y.rt ;; thè lateat and rooat reltal-le. i l . 1-o.al N ew » (he connection w ith the I om of the 2,000 ........................ to a ll subscribers a t ra te s w ith in the get the Jewels and leave tho oonntry. f u lle .t and • v lc le ............... it. nnd II. EJttnrlala from t b . n a t s i- » o r - i'- i» : I t is but recently that Mr. Orchard «S 9 FI if h A v e ., C h ica g o , and ?• 7n i'h.-7-ount.y. Shit a day or two after his releuso ho son, who is past middle life although ! rupees from the cash safe of the Snrati i l o j i M a r k e t 5 1 ., S a n F r a n c is c o . ! T H E i - n n o m c i i: l> 1» ntwxy» hern. ».M ol- ab ility oi a ll to pay . I t is finely illu 9 Bazaar company, the directors have re­ ■walked ont to look at the field. in tlio prime of healthful vigor, lias w»y« w ill 1». tt-.a frlrtul nnd rlMniphin o i t h . "T here was no field. During tho five transferred his affections from hunting sorted to astrology and finally sorcery. ; (re. I>1«\ as jixAlnrtt centbovtflnv?». rllqus». cor­ tra te d an d p resen ts th e n am es of famous Tears ho had been in prison tho estato and tennis, ills former favorite sports, Every employee of tiie bazaar was giv­ porations. or cpppr«slcns •» an y k ln i. It w ill he Of which the field was part had been to the national game of his country— en a mouthful of rice to eat which had , Indepv.ulent lu everythin *, n eutral In nothin«. a u th o rs as c o n trib u to rs. T he W est built upon. Ho wandered about tho for lie is a Scotchman. He played his lx-en previously put through seme m ag­ ic preparation, tiie belief being th a t if M YOU WAN! THE » 3 1 5 « houses in despair. But as ho turned a flrst game of golf at Ht. Andrews. an d th e C osm opolitan a re sold a t re­ r j'. u the person who had taken tiie money ioonuir ho saw something which suggest- b r ig h t e s t M a g s r ln r I 'u b liib s d *- “ I remember,’’ 1m says, “ I had the hope. Behind somo railings was a queerest, most solemn looking caddie ate the rice some very great misfortune C oti’.d im B eau tifu l Çolorçtl r ites. duced ra te s a t th is office. would Ix fnll him. It is not recorded Illu stra te s k t i r - t P a tte rn s, F ash breo of curious growth. iuiagiuaiile. 1 made a fearful mess ef it th a t any of tin- employee-shave yet met F 5» t v-.t, F i . y W rk. ’ "It was tho treo 20 steps due north ef nt flrst, and the little chap bxikixl on • ji* A<í wanted i r , i t ; a »'me lnev*r^ . •£» ‘ -V ‘ 4'G . 'eir ii \ i r « iittl* ■which ho hod buried tlio Jowela Ho w ithout a word. At last, when I had w ith a disaster.—Rungun Gazette. «V * * \V - te l >r t- m, u. ’ , tlie r p art C Shewing the Ualted S tates, Do mitt Io • ■uoognized it immediately anil ran to- finished the round, lie lixikeil np nt me of Canada and Northern U.’ x I oj S ln n .lo r o n » Tetle. L ard i t Again lie was in despair. A iu tiie fnnnii'st way and simply said, O X OlVl«: S 1 I1 K . McCALl. c o ., s- “ Brigg - i« awfully hoarso thia morn­ * > i.lS ta M rilE yard or two north of tlio tree was a ' I t ’s nao use pinyin golf unless ye laini û W . I4 th St , \ . w Y ork ?! ing. ” chapel, and tlio jewels were under tho tt ns a laddio.' A’ V.Y.’- V m i * “ Yes. You know how damp it was I chapel. Ilo leitmxl against the railings, I-M T i l l : OT1IV.M K in » . “ But I must tell yen thnt th e next last night? Well, llrigg» and hia wife M IIJ S J »4 114 Gel Cbe a« d H ope Gsmo to n tin . 'covering his face with his hands. day I hnd this sameetuidie, and I get eu M c ’ fc’y . t h r s l i d e f »r O n * l » « r , * " I t happened presently that tlio head much better. I was almost annoy,-d »t(xxl on the corner waiting for n street pA«< stfc A number of jv-vons were talking isapastl p iru * abcat cclii-'id> ivvs when a olergynmn 4eooou of the chapel, a kindly old innn, w ith him for not praising me, for ho car, nml Briggs wife started in to say ▲ DUBJQin something, and Briggs sto-xl there tor gave nn lnstiuvxi in his own , xpvrinnco. ' cam odow u tho rami. He saw Bill stand­ was as silent as on the (lav tiefore. But At. 11. 4e m i r f i » , " W h e n I w a s a very y ai.a man, lx fere ' in g liko one in trouble and stopped and when we finished, he turned to me and fully a half hour with his month open Vroprt»tur !• K < n tv m KNciactK e i i. le n t • mintrtij - -1 «shod w hat w as the matter and whether said, ns if resuming eu'r last conversa­ trying to get in a word edgewise. T h at's where he got his hoarseness. ” — \ 11 N*nw4. w ith a scries of nil-fortunes and was ! he, could help. tion, ’Awed, A’ iliuua ken.’ ” Cleveland Plain Dealer. nearly dis- -nrag 1 t):i-?d-.y 1 was scat- I “ For a few moments Bill did net “ T ills is the parlor, eh?” tentatively Being a Soot hiins. If, the artist was bnow w hat to reply, but then lie spoke therefore satisfied w ith what he doubt- remarked the real estate agent, who e-el on r bench in th.- piu-hct v. foreign ' C o n ir e n ln l. city. My head w .s eu: k u p -a luy hands ' WolL He said that once ho hnd been a loss interpreted as n hntidsomo apology “ M ike.” said Plodding Feto, “ did was looking ov r the lioi and blue k ¿•■s-.xsii- covered nio like ni Hlar, but thut he had learned In aud hearty encouragement. •■You,” replied tho old man Kidder, j ycr hear 'bout Alaska?” cleuih I had . th a t burglary Is wrotig; that new si to strug I " b u t I nrwilly call tt the i n-ti-- iii— “ Lots. Are yer t iukin of de trip ?” | was trying to live an honest life, but ire at I've got seven daughters, you kno-v. ” — glc uo longer wh a a si;,- A Proiliw t o f Good W ork. ” 1 (lntina I'm told tint daylight lasts tnuitcd my i.ttenti'in, ntid I c4 up j as ho had no friends it was net Miss Marian Cowan, a registered £4 hours at a stretch. Ef 1 could git a H arper’» Bazar. to six- »tsiuling Ixtejc n.« i tu..’, contení- i ■E m F- pharmacist of Lynn, M ass., is tiie only job in dot locality as night watchman, New to n im . plating m e w ith big, solci o n oyi.-i the ‘ "The old man was touched. He had woman who lins read a pap r before tiie I dunno bnt I'd lie willin to w ork.” — W allace—Tiny stiy i -w that tnvs 1 mo«t hcsntifnl ‘ tave ever bo- Bill leaning against the chapel I’iianuuccntical a • • iatii-n. At the re­ held. ’What I quitixs are (I. - auso ef malaria \ my pretty 1 lings, and Bill had said that ho had cent annual nu eting at Greenfield -he Washington Star. Fi rry—I never hvloro hoard pre.?-, at ehil ’ was uiy retrurtl itxfniry. ’Hoj . ■ fricuds. Was it not his duty as Lead read a paper, entitled “ Mi'-re-i oplc Ex- C hllilet-u*» St-n»e o f P it y . ty calh d inu’uria. — C i u c i u u n t : E li she-answer-. 1 ia a c!»-,.- sw eat v o ic a i of the chapel to lx) a friend to ■ auilu'.»ti(Si of liaiuala aiul powdered One of my granddaughters, said the quircr. Then she tn-n, I and ran r.v.ay, and the _ •Bill? Clearly it wua (E lm .” H. M. Wlutucy ef Andover, Dnke of W estminster, when about 0 or little earthly form whose* lips had r “ Ho took Bill homo w ith him. Ho president of the Nntlouai association, tt years old, burst into tears on passing Not Ktro^ig. teo sg h t mo a to, -»iget of eontfext dimip- was a bachelor, and there was no one to awarded praise to MlssUowan and add- a i'l.-n ksmitil's shop, aud on her mother "H e aeenn to be rather w eak." jwiuvd fcrc-.rr, but the white spirit of in his lienovolenco. They had sup- ad that aho was n product of rite go«! inquiring the canse said. “ Oh, m um ­ “ He ts. Ho draws a pension for an | her uame she had left in i-iy heart, and aud »«Iked , work doue at the «toto oollogu of phat my. they are nailing the donkey'• boots Injury tweoivod during tiie war by tho ! from that day I prospered- My eldest found Bill intelligent ami fairly well | , >v LITERALLY. And The A~RT S r e tn e i S C I E N C E S ^ Cu THE PUBLIC HOUSE. THE ÄHENft ^S ^P Ä C IF IC COAST th e : ! ■ dUe cured» d a il y Scientific American.- $ 6 ?7 0 The WssS $ 1 .5 0 A S e THE EnSMUPHLITAN; BAZAR. . f h ï w s ’ to S «4 A Map of the WorSd * S LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. _ j 4 M AKE Y O U R S E L E C T IO N . THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR.