« « ' » « i * > ww-f* >-*.»* '*»‘•‘ 1 MAPLETON NOTES. w e s t riUDAY MOUSING— : B>AKiNG> P owder E y W ideawake . ACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY. BRIGHT’S New Fall Effects DISEASE Sept. 13, 1339. j Pears are ripening, also the prunes, -------------- — in- Or C h ron ic In fla m m a tio n o f th e K id n eys AS5OLUTECy1P5JRE i Born on Sept, fitli, toM r and Mrs Geo 1» « very com m on a lim en t. N um b er» of - - - BY - - - our h e a t c itiz e n » h a v e auceumbeCI to Its • fle e t » oven th o u g h u n der l^ in o r t M U I I - ! B Camp a son. Hosiery, Underwear, ful -------- ----- „ W .I I . W E A T I I E R S O N Dress Qoois, Maliks th e food m ore d elicio u s and w h o le so m e n n n t. L ik e all Condon Bean returned to his home in c h r o n ic diseas«**. Hats and Caps, ROVAI QAKINO TOSTTS CO-, «W VO«K. E d it o r a n d P ro p rie to r. , Salem Tuesday. th « » y m p torn« Excellent Table Linen, c o m e on In sid iou s­ Jim Jactson visited with ids parents : ly. If p r o p e r Boots and Shoes. Latest styles in Corsets, t u a t m e i i l la o b ­ i on Knowles creek Sunday. T kbms : $1.50 a year in advance.----- PERSONALS. ta in ed in Its early Hot id’s pills do not gripe. All drug- ' s ta g e * . P r Igh l * Mr Campbell of Roseburg is visiting I gists. 25c. D ia e a te m a y be cu red . I IU D Y A N • friends around head of tide this week. Filtered a t th e post-office at Florence, Cnspei Tylden was doing business in w ill c u re It if it la The ruling price for logs in Clatsop N e w G o o d s a r r iv i n g o n e v e r y V e s s e l ta k e n In U,n e - U n e county, Oregon, as se.oud-chus ! Jesse Nicolie and wife of Eugene a r­ onr city Tuesday. H f b Y A N w ill ro- county is $5.50 now. mail m atter. V ave yo u o f all rived at Mapleton a few days sgo lor a L. P. Tallman made a business trip to th e sy m p to m s. Do W ill receive CONSIGNMENT of CALIFORNIA FEUIT every trip. Tlie Robarfs returned Tuesday after­ Florence Saturday. n o t ‘ d e la y too 1 short v is it wi'.li Mr Nicolle’s parents. lor.p. D on ’t wa*l .„VKHTISINO RATES MADE KNOWN ON A noon from a trip to Coos bay. u n til you r c a se A ingrry party of young people 11 Eanderkiug and family have moved * PLICATION. b ecom es in c u r a ­ ble. Y ou w ill th en 25 Second band Buggies and Wagons to Glenada for tho winter. Local notice» 8 cen t» per lin e , earl. Insertion . ' _ gathered at tlie hall Saturday . evening th r o w y o u r m on ey .. i lins taken .i now Io select from at F L Chambers’ J _ u m e s . A . V . . Nelson a w a y on d o cto rs a position ! aud ““ spent c - a few r pleasant hours in danc und ro e u 1 clu es. ing F lo re n ce , O r. Sept. 15, 1899. : Eugene. D e g if th e u se < r IIU D Y A N n o w . w h ile as fireman on the steamer Harrison. Ground Feed ofall Kinds always on hand. y o u i n a ^ t e cu red . Miss Sophia Nicolie returned to Pale, emaciated, thin, weak men and Mrs Colies and son Frank have gone [women. Hndyan cures. All druggists, to Vancouver where they expect to re­ Gardiner last Saturday. She will make THE EARLY SYMPTOMS ARE: W E S T L IN G S . preparations at once to move to I loreoee 1 C H R O N IC S IC K O R N A U S E O U S 50 cents. main. H a A C H E - 11V 1 > Y A N la ken aft d*- where she will establish a dressmaking reetvd 1 > A w ill r e lie v e th o h e a d a c h e in - ' The Rqsohnrg Review of tlie 7t!i con­ To see onr assortment of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mattings, Mrs I, G Johnson left Monday for parlor. Boys Rubber Roots at Meyer A Kyle’s. I " « . ‘' v U l- F I N E R S O F T H E S K I N U N ­ tains a picturesque description of tlie Aberdeen, Wash after a visit with £ Mr Milton Nicolie wliilo hunting D E R T H E E Y E S , d u e t;> a > o U G C Cunipton is kept bury tbeso days neighboring town oi Gardiner. Linoleum, Oil cloth, Ets- id —In < III. r w o rd s. D ltO lH Y . IliiM relatives here. Tuesday , shot ami killed a bear near flu V A N w ill can»« th« «x lr u m iio u l.l o t ftula doing hauling. Among the transfers of real estate re- 1 Arthur Taylor arrived from Eugene to bo till.a n up by th e blood und be e lim i­ Walker’s ranch. On account of liis Marion Morris is having some work centlv recorded in Lum county is 120 b.v th e K id n e y s. r-rrarm i.-v Sunday and is now employed in tlie sudden departure to the unknown Mi- n ated 4-« l'AI.I'I. 1XMJGHY C O M F1.P-A- done on liis bouse. IO N du e to tlie Im p erfect c ir c u la tio n o f acres in tp 17 s, r 10 w from Eli Bangs W est office. Bear left no word as to the whereabouts ilie blood . tlU H Y A N w ill reatoro th e c ir ­ Table Cloths in Cotton, Linen and and wife to A I’ Walker. c u la tio n to Us n orm al con d itio n and c a ll« , Robert Bay is running tlie milk boat of Mr Andrews’ bat. th e c h e c k s t'i b ecom e red and rosy. Oil, at A O Funko’s. 151 Crescents sold this year. Only a on Nortli Fork, M Noffslnger having t W E A K N E S S O F T H E H F .A H T -O n a o^* th e H ist s y m p to m s . n d th e o n ^ th a t ACME ITEMS. 2 tons of grass seed at F L Chambers , few more bicycles left—also some good 1 given up tlie job. e v e n tu a lly eo«ises d e a th . 11 V j D i A B trci.B lhoii th e n orvos and '‘"'."“- ' i ' i . ‘jf Eugene—write for prices. second band ones. Mrs I B Harwood returned a few days h e a r t and in u k e It s .io n R and reg u la r In F L Chambers, Eugene. B y X Y Z. For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at ago from a visit of several weeks witli W E A K N E S S A N D F A IN IN THIS R E G IO N O E T H E K IO N H Y S — HUDY A N Nanev J Stowell lias sued the city of friends in the valley. the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. w lil c n u s c th e k ld n e ts to p< rform their Eugene for $1075 for injuries received Acme, Sept. 12th, 1899. Tlie street lamps are again lit in the fu n c tio n s properly^ th er e b y r eliev in g th. I C H Holden went to Minnie today to p ain and w en k n esa . . evening and will be used during the , from a fall caused by a defective side- j take testimony for Huai proof on a S J Seymour and iutuiiv vidited m G et IIU D Y A N o t o n ce and ta k e It regu it d ir e c tio n , go walk. ta lly . F u ll mid e x p lic •lU D Y A N I . «old winter. t couple of homesteads. Acme Sunday. w ith each p a c k a g e . I Marshfield S un: Tiie tug Hunter, N The San Francisco Exam iner and tlie Mr Brunson and family left this place A P C Hald moved this week from ,.l Cornwall, master, is doing tlie towing W est for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ Heceta to liis new location as keeper at fur Culiloniia Monday. i on tlie bay while the tug Columbia is a. ,i 1’kA m 'i7r»"nv àâî Mr and Mrs Boyle visited at the Mills I ¿ oh tlie Umpqua light house. vance. S c Angel«**. T ib ^ V -n C E n llfu E ? rm '0'"".’. 1 t 1, S’ i NK!4. N WU » « ' i . “ » • 5- T ' 18 sack cannot stand up- “ An empty Guy Adkins of Salem made a trip to Sunday 1 E veryone please come next 8., K. S W. tlie new machinery in tlie Acme saw j weak, tilin physical i Florence this week. He came in ex- Sunday and let us see if wo can’t have mill, caused some excitement for a few right.” Neither can poor lie nnmas th e fo llo w in g wltno»«o» to prove blood nourish and sustain the 1 ’ pecti ng to work nt tlie jetty but found the best Sabbath school on tlie river. Ills con tin u ou s residence upon and cu ltivation minutes Wednesday. system. lfoed’a Sarsaparilla IS tlie they wore not ready for him and con­ Don't let us say we are too busy to of, said land, via: School in Glenada district will open standard purifier and true tonic for tlie Ell Hangs, of Eugono, Oregon, W illiam T cluded to return to Salem. Jevoto ono hour each week to our Sun- Ilailov, <>f Eugene, Oregon, N. C. riirkcruoii of for tlie winter term about October 1st E ugene, Oret 'ii, and Archie M. Itlcbardson of J C Beck ami wife were in Florence with Miss Lillian Harwood as teacher blood. Yaqnina Bay News: Tlie fisliernie t Tuo’day. T hat was Mrs Bock’s first day school work. Glentuna, Oregon. for the next six months. J T BainoE», DEAFNESS CANNOT CURED on the Siletz struck last Friday for "" visit to Florence, tliongh she lias lived Iteg later Two new lamp posts have been erected increase in the price of fish from 12 cents near Point Terrace since last winter. in Morse’s addition on Main street, one ides and 39 cents for Chinooks Mr Beck made his first attem pt at fish­ By local applications, as they cannot for silver si Their demand is ing Monday night. He set one net ami at its junction with Washington st.ie. t reach the ilisensed portion of tlm ear. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N .. • ~ r n m lin and the ■’ other at tlie crossing of i Hamlin j to 15 and 35 cents was much pleased next morning to find There is only one way to cure deafness, not unreasonable. that Lnn l OBli-c, Roseburg, O legon. b treel and that is by constitutional remedies. Incoming schooner captains sav 20 fine salmon in it. July 27, ISM. Samuel Smith a pioneer of Oregon I between b e e and Crescent Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ N otice 1« hereby given that tha follow ing salmon, and who resided nt Coburg was drownc ' [ . ' . ]-tera| | v Rliye with dition of tiie mucous lining of the Eus­ named M ille r lias (lb«l n o lle - of til« Intention i.iT T r-k illitilf «'->» ° habit. »« <»•» ’» »'J city »a a creek near his home Saturday. He ! Litv rivers sontii from here in I ■ 'I. nr.tortob.ce-n-n»',— tachian tube. When this tube gets in­ to make 11 uni proof in »api«>rt of h is elaltn, and i in all the o u i n e r v e u - id é U M » . e . b t i . n l o ç ^ « “ th at H id Proof w ill bo m a d . before 11. II. was aliont 69 years old and leaves a wne, | which fishing is can ried on there has t i n e , p u n iin « m ., b; .'il. r ^ < 1 .jWboXoil flamed von liave a riindiling sound or im- s to n '« loa« r a u n h i "-1 ' II Il.leo, U 8. band C o.nm lsstoncr, at Florence. s o l i . «XHXMI of fish.—Bandon nial'i» J°° 1 when it is entirely four sons and three daughters. *,rcnK 1 ca n e* c u r ed - B uy Oregon, on Hrptember I". I * ”'- »•«: Ben E. periect hearing, nm been a very large run Í NO TO- nA C fr o m cbsicd deafness is the result, mid unlnHS [ . , inith, on II. K. 7S1. tor the NE!4, NW% r«nd p o ck o y o u r ow n Tlie Oliver Plow needs no Recorder Indole v o u c h f o r a * . T a k e It out and I .»< ,, nn<1 NF.', SW‘4, «O'- *o, T. 16. 8. R. 12 W. The Inst will »fifi Tis.pV.Ï'nüy.'i.r.^itc '.".j '7» [ ,|,P in (lam niai i hi can he taken —Don’t lie bnldosed into taking . _ Roseburg Review: He nam es the followin'? wltnesse« to prove |,,;R tub" restored to normal condition, Ills eontin iious resilience Upon an I cu ltiv a tio n as good as an Oliver. Get the genuine testament of Thomas M Marlin, CZ.,, r* S 5 Æ f mem'eè^wl/refunjm’enjj- m 'i^ ó r ¿ fó d ü n s -»M rV.« U -U M -S jC «.. tauM«. »«» fu»*- hearing will t>e destroyed forever; nine Oliver and you will have no trouble. .lceeaseri is n.imittcil to probs ate. The of m id land, viz: lr .tlir a y o f M innie. OiegMI, W alterG . 8har- cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, F L Chambers, Eugene, has them. estate is valued a‘ *2W )"",’leX .n d CREFNLEAF it e m s . which is nothing hut an inil.inie I con­ man of M innie, Oregon, Jam es II. F, Hodge of Tlie following bids for lighting street of deceased is the principal legate , M innie, firegoii, and G eorgeH illlltli of Samaria. dition of Hie inucotts surfaces. i, „iso sp,.-u.t«al executrix to serve lamps were received hv tlie street < Oregon. R I o p e n c c , O i* e f° n . B y a W est ConuEsroNDEET. We will give One Hundred Dollars for J. T. BninoF.». inittee. Frederick Holste 5 cents per without bonds. ................| Register. any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) Nexl year the voters in this state 1, night for each lamp. John J Butter i... H Hell'., ( hittirrl that can not tie cured i by all’s Onlarrli Sept. 19tb, 1899. - I field 8 cents per night per lamp. Cure. Send for cireutarJ, free N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . Douglas county has levied a 22 rni It seems some oi capture1 Mrs B nm ett’a health is better. F. J . C iibnsv A Co., Toltalo, <». tax. Tlie assessor fixed real esta e a’- " y ,Ayi^ X n : X n e o f l H a n k Lucus Wheeler and family expect to Solti by druggists, 75c. lAii-t OJtce, at Rtwcbun? Oregon. move in from Eugene this week. valuations a t 8 per cent ess ’ ,. that office. H all’s Family Pills are Hie l-est. as a candidate for • July 27, is»». previons year, and the boar o Treffer Willeut will koep bachelor's Rollins nientione‘1 N otice 1» hereby gtv-n tliat tlie ftillowliiK- ration made a still further reduction of X i supervisor on Maple ereek. WANTED FOB CASH. rest oi tlie family pick name.1 «t-ttler h»« IIlt-e „ n i l E. No. M»5, for ‘he **WK M’ river. Tlie engi- vailey. BK<4 8KH, »ec 15, and E’ 4 NRJa » t c .‘22 T. 15, 8. witli navigating the Second Oregon dead were i d 1 St Pierre Willeut, who was one of tlm tliem LOGS WANTED- bst Ration for R. 12 W. gene last Sunday under the ausp.crs ol I Ì neers require the is e. ej beriel periel home Idaho volunteers, I" 8I„. naiMS tile follow in g wltiieHe« to prove ' o( „¡ther ferries or draw bridge’ - the Ministerial Association. Tlie Siuslaw mid San Francisco Lnm- h e t cnntiuiiona residence upon mid cu ltivation i Cnn fiirina men shortly. Bandon — Recorder aoy speakers were Dr Strong PrR*‘ 1_ . isnnouu ..... : Wi’.lian. Wheeler was so I shiftless that ' t,erCo. want )0,009,0.» feet of logs of, «aid lan^i vi*: tlm university and Rev 15 S Gilbert , ev?ry avaliahle ; o l M innie, bane Co., Oregon •evcr.il of Ids neighbors turned out last delivered at their mill a t Acme within Ira It, H „ r E a y o rtmith is now in uso f M innie, lame t:„ , or. gon, George | chnplnin of the regiment. description on the C ' J U chaplain ¡ descript- ( freigliters. U .m dsvnnd hclp-.l pot a roof over Ins tlm next few months. Grliilth of Kamarin, bane Co., Oregon, an d been sounded and still therein a huv w idt h wits piled out of doors. E >r further information inquire of W »IP r O. hliaoi.an.of M innie, bane Fo., Oregon The “ Death K nell” has vhich have been tie-1 "P and a sign “ To [ Old schoonnrs J. T. Bin no«*. I. 1!. Cusliman, Mrs Bov EftggiMhsim’s house horned to Apothecaries’ Drugs have been recently H echter. ahout Acme, Oregon. IxR” will be in many windows of Hoc- ¡forsix years or more down Saturday morning, the 21, freig'its are high trade put on tlie coast She tor offices Biuce the A vnt • a :< ’ |, 8 o’clock, with "Il it* eontents. and bus far m for s a l e . Remedy for female troubles has L fronl all coast points N O T IC E FO R PU B L IO A T IO N . . was aloi.o in the clearing w lien site brisk. __ ______ ______ placed on the maiket. Every discovered the fire. She g-A some j tnnd OAee, Rowhurg, Oregon ,NDIAN3 m ay sell la n d s , her clothing out, but parks set .1 on hre | A farm o i over 1(toh(,,,x n (.. „ 14 Lewis Building, Portland, Oreg lands is far reacli- He hired Herman rit-.-iuhauer to go and Can cut 10 to 12 tons of hay. A wagon i den 17. 8. Commlasltmer ot fzike Freelnet, titles to re*ri-ation that summon hi. family who had gone to the ' l»,n"l*» I’-»., Oregon, on October 7, I»A», via: Oregonian: L L to tngin its effect». The «Weis ,ttc-l to lu-!is"8 VH,icy to pick hops. When Herman road opened io steamboat landing four 1 Chart«« 9. Byers o n H. F„ No. »022 fur the tnrned from a protracted lands are feet of timber ex- j as soon ft" pri, the Indians may sell such rcp imti the valley the Alamaiis had miles -listant. C90,W» BW 'i, sec. ft. T. 2 9 8 ., K. 11 W. Yaqnina, during whi' ti lie m on tlm place. Price $öW. Apply at court Irolds vimtiug nnd prier- H e nam es tho f.d low lag w itnesses tn prove Tms for bom«» early bop already Bturtol tended trip down the coast, pud , lands as ttn-v ■ / ¡ ft„ patents to liis contlnnotM rcsltlenee upon and c jlllv a t lo n this office. pirking having given out. The old man Alsea, Si islaw, Umpqua Coqui"'’ ,f the ; ttmt tho cl o( said land, vis: that tlie L in t AND B. F. W ilkes, til 1-alte P recinct, Oroson; 8. E. SOKNTi W VN'T E li— for “THK tho Coos hays. If* says l,,,R ‘s ' ,.ina|)lp. Indian" of •and», providing tie for 25 is getting better. world’ Lowe, o l Florence, Oregon; Charles lllaelt, of .- ,, not alienate ft ori» ie vein •4 of A'lroirAt I ) - . Acy,” hero. By Mur*t HAlstfc*. th« most delightful outing trips Indian siiall «J’’ em tion of this i r.nti-ftli-nat ^” e(»inmU*ton*. Outfit ir»«?. C hange Ba;, the wordj r orU» • Care iaraB- tim e' Write qiileK. 1 he Poroin loa «¡ t p ,r t is to he h»