¿ -H E W E S T CO NTRACTS APPROVED- ANAEMIA la * dlwaaa met with am ong young w« men pnnvlpally. It ia tcry cotniuoo I m p r o v e m e n t W ork al S iu rla w * C o­ kvkuy fuidav mukkimu — , and ta a for«runner of von»unipt»on. it q u i l l e Mini C o n i Hay to C rot'retl. rtl«U*utU ta a <4lft*uae of the blood. There la only a »mall quantity of blood In tho ayal»^n. and It la of a po«*r quality. The «yuip- toma quite l o m a of O I the I I I « dlaaaaa a are sv w w a w sr numaroua. —■ Portland Telegram August 11. J.ASK C o l'N T Y , O lik tlO N .- They ara roadlly ........... dlacerned. i«d. “ If the ' prog- - ,fU»#kSU Upon the recommendation of Captain r«aa checked -»----------- dualh rv a a o o r f the m i disease u i m * » « is • • not mvw from consum ption or som e other disease . - UY - - Harts, United .S la tes engineer, Ute In Inevitable. H VDYAN will checki Its progress. H U DYAN will enrich the blood letting of contracts for jetty work at and m ak e Makes the food more delicious and wholesome tlcnt strong. I ll' - Siuslaw, Coquille and Coos hay lias been VAN 1» fur women ’Editor and Proprietor. approved by the chief of engineers. ■■ well aa men. H l'D Y A N la a Wakefield & Jacobson will have the veKu'.abla remedy, ana It la harnileas 3r«*»: M a ye,‘ r ln ttdvaneo-— w oik at Coos bay, John Kiernan at Kt ew supply of Gent’s furnishing goods ln Its effect. It SOME MORE VICTIMS contain» no Iron to Coquille, and Hale & Smith at Siuslaw. nt O ) W Hurd’s. cause the teeth to In ubout two weeks the contracts will decay. If you are Tntóeounty. o X u ’.°H« e ^ o n d S ' F e?"*? « ” " 1™ " ?.. P ^ - «"<' sallow a u f f e r l i i a you Of Cupid’s archery. The little “God be approved. Some of the contractors ’ i MUD- ahuuld take ------- , complexions, headaches, nervous dys­ ino - . of L ive” has l>een remarkably busy in , aie anxious to begin operations ns soon VAN now and a*il matter. th e n note the months and pepsia. Hudyan cures. AU druggists. tills ..... vicinity ..... . . . j the ..... last ..... few raw „raw.»« mm i ag posaibie ¡u order to get as much work change In „your condition. Btudy y o u r aympton.a „ „ « S I N G BATES S IA M KNOWN ON A r / One of E Bangs stago horses died further, lie has not only been busy b u t! lloao lia thuy can before wiuter. carefully. Theeo —successful. We have now to chronicle 1 — I»»“ 1 PLICATION. SYtulilenly wliilo on the way out from are your avuib- ,1 notice’ 8 cents per lin e, each Insertion the marriage of William Neely and ' To r u n constipation For»»«. lunu. Yalta HUD- Eugene Monday. VAN now and MiSS M ay Stebbins which oceured in Take Cascarete Cundy Cathartic. 10c or Ira. they will dlaop „ ,,, , , 1 II C. C. C. tail io cure, druggi.su retuud money. pear. Eugene, Wednesday, August 10th, 1899 Florence, Or. Aug. 18, 1899. PERSONALS. OVAL THE ★ ACME COMMERCIAL COMPANY’S ★ a ’JÏ.W KATIIERSON V T E S T L iIN QS. Mr and Mis Neely will arrive in Flor­ GREENLEAF ITEMS. ence Saturday , aud will as soon as their furniture arrives, set up housekeeping Nathan Young visited in Florence over in the Rogers house. B y a W est C obres pox d in t . Sunday. A free danee will be given in the Odd Harry Boyle and wife moved to Acme F ellows hall Saturday night to which There are quite a number of cattle every one is invited. yesterday. hereabouts for some buyer to pick up. L R Johnson made a business trip to T he W est extends congratulations and The rain of Aug. 9th freshened up wishes tiie young couple a long and Seaton Wednesday. vegetables wonderfully. They have prosperous journey through life. Estella Bean came down on the been seldom wet by rain since they got Marguerite Tuesday. above ground. H O M E A G A IN A Ilickethier left here for Gardiner The rain of the 13th soaked all the hay Wednesday morning. Ono Phelps, Dolpli Beers Frank and out and some that had been staeketl G Gump,on took a load of frieglit to Smith Taylor, the Indian creek boys with no attempt at making it shed rain, Gardiner Wednesday. who wern with tiie Oregon regiment at the owners intending to put up tem­ ,. Mr and Mrs Geo. Chamberlin visited Manilla arrived at Hermann the latter porary roofs, was badly damaged. The Deadwood correspondent is here­ part ot last week. George Nicolle stop­ over Sunday at Acme. by informed that a load of chittom bark Judge Fisk with his son and family ped in Eugene for a few days. Marshfield Sun: Morton L Tower from Chickahoininy brought $2 65 a are visiting nt II H Fisks. hundred a few days ago. I lls quotation Geo. Gibbs made a trip to Eugene left lor tiie Coquille this week. He of $1.75 must have been for a pretty will make n survey of tiie Coquille river with liis team thia week. from Coquille City to Myrtle Point for poor grade. Mrs B Barnett went up tiie river the government. Mondav enroute for Eugene. E d u c a te Y o u r Ilo w e l« W i t h C ascarete. Candy Cathnrtic, cure constipation fsrsrmr. Kate Beck is helping Mrs W II SUNDAY SERVICES. 10c, 25c. If U. C C. tall, druggists refund money. Weatlierson for a few weeks. Will Storm leaves for Eugene today. S,w supply of groceries at Meyer & Kyle’s. w are in good demand on the I liter now. Hood’s Pills cure sick headache, I indigestion Frrth stock of Boots and Shoes at v Hurd’s. Rond supervisors receipts for sale at | j e W est office. A new lot of those Dandy Logger ¡Shoes at AO Fuuke’s. For Drees Cutting and Fitting call at I ii,cLadieB Bazaar at Point Terrace The rain that came the first of the | ,eek will help out the pastures nicely Houses for rent in Florence are very [ Re Editor of Broad A xe to the contrary. The San Francisco Exam iner and the W est lor one year $2.50 paid in ad- is n o w OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. TOUK WEAK POINTS ARE: » CONSTANT H K A D A C H B -T H E feel­ ing la a» though the hind were going to burat from too much pleasure. l i t DY AN. bv tta action on the blood, will uquallaa the circulation of blood and tha hcaoacno Wi!1I <5S*r^K i.rN E Y E B A L L S AND DAIIK RINGS BE N K A TH TH E EYES. H L D - TAN will catiaa tho rtr.tfa to dl*upp*-hr and m ake the eyes bright. j.g. I P ALE C H C E aC E sIX K S. I’Abt. V II O. from uvue the V».»- poor quel —- - Ity o f the blood. It being alm ost devoid o f r«a red coloring m iu atter..... H UDYAN w i.i 1 or colon n a n u ei t , enrich the blood and cau l« the cheeks to ¿'¿come r W E "bri^m A K M Otid l N joa^.^ TÏfH H EART »» It, A rk A’ ra»5-J « * »I'V Is the mo»t pronounced sym ptom. Tho Mart become» weak mnl there ia a con- col »taut ........................, alnkluK teallng ............... around It. -JUD- HIJL YÂN w iir in a k e the heart strong cau HUSO se II It to IU beat l»X«l regularly, icptuni i; , and ...------- the alnk txt »rwi? in IS feelin g will f. FE E L IN G OF \ \ EIGHT IN T H E TOMACH A N D IN D IO E S T tp rf Thl» I. to the fart that the food In the atom- la not acted upon by healthy blood, efore It 1» not properly digested -This will cau se the food to be properly d laest- ed Improve the appetite and relieve the “ conatipation. netlpaUon. H n o U D Y A N will relieve all the above ».m ptom a and m ake you well. rtUDYAN la for you. It Is for men and wom A t fter you cured tell other r O I I l en. U n. A kC I J A» W are so - - -- — omen - w > hat i.i H H U i ' n D Y Y A has done for you. A N N haa »'here are many other «ufferere and they •Iso w ish to be cured. H UDYAN can bo procured of d ru ggists for 50c per >r six packuges for JiW. It your drug- ' »<7 .“ I_„as (• .«aw, dlropf tn thS H udyan Rem edy Co.. San Fcnnclaro or Loa Angeloa. Cal. Call upon the HUD- TAW flOOKOri. l C u onsultation i i o u i tativii Is free. eaww,. You -w — TA N doctors. m ar call upon the doctors or w rite, a s you desire. Address W A T C H T H IS S P A C E fo r t h e i r FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. MEYEE, à KYLE rance A D D IT IO N A L L O C A L . Sunday School 10 A. M. W II Weatlierson and Win Persons Spruce Point mill shut down a couple Endeavor 2 :30 P. M. oldeys this week so as to have a new were up Knowles creek Tuesday. Ho. 816 South B ro a d w ay , Rev. A Robinson set out on bis return Preaching at Mapleton at 11:15 A M. Miss Stella Whitaker is spending a conveyer put in Los Angeles, CaL to Portland yesterday afternoon. He and at Point Terrace 3 P. M. Two loads ot people from Creswell tew days with friends in Florence. goes from head of tide on a bicycle. I. G. K notts Ccr. StocBton, Marke« and Bills Sta, passed through Florence Monday en- E E Benedict and sons were making ban Frenclaco. CeL Pastor. Several fbliorinan and one cannery- some repairs at tiie Mason boom this joote lor the cape. man have been arrested at Astoria for Headaches, sallowness, falling eensa week. LOGS W ANTED- fishing alter the beginning of tiie close lions, liver troubles. Hudyan cures. Mr Haggerty of Elmira lias been tak­ BIDS FOR PAINTING WANTED- strson. All druggists. 50 cent ing in the sights on the Siuslaw for the The Siuslaw and San Francisco Luin- Dr Patterson of Gardiner writes to the M D Johnson and Henry Ilinkson of past few days. Bide will be received at tiie office of ! ber Co. want 10,000,000 feet of logs Roseburg Review contradicting a report Mound delivered 500,000 feet of logs at S E MeCInre of Elmira was among the j delivered at their mill at Acme within that he expected goon to leuve Douglas O. W . Hurd, district clerk, till Saturday, the new mill at Acme last week August 19th 1899, for painting both in passengers to Florence on the Marguer- (fie „ext few months. county. side and outside of tho school house in OW Hurd’s residence looks very ite Wednesday. Eor further isformation inquire of The Lillian towed the Dauielson down Florence district. The old part is to tw I. B. Cushman, beautiful in its new coat of paint. Mr Dr Patterson of Gardiner made a pro­ from Acme to the Spruce Point mill given one coat and the new part two Scott has few equals at ornamental fessional trip to Maple creek Wednesday Acme, Oregon. yesterday where she will take on a ear- coats. Colors tiie same ns at present to see Mr Austin. painting. go of lumber. The right reserved to reject any or all NEW RAILROAD. Anew sign now ornaments the en­ Governor Goer appointed Aug. lOtli a Mr and Mrs Stibbins are oxpected hide. trance to the Mapleton camping grounds tomorrow and will take possession of public holiday in honor of tiie return of W. H. W kathbbson ) and one has been put upon the Maple the Morris Hotel. Articles of incorporation of the Cor tiie Oregon volunteers hut the an­ F. B. W ilson > Directors. tun feed stable W m . K yle ) A nciee of B F Kane, with tier hus­ vallis & Southern Railroad company nouncement did not reach all parts of A drummer for Roos Bros, of San F ran band ami children arrived at Acme from have been filed by A Willielin, James the state till after that date. Steel, O W Washburn, R F Baker, B risco, Hatter’s and dealers in Gent’s the east a few days ago. Guard : Messrs. Beaudreau and Pow­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION S Hyland, M Allen, F M Wilkins, A O ell recently organised a Christian church lurnisliiiig goods was doing business in Master Rudolph Brynd and liis sisters Laud Office, Kusuburg, Oregon. Woodcock and H S Wallace in the at Walton. A protracted meeting was Florence aud Acme yesterday. U Emma and Bessie were visiting friends July 2 7 ,18W. county clerk’s office. lield in which twelve persons obeyed The Danielson came in Monday in Florence this week. Notice 1« hereby given that the following- The name of the company will be the gospel. Thirty members went into named settler has filed notice ot Ilia intention having considerable freight for the Mrs I B Harwood started for Eugene “ The Corvallis & Southern Railrotd to make final proof In support ot hi« claim, and the new organisation. Mr Beaudreau Mtelianls and the balance of tiie ma- Thursday for a short visit with her Co.” and its duration unlimited. continues liis work as county evangelist that aald Proof will bo made before O. H. chinery for the Cushman mill. children in the valley. It is proposed to build and equip a and Mr Powell has returned. H e will Holden, U. 8 . 1 And Commissioner, at Florence, Anyone desiring to purchase a new O W Sutton aud family liavo returned first-class railway from Eugene to Coos leave for liis home in Oklahoma in a few Oregon, on September 16, 189V, via: lien E. Smith, on II. E. 7391, for the H'i NK‘4, NW), mu ¡ng inachilie may find it to liis iil- to Florence after spending a few weeks , jjay anj ai80 froin Corvallis ~ " to Eugene. weeks. 8E‘i , and NE>i 8W>i, see. 35, T. 15. 8. It. 12 W. lerent to call at the W est office and on their ranch at Mercer Lake. lie names the following witnesses to prove i Principal place of buisness, Junction Gardiner correspondent in Roseburg ascertain what we offer in that line. his continuous residence upon and cultivation Robert Bernhardt and family, Miss c ity - Plaindealer: A very serious accident of said land, vis: The Marguerite made an extra trip to Whitmore and Wm Hoffman made Capital stock $50,000; each aliare $10. occured at Baldree Bros.’s logging camp Ira Bray of Minnie, Oregon, Walter (1. Hhar- Mapleton Saturday after the letter mail trip to tho cape a few days ago. about seven o ’ clock Friday morning. man of Minnie, Oregon, Jarne-s 11. F, Ihslgu of which was overlooked in the morning Minnie, Oregon, aud Oeorgetlrlffith of Samaria, Joseph Austin of Maple creek has ALPHA CLIPPINGS- Dick Lester was caught betwoen two Oregon. when the other sacks were put on board been very ill for several days past but logs and crushed in a frightful manner, J. T. Baiboxs. the boat B y E ven C hange . Keglster. breaking both bones of the left leg about was a little better at last reports. Jenction City Tim es: W. H Spnugh four inches above tiie knee, also break­ Claude Yates left last Friday enroute waaintown Monday making arrang- for Eugeue. He gave good and suffi­ Our Sunday school is progressing ing the bones of the same leg just below NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. aienta to harvest his crop of hops. He the hip. The man is suffering se»erly, fiuely at Alpha. cient (?) reasons for liis departure. ■xpecta to commence picking about A great deal of late hay has been but Dr. Patterson reports him a* rotting Mrs Thomas of Illinois arrived Wed­ Lam, Offloe, at Roseburg Oregon. die 18th. as well as could be expected with fair getting a soaking and is damaged. July 27,189«. nesday for a visit with relatives here. Mr. Lester has Guard: Captain J L May is in the Notice Is hereby given that tho following Messrs Ramsey, Lamb and Steinbauer probability of recovery. She is a sister of Mrs C M Severy. a wife and several children and is a named settler has filed notice of her intention ity today greeting bis many friends. Mrs L G Johnson and children ar­ linve gone to Eugene to do trading. member of tiie orders of I. O. O. F. and to make filial proof in support of her claim, aud He leave« tonight to take a position as J C Farmer has produced nine good A. O. U . W., who will no doubt assist that said proof will he made before C. II. Holden nio dispatcher (or the Southern Pacific rived Wednesday from Gray’s Harbor, Wash, for a visit with relatives on the average crops of hay on a piece of land iu caring for tiie unfortunate man iu th e U. 8. lan d Commi»sioner at Florence, Oregon, it Ashland. on September lfi, 1899 vis: Isabella Rharman that was slashed but had not been on H. K. No. 7495, for tho SWX SW(i, sec. 14, best possible manuer. The Danielson brought in quite a river. Rev. Albert Robinson who presided plowed. 8K‘4 8K>*, sec 15, and KK NKV« sec. 22 T. 15, S. ariety of fruits and vegetables, such as R. 12 W. Elmer Lamb will put np a blacksmith over the Presbyterian church here for HOW’S THIS? •eet potatoes, bananas, grapes, lem- She names the following witnes»es to prove several years, was in Florence a few sliop at his father’s place as lie bas her continuous residence upon and cultivation melons, etc. which will at bouglit most of the tools belonging to E days thia week. We offer One Imndred Dollars Reward of, said land, viz: ¡uonsble prices find ready sale. Ben K. Smith ol Minnie, la n e Co., Oregon, Bert Cobb came down from Heceta C Potterf. for any case ot Catarrh tliat cannot be "To throw good money after bad will Ira Bray ol Minnie, Lane Co., Oregon, George Tiie W est came out a very newsy cured by H all’s Catarrh Cure. Monday to take a party to the cape, Griffith of Samaria, la n e Co., Oregon, and increase my pain.” If you have sheet last week lull of tiie local news of were Mrs NcLeod and -------------- F. J. C hknky & Co., Props., Toledo, Walter O. Sharman.of Minnie, lan e Co., Oregon. . irown away money for medicines that among whom ------------- children and Etta Saunders. ; roads, shipping, logging, jetties, bids lor O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. T. Bninogs, d not enre, now begin taking Hood’s Register We received a pleasant call Saturday contracts etc. J. Cheney for tiie last 15 years, and irsaparilla, the medicine that Dever Mias Clara Tabor who left Alpha last believe him perfectly honorable in all from Mr Jorgensen of Ashland, M is. •appoints He is traveling for his health and spent spring, ia living with her parents at business transactions, and financially NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- Olive Knowles closed a three month Waitsburg, Wash. She wtitea that able to carry out any obligation made by a few days in the Siuslaw valley, MENT- nil of school on Fiddle creek last Fri- Mrs Bailev who has been visiting her there is a gooJ grain crop but it is very tlieir firm. . A basket dinner was given at the W est & T kvax , Wholesale Druggists, sister Mrs J B Harwood for a few weeks ' hot and harvest bands are scarce. bool house followed by recitations by Notice I. hereby given that the nnilernlgneil 'eft on yesterday’s boat for Eugene We are giaj the county court lias seon Toledo, O. W alding , K ixnam & M ak - •dininlalraior of the o te te ol Alfrufi Mu«m Jf- a pupils and teacher in the afternoon. v ix . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. enroute for her home in California. I fit to complete tiie road between Maple- ecu ed , haa filed ilia final account In the Die bounty of $2 on coyotes, wild cats Miss Ernest Whitmore closed a fonr i ton and Florence. if mey they use , n Hall’s wr- -n riorence. Even u *u b Catarrli Cure « is takeu — intern Comity Court of la n e County, Oregon In the wntain lions, panthers and wolves M'.8t8a rerm of school in Duncan Slough county funds to the amount of several ally, acting directly upon tl.e bloodland matter of »aid citatc, and Honday the 4lh day • already cost the state $12,384. The district ..................... ak « there . a ______ „..,1 .L jiaea fn m nipt« th « road faces of the months last term week. She mucous «nr surfaces tiie BVBtein. system . I I nee rice of Heptembcr, 1S99, at the hour of 10 o'clock lias taught > thousand dollars to m complete the road mncniin A. M. of Mid day ha» been fixed hy an order of warrant was drawn on May 5th. iw o summer, n o w a n d given good this year, let it be done a . very few tax 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggilts. Mid Court, fur the hearing of objections to Mid b w.u objeet 4n open free rogJ Testimonials free. • bounty is paid by a special fund two siinini account and lor final »cttlement ot Mid eatato; and all objection« thereto »hall be filed with «omii„ the to tiie ocean. Mr Bailey deserves credit H all’s family pills are the liefit. for tiie purpose by a tax on satisfaction. the Clerk ol Mid Conrt on or before »ahi date. J I Butterfield moved his family |n rQ, d anJ brid ge in road and his Dated till» 22nd day of July, 1899. Rev. W 8 Holt D. D., Synodical Miss­ 'lie W est lias for sale one years firet of the week from the Hadsall house matters wli idi we believe gives general J oiix A. Mason, ionary, of Portland will arrive in to the residence of J J Anderson Admin Utrator. lion in the Holmes Business College satisfaction. Florence Sat. Aug. 2Gtli. He will Walton & Markley, Attorney» for said citato. ’ortland. Tltis is one of tiie leading - where they will reside during Mrs. preach in Florence Aug. 27, 11 A. M., AMETHY8T ASHORE. nes9 colleges on the coast, having Anderson’s absence. Point Terrace at 3:30 P. M.’ and Map­ liah, vommerciai, Commercial, enorinauu Shorthand and Berk el son of Oklahoma who wafl tusii, leton at 7 :30 P. M., of the same date. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- •graphic departments and we offer here several weeks ago looking over the The Yaqnina Post says tljat the On Tuesday the 29th he will preach a t country moved Land Office, Iluieburg, Oregon. i tuition on easy terms ------------- , --------- cuuii .«/ •— in -- with his family » . few ¡11 ; schooner Amethyet went ashore at Alsea Alpha at 11 A M. and Deadwood at 3 July 6, 1S99. ie “Death K nell” has been sounded ; daya He is a blacksmith an jnsU jn#ide t)i0 bHr Notice 1» hereby given that the lollowlng- P. M. same date. pothecaries’ Drugs, and a sign “ To work at the Acme mill. h It was not known whether she could be named »eUler ha» filed notice ot hi» lntantlun will be in many windows of Doc- > ^ -nj Martin assistant editor o t e off ttie sands or not, but at the last to make final proof Iu »upport ol hli claim, and N v w « » W iik VO« w h -J k« » yon e j o j l j " that Mhl prod will he made larlore C. H. Hid­ 111tn<’ o n ii- r o L a b it . 'ffices since the A unt J ank Home I regon state Journal gave ns s rie ; account gbe |,ad not begun to break up. r « m o v c « t h e de» « re f o r (ot>aev*o. den U. 8. Coraml»»loncr nt Lake Frechict. i»ly for female troubles has been ! I cnll yesterday- n ., is spending Otti «rjir He spendm a few Duuglaa Co., Oreguu, on Anyual 19, 1899 vis: tlno. «urille« tl,» k.™ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. •tora» l°» t manhood, *1 on tiie market. Every man or ¡n yjc{uity looking a e Luther Klug on H. E. No. 92tJ hw the S % XW moka» y io ht£.l‘- n an, married or single, Bhould send a ajF.(jrg 0( his father's estate. !i, NF. % 8W Ft, NW U SC !i, SSC. 32, T. 19 H. •n d p i ¡ent stamp to onr office for a bcauti-j Hanson and son came in from »*•»111 VGuenrors». ib «» «»’^-- R. 11 W. The c West ____________ Real Estate office haa bar- b o n k. r»n.. puler.lly, portUwmUy He name» the following wltiie«w» to prove illustrated circular, free. AdJress I E e ft fpw ,iays ago with loads of ‘ “’ to oifler in the following property. i •>. GiUMlly t are«; I »n.r.riHiLO« <1 to o f W« PAÍMSd (MOF“ hta eonliniiou» re.hlence rpoo aud calllvatlon Annt Jane Medicine Co., rooms In- frp’ 1|t -fhey took a trip to Florence B JweI|i||(l i,OU3e, .n-l black r bvarùtaf X*ta^yCta, CisteM». •' of Mid land, viz: and back on the steamer for a look s , Rhop doing a good bu.,ille8» in a -ewis Building, Portland, Oregon Darin» Vaudcrhnrg,of Lake PredncL Oregon FREE PICNIC TO VOLUNTEERS. the river and to get a eight of the ocea . tolrn Tbe owner desires to Byron Dorsey, of lak e Precinct, Oregon. John k * Bay News: Tbe Floreuce base- L. Furnl.h, of Florence, Oregon, and flcoige team wants to play the Marslilield Edwarb Geary of Portland and Donald | chang(j 1(,t location. A flne opportunity Colter, ol Uleuada, Oregon. Eli Bangs gives a free picnic to the U c injn 6 a mutch game some time lb-8 Stevenson of Eegene, who have been , J. T. Baino««, volunteers today at liis park near >th, provided a suitable purse is of their j ¡niproveJ Begtotor. spending a * few weeks visiting F apéname -------- farm six miles from d. We have a good team in Mursh- nndfe w R MeCornsck on North r e A ,arge house, new barn and Eugene. There will be a match game of ball I at present, and the c i,ism s stio ild started for tl.eir respective homes ( bui|,|inge, . fine young or- AGKXTS WASTED -Foil "TUB LIFE AXD t o ) between a teim of soldiers and one aa-hlevemi-nt» of A.linlral Dewey,” Ihc w.«rl«1 » ainly take enough interest in their Monday. . . I ebani and 30 acres of land re.nly onday. ela n ! .w oi .y z grc«te«t naval li«-ro. Hr Murat Hal.lca, th«| ic nine to hang np a respectable | Morton Douglas bns enlisted in the from , nJ clo^ to from the town boys, and s dance iu the : 111» long friwid and admirer of the nation » diol. Hlggut and beat b««>k; over 5«d lMg«a, *e, and make liis occasion a pleas- I .rm v having gone to Eugene lor that n roaJ Wi„ , tock , and evening. Azio luche», nearly UW page» halftone lllu.tra- ■ ru ir— —> > .. « ' good wagon , Everything including transportation thm r Only »l.‘A Knormona demand Big vne for the visitors. Me under- pnprose about two week. __»— tv» d»mir- ilDpl.m ents with . . place — «. j —:—i if desired. mnnmisilon». Outfit free. I haiu-c ol a life 'J that the groan«)» at the rare track P'’l‘r «* tbe T0|unteers last year Buildings arranged witli all modern and dancing will be free for the soldiers 1 time- Write qui«-k. The Dominion Company i but tbe town people will be charged. I 3rd fluor Carlon Bldg . Ubicalo. be put in order if the match is ; •*' 0 ' tbe ezaininatiou conveniences. Is offered cheap. nimble! j but laiieo , riej ¡, i tbrec times, as they are mneb more suitable the .South Marshfield r t- I U'oug HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, H a ve 0 k D ry ways and on 0 oodsj a ★ À P ine (-^focl^ o f D re s s Q o o d s j -ta»- F H a ts & C aps, ; s, L Boots & ^ " 1 Shoes, ; . . ................... ...................... I Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd u ra rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Plopcnec, Op0{°n. FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Timber Land, Farm Land, and Town Lots For Sale- If you have property to seit call at the “WEST” office and place it on our list. JOHN C. BECK MANAGERS. W. H. W EATHERSON