r-*y y " v r y I T H E W EST y r V ADVERTISERS Ï ! YOUR HOME PAPER > SUPPORT IT . t I K » G e n e r a l d ir e c t o r y STATE O FFICERS- 0owfnor- Secretary of 8 a t e . . . TR A V ELER S’ GUIDE. s t e a m e r m a r g u e r it e , O —— - W ill nm bn n Altoruey G enera ....................R g . tn p s from For piusseuger anil freight rates — APPLY TO — I W ill carry freight and passengers M eyer & Kyle, Florence, O r. _ _. . ________________ - from Florence to San Francisco 1 E . O. P otter. E. U. Lee . W. W. Withers .A. 8. Patterson .. ,D. P. Burton W ill also bring up freight S T A C I E L.IN H !. For further information inquire — OF — A. W. BEADLE & CO. 14 California St, San Francisco, California. School S u p e rin te n d en t.. . .W . M . M iller . .........C. M . Collier Purveyor............................... W. P. Cheshire Coroner............................... .. ,C. H. Holden justiceof P e a c e ... . . . E. A. Evane Constable................ ever Calling at the UMI’QUA. L U E L L A ( ............. W. T. Bailey Commissioners j ..........H . D. E E d w a rd e rreasuror Will make regular TH E S T E A M E R ---------------------- Clerk....................... S te a m e r R o b a rts I Florence ail Heafl of Tll8.ic“" Florence i‘ AlSEA- to Coos Bay lodge Second D istr ict . J . W . H am ilton { g a t i n g A t t o r n e y ... G eo. M . Brown COUNTY O FFICERS- T r a in e d Show D o ,» . Florence to Yaquina } ............... F . A . Moore j 0> E W olverton ....... .................. TR A V ELER S’ GUIDE . . T. T. Geer. F . I . Dunbar. . F . 8 . Moore. ' » : ' £ » iJ U s .» Aisetaor NO. 13. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July 23, 1890. VOL. X . „r-mirt "qpreme to u r SrJSLAWS ONLY PAP3E. < OPPORTUNITY 1 ,J N H . H . B a rre tt, P ro p ’r, Leaves Florenco M ondays, W ednes­ We never did; but w e have seen the clothing at thia time of the year so covered with dandruff that it looked as if it had been out in a regular snow ­ storm. No.needof this snowstorm . As the sunrrer sun would melt the falling snow so will days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs- i days and Saturdays. Connects with Steam er and Scotts burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with i Stage Line for Coos B ay. Charges j We call your attention to the following prices. We invite comparison. We want your trade. If good goods and low prices count we will get it. “Considering the investment, train­ ed doge are one of the most profitable attractions in the vaudeville line,” said an old time showman, here with one of the current theatrical companies “ I suppose there are at least 13 or 18 troupes of them scattered over the country. ” ho continued, “and tho good ones easily average a couple of hundred , a week and expenses. As there are no salaries to pay for the dogs and no hotel bills for anybody except the proprietor ( and ono keeper the rotnrns are rather handsome. Nowadays they have the G uaranteed F ast Black * business down to snch a fine point that the sudden death of any of the animals * Ladio’s aud Mett’s Hose can be readily remedied by telegraph­ ing to New York, where several men 10c. per pair. tnuko a specialty of keeping standard trick dogs in stock. “ A dog troupe usually consists of five performers, one of which is a star. The star probably costs $130 and the others about $30 apiece. Mongrels of no Intrinsic worth are generally select­ Scotch Lawn ed for training purposes, because they learn as quiokly us the thoroughbreds F ast Colors and if anything happens to them the loss Is so much lighter. There is a Pretty P atterns standard series of tricks which they are tanght to do, so thut one can easily re­ 4c. per yard. place another, and a little ingenuity on the part of the showman supplies the variety to the programme.’'—New Or­ leans Tiwcs-Deinocrat. Beady made Skirls. Ladies’ Shoes 90c. and up Men’s “ 75c. “ “ Children’s “ 20c. “ “ B ig S e le c t io n — Can save you m oney Hsu’s and Boy’s C lo w Men’s Shirts 25c. and u$o- Boys’ “ 20c. “ “ Boys’ Suits 75c. Men’s “ $2.75 “ “ “ “ Pretty Skirt Waists A n c i e n t C b n ln a . reasonable. 30 yds. calico for $1.00 Ladies’ U nder vests 5c. aud u In an interesting article on the sub- 5c. Childrens ‘ ject of chains an English writer points A. F. C. Ginghams 10c. per yard. to the fact that notwithstanding the Men’s U nderw ear. ... frequent mention of chain in the Bible Duck Suiting a t 8, 10, 12, 13, the article is comparatively new. The ?0c. per yard : : : 50c. and up per suit. CITY O F F IC E R S . same author Bays. melt these fa k es of dandruff In “ Some authorities give the Britons E. Bangs, Proprietor. u I the scalp. It goes further than credit for originating the cable chain S e n d u s y o u r m a il orders; they w ill h a we .W . H . W in thereon * I this: it prevents their formation. President.............. ■ Stage leaves Eugene daily ex­ because Julius Gasser is recorded as N 1 It has still other properties: having been nnable to cut the cables of orom pt a tte n tio n , O. W. Hurd cept Sundays, at 6 a. in., arriving it will restore color to gray hair Win. Kyle the Gaul’s vessels, ‘as they were made | in just ten tim es out of every ■Nnrth Willamette VHUamntta Street, Btraat. ** " Board of Trustees J. W. Carman North a t Florence the day following of imn. ’ Thia may have been a chain in | ten cases. M. Morris Eugene. the present acceptation of the term, And it does even m o r e : it Pullman Lana Co., Oregon. at 10 a. m. feeds and nourishes the rool3 but it is doubtful, because the first pat­ Recorder...................... ^ n I. B utterfield Sleeping Cars R eturning-stage leaves F lor­ of the hair. Thin hair becom es ent for chainmaking was obtained in (thick hair; and short hair be- England in 1684 by a blacksmith nnmed 6TANDARD OF EXC ELLEN C E. Gettins rp. Treasurer..................................»♦ W ilson ence daily, except Sundays at 2 Elegant [ com es long hair. Philip White. The patent was for 14 Tho Duke of Wellington slept on an Marshal............................... G . C . Cumpton A M o u n ta in e e r W h o R ic h ly A p p r e c ia te d We have a book on the Hair Dining Cars years, and in consideration of it White p.ni., arriv in g in Eugene the day Iron camp bedstead 18 inches wide and R e a lly G oud C o o k in g . | and Scalp. It is yours, for the had to pay £8 In lawful money yearly asking. A sa rule tho mountaineer of Ken­ argued that “ when a man wants to turn Tourist following a t 9 p. in. ‘at the Exchequer. Westminster, att I If you <1o no» obtain »11 the benefits tucky is not a gastronomic connoissonr, over it is time to turnou t.” Edward Sleeping Cars the Feast of the Blessed Virgyn and you »»ported from the tu e ot the Vtwor, SECRET S O C IE T IE S . l wr’te the doctor about It. 1 robably and tho visitor at his table is quite as Everett Hale quotes this remark of the Saint Michell the Archangoll by even there U some difficulty with your ST. PAUL ____ Single fare _ — _ — $5.00 likely to hear dried apples referred to duko in the "Ten Times Ono Record" | eral system which may bo easily ro- • and eual process. ’ J . Cook- w ere w orth th e W . W. NEELY, Prop’r. w h ile ,, w h e n U Alex. Patterson, M . D. cificatiiai of Ireland. “ I shnll w in,” lie gustas Saia and Barnum is told. It wss maker of his timo in England, probably said when be apj How long w ill your husband be away? | th Rill -T hat's good. I heard there was «s the n e st m an.” love her. Bah I That amount« to tho Patronizing it- Scientific X m eriö « . Some Clara— I forgot to ask.—New U n fa ila b le —Dr. M e r c e ’i P lea sa n t same thing as each of you bring in lovs , a tut»».« «float that she was aahore.— York Weekly. for constipation aud biliausueJS. weekly, p$ Yonkers Statesman. handsomely 11 unsi 1 net rave.« rated wecfclfr O R EG O N » ith fo a r-.il D -ton Transcript tolGHi nf nnv P r o p FLO R EN C E. - - Pacific, Ry. EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. i V . K a u ffm a n . S L THROUGH TICKETS NEW HOME A Tension Indicator: A. TA N N E R HOTEL W hite T o n so ria l P arlors. MORRIS «*« HOTEL, Attorney at Law, Elk P ra irie H otel. P atents Notary rablic, Surveyor notary public . Qeo. Hale 1