H. F i . f t c k s k , former- or o f South Dakota, but noW areji Jentof Siiktn.Oiie., says: “ For over two years my daugh­ ter had been declining from a Strong, healthy, rosy-cheeked girl t® a pale, weak and helpless in­ valid. 9he was afflicted with ter­ rible headaches, and gradually grew weaker, and more languid, apparently without cause. I tried several doctors, but all without avail. Finally, to please a friend, I bought a box o f Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and to onr surprise, before it was u««d up her headaches ceased, the color began to return to her cheeks and lips and her strength began to assert itself. I bought five boxes more, and by the time she had finished them she was completely restored, and to-day she is a robust rosy, healthy girl instead o f a pale, tired and sickly on e.” —From the Oregon Independent, Salem, Ore, Surely it some of the spirits of our long departed Indian ancestors were to appear unddenly in the doorwuy of our ballrooms and gaza on the woman o f toduy. with her hair adorned with feathers and her pretty throat wound with strings of various colored beads, a slow aiuile of dulight and satisfaction Would light up their stem faces, aud perchance a guttural "U ghl Heap good I” might be heard as visions of their own beloved squaws, gowned liko- Wiae iu Leads and feathers, nud aceues of happy hunting grounds rose up in comparison with the scene stretching out before them There is a |>erfect mania for chains of all kinds, und there seems to be no lindt to the number with which women w ill load themselves du wn A tone thus it was considered very bad form indeed for women to appear on the street load­ ed down with jewels, bnt now the craze seems to have worked a revolution, aud chain« galore meet the eye on all sides Now that corul has come back into fa­ vor. ropes of these pretty pink beads are much worn, but the girl who is in possession of a slender chain of bits of the uneven red coral such as our moth­ ers used to wear can consider herself lucky indeed, as they are highly prized now The Cyrano chains are to be in every imaginable shade and shape of glass beads— in emerald, amethyst, ruby, coral pink and also in pure crys­ tal w hite.—Pittsburg Dispatch. * BbCCMTIMS. O a r la tfia a Le«e> o f A j c r a a r r . t . s>o-«ir tcccuialoae, 'r'Lst on« potion call tbe leas B a d g ro w n q u ic k o ’ beaottm tu nsas, B o d y p u w a n d e re d o th e rw h e re T h h o a p h ih e b lo o m tim e o f th e yea r. ' ti Whatdoever way you Weak, B o w o lio u id J»i«j be el«« th a n M a r t M in e th e s w e e te r w o n d e rm e n t B lues y o u w a lk e d w it h niu th e w a y . B a d v passed m e a ll uns eein g I n th e M a y tim e o f y o u r bein g I ’d n o t soy these rh y m e s o f w in e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * * * * * * * * : * Bad yea wenderrd otherwhere Tbtoagh thv itartUna of the year f w ho. so.-tax that o»< toe* Had * ■' ■*’ B a d been few er by one line. * * * * * A I * * ft A * ft ft * * * au * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ i T h a t m y h e a rt h ad gone uns u n g A U th e b lo o m in g w a y s am ong . H a d y o u passed m e b y unseein g JT* I n th e lu v e tiiu e o f y o ir r b ein g . -vse O n ly , h ad y o u n e v e r com e, J u s t one h e a rt b ea t w e re u n s tirre d . J u s t one oh o rd had w a ite d d u m b , O ne «on« fa ile d to And Its w o rd . « C h a rle s W ash in g to n C o le m a n iu H a rp e r 's M a g a z in e . ______ Tonight the secret. Tnat was too way we cams wi,jcii busy little builders caroled merry to kuow the dcstiuatiuu. accompaniments to their unceasing la- It was a foolish idea in the count to bor. ■ - If your liver is out of order, eansin ebnse bis w ife under any circumstances, The novelty of this race for a wiro Biliousness, Sick Headache, heait but here he was, an old man, lame, ill excited much pleasant comment from and had never oven crossed the channel. the group cf friends and cyclists who burn, or Constipation, take a dose We were a small cruft w ith a big crew, hail gathered in Mrs. Preston’s front and all hands were crowded, bnt the uhl yard, responsive to her invitation to fellow was w illing to suffer any incon­ watch the start of the trioTmd accom­ R A C E F O R A W IF E . venience and run any risks for tho sake pany them upon tho race. On retiring, and tomorrow your di- of overhauling the elopers. It was just 10 o’clock when Meta “ Two offers of marriage in one day I gestive organs will bo regulated a,„i He had two friends and n doctor with ■ Raujaii, neatly attired iu a cycling suit Well, which suitor is to receive the him, and it was bis lavish use of muni/.' von will be blight, active and readv oiiv3 ’green with glinting silver trim- for any kind of work. This La, happy affirmative, Meta?” v. hich prepared us for sea so quickly, miug, passed out of the house and greet- been the experience of other« • a The speaker, a middle aged woman, Tho elopers had L_ , a fust craft, . . plenty of friends with a pleasant good will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS ar‘ regarded the girl before her w ith evi­ money nud would uot be overhauled if morning. sold by all medicine dealers. 25 eta dent admiration and affection. they could help it. Tho count had plen­ i A murmur of admiration rose from Meta Randall's fair face wore a per­ ty of money, a craft equally us fast and j the feminine portion of the company as T>r. W illia m « ' P in k P ills for P ale People plexed expression, and her sweet voice had vowed to buut them down if it took sho stoorl for a brief second beside her oontain, iu a condensed form , a ll the ele- m en u neceaearv to give new life and rich- trembled as she replied: ' flvo years. That was tho way things wheel. Self possessed but modest, in net» to tbe blood and restore bhuttvred “ If I only knew, auntie I” Stood as wo sailed out of the harbor. the cool green of her costume she ap- H r m , T h ey are an u n fa ilin g 1 specific for To one even less versed in tho char­ such diseases ns locomotor A taxia, partial “ Bound for the Indian ocean” meant ! |eared a part of tho natural picture paralysis, St. V itu s ’ dance, sciatica, neum l- acter of the girl than Mrs. Preston the ■ great deal, and yet it meant nothing. which surrounded her. A bed of daffo- [ rheuinatiam , nervous headachs, tile sincere regret in her tone would have It meant a run of thousands of miles diis grew close to her feet, and she S o c ie ty a n d s tu d y . after-effect« o f the g rip , palpitation o f the OF THE The Btmggleaof won Id be intellectnal been ample assurance that neither co­ down the coast, around the capo of Good stooped and gathered a bunch of the ! heart, pale and eullow complexion», and till ^ Ä c « 7 fo ra u o f weakness either iu m ale or female. fapliionable women, says tbo New York quetry nor vanity had induced such a Hope, Australia, India or a dozen other i brave yellow blossoms aud fa tened reply. Tribune, are tnarvelona. ! places. As the soheouer had six days , thorn securely at her belt. Dr William«' Pink Pills for Palo People are sever The elder lady observed her curiously 1 tho start of us aud the winds had been I Then, with a merry laugh aud a grace­ '•I have to read all those works bo told t>, the doten or hundred. but alwa,, In pack- ' fair she was at least 800 miles ahead. ful toss cf the head toward Davis and fore Monday evening. " said a memher for a moment and then said: age,. At all druggists, or direct from the Or. Wil­ “ Since both men are handsome and Cur only hope of gettiug ou her track Company, Schsnoctady, liams Medicine Company. V., 60 of one of the literary clubs of Vanity Stanton, at the quick rip" of a bicycle cent« par box, 6 boxea S2.B0. Fair, pointing to a pile of volumes equally eligible, yon should trust en­ before reaching the Cape was iu speak- bell, the signal for start '. , .declining the which hud just been sent in from one tirely to your heart to docide. ” i lug vessels coming up from tho south. proffered assistance of tbe competitors, “ But, auntie dear, my heart speaks As soon as we were clear of the laud she mounted her wheel and sped quick­ of the public libraries, comprising works on history, contemporaneous and as favorably for one as tho other. Henry all Fail was piled on to the bark, with ly down tho road. She had nearly reach­ I bare *?rrt Hlpane Tabulee w ith so roach ««tie* I hare been a great cofferer fro m constipation ancient biographies of two fauions men aud P hilip have been m y comrades, my orders to furl nothing except to savo her ed tho first corner when, at a second fe rtto a th at X caa choorfuUy recommend U)«m, fo r over five years. N viidng gave tnu any relief. and the works of a certain mystic poet cavuliers, from childhood. It would sticks. For 80 hours we ran to the signal, the two men were away. A M e re tw^n troubled Io» about Utrep years w ith M y feet aud logs and abdomen w ere bloated so B y M a l l , P o e ta g e P a l« , wnnt I efciird l«Ulo is attack« oomlng on regularly I could not wear shoe« on my fee* and only a loose •‘All these topics come up under dis­ seem unnatural not to love them both. south in a gale of wind which kept her , third ring, and tho merry company otto« n «'Oefc. W m told by fl iff erent pliyaiclane dress. I raw H.pans Tgbulcs advertised In ouf cussion. and i am to read a paper on I feel that I could marry either tomor­ lee rail under tho foam, and the run ! mounted, following as rapidly as possi­ that I t Wit« eouaed by bad teeth, o f w hich I had dally paper, bought loiiio and took them ns direct* tevgrui. 1 had the leeib extracted, but the at« • X lla v e taken them about three weeks aa J there tho influence those men bad on their row and never regret my choico. I am we made has never yet been beaten by ble the two fiying contestants. a fa , t»ck« U'Utbiu« 1. X h»d eeeu advertisement« of is HB«’h e change I I am not constipated ouy more generation, und I absolutely know sore I love them equally. Was ever a j a steamer. Then wo spoko our first ship, i “ What a glorious spin!” thought htpana z\u/wl*s in o il the yai-er, but had no fa ith aud I owe It a ll to El pons Tubules. la in thirty« Iu I Lorn, but u ib ut six weeks ulnoe a friend la poor f^irl in such a pitiable condition of but no schooner had been seen. We got nothing a hunt either of them. ” •even years old, ha vs no occupation, only m y Meta, as the swift motion sent the ex­ «»feed iik to trv them . H a ro taken but tw o o f (he household duties and aur*fug roy sick husband* | “ But this is Saturday. ” exclaimed 0D<.?5 inty? Do chooee my husband for ■ down to the Madoiroa without getting ; ultant blood leaping throngli every ar­ exaall I v ant Lextre of ti.» Tabula« and h a m bad had |J.e dropsy and I am try in g jUpans m e!” she entreated, as she dropped co r e c u r r r . re < >f t \e uuefca. H eve newer gj-reu a her visitor, aghast "How can yon pos­ j word of her, and alter a raco to tho Ca- tery, aud every fiber of her body thrilled i fo r him . Ho feci« sonju boftcy but it * H I te«tlm«)£lcl /« r «ujtWln»? Ntfore, b u t the greet take some tim e, he hae been slpk ro lo:.g. Tod sibly do all that before Monday night F npou a cushion at Mrs. Preston's feet. [ uaries were again disappointed. It was aruoi.'bt < cat lik e ohlldran of bla daievwdaw I to « a « e then* coming into favor It is nsed thus added, pointing to the crumpled m is­ | having his ladylove aboard and seeing | cheeks as she reulized that perhaps tho I «««e w a«« do aud w h a t b« • Irla !, < as g r e a t l y Tho owner w ill jot down her experi­ sives on the floor. did eat did not a *r« * no cuuso for haste he would take his knowledge came too late, and that if relieve J by th eir use wllh him. H a w a a tliln “ Yes indeedl” the girl replied as she j time So wo reasoned, but there was , Harry Davis wou the race the happiness ence of rides therein and send it to her as d n o w t u k o t t h e end o f a «affron color. | of two lives must certainly bo wrecked. T ab u le* iogaia.-ly Site koepsnfew cartons Elpane friends that they may do likewise. picked np the letters. "Oh, it ’s too not much consolation iu it. « « « U s s ,o«n« of tb« t» ttm » a i« l« la r««or o f Tabules In ( be luxire and eeys the w ill not bs w ith- Mipaaa Tabu)««. I triad them . R lp aa , Tabuloa not W ith a voiceless prayer more fervent Some even add dainty sketches to theirs. funny!" she added as sho rnn guyly Wo might run a parallel course with « n t them. Tks b( irtb u rn and si<>eptes*uuas have ooiy r«ll«v«d but an inaU / «urad i n , youaxuter, than any sho hud ever breathed before, MUujip« cred w ith the Indigestion which w e t Here is a barometer for conntry bicy- from the room. tb« bsadacb«« havo disappeared, bowel» are In bira for a week aud neither craft sight fo rm e rly *o Kfwif « burden fo r her. Our w hole rood «ondltlon and ba &«v«r oomplaln« of h i, That evening, in responso to the in ­ the other We might pass him by in i she redoubled her own efforts to reach clo riders N otice the wool on the backs fain tly take the Tubules regularly, ejpsclaily a f tsr •tomaeb. K « la now a rad, chubby -faoed boy. Tbla a bsurly m eat E> m other la ilfty of the sheep. If it increases in curli­ vitations sho had sent to them, Henry tbe night, or we might shorten sail j the spriug as she heard tho gcntlo whiz- waaulaefiU ohau«« I a ltrlb n ta to Illp a n i Tabula». acd is enj°yniff tb«' bestof health an I am »atlaflad that they w lU banaflt any on« (from ness, a spell of fine dry weather is indi Davis and P hilip Stanton called upon while he cracked on. Luck was with j zing of a wheel behind her. “ Philip, «ette L ra rty rosali, an impossibility before *he th« cm dle M old M e ) If i* k t n neoordinx tn dlrao- her. Mr. Davis arrived a few minutes us, however Cue morniug when well | Philip, P h ilip !” appealingly resounded cated. took H ipan * Tabnloa As tos U. U i .* umkr . B. W. y-Mb:«. The latest fnd is the fashion of hnv- later than Mr. Stanton, nud a look of dow n the African coast we spoke an j through her brain liko a human voice, T h e C h r o n lc lo H u tld la y . ing dress guards to match one’s cos­ disappointment was plainly apparent English brig which had passed the j Iu agony she clutched more firmly tho a ia » I»y 1« pia k< t contalnlnir m u r a a T i n i e paekad la a poper varta» (vrllboat gtaav) 1« aow for aola T H E C H B O N IC L .« ran ks w ith ths greataat tume The lace guard, consisting of upon the face of each at tho unexpected schooner tho day before and so closely hniidlo bars, bent her Lody forward as newspapers «» aoiaa drux utuna poa eiv» ceryj. Tkl» luir.prtaad »>rt la lötasdad for tba poor and the l uonondaab On« In the U n ite d States. doaan of a » < ravan, uartana (UO Ub«|rr> aaa ha b M Sr »w41 by aaodln» forty-cliiht «anto to tba B O kM cord pnssed in and out tho holes, is nn presence of tho other. Miss Randall, as to catch her name. She reported she exerted every muscle to the utter- T H E C IIK 0 N 1 C L B has no equal on the P e d is >.«M i«»i.0dxr,-n. No. i«b»r»ac Ptea-uNoe T a e h -o r n*ln »la «n rto a(n > Taavun, triil bsaeot for Ivaerats. however, was in the test of spirits, aud donbtedly more satisfactory than the Kano driving along ut an easy pace, nud i most, and pedaled with the greatest C«Mst. I t leads a ll in a b ility , enterprise «ad ■ » » ■ T a x r u a OMI ala» bahod of noina rroesm, san ani aturakaapvra, a **< aeuMs and at aoiaa llquor «toraa netted once. Macrumb cord ia excellent sho talked guyly upon minor topics nn- then we felt that we lnnst overhaul : rapidity in her determination to win news. O»vd bar««« «tr ta . TU«r baolahpala. Indooedaap aud pruloucUfa. Osa (Ivaa rallcZ. T H E C H R O N IC L E ’ 8 Teleg rap h ic Reports «re til a feeling of mutual fellow ship was tho goal ahead of Davis. If she succeed­ for the purpose Surprising hs it may ! him within a couple of days. the latest and m ost relia b le , its Local News ths apparently established between the ed, there was one more chance for Stan­ seem, atx>ut 12 yards of cord are neo-s Just before sundown next day wo fuUest and spiciest, and its E d ite rta ls from ths A I lm o n W o a i i a . sary to lace the gaard on each side | men. Then, w ith womanly tact, she caught sight of a suil ahead of us which ton to win by drawing lots. ablest pens in the oo tin try . A l-canii/uj Cuiudinn who joined the gravely introduced the subject which T I I E C H R O N IC L E hsus alw ay s been, and «1« Bnt tbo spring was just in sight and m aking 24 yards in all. —Chicago News wo believed to bo tbe schooner, aud that fill* « Inland lalsnion as the w ife of concerned them all. new so near that sho fancied sho could ways w ill be, the frie n d arid champion of the night none of our passengers slept You Rev. Riqnh.irt, u Belgian missionary, "Henry— P h ilip ,” she began, "1 kuow how excitable the French are. hear the crystal water as it tinkled soft­ pec pie, as a g a in st com binations, cliques, nor* A lw a g s ■■ A c tiv e W o rn « «, poratlons, or oppressions eu any kind. I t w ill be has just reached Tucliieuln with u ter- Mrs Treat, whose discovery of gold have invited yon here, not indeed to The count and his frieuds spent the ly into its rocky basin. If Davis should independent in e v e ry th in g , n e u tra l In i rih b story of cruelty and suffering l O m f e A B t l T r ir t o H a rk s o b t a in M and «11 Tat answer the question which both of you and copper in British Columbia has night drinking aud jabbering and walk- ! win I eut t>u»lneM con durto d fo r M o d e rftte F e e s , i » ntneng the fieri-« mountain tribesmen Oh, no I Not that!” she whispered. DO YOU WAHT THE CHDOHICU Rend m odel, d ra w in g o r p h o to . W o « d v ia « f* ’ lately attracted so much attention, was have so honored me by asking, bnt to ing about, and before midnight it was of Ti Tibet I , p n tv tK a b la frc o o f charro. O n r fen n o td u o t a New York gtrl. Olive Gruef. She was make a proposition to yon. You w ill known throughout the bark that they She was trembling with excitement. Her hushsuil was brutally murdered. I P»trntia»si i-.rrd. A Pcm pi-.lct " lio w to< O b ' brought np in lnxnry She and her think mo an odd girl perhaps, bnt at meunt to sink the schooner rather than A sudden mist clouded her sight, a - -- IM m rta.“ w ith -------------------------------------- 4 -her non atari . k . a e l a . 1 tom e o .t a< a a m n in ih n J« Ü, K.< and -her Vrn died Srnm from . exhaustion cud foreign oo u u lrle* »ent tree. A ildreM , friend. Emily Caldwell, now Mrs. Hen I least you cannot reproach me for either let her get away from us. rumbling in her ears partially deafened Thcir.bojivfl were taken away und m u­ ry Graaf, were active workers for the coquetry or dishonesty when I tell you A. SNOW & CO. We meant to gain ou her that night, her, when—oh, thank God, the goal tilated. flLu was chased through the that my answer holds a condition. First benefit and comfort of others, even in ^Oev P a vaev O r r i a ,. W A S H IN G TO N , D . C but not too much, as it was dark and was reached I Then there was a faroff mountains on the border of China and their youth. They were always helping I want to ask you oue question: Have I rainy aud wo feared to overrun her ® heavy . ho. . n . t' tlle . - breathing = of — a man Showing the United 8tetaa, Daaiitlta Tibet and was shot at time and again. of Canada and Nerthera MaxiO) some one less fortunate than them ever, by word or look or action, signi­ Men were on watch alow and aloft all beside her, a gentlo touch upon her Pnsdlug through countless dangers and o i r O W E H ID E , •elves, and have continued this kind of fied to either that he was a favorite in niglit, and wbi n morning come tbo arm, and next— without the old of a single native serv­ my regard? Iu all the years of our Sylph was dead ahead mid only two A sense of dizziness and tho recollec­ You can I work all their lives. W hile living with friendship ant. rhe truvoled on for two months have I ever manifested any miles away. It bad been planned that tion of falling from her wheel came to her husband In a log cabin in the west ami linully reached a mission Her ■ be cured i em o n T I1 K O T II E U S I!)K , affection for one that I have uot us free­ we would speak ber and givo out that her as she opened her eyes and saw— wilds. Mra Treat shared all the 8 n t S2 u n S <»«< th e m a p « ■ < I f yon suffer from any o f ih« clothes were almost torn uway her hardships to which miners of that dis­ ly accorded to tho other?" not Davis, but Philip Stuuton, bending U e o ia ljr t lh r o a ic le f o r O a e r e a r , ill« of men, com« to (he oldest our chronometer was out of order. If ►h Tbo flush which gradually suffused Speciali*t on the Pacific Cuo*t, trict were subjected. When an accident «he lay to tbe captain would board ber over her with tender solicitude and nt bleeding from the sharp rtx-ks Khe was her face displayed tho excitement her with three or four mou aud seek to de­ tering loving exclam ations.— Emma OR. JORDAN A CO.. resnlted in the serious injury of several anuuEsa nothing but a pitiable v.-rcck. 1 1081 Market S t E«t d 1882. w . I I . a « T O O T T G t, miners, she was equal to the emergen caudor had provoked, and sho drew a tain her until the count could follow P latt Guyton in Waverly Magazine. « _ ? Y o u n < m en and m id d le She w rit.« to u friend iu Shanghai of Proprietor S. P. Chronuaa. cy. and nursed the men as though she deep breath of relief as both men sim ul­ Wo signaled the schooner as soon as • A need men who are suflering s t y rttntciaoo. cu » ■ h>-r iK-n-avnraent and the cruelty of ths from (h< < fleet« or youthful tnditcreuon* or ex- T h e A a c rn t u f W o m a n . taneously answered: bad been trained to it wo could rnuko her out, but she gave us cess«« in maiuror year«. N e re tu i anti Physical Tibetans to her husband aud says she “ N ever!” In an article in The Yeung Woman 1 ir c h lllt j- .lu s p o J e n e j,I« o e « Itln n h o o s l no nttcution. As we approached her eho is preparing to go hack to the wild men in J l ii* ct>4npiic.T(ion^; H p e r n iA t o r r h o r A , O rn anlaed I*a b o r nnd F.qanl 9nffrsi« lM to rrh l>lA rn M eM o f M e n . , both refuse to accept it, I must, stipu­ ciatlon will introduce in the present Tbe count was on deck and fair to be 0 )0 women dressmakers, 70,000 em­ Ny ph I IJe thoroughly eradicated front the ’ isis particularly succeed Tho resnlts legiststurs Of the 00 labor nnioua to late tbut our past harmonious relati.-us Foen and ou our side we plainly sow ployed in public Imuses. 4.500 in print 1 « 'b ig t l e r e n r » . . t»Vr»llY .H A N epplylug to oh w ill re« • are in a n rent Figaro They ure good, which she presented the question all bo sustained w ithout any fr.tnro refer­ ivnne and tho counteBs aboard of the in ’ establishments and 4,721 in mines' 1 retve nite A/wiewt nptnfmsof hl« eomplwlnt, M BAZAR* | tho writer says, at Interiors, as the MV vfHG’«44trantfeo n w r z V A ’ r i ffffh i I but tw o gave their indorsement often ence to the pojsibllity of marriuge with schooner If tbo latter bad be,u anind, Even the postoffice, edged about with Dutch were, ut simple portraits und ut ' , Q’ffy cos« ur mndtrCakc, o r JorJoti One either. And now the condition I” w ith much heartinoMa. T h o u f f n iid D o l l n r n I there would have been a pretty fight, red tapiani, as it is, has nearly 80.000 landi-cajH-s conceived in those hours Con«ultat»«)n F R E E and strictly private, “ The condition I" both men quickly but site did uot even have mnskets women as clerks, telegraphists, sorters, C lU P ^ J S a V S l i V K K A H O N A ltr.lt. Treat- I when I bo artists feel themsslvta “ par M a rv ls a v la C la a U la a * . repeated. went pcrs y u tly or bjr letter. .Send for beck, ¡BEFTCR Ai A.NV PKKE 3: for the men. Her game was flight in- etc., and there are include* in these fig- th nlurlv women. ’ “ I propose a bicycle race between ns ; T h e PhlloMAphy © f larrlaie.'1 A wedding was celebrated in cloud u n "Theter •»« natterrs ere go!« in n»s«ly i J. stead of fight, aud by aud by she gained urea no fewer than 180 head postmis- , free. ( A v-JusHe book for men.) ’ every eltjr an J town In ti e L’ r.lted Statte j î "In a word.' sums up the critic, r «nJ three. I sin to have tho precedence cf land a few daya ago. when Mra Alice i H y ;vr d ml rr n>»t keep them arid «J V IS IT DB. J O IH H W *« 4 . a position about two miles ahead of ns W h T t r * 1 8,250 " ’»’Potniistresecs "oni, cancot too often repeat it—they ’ oue block in starting. It is to be a three 1 Mott of New York and Mayor Smith of ! a ’ . V’ t o u ’ ^ n8 cent »(•«rpe 2i W here there was one lady clerk in 1871 G r e a t M u seu m o f A n a to m y and kept it. No twocraft could be more , Ad Jieig ycur nssrett paint J- must 1« women before they produce 1 1 the Fort Steele. East Kootenai. Vanconver milo race upon the macadamiard read evenly mnt< bed. Both were racers and there are now four, n n d -to take tw, finest and large*! Museum of its kind in the THE M c C a l l c o m p a n y , ■ art. latxl they must forget the men with I ' wculd. Come and learn hew wonder fully you B G were married on the top of Monnt between this house and Crystal spring. both carried about tbo same arnouui cf industries only—there are now 121 1 33 to 146 nV. 14th Sirs it . Y. r's ; made; how to avoid sickness and di«es»e. pansiou. they must also invent their I are Tho oue who overtakes mo before or as Sullivan The idea was the brides, who W e are continually adding new specimens. wiaiien per 100 men in tbe tobacco in sail. hSANca orr«T« : £. « own language, their own manner and OATALOorx rKSB. Can or w rite. fancied she would prefer to be marri<-d wo reach the spriug w ill not only he the ; t^9 Pifdi Ave., Chk'«?rt, and cC ' -i I rem 7 c clock in the morning until dnstry ns against 42 per 100 in 1871 106 1 Market Street. San Frencisee. CaL | their oxen trade Thoee we mention < 1 »051 A ie rk e t S t ., bun I rancilCo» ^7 at • distance from the earth, where winner of the race, but also of a wife. night tioeeri down eacli craft hold its while in hemp and jnte thp W0Qlen have trim] to do this That la why they clouds would he beneath rather than If you overtake me at the same time, own, neither iosiag - — .. by B have increased from 87 per 100 nor ........... gaining a are cuoplett-ly successful ' around tosr you w ill draw lots to see who is the hundred feet We knew ' that »be would L \ , » ° 1Y!T 1 0 0 T l l( T e are through- Victor. ” F lr a l I t on no » lls n k . reek to escape ns drring the night, aud ont ‘“e kingdom nearly 180.000 women H a w E *.»< l««d S e a s Fa. A B asr W « in s a . The fares of tho men wore an odd ex ­ The first "run" on haukiug institn engaged in teaching, almost three times Our Britiah cousins have soma queer tictia in Loudon was In |i>»i; Mnny Mra Helrn 9 Grenfell, the state on pression. but they promptly exclaimed: but few men slept Three different the nnmher of men. and 200 women time» the Bcbenner altered her coarse, nctions • br-ut our customs and manner« “ Wo agree. ” pevlntendeiit of public lustructioo for Loiultard sin-et goldsmiths hih I lenkers S UrigJitest M a r s s i n e t 'u b ’. id h td but wo detected the game each time have worked their way into government Here is s sample. rtip|)ed from a recent hud lent out the m> u, v intrust,vl to C,dorndo baa jurisdiction ever I.SOU It was a D-uutifiil May morning, and ¿S Contain* r R e atiilfu l Colored I" »ml hung to hor trail. Whvu morning deiurtinentH as typists issue i.d u London puper school districts and 08 counties which the picturesque roaJ boiling to Crystal It is signifieant of the part that worn ? 0 J lustrate* k «est l'aUicmOi * <»u them, und is'iug called opou for psy “ The Americans, businesslike and meut were iwnblu to meet the deniuud she is expected to visit at least once a spriug was an appropilate , ne for a runic, we had gatued half a mile, but uh , P anor W o rk. an now plays British commercial life ■* w'sntfd for ik it in»ws»b»p In every (iracth-jd. liavs reduced present giving A crowd of rrvditois aud others • show year Her jouruey. to different arhoola rare which most in any case afford a ro- before 7 o'clock she had picked np her that in a recent year ,h. re were 758 > Rea f iiu t . t -t a >¡:\n r v. >,l< W -ìtefo r tej 4n-t ether p*riiC- to the minimum of sim plicity On bled und a n o t 1, llowtd. iu which four are not alwaya made by rail, bnt often nuintie ending. Il was bordered with lost distaiiee and run up tne English îç " i* i • i ,»9c. h<*<. _ women bankrupt», wbore aggregate flag in defiance. . er« birthday» and other festive occasions banker« were banned nt their own doors on honehack, l>y atagtraorb or by hedges ami stately trora odorous with • L i b i iialnlitie« amounted to £818.000 Th»t waa tha beginning of a race g »«W'».» TBE M e t ALL CO Th« lu.'i-ll flf rich fam ilies merely hnwd before order ouuld be u-stere-d aud the ranch wsgen UimJcr bials aud leaves, from among el _ f which had Ito end wreka later nt a K ,.,f io ,r wiud While wu never A n d « b o u t a n d «ho ot a g u n . This ia signed like s check, und there Charles Dudley Warner was ours* had half a dozen p a in nuiura most fanam« in English royal cairn? within gunshot of ber agate until tho truabiu end» until tho hill couim talking informally to the atadents of * R bIue Jacket "Yoo don t nu-uu to 1,11 ma tlglt history are Bertha, who helped Io in the last day we followi-d her around hi ' ir d w»’ »I«" tofiton braid. the Art league Ui New York ou "KuSae- they are all your own work? What a .reduce Christianity into England the cape, op the Moaainbiqno charnel, Will h ”? b« ” a h in eu t “ talented little wife 1' ku going to have!" Eliaohetb and Victoria w i l l «11 w ’ f " u l lh f ‘ r y a id . " * and finally found her waiting for us cff Iu (dalio ttoe first tiwull o f aqua! snf And she »wiled, though the plain “ And how may txie best attain to Q^e’tiv og.i Fu t u n W > II cue of the Comoro inland*. We had ftage wus tb« «tuietwi nt h» the low ORAUtlD. »’»-•4-1 ak.-trft vt «4»ow* 'T e r h s p s 1 11 yo a-saliln this ideal of rctliuMueut?" asked oue truth wa« that «be bed bought the up­ Blani-he Willi* Howard roe Teuffel. Rails, amt high winds; we bud beanti- lsgislstars. of a law forbidding gam r t U * C>r Ire» rey»,iA« to |«t -•ibM ttr e e - ^ f l * I pen I ho big M u e youug man y>kM . tftW»w»•■»,* ■»*', ^»a. , r • d Uisra Tho taw was declared ancon • y . * . » , » i . j r»x»T iMvsirrox « xovlo very aernestly ter a «pace, bnt thi« was after het uuAber had made them. Yet cording to her wish and the are d e ­ oount we could not bare kept the tra il s tita tio n a l by th« w ipreuie court b« “ A» B Mm •**!,.M fc, pM.ft, ftdftna,: t ni • "an ' «oM Wiui, taining ber aahea baa been brought to aa wc did. cause of a technical defect Tb« prwwnt ths- utmost he could ftu d of cucuurags •he was very proud and really wondsr a J ,hou' •"» '»>«*» In thorn ioeg wewka he re old have l« .4 a u r e , o f which three wonptn un m eat, "A very gqud way la to luh erit ed how «be had managed to accomplish this country and placed at Mono! Hope , -VI. .1?' "nd vand»- I « ta b th a t tim e • « « h e ro !" it. ” to much. — Detroit Journal. namatery Danger Ma * • *«••■ dm»» over, Iwit *» «AT« h t LAevxna, ■ r inh ir », *■• jnsr r#-«*nc't«d it IINC TAPER N. CHRONICLE t h e : d a il y Only $ 6 ? 7 0 The Weekly Chronicle » $ 1 .5 0 I PATENTS Reversible Map? C. V Map of the World S mscal T flWTERNS MS CALL'S.- MAGÄZ; H.B.WILLSû’i&CO. -CaroUa« W«tb«roU. WASHINGTON, P. C.