W Ë S S 'T . CARE o r TME OIWHARF. ► r-ÍWMW W F «T VXthAT ■ BV ■ T V .n .W E A T H K R L ’LI'&or am i _______________ _ ne over iella atout a» much ho:uago me fot of any mun, in that ho is by W ash , D O., June 26, 1899. In these days when so many men are common consent regar led as one of the O»xou'- tillage and proper treatm int of wood Sam ie getting on very co nforubiy in i growth. J jet now when the farmer ie i financ«»l matter» Usd it not been for ready in their mail race for wealth to ablest as well an one of the most u p ­ l»ii»y haying he feel» that ho cannot let the war, the ftaeal year ending June 3d <«wif!c» almost everything for money, right of American statesmen. Hh«'hay wait k day or two till be cnlti- would H at » shown a surplus nl eonie ' t*“! n ,,n **•■* P1’ 1'** duty '•ef..re mewe SO N ; votes the orchard. Tho result i f that a twenty million or more dollars, and with in a public lamefd -tor, w'l.ise goof iu - LEGISLATION FOR OUR NEW POSSES­ Xaww C« v ». t t . Fur-Wgarx, Faox o ra alsouax OoaaesroMPCtT. X 9V *:n O .» ’ J a ' î SalUtlu Oregon Eiperlia«nt Station Bexa.L Stormiate? * a This ¡»‘the time oí ye»r Wh tn the Notwithstanding the heavy public s i - j young orchard » i£Tera iuo«t fr&to lack ol penditurcs inccured by thu war, Uncle »AT— : the high hoi or r.tou’d not w w < «» <*r I u L 'and lie fa too la v a i iuteiltet ta.ly i«d fret. Beeiden, he ha» bcoii »acordad I WASKIKOTON LETTER. UNCLE SAM’S INCOME A EXPENSES. j thrifty crop ol weeds springe up, sucks the cuormoue war expenditures, a state­ flnence upon tl.e b ith of thè country SIONS. I the water out of the soil, the terminal ment from W ashington shows that the is incalculable. 8 l. li a man is Gen. . I,tide stop growing, and tree is stunted: treasury deficit for the fiscal year 1833, Leonard Wood, m ilitary corernor of Taeom» L» C»«r: Pro minent cinzens of Porto Rico are . and nil through its life it feuls the effect which closes within a week, will he less 8» n tingo and 'ormerlv '•s iv x H 'le r of P ro p rie to r. Florette»', O re .. J u l y 7, SPECIAL 1803. '■ of the shock. Thoro is only one way in tho rough rider». than $100,000,000. Gea. V/oc f who is at desirous of having the military govern­ year present in Washington lo’see his wife ment remove!, and eed-government aggregated over $488,800,000, with the and confer with the war department, instituted, with free commercial inter­ expenditures barely $100,OH),000 more must have been surely te.cpieJ when course with the United Rates. This kaaii.w ne number and contains rêverai years, and the tinie when these trees with ten days, judging from past years, the Washington Street Railway and is but natural, and the Porto Rican» Jatereeiing articles among them being most need care ie now, just ae the soil of heavy receipts yet to he accounted Electric Light Syndicate offcrod him preeent g od riaeon“ for the change. $30,000 a year to resign from the arm» ! However, they seem to forget that for. 1 the Failing and Berkman prize orations. begins to get dry. Then another point about their earn Up to thia date customs receipts and liecome its president; his salary us this is a repubhean instead of a mon- I t give» pictures of member» of the gradnatirg clas9, D r O I I Chapman is thkt nt this time the young orchardist amounted to over $200,400,000; from brigadier Generul of volunteers, tho ari-bial government, and that action by the retiring president, Judge Bean and would do well to rornovo the excess of internal revenue, $2C3,5.30,000 was real- rank he now holds, is only $5,500. But co igress is necessary to make laws and A o o v v v ltb e June number of the which to ¿row good, tllrifty, vigorous, University ol Oregon Monthly has been paying trees and that ie by giving tlieiu *Maeta»t at this office. I t is n very : the beet of care the first two or three Already the receipts for the l i t ’». 8 I I Kriendiy member» oi the ‘ branches? Suppose for instance, thM ted, and from miscellaneous sources J . ! one wants to start a head w ith four or there were received $85,600,000. The W ma ? brim s io ne as being a goo 1 three main branchés, i t will Is» good total receipts from all sources last year ta» mW lias iust tx'ou made for Oliicago. practice to remove the smallest branches amounted to $107,321,335, while the ex- if so he put the temptation liehind him and unnounccd his intention to 1 return fix the status of onr new acquisitions. Tho Hawaiian .»lands have been by duties at Santiago, and to remain treaty a portion ol the territory ‘.a t,le armF of the *‘*8 «‘■rvices were 1 Vr.i .c 1 Rates fur a longer time than has HATS The tew law reqnir«» tfie pnnUotion of j of this year’s growth until no wore thau 1 pendituree aggregated $443,468,682, leav- required. That annodm-eeeent is all ■ Porto lic o , yet owing to the neglect of tlie mure praise worthy r fur having beer, congress to enact proper legislation, the rolls. Btf this every ' the required number are left. This w ill ing a deficit of $38,047,247. Ih e aseiaeinesit in Hawaii, assessment result in turning all the force of the tree’» Frm n the closest calculation that cau made after Ijie yellow fever wa» rejiorted i old c o n d itio n s »ti l o' w ith that nl bis utdghliort. I t ien good ‘vigor into the required branches, instead nfiw be mâde.tho war revenue account, to have broken out at Santiago. I t ia and mast until the .issembiing of con- idee, and will probably 1st worth to the , of forming a quantity of undesirable width, with the exception of a Mvv items men of tuie stamp who pr ve that gress, and the passage of proper provis- public all the printing costs. There is wood which sooneAir later j^ust be cut went into effect July 1, 1898, will re­ money worship has not su -ett-ded in j fors for the government of the new tax-pkyar can compare his no reason why anything pertaining to off and thrown away, thus saving unto alize for the year a little lees than $100,- pobiiç taxation should bo regarded « • ‘ tho tree much of wliat is usually thrown 000,000. I away. privat» mnilcr.—Ex. The receipts from tobacco since will i probîÿjly show an iucreaeu for the year board of rggent». i _ . | of over $15,000,000; spirits an increase Sick hoa-lachc, lullnes» in slomsch, M usov.il hah a law app’ymg to trusts of $6,600.000; beer and other fermented pan» in bowels. Hudyan cures, A ll which oftxa'Z»» Io be soniqyhat effec­ liquors an increase oi over $28,000.000, druggist», 53 cent«. tive. I*. previde» that a corporation and oleomargarine an increaee of about trgsnircd so rootvol prieeecaniiot collect ‘ WHY? $285,000. ‘ Ita WB» by l»S»l process. This law ha« kec-i eueteitted tiy the recent decision of The two items which have produced I Xswvpap-rMaker: law I The country newspaper is an import- •bn aid bo onset««» by U»o state» general­ ' ant ngency in thu'cultivation of public ./- » • • • ly It » ill have a tendency to reetr-.t I i spirit, and however humble it ' ipay the busines» ol trust» to a considerable seem beeid»' tho metropolitan dally it ¡n e(iuctttión »e never w ill new ipeptr tooted SUNDAY EATERS. it» Relative to Sunday newsdealers, the very pors,etentiy; she hat ««ever had a bourn; but her time ie Com- Londou Mail says: In ancient times, lag and just us noun as the Nicaragua before the printing press was invented, own bora oi aud in fact before papers came into us», ue and we Sunday was the favorite Jay for the c»u»l to a filed fact, the searchlight the world erill be turned «a w ill be able to hide no longer, ilnation ol nows by means of wax nor position in the .rorl», hut homo builder«, ings, which readers the service now T D A I I O I C thousand» have it and T R O U B L E iIon.t know jt Myoo werker«. We have the »and and natural oflbiwd hy the Northern Pacific un­ equalled by any other transcontinental wmit quick results you can make no resource», our crop» never fail, w» raie» lino. The only line to Mie Buflalo krerything that run be 'raieed in an y Hum p terrltoiy. See that your tickets mistake by using D r Kilm er's Swamp- état» in the nniaa, exce*t tropical pro- read via the Northern Paciflc to all Root, the great kidney remedy. All luoto. Our climate is nover complained points east or south. For further infor- ¡druggists in fifty cent end dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mail free, also pam­ uf, for if there ie too much rainfall In mat ion call on address, R McMuarHV, phlet telling you how to find out if you w tttora Oregon you can kettle east General Axent, Eugene, Or. have kidney trouble. Address, Dr K il­ «.I tka m juataiue, where it ie not so mer A Co., Binghamton, N Y . <«ct, W e tiwve advantage* »hat never eno be Crst Literary. V Alger remains in the cabinet or goee the the actual cash payments on these ac­ out. Owing to the war in tho Philip­ counts, which places the amount at pines and the m ilitary control of Cuba $230,000,000. A calculation has been made at the and Porto Rico, tlia war department we think that future emigration tq the west driving out irue patriotism aid has more favers to distribute than all (OniGINAL AMD SELECTED.) Prudence in women should % FO R C A SH O N L Y . TO fiED’JCE STOCK REGARDLESS OF COST. S ee our special co u n ter. O .W .H U R D C A R M A N ’S an president to do so. | H e who cannot fee! friendship is alike officials w ill . incapable of love. Let a woman be- not admit as much publicly, it is an , ware of the man who owns that he loves W hile war department D r v Ç o o d s ,* G r o c e r ie s * a n * * N o tio n s . FLORENCE MEAf MARKET. they j no one but hersuff. out j I t is sometimes quite enough for a an expected order from the president I man to feign ignorance of that which | to enlist a considerable body of volun­ lie knews to gain the reputation of teer», to be sent to the Philippine», if knowing that of which lie is ignorant. ' they should bo asked for by (ien. Otis. I have often hear J it said e? a common 1 Stories of cx-Rpeaker Reed are always proverb, that a wise man may he taught 1 sure of a respectful and interested bear­ hy a fool. I f you are not perfectly i ing in Washington, and th« following satisfied with the repdes of a wise m a n ,' was known to be substantially correct tik e counsel of a fool, it may ho that, j hy at lea»t t wo of the group to which it by so doing, you w ill get an answer J. was told, in :» Washington hotel. " M r more to your own mind, i Reed," said the story-teller, “ has had N ot all voters of this rounty perharn j bis mind bent npon retiring from con­ A cheerful temper, joined with in­ are aware of the fact that before they go nocence will make beauty attractive, gress for several years. This was known to the polls again to cast their ballots it to some of his wcetern friends as for knowledge delightful, and wit good­ will lighten sickness, will be necessary for them to bo regis­ back as tfte fall of 96, and they tried to nature.!. I t tered in older for them to lie qualified persuade him to locate in St I out and 1 r ° VCTt'V’ “ ni1 affliclion' LOnvert igni.r- 1 ance into amiable simplicity, and elector». The Harmon registration bill other prominent men of that Ci;y, triod deformity iteclf agreeable. introduced at the regular season of tbs to induce him to locate iu the Missouri render — ■ to . — .«XÄSSSL Just ODened. that are making preparations to carry Ictiger nurse our <40>»cre firm s iui the tablets and sheets of papyrus. The legislature hacomcs a law, and it is now metropolis by promising him a certain «Ae purpose of being able to Bay wa University of Pennsylvania sent ont an in fall fores and effect. As the law ie income of $25,000, tbroegb association •»<* la excavation» recently <> wb them The world to tramping thia interponed, a registered official w ill be j with one of the beet legal firm» in the made in Moeopotatuie, bricks were found '*1 *»!»<•• I t ha» re- eye», previous occupation, placoof birth, party. M r Used beard everything they iiefB when you croeeed the plains in however, fer English explorers whether a naturalized citir.cn or not, had to say, but declined the offer, be- IS M . OregoBiane are good at hiding i in Egypt to unearth sheets of papyrus, and a few other little potato ccncermng canto he »aid it wae too late in lifu for «he«»»]*»», bat you caa*t hid» touch which may be regarded os showing appearance and character, just to make him to think of migrating from tho What the firat Huuday paper looknd like. tonger, th» crowd iwaoming thto way. sure he i« entitled to the full right of east." M r Reed would would probably A «trange fact ia that the A n t .Sunday •utlrsge in this big country of ours. have been located in New Yo’ k eotno newspaper« dating hack to the secoud OF (NTERCKT TO INVENTORS. «aid official to bo a person aulhwirSd to J time ago, bad hi» friend, Austin Corbin, century of our era not only conveyed «dmiaiuter an oath, and if a ruler falls j the railway and corporation millionaire, loformatibn to th» people, but were Ü A Pnow A Oo., «n» of th» to present hlm ielf for registration he ( lived. It war well-known to a few pwr- HlnatrateJ. Crude «botches liave Iwrn end most successful Är.n» «( palsat • ill probably uot be able to cart hie j »on« that M r Corbin had alaiuet per- found on «on!« of these old papyrus la««yer», who»» office» ar» oppowie the inuch-prixe.1 Iitti» ballai. V atsrs should suaJed M r R»»d to retire from public I referring mWe o/leee directly to tu iren t Uotie.f that«» *a«ent office in I« aw aro of this law, ehouid It le tile And to become the attiwney for all event«. fngton, D O . 'an d who liavoprocered enforced, and conduct themeelve- ac­ the corporations lie coatm lkd, when he peiente fo-* mol» Vian 17 000 inventor», died. In going lo New Turk to accept AÜFXTS W A^TUB-ruK "IH L U F t A'.'P cordingly.—Jn-tc'iot Ci*y Fi ”i»« •ay tl»»t. ea«»H to lite n uieam d con- Miiv'iffuiettt« «4 Achtf tv». Dewry,** $tw- *<-.r.$l. a guar iBtewd income ol 8J0.tV)O , * r inale»’ uaviti ti«iu U$ Murat («• MUioa«';u l i e In ito U Mate« patein Ih -lonf filcnd ra 4 fc4in*re»r cl th * nation'» an .uiu , for a «taiwt period. M r Itet-d I:.»*!**» r - m I ovrr Jkw !«ar*' o.ffifip, ffat'.n * (k«v now br mure rapidly fiUtflfovL*-» t.VMrh Uu h*U$lOi>r liofili* Heartburn, coaled t.‘»u gwv, had brealh, give» up a'i i ope oi rvech.ag ti e preei- t*o- yn’> W.W Ru a* «bruR .J b $« $ r M a rW than at eay $>ie»«ou» tune in '«.«fMKfifitalv.'t U»it4t (?btoA ** Ol Lfff- constipation. »In dien cwrc«. A 4 drug .leury. which wa« for many years (he Afftfil ?«*< ftoifci .i I» VOWjHkUy, t 'a i t oaffwiafi«« • ( tw«aty*five ) «•/«. Srl i ¿vox VMt 'Mi. atw. | i « e Ú0 «etile. goal at h a eik t'.ra a Fate willed thwi 1 % CHEAP CASH STOKE! ho the rest of the departments put together instinct, not a virtue. and Secretary Alger would be more Both erudition and agriculture ought than human if be did not throw some i to be encouraged hy government; wit of those favors whero they would ad­ ' and manufactures will come of them- vance his candidacy, if allowed by tho ; selves. open secret in Washington, FO R A S H O R T T IM E Goods as Represented. W . CA RM AN P R O P R I* TO»» “ Example is Better ^han Precept,'9 It is not w fu t ivc say. but "what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Thousands o f testimonials a^e examples o f w hat Hood's has done for others, and what it w itl do for you. fecrofule — " It'iruiio« wr Xu s rn—r (vs .b u n cel t v r»t«hbnp« VMI"aI tre«tioeiit Ivilrd. A »»tellre op . t- try ll'XMt « P.r««pi’ .li. r>H »" sM In meuilis «be rurct oe«r>p;»«»:v btofod.** M u J. kt. U atcb . Etna. N. IT f n s lb h . A ^ /£ c c k k i» e p in $ Ve-'Á bi »4« fnflammxtory Rhwunsn'lsir f N e v p r û /s a o T T : roRY T»n •ItacktoribegT ip left n . wuh ¡n9«ra®3- Jury rhei»»tl»in. Am » year. eld. but R.-xl * OaiMp«r.!la cured dm .a d I e»n climb rtalrs end wxlX «nr «ibeio.” J. Lev «. usee. »;.» »«nro Av».. Itunfio, •». V. foresale o r e x c h a n g e . T O O ’JR PATI» 9 N , : A ho ito and Jot ; iw Gienada. Ti c We have m ale arn* arem cate hy • • toe i» 16 by 24 lest and «me »tory and uLàrb W» w ilF fu rn i» « tito Weekly e ttolt in hr igl t. Also s good woodslie-l .Gregna an w tib lh e Wtrr (rw one v « s on re m is e .. For Inrtl.to i; perticnlate ! to aay add««« for the »am nf tv o toi Il io advance.