* 3” THE W EST t £ A D V E R T IS E R S I t. YOUR HOflE PAPER SU PPO R T IT L ■ * t VOL general directory TR A VELER S’ GUIDE. T. T. Geer. REGULAR ,F . I. Dunbar. —— . F . 8. Moore. Governor..................... gfcretfti y of S'ttte D A IL Y E . Wolverton of M e . ; Calling at AI-SEA. j AV ill also bring up freight • •» *“ Clerk................................. Sheriff............................... Treasurer......................... Assessor........................... School Superintendent — OF — ..E .U .L e e A. W. BEADLE & CO. AV. W ithers W ,A. S. Patterson 14 California St . ,D . P . Burton Ban Francisco, California. . W . M. Miller . ..C. M. Collier W. P. Cheshire . ,C. II. Holden . . . E . A. Evans For further information inquire i O R TH ER N Pacific, Ry. C ITY O F F IC E R S . W . H . W ò a t lie r s o n Board of Trust ees Recorder.. Treasurer Marshal. O. W. Hnrd Win. Kyle . W. Carman M. Morris ........ John I. Butterfield ....................F. B. Wilson .............. G. C. Cuinpton N Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- ! dSamdhaffw£«dte^adk=d^sán¿tes£o^* P u llm an C ars Month. We call your attention to the following priecs. We invite comparison. We want your trade. If good goods and low prices count we will get it-. Guaranteed Fast Black * And 1» «■•*« H im a I’ wwr lo .u r« » « » ■U sk la K e a te c lty . Tha manager of a life insurance ooni- pany bad the floor. “ Life insurance com ponies,' ’ he wna saying, “ are as particular about the people they already have on their lists as they are about getting them on in the beginning. They are rich, of course, but they are no more anxious to take in a man who w ill die of disease w ithin the first yoar or two than they are to take in a perfectly healthy man and have him haisard his life by taking per­ sonal risks in dangerous pursuits or by travel In unhealthy countries. “ I remember a funny instance that occurred once while 1 was living in New England. One of our $10,000 men had a way of culling a man a liar in the most careless and indiscriminate man­ ner and w ith only the merest or no provocation. One day he waa in our office and casually mentioned the fact that he was going to make a trip to Kentucky. “ 'W h e n ;' inquired the manager alertly. “ ‘Next week.' “ ‘On business or pleasure V “ ‘Going to buy a pair of horse«.' •‘ ‘U m — er— er!' hesitated the man­ ager. ‘Before you start I wish yon would stop in and see m e.' “ ‘W hat for? W en t me to buy a horse for you V “ ‘N o; I w ant to arrange about your ST A G E L IN E . Proprietor.; Each HE HAD A BAD HABIT. EUGENE-FLOKENCE will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Sfsar» oop B fv o B P t m . I f you have neglected your case a long time, you had better take Stage leaves Eugene daily e x - ' cept Sundays, at 6 a. m., arriving ; at Florence the day following! at 10 a. na. Returning-stage leaves Flor­ ence daily, except Sundays at 2 p.m., arriving in Eugene the day of the Eye. reasonable. E. B an g s, Sunday Special attention to Diseases o f days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays T h u rs-; days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scott« burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges S S leeping Iu IlIB S . H .H. Barrett, Prop’r, * u m Florence, Or. G r - A /R .D IZ N 'E F t S T A G E W. T. Bailey H ' D. Edwards President. Do y°u get up with a __ — APPLY TO — Patterson. M. D. At Florence 1 First K Ana. O P P O R TU N ITY ♦ Ladies’ Shoes 90e. and up Men’s “ 75c. “ “ Ladie’s and Men’s Hose Children’s “ 20c. “ “ 10c. per pair. B ig S election — Can save you money •!ä ■ Sea’s aii Bois Glotbln Ready mafic Skirts. Soot eh Lawn Men’s Shirts 25c. and up F ast Colors Boys’ 20c. “ “ Pretty Patterns Boys’ Suits 75c. Men’s “ $2.75 “ “ “ “ 4c. per yard. “ Bals am Dress Skirts Putty Shirt Waists 80 yds. calico for $1.00 Ladies’ Undervests 5c. and u A. F. C. Gingham s 10c. per yard. Childrens “ 5c. « « Suiting at 8, 10, 12, 15, Men’B Underwear......... 50c. and up per suit. 20c. per yard : : : Duck Send us your mail orders; they will ha»e nrompt attention. J y . K a u f f m a n . North Willamette Street, Lane Co., Oregon ... ■ Eugene. The Vamaau OaauMaa award. I t ia but seldom that a real good ~ ■peoimen of the Damaaoua eword can D in in g C ars be obtained, for the art of working and “ ‘W hat do you want to arrange ' T L m .A a engraving thia kind of steel ia dead. T o u ris t following at 9 p. m. about it T Isn’t it all right f | The expert in handwriting had mads MA-ftn tha O aotar. These sword» aro made of alternate lay- Sleeping C ars There uu.y be ivu ietb log eucut SEC R ET S O C IE T IE S. “ ‘Y e a as long as yon stay in thia a number of very interesting and con- era of Iran and ateel. ao finely tempered Tour ca.» I »on »oil do nol not quit» qu.— uudtr. — _ «Und. Write the doctor lt»ely:_reU » , country. But if you go down to Ken- vincing demonstrations w ith a pises of that the blade would bend to the h ilt 8T. PAUL Single fare - - - - $5.00 him hew yon ere .irgerlnr. tacky we’ll have to advance the rate chalk on ths blackboard. He »rill orom ytly r e te l» , t t a w ithout breaking. The weapons had M IN N E A P O L IS Round trip - “ $9.00 m .d lt .l »deice A ddr.'«, No. ----- 107. u n til you come back. ’ j “ *** ,n d .t edgea so keen that no coat of m all could Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell, team 1 F. Ä A. M. Florence r «V* onvgp Lodge ---- DULUTH ___ Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ 41 ‘W ell, ^vhat i n ------ began the and describe them, and the Jury w n Regular communication on aeconJ resist them and surface» ao h ighly pol­ policy holder hotly, when the manager profoundly impressed. __ FARGO ished that whou a Moslem wished to sad fourth Saturdays in each month. livery barn, Eugene, and at 0 . W . interrupted him. t I “ This. ” he said, holding • p ie «1 of rearrange hia turban be n»ad hi» «word E. W . C obb , W. M. GRAND FO RK8 TO ‘Don’t fly the track, my dear fel- paper out before him in his left hand, Hurd’s office in Florence. for a looking glass. .J, I. BuTriaFiBLD, Secretary. CRO O KSTO N he said gently. ‘It 's a ll rigbthere while w ith Ills right he made passes in and the rate is satisfactory to na: but. front of the blackboard, so as to gat a L e a a ry . W I N N IP E C n >. R General Lyons P ost, No. 5 8 by Jove, we can't give you the same running start, “ is tha handwriting of The Funk & W ag n alb Luxury would not bo desired by any H E L E N A mid U. eicets second and fourth Saturdays rate and let von go to Kentucky and a person who is not used to handling a of na i f we sow clearly the suffering ,f each 'Uohlli a t 1 :30 p. yn. BUTTE' call men linrs like yon do in this sec- pen— not necessarily an nneduuated per- whioh aocompanhM i t in the world. S . 1). C olvin , Cominander. tion. N ot mnchl W e haven’t got $10,- son I t might be one who bad been so Luxury la Indeed possiblo in the future J .L . F ubnw u , Adjutant. 000 policies to give away like thnt, and ranch in the habit of dictating ■>* €0.000 When only ono aide can bo beard, i t la ran» be n a tu rs lly b e a u tifu l, a a tu ra lly s ttra . ÍC P d e lic a c M o f th 0 8casou- W 1» indicates l i r e , o a » tif» lly ¡« te tr a tiu g »u d a n im a te d and keep In employmrat 1W peraons 1 tsorely talk. — Chicago Neu-s. ..........A tto rn ey-at-L a w . su«l w it t y , b u t th e d e m o n « / j H - h a a l t b » the state i Thera are »7 theaters, including tho vs- , game, fish and fruit iu season. Best r a a w in a at th e v e ry v ita l» o f h e r w o t n a c lv 1 U G E K E , OREGON. ! ricty bouses, in setive operation in the j nature am t »be soou b a to m e « a w lth e re .l of the tension at * glance. M A D E ar.J repaired «•all Sow ar in c o t n p a t ia o n w ith h e t b right«: « | borongba of Manhattan and ths Bronx, K ilm a rth i—Did yea «all Maronoy tfc* accomodations for the traveling —t'F F ic g A t t h e C o u r t H o u se. Its use means time saving a nd m o re Ite a lth y »tatet« O r. V’e” T '* ba wor either wantin T while (be borough of Brooklyn adds a -----BY------ F a v o rite P re s c rip tio n «* a w o n d e rfu l utedi ! public. Charges reasonable^ ___ and easier sewing. score or more. Everything which affect« „ 'tllllly — Ol did not I Th' chump bod cine for w o m e n w h o »uffet in trlla way. It c tly v on business in general aC«ct» tha llrsvtar th ’ nnrrve t ’ offer me a malaly quartkar act« d ire E . E . B E N E D IC T . IlLUJ e»• t e r w itebentc ^ram—- a n d im p o rta n t I t ’ ’s our own invention o rg a n * « u <.tH ia w ifeh o o d an a ad ei n ir irem c m g ror« r if M - h w hj »ery i « « * m • ’* riy i« W * * t.l « aad a» F.„». «y. Money Saved «plicre «if setien. I think 1 1 1 be a golf £ .4 new I am PYuìoMy Cfevrtaad, Okia. «• The flnost opal of modern Simaa bn- Fappy aad Umnhftii u> ynu FRA N K B. W ILS O N - player. " K e e p y o u r head a p « a d y o a r h o w e te j icngeii to the Km j mss Josephina It "H o w do you figure that a n t i’ T h e < '? .a M teed k a a i l Di’ccver D i’ ccverV " wt1 G ¿ o .ld lden e d ic called the ” Bnrnir.g of Troy P atro n izin g it. queried the black and tan. tonr backbone, and I in yj1 -O b . I'll be in the link». ’ — rhiledeV Us (ate is unknown, m it «tls&ppeanfl ¡ »teel For a«!« by W hite flawing Macliin ^elicla will rare conati PkfBSBJn r< whan the allies tutarod Form phis North American. P ro p FLORENCE. - * ’ O REG O N Company, h'an Froitcisco. E le g a n t alsb. It will remove all impurities that have been accumulating in your blood and will greatly strengthen your nerves. A 8 L IG H T M I8TA K E. A« T H R O U G H T IC K E T S Standard NEW HOME Dictionary A R. M M E , , Quam Wilhelmlna «« Holland wlU i ? I« Vim tanner hotel F MORRIS <’* HOTEL, J Attorney a t Law, (9* J T o n s o r ia l P a r l o r s . Tension Indicator^ A Head of Tide Hotel, . I A.'W' O L E M Y K IN D , E lk P r a ir ie H otel. W M . P atents S t I¿ ? REROU te - w h it e Sewing Machine* ON EUGENE AND W m Fablic,Surveyor W hite S e w H acbse By NOTARY MinvasAMv. I 'G e o . H a le PUBLIC. Ce. n. ■s' ;Y » h bi f */