G É R I C E L L S O P L IF E . Sarah £ . Bowen, of Pern, lad., said: “ For eignteeu years I suffered with weakness peculiar to my sex. I could neither sleep nor eat well, and was reduced to a mere skele­ ton My skiu was muddy, my eyes heavy, and 1 was dizzy much of the time. Doctors prescribed for me withouj avail; medicine seemed to do me no good. I was at the brink ol despair when a friend told me what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People had accom­ plished in a case similar to mine. I bought a box and took them. I bought more and took them until I was well and strong. Dr. W il­ liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People brought me new life and I recom­ mend them to every suffering woman.”— Front the Republican, T H E Y R E T A IN V IT A L IT Y C V E N A F T S ft * A POPULAR SiNGER. A F ffttu ” F ' h U u t W k a Q u ic k ly l * i U A u ln rn t P la c e . Took * • Otio of tho greatest honors of tbs * Trausmississippi exposition at Omaha * A S t a r t l i n g T h r o r r S b o n ln ix T h a t was accorded to Miss Anna V. Metcalfe, who was selected as one of the two solo- I n . t n n * U . n t h I . a n lu » n o ..ib l llK r iota for the npeuiugconcert, Mr Ghsrlea * a n d T h a t W n M a r Be C o u a d . a * D'ar Clark, trarifoue, Leitig the other. Of * Sonic T im e A f t e r D la .o ln t lo n . Miss Metcalfd the St. Louis QIbbo-Dem­ •'You often meet with the phrase ocrat says: * •‘death was iustantsDeoua. ” and you Miss Metcalfe camo to St. Looia a lolieve it. but tastaat death is imposiii- few mouths ago to accept tho position ( tl.'. of soprano iu tho choir of the Socoud A professor has been studying the Baptist church. Thoro has been scarce- i I » ill* when she is gone. ” Then he went A WOMAN’S COMPLAINT. Biihjcct. a man of renown iu bid own ly ia week since her arrivul in fit. Louis t on writing, and when tho lotter was world, and ho lies discovered certain that aiie has not been asked to sing in ' I lenuw t h a t deep w it h in y o u r h e a rt finished ho forgot and signed his own important data proving coaclnsively Home other city, and she lias just return- ■ Y o u hold m e « h rln sd a p a rt fro m com m on 1 name instead of the colonel’s, and then Tells tho story. When your hen, th in g s ihat n o . one can meet w ith instant ed from giving a recital at Cairo, Ills., I aches, and you feel bilious, consti­ laughed as he saw his mistake. He had A u d t h a t m y step, m y voice, can b rin g to yo u pated, and out o f tune, with you. death, lie work* oat bis theory on the where she also sang before the Alexuu- : A gladness t h a t no o th e r presunco b riu g a. i to write the letter all over again then. stomach sour aud no appetite jual data afiorded by the physiology of cells, der club of that town. She wan one of 1 This time he signed the colonel’s name buy a package of love, th ro u g h o u t th e w e a ry d a y * li e stiites that no one yet lias proved the soloists at tho recent Moberly (M o.) I A u Y d o u y e n t, e v d e e r a r sp^ak and called the orderly and sont him to ono w o rd o f tenderness the difference Ixitween a dead and a live music festival und sang at tho last con- ' N o r s tro k e m y h a ir n o r s o ftly clasp m y h an d Miss Lacey with the letter. And when brain cell. When thia has been done, It was done he walked up aud down the W ith in y o u r -ra n in lo vin g , m u to c a re s * And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. L then wo can more easily ascertain how room, aud all that evening ho felt like Y o u t h in k perhaps I should bo a ll o o a te n l You will be surprised at how easily (* long a tim e elapses before the death of a a caged lion. What would her answor i T o k n o w sa w e ll th e lo v in g place 1 hold they will do their work, cure your W itln n y o u r lifo , und y e t yo u do not d ronin cell takes place. be? Had the colonel received it? Cnee headache and biliouRnesa, rouse the H o w m uch 1 long to hoar th e s to ry to ld . But, first, what is a cell? To be brief, or twice he took up his cap to walk A liver mid make you feel happy again 25 cents. Sold by ull medicine dealers. both plnnts and anim als—including, of down past the captain’s quarters, then i Y ou cu u n o t kn o w , «-hen w e tw o s it nione A n d t r a n q u il th o u g h ts w it h in y o u r m lu d a r» he threw it down again. course, man—are built up of units, ele­ Of course shu I stirred, mentary units, which you can only de­ would accept- Yes, but after all W ou ld ,--------------------------- ------------- Peru, In J. M y h e a rt Is c ry lo g lik e a t ir e d c h ild tect nndey the microscope. Now, each F o r ono fond look, ono geu tlo, lo vin g w o rd . she? tiny cell ia a vital elementary unit. We Tho stage left in tho early morning. J)r. W illia m *’ Pink Pill« for Pale People 'T is n o t th o boundless w a te rs ocean holds are nothing but highly develojicd results Lieutenant Clover noted the stir of do : coulaiu, lu a roudenaed form, all the ele­ T h a t g iv e i e fre d n u e n t to th e th ir s ty flow er«, ment* ucuewsiry to give new life and rich- of the individual vitality of huge quan­ parture ubont the captain’s quarters. | P u t ju s t t il« drops th a t, ris in g to th e skies. ncs* to the blood and restore »lingered tities of these fundamental cells. F 'lo .n thciiuo dusceud in s o ftly fa llin g show ­ Then he saw the captain aud Mrs. Les­ nerve*. They are an unfailing specific'for As this is undeujably so, how is it ers. ter appear, aud ho ran out to speak to auch diaeto.es as locomotor utuxia, purtiul possible, by simple decapitation, say, psralyma, 8t. Vltua* dance, aciatiea, neural­ them. He half expected to find tho colo- tth u t m a t te r Ih a t o u r g ran a ries a re fille d gia, rheumatism, nervon* ficaduche, the to cause instant denth in the millions of W illi a ll th e riehoat h a rv e s t's golden stores uel with them, but ho was uot there. A after-effect* of the grip, palnitutiou o f the Jf w e w h o ow n th e m can n o t e n te r in , cells which compose the brain? It is flush dashed up to his face. Hud-she heart, paleaixt sallow complexions, and oil B u t, fnnitshed, stand below th e close b a rre d known that brain cells have their own forma of weakness either in male or female. really refused the offer? If so, why? ceil life and are liable to live a certain There was uo time for explanations. Dr. Wtlttama Pint Pill* lor Pale Paopl* art aarar A n d bo *tl« w ild t h a t those w h o sho uld be ric h tim e after they are cut off from outside Sho oaiue out ready for her journey. sold b| tka deran hr husdrad. a«t almaya In pack- I n t h a t tr u e love w h ic h c ro w n » o u r e a r t h ly lot nutrition w ithout the supply of any She gave him her hand, and her eyes ages. St atl druggist*, or dlract from the Or Wil­ O o p r a y in g w it h w h ite lip» fro m day to d a y blood whatever from the body. The liam Madldna Compart, Schenectady, N. T., SV F u r luvo’e sw eet to k e u e a n d receive th e m not- looked level into his. nourishment is supplied inside the cell •ante par ks* Shona* (t.SO —P earson'» W eeidy. “ I shall never forget how much you walls, and it can go on living after be­ did to make my stay pleasant,” she ing cut off from other resources said. “ I hope I shall meet you again, T H e : Front this argument it is clear to tho Lieutenant Clover. ” professor that these millions of cells in ZllSS A N N A V. M ETC A1.FI?, X have been a r r a a t sufferer fro m eon«tipattoa IU h w e d O lp « M T mu I m w ith so moob s»tts- Hr B a l l , Paata*« PatA, Tho driver’s whip circled out over f ir u v a ffl.o yeazf. H l t«dug 4 by different phyilclao» is. when death appears, but only on the concerts, and so marked is hor ability dally paper, bought w m e and took them lu direct* out nt tlio empty parade. He walked to Caldwell Clover was standing alone I W U w r j uensed by b id teach, of wliicte I hud entside. to hjtvu been instantaneous. ad. if uve taken them at»oat three weeks and there «wranvL I had tho teeth Axtrected, b a t Cue at* that although sho has boon iu tho city liis desk, aud Adjutant Caldwell Clover, with an aching heart w ith nothing in i L ouch* a cbftuge: i am not coast:paled *»ay mor^ After a insn' i leg is cut off. or an for ho short a time »holiaaooon engaged teefcs ~*jBttnaol. I tuul «eon advertlaoiueott of tho world to do hut listen to 37 bugle and i o . vj It a il to Rlp«¿M Tabules. la m thirty* LUI p M s « TMetAe« la e?l the papeta (Jut had as fuhh animal s. you can stim ulate the nerves an vocal teacher nt Forest Fork univor.i- who was signin;; orders, glancod out o f ! calls a day aud follow tho dreary routine •even year« old, hove no oocapaUou, only m y U tkaaa tw t e b u h ls ix w « m J u mjco a f r t i^ il la for a long time, but you cannot do it ty for tho com ing season to succeed tho corner of Ilia oyo and saw that the ! t m a U> tbcoa Qavataham but tw o u f Cha boUMebold duties and nursing m y sick husband. of an adjutant's lifo. •OteU tkosat box*« o f She Tnbhiea and bare had Ila baa bad the dropsy and i am try in g P.lpeua after the cells are dead. You cannot get Miss F ’-alint) Watson, whoso marriage colonel was pulling his mustache. Theu there came a tirno when the , ho f»e«i rt»w« of tho attache Nave never tftvou a Tabulae fo r him . He foele kobj better but It a i ll any response at all tWhaoor.laJ fo r e o y tb le» before, but the great ta to sema tím e, bd has been «tefe so long. Tou Theu tho colonel sat down uud said country called for troops. “ Boots and I takes p.lnne the last of this month. Greatest Weekly ia the Cftiutry, b a ^ 'd o l of f'x x j w tle h 1 believe Hoe bean done ate the Mr«. M auy O oumam C l á nag. gerui of life, but this is a fanciful the­ fciaaj to*U«ft©*ie:« you doubtless have In ybur It was not customary for the colonel X started for the south. «]uipj>ed tor her i«of.'sjjou. Her voice, ▲. T . D s W rir. Bpte. A M ory when confronted w ith the now laws which is naturr.lly strong and sympa­ to address the officers by their names iu ' Army headquarters at Tauipa was Í )i«v« boon auxtaylng fro m bo&dachea ever «lnce X wua a lítela girl. Í could never ride lu a as by research established. thetic, has l.oeu trained by several this way. He was supposed to address thronged w ith officers. Orderlies were I (IfuiJudlntf po«t«<«) to an y p a r t of the United ear or go luto a crowded I w ant to Info rm you. The countless millions of cells of years’ study under tho best masters Adjutant Clover us lieutenant, aud to nluce w ith o u t getting a fa w ar fin o f blah««« speeding everywhere. Spurs jingled Rtates. C anada and Mexico. beadarhe and oh-lc nt n*y T H E W U K K I« Y C H R O N IC !« ® , the brlfhteat dM , o f th e b« rwrflt which our bodies are entirely composed both in this country and abroad. She is say that the young man was surprised stoiiiucli. I heard about across the floors, and tho few army and most com plete W e e k ly N ew spaper In Uw huva fewH^ed fro m contain the germ of life, and it is im ­ a native of Town, but from childhood would l»e placing it mildly. Of course i H lpaü l Tabules from an Tab rtbwUod. fouml such relief from You can tako livin g cells from a pig's in this (.•ouiitry. Miss Metcalfe wont fam iliarly, only it was so unexpected. H o rtic u ltu ra l D e p a K m e a t. T h is Is on« of tb« fH|«aue Tabu!«« d^aa It. tbelr u»e «h© advised me tho morrow might bring. Licutonant (le u te ftt d «p artm «nte la an y paper on this ¿ t o r oue of m 7 coeM 1 T h e modern stand­ glands, and thia same professor will abroad t i study under Vunini, in Flor­ to tuba them too. cunt 1 "1 am not busy, colonel," said the Caldwell Clover was still adjutant to Coast. E v e ry th in g w r itte n Is based ou ax* roavd u y ml f comp lately have lx>eu doing so since demohstruto to you that after these ence, Italy. This eminent teacher was adjutant. down. A etfoifoathe 1iu»t October, and w ill the colonel. A telegram was handed the (Mu-teace in the Cnaat States, not on Eastern ard F a m ily M e d i­ advice o f Mr. 3 m . KoW* glands have gone through their prepara­ much pleased w ith her talent anil fo- •ay they have complete* “ How old do you think la m , Clo­ latter. The colonel frownod, pulled his m en's know leripr of th o tr ow n localities. M cured her tho exceptional opportunity ver?” asked the colonel. cine : C u re s the mustache, then said: “ Lieutenant, I] SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE I am tw o a ty nine year« l/l y ana T ab rU e w ith But tho curious fact rumains that at of singing at a distinguished concert of old. You are welcome “ Why, I don't know, colonel,” stani- havo a telegram from a friend now nt FYMUlIl*. to us« till« tostlmonUX. present thero tiro no dntu showing the common every-day - Mine B kojis WrqDSUl. classical m usic given by the most uris mered the adjutant, “ not any older than Chickamauga. His sister arrives ut this Mrs J. BaooiuiTais supposed length of time it takes for the tooratio fam ilies of Florence, nt thePul- than you ought to be. ’ , hotel tonight to join the Red Cross ill o f hum anity. cells of tho brain to , empty themselves ace Aman. Ladies (if foremost rank in ■sOLer was troubled Thu colonel was slicing a sheet of forcos at Key West. Please meet het w ith b e a t t b d r a awd of the gerui of consctousuess or life, but ^hc Italian nobility wero patroucsscs at paper w ith tho paper kuife. “ I want IU rep less eemi. caused by K y a e m -y c a r .1 4 bog it is certain that consciousness does not this concert, anil a long line of successes you to do something for mo, Clover. I aud see that she gets her train for l ’oi t au ir.reJ w ita p »(u. in fadlgeattoe. fo r a food TOaay »ears. One day bU head, c*ai.tlp a(h ,n c«aso im mediately after, say, a head , followed ij is s Mctcaifo’s appe-arauce have come to depeud ou you so entirely Tampa in the morning. ” aud co m plaiM d or liln ah« a a \/ a U 3*intoh!bl The lieutenant saluted. When the has been cut off n body. The belief, there. She then went to Loudon and for everything that I am going to put Ila coul.l nos «a Lha paper tadorvlo« u t lik e ahlldrcu o f h l* 111 p a a « Tabula«, hha however, is that ut least four or live : studied under (loorg Iienschel aud W il­ this personal matter in your hands. I Pullman ear backed into the spacious (u.0 do «nil w h . a bo dacampdbb'l lo f iv e them uiinutes must elapse ere death finally liam fihakesperc, taking special lessons want you to write a proposal of mar­ hotel ground that night, n few officers, a tria l, wag g r e a t l y did . a t did bot « a re . a newspaper man or two ami one worn- m itered by th e ir u«a w ith blm . H c w u c b tn steps in to arrest life. in oratorio singing from Signor Rau- riage to a young lady for me. ” • a d n o w t a k « « th e and o f • MlTron color. an alighted. As she steppixl forward the It has been noticed iu the cane of a dugger. __________ T a b u lM regwterly. fb a keep« a fa w carteag JUpans Tlie colonel was much embarrassed. waiting adjutant was startled ut first, Beading eom . of t b . aM llm o n la l. In r .v o r o f ThOuif-a In ilia bouaa and «uys sh. w ill hot bb wl»!i- decapitated head that the cheeks remain kipnua T a b u l.j, I triad them. R ipon , T .b u lra nos H is faeo was red under the tan. A n U n f a i r C o n d itio n « theu hurried toward her. ouly r.lrav«d but actually o lir.d luy vo itn citrr, w u tth am . Thu heartburn and sleapteaaneM have red for some minutes after the sever­ “ A proposal of marriage I” echoed tho a ll. hcMlucLM have d lan p iw u rr., bowel* a r * In 4iaa»ychr«d W !th the todigostloa which waa .“ Miss Lacey! You bore?” Tho University of Rochester has re- ance, a conclusive proof that the cells good condition und bo cover c o i p l . l o . o f bl* foraaarly ao gt-enta burden fo r > e r . O ur whole adjutant. •Uxivach. n .lfl.o w « rc d ,c h u b b ]r-fn c e d bof. Thia “ Ah, Lieutenant Clover I How glad I faaaliy u k h iu •ad b w jd /la g the hast or health an ! s p rite , also t b . i rad I . to bid a « .) it i« k tn aocordUg to dlr«», eat« hearty moatn. an Im possibility1 before aba have continued to, bite und snHp ut the Rochester raise »100,000 for tho use of at him. 1 tried to speak to her about it face one knows. I felt rather lonely, tlon*. S. W p .ic a . T l i , C h r e a le t« B n l l i l n i , •euk Rtpd’i t Tabu tea. ▲ nto « B. B l a o k u . air for three or four minutes after sev­ the university. Rochester papers report last night at the hop, and whti; she for thero wasn’t another woman on the T H P . C H R O N IC I.K ran ks w ith th« rr«*Urt erance. This phenomenon is well mark­ Miss Anthony us saying that the one looked ut me w ith those stendy brown car nil day. ” newspapers In the U n ite d «ta le s . A M * < V > * aw k»l M M a lM a x f w U ' * * » Tx.w ui* puked in » »«i»r n r t« n (without a i u o u bo * tu t a ^ . "I was to look out for a nurso, ” said blot on her city is removed, and sho is TIC K U U R O N IC U E has nooeuol (Wl th« P n M a M jawf T-1.-I - ‘ t r - r rifll H r . cioria Thb loW-prioud W rt la tnuisded for t h . poor and th . ooouomloot Ono ed in the head of a tortoise separated as bappy as if another stale bad hoou eyes of hers I couldn’t say a word.” tho lieutenant, glancing around, “ but Cbaat. I t lead* «11 In a b lllt r , e n t.rp rla s *ud from the body. The life of the brain, • M M of tho C i*o ro t ovto u . (13* talmlMt M h t x hud h j nuul l>7 K udin* lorlys-lxhl oent. to th . I I I M 'I . “ Then i t ’s Miss Lacey?” said tho ad- (fcwWS. it seems she didn’t come. ” C n u n it (Vmx*V, No. laspruao Ptsoot. Now T o r t - o r a .Ifixlo cartoo(TM T4.ci.ao> will bo o«ut for 0»o oon a. therefore, must be retained for some carried for woman suffrage The condi­ jutaut. E CHRO NTOTsPrs T e le rra p h le Reports ara M -.— w — —. . . i — i - o ^ o o w . S ..» o .i ttorohoapors ■»*■ airoiib u o l at aomo Uduurahuoa tion attached to the concession, how­ Tho girl stepjied into tho broader live T H latest time after tho head io severed, from tho and most reliab le. It« l*ocat News th« "It is Miss Lacey. ” They health pale, tadha. «loop and jirolon< Ili a O o. ftvna raOof. ever, prevents The Tribune from fuel­ light. “ Oh, then you didn’t know ,” very fact that, though being separated “ Very w ell, colonel.” Adjutant she said und pointed to her sleeve. An fu'.anbt and spiciest, and its E d ito ria ls from tb« ing very hilarious over it. Unless the ablest pens In th« country. from tho trunk, its nutritious blood and Clover received the order just us he T H E C H R O N 1 C U B has a lw a y s been, and a l­ gases, taken from the fund stored up in University of Rochester is very differ­ would have received tin order to ap­ insignia honored the world over wus ways THE 3E.CRET OF J5ÉAUTY. w ill be. tb« frtenri and rJtasipion of th« the cells, aro in sufficient quantity to ent from ull other universities women point u substitute captain for the re­ sewed there—the Red Cross. pecple, as ag a in st oooibJna.t!oos, clique«, eat- O a i. C a n N o v a r I l a F le a a » a t f a L o o k t lp o n “ Is it possible?” It seemed to him [^ ratio n s , or oppressions c l any hind. I t w ill b« carry on life, hut for what exact period have already contributed their fair cruits or any trivial thing of that sort, share and ought not to have to buy tho ,V"” “ '¡y ° » * i • W * that nothing but inter joctious came into lfsdepeudent In e r e r y lb in f. n eu tral In nothin!* is unknown. aud ho turned to his desk as the colonel “ Thu inost helpful uud agree«bio bath his mouth. “ You aro really going to Do the brain cells die simultaneously? educational privileges which should be­ went out. the front?” ia thfti ol tbpid water, “ writes B oth Q«r««bi and T r a d e M a rk « o b tain ed »n d «11 T a t No, because they havo their own indi­ long equally to the sons anil daughters Thero are those who think an adju­ ont b u ’"<*• from reveille to taps. It is a mistake. talu 1‘atrn tg .“ w ith coat « r ««inn i n th o U. tuay he, such a bath should not lie In­ although the person Io all appearances and foreign cour.trio« «cu t free. Addrosa, Thero is a New York woman artist Ho has a thousand aud oue things to do. though it would bo a pleneure. They dulged in unless u thorough rpbbiug ba is dead, may live for three or four hours livin g in Brixiklvu who c x j ie c t s I o be Ho oversees guard mount. Ho selects were crossing the wide veranda. Vladi­ C. A. SNOW & CO. Showlag (he Unlisd State», D#mlel»« taken afterw ard. ' To speak plainly, It O « « P * T IH T O r n c c , W as IN Q T O N , D . C . l after supposed death has taken place. tho envy of tho neiglihortiood before j the colonel’s orderly, lie writes letters mir Purisshoff’s orchesfea was playing of Caaada tiid Narthera Muloi m ost lie remembered that w hile a cold lu the case of a healthy person being long. She is about to oomo into posses- , and signs papers, and now Adjutant “ The Serenade." “ You w ill como for OK OXYK s u m bath may be more or less invigorating hanged, seeming death is not instanta­ sion of something for which relic seek , Caldwell Clover of Troop X is asked to mo by aud by aud bring me to hear the it is not cleansing. 1 can easily under­ neous at all. Organic motion is arrest­ era would give— iu extravagant phrase­ w rito a proposal for his colonel to Agues musio, ” she said. “ It w ill seem like stand tho desire at ovury woman to havo old times when we danced to the music ¡ T H K O T K W R BTDBL. You cam ed. but real death is certainly not iu- ology— their eyes. It is a flag pole from , Lacey. a clear, beautiful skiu, blit I oonfess to ot tho regimoufaj band.” stantnneous. Thu brain cells aro the last the Maine. In due time there is io be a S a S9 a n d < « e t tl«n ««< When Captain Lester went cast and cured < to die. uud life is not roally extin ct un­ flag raising nt the artist's hence, io i returned w ith a golden haired young being provoked when 1 think of the “ Were you lonely after I left tho W e e k l y C la r o ta tr le f a r O n o lo a » » p o s t a g e p r e p a l U o a m a p a n 4 p a p a r« I f you suffer fro-n any o f th« ( hmuunt of money spent on lotions, til rigor mortis seta in, which, in the which no one w ill bo invited, but the . wife, Lieutenant Clover danced with post?” she asked. No oue but a woman il:« n i m m , coït ? to thn oHe^f m e m and powdern to ho applied ex ­ JkPSBMS could have asked such a question. oass of a healthy person dying sudden­ neighbors w ill Ixi allowed to look on 1 the bride at the reception given them. 3pert«itk*. on the Pacitic C oju ., ( M. H . d e T T O T T W O * ternally eud whioh have nothing like ns “ I never before knew what loneliness ML JOflOAM A CO . ly, la protracted. w ith admiring envy. " I am sure I shall not be lonely P roprietor 8 V. Ctaron Id ilM a r b e lU Csl’d 1812 good an effect upon the skin as a tepid was, ” ho said. “ I wonder if you would Now, when it is known that an ordi­ B A N K R Æ N C IB 0O . G M > “ B u t,” as tho »riiat says, ''there j „ bore, to ^ him. £ ■ . ” u she d ^ said lB U “ «nd X T Æ Î” S X “ 1 ‘»Í? V « I|O |( m m and m ihliftle oath w ith good soap taken at least once nary cell livbw after being removed from isn't half tho satisfaction in it, for ' _ mmed mem who «1« suffering a week. from the effects of youthful iudi«frétions or ex- AAAJAJI-ZÆ.a a g s « » a *j m * » . * i * .«*«« I l l a livin g body, why, then, cannot tho there w ill bo no placard on it, and tho ' ftumuirr mv sister in coming tem p ” nP’. . .^ or a ho h rr»*«»•( a t o r r h Ü rc m a k e r a 0 ft store. ” er, the ikteiot hut «■> arranged hit treat nient dulges hi various stimulants, bathes but ; T k ,y A lw a y , P l, « , , ^ . like me She is almost as tall as you are * » IU° ’ *^e Tho head of a chicken was cut off, ihat it will a«t only aff>rd iiumediute ir h r f hut seldom and exercises less is certain to B ta v s tln *- perm tnent core. The Doctor doev not claim to and after certain stim uli had been eud independent and brave.” Aud from th(. rir, Ulny 8p®nd tlw bcBt of his life parform tniroolc«, but is well-known to b» a fait have either a dull, mtMldy looking skiu Miss Emilio Wnguer iff Bsltifnor«, - that night l-ieutcnaut C lo w looked; liuido it opened its mouth und gasped and equ ire Phydcian and Surgeon, pie-einiuent un army post or ono coverod w ith disagreeable look­ ia Ui» »i- . .h i l > o f »lie«. five minutes after its bead had been formerly a student ut tho Peatxsty Con- I forward to the coming of Captain Les- < .. ... y _ J0Ur“?y tr0Ui ..a rall'vay stn My p h i 11« thorough ly crntllcntwi from the ing black and red spots. One should tion. He may listen to 37 buglo calls a i servatory and a graduate of the Worn- ' tor's fair sister-in-law. decapitated from tlm body. ayvts'tM w ith o u t «Ring Wler<*wr.v> MV ft It Y ’IAN nnpIvluK to ti« w ill re ­ avoid many sw eets a n j much pastry day and aiTend to an adjutant's thoti- i The head of a certain animal was cut au’s college of Baltimore, has establish- ceive relir H>wir«< anhm m o t hl» rornplHhit Alice Lacey reached tlie post lu July and not allow herself to become n slave H’s u’Z.’l üunranhr a h ) S I T I I’X' C H ttK in off aud found susceptible to light for ed a conservatory of musio iu a New- Mrs Ix’sb'r had been watching tor the Baud and oue duties for years, but tho te. ly dead. A strong chi-trio light was terest tho iguorunt. and degradwl in brow of the h ill Lieutenant Clover nnlly fresh and fragrant. t^Thn« liiliiai • Proprietor Some Day. obscure* the view and dbufnsos tho guu- Cross, remember fhese two—country yet living. courteous young offloers of the post The bride acknowledges her present« n-irs. Only oue o f our ahipe has been , first, self after aud then, with his w ill 1 Spacer— The office boy necma to havo must be true. R ftia la ft n a r k « W l t h » « i W a t e r . as soon as poA-ible, n.dng paper w ith using cordite, tho wonderful pniokeless hod quito a giMMi time ou hia holiday. long lifo and happiness.— katfiarin# I Rrlghtsst Mft(•< < » • Published J: The summer was a quiet oue at tho Ducks don't need water to thrive. her new monogram. Paper for this pur­ powder whioh the English pavy hae Hortnian m Buffalo News. ; 9 Contains H ra u títu l Colnred P!*ft«s. Liner— W hat mukes you think ho ? poet There were a few dauces, some Thera are many duck raising plant« in Liujtrstes Latest pÀiierus, F«»ü 5: pose w ith a new seal is usually provid­ adopted. Tho reaults with thia ship, the Spacer— Since his return all hia lo i­ » »Ht, ksnry Work. ol rides over the prairie, a picnic or two Dwoiorrat, sad W hU ky. N ew Orleans, were truly amazing. The ter« come addressed aa “ editor. ''— Bos­ this country where thousand* of the ed beforehand by ti’o bridegroom. A let­ « s n f f f G Í9 T fhi» !« erert and long, quiet hours ou ths veraudao, tetftln j »ful s*«N»<*«4ftft for « fowls are bred each year for market and The Chambersburg (Reur,.) Valiev ter of thunks Is not ncces*>rv, but the rapidity, accuracy and' precision of her ton Globe. S » o r« V n tft fo r t e m í» «„A r »her p « u .c - «5 « « ••• »«’h re riM W jn y n ’ r kC*r, Ja w h an there ia not eveu a puddle for note inu.xt contaiu a few w ell chosen and then on* day (here came news of sp irit reodls the fact that it was at the fire were the admiration of atl observers. Captain Lf-itar'a trausf-r to »aether R m -I s I InUaence*. toem to flounder in. One of these farms words iu the l>ride*s owu handwriting. Himkeleea powder hus several advan­ 1 b Philatl« ‘W *». tlu»t Judge Szu»«. THEMcCAtL CO, Ji it waa on the duy bufore the I Block first nttored the story whioh hug •'Mrs. Riprap has grown dreadfully . is credited ivith an output of 80.000 C-orrls w ith a sentence of thanlu aro not post tages. Tbero ls ao obsouring of tho o*t Cincinnati Enquirer. tle as he remembered that tomorrow sho that *ach weather was of incukulatlo I I t ©»tAün^ A?«4 «Mol, «*M*fc s t ph»te- the mouth of the gun The demand for Binned an honorary member lart even­ famous Horceivr in hia owu conutry. In was going anay, then he sai l to him ­ beiftuflt to huaiBnitT rftportav >r«t»w««feil*~ <■ FABB siuokeleiw powderaeema to boons of the in g .“ —-Indlauapr.il* Journal. ■ m «Z« a« Tk«y ft*««a. fact, he otved b is election to his sue,-ess-1 self: “ W hat'sthe u seot m yfeeliug like i . r.'z’o^»* ’ -T (>*» • i î i t ' ï “ Why?” * A Nfttoe. ini per at ires o f the im m ediate future — Cigarette smoking is n con.tnon pra*" a d g in the manger? fill« wouldn't ful dsfeat of the devil by dancing aud a â T 'à T îZ .* " "Well. yo< see, if w* didn’t have hot ’ N ow York Ledger. Mr a Hick* (aliopptiig)—Hark ' Didu't yelliu g for several hours iu ft cemetery tice Ruxxig the colored a-aiherwnuieu nf marry me hhs'il usver think of mo a?aat-h ‘ r».We wou,hhL«wCIFIC COAST CHRONICLE L IE U T E N A N T C L O V E R . D A IL Y Only $ 6 ? 7 0 The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 r PATENTS® DD YOU WANT THE CHROHICLE Reversible Map? MEN! « be Map of the World S MS CALL ««BAZAR, h fiATTERNS g PATENTS ,B.