rpH E W E S T — S72P.T m CAV ITOftNING - „ Fwar«CK. L a X' C ocntx . O k iü u n - R oyal ^BSOUffEOT fe r a e W.H. WEATHERSON Editor and B aking P owder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Proprietor. OBITUARY ANO BIOORAPmcr.» Died at the rrfJ e o -.t ci tn-i pi Mrs W A Cox. at Captlands t.vi r I m e enee, Oregon, at 6 o'clock a ni June 14.1 1899, William Fredrick Phipps, aged 66¡ years, 1 month and 25 days. i To the student, or even to tlie casual! reader, of American hietoty and litcra- ' lure ol the Colonial perl»«! the Lame of • Sir William Phipps is very familiar.! TOUR LIVER T h r e e In mu ’, c f o rd e r I f you havo th e s ym pto m s • n u m u r a tW on tin s c h a rt S tu d y each M vm piow o a r a fu lly a nd you w ill And th a t they a r t yours. You can b t cured w ith - • V t th e a id o f C alu m o l, U lu s M .u ► or Q u inine. T h e y a r t m in e ra ls an d a rt ap t io poison th e blood D o n o t couU nuu *.» s u ffe r when th e r e lie f la held o u t to you. W h y not odd y o u r n a m e to th e a lre a d y targ e Uat of p to p i« cured by H U D V A N ? H U D T A N has cured Itt.uuo o th ers a n d It tr ill c u re you. H U D T A N is th e treat* est v e te ta b le rem e d y o f ih e c a a tu ry aad w iil rails v e a ll th e fo llo w in g sym pto m s. H U D Y A N can bit had o f a ll drug gists fo r 60 cents per packsgv. W h e n you have used H U D T A N te ll y o u r frie n d s w h a t it Las done fo r you. * : J ; . I ★ Desirable Hawthorne in one of Ills early ' It is announced that the Musick mine papers has given graphic pictures of of Bohemia lias been sold by J W Cook many occurences of this time. Toe j rntered at the pori-office at Florence, to a company of New York capitalists name is associated chronologically with I . ¿ ¿ county, Oregon, us second-class for »85.000. those of Wolfe, Montcalm, Sir William ! snail matter. _______ ______ _____ S J Brunt! bae purchased from Louis Pepperell, William Penn, Josiah Wins-1 Betters ids interest in four mining low, Captain Chuach who captured .^ S g T W tS O « A T M * A » K KNOWN o s ap - claims in Bohemia. We bear that *D P LIC A TIO N . King Philip and a host of others. Dur­ 1 B I L 1 O local notice« 8 cento per lin e , each insertion Betters intends to go to the Philippines ing the Revolutionary war the namo IfK A U A C ll to prospect. llevcd by and fame of ttie family was conspicuous VAN. » - I . J A U N D IC B The Marguerite took a large scow The subject of thia brief sketch waa a Florence, Or, Jun© «»0, 1899, OF TUB E TB S - load of beef cattle to the head of tidej direct descendant of Kir William Phipp-, I I U D ¥ A N w ill cm uat.* Ib o y e l­ Tuesday afternoon for W Nichols who (Phips in the historical orthography.) low ne»a to dbe- WESTLINQ9. Bnpour and the His fattier, then a lad of 15 years and purchased them around Clear and Addresses; Music, Reoitations, Basket n o r m a l haaJMiy Dinuer. Various Sports in After. Tsiltcoos lakes. 8 months served iu the Revolutionary color to re tu rn . 4. C O A T E D Qnite a rain last Sunday. war as a comisaary clerk. He lisd noon. T O N U t IB . F08- The Review says that Henry Lander T llJ CRKATH- many narrow escapee and thrilling e x ­ Don’t forget the dance tlie 4th. of Roseburg has a cow that became a J IC D Y A N wlU c le a r th e toiwtuc periences, which iu afler years he loved Trv A 0 Funke for shoes when you mother at the age of twelve months and a nd m ake the The following is the program for the to relate to hie family and friends. After b re a th pure and since that time has been giving almost a celebration at Florence next Tuesday. want a nice fit. av/cet. _ the cioee of the war he, true to the S. TENDER- Hood's Tills cure biliousness, sick gallon of milk at a milking. At sunrise a salute of 21 guns. N E S 6 A N D F A IN hereditary instincts of tlie family, from U t;W T O I N O I O l i » - I N T H E S T O M A “ Circumstances alter cases” In cases At 10 o'clock procession forms on headache. Sir William down, followed the sea. He T 1 O N F R O M T U K . . p R li S E N C N O F T O O w ill otear th e , h . l k i - H h t I u U i Y . A N Koad supervisors receipts for sale at of dvsfiepsia, nervousness, catarrh, Main street and nmrcli to the picnic sailed up the Pacific coast and into M U C H b h H atom ucli o f th e excess o f bile, re lie v e th e . rheumatism, eruptions, etc., the circum­ grounds, members of the various lodges ain und cause th e food to be pu rrsctly H e W est office. Queen's Charlotte’:) souud, passing per­ p digested. marching in regalia. Fiddle creek school closes today for a stances may be altered by purifying haps in sight of the future horns of one «. l i N L A R O K M E N T O F T H E L I V E R Rev. I G Knotts and enriching the blood with Hood’s Invocation N U A F K E L IN O O F H E A V IN E S S A N O of Ilia children and grandchildren, long A week’s vacation. W B I Q H T - I I U O Y A N w ill leaaeo th e ooa- President’s address E E Benedict Sarsaparilla. Try it. 8 o ld W it h geatlon und teduce th e liv e r lo Its n o rm a l before Oregon was known to civilization (iet your firecrackers for the Fourth alaa. Children imitate their elders in many Gong or had passed into tlie possession of the I f U D Y A N w ill c u r t a ll H ie above artn«- iron. A 0 Funke. tom a uud w e ite you w e ll. U n not dela y ways and frequently go to considerable Reading Declaration of Independence United State». Finally he met and lo nger. R em e m b e r t h a t C ancer ana For Dress Cutting and Fitting call nt J J Em moos inarrried a daughter of Dr Ar.or Betts Abscess work in building playhouses. Mr and o f the IK or drat a p p e a r as tr iv ia l the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. Glenn Benedict who was a surgeoi: in the English array disorder« and th r o n g li iiee lo c t becom e h i- ; Mrs O W Hurd have just had a hand-) Recitation cu fo b te. Go lo y o u r ' ‘K » '" '« “ > « « « I Sew stock of white dress goods, rib­ eome playhouse built for their little Song i.It p ro c u re u pa c k ag e o f H l’UYAN for W i during the Revolutionary war. Dr Betts, i a cen le o r « p a e k a e rs fo r SO. I f your I Hon. E D G Ilolden after the war was over settled in the Piov- d ru g g is t does nut keep It . FA bons «nil trimmings at Meyer 4 K yle’s. tolks in a sightly location near their Oration send d ire c t to Ih e H U D Y A N R K M I2 O T C O .. San F r a n ­ Song The San Francisco Examiner and the dwelling. ince of Nova Scotia while the son-in-law cisco or I. oh A ngele«. C a lifo rn ia A rto r Recitation David Kyle instead of returning to Boston with his you h a v e usod I t te ll y o u r frie n d « ab o u t W est for one year »2.60 paid in ad­ The W ert has for sale one years' Its e ffec t, t h a t th e y »1«» m ig h t be cured. Mies Hattie Davis brothers and sisters, settled in the Prov­ I f you a re not satlRlicd w ith ih e cffocta. tuition in the Holmes Business College r e tu rn Ih e e m p ty I f t I D Y A N hoa and we vance. There will 1« a bneket dinner ou the J tem e m b e rJ th a J William w ill r e tu rn y o u r 0 W Hurd lias bad a new door put in of Portland. This is one of the lending grounds for which coffee will be furnish­ ince of New Bruuswick. V o u x. teas we- » » » » » • w . — ------ — — - Frederick Ptiipps was the youngest and FREE C a ll and ace (h e doctors. You business colleges on the coast, having between his merchandise store and the ed free. m a y call and nee th e m or w r ite , as y< last surviving child of this family, he English, Commercial, Shorthand and drug store. Commencing at one o ’clock several being the seventh. Ilis father, like desire. A ddress Telegraphic departments and we offer lfudyan cures sleeplessness, bad rnces will take place for the following himself, lived to be an octagenarian, CUDYM REMEDY COMPMff, thia tuition on easy terms. prises: 1st prize 2nd prize and was until the close of his life a dreams and night sweats. Fifty cents No. B i6 South B ro a d w ay , Ttie state fair will be held this year Sack race »1 50 $ 50 all druggists. Revolutionary pensioner. He was born from Sept 15th to 22nd inclusive. The Tub “ 1 50 60 Los Angeles, C&L Spots before the eyes, despondency, April 20th, 1814, in Westfield, Kings 150 60 constant worry. Hudyaii cores. All following Lane county people have been Boat " Oer. S to c k to n , M a rk e t a n d P.tlla Sta., county, New Brunswick. In 1835 he appointed to positions: John Simpson Foot “ 160 60 ftjtn Fra n c is c o . C it druggists, 50 cents. married Hannah Ganders. To them of Siuslaw, tocket vendor; Mrs F M Wheelbarrow race 1 50 50 ] were born seven children »11 of whom L Simons had over 508 cerds of wood Wilkins, superintendent of classes 8, 9, Cliuitdr.g a greased pole, prize »2 00 ' except Mrs W A Cox, havo passed ou T H E M ARGUERITE« burned near Eugene last Friday. It is 10, and 11; If B Miller, superintendent 2 o’clock hall game between Florence I before. Hia faithful wife with whom ho thought to be the work of an incendiary. of fruits; to help arrange second district and Mapleton teams. ] passed 65 wedding anniversaries, and The band boys have been practicing exhibit, B F Bond of Irving, farm pro­ The steamer Marguerite ia now plying SU N D AY*SERVICES. i who was but two days younger than ho, between Florence und Mapleton making «evcral times lately and we hope to hear ducts, Mr Amos Wilkins of Coburg. ! died Feb. 14th, 1698. Mr and Mrs a round trip daily. She Ima been None who are engaged in any of the meohauical «.me good music from them before long. W A Currier representing the Wiley Sunday school 10 a in, Preaching 11 rtiipps were members of the Episcopal changed somewhat in replacing the pursuits can succeed without reading and Intelligence has been received by the B Allen music house of Portland was in a in. and in Glenada 3 p m . Endeavor church having been confirmed by the cabin and engine room that were steamboat n.en on the river that the Florence several days this week on busi- 4 p Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia at the ] damaged by fire nnd now presents a studying this standard Magazine of Sciences inspecters will arrive in Fiorrnce Tues­ ness for his firm. He gave a free enter church of Kt John in Cornwallis, 1383. more trim appearance. Another cabin tainment with the organ and graplio- day morning. and mechanical Arts. It is Ulustrated^with Tlie Endeavor Society and ladies of In 1869 they came to Eugene, Oregon has been added in the front of the TheProutyA Stevens property in phone in the Odd Fellows’ building Tues the Presbyterian cbnrch will serve ice with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr nngine thus increasing the accominoda. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all Morse’s addition that was sold in April day evening. He was assisted by N F cream on the 4th. The proceeds to go and Mrs W A Cox, starting for tlie tions for passengers. The pilot house Woodcock with the violin while Win P fordelinquent assessment was redeemed Siuslaw Oct. 17th, one of their wedding ia directly over the forward cabin. the branches of mechanism, and its fund ¡of toward repairing tlie church. Drupg played the organ. Most cf the by Mr t'routy a tew days ago. anniversaries. Everything is in good order and knowledge is inseparably connected with in ­ CH ILDR EN'S DAY. Mr Phipps was quite a writer in j-rose pnasengers are now carried between Anyone desiring to purchase a new people in town attended the entertain­ ment and enjoyed tlie music as well as and poetry. Mrs Cox has much of his sewing machine may find it to his in­ ventors and mechanics. Sold with T mb Florence and Mapleton quickly and Children's day exercises were held in literary work andtxpects to put thia in terest to call at the W est office and the amusing reproductions of the graplio- comfortably. Captain Hurd has charge W est at clubbicg rates. phone. The children were especially the church in Florence last Sunday book form as a souvenir for other attertain w hat we offer in that line. of the boat with Frank Fox as engineer interested in the latter instrument or as morning, the Glenada Sabbath school members of the family and friends. and Allred Funko as mute. Guard: County Olerk Lee has issued one little girl says in “ hearing a box uniting with the Florence school in the Gone to thy Heavenly father’6 rest I « marriage license to James D Dick, 26 program. talk." The flowers of Eden around thee bloom, MARRIED. years, mid Effie R Bay, 17 years. The The church was henutifnlly decorated And on thine ear the murmurs blest S tate of O hio , C ity of T oledo ,) , g father of the young lady files his written L ucas C ounty . ( for tiie occasion and was well filled with Of Siloa’a wators softly flowing! At the Morris hotel Saturday eveuiugi ■consent to the union. Frank J Cheney makes oatli that he people when the exercises opened. Beneath that Tree of Life which gives June 24th, 1899, Mr John W Tannor ; Thecitizens of Florence are requested is the senior partner of the firm of F J Meet ijl the inhabitants of Glenada ns To all the earth its healing leaves mid Mfsa Angie I, Abtgitt, Rov. I G i to meet at the picnic grounds next Cheney 4 Co., doing business in the city well as some from Mapletoa and tlie Iu the white robe of angels clad, Kiioits officiating. Monday morning to assist in putting of Toledo, county and state aforesaid,] cape, being present. And wandering by that sacred river, Tlie W wst wishes tlie young couple a | the grounds in order for the picnic.— and that said firm will pay tlie sum of The exercises were in charge of Rev. Whose streams of holiness make glad liuppy a prosperous journey through t'onunittee of Arrangements. One Huadred Dollars for each and every I G Knotts who commenced the pro­ The city of our God forever! life. ’ —W hittier . The Marguerite will carry paaaengers case of catarrli that cannot be cured by gram with prayer. Recitations were given by Frances and Newton Cumpton, By request—S M., Ada, Ore., 6, 19, 1899. free an the Fourth if a permit to carry a the use of H all’s Catarrh Cure. FOR SALE. This monthly magazine b one ot the very Clara Emmons and Viola Colter. All Frank J Cheney. large crowd cau be obtained in time. Sworn to before me and subscribed in were good but the last deserves «pedal If the permit is not received the boat beat printed iu this country, and b sold NOTICE. 12 yearlings. my presence, this 6th day of December, commendation for her excellent delivery wiil carry on that day for half fare. 15 cows with calve«. to all subscribers at ratee within the of a long piece. W .VLTLB S.VKt.EY. Several men have been at work on A D, 1896. All the niemliers of Heceta Ixidge, No. A number of songs were given, some the Lillian thia week putting her in »—•— I A W Gleason, ability ot all to pay. I t b finely Ulan by tlie children and others by the par­ I l l , I OO F are hereby respectfully re­ ¿SEAL» .. , condition to run. Geo. H Colter has f— I Notary Public. queued to lie present at the meeting ents, Mrs Wilson presiding nt the trated and presents the names of famous T H E FOURTH OF JULY charge of the carpenter work and Wui held on Wednesday evening, July 5tli, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ organ. Hsrdcl sees to placing the m achinery. —DANCE— *: authors as contributors. 1'aa W est ly and Acts directly upon the blood and A special feature of the exercises was 1899, and tiring well-filled lunch basket».. We urge onr subscribers who are in mucous surfaces of the system. Scud a nnmbor of marches, some being by the Visiting brethren are also cordially In -; * W ill be held in the I O O F hai . i , * ( and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ T llsdav evening J vly 4 tii . ‘ ' arrears for the W est to send us all or a for testimonials free. „ Florence school and others liy Glenada. viled. Tlie occasion will lie the install- * -M U S IC BY— *! ation of officers and the conferring o f ! * part of the amount of your subscriptions. F J Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, O. j n gevera| of ,,l0 marches the particl- duced rates at this office. several degree». Let ns have a good ! « D ilukue «, W oodcock a M rs M ii . lek • i The price of a yea. 's subscription is a Sold by all druggists 75c. ' pants carried wreaths, grass and flowers ) Ktri’En, T. inxek H otel , » .76 small amount but it is by putting those H all’« Family Pills are the best. which they arranged to illustrate the! turn-out and enj'iy a sociable evening. , a By order of D a n c e ..................................... » .69 small amounts together that we manage Coos Bay News: Hans Reed arrived words of each part. A ndrew B kvsd , N G . I * S rE i'T A T oas...........................» .26 to pay our bills. from the city on the Lue’.la, and will At the conclusion Rev. H H Buckner F ia X'E mgrs . E akhaudt 4 F isk Guard: F M Wilkina has today on commence at once the construction of a dismissed the audience with the bene­ M anvcebs : B bvnd 4 W oodcock . HERMANN ITEMS. exhibition at the atore of Wilkina 4 steamer at tlie Rose ship-yard, on diction. A GOOD TIME ASSURED. Linn a rose that measures 19 inches in Isthmus slough. The vessel will 1« The exercises were very much enjoyed « • * « » « « « • • • • circumference. The bloom ia from a 191 feet over all, 37 feet beam, and 13 by the audience and all agree that the Bv C in training the children for root that grew thia apring, the main feet depth of hold; to draw 16 feet when ] ,jine FARM FOR SALE- bush having been killed during the loaded. She will have accommodations, t|,e occasion has been profitably cm- June 27th, 1899. for 76 passengers, and is intended for the I p|Oyed. winter. The growth or grass ia so heavy that I , | t,rfek , ,ojleg irom ,, )blt Tor ) “We do not toko poosooalon of onr tdoaa but oro poiasistd by tlu a linded us some money with the remark for a larger steamer, which he will build T J Neely of Seaton was scorching our { „„.e. yfw ily bottom lar.l. A good! as soon as the other is completed, hut a t ! •bat though he called at the W est office B y E ven C hange . They matter u and force ttx Into the arena, «. ] roads with his hike Thursday. road from piano to river. Price »000.! several times lately when we weie what place on the hay lias not yet been Where like dadlatere, we mast fight foi then ' i Win Ferria has done more slashing on Will sell part m all ns deeircl. •bbent lie had not a’.en the fact men- decided. He is looking for a location | June 26lh, 1899. I Ids ranch this year thau anyone else on .C iias . H ahtley . for a ship-pard in the vicinity of Marsh-) Such iu the exalted motto of the Arena, and the •ioned in the paper and that he would We are having a much needed rain, , Ihe creek. I _______________ __ by whether the payment of his aub- fiehl, and if successful in securing one I entire contents of this monthly magazine suitable gardens and late hay were very much in I I In my trip to Florence and hack la st *ription would have any effect. As our will put in a hand saw plant AOKNTS W A N T E D —TO R “ T H B L IV E AND machinery, i need of it though some have hay cut. ' week the finest piece of corn even w as achlvvpinaiiL» of A d m iral Dewey,” »h ■ » j i M a are upon a plane and in keeping!with >tn Purse bad been empty for a long time for sawing logs, and other erealetl naval hern By Mura» ll n k l- w ) . ».he . Mr Marion M becUr spent Sumlay at ' , that of W » a W » N e e ly 's ili-'-li’tiK friend »nd adm irer of toe nail» i ’r at Seaton. '• bad a very cheering effect upon ns hut so tliai he will not have to depend alto- mot lo. The Arena's gallery o f i j ’niinent id».I. liix g a .t and b -tt b >•■»£. ov»t '/v. the mills for his timber. The Greenleaf. Marion why not m ove'er •• our friend did not come to the office getheroo I There is some quiet prospecting going hulO iu clict, nearly lo i ¡«»a» » halt* .» tC ustr* A . W B eadle; over to Deadwood? lions. O n ly IJ.'iO K n « r o v > - . ’raa-.d. Illii steamers arc to be built for 'i'at day day we do not mention hia i on here, and you may Lear of some cm im i»rinua. O u tfit free. Cl.r.it«’» thinkers is u group oi intereetingllmen and a life­ I Prof. Leonard Tabor who has l-ecn in . valuable leads being diacoveri-d noon. tim e. W iiu . qui.-k. The I b n e Ofunpsn«. 14 Co.,of San Francisco. name. Krd Floor Cwxtou Bldg,. Chi»a«.» women, and their thoughts are worthy the I Wasliingtou for the past year haa re­ The “Death K nell” lias been sounder!! We have had «evcral weeks of dry DIED- turned to Alpha arid will teach a term Apothecaries' Drags, and a sign “To j warm weather, hut for the last few days consideration ot ad people. Tho Areua_b ARE Y O U AN t of school at Deadwood, but will go hack there has been an abundance of rain. -ut will be id many windows of D oe-; On Fiddle creek at 9 o’clock We»l res- • to Waitsburg Where he will atteud sold with Tnr W est . '"r offices since the A unt J ane Homej | Chittcm peeling is at a stand still of con- a business college this winter. Remedy for female troubles has teen day evening, June 29tb, 1399 »luring this damp weather, the yield sumption, Eva, daughter of Darnel Mias Sybil Thurston who haa taught a placed on the market. Every man or If ao you should take ar.J read wit! not be near a iiincb as anticipated. ' very successful school here, will give a •uuian, married or single, should send a Miles, aged 16 ye«™- Allien Bristow, another of the first ! picnic next Satunlay iu the picuic i PACIFIC ODD FELLOW •»o-ceot stamp to our office for a beauti­ SPECIAL DINNER. grove near the school. Sue will leave settlers, who is now living near Irving f y illustrated circular, free. Address , A monthly magazine publisl ed in for Eugene, her h line, where she hae has been shaking bands with bin old Die Aunt Jan* Medicine Go., rooms 13- Will lie served at the Morris Hotel ! been engaged t loach for tlie next year friend« and neighbors for a day or two. Portland, and exclusively devoted to D Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. Ho you are going to have tho Doclara- the interest« of OJd Fellowebip, both Julv 4t!i. Come in and try it. 1 at tlie Geary school. Guard: W H Mills, the general Mas E A M oboan prop r. ti.iu of lodcpendeiiee reed on the Fourth ! local and general. It is tho only O'. 1 Dr Pottorf wife and two daughters of agent of the S P Company, hae! Kar.saaCity. Mo., will arrive about of July. What’« the use of parading i Fellow publication in Orugon and is •ehiroed from San Francisco from a , r w . STRANGE. the «tale ».Id thing« when tlie friend« of Julv 9tb to pay « visit to •'•« brothers the adniiiiistration toll us we have out- ' now *n 'w c'?btii yc.'.r. *•'8 to tlm W illamette valley, passing and see Oregon in all its glory. He ia a liens n few day* agj. It »• , Dentist of Rneeborg ill be in Flor­ . • • . » . ¡li . grown it ai<<] the conwtitutiofie I We have made arrangements with traveling pby»ici>u ains win a j g iw i.B ’bat Mr Mills' trip was made in ennnee-1 enee «bout July ldth. io remain such short time with hi» family in Co!ora»!o, j H J Dickey and his sons Klliert and , the puhliahor by wiiioh we can club with Mie sale of large tracts of laud ' rk to be done California, ami Oregon before returning 1 Harvey, from near Junction, have been ( ( M length of ti"'« »’ ,1,e j Fellow" with T s z W i m «bilging to tb r company, and aggre- i w ill d em an d . It • adonis !’ orJ oa pleasure to . in Hermann for a lew d a is. Mr Dickey . __ , _________n , . v .»___ . . . . : . .1 at a rate we believe every O ld r el .or. *" mg ^l.uoumjswa. in thia elate to | commend Dr Strange « one U to Head lo Kansas City. waa one ot Ute first settlers on Indian | We have been favorer! by the county • —hsrtug Cv.opaiiies, One of the j ies dentista of tlie state, •»'• »• creek, and »till owns the ranch in ti,,.! w°ulJ lie glad to accept, *‘»i«sl ouTcbusersU the forest lands , operator of exceilen« reputati«'- In “ •« cuntmiseioner«, especially Mr Bailey ' the forks of the creek. ! Tue price of T iik W est is »1.50 per operami ». U)f eip)1, who Like« great interest in our roads by . tom th , company recently ia »aid to he I matter of fine gold wo Robert Gilieou of Fern Ri»lge ia visit- year and the price of “ Pacific OJd giving us a largì» bridge at the mouth of ’be Borth-Kelley company. One of the | of en V othc dent.at in the state. His Deadwood which will be 190 f v t long ing with his brother Squire Gibeon. I F ellow ' is »1.00 per year, but wa will •Nits ml,| by the cawwpany contained and bridge work sjeto.n of gold crown subaeribrrs wlio pay a year L .GlBartaa, ami ano* her 105,000 acre. ;,, 7 p e c ,a .fy .u -o » » fa l.u d ^ ti.fa c W , and 100 leet sapn ; ihe county lurnniliiwg ; He made the trip, s to u t sixty m iles, in 8Cn^ day on bis bike. Not very bad ’ I,, tl.e m a k in g o f fal«C all the nails and Iwite. The centraci ; atrictlr in advance for »2.00. to his jatien «dinarily s » icv «* a - has been awarded to fi C Pottorf and ! traveling when you oonsi.ler that moat Call at our office and ate a sample T HfNK about yo u r health. D o not teeth be «• m'"’« ,l,,n ..„»»auiecs L -v t Berkshire o< De«w scrofula taint« to develop in f.,1. All l i ” »ork i,e ,n 7 * . . copy «( "Pacific Odd Fallow.” time. i begin woifc in i otxL T ake H ood’s Faraapa- are 'try reo»ou«b 4- __ ■iKgM«- »1.50 a year in advance.----- INDEPENDENCE DAE. Program for the Celebration At Florence. Stars in POINTS OF WEAKNESS. ★ .1 Ball Game in Afternoon And The A R T S a n d S O IE IS T O E S « 5^ Scientific American. THE C n S M A P n L IT A N , THE ARENA ODD FELLOW? D 7T LUOK OVER THIS CROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTION, THE WEST. Stow and keep youm eif W IL L — FLORENCE» QR»